All 6 Uses of
The Great Gatsby
- Something in his leisurely movements and the secure position of his feet upon the lawn suggested that it was Mr. Gatsby himself, come out to determine what share was his of our local heavens.
p. 20.8 *determine = discover
- I think he'd tanked up a good deal at luncheon, and his determination to have my company bordered on violence.
p. 24.7determination = firmness of purpose
- Then, taking a long breath and straightening his shoulders, he remarked in a determined voice: "Wonder'ff tell me where there's a gas'line station?"
p. 55.2determined = firm in purpose
- He wanted to go, and he didn't see that Mr. Sloane had determined he shouldn't.
p. 103.2determined = decided
- She showed a surprising amount of character about it too — looked at the coroner with determined eyes under that corrected brow of hers, and swore that her sister had never seen Gatsby, that her sister was completely happy with her husband, that her sister had been into no mischief whatever.
p. 163.9determined = firm in purpose
- I saw that for some reason of his own he was determined not to come, so I stood up.
p. 172.0 *
(determined as in: is determined to succeed) firm in purpose
(determine as in: determined she is guilty) to learn, discover, or decide
(determine as in: this game determines the champion) to control (how something will turn out)