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  • The Captains walked up to each other and shook hands; Diggory smiled at Wood but Wood no, looked as though he had lockjaw and merely nodded.   (source)
    lockjaw = a spasm of the jaw muscles so that the jaw remains tightly closed -- caused by a bacterial infection
  • Right then she remembered the lockjaw.   (source)
    lockjaw = a bacteria that causes severe spasms and can be fatal
  • Just get lockjaw.   (source)
    lockjaw = a spasm of the jaw muscles so that the jaw remains tightly closed -- caused by a bacterial infection that is typically contracted through a puncture wound with a dirty object
  • And then I thought about my friend Bluford Jackson, the one who got lockjaw after firecrackers burned his hand last Christmas.   (source)
    lockjaw = a deadly bacterial infection that results in a spasm of the jaw muscles so that the jaw remains tightly closed
  • We were talking about it that morning we climbed up the water tower to throw down lighted firecrackers and scare people — the day Blu got the firecracker burn that gave him lockjaw.   (source)
  • (acidly) Any time you only take one sip of a drink, you'll have lockjaw and paralysis!†   (source)
  • And here's hopin' he gets de lockjaw!†   (source)
  • A lockjaw that bends a man's head back to his heels, hydrophobia that makes him bark at his wife and babes, insanity that makes him eat grass; war, plague, cholera, famine indicate a certain ferocity in nature, which, as it had its inlet by human crime, must have its outlet by human suffering.†   (source)
  • Mud head to foot. Cut your hand open. Lockjaw. They make
    you kaputt, Leopoldleben.   (source)
    lockjaw = bacterial infection typically contracted through a puncture wound with a dirty object
  • I can't catch cholera, either, or lockjaw, or the morbid sore throat.†   (source)
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  • He had that narrow-eyed, lockjawed look like he was starting to get steamed up, but you never know exactly where that's going to lead.†   (source)
  • She opened his nightstand drawer and fingered the silky tassel of a bookmark, the metal teeth of a lockjawed stapler.†   (source)
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