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focus as in:  Turn your focus to question #2.

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • This week, I'm focusing on finishing my research paper.
    focusing = concentrating
  • My phone will be off for the next hour while I focus on an assignment.
    focus = concentrate
  • You focus on getting better, a'ight?   (source)
    focus = concentrate, or look
  • I tried to ignore the ache and focus on my classes, but it felt as though I were being asked to sit through a lecture while a wolf gnawed on my jaw.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • To suppress the rising nausea, Kya focused on Sunday Justice grooming himself on a windowsill.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Often, Liesel would watch him as he focused on reading the paper, completed the crossword, and then started to reread it, front to back.   (source)
  • First I thought of wearing a very beautiful dress, but then I decided to wear something more modest for the interview, as I wanted people to focus on my message and not my clothes.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • We all exchange terse nods then focus our attention on the temporary stage that is set up before the Justice Building.   (source)
  • He said this while he was still focused on a comic book he was reading.   (source)
    focused = concentrating (still looking at and thinking about)
  • They focused only on survival and put their hopes and dreams into their children's and grandchildren's futures.   (source)
    focused = concentrated their efforts and attention
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show 88 more with this conextual meaning
  • But I can't read, can't focus on anything.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • I was so focused on telling myself to breathe that I didn't notice Patrick saying my name at first.   (source)
    focused = concentrating (on one thing and not paying attention to other things)
  • All week, I was unable to focus on anything my teachers were saying.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • The woman, who really wasn't paying attention before, suddenly focuses her attention entirely on him.   (source)
    focuses = concentrates
  • He focused on the Snitch clutched in his good hand.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • After focusing on Big Thumb for so long, it was as if the rock had absorbed his energy and now acted like a kind of giant magnet pulling him toward it.   (source)
    focusing = concentrating
  • When Mom told me I was so focused it was scary, I know she didn't mean it as a compliment, but I took it that way.   (source)
    focused = paying attention to achieving goals
  • By and by your attention becomes so intensely focused that you no longer notice the raw knuckles, the cramping thighs, the strain of maintaining nonstop concentration.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Louie kept his focus below, trying to aim for the parked planes.   (source)
    focus = attention
  • He felt dizzy, and couldn't focus his attention.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • His entire attention was focused on the six-inch square of earth in front of him.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • August focused her eyes on the stone wall.   (source)
    focused = concentrated (looked with)
  • He shook his head, tried to focus his thoughts.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • If only he could make peace with Dana Matherson, even temporarily, then he'd be free to focus his energy on solving the Mullet Fingers dilemma.   (source)
  • Clutching a robe about her gaunt frame, her unknotted hair hanging long and limp, she tried to focus her dulled eyes on the shocked face of her visitor.   (source)
  • His eyes focused on Mama again, a tiny figure in the distance now.   (source)
    focused = looked
  • She developed the ability to subtract herself in the blink of an eye — one minute she'd be focused on you, the next she'd be elsewhere.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • She turned and looked at him, really focused on him, for the first time since they'd left the house.   (source)
    focused = looked closely or concentrated
  • I finally look at Peter, and I'm surprised by how hard he's paying attention; his eyes are intent and focused on me like he's actually interested in what I'm saying.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • Let's focus on one thing first.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • I could say that the absence of fighting and instability let me focus on school and my job.   (source)
  • Leon fights back a sob and struggles to find his voice as he searches the ground for something to focus on.   (source)
  • I shouldn't let the conversation stay focused on me for too long.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • His focus was elsewhere.   (source)
    focus = attention
  • My mind was more focused on the doings of Richard Parker.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • He blinks hard against the darkness, trying desperately to focus on his arm, his knuckles, anything to know that he is here, in the apartment over the bakery, and not back in the war, in the village, in the fire.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • She bit her lip and focused her whole mind on staying on board.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • We focused on the youngest kids, who were thirteen and fourteen.   (source)
  • I have to stay focused.   (source)
    focused = concentrating on the matter at hand
  • Thomas snapped out of his daze and focused on Newt, who'd been talking for who knew how long; Thomas hadn't heard a word of it.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Silas felt his eyes focus on the altar.   (source)
    focus = look closely
  • I was focused on it and almost didn't notice Marlee sit down beside me.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • And I focused on the smoke.   (source)
    focused = looked and concentrated
  • I try to focus.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • Those who focus on anger will always be angry.   (source)
    focus = concentrate their attention
  • Focus on the task at hand.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • The pale blue eyes seemed to focus on Mr. Murry's face.   (source)
    focus = concentrate, or look
  • Volkheimer has taken to switching on his field light and focusing its frail beam into the far corner, where eight or nine white plaster heads stand on two shelves, several toppled onto their sides.   (source)
    focusing = directing (pointing)
  • All her attention was focused on him, but he seemed elsewhere.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • He turns and focuses on me for what, I'm pretty sure, is the first time all night. After several long moments of standing there being looked at, my eyes fill with tears.   (source)
    focuses = looks
  • "You're not focusing."   (source)
    focusing = concentrating
  • What we all need, now, is to focus on the future.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • She said your head seems to be somewhere else, not focused on swimming.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • I pick up a magazine and flip through it, but my leg is shaking and I'm fidgeting to the point that I can't focus.   (source)
    focus = to concentrate, look at; or the act of concentration
  • As for Barry, he was totally focused on Akivo.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • So he decided to focus on how food was grown.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • Her mind was still far away. ... Now her focus became closer, much closer. She was looking at me now.   (source)
    focus = attention
  • When he looked at it, and he often did late in the evening, he could see desire in the colors and the lines, and if he focused carefully, he could imagine what she had been thinking with every stroke.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • I focused all of my attention on Mother's face.   (source)
  • She focused solely on my father.   (source)
  • Carlson ran a crisp practice, much more focused than Downs's.   (source)
    focused = concentrating on the matter at hand
  • Attention focused on Jack.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Hideous alien shapes seemed to throng about him, the air was thick with musty smells which sidled into his lungs without identifying themselves, and a low irritating hum kept his brain from focusing.   (source)
    focusing = concentrating on the matter at hand
  • Focus on something else.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • The old woman's eyes came to a focus upon Beatty.   (source)
    focus = look closely
  • Rachel Wood's eyes focused for the first time on the three trunk bearers.   (source)
    focused = looked and concentrated
  • It was my lack of focus, I guess.   (source)
    focus = concentration
  • To understand the world at all, sometimes you could only focus on a tiny bit of it, look very hard at what was close to hand and make it stand in for the whole; but ever since the painting had vanished from under me I'd felt drowned and extinguished by vastness—not just the predictable vastness of time, and space, but the impassable distances between people even when they were within arm's reach of each other, and with a swell of vertigo I thought of all the places I'd been and all the…   (source)
    focus = concentrate, or look
  • Almost from the moment they began to drop, they were focusing their Little Doctors on one thing only.   (source)
    focusing = concentrating
  • Her eyes stay focused on mine.   (source)
    focused = looking
  • He focuses on his old habit, drinking.   (source)
    focuses = concentrates
  • "In remembering to raise the question he prepared in advance, he gains the doctor's full attention and focuses it on an issue of his choosing," Lareau writes.   (source)
  • I focused on Jorgenson's brand-new boots, then on a pebble, then on my own face floating high above me-the last things I'd ever see.   (source)
    focused = looked
  • Every eye, every face was focused on Eragon.   (source)
    focused = looking
  • The few times I did manage to focus my mind clearly on Nobu, I grew so numbed I seemed to feel nothing at all.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • I play, just focusing on that, until the last bit of life in the car dies, and the music goes with it.   (source)
    focusing = concentrating
  • All of her attention was focused on that empty bed.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Gritting my teeth, I shut out the sound and tried to focus on the doctor.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • I could hear them but I ignored them. I was focused on my husband.   (source)
    focused = concentrating (on one thing and not paying attention to other things)
  • But eventually he stopped fighting and focused his energy inward.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • He gasped, trying to focus more intently.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • Patients get to focus on themselves.   (source)
  • Let's focus.   (source)
  • This focuses my power.   (source)
    focuses = concentrates
  • So I focused on that.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Alyss should have been entirely focused on developing a sound military strategy, but she couldn't help glancing at Dodge every now and again, her attention divided.   (source)
    focused = concentrating
  • I had to get them to focus.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • I narrowed my eyes to a hard focus on Patrice Lumumba and tried to understand his words.   (source)
    focus = look
  • So stay focused.   (source)
    focused = concentrating on the matter at hand
  • Luma urged them to focus.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • She hadn't really focused on what a mess he was.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • Trying to diminish the size of your tongue, you focus your attention on its components: tip, smooth,-back, bumpy,-sides, scratchy, as noted earlier (vitamin deficiency), roots—trouble.   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • Focus on Aronsson's car.   (source)
  • Jessica focused her mind on lasguns, wondering.   (source)
    focused = concentrated
  • So why not focus on that?   (source)
    focus = concentrate
  • So I force myself to stay clear and focused.   (source)
    focused = concentrated, look at, or paid attention to
  • When he backed away I thought he would see me leaning against the wall, but the snow was thick and his attention was focused on Narciso.   (source)
    focused = concentrating (on one thing and not paying attention to other things)
  • Dad focused on one of my model airplanes on my dresser.   (source)
    focused = looked
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focus as in:  The focus of our study is...

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • The focus of this class is classic American Literature.
  • My main focus is on getting into a college with a good reputation for preparing students for medical school.
  • She likes to be the focus of attention.
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • Unless you pulled focus and stopped to examine your surroundings more closely, it was easy to forget that everything you were seeing was computer-generated.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • Shizuka was now the focus of suspicion.   (source)
    focus = center (where attention is concentrated)
  • As you are aware, you yourself are the focus of Miss Chase's more persistent fixations.   (source)
    focus = center
  • The focus of Christianity is Man.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • A Union cabinet minister is the focus of attention.   (source)
    focus = center
  • I agreed to represent Trina, Ian, and Antonio, and our office would eventually make challenging death-in-prison sentences imposed on children a major focus of our work.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • Even before Teabing traced the contour for her, Sophie saw it—the indisputable V shape at the focal point of the painting.   (source)
    focal = where attention is drawn
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show 76 more with this conextual meaning
  • You know, America, I've been meaning to ask what your focus was as a Five.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • Our focus is food.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • The bike became the focus of a family squabble.   (source)
  • The focus of his paper involved putting a price on the variables of happiness.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • With my focus narrowed, most of the panic was gone.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • And so when houses were finally fireproofed completely ... They were given the new job, as custodians of our peace of mind, the focus of our understandable and rightful dread of being inferior;   (source)
    focus = center (where attention is concentrated)
  • Our focus is Health, Education, Leadership, and Mentoring.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • His accent made him exotic and interesting; his broken arm made him a martyr; his sadism made him a natural focus for all those who loved pain in others.   (source)
  • His focus is one instilled by mentors at the seminary: "Either we are with the poor, or we are not."   (source)
  • "Not yet," said Brom, "but your very existence is the focus of their battles."   (source)
    focus = center (where attention is concentrated)
  • We each had to choose a research focus in Erudite initiation, and mine was the aptitude test simulation, so I know a lot about the way it's designed.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • And to be honest, the family wasn't really my focus.   (source)
    focus = place where attention was directed
  • His primary focus was Josh.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • In fact, over time, my bedroom became the focal point of her house tour when anyone came to visit.   (source)
    focal = place where attention is concentrated
  • The first group had to be eliminated because they would never give up; they would be our main focus in the coming campaign.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • He said he needed a focal point to get the church geared up.   (source)
    focal = area where attention is concentrated
  • LUMA MADE THE team the focus of her energies in those early days in Georgia.   (source)
    focus = center (where attention is concentrated)
  • You have to understand that the police are severely limited by manpower, and their main focus was protection of those principals you mentioned.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • In a space of a few short weeks, he had shrunk, literally collapsing around his lungs as they became the entire focus of his being.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • A magician can use these artifacts as focal points to work more powerful spells.   (source)
    focal = area where attention is concentrated
  • In the past, Max's opponents were already waiting and had provided him with an initial focal point.   (source)
    focal = relating to where attention is concentrated
  • For this broader team, Kamen's event was the main focus.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • Enclosed by a hedge lay a series of cobblestone paths that wove among several circular brick planters, each with its own dogwood tree; in the center of the yard, serving as a focal point, was a three-tiered fountain that fed a large koi pond.   (source)
    focal = where attention is drawn
  • He was looking straight at the policeman, but he felt as if the focus of his eyes had switched to his side vision, and what he saw most clearly was Danneskjold's face watching him with no expression, with no line's, no muscle's worth of feeling.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • Both widows became the focus of the attention of numerous bored husbands.   (source)
  • We were now the focus of the whole restaurant.†   (source)
  • It was a strange sensation, a clumsy stumbling falling being caught, the broad, sunlit world narrowing to the dark focus of his cushiony lips on mine.†   (source)
  • Inside, the room was round and lined with books, but the main focus was a hole in the middle of the floor, surrounded by a copper barrier; a pole extended down, through the floor and to unknown regions below.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • "You've lost your arm, Bethany," he said gently, "now the focus is on saving your life."†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • Another fact: The boy was the focus of my travels —perhaps the cause of them.†   (source)
  • It was magical, and New York was the focus.†   (source)
  • She was so close to what she wanted — the focus of her whole existence for more than a year now was justso close.†   (source)
  • Question four: What is the significance of Jack London's choice in making Buck, the dog in The Call of the Wild, the focus of his novel?†   (source)
  • His father was a strict disciplinarian with a harsh temper, and Goetz was often the focus of his father's rage.†   (source)
  • Jaime was the focus of her obsession.†   (source)
  • I wasn't the main focus of the group or singled out in an odd way.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • Money became the focus of all their discussions, hers for clothes, his for drink.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • I'm sorry, but I don't want to go out with a guy whose main focus in life has changed from trying to play college football to trying to chug a six-pack without puking.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • While they were never officially dating, or each others' "boo" (as she sometimes joked with him over the phone), he was, clearly, a focus of her life.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • Now the focus was land warfare.†   (source)
  • The main focus of the search began in the Kitchen, where April was last seen playing tea-the enormous architect's model of the grand house just out of reach.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • As far as he knew, Berger had not even known of his existence, let alone that he was the focus of intense speculation both at Säpo and at Millennium.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • He enjoys his work and wants to be the focus of our attention.†   (source)
  • It was such a new experience, being a focus of interest; in the ordinary way no one ever paid much attention to me.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • She became the focus of his work and imaginings.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • La Rochelle, which had derived a new importance from the ruin of the other Calvinist cities, was, then, the focus of dissensions and ambition.   (source)
    focus = center
  • The first focus of our investigation is the Frontiers of Science.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • From now on, your only focus is examining imagery of Ares 3.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • Now, as he was cast into extremity, despair and death became the focus of his defiance.   (source)
    focus = center (where attention is concentrated)
  • Of all the combat zones around the globe, this one has become the focal point.   (source)
    focal = relating to where attention is concentrated
  • His focus narrowed to the ground in front of him.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • The flying fish were still coming, but he was no longer interested in them; it was the fish in my hands that was now the focus of his attention.   (source)
    focus = center
  • Josie felt her cheeks flame as the entire locker room burst into laughter at her expense, and the rude comments shifted focus from Matt to her.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • There stood my own little sister in the center of our yard, the focal point of a gleaming black arc of children strung from here to there, silently sucking their sugarcane sticks, not even daring to blink.   (source)
    focal = center of attention
  • The days of the week were written across the top of each page. Underneath were the focus muscle groups. And underneath that he'd listed the specific lifts I was to do along with the reps.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • She wasn't looking straight ahead, but sideways, as if the focus of her attention was not in the picture at all.   (source)
    focus = center
  • Despite the notoriety Tobias now has among the Dauntless, and my new title as That Girl Who Stabbed Eric, we are not the real focus of everyone's attention.   (source)
  • Although the pilot denied knowing what was in the box, he admitted it had been the focus of Langdon's full attention during the flight to London.   (source)
  • Finding nothing, no bait and no new idea, I sat up—only to discover that I was dead centre in the focus of his stare.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • Often, with fragile witnesses or young children, they'd plant a person as a focal point to make testifying less scary.   (source)
    focal = place to concentrate attention
  • The focal point was a pair of statues of angels, flying above a cenotaph in which rested Hole's plaque.   (source)
    focal = where attention is drawn
  • I can't promise we'll succeed in rescuing him, but I can promise this: The entire focus of NASA will be to bring Mark Watney home.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • He would be, she decided, like the pictures of white beaches that birthing mothers sometimes brought in as a focal point.   (source)
    focal = place to concentrate attention
  • Students with children of their own appeared on college campuses; bookstores sold out of famous literary works; technological innovation became the focus in factories; and scientific research now enjoyed a sacred halo.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • And there was the same postcard rack too, although it seemed to have changed its focus, placing more emphasis on scenic lakes and less on Oral Roberts University.   (source)
    focus = place where attention is directed
  • This last subject was the focus of his attention, but Max was disappointed to learn that Nix and Valya's knowledge was hemmed by the Alps and the Apennines.   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • Philosophers may well say, and practical men will always support the opinion, that money mitigates many trials; and if you admit the efficacy of this sovereign balm, you ought to be very easily consoled—you, the king of finance, the focus of immeasurable power.   (source)
    focus = center
  • Rolf mentioned something about "pride" and "they're only a year older," but Max's main focus was on trying to overcome his nerves.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated or directed
  • En route from Bermuda, he was the focus of intense pressure.†   (source)
    focus = where attention is concentrated
  • They were a big focus of our lives and they were family.†   (source)
  • This is the longest Barbara has ever been away from Cedric, and, with the central focus of her life absent, there's been some dangerous drift over the past two months.†   (source)
  • ...[She turns to the audience, and intermittently changes the focus of her attention.†   (source)
  • Mark my words, Mr. Hovstad—the Baths will become the focus of our municipal life!†   (source)
  • This renovated aspect of what was the focus indeed of the room on a full winter morning threw a smiling demeanour over the whole apartment.†   (source)
  • Suddenly she came toward him, her youth vanishing as she passed inside the focus of his eyes and he had kissed her breathlessly as if she were any age at all.†   (source)
  • Whilst all the landscape was in neutral shade his companion's face, which was the focus of his eyes, rising above the mist stratum, seemed to have a sort of phosphorescence upon it.†   (source)
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focus as in:  bring into focus; or out of focus

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • The discussion brought into focus an important difference of opinion.
    focus = view (as an area of attention)
  • The picture is out of focus, but I think I recognize her.
    focus = in a state where something cannot be seen clearly
  • To rest your eyes while reading, look up and focus on something in the distance.
    focus = look (when you look at something, you eye's lens automatically adjusts to put it in focus)
  • Focus [the camera] on the trees behind the lake.
    focus = adjust its lens to get a clear picture
  • Is the picture in focus.
    in focus = clear (sharp)
  • The telescope is focused on the moon. Would you like to look?
    focused = adjusted [the lens] to make an image clear
  • The blog is called Family-In Focus. Each entry discusses a common family challenge.
    in focus = in a state where something is in view and/or clear
  • It is difficult for me to believe that the untroubled young man in that photograph is my father. Fearful and anxious, he comes into focus for me as a weary middle-aged man stockpiling food and ammunition.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • He touched a drop of marsh water onto the slide, covered it with another, and focused the eyepiece.   (source)
    focused = adjusted a lens to make an image clear
  • His eyes open sleepily and when they focus on me, he pulls me down for a long kiss.   (source)
    focus = adjust vision to see something clearly
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show 88 more with this conextual meaning
  • He felt his feet hit solid ground, and stood, shaking, as the blurred shapes around him came suddenly into focus.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • I stared back, trying to make her face come into focus.   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • Things were sliding in and out of focus, and it seemed funny to me that I couldn't run in a straight line.   (source)
    out of focus = a state where something can be seen clearly
  • I can't truly describe him, I can't get a precise focus: he's blurred, like the face in some wet, discarded newspaper.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • But the fresh night air was bringing him back from the ether and he could keep his eyes focused.   (source)
    focused = adjusted (to see clearly)
  • Our destiny is coming into focus.   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • The Count leaned back in order to smile at his companion—as the entire picture came into focus.   (source)
  • It was as though everything in her past snapped into focus.   (source)
  • Marriage brought the sobering realities of life into focus.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • For a moment, Eddie stared, his mouth slightly open, his eyes bringing the scene into tighter focus.   (source)
  • But then, suddenly; everything came into focus.   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • He squinted, trying to make out what was on the other side, then gasped when it came into focus.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • Slowly, the greenish shapes came into focus.   (source)
  • And the advert said "DREAM HOLIDAY, THINK KUONI IN MALAYSIA" and behind the writing there was a big photograph of 2 orangutans and they were swinging on branches and there were trees behind them but the leaves were blurred because the camera was focusing on the orangutans and not the leaves and the orangutans were moving.   (source)
    focusing = with lens adjusted for a clear image
  • Then she grabbed her own glasses out of her pocket and put them on, and her myopic eyes were able to focus.   (source)
    focus = adjust (to see clearly)
  • It takes all his concentration to bring the texts into focus.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • Hour after hour, in Aibileen's kitchen, she reads her writing and I type, the details thickening, the babies' faces sliding into focus.   (source)
  • Her eyes focused.   (source)
    focused = adjusted (to see clearly)
  • He was two years older than she was, and as she drove along this roadway-in-time, he slowly came into focus once again.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • I strained to focus my eyes on Mother.   (source)
    focus = adjust (to see clearly)
  • Smiling hard as our mother tried to focus her camera.   (source)
    focus = adjust a lens for a sharp image
  • A quick change of magnification brought them into close focus—two massively real rockets thundering through the sky.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • Then Hephaestus came back into focus.   (source)
  • Everything was coming into sharp and terrifying focus; the story was starting to make sense: Ulysses was a superhero (probably), and Phyllis Buckman was his arch-nemesis (definitely).   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • They didn't show the man's face in focus.   (source)
    in focus = so it could be clearly seen
  • And slowly the world around him came into focus.   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • At her tone, at once intimate and formal, a terrible sadness came over me, and when we looked at each other it seemed that the whole past was redefined and brought into focus by this moment, clear as glass, a complexity of stillness that was rainy afternoons in spring, a dark chair in the hallway, the light-as-air touch of her hand on the back of my head.   (source)
  • Ender had trouble focusing on Colonel Graff. The man looked far away and very small, as if Ender could pick him up with tweezers and drop him in a pocket.   (source)
    focusing = adjusting vision (to see something clearly)
  • When I pull my gaze back and focus my eyes, I can see my own reflection in the glass.   (source)
    focus = adjust (to see clearly)
  • He'd try to bring the night into focus, willing coherence, but the effort would only cause distortions.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • Drawing a deep breath, she forced herself to bring the camp back into focus; it was like turning a camera lens.   (source)
  • Somewhere between the various thoughts about my mother—somewhere past the discomfort in my lip—there nestled a pleasant thought I tried again and again to bring into focus.   (source)
  • The woman beside him was looking at him closely, as if trying to focus.   (source)
    focus = adjust vision to see something clearly
  • Christoph taught Deborah and Zakariyya how to use the microscope, saying, "Look through like this … take your glasses off… now turn this knob to focus."   (source)
    focus = adjust a lens for a sharp image
  • But strangely, he still had a difficult time focusing on her; she seemed almost to shimmer in the light and her hair blew in all directions even though there was hardly a breeze.   (source)
    focusing = adjusting vision (to see something clearly)
  • But the picture is so small I have to hold it practically at the end of my nose to make out who is who. It hurts my eyes to focus on it, so mostly it stays in the drawer.   (source)
    focus = adjust vision to see something clearly
  • As his eyes adjusted, a few cars came into focus.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • I took off my glasses and Jake showed me how to rotate the focus knob.   (source)
    focus = lens adjustment
  • David must have been testing the range of his camera, keeping the subject the same and varying the focus, the aperture, the available light.   (source)
  • Burned out, adrift on a sea of uncertain synapses, a place where your eyes refuse to focus and your brain refuses to function.   (source)
    focus = adjust (to see clearly)
  • I squint at the name until it comes into focus.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • Then they could see Uncle Andrew, very vague and shadowy, but getting clearer and more solid-looking all the time, just as if he were coming into focus.   (source)
  • My next is of blunt, consuming rage as Keenan's face swims into focus.   (source)
  • Then slowly people came into focus.†   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • As I neared the Powstancow Bridge and the soldiers came into focus, I slowed my pace.†   (source)
  • "Kris, what on earth — " The scene was coming into focus now.†   (source)
  • Everything is blurry but slowly the world comes into focus.†   (source)
  • Then they slowly came into focus.†   (source)
  • He blinked as his vision came into focus and he saw Oromis sitting on a stool next to him.†   (source)
  • I opened my eyes, squinting down at my watch until it came into focus.†   (source)
  • The picture comes into focus.†   (source)
  • Shiva's eyes, coming into focus, asked the question.†   (source)
  • One moment comes into focus.†   (source)
  • Her plain, pasty features came into focus through my tears, and I saw that her expression was one of exasperation.†   (source)
  • In a moment, the image came into focus, green and black on the screen.†   (source)
  • Background turned gray, then came into focus and color.†   (source)
  • When the fog cleared, an image came into focus.†   (source)
  • The world came into focus.†   (source)
  • The face came into focus just in time.†   (source)
  • His face came into focus; it was set like statuary.†   (source)
  • My vision coming into focus, I cast my eyes about.†   (source)
  • Automatically the fortifications of the port area of Latakia came into focus in Mark's mind.†   (source)
  • His eyes re-focused on the page.   (source)
    focused = adjusted (to see clearly)
  • His eyes came into focus on Hodge's jaw and seemed to lock there.†   (source)
    focus = a state where something has come into view or can be seen clearly
  • It was as though a reflex lens camera had been suddenly brought into focus.   (source)
  • Grampa focused his eyes fiercely until he recognized Casy.   (source)
    focused = adjusted (to see clearly)
  • Then I did the same for Herbert (who modestly said he had not my administrative genius), and felt that I had brought his affairs into a focus for him.   (source)
    focus = view (a state where something can be seen clearly)
  • Unfortunately, it's black and white again and a little out of focus.†   (source)
  • Three figures, two large, one smaller, but only one of them was in focus, was more than an outline or a shimmer.†   (source)
  • I stumble along in the sewers, my vision going in and out of focus, one of my hands pressed hard against my side.†   (source)
  • The agony blinded her; the world went in and out of focus.†   (source)
  • She leaned toward him slowly, until her face was too close to be in focus.†   (source)
  • Far below, Evangeline directs with a hand, her brow furrowed in focus.†   (source)
  • By looking across the lake and letting his eyes go out of focus he could visualize her face, hear her laugh, and he sat chatting in his mind with her, asking how she was doing, telling her of his life now, and before long he was surprised to see that the meat had cooked.†   (source)
  • Root's eyes narrowed to slits, bringing his prey into sharp focus.†   (source)
  • The mercenary drew a deep breath through his nose, and his glassy sunken eyes came into sudden, sharp focus.†   (source)
  • I was disoriented, as though my world were blurred and leaning to the left, like a photograph snapped from a twisted angle and out of focus.†   (source)
  • I only knew, as I lay in my bed at the top of the house, that certain moments from long ago stood out in focus against the blur of years.†   (source)
  • Then his eyes go out of focus and he shuts up for a minute.†   (source)
  • There was no color to her everything was in black-and-white and her image kept flickering in and out of focus.†   (source)
  • My head was sort of out of focus.†   (source)
  • Candles sputtered into flame in the corners of the room, and what seemed to be a translucent orchestra of strange musical instruments shifted in and out of focus, playing themselves, while shadowy couples went spinning and gliding across the now stone floor.†   (source)
  • I remember pulling my hands back to my sides, just keeping my eyes on the stars, concentrating on bringing them in and out of focus.†   (source)
  • His black eyes burned in their sockets, out of focus, or seeing things that weren't there.†   (source)
  • Clary amused herself by letting her eyes fade in and out of focus, watching the glamour appear and disappear.†   (source)
  • There were a figure and a face, albeit out of focus.†   (source)
  • Everything else faded out of focus.†   (source)
  • but there's an idea taking shape in my head, some old memory that disappears whenever I will it to take form, like those Magic Eye games where you can only see the hidden shape when your eyes aren't in focus.†   (source)
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focus as with technical usage

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • The satellite focuses the signal into a narrow beam.
    focuses = concentrates
  • One of the pilots had used a watch crystal as a magnifying glass to focus the sun and start a fire so they didn't have to eat the lizards raw.   (source)
    focus = concentrate at one spot
  • I decided that my best plan would be to wait for a really sunny day and then use my glasses to focus the sunlight on a piece of my clothing and start a fire.   (source)
  • For the first time on the island, Piggy himself removed his one glass, knelt down and focused the sun on tinder.   (source)
    focused = concentrated sunlight rays by pointing them at the same spot
  • He'd never tried to do anything so focused and intense —but he shot a bolt of white-hot flames at the chain suspending the engine block above the Cyclops's head—aiming for the link that looked weaker than rest.   (source)
    focused = concentrated at a single point
  • But it has a tight enough beam. Well-focused. You can aim it and make a three-inch circle of light on a wall a hundred meters off.   (source)
  • Eragon drew upon their combined power and focused it on the words.   (source)
  • I summon all my own strength, focus it like a laser beam into the fingers and palm of my right hand.   (source)
    focus = concentrate at one spot
  • Perenelle quickly became familiar with the ancient systems of magic and began to practice in small ways, developing her skills, concentrating on how to channel and focus the energy of her aura.   (source)
  • The powers on a scope refer to the magnification of the focal length.   (source)
    focal = the distance between the center of the lens and where it is looking
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show 15 more with this conextual meaning
  • I told Dick to hold the flashlight, focus it.   (source)
    focus = concentrate at one spot
  • …others explore even remoter possibilities such as focusing the sun's rays through lenses suspended thousands of kilometres away in space, or producing artificial earthquakes and tidal waves by tapping the heat at the earth's centre.   (source)
    focusing = concentrating to a single point
  • Making straight for the steep cliff, where the churchyard hangs over the laneway to the East Pier so steeply that some of the flat tombstones, thruffsteans or through-stones, as they call them in Whitby vernacular, actually project over where the sustaining cliff has fallen away, it disappeared in the darkness, which seemed intensified just beyond the focus of the searchlight.   (source)
    focus = where light is concentrated
  • That unblinkingly vivid Japanese sun seems the blazing focus of the glassy ocean's immeasurable burning-glass.   (source)
  • Galileo's Illuminati, however, saw perfection in the ellipse as well, revering the mathematical duality of its twin foci.†   (source)
  • At the focal point of two beams, it sets up a field in which molecules can't hold together anymore.   (source)
    focal = where things come together
  • Piggy stood behind him, islanded in a sea of meaningless color, while Ralph knelt and focused the glossy spot. Instantly the fire was alight, Piggy held out his hands and grabbed the glasses back.   (source)
    focused = concentrated sunlight rays by pointing them at the same spot
  • A true master could just say water and create something totally unrelated, like a gemstone. You wouldn't be able to understand how he had done it, but the master would have seen the connection between water and the gem and would have used that as the focal point for his power.   (source)
    focal = center of concentration
  • You can't see through the shield to aim and focus the beams, but since the generator of the Ecstatic Shield is always in the exact center, it isn't hard to figure it out.   (source)
    focus = concentrate at one spot
  • One, two, four, seven of his fighters were blown away. It was all a gamble now, whether any of his ships would survive long enough to get in range. It would not take long, once they could focus on the planet's surface.   (source)
    focus = concentrate force at one spot
  • Maybe tear big chunks out of them by reflecting the planet's own gravity back on itself, only from another direction, and focused down to a smaller point.   (source)
    focused = concentrated at a single point
  • The pyramid had been ripped from its source of power, the desert, and in front us loomed the default gateway for North America, the tall white obelisk that was the most powerful focal point of Ma'at on the continent: the Washington Monument.   (source)
    focal = area where power is concentrated
  • The foci of infection are steadily extending.†   (source)
  • A few foci have been fully reabsorbed, the pocket has grown smaller and is more sharply defined, which, being a well-informed patient, you know indicates healing.†   (source)
  • He listened to his relative talk about the disease that formed the common professional bond for everyone here, and of people's susceptibility to it; about Hans Castorp's own modest, but chronic case, about how the bacillus irritated the cells of the tissue in the bronchi and air sacs of the lungs, about the formation of tubercles and the production of soluble intoxicating toxins, the deterioration of the cells and the process of caseation, which if it continued to petrify into chalky scar tissue meant a beneficial arrest of the disease, but if it went on to build ever-larger soft foci, created cavities that ate away at everything around them and finally destroyed the entire organ.†   (source)
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show 10 more examples with any meaning
  • You understand you're not the focus of any criminal charges, correct?†   (source)
  • But what fascinates me most, and is the focus of my research, is their molecular evolution rate.†   (source)
  • The flashlights attached to the soldiers' guns focused on the young woman holding the nuclear bomb.†   (source)
  • I took a deep breath and focused.†   (source)
  • Setting his fables in the palaces of yesteryear, Rosotsky lit them in the hazy aura of dreams, shot them in the soft focus of memories, and capped the first, second, and third acts with close-ups of his starlet: Anna aspiring; Anna distraught; Anna at long last in love.†   (source)
  • Marine Corps boot camp lasts thirteen weeks, each with a new training focus.†   (source)
  • Lale pushes his way through a crowd to reach its focus.†   (source)
  • His eyes were rimmed with black shadows and seemed to have difficulty focusing.†   (source)
  • Naturally, my thoughts were focused on our kids, on Cassie and Chris, but at the same time, in the back of my mind, I was sure they were both okay.†   (source)
  • I forced myself to focus on the conversation.†   (source)
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show 190 more examples with any meaning
  • We also focused on the children who, like Joe Sullivan, Ian Manuel, and Antonio Nunez, had been convicted of non-homicide offenses.†   (source)
  • The whole article seems to be focused on you.†   (source)
  • I blinked, letting my eyes focus, then looked up to find Camilla Traynor standing over me.†   (source)
  • My eyes had trouble focusing.†   (source)
  • Thomas focused on Gally.†   (source)
  • I breathed heavily and focused on moving one foot at a time.†   (source)
  • VO (as camera focuses on STEVE's face)†   (source)
  • He looked around, seemed to have trouble focusing.†   (source)
  • Dr. Buzzard would focus his energies on the jury and the judge too.†   (source)
  • I try to focus everything on this sound.†   (source)
  • I'm going to ignore the incredibly lame statement Francis just made and focus on what he said right BEFORE that.†   (source)
  • I tried to empty my mind and focus on steadying my arm, creating an imaginary line that extended from my shoulder through the sight to my target—a man's head.†   (source)
  • He was incredibly focused on Daddy.†   (source)
  • I could see that the low riser was going to be the focal point of the ceremonies.†   (source)
  • He had only to focus on them!†   (source)
  • Let's focus now on the UK.†   (source)
  • It wasn't that War and Peace bored him exactly, but rather that his mind couldn't focus on it.†   (source)
  • His face was pinched with the effort of focusing on their predicament rather than going to pieces.†   (source)
  • He is very determined and focused.†   (source)
  • And Christmas is the focal point for the children in our church.†   (source)
  • Her focus narrowed to the small, black dot in the center of the target.†   (source)
  • Art historians knew the fountains marked the exact geometric focal points of Bernini's elliptical piazza, but it was an architectural oddity Langdon had never really considered until today.†   (source)
  • Apparently, without the target below to focus on, Russell had suddenly discovered how high he was.†   (source)
  • Then he moved his gaze, focusing on each person in turn.†   (source)
  • So instead, Josie found herself veering drunkenly from the soft-focus moments with Matt to the macabre.†   (source)
  • Focus every ounce of my energy on that single spot.†   (source)
  • I can't focus on anything but what's coming.†   (source)
  • It was only now that Emily Tallis became aware of the focus of their interest.†   (source)
  • Things are starting to come back into focus now, but ...why am I crying?†   (source)
  • It's true what they say, it's a trance state, giving birth or being there, you lose track of the rest of your life, you focus only on that one instant.†   (source)
  • He focused his senses, scanning all around him the way Aunt Hannah and Lev and Martin did, checking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed.†   (source)
  • It's not surprising that food has become the focus of an international movement.†   (source)
  • Eyepiece pressed tight, I adjusted the focus.†   (source)
  • "I will—" He paused again, straightened, and focused his eyes on some distant, invisible point.†   (source)
  • I blink at Jenny as she swims into focus.†   (source)
  • Hana found it harder to pay attention or stay focused on her lessons.†   (source)
  • I mean, he also almost destroyed the world, but probably best not to focus on that bit.†   (source)
  • The only difference was now the Nazis' focus had shifted.†   (source)
  • It must be torture for her to try and focus like this.†   (source)
  • Her mother's eyes slowly focused on her.†   (source)
  • All eyes were focused on them.†   (source)
  • Focus, he thought, bring it back.†   (source)
  • Her voice was dreamy and her gaze had slightly lost focus.†   (source)
  • Live In The Present, Focus On The Now instead of grieving for what I could never have?†   (source)
  • Then focused through a film of blood on a beloved child.†   (source)
  • Focus, Foaly.†   (source)
  • I focused on him clearly.†   (source)
  • My eyes were focused on Alan.†   (source)
  • Jeff clicks on the TV, and Ellen Abbott—and Amy—buzz into focus.†   (source)
  • The focus of the room from this perspective, the TV and VCR, balanced on a too-small wooden stand, were in the southwest corner of the room.†   (source)
  • It took her a while to focus.†   (source)
  • I drew the baby time and again, sometimes focusing on her wide, bold eyes, sometimes on her tiny hands, sometimes on the way her whole body arched when she rested on your knee.†   (source)
  • He takes out his camera, focusing it on her face.†   (source)
  • Until now, most of the investigation and manhunt were focused on southern Maryland.†   (source)
  • I focus on the counting.†   (source)
  • Faces passed by as if on a whirling merry-go-round but they vanished before he could focus on them, pin them down, bring them into sharp portrayal.†   (source)
  • The sudden threat of the draccus brought me back into focus.†   (source)
  • Only the sight of distant tesla trees as the unerring focus of the aerial discharge was a bit unnerving.†   (source)
  • Even still, there are those who have made Ramiro's ordeal a focal point to attack me and my book.†   (source)
  • Focus, man.†   (source)
  • Now if we read the story through the filter of daytime talk shows and social work classes, we not only miss the focus of the story, we misunderstand it at its most basic level.†   (source)
  • She did not focus on her properly; it was as if she was looking right through her.†   (source)
  • My 101st guard Danny had said, "When you let yourself lose your focus, you make big mistakes."†   (source)
  • We were taught to focus on the meaning of each word.†   (source)
  • But when her eyes focus on it, she sees nothing except the oscillating door, same as before.†   (source)
  • Another was to focus NFL front office minds on how to allocate their dollars.†   (source)
  • I have to focus when I'm with Kamal.†   (source)
  • Beloved focuses her eyes.†   (source)
  • It was a focused glass, to be used for emergencies by the royal family and their intimates.†   (source)
  • Saeed's mother thought she saw a former student of hers firing with much determination and focus a machine gun mounted on the back of a pickup truck.†   (source)
  • Now we focused on hydrographic reconnaissance.†   (source)
  • I couldn't focus on the film, something about the apocalypse and only one man who could save all humanity.†   (source)
  • The city convened a coroner's inquest, which focused its attention on the building's design.†   (source)
  • A "warm and fuzzy" embrace won't get the job done, she argues when I call, pooh-poohing the notion that doctors should focus on patients' lives rather than just treating their symptoms.†   (source)
  • Tyler was standing beside the CNO as it focused.†   (source)
  • SYMPTOMS: Nausea, Stomach "flipping", Elevated heart rate, Light-headedness, Inability to focus   (source)
  • If I knew a mortal of that sensitivity, that pain, that focus, I would make him a vampire in an instant.†   (source)
  • Judy's eyes focused slightly.†   (source)
  • ...So you see, Anita, what intrigues me about this new concept of teaching English—Whole Language—is that it has its focus on literature, and in a way that I think young people will find very interesting.†   (source)
  • She didn't lose consciousness; the seizures were focal (half a grand mal), originating in the left side of her brain and disrupting only the right side of her body.†   (source)
  • Borrowing her habits from work, Theresa tried to focus on other tasks instead.†   (source)
  • He told my family what a class act I was and how my determination last year had become the focal point for Alabama this season.†   (source)
  • When my eyes open again, a shadowy figure fills the doorway, but I can't focus.†   (source)
  • I want you to notice how anxiety caused by a lack of money is affecting them in real ways, and how once you give them the money, they can focus on real and important issues in their world.†   (source)
  • Her face flamed, and she focused on praying.†   (source)
  • Greg's eyes came back into full focus and continued up my legs, past where his hand had been allowed.†   (source)
  • For another, she's so focused on the next part of the story that she can barely think of anything else.†   (source)
  • Either way, he had the scalpel, it was right there in his hand, waiting to carve.... Dan forced himself to focus, to look again.†   (source)
  • I dreamed of ascending Everest myself one day; By the time I was in my early twenties, climbing had become the focus of my existence to the exclusion of almost everything else.†   (source)
  • He tried to focus on her, but past and future were merging into the present, blurring her image.†   (source)
  • Then I realized that none of the people were moving, i focused more closely, trying to pry some clue from their stiff postures.†   (source)
  • We cannot afford to have you consumed by doubts when your strength and focus are most needed.†   (source)
  • She especially liked the practice of staying focused, of eliminating everything from her mind except breath.†   (source)
  • It's so important, instead, to find people who support you and focus on them.†   (source)
  • The kids don't focus on the letters at all because Oscar is so interesting.†   (source)
  • By stepping back, everybody's eyes focused on us.†   (source)
  • It was a two-year school with a focus on communication arts.†   (source)
  • The only time Jaime ever bothered to focus on the reality of his house was when he saw Amanda walking hand in hand with Nicolas.†   (source)
  • He had Jim flexed, focused, shot, developed, dried, filed away in the dark.†   (source)
  • Once he was determined, once he had focused on an object, the Prince was relentless.†   (source)
  • He says the crank allows him to focus on one thing for a long time.†   (source)
  • He pressed his eye against the peephole and watched the moving night, turning the big plastic dial to full focus, high resolution, and he watched Quang Ngai move.†   (source)
  • They were so focused on making the world a better place.†   (source)
  • If our complaints have a focal point, it would have to be the TV set, where the outer torment lurks, causing fears and secret desires.†   (source)
  • And he also realized that he had become the focus of two very different kinds of attention.†   (source)
  • To ascertain the truth, we focus more intently on the screen.†   (source)
  • Dr. Henry, working with such calm skill, his movements focused and precise.†   (source)
  • When he arrived, Bill Volt took him to Room F, the focus of the deaths, so that Dalgard could inspect the monkeys.†   (source)
  • The red numbers on the clock swam into focus.†   (source)
  • While Hollywood garnered most of the headlines, defense spending remained the focus of the local economy for the next two decades, providing about one-third of its jobs.†   (source)
  • After these preliminaries, we focused on the critical issues: the armed struggle, the ANC's alliance with the Communist Party, the goal of majority rule, and the idea of racial reconciliation.†   (source)
  • I roll my eyes slightly, but Vanessa's focused on her notes.†   (source)
  • What it meant to be the focus of the gods' attention, to be their instrument, used to change the shape of the world.†   (source)
  • " Sakena shakes her head in exasperation, and adds: "The international community should focus on education.†   (source)
  • I focused on the words to the beautiful old poem, and sincerely hoped that tonight actually would be the beginning of something special.†   (source)
  • She didn't dare venture any closer to the edge for a better look, but as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, more shapes sharpened into focus.†   (source)
  • It kept him out of trouble, kept him focused on other things.†   (source)
  • He had no idea how to steal a sound, even the smallest one, for the Soundkeeper always had at least one eye carefully focused on him.†   (source)
  • I brought North America into focus, the United States, the East Coast, New York City.†   (source)
  • My eyes blurred, I had trouble focusing.†   (source)
  • I'm doing my best not to focus on those chichis as I take a step forward.†   (source)
  • The last of the sun's rays are focused on an overhang of frayed clouds.†   (source)
  • At times it seemed to her they were so focused on disease that patients and suffering were incidental to their work.†   (source)
  • One of them singled out Billy's face for a moment, then focused at infinity again.†   (source)
  • Suddenly a single face falls into focus.†   (source)
  • His typewritten speech lies before him on the lectern, but he is not focused on the words.†   (source)
  • Ben slowly started to focus her through his burgundy fog, and just as he opened his lips to voice the words that had formed in his brain—"My God, child, what happened to you?"†   (source)
  • He kept his eyes focused on the tops of the underbrush.†   (source)
  • The features of her face snapped into brilliant focus; I saw she was terrified of something.†   (source)
  • When she reaches the left side of the grand room, she opens her eyes and focuses on a heavyset man in the second row.†   (source)
  • She'd met two of the three focal players, had an appointment to hike to the Pagan Stone.†   (source)
  • It does so by artificially holding constant every variable except the two he wishes to focus on, and then showing how those two co-vary.†   (source)
  • I saw him look quickly up at her and then focus, or try to focus, on me as I advanced.†   (source)
  • Cedric's ardor and ability to focus helped him accumulate a loose-leaf notebook full of A papers.†   (source)
  • With the new plan, only one task unit on Team FOUR would focus on South and Central America.†   (source)
  • He only wanted him to focus his eyes on his life.†   (source)
  • By the tenth time I passed her, my vision had stained red and I was boiling with focused fury.†   (source)
  • She stared at it, her eyes focusing intensely.†   (source)
  • It was more a kind of focused stillness.†   (source)
  • "What the—" He looked left, then right, his eyes focusing on me like they never had before.†   (source)
  • After dating him for two years, he was becoming the focal point of my thoughts.†   (source)
  • There had been just one point when his streaming eyes had tried to focus on her, and then he had stepped around her and gotten on with his work.†   (source)
  • Despite the arena's gargantuan scale, Max tried to keep his focus upon his opponent.†   (source)
  • But the feeling of the general public — bolstered by the press's focus on the "poverty-stricken" Catherine O'Leary and the "drunken" firefighters — wasn't sympathetic at all.†   (source)
  • Steve paused, then switched the focus off of Mother's total lack of compassion.†   (source)
  • Yet he was, as one commentator writes, "the principal architect of the foundations of scientific medicine," the first to propose that the basic units of biological life were self-reproducing cells, and that the study of disease should focus on changes in the cell.†   (source)
  • He couldn't focus on anything they were saying until he heard "so I reserved you a motel room.†   (source)
  • But at least, the hero could understand the focus of the emotion.†   (source)
  • I blink, unable to focus.†   (source)
  • It would allow the rest of the team to focus on the more easily accomplished goals.†   (source)
  • You just need to focus on being like you used to be.†   (source)
  • She blinked several times, and her uncle snapped into focus.†   (source)
  • I had to focus on the mission.†   (source)
  • I can keep you focused.†   (source)
  • The monster had turned its head to focus on Charles, who was the closest.†   (source)
  • In an effort to distract myself, I focus on the reflection in the mirror.†   (source)
  • Mostly he focused on how he was going to give D'Ablo the journal.†   (source)
  • With independence proclaimed, confederation—a working union of the colonies—had become the focus of "spirit" animating the delegates.†   (source)
  • After so much noise, and after all the attention that had been paid in recent weeks to Third Sister, all focus now shifted to Grandmother.†   (source)
  • "I wanted to tell you I was getting off at Souillac," Jean-Luc is saying when I am able to focus on him, and not my complete and utter lack of recourse if he starts trying to kill me, "but I was afraid you'd feel embarrassed."†   (source)
  • Besides, I have to focus, and looking at you shirtless might cause me to hyperventilate.†   (source)
  • I was suddenly her focus of the general meaninglessness—not for myself, not for any quality of my large, shaggy body or my sly, unnatural mind.†   (source)
  • She took Jamie with her to her mother's house, so that I could focus all my thoughts and care on Tom.†   (source)
  • Marijke tipped her head slightly, and in that moment Dart lost focus on everything except her face.†   (source)
  • Marie focused the binoculars.†   (source)
  • I need to focus on finding Paige.†   (source)
  • Yet my senses seemed to focus sharply.†   (source)
  • Electrons are focused by magnetic fields.†   (source)
  • Without warning, horse and rider lost focus.†   (source)
  • Her eyes do not focus on the camera.†   (source)
  • I found myself growing more and more angry, and I felt the anger begin to focus itself upon Danny Saunders, and suddenly it was not at all difficult for me to hate him.†   (source)
  • Quality is just the focal point around which a lot of intellectual furniture is getting rearranged.†   (source)
  • "Who're you, ma'am?" he asked as his eyes focused.†   (source)
  • He focuses his eyes carefully on nothing but the road ahead.†   (source)
  • The two spoke quietly, so focused on each other that a darkling could have easily flown down and taken them both.†   (source)
  • Somehow, during the intermission, the seating got switched around (and in Josh's defense I think it was Beanie who did the switching) so I just decided to totally ignore Josh and focus all my attention on the band performing on the stage (which as it turned out were pretty good).†   (source)
  • Without this tension, I wouldn't be as focused.†   (source)
  • But we need to focus on you, Dickie.†   (source)
  • She saw his bleary brown eyes focus upon her without expression.†   (source)
  • But close, damn it, Eve thought, closing her eyes to bring the woman she was coming to know so well into full focus.†   (source)
  • Was a rig at focal point of biggest reflector and Loonie assistants believed doubletalk about astronomical purpose—a new wrinkle in radiotelescopes.†   (source)
  • I had to focus to keep my grip from tightening to a panic cramp on the oar.†   (source)
  • His eyes finally focused.†   (source)
  • "Can we f-focus on the important problem, please?" he said curtly.†   (source)
  • He'll be very focused," and with that, Cesar backed into a pile of avocados that had been stacked in a tall pyramid.†   (source)
  • The world swims into focus.†   (source)
  • When he took his seat at the table, he had no intentions of even actively participating in the discussions, let alone becoming the focal point of the defense plan.†   (source)
  • The attorney also focused on Pickney's Treaty, the Treaty of 1819, and the fact that according to the documentation taken, the slaves are Spanish subjects.†   (source)
  • Baugh thinks commercial ventures will focus primarily on marketability, and so are likely to adopt the technology to home in on markets they seek to target: "We see this a little bit on radio right now, so that various radio stations are tailored to particular markets.†   (source)
  • So focused on his own life.†   (source)
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