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  • I suppose one joins the League of Nations Union, and reads the Isis every week, and drinks coffee in the morning at the Cadena café, and smokes a great pipe and plays hockey and goes out to tea on Boar's Hill and to lectures at Keble, and rides a bicycle with a little tray full of note-books and drinks cocoa in the evening and discusses sex seriously.   (source)
  • Isis Giving Bread and Water to the Soul (Egypt, date uncertain).   (source)
  • Their names were Isis, Amphitrite, Hebe, Pandora, Psyche, Thetis, Pomona, Daphne, Clytie, Galatea and Arethusa.   (source)
  • You will recall that both the cult of Isis and the Eleusinian mysteries were carried out in dark caves at night.   (source)
  • Their eyes would be sad, and averted from their fate towards the Northern flats, their leader not Isis or Sabrina, but the slowly flowing Lea.   (source)
  • Then Isis and Osiris, and their circle, representing water, fire, air, and other forces, were invented.   (source)
  • And in only a few years, how many victims have been furnished to the obituary notices by the Royal Mail, Inman, and Montreal lines; by vessels named the Solway, the Isis, the Paramatta, the Hungarian, the Canadian, the Anglo–Saxon, the Humboldt, and the United States, all run aground; by the Arctic and the Lyonnais, sunk in collisions; by the President, the Pacific, and the City of Glasgow, lost for reasons unknown; in the midst of their gloomy rubble, the Nautilus navigated as if…   (source)
  • Let us tell the truth, we who are initiated, and who have raised the veil of Isis: there is no such thing as either good or evil; there is vegetation.   (source)
  • Ah, now you are trying to penetrate into the mysteries of Isis, in which I am not initiated.   (source)
  • The colleges are ancient and picturesque; the streets are almost magnificent; and the lovely Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees.   (source)
  • …and an astonishing array of statues depicting Horus being nursed by the goddess Isis.   (source)
  • Isis face, of course, was flushed; much altered.   (source)
  • Isis bowed respectfully, but I knew she wasn't thinking about some distant future.   (source)
  • Since the days of Isis, sex rites had been considered man's only bridge from earth to heaven.   (source)
  • Isis white hand shone on her florid buttocks, her hair dusting it, stroking it.   (source)
  • For the millionth time, I regretted having given up the spirit of Isis.   (source)
  • Isis voice was almost tender as he spoke, and he rose and put both his hands on my shoulders.   (source)
  • And the female goddess, Isis, whose ancient pictogram was once called L'ISA.   (source)
  • Stop them, the voice of Isis spoke in my mind, which was quite a shock after such a long silence.   (source)
  • On the mantel above the fireplace, an alabaster bust of Isis watched over the room.   (source)
  • Combine with Horus and Isis again, pledge to serve Apophis, and you could survive this night.   (source)
  • Horus and Isis had both discussed it with us.   (source)
  • Bast drew her knives and stepped toward Isis, but Ra held out his arm.   (source)
  • I didn't have the full power of Isis at my command anymore.   (source)
  • When the smoke cleared, Isis stood alone and laughed with delight.   (source)
  • She even believed she had the blood of the pharaohs and tried to channel the spirit of Isis.   (source)
  • Isis smiled at me one last time and dissolved into a sparkling rainbow.   (source)
  • Perhaps I could cure you like Isis did Ra.   (source)
  • I probably have that 'Isis magic' smell to me, don't I?   (source)
  • I knew why she'd shown me the vision of Isis and Ra.   (source)
  • She hadn't tried the destruction spell since she separated herself from Isis.   (source)
  • Two rya amulets, the sacred mark of Isis—ah, those might he helpful.   (source)
  • Without Isis in my head, I couldn't simply speak words of power anymore.   (source)
  • A dozen tiny voices whispered at the base of my skull: Isis.   (source)
  • Isis collapsed, smoke curling from her dress.   (source)
  • Her regal face reminded me of Isis, but this woman had a gentler smile and kinder eyes.   (source)
  • I heard the warning in Ra's voice, but either Isis didn't notice, or she didn't care.   (source)
  • But that was when we were fully merged with the gods--Horus for me, Isis for Sadie.   (source)
  • As for you, Isis, you may think you have won because you mastered my secret name.   (source)
  • He could use scrolls and potions almost as well as Sadie, so he could've chosen the path of Isis.   (source)
  • I called on Isis as best I could, tapping her power to help me shape the enchantment.   (source)
  • Isis screamed as the coffin shattered like ice.   (source)
  • Isis is perfectly alive and well on the sixth floor.   (source)
  • I looked Isis straight in the eye (spiritually speaking), and we understood one another.   (source)
  • Besides, it's not like Isis is a secret.   (source)
  • Isis got in through the amulet, didn't she?   (source)
  • The spirit of Isis rumbled inside me, as if I'd eaten a bad curry.   (source)
  • Isis brought him a crook and flail—the twin scepters of the pharaohs.   (source)
  • She is corrupted by Isis, and you are guilty of assisting the gods.   (source)
  • At his side stood Isis in a shimmering white gown, with wings of light.   (source)
  • Later in history, Osiris and Isis took new forms—humans who were husband and wife.   (source)
  • I recognized the look in my mother' eyes, and I knew: my mother had communed with Isis.   (source)
  • Isis stood next to me in a cloud-white dress, her dark hair braided with diamonds.   (source)
  • Set roared, "Is this your trickery, Isis?"   (source)
  • At any rate, when Osiris and Isis first walked the earth, their hosts were brother and sister.   (source)
  • Isis grabbed her son's hand and they both turned into birds, flying for their lives.   (source)
  • I threw the twine at Wayne and yelled a word Isis suggested: "Tas!"   (source)
  • I could picture a but right there in the marsh, Isis and young Horus hiding from Set.   (source)
  • Such a spell has depleted her energy, Isis said.   (source)
  • "He has a way with words," Isis muttered, which made Sadie snort.   (source)
  • Isis probably told you she helped defeat Set.   (source)
  • Separating myself from Isis was harder than that, much harder.   (source)
  • If I couldn't tell my own thoughts from those of Isis, how long before I went completely mad?   (source)
  • The fissure would've swallowed us, but Isis's voice spoke in my mind, telling me the word I needed.   (source)
  • I looked at the throne, and I realized Isis had a point.   (source)
  • I mean, Isis is milling about inside, but I'm not her.   (source)
  • Isis waved her hand, and suddenly we were back on the mansion's terrace as if nothing had happened.   (source)
  • I hesitated, hoping Isis would drop some words of wisdom, but the goddess was silent.   (source)
  • But I've already used Isis's powers, haven't I?   (source)
  • Only Horus and Isis can defeat Set and avenge the death of Osiris.   (source)
  • "There have been strong women pharaohs," Isis admitted.   (source)
  • Isis promised that with Ra's secret name, she could heal him.   (source)
  • When they'd risen again, Isis stepped toward us.   (source)
  • Don't blame Isis for your mother's fate.   (source)
  • She touched my hair gently, and I felt Isis stirring within me, struggling to speak using my voice.   (source)
  • At any rate, the temple was dedicated to Isis, so it will have enough power to open a gate.   (source)
  • "You've grown strong, Sadie," Isis said.   (source)
  • You controlled your magic and controlled Isis.   (source)
  • The voice of Isis spoke almost immediately: Do you see now?   (source)
  • There was Osiris, the king, and Isis, his queen; Set, the evil god, and Horus, the avenger.   (source)
  • He hid Osiris's coffin, you know, and Isis searched the entire world to find it.   (source)
  • Maybe you'll want to follow the path of Horus or Isis, Thoth or Anubis, or even Bast.   (source)
  • At the edge of the palace, Isis turned into a small bird of prey and soared into the air.   (source)
  • Isis chafed against my willpower, insisting that we blast some sense into Thoth.   (source)
  • Isis got tired of waiting for him to retire.   (source)
  • "Today it is the American continent," Isis mused.   (source)
  • I had to clamp a mental hand over Isis's mouth.   (source)
  • But yes, part of Isis's spirit now resides inside you.   (source)
  • "In my vision," I said, "Isis and Osiris were married."   (source)
  • I remembered a spell Isis had taught me in New Mexico.   (source)
  • I wanted to punch myself to get even with Isis, but I suspected it would hurt.   (source)
  • Don't think I'm fooled for a minute, Isis.   (source)
  • The way was inside me—I'd seen it in Isis's thoughts.   (source)
  • The scene would've been frightening enough, but now I saw it as Isis did.   (source)
  • This is what had turned Isis and Horus against each other before.   (source)
  • The snake in the clouds was one of your tricks, Isis.   (source)
  • Isis would never admit she doesn't know something.   (source)
  • Your mother was the first in many centuries to commune with Isis.   (source)
  • Isis channeled her power through the amulet, yes, but she's not there now.   (source)
  • I was Isis, flying desperately over the Nile.   (source)
  • And thanks to Isis, I feel like I know you as well.   (source)
  • It was hard without Isis and Horus helping, but we could still do magic.   (source)
  • She tried to host the spirit of Isis without knowing what she was doing, and it shattered her mind.   (source)
  • Isis, Osiris, Horus, Nephthys—where are they?   (source)
  • So one day, while Ra was napping, Isis secretly collected a bit of the sun god's drool.   (source)
  • You must escape, the voice of Isis said in my mind.   (source)
  • If I could only break the throne … Set must be dealt with first, Isis warned.   (source)
  • And do you remember that without my help, Isis and you both would've died?   (source)
  • You may be blood of the pharaohs, but Isis is a deceptive, power-hungry—   (source)
  • Opening more than one portal a day is extremely taxing, even with Isis helping.   (source)
  • I'd shared power with Isis before, but this was different.   (source)
  • And I was Isis, goddess of magic, holder of the secret names.   (source)
  • He complains too much, Isis said inside my head.   (source)
  • But no-o-o, Isis convinced me to help your side because Set was getting too powerful.   (source)
  • Then I realized I didn't know who was thinking that: Isis or me.   (source)
  • Priestesses of Isis took human lovers as symbolical stand-ins for the damaged Osiris, not unlike the way Lady Brett Ashley in the novel takes other lovers because she and Jake cannot consummate their passion.   (source)
  • Pictograms of Isis nursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint for our modern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus.   (source)
  • Built over the ruins of an ancient temple to the Egyptian goddess Isis, the church possesses an architectural footprint matching that of Notre Dame to within inches.   (source)
  • Still others claimed that X rays of the Mona Lisa revealed she originally had been painted wearing a lapis lazuli pendant of Isis—a detail Da Vinci purportedly later decided to paint over.   (source)
  • When Langdon had first seen The Little Mermaid, he had actually gasped aloud when he noticed that the painting in Ariel's underwater home was none other than seventeenth-century artist Georges de la Tour's The Penitent Magdalene—a famous homage to the banished Mary Magdalene—fitting decor considering the movie turned out to be a ninety-minute collage of blatant symbolic references to the lost sanctity of Isis, Eve, Pisces the fish goddess, and, repeatedly, Mary Magdalene.   (source)
  • With her head bowed and her palms raised in supplication, she looked like the picture of humility; but I knew Isis too well.   (source)
  • I wanted to tell her she had mastered nothing, but I could only watch as Isis danced across the boat.   (source)
  • Isis started to protest, "My lord—"   (source)
  • The statues of the gods stood behind us—Horus, Isis, Thoth, Sobek—all keeping silent watch as we ate.   (source)
  • The fiery aura spread to Isis's hand, traveling up her arm until her whole body was wreathed in flames.   (source)
  • I wondered if Ra had felt the same way when Isis learned his name—if that was the real reason he went into exile: complete humiliation.   (source)
  • I handed them each an amulet of Isis.   (source)
  • Now, visit Isis, and see how it began.   (source)
  • "My lord needs rest," Isis suggested.   (source)
  • I don't know where I got the idea, but I raised my arms and shimmering rainbow wings appeared on either side of me—the wings of Isis.   (source)
  • I drew on the memories of Isis, the only goddess who had ever known Ra's secret name, and I began to understand the nature of the sun god.   (source)
  • With my new understanding of godly magic, I didn't so much think about what I needed as feel a connection to Isis.   (source)
  • Isis rose unsteadily to her feet.   (source)
  • But honestly, I sent Isis packing.   (source)
  • "Think about Isis," Jaz repeated.   (source)
  • Once upon a time, I'd been able to manipulate my ba's form into something less embarrassing, but since Isis vacated my head, I didn't have that ability.   (source)
  • Didn't Isis tell you some stories?   (source)
  • Symbol of Isis, you big ugly mutt.   (source)
  • Isis was foolish to choose you!   (source)
  • Sadie and I had to combine forces to get past the perimeter, but with a little concentration, ink and papyrus, and some tapped energy from our godly friends Isis and Horus, we managed to pull off a short stroll through the Duat.   (source)
  • But you see—I'm not Isis.   (source)
  • I follow the path of Isis.   (source)
  • As Isis said, I didn't think.   (source)
  • Bast gave Isis sideways look.   (source)
  • Ra glared at Isis.   (source)
  • "Isis!" he cried.   (source)
  • Right, Isis, I thought.   (source)
  • You live for power, Isis.   (source)
  • Isis leaned forward.   (source)
  • Isis bowed.   (source)
  • Think about Isis.   (source)
  • Isis took my hands.   (source)
  • I mean, it senses Isis.   (source)
  • Isis stepped forward.   (source)
  • Then Horus, Set, Isis, and, urn …   (source)
  • Last night, while I was petting her rabbit, Isis, Rashmi reminded me twice not to tell anyone about her, because animals are against dorm rules.   (source)
  • Poor Isis.   (source)
  • You knew my mother, I shouted at Isis.   (source)
  • In the Hall of Ages, I saw an image of Isis, and then I was Isis, trying to get away from Set, and—oh, god.   (source)
  • Isis could've given Mum more power.   (source)
  • You are wise for a mortal, Isis said.   (source)
  • We'll defeat him again, Isis promised.   (source)
  • I didn't ask for Isis to hitch a ride.   (source)
  • "Isis," said the man on the throne.   (source)
  • Isis rose from the floor, clawing at her mouth, her lips pressed as if an invisible force were suffocating her.   (source)
  • Both Isis and Horus have bird forms.   (source)
  • "Not today, lovely Isis," Set purred.   (source)
  • Soon, Face of Horror, very soon, Horus, Isis, and my treacherous wife will bow at my feet—and Amos will help.   (source)
  • She pulled her black coat around her, and I caught a glimpse of her necklace—the amulet of Isis, my amulet.   (source)
  • If the story Thoth told me was true, Isis had caused Ra to retreat into the heavens with that secret name business.   (source)
  • Take him while he's down, Isis urged.   (source)
  • But Isis always treated me like a son.   (source)
  • Initiates could study the path of Horus, or Isis, or Sekhmet, or any number of gods, learning to channel their powers.   (source)
  • My neck is the neck of the divine goddess Isis.   (source)
  • Here, discordantly, in Eights Week, came a rabble of womankind, some hundreds strong, twittering and fluttering over the cobbles and up the steps, sight-seeing and pleasure-seeking, drinking claret cup, eating cucumber sandwiches; pushed in punts about the river, herded in droves to the college barges; greeted in the Isis and in the Union by a sudden display of peculiar, facetious, wholly distressing Gilbert-and-Sullivan badinage, and by peculiar choral effects in the college chapels.   (source)
  • Isis in the Form of a Hawk Joins Osiris in the Underworld (carved stone, Ptolemaic, Egypt, c. first century A.D.).   (source)
  • Then she drew back, and cried, with hands clasped above her head, "Now blessed be Isis!"   (source)
  • And Isis waited, saying to herself, 'Poor creature!   (source)
  • To be an enemy is to hate, and hating is a sickness which Isis will not suffer to come near me.   (source)
  • All at once, a gust of wind, more merry than the rest, and probably charged with performing the affairs of Springtime, swept down from the nursery, flung itself on the alley, enveloped the young girl in a delicious shiver, worthy of Virgil's nymphs, and the fawns of Theocritus, and lifted her dress, the robe more sacred than that of Isis, almost to the height of her garter.   (source)
  • But, alas, dear Egypt! by the vision as you show it me the prizes are all of war, and you are but a woman, though Isis did kiss you on the heart.   (source)
  • Then Isis took the last stitch in her knitting, and gathering her work in a roll of brilliance flung it off—flung it so it fell close to the man.   (source)
  • That, also, I swear, by our holy Isis!   (source)
  • And in the lull of the sound of the laboring will Isis heard a scornful laugh, and presently the words, blown across from the sun, "Thy help, indeed!"   (source)
  • And, by Isis! by all the gods of Egypt!   (source)
  • The daughter of my wise guest is kinder than she imagines herself; she is teaching me that Isis may kiss a heart without making it better.   (source)
  • And Isis arose, and took off her girdle of stars, and waved it to Sita—to Sita, mind you—waved it in glad salute.   (source)
  • And Isis fell to knitting again, for she was patient as Osiris was strong; and if he could work, she could wait; and wait she did, knowing that mere life is not enough to keep anything content.   (source)
  • But Isis knew better; and she waited and waited, nor minded the many laughs flung at her from the sun; she waited and waited, and at last saw signs of the end.   (source)
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meaning too rare to warrant focus:

show 10 examples with meaning too rare to warrant focus
  • "It will happen soon enough," Isis said, "as your mother foresaw."   (source)
    ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  • Isis turned her head and sniffed Max's mother.   (source)
    ISIS = the name of a cat in this story
  • All were members of ISIS.   (source)
    ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  • She joined ISIS, traveled secretly to Syria for training, and returned undetected to Britain.   (source)
  • Mrs. McDaniels and Isis were dozing when Max and Cooper entered the healing ward.   (source)
    ISIS = the name of a cat in this story
  • ISIS supplied most of its European recruits with a detailed list of items to pack for their trip.   (source)
    ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  • "Come closer so I can see you," croaked Mrs. McDaniels, stroking Isis's sleek coat.   (source)
    ISIS = the name of a cat in this story
  • "Isis!" exclaimed Mrs. McDaniels, reaching out a hand to stroke the cat's fur.   (source)
  • And when the sermon ended they listened to a talk show on al-Bayan, ISIS's slick radio station.   (source)
    ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  • It was no matter; the team at ISIS media productions would surely add subtitles.   (source)
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show 40 more examples with meaning too rare to warrant focus
  • At first, Max thought it was a larger version of his mother's charge, Isis.   (source)
    ISIS = the name of a cat in this story
  • Isis had stopped breathing and Max knew, in an instant of agonizing clarity, that both had passed.   (source)
  • Gabriel wondered how the American president would feel if ISIS were two hours from Indiana.   (source)
    ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  • Subject two was lying seminude on the bed, smoking in violation of hotel rules and the laws of ISIS.   (source)
  • "Isis was my charge, Max," explained his mother, stroking the cat's glossy fir.   (source)
    ISIS = the name of a cat in this story
  • "ISIS must be enjoying this," said Gabriel.   (source)
    ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  • "And every month," Fareed replied, "certain wealthy Saudis funnel money and other support to ISIS."   (source)
  • During her one and only appearance in an ISIS propaganda video, her face had been veiled.   (source)
  • Every wife knows her husband's password, even if her husband is an ISIS terrorist.   (source)
  • We are horrified when we read accounts of ISIS using crucifixion.   (source)
  • Why have more than five hundred young Western women joined the ranks of ISIS?   (source)
  • Whatever ISIS's ultimate fate, it had left an indelible mark on the Middle East.   (source)
  • Photographs of models in shop windows had been retouched to adhere to ISIS's strict decency codes.   (source)
  • ISIS controls a swath of territory the size of the United Kingdom, right on the doorstep of Europe.   (source)
  • "The truth is," he said, "ISIS is indeed Islamic."   (source)
  • "The Arab traders aren't members of ISIS."   (source)
  • There were date palms in the court; in their shade reclined a half-dozen ISIS fighters.   (source)
  • ISIS, he said, was a threat that could no longer be ignored.   (source)
  • Political Islam was their salvation, and ISIS was their paradise.   (source)
  • It was a real camera, not a cell phone; ISIS was second to none when it came to production value.   (source)
  • "I guess ISIS isn't the jayvee team after all."   (source)
  • Are there other Office agents who have infiltrated ISIS?   (source)
  • "I didn't realize the Office had any interest in going after ISIS," he was saying.   (source)
  • You'd never suspect she'd spent the entire morning talking to an ISIS recruiter on the Internet.   (source)
  • The senior ISIS commanders are all Iraqis.   (source)
  • Bearded black-clad ISIS fighters used the second and third floors as a barracks.   (source)
  • She didn't call the police, he thought, because she thought her husband was an ISIS terrorist.   (source)
  • ISIS was not alone in altering the cityscape of Raqqa.   (source)
  • The Saudis are more afraid of Iran than they are of ISIS.   (source)
  • We weren't the only ones to miss the rise of ISIS.   (source)
  • "The threat of an ISIS attack during the French president's visit."   (source)
  • The president refused to grant ISIS its wish.   (source)
  • "I'm afraid," said Gabriel, "that Syria is where ISIS is."   (source)
  • Here, too, ISIS had imposed an Islamic death sentence on the non-Islamic past.   (source)
  • Besides, Saudi Arabia is our ally in the fight against ISIS.   (source)
  • So don't stand there and lecture me about sitting on my hands and doing nothing about ISIS.   (source)
  • But ISIS doesn't crucify only because it is cruel.   (source)
  • Her husband was a member of the ISIS terror cell that had just laid waste to Washington.   (source)
  • Even ISIS traded in the currency of its enemy.   (source)
  • Many are educated, much more educated than the men who've joined ISIS.   (source)
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