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  • "Italy will have to pre-empt in Libya," the Baron Karoly stated, "to protect its interests.†   (source)
  • "Captain," he said, respectfully, "Libya is Ottoman territory.†   (source)
  • Italy has developed Libya over the years.†   (source)
  • Yes, certainly, but I mean to bring about a withdrawal from Libya.†   (source)
  • Chased from their original Afghan sanctuary, they had found new spaces to operate in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, and a district of Brussels called Molenbeek.†   (source)
  • Our intelligence department went over each region in the world, sometimes with a special emphasis on a certain situation like Libya.†   (source)
  • The president immediately ordered massive air strikes against all known ISIS targets in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, though he went out of his way to assure the Islamic world that America was not at war with them.†   (source)
  • After graduating from the University of Baghdad with a degree in engineering, he had worked in Iraq, Jordan, Libya, and Kuwait before finally settling in France, where he met a Palestinian woman, originally from Nablus, who worked part-time as a translator for a UN refugee agency and a small French publishing house.†   (source)
  • "My son was killed in Libya in nineteen forty-two," Alessandro said, "when he was twenty-three years of age."†   (source)
  • His family had not known that he had been in Libya, until the tenth of December, after he had been there nearly a month.†   (source)
  • And our history is such that were we to follow it in making policy we should declare war not only on our former possessions in Libya, but on Britain, Spain, Germany, France, Austria, and Carthage.†   (source)
  • "As far as I can see," Alessandro said, "it would be far more sensible to let the Germans build a naval base in Libya, if that's what they want, and build three naval bases in the boot of Italy to overwhelm it.†   (source)
  • He hated neither Italy, swords, horses, nor encyclopedias, and he didn't see the war in Libya as the logical result of but, rather, as a deviation from the way things were, and yet he received entreaties from strange Italians infatuated with the Turkish Empire.†   (source)
  • As for Libya's agricultural potential-something that is severely prejudiced by the fact that nothing grows there-when the day comes that an Italian of the South will leave his dry and rocky soil for sand, then perhaps it will be wise to war against the Sultan.†   (source)
  • I probably would not have remembered except that I love children especially, and this baby was very beautiful, as was his mother, and he had a boat, a sailboat made from wood so I noticed because ever since I was in the navy in Libya, or off Libya, I don't know, I have been making boats out of wood.†   (source)
  • He had been in the war in Libya and wore two woundstripes.†   (source)
  • Libya became a desert.†   (source)
  • All Nubia and Egypt, and a myriad from Libya, and a host of Troglodytes, and not a few Macrobii from beyond the Mountains of the Moon, lined the tented shores to see the cortege pass, wafted by perfumed winds and golden oars.†   (source)
  • So this was the submerged region that had existed outside Europe, Asia, and Libya, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, home of those powerful Atlantean people against whom ancient Greece had waged its earliest wars!†   (source)
  • Eight years out,
    wandering off as far as Cyprus, Phoenicia, even Egypt,
    I reached the Ethiopians, Sidonians, Erembians—Libya too,
    where lambs no sooner spring from the womb than they grow horns.
    Three times in the circling year the ewes give birth.
    So no one, neither king nor shepherd could want
    for cheese or mutton, or sweet milk either,
    udders swell for the sucklings round the year.
    But while I roamed those lands, amassing a fortune,
    a stranger killed my brother, blind to…†   (source)
  • …where his house and holdings lay.
    There in his care I stayed till the year was out.
    Then, when the months and days had run their course
    and the year wheeled round and the seasons came again,
    he conned me aboard his freighter bound for Libya,

    pretending I'd help him ship a cargo there for sale
    but in fact he'd sell me there and make a killing!
    I suspected as much, of course, but had no choice,
    so I boarded with him, yes, and the ship ran on
    with a good strong North Wind…†   (source)
  • Let Libya with her sand vaunt herself no more; for though she brings forth chelydri, jaculi, and phareae, and cenchri with amphisboena, she never, with all Ethiopia, nor with the land that lies on the Red Sea, showed either so many plagues or so evil.†   (source)
  • Say, valiant youth, and so may God Thy enterprises speed, Didst thou the light mid Libya's sands Or Jaca's rocks first see?†   (source)
  • Good, my lord, She came from Libya.†   (source)
  • Most royal sir, from thence; from him whose daughter His tears proclaim'd his, parting with her: thence,— A prosperous south-wind friendly, we have cross'd, To execute the charge my father gave me, For visiting your highness: my best train I have from your Sicilian shores dismiss'd; Who for Bohemia bend, to signify Not only my success in Libya, sir, But my arrival, and my wife's, in safety Here, where we are.†   (source)
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