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inclusive as in:  an inclusive group

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  • We have a diverse and inclusive board.
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inclusive as in:  all-inclusive vacation

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  • I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that a scrambled egg-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime.   (source)
    inclusive = containing
  • Specifically, I ask developing countries to improve their governments, uphold the rule of law, combat corruption and adopt an inclusive approach to development,   (source)
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inclusive as in:  10 to 20 inclusive

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  • 80% of the class scored between 75 and 95 inclusive.
    inclusive = including stated limits (including 75 and 90; not 76 to 89)
  • That thought was doomed to haunt Anne through the waking hours of that winter, Sunday afternoons inclusive, to the almost entire exclusion of moral and theological problems.   (source)
    inclusive = included
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show 10 more examples with any meaning
  • When we arrived, the gym was packed with most every Culver Creek student—I noticed, for instance, the Creek's three goth girls reapplying their eyeliner as they sat on the top row of the gym's bleachers...I'd never attended a school basketball game back home, but I doubted the crowds there were quite so inclusive.†   (source)
  • The first sentence was "This tome will endeavor to scrutinize, in quasi-inclusive breadth, the epistemology of ophthalmologically contrived appraisals of ocular systems and the subsequent and requisite exertions imperative for expugnation of injurious states," and as Violet read it out loud to her sister, both children felt the dread that comes when you begin a very boring and difficult book.†   (source)
  • Here's a handy list, not all-inclusive, but a start: YOU MIGHT BE A CHRIST FIGURE IF YOU ARE ....(CHECK ANY THAT APPLY): thirty-three years old.†   (source)
  • That is a sufficiently all-inclusive term, I think.†   (source)
  • "The thing is, Edward," I said in a shaky voice, avoiding the question, "in my mind,marriage and eternity are not mutually exclusive or mutually inclusive concepts.†   (source)
  • Although the four Allied powers occupied it after World War II, the Americans exerted the greatest lasting influence, perhaps because their nationalism was so inclusive, and their nation so distant.†   (source)
  • I knew that I had to be more inclusive, brief more people as to our progress, and I proceeded with that in mind.†   (source)
  • The action was so graceful and inclusively benign.†   (source)
  • Say that to Farmer and he'd reply, "If so, it's surely the most inclusive damn club in the world, being full of people with AIDS, wl's galore, tons of students, church ladies, lots of patients, and it's a club that grows and never shrinks."†   (source)
  • They were, and we've extracted them all from the clandestine archives, inclusive of this material here.†   (source)
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show 39 more examples with any meaning
  • But I won't-because, in this case, I have another, inclusive reason.†   (source)
  • Little League rules had never specifically mentioned integration, but to its credit, the organization never wavered from its inclusive policies.†   (source)
  • One factor important to Jesse Sheidlower is that "American English has always been very inclusive of new terms.†   (source)
  • As editors, we have aimed to be as inclusive as possible in our selection, choosing statements from teenagers to those in their nineties, and from a wide range of profession, background, and experience all over this country.†   (source)
  • 'Those lists are inclusive, not exclusive,' he said.†   (source)
  • His sickness was only part of something larger, and his cure would be found only in something great and inclusive of everything.†   (source)
  • But it's also one that is decidedly less inclusive than the story of the 20th century, with a less certain role for people like Maddie Parlier, who struggle or are unlucky early in life.†   (source)
  • When the system was impersonal and inclusive, I could bear it; but as soon as they specified me, I came apart at the seams.†   (source)
  • Ben's parents liked it because it was all-inclusive and in a central location.†   (source)
  • PLAYER: We're inclusively players, sir.†   (source)
  • From the expression on the older man's face it was clear that his mandate would be far more inclusive than that prescribed.†   (source)
  • I saw my role as an elder statesman who might help them move on to the more inclusive ideas of the Congress Movement.†   (source)
  • I looked upon the Corps as a captive microcosm of the entire human race and thought if I could study them properly and learn all the secret rites and neuroses of the cadets, then in some profoundly inclusive way I could discover the most illuminating sanctities, dilemmas, and mysteries of the human spirit.†   (source)
  • Our family structures are larger and more inclusive; anyone who claims descent from a common ancestor is deemed part of the same family.†   (source)
  • "A pair of pippins," he agreed, inclusively.†   (source)
  • Our national policy is this: First, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to all-inclusive national defense.†   (source)
  • He swept his arm round the company inclusively.†   (source)
  • The conversation became inclusive, and presently other footsteps were heard crossing the room below.†   (source)
  • 22, inclusive, and Story's "Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States," pp.85-115.†   (source)
  • They hated the bosses and they hated the owners; they hated the whole place, the whole neighborhood—even the whole city, with an all-inclusive hatred, bitter and fierce.†   (source)
  • She was afraid of what was in Dick's mind; again she felt that a plan underlay his current actions and she was afraid of his plans—they worked well and they had an all-inclusive logic about them which Nicole was not able to command.†   (source)
  • So long as they subscribed to it completely, their happiness was his preoccupation, but at the first flicker of doubt as to its all-inclusiveness he evaporated before their eyes, leaving little communicable memory of what he had said or done.†   (source)
  • The rather too inclusive speech brought down a torrent of vituperation from other quarters upon fair Tess's unlucky head, particularly from the Queen of Diamonds, who having stood in the relations to d'Urberville that Car had also been suspected of, united with the latter against the common enemy.†   (source)
  • Still haunted with the idea that not one of the past incidents, inclusive of Judge Pyncheon's visit, could be real, the recluse of the Seven Gables murmured in her brother's ear,— "Clifford!†   (source)
  • Mrs. Garth delivered this awful sentence with much majesty of enunciation, and Letty felt that between repressed volubility and general disesteem, that of the Romans inclusive, life was already a painful affair.†   (source)
  • In fact, from the origin of things down to the fifteenth century of the Christian era, inclusive, architecture is the great book of humanity, the principal expression of man in his different stages of development, either as a force or as an intelligence.†   (source)
  • Bob Coggan was sent home for his ill manners, and tranquility was restored by Jacob Smallbury, who volunteered a ballad as inclusive and interminable as that with which the worthy toper old Silenus amused on a similar occasion the swains Chromis and Mnasylus, and other jolly dogs of his day.†   (source)
  • The clothes of this gentleman were much bespeckled with flue; and his shoes, stockings, and nether garments, from his heels to the waist buttons of his coat inclusive, were profusely embroidered with splashes of mud, caught a fortnight previously—before the setting-in of the fine weather.†   (source)
  • This was horrible, and gave me a sickening idea of London; the more so as the Lord Chief Justice's proprietor wore (from his hat down to his boots and up again to his pocket-handkerchief inclusive) mildewed clothes which had evidently not belonged to him originally, and which I took it into my head he had bought cheap of the executioner.†   (source)
  • She usually took a complete scale of them, that is to say, seven, from ten to sixteen years of age, inclusive, of assorted voices and sizes, whom she made sing standing, drawn up in a line, side by side, according to age, from the smallest to the largest.†   (source)
  • In this reply, down to the word "wager" inclusive, mademoiselle has been ironically polite and tender, then as suddenly dashed into the bitterest and most defiant scorn, with her black eyes in one and the same moment very nearly shut and staringly wide open.†   (source)
  • Now, inclusive of the occasional wide intervals between the revolving outer circles, and inclusive of the spaces between the various pods in any one of those circles, the entire area at this juncture, embraced by the whole multitude, must have contained at least two or three square miles.†   (source)
  • See "The Federalists," Nos.78-83, inclusive; and a work entitled "Constitutional Law," being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, by Thomas Sergeant.†   (source)
  • I think that the rare Englishmen who have this gesture are never of the heavy type—for fear of any lumbering instance to the contrary, I will say, hardly ever; they have usually a fine temperament and much tolerance towards the smaller errors of men (themselves inclusive).†   (source)
  • First, the teachers of grades III to VII inclusive in all the Kansas City public-schools were instructed to turn over to Dr. Charters all the written work of their pupils, "ordinarily done in the regular order of school work" during a period of four weeks.†   (source)
  • Secondly, the teachers of grades II to VII inclusive were instructed to make note of "all oral errors in grammar made in the school-room and around the school-building" during the five school-days of one week, by children of any age, and to dispatch these notes to Dr. Charters also.†   (source)
  • For you to share with me two greatnesses, and a third one rising
    inclusive and more resplendent,
    The greatness of Love and Democracy, and the greatness of Religion.†   (source)
  • You know my father left me some prescriptions Of rare and prov'd effects, such as his reading And manifest experience had collected For general sovereignty; and that he will'd me In heedfullest reservation to bestow them, As notes whose faculties inclusive were More than they were in note: amongst the rest There is a remedy, approv'd, set down, To cure the desperate languishings whereof The king is render'd lost.†   (source)
  • — O, would to God that the inclusive verge Of golden metal that must round my brow Were red-hot steel, to sear me to the brain !†   (source)
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