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  • Clean, sated, in his mother's adopted country, he is happy.†   (source)
  • Sated, he returned to the clearing.†   (source)
  • Most of the leaders of this city risked their lives to protect it from Jeanine and died, and I will not jeopardize it now for the sake of sating your selfish curiosity.†   (source)
  • They would indulge in a proper Bengali lunch instead of the sandwiches they'd gotten used to by then, boiling rice and warming the previous night's leftovers, filling their stomachs, sitting and talking at the table, sleepy and sated, as their palms turned yellow and dry.†   (source)
  • The men were gaining on them, and Saeed and Nadia began to wonder aloud what of their things they could leave behind, to lighten the load, or as an offering that might sate their pursuers.†   (source)
  • Two survived, only because she grew distracted by the blood, and paused to sate her thirst.†   (source)
  • Abruptly the murders stopped, as if that tryst with Mary Kelly had sated the killer's need at last.†   (source)
  • In the bewilderment of passion she watched the ants devastating the garden, sating their prehistoric hunger with the beam of the house, and she watched the torrents of living lava take over the porch again, but she bothered to fight them only when she found them in her bedroom.†   (source)
  • A woman wearing a flat black hat with a net that covers half her face stands at the reception desk with a pile of red leather suitcases, pulling off one long black sating love and then the other.†   (source)
  • Parents provide food and a home and protection and the basics of everyday life that children need to be sate and healthy and happy.†   (source)
  • Mami and Abuelo were on the back patio, conver-sating.†   (source)
  • By the time she relaxed, sated, they were announcing that the store was about to close.†   (source)
  • Then sated the sudden, desperate appetite by taking her mouth.†   (source)
  • Everyone rouses from their sated, full-bellied stupors to say good-bye, and, this time, Cedric moves quickly through the line.†   (source)
  • She spoke urgently and excitedly up to the pause and then she paused and moaned slowly and then she finished reciting the slogan, finally, all sated and limp and moaned out, and then she started from the beginning again.†   (source)
  • The Rei River stretches out below, slow and curving like a well-sated python.†   (source)
  • She ate like a horse until the last plate was clean, and then she placed her silverware down with an air of conclusion and settled back lazily in her chair with a dreamy and congested look of sated gluttony.†   (source)
  • My entire body became lazily warm, happy and sated.†   (source)
  • Once the companions had sated their hunger and thirst, the dishes had all been cleared away, and everyone was comfortably settled, Ordo Maas began his tale.†   (source)
  • I feel ...sated.†   (source)
  • Sated.†   (source)
  • When she had done she sat back on her heels and sighed deeply, sated for the first time in a fortnight.†   (source)
  • Even the gae bolga had grown silent, choked and sated from the carnage.†   (source)
  • And I take it this psychic has told you that the United Sates won't receive the antivirus in time.†   (source)
  • [During the song, the sate behind Tony has gone dark; by the time he has finished, it is set for the next scene†   (source)
  • Therefore, those Sates will probably not oppose the larger States' just and legitimate claims.†   (source)
  • The child had released his hold on his mother's breast and was lying drunken and sated in her arms.†   (source)
  • But it had gone back to a den on a high ledge and would sleep, sated, all that day.†   (source)
  • People came to see the child, and I do not know what tales they told but more people came, their faces avid with curiosity to see him-a curiosity which was never sated although they stared and stared with bulging eyes; and they went away with appropriate comments on their lips and mouths bursting to describe the poor little albino mite they had seen.†   (source)
  • When the horses were finally sated, he said to Saphira,If you need a drink, take it now.†   (source)
  • Either way, I doubt their curiosity is sated.†   (source)
  • My body had other needs, though, now that the loudest ones had been sated.†   (source)
  • The realization did nothing to sate Roran's frustrated curiosity, though.†   (source)
  • At other times he would sing for her whilst she sated her lusts with other lovers.†   (source)
  • He had roamed the Nightfort ever since, devouring his children, but still his hunger was not sated.†   (source)
  • But it might be enough to sate Mazen, to buy more time.†   (source)
  • Even her sellswords seemed sated, at least for now.†   (source)
  • He rolled off feeling more ashamed than sated.†   (source)
  • We can't sate her appetite with the current rations.†   (source)
  • They exited the Midway and strolled slowly south back to Sixty-third Street and the Alley L. They were tired, happy, and sated, but Harry promised to bring them back one more time—on July 4, for a fireworks display that everyone expected would be the greatest the city had ever witnessed.†   (source)
  • Yet he knew, without understanding, that if they made love now, sated that need, he'd never see her again.†   (source)
  • Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.†   (source)
  • Faolin was gone, I did not know whether Saphira's egg was safe or if I had inadvertently returned her to Galbatorix, and Durza ....Durza sated the bloodlust of the spirits that controlled him by doing the most horrible things he could imagine to me.†   (source)
  • For once the initial madness was sated, they both became aware of the risks involved, and Dr. Juvenal Urbino never had the resolve to face a scandal.†   (source)
  • I had hoped that little incident at the Workshop might have sated your bloodlust, but apparently I was mistaken.†   (source)
  • The information he discovered on the miles of paper flooded into him like rain on parched desert, sating a previously unknown thirst.†   (source)
  • For what importance was a dragon and Rider compared with the merciless demands of the ravenous many-mouthed creature whose hunger they were striving to sate?†   (source)
  • You would stop the first opportunity that Alagaesia has had for true peace in order to sate your over-developed sense of vengeance?†   (source)
  • Then, when we are sated, we shall continue as before: attempting to gather additional votes while defending those we have already won.†   (source)
  • That night they'd spent devouring peaches and each other, and by the time daylight returned Asha was sated and sticky and as happy as she'd ever been.†   (source)
  • Each bird shrieked for blood to wet its throat and enough hot meat to fill its belly and sate its hunger.†   (source)
  • They say her lust cannot be sated, that she mates with men, women, eunuchs, even dogs and children, and woe betide the lover who fails to satisfy her.†   (source)
  • His hunger sated, Eragon was hunched over, mending a hole in the side of his boot, when he heard an eerie howl that set his pulse racing.†   (source)
  • A false and dangerous situation, which sates public power or private misery, which sets the roots of the State in the sufferings of the individual.†   (source)
  • These brief encounters could not sate the fierce hunger of His love.†   (source)
  • But when one of his appetites was sated, he was sad and ashamed and lonely again.†   (source)
  • And the girl, the sister, the virgin—Jesus, who to know what she saw that afternoon when they rode up the drive, what prayer, what maiden meditative dream ridden up out of whatever fabulous land, not in harsh stove iron but the silken and tragic Launcelot nearing thirty, ten years older than she was and wearied, sated with what experiences and pleasures, which Henry's letters must have created for her.†   (source)
  • Toshio Nakamura got Quite excited when he saw his friend Seichi Sate riding up the river in a boat with his family, and he ran to the bank and waved and shouted, 'Sato!†   (source)
  • And with this Alan fell into a muse, and for a long time sate very sad and silent.†   (source)
  • "Ay, but," said Waldemar, "your sire Henry sate more firm in his seat than your Grace can.†   (source)
  • When the spinster took her drive, the faithful Mrs. Bute sate beside her in the carriage.†   (source)
  • She was sated with respect, sick of admiration, tired of adulation; and it was good to see that these Western women treated her as very likely they would have treated any other visitor.†   (source)
  • It got later and later, and they got more and more fuddled, till at last they went a-putting their rum-bottle and rummers upon the communion table, and drawed up a trestle or two, and sate round comfortable and poured out again right hearty bumpers.†   (source)
  • It was eleven when they got home, sated with dissipation, but with the exceeding sweet pleasure of talking it all over still to come.†   (source)
  • Her bare, red arms were thrown out above her head in positions of exhaustion, something, mayhap, like those of a sated villain.†   (source)
  • Scrambling over the slippery rocks, the visitors moved closer now, and stood there wet with spray, wrapped in misty vapor, their ears crammed and sated with noise; they exchanged glances and intimidated smiles; they shook their heads and watched the spectacle, this continuous catastrophe of hurling foam, with its deafening, insane, extravagant roar that frightened and confused them, baffled their ears.†   (source)
  • The same thought was uppermost in both, that we were near the time of our parting; and remembrance of all the bygone days sate upon us sorely.†   (source)
  • Here he sate down, and bade me be seated; though I thought he looked a little ruefully from his clean chair to my muddy rags.†   (source)
  • At last, however, we heard the creak of the hinges, and it seems my uncle slipped gingerly out and (seeing that Alan had stepped back a pace or two) sate him down on the top doorstep with the blunderbuss ready in his hands.†   (source)
  • Here he cast about for a comfortable seat, lighted on a big boulder under a birch by the trackside, sate down upon it with a very long, serious upper lip, and the sun now shining in upon us between two peaks, put his pocket-handkerchief over his cocked hat to shelter him.†   (source)
  • In good time, nevertheless, as the ardour of youth declines; as years and dumps increase; as reflection lends her solemn pauses; in short, as a general lassitude overtakes the sated Turk; then a love of ease and virtue supplants the love for maidens; our Ottoman enters upon the impotent, repentant, admonitory stage of life, forswears, disbands the harem, and grown to an exemplary, sulky old soul, goes about all alone among the meridians and parallels saying his prayers, and warning each young Leviathan from his amorous errors.†   (source)
  • Emporiums of splendid dresses, the materials brought from every quarter of the world; tempting stores of everything to stimulate and pamper the sated appetite and give new relish to the oft-repeated feast; vessels of burnished gold and silver, wrought into every exquisite form of vase, and dish, and goblet; guns, swords, pistols, and patent engines of destruction; screws and irons for the crooked, clothes for the newly-born, drugs for the sick, coffins for the dead, and churchyards for th†   (source)
  • It sometimes happens that, wearied with public affairs and sated with opulence, amidst the ruin of religious belief and the decline of the State, the heart of an aristocracy may by degrees be seduced to the pursuit of sensual enjoyments only.†   (source)
  • The sisters, handsome, clever, and encouraging, were an amusement to his sated mind; and finding nothing in Norfolk to equal the social pleasures of Mansfield, he gladly returned to it at the time appointed, and was welcomed thither quite as gladly by those whom he came to trifle with further.†   (source)
  • Devotion which is weary, heroism which has grown old, ambitions which are sated, fortunes which are made, seek, demand, implore, solicit, what?†   (source)
  • This wide statement, by which Mrs. Pullet represented the fact that she had twice seen Philip at the spot indicated, produced an effect on Maggie which was all the stronger because Tom sate opposite her, and she was intensely anxious to look indifferent.†   (source)
  • She sate commonly with her father, who was very proud of her wit, and heard the talk of many of his wild companions—often but ill-suited for a girl to hear.†   (source)
  • My bosom, of its thirst for knowledge sated,
    Shall not, henceforth, from any pang be wrested,
    And all of life for all mankind created
    Shall be within mine inmost being tested:
    The highest, lowest forms my soul shall borrow,
    Shall heap upon itself their bliss and sorrow,
    And thus, my own sole self to all their selves expanded,
    I too, at last, shall with them all be stranded!†   (source)
  • I continued the story: "But the good champion Ethelred, now entering within the door, was sore enraged and amazed to perceive no signal of the maliceful hermit; but, in the stead thereof, a dragon of a scaly and prodigious demeanor, and of a fiery tongue, which sate in guard before a palace of gold, with a floor of silver; and upon the wall there hung a shield of shining brass with this legend enwritten— Who entereth herein, a conqueror hath bin; Who slayeth the dragon, the shield he shall win; And Ethelred uplifted his mace, and struck upon the head of the dragon, which fell before him, and gave up his pest†   (source)
  • And he would not see that the tints which he spread upon the canvas were drawn from the cheeks of her who sate beside him.†   (source)
  • Then with his hand him the sword-gory,
    That great king his thane, the good beyond measure, 2720
    His friend-lord with water washed full well,
    The sated of battle, and unspanned his war-helm.†   (source)
  • Alas, how many hours and years have past,
    Since human forms have round this table sate,
    Or lamp, or taper, on its surface gleam'd!†   (source)
  • But at the end of the second day, when Maggie had become more accustomed to her father's fits of insensibility, and to the expectation that he would revive from them, the thought of Tom had become urgent with her too; and when her mother sate crying at night and saying, "My poor lad—it's nothing but right he should come home," Maggie said, "Let me go for him, and tell him, mother; I'll go to-morrow morning if father doesn't know me and want me.†   (source)
  • It was his will; which being burned, he sate down and wrote off a letter, and rang for his servant, whom he charged to deliver it in the morning.†   (source)
  • "Yet," said Rebecca, "you sate a judge upon me, innocent—most innocent—as you knew me to be—you concurred in my condemnation, and, if I aright understood, are yourself to appear in arms to assert my guilt, and assure my punishment."†   (source)
  • He sate on the roof of the cabin all day drinking Flemish beer, shouting for Isidor, his servant, and talking gallantly to the ladies.†   (source)
  • "Married already," Mrs. Bute chimed in; and both sate with clasped hands looking from each other at their victim.†   (source)
  • Frederick Bullock, Esq., whose yellow face was over a ledger, at which sate a demure clerk, happened to be in the banking-room when George entered.†   (source)
  • During these delectable entertainments, Miss Wirt and the chaperon sate by, and conned over the peerage, and talked about the nobility.†   (source)
  • Here she sate, and recalled to herself fondly that image of George to which she had knelt before marriage.†   (source)
  • "Suppose the old lady doesn't come to," Rawdon said to his little wife, as they sate together in the snug little Brompton lodgings.†   (source)
  • He sate down and wrote to his father, remembering what he had said once before, when he was engaged to fight a duel.†   (source)
  • So the two sate down to their meal.†   (source)
  • After two or three nights the gentlemen of an evening had a little piquet, as their wives sate and chatted apart.†   (source)
  • So Jos tottered into that apartment where Regulus still sate on the kitchen table, and clung fast to his flagon of beer.†   (source)
  • She sate down at the piano which Dobbin had bought for her, and sang over all her father's favourite old songs.†   (source)
  • But when she made her appearance in the dining-room, where he sate in the twilight in the cheerless company of his empty champagne bottles, he began to open his mind to her.†   (source)
  • There on that very sofa he sate.†   (source)
  • "We're going to hunt Boney out, sir," Dobbin said, rather alarmed at the fury of the old man, the veins of whose forehead began to swell, and who sate drumming his papers with his clenched fist.†   (source)
  • The infuriate Countess went below, and sate in her carriage; her maid, her courier, and her husband were sent once more through the town, each to look for cattle; and woe betide those who came last!†   (source)
  • Four hours after the talk between Dobbin and Osborne, this servant-maid came into Amelia's room, where she sate as usual, brooding silently over her letters—her little treasures.†   (source)
  • So Rawdon sate down, and wrote off, "Brighton, Thursday," and "My dear Aunt," with great rapidity: but there the gallant officer's imagination failed him.†   (source)
  • But she said she was engaged, and only going to dance very little; and made her way at once to the place where Emmy sate quite unnoticed, and dismally unhappy.†   (source)
  • She did not remark that either: but sate looking before her, over the homely landscape towards the woods in the distance, by which George marched away.†   (source)
  • The old gentleman's eyes were wandering as he spoke, and he was thinking of something else, as he sate thrumming on his papers and fumbling at the worn red tape.†   (source)
  • The consequence was, that the Major appeared on parade quite trim, fresh, and alert, his well-shaved rosy countenance, as he sate on horseback, giving cheerfulness and confidence to the whole corps.†   (source)
  • When the noise of the cannonading was over, Mrs. O'Dowd issued out of Amelia's room into the parlour adjoining, where Jos sate with two emptied flasks, and courage entirely gone.†   (source)
  • Having effected the purchase, he sate up as if he was greatly relieved, and the unsuccessful competitors catching a glimpse of him at this moment, the lady said to her friend, "Why, Rawdon, it's Captain Dobbin."†   (source)
  • When anybody entered the room, she uttered a shshshsh so sibilant and ominous, that it frightened the poor old lady in her bed, from which she could not look without seeing Mrs. Bute's beady eyes eagerly fixed on her, as the latter sate steadfast in the arm-chair by the bedside.†   (source)
  • With which the General gave his young friend a finger to shake, and a good-natured nod of his powdered and pigtailed head; and the door being closed upon Dobbin, sate down to pen a poulet (he was exceedingly vain of his French) to Mademoiselle Amenaide of His Majesty's Theatre.†   (source)
  • One night Mrs. Sedley was writing cards for a party; the Osbornes had given one, and she must not be behindhand; John Sedley, who had come home very late from the City, sate silent at the chimney side, while his wife was prattling to him; Emmy had gone up to her room ailing and low-spirited.†   (source)
  • The next day, however, as the two young ladies sate on the sofa, pretending to work, or to write letters, or to read novels, Sambo came into the room with his usual engaging grin, with a packet under his arm, and a note on a tray.†   (source)
  • Then these two lads went off to the Slaughters', and having ordered a famous dinner, sate down and wrote off letters to the kind anxious parents at home—letters full of love and heartiness, and pluck and bad spelling.†   (source)
  • He was deaf to the waltzes; they grew fainter and fainter; the discomfited performer left the huge instrument presently; and though her three friends performed some of the loudest and most brilliant new pieces of their repertoire, she did not hear a single note, but sate thinking, and boding evil.†   (source)
  • On the day after his arrival at Brussels, and as he issued from his hotel, which faced the park, he saw a soldier in the well-known facings, reposing on a stone bench in the garden, and went and sate down trembling by the wounded convalescent man.†   (source)
  • He recalled the days when he had fled from her, and the passion which had once inflamed him—the days when he had driven her in his curricle: when she had knit the green purse for him: when he had sate enraptured gazing at her white arms and bright eyes.†   (source)
  • And so she sate for awhile indulging in her usual mood of selfish brooding, in that very listless melancholy attitude in which the honest maid-servant had found her, on the day when she brought up the letter in which George renewed his offer of marriage.†   (source)
  • Amongst these would-be fugitives, Jos remarked the Lady Bareacres and her daughter, who sate in their carriage in the porte-cochere of their hotel, all their imperials packed, and the only drawback to whose flight was the same want of motive power which kept Jos stationary.†   (source)
  • The master of the house sate in his chair, pretending to read the paper, and when the servant, placing the lights and refreshment on the table by him, retired, Mr. Osborne got up and locked the door after him.†   (source)
  • Only once in the course of the long night as they sate together, and poor Sedley opened his pent-up soul, and told the story of his losses and embarrassments—the treason of some of his oldest friends, the manly kindness of some, from whom he never could have expected it—in a general confession—only once did the faithful wife give way to emotion.†   (source)
  • The note reached Mr. Chopper before he left the City, and the instant reply was, that "Mr. Chopper presents his respectful compliments, and will have the honour and pleasure of waiting on Captain D." The invitation and the rough draft of the answer were shown to Mrs. Chopper and her daughters on his return to Somers' Town that evening, and they talked about military gents and West End men with great exultation as the family sate and partook of tea.†   (source)
  • "Senior Wranglers at Cambridge, not Oxford," said the scholar, with a knowing air; and would probably have been more confidential, but that suddenly there appeared on the cliff in a tax-cart, drawn by a bang-up pony, dressed in white flannel coats, with mother-of-pearl buttons, his friends the Tutbury Pet and the Rottingdean Fibber, with three other gentlemen of their acquaintance, who all saluted poor James there in the carriage as he sate.†   (source)
  • He did not see the sneer of contempt which passed all round the room, from the first clerk to the articled gents, from the articled gents to the ragged writers and white-faced runners, in clothes too tight for them, as he sate there tapping his boot with his cane, and thinking what a parcel of miserable poor devils these were.†   (source)
  • She took Jos's arm, as a matter of course, on going to dinner; she had sate by him on the box of his open carriage (a most tremendous "buck" he was, as he sat there, serene, in state, driving his greys), and though nobody said a word on the subject of the marriage, everybody seemed to understand it.†   (source)
  • We sate and talked there.†   (source)
  • Some stuck fast in agile fighters' bodies; many between the ranks fell short of the white flesh and stood a-quiver, fixed in earth, still craving to be sated.†   (source)
  • And let him sate your hunger with rich fare in his own shelter, that you may lack nothing due you in justice.†   (source)
  • Lifting the bloodstained gear into his car, he stepped aboard, his legs and forearms wet with blood, like a lion sated on a bull.†   (source)
  • At times his devouring, unsated brain seemed to be beyond his governance: it was a frightful bird whose beak was in his heart, whose talons tore unceasingly at his bowels.†   (source)
    standard prefix: The prefix "un-" in unsated means not and reverses the meaning of sated. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
  • Finding that the public appetite for this type of literature was still unsated, they had researches made in the municipal libraries for all the mental pabulum of the kind available in old chronicles, memoirs, and the like.†   (source)
  • Yesterday word came to Rome that, with a fleet, they had rowed down the Bosphorus, sunk the galleys off Byzantium and Chalcedon, swept the Propontis, and, still unsated, burst through into the Aegean.†   (source)
  • "Get up, Sancho," said Don Quixote at this; "I see that fortune, 'with evil done to me unsated still,' has taken possession of all the roads by which any comfort may reach 'this wretched soul' that I carry in my flesh.†   (source)
  • and she has a nature so malign and evil that she never sates her greedy will, and after food is hungrier than before.†   (source)
  • Davy Byrne, sated after his yawn, said with tearwashed eyes: —And is that a fact?†   (source)
  • Under their grateful shade Aeneas sate, Revolving war's events, and various fate.†   (source)
  • He said, and to the void advanc'd his pace: Pale horror sate on each Arcadian face.†   (source)
  • High on a sylvan throne the leader sate; A num'rous train attend in solemn state.†   (source)
  • She must change for youth: when she is sated with his body, she will find the error of her choice: she must have change, she must: therefore put money in thy purse.†   (source)
  • But virtue, as it never will be mov'd, Though lewdness court it in a shape of heaven; So lust, though to a radiant angel link'd, Will sate itself in a celestial bed And prey on garbage.†   (source)
  • The Kingdome hee claimed was to bee in another world; He taught all men to obey in the mean time them that sate in Moses seat: he allowed them to give Caesar his tribute, and refused to take upon himselfe to be a Judg.†   (source)
  • Art thou so quickly sated with that having, for which thou didst not fear to seize by guile the beautiful Lady,[2] and then to do her outrage?†   (source)
  • I heard an old man talking, where he sate At draughts in the sun, beside the fountain gate, And never thought of me, there standing still Beside him.†   (source)
  • Sparta was little better than a wellregulated camp; and Rome was never sated of carnage and conquest.†   (source)
  • The queen already sate Amidst the Trojan lords, in shining state, High on a golden bed: her princely guest Was next her side; in order sate the rest.†   (source)
  • Sated at length, ere long I might perceive
    Strange alteration in me, to degree
    Of reason in my inward powers; and speech
    Wanted not long; though to this shape retained.†   (source)
  • A wreath of gold *arm-great*, of huge weight, *thick as a man's arm*
    Upon his head sate, full of stones bright,
    Of fine rubies and clear diamants.†   (source)
  • For as he lay in bed on the night of the seventh day of his government, sated, not with bread and wine, but with delivering judgments and giving opinions and making laws and proclamations, just as sleep, in spite of hunger, was beginning to close his eyelids, he heard such a noise of bell-ringing and shouting that one would have fancied the whole island was going to the bottom.†   (source)
  • And therefore it is, that the time of his preaching, is often by himself called the Regeneration; which is not properly a Kingdome, and thereby a warrant to deny obedience to the Magistrates that then were, (for hee commanded to obey those that sate then in Moses chaire, and to pay tribute to Caesar;) but onely an earnest of the Kingdome of God that was to come, to those to whom God had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the Kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly Kingdome.†   (source)
  • There our mistress ...she Whom now we name so ...thinking not to see Thy little pair, with glad and eager brow Sate waiting Jason.†   (source)
  • *also
    In youth he learned had a good mistere* *trade
    He was a well good wright, a carpentere
    This Reeve sate upon a right good stot*, *steed
    That was all pomely* gray, and highte** Scot.†   (source)
  • *improve
    The minstrelsy, the service at the feast,
    The greate giftes to the most and least,
    The rich array of Theseus' palace,
    Nor who sate first or last upon the dais.†   (source)
  • And almost ere the father and the two Children were gone from out the room, she drew The flowered garments forth, and sate her down To her arraying : bound the golden crown Through her long curls, and in a mirror fair Arranged their separate clusters, smiling there At the dead self that faced her.†   (source)
  • Mezentius first appear'd upon the plain: Scorn sate upon his brows, and sour disdain, Defying earth and heav'n.†   (source)
  • I lost Creusa: hard to tell If by her fatal destiny she fell, Or weary sate, or wander'd with affright; But she was lost for ever to my sight.†   (source)
  • Yet one remain'd —the messenger of Fate: High on a craggy cliff Celaeno sate, And thus her dismal errand did relate: 'What!†   (source)
  • All creatures else forgot their daily care, And sleep, the common gift of nature, share; Except the Trojan peers, who wakeful sate In nightly council for th' indanger'd state.†   (source)
  • A mighty breach is made: the rooms conceal'd Appear, and all the palace is reveal'd; The halls of audience, and of public state, And where the lonely queen in secret sate.†   (source)
  • They sate; and, (not without the god's command,) Their homely fare dispatch'd, the hungry band Invade their trenchers next, and soon devour, To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour.†   (source)
  • Now, when the rosy morn began to rise, And wav'd her saffron streamer thro' the skies; When Thetis blush'd in purple not her own, And from her face the breathing winds were blown, A sudden silence sate upon the sea, And sweeping oars, with struggling, urge their way.†   (source)
  • Stupid he sate, his eyes on earth declin'd, And various cares revolving in his mind: Rage, boiling from the bottom of his breast, And sorrow mix'd with shame, his soul oppress'd; And conscious worth lay lab'ring in his thought, And love by jealousy to madness wrought.†   (source)
  • Astonish'd at their voices and their sight, (Nor were they dreams, but visions of the night; I saw, I knew their faces, and descried, In perfect view, their hair with fillets tied;) I started from my couch; a clammy sweat On all my limbs and shiv'ring body sate.†   (source)
  • Thus, wand'ring in my way, without a guide, The graceless Helen in the porch I spied Of Vesta's temple; there she lurk'd alone; Muffled she sate, and, what she could, unknown: But, by the flames that cast their blaze around, That common bane of Greece and Troy I found.†   (source)
  • In this high temple, on a chair of state, The seat of audience, old Latinus sate; Then gave admission to the Trojan train; And thus with pleasing accents he began: "Tell me, ye Trojans, for that name you own, Nor is your course upon our coasts unknown—†   (source)
  • Acestes, fir'd with just disdain, to see The palm usurp'd without a victory, Reproach'd Entellus thus, who sate beside, And heard and saw, unmov'd, the Trojan's pride: "Once, but in vain, a champion of renown, So tamely can you bear the ravish'd crown, A prize in triumph borne before your sight, And shun, for fear, the danger of the fight?†   (source)
  • Girt in his Gabin gown the hero sate, Yet could not with his art avoid his fate: For Circe long had lov'd the youth in vain, Till love, refus'd, converted to disdain: Then, mixing pow'rful herbs, with magic art, She chang'd his form, who could not change his heart; Constrain'd him in a bird, and made him fly, With party-color'd plumes, a chatt'ring pie.†   (source)
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