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  • It's endearing.†   (source)
  • Lee's endearing characters, Atticus Finch and his precocious daughter, Scout, captivated readers while confronting them with some of the realities of race and justice in the South.†   (source)
  • Still, Laila could not shake the feeling that at one time, before Ahmad and Noor had gone to war against the Soviets-before Babi had let them go to war-Mammy too had thought Babi's bookishness endearing, that, once upon a time, she too had found his forgetfulness and ineptitude charming.†   (source)
  • At least Marlee seemed to think it was endearing.†   (source)
  • Harry Potter's appearance did not endear him to the neighbours, who were the sort of people who thought scruffiness ought to be punishable by law, but as he had hidden himself behind a large hydrangea bush this evening he was quite invisible to passers-by.†   (source)
  • "He's almost endearing," Mae said, watching the octopus reach from wall to wall, spreading itself like a net.†   (source)
  • For he'd recognized limits and the grayness of the world, which is what endeared him to island life, limited as it was by surrounding waters, which imposed upon islanders certain duties and conditions foreign to mainlanders.†   (source)
  • She laughs, and her endearingly stick-thin neck looks especially vulnerable in her clerical collar.†   (source)
  • To strip off like that—yes, her endearing attempt to seem eccentric, her stab at being bold had an exaggerated, homemade quality.†   (source)
  • Despite the words that just came out of his mouth, his expression is contrastingly endearing.†   (source)
  • Probably he had some endearing trait: he whistled, offkey, inthe shower, he had a yen for truffles, he called his dog Liebchen and made it sit up for little pieces of raw steak.†   (source)
  • Although I suspect the fireworks display you put on may not have endeared you to many Earthens.†   (source)
  • Among the strangers, he and Pippa were two of the only really unique or interesting-looking people there: she, like a fairy in her gauzy-sleeved, diaphanous green; he, elegant and endearing in his midnight blue double-breasted, his beautiful old shoes from Peal and Co. "I —" Hopelessly, I looked around.†   (source)
  • When he lays his head on his arms and closes his eyes, he's still a child; when he plays with Mouschi or talks about her, he's loving; when he carries the potatoes or other heavy loads, he's strong; when he goes to watch the gunfire or walks through the dark house to look for burglars, he's brave; and when he's so awkward and clumsy, he's hopelessly endearing.†   (source)
  • Juliet scowled — something else that the local louts found very endearing.†   (source)
  • Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress.†   (source)
  • Regardless of my purpose in coming, I would have been content to spend the evening just chatting with him, for he was such a fascinating, endearing man.†   (source)
  • For all her sophistication he finds the fact that she's moved back with her parents after a love affair has soured endearingly old-fashioned; it is something he cannot picture himself doing at this stage in his life.†   (source)
  • He was really just a little guy who still spoke with an endearing (and sometimes embarrassing) call-it-like-you-see-it innocence.†   (source)
  • Endearingly clumsy.†   (source)
  • Not too endearing.†   (source)
  • And gradually it dawned on all of us that this endearing man was at the Beje to stay.†   (source)
  • He smiled, believing that he had come up with a good, endearing, flirtatious bit of patter.†   (source)
  • Saeed conjured up his most endearing grin.†   (source)
  • It was Friday night and Tommy (who was looking pensively out the back window with his pants still down around his ankles; the effect was comic but oddly endearing) had taken her bowling.†   (source)
  • His quirks made him endearing.†   (source)
  • Luma The name Luma means "dark lips," though Hassan and Sawsan al-Mufleh chose it for their first child less because of the shade of her lips than because they liked the sound of the name—short, endearing, and cheerful—in the context of both Arabic and English.†   (source)
  • An upper incisor was slightly, endearingly chipped.†   (source)
  • She pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, easing into her next words with that delicate earnestness that Dan found so endearing.†   (source)
  • I think that's endearing.†   (source)
  • His only endearing trait, which Florentino Ariza recognized the first time he saw him walking, was that he had the same doe's gait as his daughter.†   (source)
  • The husband, whom I'll call Bill, had an endearingly playful manner.†   (source)
  • Those shy prep school guys at mixers with their endearing long hands and blushing complexions, I could make them laugh.†   (source)
  • All these small habits, alternately endearing and irritating, belonged to Frederic.†   (source)
  • And there were others less distinguished, perhaps, but whose lively presence made any visit memorable; for instance, Mr Wilkinson, valet-butler to Mr John Campbell, with his well-known repertoire of impersonations of prominent gentlemen; Mr Davidson from Easterly House, whose passion in debating a point could at times be as alarming to a stranger as his simple kindness at all other times was endearing; Mr Herman, valet to Mr John Henry Peters, whose extreme views no one could listen to passively, but whose distinctive bellylaugh and Yorkshire charm made him impossible to dislike.†   (source)
  • It probably endeared him to his mother when he was a child, but there was nothing endearing about him now.†   (source)
  • Instead of ignoring her infirmity, pretending it was not there, he made it seem like something special and endearing.†   (source)
  • Short and curvy, she was also incredibly naive, which was alternately annoying and endearing.†   (source)
  • Will was on his best behavior, of course, answering questions with "Yes, sir" and "No, sir," which struck her as endearing in a southern kind of way.†   (source)
  • All the records are Mother's favorites: "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms,"†   (source)
  • She's wearing soccer shorts with a cashmere sweater, and even though it's silly-looking, it's endearingly Meredith-appropriate.†   (source)
  • Throughout the first year of her husband's presidency, her perceived accessibility has endeared Jackie Kennedy to America and the world.†   (source)
  • This endeared him to my grandmother, apparently, and eventually my parents wed.†   (source)
  • He exudes a sort of wide-eyed openness that Cedric already senses some of the women find endearing and the guys, mostly, naive.†   (source)
  • If you endear yourself to the old man, things may come right.†   (source)
  • His maturity did little to endear him to Janice's mother or grandparents, however, who didn't like the idea of Janice being married while still in high school and persuaded her to have the marriage annulled.†   (source)
  • Wherever would we be without the endearing insolence of teenagers?†   (source)
  • I find that quite endearing.†   (source)
  • That your sex are naturally tyrannical is a truth so thoroughly established as to admit of no dispute, but such of yours as wish to be happy willingly give up the harsh title of master for the more tender and endearing one of friend.†   (source)
  • If I knew that teaching her how to knock a guy on the ground would endear her to me, I would have done it months ago.†   (source)
  • Frustration made me snide, in that endearing way I had.†   (source)
  • What would endear her to him, even though she was loosely aware that she shouldn't feel that way.†   (source)
  • That's very endearing of you.†   (source)
  • I mean, for the fact that it only served to further endear Josh towards me—something I could really do without right now, thank you very much!†   (source)
  • And because she found it endearing, she added to it by raising to her toes and giving him a quick kiss.†   (source)
  • At a news conference in London a few years ago, Prince Charles uttered another of those testy cultural pronunciamentos so endearing to his future subjects.†   (source)
  • I cannot decide if this habit will prove annoying or endearing.†   (source)
  • His sudden apprehension of the moon, so close and full, riding over them like a huge airship, endeared it to him forever.†   (source)
  • I loved her — everybody, even my father, conspired to spoil her, with an endearing lack of success.†   (source)
  • His awkwardness makes him very endearing, although it's clear my daughter prefers more refined dancers.†   (source)
  • "I bet I knowed me what, y'all Miss Louisa's people, ain'tcha?" he said in a pleasant drawl, his smile endearingly impish.†   (source)
  • Hopefully, considerations of a common interest and, above all, the remembrance of the endearing scenes past, will urge moderation on one side and prudence on the other.†   (source)
  • You think that endears me to them?†   (source)
  • This was no St. Francis, with enough time to knock out a few canticles, or to preach to the birds, or to do any of the other endearing things so close to Franny Glass's heart.†   (source)
  • He'd done it so endearingly!†   (source)
  • When I tried to coax it from her she crossed her small arms tightly around it, carrying it all the way to the car herself, the whole small picture of her both endearing and pathetic.†   (source)
  • New prisoners are largely of two kinds—there are those who for shame, fear or shock wait in fascinated horror to be initiated into the lore of prison life, and there are those who trade on their wretched novelty in order to endear themselves to the community.†   (source)
  • An Ohio noncom wrote after three years of fighting: "I will confess it, I am very sick of war," but "the enthusiasm of the hour when we first enlisted, has greatly settled down to the firm resolve to do or die for our cause....[Our] tough experiences have but served to endear our institutions more firmly in our minds."†   (source)
  • The delight in his eyes when he saw the room was almost endearing—like a boy being shown a room full of his favorite toys.†   (source)
  • This shortcoming had not endeared him initially to Paul Rousseau, who famously read while brushing his teeth.†   (source)
  • Reluctantly, and recognizing that it was not going to endear me to my employers, I was forced to revise the population estimate downward to three thousand, and at that I was probably guilty of gross exaggeration.†   (source)
  • Caleb, the old canon, had come out of retirement to acquaint him with all the endearing— and exasperating—little ways of the forty-foot diesel launch upon which his life would depend.†   (source)
  • Whatever song it was was slow and halting and remote, as if the music box were playing something I knew as well as "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" but did not intend me to recognize.†   (source)
  • That time I had taken my accustomed post at the window and had my eyes fixed on Mavis Hunnicutt's familiar posterior as she made the little motions which had so endeared her to me—hitching at her blouse and tossing a blond lock back with a finger while chatting with Carson McCullers and a pale, lofty English-looking person who possessed a myopic blink and was obviously Aldous Huxley.†   (source)
  • On his first visit, Randy had not endeared himself to Lavinia.†   (source)
  • Bennington greeted me effusively when I came in, grinning his cunning, endearing grin and asking me how I had withstood the cold that week.†   (source)
  • Star would never miss a chance to dress up, an endearing weakness that made it possible to forget, at times, her Imperial status.†   (source)
  • When he took her hand endearingly, and kissed it submissively, and said pleadingly, "Darling, do you hate me for bringing you here?" she replied, "No dear, you know I don't."†   (source)
  • He felt himself drawn to her by obscure feelings of jealousy and pity, as if her dumbly-confessed error had put her at his mercy, humbling yet endearing her.   (source)
  • I heard my name mentioned in an endearing tone by both of them more than once.   (source)
  • And so she fell to murmuring and cooing over the girl again, and softly stroking her face and hair, and kissing her and calling her by endearing names;   (source)
  • How quickly I had grown used to her annoying yet strangely endearing presence!†   (source)
  • And then he played Believe Me If All These Endearing Young Charms.†   (source)
  • Maybe that wasn't the most endearing thing to say.†   (source)
  • It was Zeitoun, and she had no choice but to find it endearing.†   (source)
  • So endearing, so enchanting, you can't imagine.†   (source)
  • Nick did annoy me quite a bit, but his ignorance was endearing.†   (source)
  • The only thing I see is a guy, flirting with a girl, with a seminervous, endearing gleam in his eye.†   (source)
  • The fact that she can recall these details so precisely is at once startling and endearing to him.†   (source)
  • Once, you might have thought this was cute, or endearing.†   (source)
  • There was something about Alec and Jace's sharing a room that she found endearing.†   (source)
  • I shrugged in that endearing way I have.†   (source)
  • It's one of your more endearing qualities.†   (source)
  • He could tell that she had been nervous when she first sat down, and he found that oddly endearing.†   (source)
  • Nico found his sense of humor equal parts endearing and annoying.†   (source)
  • It's rather endearing; you must have noticed it.†   (source)
  • Her independence does not endear her to the ladies who matter.†   (source)
  • My residence in this city has not served to endear the world to me.†   (source)
  • Hermione looked exasperated: The expression was so endearingly familiar that Harry and Ron grinned at each other.†   (source)
  • Percy smiled at her—that sarcastic, troublemaker smile that had annoyed her for years but eventually had become endearing.†   (source)
  • Pari finds it amusing, and even endearing, the way he keeps blushing and shaking his head in apology and embarrassment.†   (source)
  • They were affectionate with each other in a way that was endearing, frequently holding hands and leaning into each other.†   (source)
  • It was endearing; so was his slight stutter, because it made us nervous for him—afraid for him, should he have his eloquence snatched from him and be struck down with a crippling speech impediment.†   (source)
  • She pushed her knees out straight before her and let the folds of her white muslin dress and the familiar, endearing, pucker of skin about her knees fill her view.†   (source)
  • Jackie's sudden shyness was endearing.†   (source)
  • Sure enough, at the Moscow premiere of Rosotsky's fourth film with Anna as leading lady (in which, playing the part of a princess mistaken for an orphan, she falls in love with an orphan mistaken for a prince), it was noted by the savvy in the orchestra section that General Secretary Stalin, who was known so endearingly in his youth as Soso, was not smiling as wholeheartedly at the screen as he had in the past.†   (source)
  • They all had the same moms with the same generous buttocks in stretchy slacks and the same frosted-and-curling-ironed hairdos, and they were all basically sweet and endearing and conforming and, if they happened to be smart, they went out of their way to hide it.†   (source)
  • But Timur is wildly sociable, his faults forever absolved by good humor, a determined friendliness, and a beguiling air of innocence that endears him to people he meets.†   (source)
  • Endearingly mismatched crockery lined the counter, behind which stood a blond girl in a waitress's pink-and-white apron, nimbly counting out change to a stocky man in a flannel shirt.†   (source)
  • It's an endearing smile, and as soon as I see it and the waves of sadness crash against my core, I look away from him and back to Breckin.†   (source)
  • While I tend toward stoicism and logic, Jane is outgoing and kind, with a natural empathy that endears her to others.†   (source)
  • The fact that Kyle had just called Clary cute did not seem to have endeared him to Jace, whose face had tightened alarmingly.†   (source)
  • Roslin had a small gap between two of her front teeth that made her shy with her smiles, but the flaw was almost endearing.†   (source)
  • His first endearing moment for me.†   (source)
  • Oddly, she found it endearing.†   (source)
  • Even his clumsiness was endearing.†   (source)
  • Come look at this!" he'd say, with an enthusiasm that, while not exactly contagious, was totally endearing.†   (source)
  • Jace tried to remind himself that when Alec asked this sort of question, he really meant it, and that it was something he had once found endearing rather than annoying.†   (source)
  • Beth Lieberman hadn't exactly endeared herself to me, but I was shocked and saddened to hear about her murder.†   (source)
  • It probably endeared him to his mother when he was a child, but there was nothing endearing about him now.†   (source)
  • What is obvious, unfortunately for him, is his somewhat stereotypical physician's mien, the stiff brush of his manner, the prickly tongue, that put-out-ness that is rarely endearing in a man so young, all of which is no doubt due to his frustration (as he's often expressed) that he works in this sleepy upcountry hospital instead of in a big-city research and teaching institution with his own lab assistants and grant writers and ambitions of scientific glory.†   (source)
  • She loved Frederic, she had never been happier, though she could see through that happiness to a time when his endearing habits might get on her nerves, and hers on his.†   (source)
  • When he turned to look at her, slinging his bag across his shoulder, he smiled faintly, and she saw the slight chip in his front left incisor that she had always thought was endearing, a little flaw in looks that would otherwise be too perfect.†   (source)
  • With the right side of his face paralyzed, his smile had a crooked shape that she found endearing, It took maturity and patience to look past the exterior and see the man they had once known; though her kids had sometimes surprised her by demonstrating those qualities, they were usually uncomfortable when she'd made them visit.†   (source)
  • The qualities were not intended to endear, and at times they could hurt; but one who had seen the how and why of them could admire them, if only as a triumph of art over nature.†   (source)
  • The son was a miniature of the father, with more hair on his head and less on his body; the wife a lovely woman of extreme and endearing tininess.†   (source)
  • It also took no great figuring to see that to deliver a eulogy for a convent full of crazy, old, overweight nuns was no way to endear herself to her peers.†   (source)
  • Heads would turn when he entered a room, and though he knew what was happening, his most endearing quality was that he pretended other people's images of him didn't matter at all.†   (source)
  • Virgie's air of abandon that was so strangely endearing made even the Sunday School class think of her in terms of the future-she would go somewhere, somewhere away off, they said then, talking with their chins sunk in their hands-she'd be a missionary.†   (source)
  • And even her rages against her servants seemed to him, during that short time, endearing; he was grateful for the resurgence of vitality that showed itself in an increased energy over the shortcomings and laziness of her houseboy.†   (source)
  • I waited for Prophet to utter some endearing salutation like, "Man ain't got no hair on his haid," but the gang contented themselves with staring and whispering when Peter first made his entrance.†   (source)
  • Why it's so silly, it's touching, down— right endearing, it makes me feel close to you, Chance.†   (source)
  • You, too, have something nice about you that endears you and marks you out.†   (source)
  • Father Vaillant had already endeared himself to the people.†   (source)
  • Pussy!" in a voice at once haughty and endearing.†   (source)
  • There was also a kind of insane and endearing orderliness about Sebastian's choice, in his extremity, of an open window.†   (source)
  • Most of them had longed intensely for an absent one, for the warmth of a body, for love, or merely for a life that habit had endeared.†   (source)
  • It was that endearing term, still so new to his ears, and the bright teardrops which edged her pale green eyes as she looked up pleadingly at him that won him over.†   (source)
  • After saying that Mr Browning went back to his rooms—and it is this sequel that endears him and makes him a human figure of some bulk and majesty—he went back to his rooms and found a stable-boy lying on the sofa—'a mere skeleton, his cheeks were cavernous and sallow, his teeth were black, and he did not appear to have the full use of his limbs..."That's Arthur" [said Mr Browning].†   (source)
  • As for Rhett, he had enjoyed the town's hatred since his speculations during the war and he had not further endeared himself to his fellow citizens by his alliances with the Republicans since then.†   (source)
  • There is always something charming in the idea of greatness returning to simplicity—the queen making hay among the country girls—but how much more endearing was the belief that They, after so many centuries of history and glory, should return to play Their first parts, in the persons of a humble Mexican family, the lowliest of the lowly, the poorest of the poor,—in a wilderness at the end of the world, where the angels could scarcely find Them!†   (source)
  • It endeared him to her strangely that he should be sometimes wrong.†   (source)
  • By his joyousness he had apparently endeared himself to the Dyers.†   (source)
  • His little failings would only have endeared him to you the more.†   (source)
  • You must be, to have endeared yourself to this good marquis and to his admirable world.†   (source)
  • It is not beauty that endears, it's love that makes us see beauty.†   (source)
  • To be familiar and endearing with them all—and so make me mad with envying them.†   (source)
  • Child as I was, I at once felt the tenderness and sympathy which endeared Dr. Bell to so many hearts, as his wonderful achievements enlist their admiration.†   (source)
  • We try to discover in things, endeared to us on that account, the spiritual glamour which we ourselves have cast upon them; we are disillusioned, and learn that they are in themselves barren and devoid of the charm which they owed, in our minds, to the association of certain ideas; sometimes we mobilise all our spiritual forces in a glittering array so as to influence and subjugate other human beings who, as we very well know, are situated outside ourselves, where we can never reach them.†   (source)
  • Yet, seeing him go out, the door close, and no endearing demonstrations of any kind having been exchanged between them, she returned to her bed, shaking her head dubiously.†   (source)
  • No wandering outlaw or traveler had happened upon the lonely spot, which further endeared it to Duane.†   (source)
  • Helen would have exclaimed, "So do I. I love the gallery," and thus have endeared herself to the young man.†   (source)
  • Her soft low voice called him endearing names and he dreamed that his mother had come to him and that she had changed so that she was always as she had been that time after he ran away.†   (source)
  • Along with the endearing manners which he preserved for Ross McGurk, Holabird had developed the remoteness, the inhuman quiet courtesy, of the Man of Affairs, and people who presumed on his old glad days he courteously put in their places.†   (source)
  • They were developing in him, and the camp-life, replete with misery as it was, was secretly endearing itself to him all the time.†   (source)
  • She herself had grown up without any one spot of earth being dearer to her than another: there was no centre of early pieties, of grave endearing traditions, to which her heart could revert and from which it could draw strength for itself and tenderness for others.†   (source)
  • And lastly a gentle-voiced prelate spoke, during whose meek, familiar rhyme, endeared to him from earliest childhood, Jude fell asleep: Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed.†   (source)
  • It was this combination of decision and humanity that endeared Sir William so greatly to the relations of his victims.†   (source)
  • May had arrived—the merry month, if one believes the simple little ditties of the flatlands—but still quite fresh and with air somewhat less endearing up here, although the period of thaw could now be considered over.†   (source)
  • The sight endeared the Hindus by comparison, and looking back at the milk-white hump of the palace, he hoped that they would enjoy carrying their idol about, for at all events it did not pry into other people's lives.†   (source)
  • He felt himself drawn to her by obscure feelings of jealousy and pity, as if her dumbly-confessed error had put her at his mercy, humbling yet endearing her.†   (source)
  • Hers was a palace, and palaces, whether they are such very little ones as Joyce's, with its eighteen rooms, or Buckingham or vast Fontainebleau, are all alike; they are choked with the superfluities of pride, they are so complete that one does not remember small endearing charms, they are indistinguishable in their common feeling of polite and uneasy grandeur, they are therefore altogether tedious.†   (source)
  • Thus it is that when we walk in the valley of twofold solitude we know little of the tender affections that grow out of endearing words and actions and companionship.†   (source)
  • It is as if heaven had an especial band of angels, whose office it was to sojourn for a season here, and endear to them the wayward human heart, that they might bear it upward with them in their homeward flight.†   (source)
  • And so she fell to murmuring and cooing over the girl again, and softly stroking her face and hair, and kissing her and calling her by endearing names; but there was scarcely sign of response now in the glazing eyes.†   (source)
  • Amrah's questions, and the voice in which she put them—low, sympathetic, and solicitous—were significant of an endeared relation between the two.†   (source)
  • This lovely and beloved cat was the pet of a large circle of warm and admiring friends; for her beauty attracted all eyes, her graces and virtues endeared her to all hearts, and her loss is deeply felt by the whole community.†   (source)
  • The young man, standing up before her, gazed upon her with that filial affection which is so tender and endearing with children whose mothers are still young and handsome.†   (source)
  • Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness, and ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own, and though with his own he never appeared dissatisfied.†   (source)
  • With such a regard for her, indeed, as his had long been, a regard founded on the most endearing claims of innocence and helplessness, and completed by every recommendation of growing worth, what could be more natural than the change?†   (source)
  • The old rooms, it is true, were not much higher than the between-decks of a frigate, necessitating a sinking in the floor under the new clock-case she brought from the inn, and the removal of the handsome brass knobs on its head, before there was height for it to stand; but, such as the rooms were, there were plenty of them, and the place was endeared to her by every early recollection.†   (source)
  • This circumstance, however, only endeared it to my wife, who, as I have already said, possessed, in a high degree, that humanity of feeling which had once been my distinguishing trait, and the source of many of my simplest and purest pleasures.†   (source)
  • Farewells were exchanged, and the bright, kind boy, endeared to us by so many acts of love, vanished from our sight.†   (source)
  • On the present occasion, however, the conversation between the father and daughter became more confidential than usual, until Mabel rejoiced to find that it was gradually becoming endearing, a state of feeling that the warm-hearted girl had silently pined for in vain ever since her arrival.†   (source)
  • The gentle manners and beauty of the cottagers greatly endeared them to me; when they were unhappy, I felt depressed; when they rejoiced, I sympathized in their joys.†   (source)
  • Richard said that he would work his fingers to the bone for Ada, and Ada said that she would work her fingers to the bone for Richard, and they called me all sorts of endearing and sensible names, and we sat there, advising and talking, half the night.†   (source)
  • Who could be much with so pliable and beautiful a creature, and not yield to her endearing influence?†   (source)
  • "That were impossible," returned the young man; "he called you by a thousand endearing epithets, that I may not presume to use, but to the justice of which, I can warmly testify.†   (source)
  • Those virtues which characterize the young English gentlewoman, those accomplishments which become her birth and station, will not be found wanting in the amiable Miss Sedley, whose INDUSTRY and OBEDIENCE have endeared her to her instructors, and whose delightful sweetness of temper has charmed her AGED and her YOUTHFUL companions.†   (source)
  • Well, it was no that I wanted it so very much for myself; but I wish ye to pick out all that you care to have—such things as may be endeared to ye by associations, or particularly suited to your use.†   (source)
  • Perhaps then, when we are quaint old folks and talk of the times when our step was lighter and our hair not grey, we may be even thankful for the trials that so endeared us to each other, and turned our lives into that current, down which we shall have glided so peacefully and calmly.†   (source)
  • On the contrary, her plans and proceedings were more and more justified and endeared to her by the general appearances of the next few days.†   (source)
  • Bull's-eye wagged his tail in acknowledgment of this unusually endearing form of speech; and, giving vent to another admonitory growl for the benefit of Oliver, led the way onward.†   (source)
  • He presently stood at the door immediately beneath me, smoking his pipe, and Biddy stood there too, quietly talking to him, and I knew that they talked of me, for I heard my name mentioned in an endearing tone by both of them more than once.†   (source)
  • The meeting between him and those whom he had left there was not without strong emotion on both sides; for they had been informed by his letters of what had occurred: and, besides that his griefs were theirs, they mourned with him the death of one whose forlorn and helpless state had first established a claim upon their compassion, and whose truth of heart and grateful earnest nature had, every day, endeared him to them more and more.†   (source)
  • How fair and precious to that mother was that sleeping child's face, endeared by the memory of a thousand dangers!†   (source)
  • And although his boy was his chief solace and companion, and endeared to him by a thousand small ties, about which he did not care to speak to his wife, who had all along shown the utmost indifference to their son, yet Rawdon agreed at once to part with him and to give up his own greatest comfort and benefit for the sake of the welfare of the little lad.†   (source)
  • In this world the penalty is less equal than could be wished; but without presuming to look forward to a juster appointment hereafter, we may fairly consider a man of sense, like Henry Crawford, to be providing for himself no small portion of vexation and regret: vexation that must rise sometimes to self-reproach, and regret to wretchedness, in having so requited hospitality, so injured family peace, so forfeited his best, most estimable, and endeared acquaintance, and so lost the woman whom he had rationally as well as passionately loved.†   (source)
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