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  • The Demon wore robes of simple white, but it seemed as though every atom of the Demon's form and vestments radiated light.†   (source)
  • In a city as large as Concord there were usually at least a handful of parishioners, already praying the rosary by the time I came out in my vestments.†   (source)
  • Some were clad in the cloth-of-silver vestments and crystal coronals that marked the Most Devout; their humbler brethren wore their crystals on thongs about their necks and cinched white robes with seven-stranded belts, each plait a different color.†   (source)
  • IYALOJA No child, it is what you brought to be, you who play with strangers' lives, who even usurp the vestments of our dead, yet believe that the stain of death will not cling to you.†   (source)
  • I stole the wine-stained cloth in the sacristy while the priest was taking his vestments off.†   (source)
  • Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments.†   (source)
  • First of all his luggage had to be put in carefully because his vestments couldn't be crushed.†   (source)
  • The entire marsh for two hundred miles began the lovely turn, the slow leisurely withdrawal into its vestments of gold, as the lowcountry prepared for the cycle of death and renewal.†   (source)
  • In Salinas, Olive had experienced niceties of living, the choir and vestments, Altar Guild, and bean suppers of the Episcopal church.†   (source)
  • Hurrying back to the vicarage, he washed the soot from his hands, put on his vestments, and returned to the church to check the wine and the chalice, to toll the bell, to light the candles.†   (source)
  • CRANMER (Laying the cross of his vestment on the table) Place your left hand on this and raise your right handtake your hat off— Now say after me: I swear by my immortal soul— (JAILER, overlapping, repeats the oath with him) —that I Will report truly anything said by Sir Thomas More against the King, the Council or the State of the Realm.†   (source)
  • Her favorite color was a violet mauve, the color of church vestments on certain solemn days, the color of lilac in bud, the color of her best velvet dress and of her set of crystal wine glasses.†   (source)
  • Adorning her altars, vestments, spires, and Scripture was the singular image of Christianity—that of a precious, sacrificed human being.†   (source)
  • I've seen it before, the white bag placed over the head, the woman helped up onto the high stool as if she's being helped up the steps of a bus, steadied there, the noose adjusted delicately around the neck, like a vestment, the stool kicked away.†   (source)
  • Worse, they populate their drawing rooms with fakirs and mountebanks, all of them swathed in the grubby vestments of a self-proclaimed quasi-holiness, and the rules of society dictate that one must be polite to them.†   (source)
  • No one could remember the denomination of the school minister, a sepulchral old gentleman who favored bow ties and had the habit of pinning his vestment to the floor with an errant stab of his cane; he suffered from gout.†   (source)
  • He smelled of aftershave and the mothball smell of the closet at the church where he hung his vestments.†   (source)
  • There was a massive crucifix, a cabinet for the altar wine and communion hosts, massive drawers and wardrobes for the priests' vestments, racks of candles, boxes of incense, heaps of prayer books, hymnbooks, pictures of saints with gammy legs and with arrows in them, portraits of dead priests and bishops.†   (source)
  • And in our time, when a man dies—if he has had wealth and influence and power and all the vestments that arouse envy, and after the living take stock of the dead man's property and his eminence and works and monuments—the question is still there: Was his life good or was it evil?†   (source)
  • Over his other vestments, he wore a white satin chasuble with a golden cross on the front and back.†   (source)
  • Have someone bring in my saddle-bags, and I will put on my vestments.†   (source)
  • With fleeces, with vestments, I have tried to cover the blue-black blade.†   (source)
  • Though he received rich vestments from his sister in Riom, his daily apparel was rough and shabby.†   (source)
  • Father Vincent was waiting there in his vestments, and he read to them from his book.†   (source)
  • I luxuriate in gold and purple vestments.†   (source)
  • I can carry very little with me except my vestments and the sacred vessels.†   (source)
  • After he had laid aside his vestments, Father Latour went over the church with Jacinto.†   (source)
  • He had left his list beside the barrel, and this recorded, among other articles: a salade garnessed with golde, iij peire gantelez, a vestment, a mesbooke, an auter cloth, a peir of brigandines, a pyssying basin of silver, x schertes for my Lord, a jakete of leather, and a bagge of chessmen.†   (source)
  • And Msimangu would not wear the vestments that he would wear at Sophiatown; those he would wear early the next morning, when he ministered to his own people.†   (source)
  • The Archbishop enclosed in his wonderful and almost wooden vestments perspired upon his throne, lending from time to time a connoisseur's ear to the felicities of Vittoria's counterpoint.†   (source)
  • Having spoken thus, the great Lord of yoga revealed to Arjuna his supreme form as Visnu, Lord of the Universe: with many faces and eyes, presenting many wondrous sights, bedecked with many celestial ornaments, armed with many divine uplifted weapons; wearing celestial garlands and vestments, anointed with divine perfumes, all-wonderful, resplendent, boundless, and with faces on all sides.†   (source)
  • No priest could have been concerned in the strange rough group; it was the work of Indians and had nothing in common with the tidy vestments of the Mass and the elaborately worked out symbols of the liturgy.†   (source)
  • He had no vestments, but the Masses in this village were nearer to the old parish days than any he had known in the last eight years — there was no fear of interruption, no hurried taking of the sacraments as the police approached.†   (source)
  • An archbishop of Canterbury, having excommunicated all the prebendaries of St Paul's in a pet, rushed into the Priory of St. Bartholomew and knocked out the sub-prior in the middle of the chapel—which created such an uproar that his own vestments were torn off, revealing a suit of armour underneath, and he had to flee to Lambeth in a boat.†   (source)
  • Father Vaillant came back in his vestments, with his pyx and basin of holy water, and began sprinkling the bed and the watchers, repeating the antiphon, Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor.†   (source)
  • We descended into a terrifying canyon of black rock, and there in the depths of a cave, he showed me a golden chalice, vestments and cruets, all the paraphernalia for celebrating Mass.†   (source)
  • At least you will see all my family and bring me word of them, and you can bring me the vestments that my dear sister Philomène and her nuns have been making for me these three years.†   (source)
  • Father Latour had used to feel a little ashamed that Joseph kept his sister and her nuns so busy making cassocks and vestments for him; but the last time he was in France he came to see all this in another light.†   (source)
  • One thing they could understand; that he had here in his saddle-bags his vestments, the altar stone, and all the equipment for celebrating the Mass; and that tomorrow morning, after Mass, he would hear confessions, baptize, and sanctify marriages.†   (source)
  • Every Sunday her carriage, the only closed one in Albuquerque, waited in the plaza after Mass, and when the priest had put off his vestments, he came out and was driven away to the lady's hacienda for dinner.†   (source)
  • He wheedled a good sum of money out of the old man, as well as vestments and linen and chalices—he would take anything—and he implored my grandfather to give him a painting from his great collection, for the ornamentation of his mission church among the Indians.†   (source)
  • He folded his vestments, put away the hymn-books, and closed the great Bible.†   (source)
  • Monsieur Bournisien, in full vestments, was singing in a shrill voice.†   (source)
  • Next in the procession stalked a mitred figure clad all in the golden vestments of the high-priest.†   (source)
  • He had told me stories about the catacombs and about Napoleon Bonaparte, and he had explained to me the meaning of the different ceremonies of the Mass and of the different vestments worn by the priest.†   (source)
  • Certain agents I found to have the power to shake and to pluck back that fleshly vestment, even as a wind might toss the curtains of a pavilion.†   (source)
  • The forms of the community emerged from the gust-blown vestments, the dean of studies, the portly florid bursar with his cap of grey hair, the president, the little priest with feathery hair who wrote devout verses, the squat peasant form of the professor of economics, the tall form of the young professor of mental science discussing on the landing a case of conscience with his class like a giraffe cropping high leafage among a herd of antelopes, the grave troubled prefect of the sodality, the plump round-headed professor of Italian with his rogue's eyes.†   (source)
  • He had a special passion, also, for ecclesiastical vestments, as indeed he had for everything connected with the service of the Church.†   (source)
  • To Amory it was a haunting grief to see him lying in his coffin, with closed hands upon his purple vestments.†   (source)
  • He loved to kneel down on the cold marble pavement, and watch the priest, in his stiff flowered vestment, slowly and with white hands moving aside the veil of the tabernacle, or raising aloft the jewelled lantern-shaped monstrance with that pallid wafer that at times, one would fain think, is indeed the "panis caelestis," the bread of angels, or, robed in the garments of the Passion of Christ, breaking the Host into the chalice, and smiting his breast for his sins.†   (source)
  • The old curly birches of the gardens, all their twigs laden with snow, looked as though freshly decked in sacred vestments.†   (source)
  • The dress of this individual was a mixture of the coarsest vestments of a husbandman with the leathern garments, that fashion as well as use, had in some degree rendered necessary to one engaged in his present pursuits.†   (source)
  • "With this needle," said the abbe, as, opening his ragged vestments, he showed Dantes a long, sharp fish-bone, with a small perforated eye for the thread, a small portion of which still remained in it.†   (source)
  • Delivering his vestments to Ishmael, the new appointee, he walked from the courts of the Temple into the councils of the Separatists, and became the head of a new combination, Bethusian and Sethian.†   (source)
  • The remaining three were white, though clad in vestments adapted, both in quality and color, to their present hazardous pursuit—that of hanging on the skirts of a retiring army in the wilderness.†   (source)
  • The physician advanced directly in front of his patient, laid his hand upon his bosom, and thrust aside the vestment, that hitherto had always covered it even from the professional eye.†   (source)
  • Let them have change of vestments if they require it, and fire, and water to wash, and wine and ale; and bid the cooks add what they hastily can to our evening meal; and let it be put on the board when those strangers are ready to share it.†   (source)
  • D'Artagnan, however, could only see enough to recognize the form of her vestments, not enough to distinguish her features.†   (source)
  • Chingachgook, or the Serpent, eyed the vestments with strong disgust; but he saw the usefulness of the disguise, if not its absolute necessity.†   (source)
  • Two lackeys of the official torturer bathed the bleeding shoulders of the patient, anointed them with some unguent which immediately closed all the wounds, and threw upon his back a sort of yellow vestment, in cut like a chasuble.†   (source)
  • And now, a sudden twist and stoppage of the carriage inspired Mr Dorrit with the mistrust that the brigand moment was come for twisting him into a ditch and robbing him; until, letting down the glass again and looking out, he perceived himself assailed by nothing worse than a funeral procession, which came mechanically chaunting by, with an indistinct show of dirty vestments, lurid torches, swinging censers, and a great cross borne before a priest.†   (source)
  • By the chair stood the priests, their long hair falling over their magnificent glittering vestments, with lighted tapers in their hands, slowly and solemnly conducting the service.†   (source)
  • Finally, classed in the lowest order, the smallest pearls are known by the name seed pearls; they're priced by the measuring cup and are used mainly in the creation of embroidery for church vestments.†   (source)
  • The chest was opened; it contained a cope of cloth of gold, a mitre ornamented with diamonds, an archbishop's cross, a magnificent crosier,—all the pontifical vestments which had been stolen a month previously from the treasury of Notre Dame d'Embrun.†   (source)
  • When they anointed him with the last unction, when the holy oil touched his breast, one eye opened, and it seemed as though at the sight of the priest in his vestments, the smoking censers, the light before the image, something like a shudder of horror passed over the death-stricken face.†   (source)
  • In an instant several indignant hands were laid upon the boy; but in the same instant Tom Canty, in his regal vestments, made a swift step forward, and cried out in a ringing voice— "Loose him and forbear!†   (source)
  • There Platon Karataev was sitting covered up—head and all—with his greatcoat as if it were a vestment, telling the soldiers in his effective and pleasant though now feeble voice a story Pierre knew.†   (source)
  • He was just in time to catch a parting look of the features of Uncas, whom the Delawares were already inclosing in his last vestment of skins.†   (source)
  • His body, notwithstanding the lateness of the season, was nearly naked, and the portion which was clad bore a vestment no warmer than a light robe of the finest dressed deer-skin, beautifully stained with the rude design of some daring exploit, and which was carelessly worn, as if more in pride than from any unmanly regard to comfort.†   (source)
  • Chingachgook could not refrain from an exclamation of pleasure, as soon as Deerslayer opened this coat and held it up to view, for, notwithstanding all his trained self-command, the splendor of the vestment was too much for the philosophy of an Indian.†   (source)
  • This primeval vestment reached from the throat to the knees, and served at once all the usual purposes of body-clothing; there was no wider opening at the collar, than was necessary to admit the passage of the head, from which it may be inferred, that it was put on by slipping it over the head and shoulders, in the manner of a modern shirt, or ancient hauberk.†   (source)
  • Without doubt, Porthos had reasons for not abandoning this part of his vestments, for instead of quitting his hold on the flap in his hand, he pulled it toward him, so that d'Artagnan rolled himself up in the velvet by a movement of rotation explained by the persistency of Porthos.†   (source)
  • The priest was continually sending first the beadle and then the deacon to find out whether the bridegroom had not come, more and more often he went himself, in a lilac vestment and an embroidered sash, to the side door, expecting to see the bridegroom.†   (source)
  • When Hawkeye had cast his shaggy vestment, which was done by simply loosing certain thongs of skin, he drew a long, glittering knife, and put it in the hands of Uncas.†   (source)
  • An excavation was made in the hard earth, at a great expense of toil and time, and the body was wrapped in such spare vestments as could be collected among the labourers.†   (source)
  • At this moment a squire, clothed in a threadbare vestment, (for the aspirants after this holy Order wore during their noviciate the cast-off garments of the knights,) entered the garden, and, bowing profoundly before the Grand Master, stood silent, awaiting his permission ere he presumed to tell his errand.†   (source)
  • Following the battalion that marched along the dusty road came priests in their vestments—one little old man in a hood with attendants and singers.†   (source)
  • Upon leaving the atrium, Ben-Hur gave a last look at the myrmidon as he lay in the Jewish vestments, and was satisfied.†   (source)
  • He looked with weary and melancholy eyes at the bride and bridegroom, sighed, and putting his right hand out from his vestment, blessed the bridegroom with it, and also with a shade of solicitous tenderness laid the crossed fingers on the bowed head of Kitty.†   (source)
  • Chingachgook was in the act of arranging his forest toilet, when Deerslayer entered the cabin of the Ark and threw him a few coarse but light summer vestments that belonged to Hutter.†   (source)
  • The little old priest in his ecclesiastical cap, with his long silvery-gray locks of hair parted behind his ears, was fumbling with something at the lectern, putting out his little old hands from under the heavy silver vestment with the gold cross on the back of it.†   (source)
  • Up on the knoll so high as to be above the living wall, and visible over the heads of an attending company of notables, conspicuous because of his mitre and vestments and his haughty air, stood the high priest.†   (source)
  • He was permitted to seat himself on the end of a log, near the fire, in order to dry his clothes, his late adversary standing opposite, now holding articles of his own scanty vestments to the heat, and now feeling his throat, on which the marks of his enemy's fingers were still quite visible.†   (source)
  • Throwing back her light vestment, she stretched forth her long, skinny arm, in derision, and using the language of the Lenape, as more intelligible to the subject of her gibes, she commenced aloud: "Look you, Delaware," she said, snapping her fingers in his face; "your nation is a race of women, and the hoe is better fitted to your hands than the gun.†   (source)
  • Meanwhile the officiating clergy had got into their vestments, and the priest and deacon came out to the lectern, which stood in the forepart of the church.†   (source)
  • The vestments of the stranger announced him to be one who held a responsible situation near the person of the captain of the Canadas; and who, as it would now seem, finding his errand of peace frustrated by the fierce impetuosity of his allies, was content to become a silent and sad spectator of the fruits of a contest that he had arrived too late to anticipate.†   (source)
  • At length Hetty dried her tears, and came and seated herself on a stool by the side of the dying man, who had been placed at his length on the floor, with his head supported by some coarse vestments that had been left in the house.†   (source)
  • Ben-Hur, thus left alone, had seen his horses cared for; cooled and purified himself in the lake; exchanged the field garb for his customary vestments, all white, as became a Sadducean of the pure blood; supped early; and, thanks to the strength of youth, was well recovered from the violent exertion he had undergone.†   (source)
  • He bethought him of his mother, whose homely vestments he remembered to have seen hanging on pegs like those which he felt must belong to Hetty Hutter; and he bethought himself of a sister, whose incipient and native taste for finery had exhibited itself somewhat in the manner of that of Judith, though necessarily in a less degree.†   (source)
  • In vulgar phrase, she had taken up the broomstick, and was just about to sally from the kitchen, when Jones accosted her with a demand of a gown and other vestments, to cover the half-naked woman upstairs.†   (source)
  • His head with olive crown'd, his hand a censer bears, His hoary beard and holy vestments bring His lost idea back: I know the Roman king.†   (source)
  • And when God was to be consulted, they put on the holy vestments, and enquired of the Lord, as the King commanded them, and were deprived of their office, when the King thought fit.†   (source)
  • When the Utopians engage in battle, the priests who accompany them to the war, apparelled in their sacred vestments, kneel down during the action (in a place not far from the field), and, lifting up their hands to heaven, pray, first for peace, and then for victory to their own side, and particularly that it may be gained without the effusion of much blood on either side; and when the victory turns to their side, they run in among their own men to restrai†   (source)
  • All the people appear in the temples in white garments; but the priest's vestments are parti-coloured, and both the work and colours are wonderful.†   (source)
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