sonnetin a sentence
I like the sonnet that begins, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
sonnet = poem of a particular form
- Romeo and Juliet opens with a sonnet.
- He recites a sonnet that compares me to a summer day. (source)
- While we're on the topic of old Will's insufficiencies, your writing about young Hazel reminds me of the Bard's Fifty-fifth sonnet, which of course begins, "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments / Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; / But you shall shine more bright in these contents / Than unswept stone, besmear'd with sluttish time." (source)
And everyone who read Sonnets of a Sorcerer spoke in limericks for the rest of their lives.
sonnets = poems of a particular form
Oh, and should it ever come up, you and Professor Sirovich had a lengthy debate on the future of the sonnet.
sonnet = poem of a particular form
You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself.
sonnet = a form of poetry
I used to think poetry was just a bunch of British dudes wearing tights and writing sonnets with a peacock feather, but there's a lot more to it.
sonnets = poems of a particular form
Basically, I figure the sonnet is the only poetic form the great majority of readers ever needs to know.
sonnet = poem of a particular form
- I read Evangeline, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; I read Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese.† (source)
- He had put me in the waxy cloth sack and thrown in the shaving cream and razor from the mud ledge, his book of sonnets, and finally the bloody knife.† (source)
show 171 more with this conextual meaning
- Sonnets of a Sorcerer—that's not even allowed in Hogwarts!† (source)
- So, lacking a Hero, we settled into the role of victims and composed our sonnets and rehearsed our ballets and unrolled our scrolls, while all the while our thorn-and-steel Grendel served the night with fear and harvested thighbones and gristle.† (source)
- He was reading the love sonnets of the Poet, who was by now a world-renowned figure, as Clara had predicted the first time she heard him recite in his telluric voice at one of her literary soirees.† (source)
- A sonnet I could have handled.† (source)
- But the decision was correct, and the unanimity of the judges had its justification in the excellence of the sonnet.† (source)
- Mr. Manzi stood at the bottom of the big, rickety old amphitheater, making blue flames and red flares and clouds of yellow stuff by pouring the contents of one test tube into another, and I shut his voice out of my ears by pretending it was only a mosquito in the distance and sat back enjoying the bright lights and the colored fires and wrote page after page of villanelles and sonnets.† (source)
- Gentle lovemaking, set to romantic sonnets.† (source)
- —SHAKESPEARE, Sonnet LXV† (source)
- Our next workshop, no one understood what my sublimated love sonnet was all about, but Rudy's brought down the house.† (source)
- Compose sonnets?† (source)
- He must have thought about that because he said, "Okay, check out Sonnet Fifty-four.† (source)
- A quiet library might suddenly turn into a madhouse of breathless smooching and stammering sonnets as every unspoken crush or budding attraction suddenly flared into full, unrestricted bloom.† (source)
- Anyway, I have this very, very difficult thing to write about Sonnet 94 by Shakespeare.† (source)
- I love you as one loves certain dark things —Pablo Neruda, "Sonnet XVII".† (source)
- But the poetry unit isn't until next semester, so you'll have to stow your sonnets until then.† (source)
- Mine was Shakespeare's Sonnet 116, and I surprised even myself with the passion of my performance.† (source)
- And at least some part of the answer, if that magic came in a sonnet, is form. (source)
In your language you have a form of poetry called the sonnet.
sonnet = a form of poetry consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
- And if the poet does not do it exactly this way, it is not a sonnet, is it? (source)
Chapter 4 — If It's Square, It's a Sonnet.
sonnet = poem of a particular form
You mean you're comparing our lives to a sonnet?
sonnet = a form of poetry consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
no other poem is so versatile, so ubiquitous, so various, so agreeably short as the sonnet.
sonnet = poem consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
That first time, the correct answer will be "sonnet."
sonnet = poem of a particular form
What they have seen tonight is beyond teas and balls, curtsies and sonnets.
sonnets = poems of a particular form
- I rather like Mr. Shakespeare's sonnets. (source)
But we're disorganized mourners, so a lot of people end up remembering Shakespeare, and no one ends up remembering the person he wrote Sonnet Fifty-five about.
sonnet = a poem of a particular form
But this much I know:
It is not lost among the autumn leaves on Peter's Square.
It is not among the ashes in the Athenaeum ash cans.
It is not inside the blue pagodas of your fine Chinoiserie.
It is not in Vronsky's saddlebags;
Not in Sonnet XXX, stanza one;
Not on twenty-seven red ….
Is It Now? (source)sonnet = poem of a particular form
The miracle of the sonnet, you see, is that it is fourteen lines long and written almost always in iambic pentameter.
sonnet = a form of poetry
The next time it happens, "sonnet."
sonnet = poem of a particular form
- A sonnet, in fact, we might think of as having two units of meaning, closely related, to be sure, but with a shift of some sort taking place between them. (source)
- The sonnet, on the other hand, is blessedly common, has been written in every era since the English Renaissance, and remains very popular with poets and readers today. (source)
And so, unless your ambitions have been spurred by this discussion, I'll stick to the sonnet, for one single reason: no other poem is so versatile, so ubiquitous, so various, so agreeably short as the sonnet.
sonnet = a form of poetry
After I tell the students that first time that it's a sonnet, half of them groan in belated recognition (often they know but think I have a hidden agenda or a trick up my sleeve) and the others ask me how I knew that so fast.
sonnet = poem of a particular form
Sonnets are like that, short poems that take far more time, because everything has to be perfect, than long ones.
sonnets = poems of a particular form
Martha and I shall read a sonnet.
sonnet = poem of a particular form
Shakespeare published 154 sonnets.
sonnets = poems of a particular form
- But she talked too much about her son and insisted on reading him poems from a book of sonnets.† (source)
- A poet read his most recent verses to the Love Cycle sonnets.† (source)
- The sonnets and the knife, at least, he saved.† (source)
- As you know, that's Shakespeare's sonnet 73, your constant bedside reading.† (source)
- Will every sonnet consist of only two sentences?† (source)
- There is something called a blank sonnet, "blank" meaning it employs unrhymed lines.† (source)
- The vessel, the sonnet form, actually becomes part of the meaning of the poem.† (source)
- The next day Rudy didn't turn in his sonnet.† (source)
- I held a book of Shakespeare's sonnets in my hand and read Sonnet 54 for about the twentieth time.† (source)
- Worse than Shakespeare's Sonnet bloody 94.† (source)
- Rudy could have until Monday to turn in his sonnet.† (source)
- Then, as I knew he would, he said, "We'll be discussing Shakespeare's sonnets today.† (source)
- I was in my nightgown already, doing our assignment, a love poem in the form of a sonnet.† (source)
- I held a book of Shakespeare's sonnets in my hand and read Sonnet 54 for about the twentieth time.† (source)
- But that's just what I did, I went back and worked on my sonnet.† (source)
- The Italian would arrive at dusk, with a gardenia in his buttonhole, and he would translate Petrarch's sonnets for Amaranta.† (source)
- And yet they seem alive and quivering Against my tremulous hands which loose the string...ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING, Sonnets from the Portuguese, 1850.† (source)
- It was a perfect sonnet in the purest Parnassian tradition, and through it there wafted a breath of inspiration that revealed the involvement of a master hand.† (source)
- He wondered whether the sonnets might not have been inspired by Amanda's presence in the Trueba garden, where the Poet liked to sit at teatime and talk about songs of despair, during the period when he had been an assiduous visitor at the big house on the corner.† (source)
- The author of the essay did not doubt that the writer of the sonnet was in fact who he said he was, and he defended him in a straightforward manner, beginning with the title itself: "All Chinese Are Poets."† (source)
- Don Baithazar thought that the venerable Daton was a fraud, that Salmud Brevy and Robert Frost should have hanged themselves with their own entrails, that Wordsworth was a fool, and that anything less than Shakespeare's sonnets was a profanation of the language.† (source)
- On his death, the press recalled the forgotten incident of the Poetic Festival and reprinted the sonnet with a Modernist vignette of fleshy maidens and gold cornucopias, and the guardian angels of poetry took advantage of the opportunity to clarify matters: the sonnet seemed so bad to the younger generation that no one could doubt any longer that it had, in fact, been composed by the dead Chinese.† (source)
- Mrs. McBride had told them to find a sonnet they'd like to write a paper on, but as he read the lines of those available to him in his Norton Anthology he kept drifting back to the moment he wished he could take back and do over again.† (source)
- The book of sonnets he had buried earlier that summer in the woods of Valley Forge Park, shedding evidence slowly as he always did; now, he had to hope, not too slowly.† (source)
- The sonnet has been a big part of English poetry since the 1500s, and there are a few major types of sonnet and myriad variations.† (source)
- But when a poet chooses to write a sonnet rather than, say, John Milton's epic Paradise Lost, it's not because he's lazy.† (source)
- A Petrarchan sonnet uses a rhyme scheme that ties the first eight lines (the octave) together, followed by a rhyme scheme that unifies the last six (the sestet).† (source)
- A Shakespearean sonnet, on the other hand, tends to divide up by four: the first four lines (or quatrain), the next four, the third four, and the last four, which turn out to be only two (a couplet).† (source)
- Without making any extravagant claims—no, this is not the greatest sonnet ever written, nor the most important statement of anything—we can say that "An Echo from Willow-Wood" is an excellent specimen of its chosen form.† (source)
- He scoured flea markets for old, threadbare Oriental rugs, wore a satin smoking jacket, smoked a pipe, and wrote sonnets for a new girlfriend whose name he loved—Juliet.† (source)
- We're reading Shakespeare's sonnets.† (source)
- Shakespeare's sonnets.† (source)
- Yolanda often read poems addressed to lovers, sonnets set in bedrooms, and she knew her mother did not believe in sex for girls.† (source)
- Sonnets?† (source)
- O friendship, I too will press flowers between the pages of Shakespeare's sonnets!† (source)
- A guy gets ants in his pants and writes a sonnet.† (source)
- It was a tattered old volume containing all the plays and sonnets.† (source)
- In the sonnets he never even refers to the plays as part of his achievement, though he does make what seems to be a half-ashamed allusion to his career as an actor.† (source)
- WHETHER WE LISTEN with aloof amusement to the dreamlike mumbo jumbo of some red-eyed witch doctor of the Congo, or read with cultivated rapture thin translations from the sonnets of the mystic Lao-tse; now and again crack the hard nutshell of an argument of Aquinas, or catch suddenly the shining meaning of a bizarre Eskimo fairy tale: it will always be the one, shape-shifting yet marvelously constant story that we find, together with a challengingly persistent suggestion of more remaining to be experienced than will ever be known or told.† (source)
- At times he had the sensation of being completely bewitched by the mastery of that central intelligence, and then, over the little pale blue tea bowls, the celebration would contract into a liveliness so gentle and miniature that he had an impression of a theorem dissolving limpidly into a sonnet.† (source)
- For it is a perennial puzzle why no woman wrote a word of that extraordinary literature when every other man, it seemed, was capable of song or sonnet.† (source)
- Buzzy had once written a sonnet that had been taken for Shakespeare's, and liked to make little facetious jokes with young ladies — I remember Susan Lushington "didn't know which way to look", she said, when he chaffed her about a husband —"I seemed to be sitting on a tripod and looking into the future", Buzzy said, having archly used the word husband when it should have been father —Buzzy lived chiefly in Egypt, and Mrs Hills —Anna her name was —lived mostly alone at Corby.† (source)
- And then there it was, suddenly entire; she held it in her hands, beautiful and reasonable, clear and complete, here—the sonnet.† (source)
- "I wandered lonely as a cloud," and "Behold her, single in the field," he had known for years; but Margaret read him the sonnets and made him commit "The world is too much with us" to memory.† (source)
- oh [reading with feigned difficulty] 'And if God choose, I shall but love thee better — after death 1' Why, that's from my favourite sonnet by Mrs Browning 1 Mitch: You know it?† (source)
- Is the sonnet less of a good—if it is good, which I doubt—because the dame he got the ants over happened to be married to somebody else, so that his passion, as they say, was illicit?† (source)
- In her trembling voice she read to him Rupert Brooke's sonnet—"If I should die, think only this of me"—and she put a copy of Donald Hankey's A Student in Arms into his hand, saying: "Read this, boy.† (source)
- Suddenly, raising my hand, saluting Neville I cry, "I too have pressed flowers between the pages of Shakespeare's sonnets," and am churned up.† (source)
- He had tried to read all the sonnets, and failed, because their woven density was too much for his experience, but he had read, and forgotten, perhaps half of them, and remembered a few which burned up from the page, strangely, immediately, like lamps for him.† (source)
- The little songs and the sonnets have a meaning for me as fresh and wonderful as the dramas.† (source)
- See you these two sonnets of Monsieur Beuserade... THE DUENNA: Hey?† (source)
- The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible.† (source)
- Was it not Buonarotti who had carved it in the coloured marbles of a sonnet-sequence?† (source)
- ...render me back the sonnet to Phillis, and you shall have six pies instead of three.† (source)
- here (He chooses a third, resignedly): The sonnet to Phillis!† (source)
- Toil to gain reputation By one small sonnet, 'stead of making many?† (source)
- All this kept her very busy, and she had not had time to do more than look at the little vellum book that Archer had sent her the week before (the "Sonnets from the Portuguese"); but she was learning by heart "How they brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix," because it was one of the first things he had ever read to her; and it amused her to be able to tell him that Kate Merry had never even heard of a poet called Robert Browning.† (source)
- When Vanity kissed Vanity, a hundred happy Junes ago, he pondered o'er her breathlessly, and, that all men might ever know, he rhymed her eyes with life and death: "Thru Time I'll save my love!" he said...yet Beauty vanished with his breath, and, with her lovers, she was dead... —Ever his wit and not her eyes, ever his art and not her hair: "Who'd learn a trick in rhyme, be wise and pause before his sonnet there"...So all my words, however true, might sing you to a thousandth June, and no one ever know that you were Beauty for an afternoon.† (source)
- Since then he had developed a taste for Mrs. Fisher and bridge, and the latter at least had involved him in expenses from which he had been more than once rescued by harassed maiden sisters, who treasured the sonnets, and went without sugar in their tea to keep their darling afloat.† (source)
- Seriously and solemnly Richard Dalloway got on his hind legs and said that no decent man ought to read Shakespeare's sonnets because it was like listening at keyholes (besides the relationship was not one that he approved).† (source)
- He would never exactly reply to Philip's eager questioning, but with a merry, rather stupid laugh, hinted at a romantic amour; he quoted a few lines of Rossetti, and once showed Philip a sonnet in which passion and purple, pessimism and pathos, were packed together on the subject of a young lady called Trude.† (source)
- And so I gazed upon Maud's light-brown hair, and loved it, and learned more of love than all the poets and singers had taught me with all their songs and sonnets.† (source)
- For what Shakespeare must have desired, to have been able to write with such divine despair, was that the lady should live...and now we have no real interest in her....The irony of it is that if he had cared more for the poem than for the lady the sonnet would be only obvious, imitative rhetoric and no one would ever have read it after twenty years.... This was the last night Amory ever saw Eleanor.† (source)
- Lily could remember when young Silverton had stumbled into their circle, with the air of a strayed Arcadian who has published chamung [Updater's note: charming?] sonnets in his college journal.† (source)
- Didn't Lang include your 'Kiss Endured' among the four supreme sonnets by women in the English language?† (source)
- Ned's case was familiar to Lily: she had seen his charming eyes—which had a good deal more poetry in them than the sonnets—change from surprise to amusement, and from amusement to anxiety, as he passed under the spell of the terrible god of chance; and she was afraid of discovering the same symptoms in her own case.† (source)
- Your days are your sonnets.† (source)
- So he wrote one day, when he pondered how coldly we thought of the "Dark Lady of the Sonnets," and how little we remembered her as the great man wanted her remembered.† (source)
- Old impressions, old enjoyments, renewed themselves; one evening, going home to his room at the inn, he wrote down a little sonnet to which he prefixed the title of "Rome Revisited."† (source)
- A multitude of lovers of both sexes—discarded maids or bachelors and couples mutually weary of one another—tossed in bundles of perfumed letters and enamored sonnets.† (source)
- But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away.† (source)
- The sweet scenes of autumn were for a while put by, unless some tender sonnet, fraught with the apt analogy of the declining year, with declining happiness, and the images of youth and hope, and spring, all gone together, blessed her memory.† (source)
- In such mouths I might have coupled it with an apt quotation from one of Shakespeare's sonnets: "My nature is subdued To what it works in, like the dyer's hand: Pity me, then, and wish I were renewed!"† (source)
- But he never succeeded in getting a rhyme for the second verse; and at last ended by copying a sonnet in a "Keepsake."† (source)
- It was what is said in the bower, a prelude to what will be said in the chamber; a lyrical effusion, strophe and sonnet intermingled, pleasing hyperboles of cooing, all the refinements of adoration arranged in a bouquet and exhaling a celestial perfume, an ineffable twitter of heart to heart.† (source)
- Would it not be rash to conclude that there was no passion behind those sonnets to Delia which strike us as the thin music of a mandolin?† (source)
- Yet, Wordsworth's Laodamia, and the ode of "Dion,"[317] and some sonnets, have a certain noble music; and Scott[318] will sometimes draw a stroke like the portrait of Lord Evandale, given by Balfour of Burley.† (source)
- He had no sonnets to write, and it could not strike him agreeably that he was not an object of preference to the woman whom he had preferred.† (source)
- All the argument and all the wisdom is not in the encyclopædia, or the treatise on metaphysics, or the Body of Divinity, but in the sonnet or the play.† (source)
- Who ever read the volume of the Sonnets, without finding that the poet had there revealed, under masks that are no masks to the intelligent, the lore of friendship and of love; the confusion of sentiments in the most susceptible, and, at the same time, the most intellectual of men?† (source)
- However slight the terrestrial intercourse between Dante and Beatrice or Petrarch and Laura, time changes the proportion of things, and in later days it is preferable to have fewer sonnets and more conversation.† (source)
- The sonnets, though their excellence is lost in the splendor of the dramas, are as inimitable as they: and it is not a merit of lines, but a total merit of the piece; like the tone of voice of some incomparable person, so is this a speech of poetic beings, and any clause as unproducible now as a whole poem.† (source)
- —SHAKESPEARE: Sonnets.† (source)
- —SHAKESPEARE: Sonnets.† (source)
- —SHAKESPEARE: Sonnets.† (source)
- [Thomas Gray, "Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Richard West" (1742)] It will easily be perceived that the only part of this Sonnet which is of any value is the lines printed in Italics: it is equally obvious, that, except in the rhyme, and in the use of the single word "fruitless" for fruitlessly, which is so far a defect, the language of these lines does in no respect differ from that of prose† (source)
- So far her improvement was sufficient—and in many other points she came on exceedingly well; for though she could not write sonnets, she brought herself to read them; and though there seemed no chance of her throwing a whole party into raptures by a prelude on the pianoforte, of her own composition, she could listen to other people's performance with very little fatigue.† (source)
- Such words had their due effect; she immediately thought the evening pleasanter than she had found it before—her humble vanity was contented—she felt more obliged to the two young men for this simple praise than a true-quality heroine would have been for fifteen sonnets in celebration of her charms, and went to her chair in good humour with everybody, and perfectly satisfied with her share of public attention.† (source)
- Oddly enough he too draws for us an unhappy relation with the dark lady of the sonnets.† (source)
- He has revealed it in the sonnets where there is Will in overplus.† (source)
- —Say that he is the spurned lover in the sonnets.† (source)
- That Portrait of Mr W. H. where he proves that the sonnets were written by a Willie Hughes, a man all hues.† (source)
- The sugared sonnets follow Sidney's.† (source)
Thou of the tawny flowing hair in battle,
I erewhile saw, with erect head, pressing ever in front, bearing a
bright sword in thy hand,
Now ending well in death the splendid fever of thy deeds,
(I bring no dirge for it or thee, I bring a glad triumphal sonnet,)
Desperate and glorious, aye in defeat most desperate, most glorious,
After thy many battles in which never yielding up a gun or a color,
Leaving behind thee a memory sweet to soldiers,
Thou yieldest up thyself.† (source)
- I had rather than forty shillings I had my Book of Songs and Sonnets here.† (source)
- Will you then write me a sonnet in praise of my beauty?† (source)
- If it please the eye of one, it is with me as the very true sonnet is: 'Please one and please all.'† (source)
- I have a sonnet that will serve the turn To give the onset to thy good advice.† (source)
- "And what is more," said the gentleman, "I know the sonnets my brother made."† (source)
- In a good Poem, whether it be Epique, or Dramatique; as also in Sonnets, Epigrams, and other Pieces, both Judgement and Fancy are required: But the Fancy must be more eminent; because they please for the Extravagancy; but ought not to displease by Indiscretion.† (source)
- But you, Sir Thurio, are not sharp enough; You must lay lime to tangle her desires By wailful sonnets, whose composed rhymes Should be full-fraught with serviceable vows.† (source)
- Well, she hath one o' my sonnets already; the clown bore it, the fool sent it, and the lady hath it: sweet clown, sweeter fool, sweetest lady!† (source)
- Also my book must do without sonnets at the beginning, at least sonnets whose authors are dukes, marquises, counts, bishops, ladies, or famous poets.† (source)
- Good Captain, will you give me a copy of the sonnet you writ to Diana in behalf of the Count Rousillon?† (source)
- Thus at an age when the gentlemen above mentioned employ their time in toasting the charms of a woman, or in making sonnets in her praise; in giving their opinion of a play at the theatre, or of a poem at Will's or Button's; these gentlemen are considering the methods to bribe a corporation, or meditating speeches for the House of Commons, or rather for the magazines.† (source)
- There was surprising pomp and magnificence; there were fetes, carousals, continual opera bouffe; and all Italy composed sonnets in my praise, though not one of them was passable.† (source)
- You chide at him, offending twice as much: You do not love Maria; Longaville Did never sonnet for her sake compile; Nor never lay his wreathed arms athwart His loving bosom, to keep down his heart.† (source)
- I make them lie with me sometimes, for I am very tired of the ladies of the town, of their coquetries, of their jealousies, of their quarrels, of their humours, of their pettinesses, of their prides, of their follies, and of the sonnets which one must make, or have made, for them.† (source)
- And I'll be sworn upon 't that he loves her; For here's a paper written in his hand, A halting sonnet of his own pure brain, Fashion'd to Beatrice.† (source)
- none but minstrels like of sonneting.† (source)
- Don Lorenzo gave a proof of it, for he complied with Don Quixote's request and entreaty, and repeated to him this sonnet on the fable or story of Pyramus and Thisbe.† (source)
- SONNET The lovely maid, she pierces now the wall; Heart-pierced by her young Pyramus doth lie; And Love spreads wing from Cyprus isle to fly, A chink to view so wondrous great and small.† (source)
- The sonnet pleased Camilla, and still more Anselmo, for he praised it and said the lady was excessively cruel who made no return for sincerity so manifest.† (source)
- SONNET I know that I am doomed; death is to me As certain as that thou, ungrateful fair, Dead at thy feet shouldst see me lying, ere My heart repented of its love for thee.† (source)
- "Well then, that on the fort," said the gentleman, "if my memory serves me, goes thus: SONNET "Up from this wasted soil, this shattered shell, Whose walls and towers here in ruin lie, Three thousand soldier souls took wing on high, In the bright mansions of the blest to dwell.† (source)
- BURLADOR, ACADEMICIAN OF ARGAMASILLA, ON SANCHO PANZA SONNET The worthy Sancho Panza here you see; A great soul once was in that body small, Nor was there squire upon this earthly ball So plain and simple, or of guile so free.† (source)
- "Blessed be God," said Don Quixote when he had heard Don Lorenzo's sonnet, "that among the hosts there are of irritable poets I have found one consummate one, which, señor, the art of this sonnet proves to me that you are!"† (source)
- CAPRICHOSO, A MOST ACUTE ACADEMICIAN OF ARGAMASILLA, IN PRAISE OF ROCINANTE, STEED OF DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA SONNET On that proud throne of diamantine sheen, Which the blood-reeking feet of Mars degrade, The mad Manchegan's banner now hath been By him in all its bravery displayed.† (source)
- PANIAGUADO, ACADEMICIAN OF ARGAMASILLA, IN LAUDEM DULCINEAE DEL TOBOSO SONNET She, whose full features may be here descried, High-bosomed, with a bearing of disdain, Is Dulcinea, she for whom in vain The great Don Quixote of La Mancha sighed.† (source)
- "I only said Chloe," replied Don Quixote; "and that no doubt, is the name of the lady of whom the author of the sonnet complains; and, faith, he must be a tolerable poet, or I know little of the craft."† (source)
- "Even did she know her," returned Lothario, "I would hide nothing, for when a lover praises his lady's beauty, and charges her with cruelty, he casts no imputation upon her fair name; at any rate, all I can say is that yesterday I made a sonnet on the ingratitude of this Chloris, which goes thus: SONNET At midnight, in the silence, when the eyes Of happier mortals balmy slumbers close, The weary tale of my unnumbered woes To Chloris and to Heaven is wont to rise.† (source)
- The Knight of the Rueful Countenance was still very anxious to find out who the owner of the valise could be, conjecturing from the sonnet and letter, from the money in gold, and from the fineness of the shirts, that he must be some lover of distinction whom the scorn and cruelty of his lady had driven to some desperate course; but as in that uninhabited and rugged spot there was no one to be seen of whom he could inquire, he saw nothing else for it but to push on, taking whatever road Rocinante chose—which was where he could make his way—firmly persuaded that among these wilds he could not fail to meet some rare adventure.† (source)
- "There is no doubt of that," observed Anselmo, anxious to support and uphold Lothario's ideas with Camilla, who was as regardless of his design as she was deep in love with Lothario; and so taking delight in anything that was his, and knowing that his thoughts and writings had her for their object, and that she herself was the real Chloris, she asked him to repeat some other sonnet or verses if he recollected any.† (source)
- Sancho was about to reply to his master, but the Knight of the Grove's voice, which was neither very bad nor very good, stopped him, and listening attentively the pair heard him sing this SONNET Your pleasure, prithee, lady mine, unfold; Declare the terms that I am to obey; My will to yours submissively I mould, And from your law my feet shall never stray.† (source)
- of the two listeners, who remained still waiting to hear something more; finding, however, that the silence continued some little time, they resolved to go in search of the musician who sang with so fine a voice; but just as they were about to do so they were checked by the same voice, which once more fell upon their ears, singing this SONNET When heavenward, holy Friendship, thou didst go Soaring to seek thy home beyond the sky, And take thy seat among the saints on high, It was thy will to leave on earth below Thy semblance, and upon it to bestow Thy veil, wherewith at times hypocrisy, Parading in thy shape, deceives the eye, And makes its vileness bright as virtue show.† (source)
- Anselmo praised this second sonnet too, as he had praised the first; and so he went on adding link after link to the chain with which he was binding himself and making his dishonour secure; for when Lothario was doing most to dishonour him he told him he was most honoured; and thus each step that Camilla descended towards the depths of her abasement, she mounted, in his opinion, towards the summit of virtue and fair fame.† (source)
- He opened it, and the first thing he found in it, written roughly but in a very good hand, was a sonnet, and reading it aloud that Sancho might hear it, he found that it ran as follows: SONNET Or Love is lacking in intelligence, Or to the height of cruelty attains, Or else it is my doom to suffer pains Beyond the measure due to my offence.† (source)
- SONNET† (source)
- He that possesses her must keep her within bounds, not permitting her to break out in ribald satires or soulless sonnets.† (source)
- My wish would be simply to present it to thee plain and unadorned, without any embellishment of preface or uncountable muster of customary sonnets, epigrams, and eulogies, such as are commonly put at the beginning of books.† (source)
- Interest retired, and Poetry came forward, and when she had gone through her figures like the others, fixing her eyes on the damsel of the castle, she said: With many a fanciful conceit, Fair Lady, winsome Poesy Her soul, an offering at thy feet, Presents in sonnets unto thee.† (source)
- The sonnets were not disliked, and the captive was rejoiced at the tidings they gave him of his comrade, and continuing his tale, he went on to say: The Goletta and the fort being thus in their hands, the Turks gave orders to dismantle the Goletta—for the fort was reduced to such a state that there was nothing left to level—and to do the work more quickly and easily they mined it in three places; but nowhere were they able to blow up the part which seemed to be the least strong, that is to say, the old walls, while all that remained standing of the new fortifications that the Fratin had made came to the ground with the greatest ease.† (source)
- To which he made answer, "Your first difficulty about the sonnets, epigrams, or complimentary verses which you want for the beginning, and which ought to be by persons of importance and rank, can be removed if you yourself take a little trouble to make them; you can afterwards baptise them, and put any name you like to them, fathering them on Prester John of the Indies or the Emperor of Trebizond, who, to my knowledge, were said to have been famous poets: and even if they were not, and any pedants or bachelors should attack you and question the fact, never care two maravedis for that, for even if they prove a lie against you they cannot cut off the hand you wrote it with.† (source)
- The instant the captive mentioned the name of Don Pedro de Aguilar, Don Fernando looked at his companions and they all three smiled; and when he came to speak of the sonnets one of them said, "Before your worship proceeds any further I entreat you to tell me what became of that Don Pedro de Aguilar you have spoken of."† (source)
- I say so because his fate brought him to my galley and to my bench, and made him a slave to the same master; and before we left the port this gentleman composed two sonnets by way of epitaphs, one on the Goletta and the other on the fort; indeed, I may as well repeat them, for I have them by heart, and I think they will be liked rather than disliked.† (source)
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