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  • The exclamation mark would have to be reinstated.†   (source)
  • Two WEEKS EARLIER, Leslie had told me that I was to be "repatriated" and reinstated into normal society.†   (source)
  • Indeed, let me remove this monstrosity from Her Majesty's presence and have her reinstated into active status.†   (source)
  • The full broadcast will resume when security has been reinstated.†   (source)
  • When he stopped, I eagerly asked how the Riders would be reinstated, for everyone knew there were no dragon eggs left.†   (source)
  • It appears I shall have to reinstate Chiron as activities director.†   (source)
  • It didn't matter if the subject was legalization of marijuana, reinstating the death penalty, or the oil-depletion allowance.†   (source)
  • The following advisories are advanced for priority study: Advisory $/: Modification of Agency Basic Procedures to eliminate Policy 979 which does not currently allow termination procedures by Department i-R. Advisory $2: Discontinue suspension of Personnel $2222 and grant full reinstatement on following basis: While it is fact that Witness $599-6 had been located by Adversaries, it has not been established that Personnel $2222 allowed termination of Witness $599-6 and affiliate (spouse) by Adversaries.†   (source)
  • During the last few days of April, Mother Lois had humbled herself to make several trips to North Little Rock's school headquarters to plead for her job, but they had refused to reinstate her.†   (source)
  • It was the end of September before visiting days were reinstated at La Victoria, and we got to see the men.†   (source)
  • My mom has reinstated my Internet access but only during the school day.†   (source)
  • If Luma decided to reinstate the 15s, they'd have perhaps three practices before their first game.†   (source)
  • The fact that he was going to be reinstated as publisher emphasised that Millennium felt it had nothing to be ashamed of.†   (source)
  • LuLing was so outraged that she canceled her car insurance, then complained when the company refused to reinstate her policy.†   (source)
  • There was a huge petition online to get her honor reinstated and name her the sole valedictorian again, though as of this writing that hasn't happened.†   (source)
  • Sister Franca de la Luz, wasting no time on formalities, offered honorable reinstatement to Fermina Daza.†   (source)
  • After eight years, she was reinstated as first trombone.†   (source)
  • And not behind a person, but behind the desire to reinstate the factions.†   (source)
  • Their licenses were later reinstated.†   (source)
  • But his contrition did not last long, for the next day he informed us he was reinstating all the charges against us.†   (source)
  • From the corner of my eye, I saw Sharon and Maggie fall to the back of the crowd, melting away from the reinstatement of reason.†   (source)
  • He felt it important to do something to reinstate himself with Jake.†   (source)
  • After you're reinstated, what then?†   (source)
  • At one point Gustavo brought General Huerta to him at gunpoint and denounced him as a traitor but Francisco would not hear of it and reinstated him.†   (source)
  • "I feel morally and intellectually obligated simply to concede that the death penalty experiment has failed," said U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun in 1994, nearly twenty years after he had voted for its reinstatement.†   (source)
  • He was warned, however, that if he drank or used drugs, his sentence would be reinstated.†   (source)
  • Then someone appeared and began to put things on a table, to move the magazines and picture books and put out bowls and crocks and cut flowers and then to reinstate some of the picture books but only the ones that claimed a status of a certain sumptuous kind.†   (source)
  • She would tell Gates that if he didn't reinstate Lucy Friedman she would resign.†   (source)
  • And I'm proud to say that I have been reinstated.†   (source)
  • Twenty thousand of them had been sent to reinstate the country's democratically elected government, and to strip away power from the military junta that had deposed it and ruled with great cruelty for three years.†   (source)
  • The Pope's even reinstated the Latin Mass.†   (source)
  • The reference to freedom of speech was removed, not to be reinstated until much later, and the worship of God was declared a right of all men, as well as a duty.†   (source)
  • His reputation was ruined; racing officials tailed him around after his reinstatement, trying to catch him in some nefarious act.†   (source)
  • "We'll see if one is necessary, won't we?" replied the newly reinstated Deuxième consultant.†   (source)
  • Three months ago, he had been fired for an infraction of safety rules, which had caused a major wreck; two weeks ago, he had been reinstated in his job by order of the Unification Board.†   (source)
  • Though he had not helped create the field, he was all too eager to reinstate himself as the team's de facto leader.†   (source)
  • The president of the United States will rot in a rat-infested dungeon until slavery has been reinstated.†   (source)
  • Workers were required to obtain a union membership, and it was this reinstated pipe-fitter card from the late 1940s that later gave him the seniority to get high-paying construction jobs—if he was willing to travel to them, which he was in his later years.†   (source)
  • In fact, if they were abolished, self-preservation would force the national government to reinstate them.†   (source)
  • The president of South Africa had officially stated that the plagues were a plot by the West to reinstate apartheid—which between the blond component and fact that AIDS was mostly found in the non-Caucasian portion of the population had a certain amount of traction—and that the Glatun medicines were actually mind-control devices.†   (source)
  • You will write me an official apology and an appeal for reinstatement to this class.†   (source)
  • Jan Hinckart was dispossessed by Farnese, and Leonard I, the Thurn and Taxis Grand Master, reinstated.†   (source)
  • But if Poles by the thousands have sheltered Jews, hidden Jews, laid down their lives for Jews, they have also at times, in the agony of their conjugate discord, persecuted them with undeviating savagery; it was within this continuum of the Polish spirit that Professor Bieganski properly belonged, and it was there that Sophie had eventually to reinstate him for my benefit, in order to interpret the happenings at Auschwitz ... The subsequent history of the Professor's pamphlet is well worth recording.†   (source)
  • It could jeopardize any possibility of her future reinstatement if word of it got out and reached the proper ears.†   (source)
  • When I came out, I was reinstated again as I'd been the first time and allowed to go on lecturing.†   (source)
  • "I want to be reinstated," the peeper said.†   (source)
  • It was fully realized that though the human beings had been defeated in the Battle of the Cowshed they might make another and more determined attempt to recapture the farm and reinstate Mr. Jones.   (source)
    reinstate = put someone back into their previous position
  • But finding you and being able to reinstate you as queen are two very different goals.†   (source)
  • "Then you are reinstated in probatio," Octavian said, "until you have proven yourself in combat."†   (source)
  • If I can find the sword, maybe the thanes will reinstate me.†   (source)
  • Prosecutors reappealed to the Supreme Court of Sweden, which has since reinstated the life sentence.†   (source)
  • over the subsequent two months, she reinstated a staff of twenty.†   (source)
  • He plans to study for the bar and get reinstated.†   (source)
  • The only way to prevent that is to reinstate slavery by winning the Civil War.†   (source)
  • He returned the day after Aristide was reinstated as president, in mid-October 1994.†   (source)
  • I believe they would agree you should be reinstated as a Valkyrie.†   (source)
  • President Gerald R. Ford officially reinstated Lee as a U.S. citizen in 1975.†   (source)
  • I'm starting action on your reinstatement at once.†   (source)
  • Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, reinstated member of the International Confederation of Wizards and reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, has so far been unavailable for com ment.†   (source)
  • The appointment has largely been greeted with enthusiasm by the Wizardmg community, though rumors of a rift between the new Minister and Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, surfaced within hours of Scrimgeour taking office.†   (source)
  • Snape had reinstated Umbridge's old decree forbidding gatherings of three or more students or any unofficial student societies.†   (source)
  • Notably absent was Fornatee; when the other boys had called him, he had explained that he intended to play for the Under 15s if Luma reinstated the team.†   (source)
  • "There have been several attempts over the centuries to reinstate the tournament," Dumbledore continued, "none of which has been very successful.†   (source)
  • "Your Honor," he said, "if you will allow me, I think we can remedy this situation in twenty minutes or so, and once we've done that you can reinstate Mr. Russell's claim against me."†   (source)
  • Reinstate me as queen?†   (source)
  • Though he had not shown up at the second tryouts or at either of two subsequent practices, Fornatee thought that scrimmage day was the right time to make his approach to Coach Luma, to ask to get reinstated to the team.†   (source)
  • There was even talk about reinstating Frank's great-grandfather, Shen Lun, to the legion's roll of honor.†   (source)
  • Oh yes—Jesper Rasmussen is to be reinstated in charge of the Frankfurt Workshop, and together we will pursue a policy of closer cooperation.†   (source)
  • On another front, the district attorney had declined to press charges, and though he held open the possibility that they might be reinstated at a later date, Mike was off the hook for the time being.†   (source)
  • The child refused, he was suspended, and to get him reinstated his mother had to come and watch him be beaten with the eucalyptus in front of the whole school.†   (source)
  • But that history could be reinstated.†   (source)
  • Because she had been so desperate to lie with her husband and have another baby by him, the son she bore was first off a wished-for bond between herself and Macon, something to hold them together and reinstate their sex lives.†   (source)
  • ARRIVING AT PHILADELPHIA in late November, Adams was pleased to find the President reinstated and most of Congress back to business.†   (source)
  • Whether that means sending a group of people outside of it, as instructed by Edith Prior—which we thought was important at the time, though I've since learned that her instructions didn't really matter—or reinstating the factions by force.†   (source)
  • In the first year after Nicolae Ceausescu's death, when abortion was reinstated in Romania, there was one abortion for every twenty-two Romanians.†   (source)
  • She paid for a prominent lawyer for Smith, hired his son Jimmy to train in his place, and gave him back his job the minute he was reinstated in 1947.†   (source)
  • He demanded (a) that Inspector Modig be reinstated, effective immediately; (b) that the focus of the investigation be redirected so as to explore alternative solutions to the Enskede murders; and (c) that research be started without delay on the figure known only as Zala.†   (source)
  • He'd lost his license to practice nine years earlier, and, according to the terms of his disbarment, he could now apply for reinstatement.†   (source)
  • She was reinstated in the President's House and in the President's life, resuming her role where she had left off, despite all she had been through, and all, Mary knew, she suffered because of Charles.†   (source)
  • As you know, before I can be reinstated I have to pass the bar exam, no small feat for an old fart like me.†   (source)
  • No, he was permanently disbarred, which means, in his case, he has to wait eight years before he can apply for reinstatement.†   (source)
  • Jake's trump card was a key provision in Mississippi law that required a disbarred lawyer to take the bar exam before being reinstated.†   (source)
  • For months, even years now I've been wrestling with the decision about whether to begin the reinstatement process, sort of start my comeback, you know?†   (source)
  • It would kill any talk of a possible reinstatement to the practice of law, but at the moment that was small satisfaction, something Jake could not even mention.†   (source)
  • Do you want money or reinstatement?†   (source)
  • Still interested in reinstatement?†   (source)
  • You could have me reinstated.†   (source)
  • I'll take reinstatement.†   (source)
  • Rhett's great love for his child had gone far toward reinstating him in public opinion.†   (source)
  • I'll be found innocent this time and reinstated.†   (source)
  • WILLIE—Of course, you'll be reinstated, Mac.†   (source)
  • Wynand was ordered to reinstate him in his job.†   (source)
  • Well, I'm sicker of your kidding me about getting reinstated on the Force.†   (source)
  • I've filed suit with the labor board today, to be reinstated in my job on the Banner.†   (source)
  • The strikers presented two demands: the reinstatement of the four men who had been discharged; a reversal of the Banner's stand on the Cortlandt case.†   (source)
  • You know how getting reinstated is.†   (source)
  • You have it in your power to be reinstated in our affections.†   (source)
  • It's true he has been reinstated, but how could they fail to do that?†   (source)
  • I won't drink and won't play till I get reinstated.†   (source)
  • She had accomplished, before leaving, the first step toward her reinstatement in Mrs. Bry's good graces.†   (source)
  • In their daily intercourse, they showed themselves very impatient, except with Mme. Giry, who had been reinstated in her functions.†   (source)
  • Two days later Archer had assisted at the comedy of her reinstatement in the van der Luydens' favour, and had said to himself, with a touch of tartness, that a lady who knew how to thank all-powerful elderly gentlemen to such good purpose for a bunch of flowers did not need either the private consolations or the public championship of a young man of his small compass.†   (source)
  • He has been attempting to curry favour and reinstate himself in the good graces of the captain by carrying tales of the men forward.†   (source)
  • Also that at the time the accident occurred, he himself had been satisfied that Clyde could have been little else than one of those led and that if he had returned and properly explained matters he would have been reinstated.†   (source)
  • Even if there was some plan behind what he did, there was nothing that could reinstate him in the eyes of his fellow man.†   (source)
  • Among other things, he noticed a circular issued by one of the companies, which read: ATLANTIC AVENUE RAILROAD SPECIAL NOTICE The motormen and conductors and other employees of this company having abruptly left its service, an opportunity is now given to all loyal men who have struck against their will to be reinstated, providing they will make their applications by twelve o'clock noon on Wednesday, January 16th.†   (source)
  • He had never brought home a nest of young birds without lying awake in misery half the night after, and often reinstating them and the nest in their original place the next morning.†   (source)
  • I absolutely insist upon the good and loyal services of Mme. Giry, my box-keeper, whom you will reinstate in her functions forthwith.†   (source)
  • And, after telling the whole story, under the promise of secrecy, to Gabriel and Mercier, they put the twenty thousand francs into the envelope and without asking for explanations, handed it to Mme. Giry, who had been reinstated in her functions.†   (source)
  • He had to reinstate himself in all the wonted concerns of his Mansfield life: to see his steward and his bailiff; to examine and compute, and, in the intervals of business, to walk into his stables and his gardens, and nearest plantations; but active and methodical, he had not only done all this before he resumed his seat as master of the house at dinner, he had also set the carpenter to work in pulling down what had been so lately put up in the billiard-room, and given the scene-painter his dismissal long enough to justify the pleasing belief of his being then at least as far off as Northampton.†   (source)
  • I recommend you at present, as your clergyman, and one who hopes for your reinstatement in respect, to quit the room, and avoid further hindrance to business.†   (source)
  • Disregarding public opinion for your sake and reinstating your reputation, I certainly might very well reckon on a fitting return, and might indeed look for gratitude on your part.†   (source)
  • The worthy gentleman then became once more the life and soul of the society; being again reinstated in his old post of lion, from which high station the temporary distraction of their thoughts had for a moment dispossessed him.†   (source)
  • On the one hand, the mass of slaves is too great for any expectation of their ever being removed from the country to be entertained; and on the other hand, the Europeans and Anglo-Americans of the North are afraid to come to inhabit a country in which labor has not yet been reinstated in its rightful honors.†   (source)
  • "This bug is to make my fortune," he continued, with a triumphant smile, "to reinstate me in my family possessions.†   (source)
  • She rose early, and wrote her letter to Harriet; an employment which left her so very serious, so nearly sad, that Mr. Knightley, in walking up to Hartfield to breakfast, did not arrive at all too soon; and half an hour stolen afterwards to go over the same ground again with him, literally and figuratively, was quite necessary to reinstate her in a proper share of the happiness of the evening before.†   (source)
  • I picked up her hat, and approached to reinstate it; but perceiving that the people of the house took her part, she commenced capering round the room; and on my giving chase, ran like a mouse over and under and behind the furniture, rendering it ridiculous for me to pursue.†   (source)
  • This canal served commerce until the century of Rome's Antonine emperors; it was then abandoned and covered with sand, subsequently reinstated by Arabia's Caliph Omar I, and finally filled in for good in 761 or 762 A.D. by Caliph Al-Mansur, in an effort to prevent supplies from reaching Mohammed ibn Abdullah, who had rebelled against him.†   (source)
  • Just as Briggs had finished reading this affecting and interesting document, which reinstated her in her position as first confidante of Miss Crawley, Mrs. Firkin entered the room.†   (source)
  • The twins considered that success in the election would reinstate them, and that defeat would work them irreparable damage.†   (source)
  • The order of imprisonment came from high authority, and the order for his liberation must proceed from the same source; and, as Napoleon has scarcely been reinstated a fortnight, the letters have not yet been forwarded.†   (source)
  • [Footnote d: See Appendix, N. [The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson in 1868—which was resorted to by his political opponents solely as a means of turning him out of office, for it could not be contended that he had been guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, and he was in fact honorably acquitted and reinstated in office—is a striking confirmation of the truth of this remark†   (source)
  • To understand in what this dependence consists it is necessary to reinstate another omitted condition of every command proceeding not from the Deity but from a man, which is, that the man who gives the command himself takes part in the event.†   (source)
  • Reinstating the first condition omitted, that of time, we see that no command can be executed without some preceding order having been given rendering the execution of the last command possible.†   (source)
  • Men do not change from enemies to friends by the alteration of a name: And in order to shew that reconciliation now is a dangerous doctrine, I affirm, THAT IT WOULD BE POLICY IN THE KING AT THIS TIME, TO REPEAL THE ACTS FOR THE SAKE OF REINSTATING HIMSELF IN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCES; in order, that HE MAY ACCOMPLISH BY CRAFT AND SUBTLETY, IN THE LONG RUN, WHAT HE CANNOT DO BY FORCE AND VIOLENCE IN THE SHORT ONE.†   (source)
  • "Do not despair, Mrs Honour," said Jones, "I hope to reinstate you again in the same."†   (source)
  • By these means the young lady's modesty, which was extremely delicate, escaped as free from injury as her limbs, and she was once more reinstated in her saddle, having received no other harm than a little fright by her fall.†   (source)
  • And so, señor, let your goodness reinstate the father that begot me in your good opinion, and be assured that he was a wise and prudent man, since by his craft he found out such a sure and easy way of remedying my misfortune; for I believe, señor, that had it not been for you I should never have lit upon the good fortune I now possess; and in this I am saying what is perfectly true; as most of these gentlemen who are present can fully testify.†   (source)
  • They would quickly resort to means similar to those by which it had been effected, to reinstate themselves in their lost pre-eminence.†   (source)
  • Were it proposed by the plan of the convention to abolish the governments of the particular States, its adversaries would have some ground for their objection; though it would not be difficult to show that if they were abolished the general government would be compelled, by the principle of self-preservation, to reinstate them in their proper jurisdiction.†   (source)
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