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  • The pugnacious Colonel Johnson, wearing his trademark soft cap with the visor flipped up, called for two four-man patrols to reconnoiter routes up the northern face of Suribachi.†   (source)
  • He's reconnoitering a hole, sir.†   (source)
  • You can't adjust one person," an agent says, meaning you need a group to make the tracks evident, and the coyotes usually bring the LA (illegal aliens) in groups, often sending scouts across first to reconnoiter the route.†   (source)
  • Perhaps it was a remaining villager, a wounded Austrian magically absorbed into the Italian ranks, or one of the collaborators who helped the Italians reconnoiter the newly captured territories.†   (source)
  • Joe said, "I'll give you twenty bucks to reconnoiter for me, then come back and tell me where they are."†   (source)
  • I wouldn't mind taking out a line of skirmishers to reconnoiter the position.†   (source)
  • "In other words," declared Eli Lavon, who reconnoitered the drop site on the morning after Nabil Awad's interrogation, "it's a spy's nightmare."†   (source)
  • This did not keep Popov from periodic reconnoitering.†   (source)
  • Professor Bieganski had bought the ring in Aden on his voyage back from Madagascar, where he had gone to reconnoiter the geography of his earliest dream: the relocation of the Polish Jews.†   (source)
  • She watched him exploring their strange surroundings; watched him drop flat on his stomach, and knew he was Davy Crockett, reconnoitring a new frontier.†   (source)
  • They were supposed to stay there only until the neighborhood had been reconnoitered and suitable winter quarters found.†   (source)
  • Besides, he wanted time both to reconnoiter the way to Watership and to organize the expedition.†   (source)
  • Dick stood guard outside the bathroom door while I reconnoitered.†   (source)
  • I'm reconnoitering, just like you said last night," I explained.†   (source)
  • I'm gonna go scrub up and we reconnoiter in the kitchen, twenty minutes.†   (source)
  • Well, no. I'm still in the reconnoitering stage," I said, trying to lighten up the conversation.†   (source)
  • Star herself reconnoitered, and got acquainted in Nevia, too.†   (source)
  • As long as she is high up in the air, she reconnoiters the ship and confirms that there is no way off, no handy gangplanks or stairway thingies.†   (source)
  • "I have sent out some reconnoitering parties to gain intelligence if possible of the disposition of the enemy," he had already reported in a letter to Congress that morning.†   (source)
  • The powerful winds of the high ranges, in updrafts, downdrafts, and cyclones that raced around the peaks, made flying dangerous, but these airplanes were much heavier and more powerful than most of the light craft that daredevils had flown through the mountains before the war, or even the fighter planes that were dispatched to reconnoiter and to harass the Italians in their solid trenchwork and fortifications.†   (source)
  • Although he did all that he was told, he did not hesitate to make suggestions as well, particularly when it came to reconnoitering and looking for signs of danger.†   (source)
  • Another time, after El-ahrairah had reconnoitered the way to a cabbage garden and scratched a hole under the fence, he arrived the next morning to find it blocked with wire, and he began to suspect that his plans were leaking out to people who were not intended to learn them.†   (source)
  • Reconnoiter later.†   (source)
  • She's reconnoitering.†   (source)
  • That is to say, he must have reconnoitred the ground beforehand.†   (source)
  • He got away from Mr Charrington and went down the stairs alone, so as not to let the old man see him reconnoitring the street before stepping out of the door.†   (source)
  • Follonsbee, whom he had sent on a reconnoitering ride up the river, returned about sunset.†   (source)
  • And the other continued east on Thirty-first, reconnoitering for the accident.†   (source)
  • I think it's time we reconnoitred from the roof of the house.†   (source)
  • A little time in which to think—a little while in which to reconnoiter.†   (source)
  • On the previous day Platov reconnoitered with two Cossack regiments and two squadrons of hussars.†   (source)
  • The matter was to ascertain, by reconnoitering, how the enemy guarded this bastion.†   (source)
  • On another occasion when reconnoitring thus she beheld two female figures walking in the vale.†   (source)
  • A half-equipped little knight she was, venturing to reconnoiter the mysterious city and dreaming wild dreams of some vague, far-off supremacy, which should make it prey and subject the proper penitent, groveling at a women's slipper.†   (source)
  • Oh, I suppose we must go reconnoitering around the country jest to keep 'em from getting too close, or to develop 'em, or something.†   (source)
  • This induced him to reconnoiter, with the result that he espied a wagon coming along the edge of the timber.†   (source)
  • The dairy-house, so humble, so insignificant, so purely to him a place of constrained sojourn that he had never hitherto deemed it of sufficient importance to be reconnoitred as an object of any quality whatever in the landscape; what was it now?†   (source)
  • And then at last, after fully an hour of rowing, brooding, singing, stopping to look at some charming point of land, reconnoitering some receding inlet which promised water-lilies, and with Roberta already saying that they must watch the time and not stay out too long,—the bay, south of the island itself—a beautiful and yet most funereally pine-encircled and land delimited bit of water—more like a smaller lake, connected by an inlet or passage to the larger one, and yet itself a respectable body of water of perhaps twenty acres of surface and almost circular in form.†   (source)
  • He had been on a reconnoiter alone.†   (source)
  • At the hour when Elizabeth-Jane was contemplating her stealthy reconnoitring excursion to the abode of the lady of her fancy, he had been not a little amazed at receiving a letter by hand in Lucetta's well-known characters.†   (source)
  • Then, after a short pause, he added: "These hills afford us every opportunity of reconnoitering your works, messieurs, and I am possibly as well acquainted with their weak condition as you can be yourselves."†   (source)
  • We begin with friendships, and all our youth is a reconnoitring and recruiting of the holy fraternity they shall combine for the salvation of men.†   (source)
  • Some of those who were not on in the first scene, hurried to the wings, and there stretched their necks to have a peep at him; others stole up into the two little private boxes over the stage-doors, and from that position reconnoitred the London manager.†   (source)
  • So he entertained Wilson with some airs and graces and attitudes for a while, then stepped out of sight and resumed the other disguise, and by and by went down and out the back way and started downtown to reconnoiter the scene of his intended labors.†   (source)
  • "Well," said Cassy, the next day, from the garret, as she reconnoitred through the knot-hole, "the hunt's going to begin again, today!"†   (source)
  • Weyrother had been twice that evening to the enemy's picket line to reconnoiter personally, and twice to the Emperors, Russian and Austrian, to report and explain, and to his headquarters where he had dictated the dispositions in German, and now, much exhausted, he arrived at Kutuzov's.†   (source)
  • A light figure preceded the rest of the party, with the caution and activity of a native; ascending every hillock to reconnoiter, and indicating by gestures, to his companions, the route he deemed it most prudent to pursue.†   (source)
  • From this spot they reconnoitred the fortress for several anxious, and to Ellen, interminable minutes.†   (source)
  • I reconnoitred the island with a heavy heart this forenoon; and there was a bitter hour when I fancied you might be among the slain.†   (source)
  • So saying he unbuckled his baldric with the bugle, took a feather from his cap, and gave them to Wamba; then drew a vizard from his pouch, and, repeating his charges to them to stand fast, went to execute his purposes of reconnoitring.†   (source)
  • Indeed, it would not have been easy to devise any means more favourable to reconnoitering round an Indian camp, than those afforded by the actual state of things.†   (source)
  • If there was really any one in the castle, the motive of the Delaware in reconnoitering must be understood, and it was the wisest way, however perilous it might be, to retire with an air of confidence, as if all distrust were terminated by the examination.†   (source)
  • So follow me a little to the left, where there is a rise in the ground, whence we may make our reconnoitrings.†   (source)
  • Having put on French greatcoats and shakos, Petya and Dolokhov rode to the clearing from which Denisov had reconnoitered the French camp, and emerging from the forest in pitch darkness they descended into the hollow.†   (source)
  • Seeing that I was more skilled in scouting than the others, while they lay back in the cover, I was sent upon the plain, on the business of the reconnoitrings.†   (source)
  • As the canoe kept close along the western side of the lake, with a view, as Hurry had explained to his companion, of reconnoitering for enemies, before he trusted himself too openly in sight, the expectations of the two adventurers were kept constantly on the stretch, as neither could foretell what the next turning of a point might reveal.†   (source)
  • He was pleasantly considering the probability of being promoted in a few days for his last reconnoitering expedition, and was awaiting Denisov, who had gone out somewhere and with whom he wanted a talk.†   (source)
  • The three groups now resembled so many fleets at sea, lying with their topsails to the masts, with the commendable precaution of reconnoitring, before each could ascertain who among the strangers might be considered as friends, and who as foes.†   (source)
  • In the mean time the veteran, on whose experience they all so implicitly relied for protection, employed himself in reconnoitring objects in the distance, through the openings which the air occasionally made in the immense bodies of smoke, that by this time lay in enormous piles on every part of the plain.†   (source)
  • At the outer doorway he pauses to reconnoitre.†   (source)
    unconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans use reconnoiter.
  • Before he reconnoitres, before he sets out on what — he now.†   (source)
    unconventional spelling: This is the British spelling. Americans spell it reconnoiters.
  • Lately she's had the sense of someone watching her, though whenever she reconnoitres there's nobody there.†   (source)
  • It was too light and too early to do anything, but they wanted to reconnoitre and get a look at the place.†   (source)
  • I am going out to reconnoitre—to see what life there is like.†   (source)
  • The Emperor detached Domon's division of light cavalry to reconnoitre in that quarter.†   (source)
  • Let me draw closer into the shore, and reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • After which he proceeded to the margin of the thicket to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • In this dilemma Troy at once went out to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • Then again the skiff put out as though to make a further reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • You should have hove-to off your haven, and sent in a boat to reconnoitre, as I told you before.†   (source)
  • As soon as the friends emerged from the bushes, they stopped to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • Now, you and the Chief get up and cook breakfast, while I go up on the top of this mountain and reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • "We ought to reconnoitre now," he said, "because if any come near they may hear the spades and drop upon us unawares."†   (source)
  • "Isn't your family vault your own freehold?" said Tess's mother, as she returned from a reconnoitre of the church and graveyard.†   (source)
  • They soon reached the summit of the hill, and, evidently intending this point to be the limit of their promenade, slackened pace and turned all three aside to the gate whereat Tess had paused an hour before that time to reconnoitre the town before descending into it.†   (source)
  • As he lived in barracks I was a little doubtful whether this was feasible, but we went out to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • In two minutes Mr. Rann appeared at the door with very deferential bows, which, however, were far from conciliating Pug, who gave a sharp bark and ran across the room to reconnoitre the stranger's legs; while the two puppies, regarding Mr. Rann's prominent calf and ribbed worsted stockings from a more sensuous point of view, plunged and growled over them in great enjoyment.†   (source)
  • After such a nocturnal reconnoitre it is hard to get back to earth, and to believe that the consciousness of such majestic speeding is derived from a tiny human frame.†   (source)
  • Venn resolved to reconnoitre somewhat carefully the lonely road which led along the vale from Wildeve's dwelling to Clym's house at Alderworth.†   (source)
  • As we approached the point, I begged him to remain in a sheltered place, while I went on to reconnoitre; for it was towards it that the men had passed in the night.†   (source)
  • When time had been given to the scouts of the enemy to reconnoitre, they burst out of the thicket upon the naked point, filling the air with yells of fury at discovering the death of their companion.†   (source)
  • I am off to reconnoitre in the canoe.'†   (source)
  • Once or twice I saw a ripple where he approached the surface, just put his head out to reconnoitre, and instantly dived again.†   (source)
  • In the meantime, Robin Hood had sent off several of his followers in different directions, as if to reconnoitre the enemy; and when he saw the company effectually broken up, he approached Richard, who was now completely armed, and, kneeling down on one knee, craved pardon of his Sovereign.†   (source)
  • At half-past three o'clock in the morning, he lost one illusion; officers who had been despatched to reconnoitre announced to him that the enemy was not making any movement.†   (source)
  • Enormous patrols, composed of battalions of the Line, enclosed in entire companies of the National Guard, and preceded by a commissary of police wearing his scarf of office, went to reconnoitre the streets in rebellion.†   (source)
  • Troy, on peeping from his dressing-tent through a slit for a reconnoitre before entering, saw his unconscious wife on high before him as described, sitting as queen of the tournament.†   (source)
  • I instantly disguised myself; and, never doubting that Malay pirates were near, came forth to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • A green cattle-track skirted the spot, without, however, emerging from the screen of fern, and this path Eustacia followed, in order to reconnoitre the group before joining it.†   (source)
  • As the light returned, Pathfinder and Cap ascended again to the roof, with a view to reconnoitre the state of things once more on the island.†   (source)
  • Hearing guns fired, my mind was instantly filled with ideas of Malay pirates, for I never dreamed that you could be here in the yacht, so I disguised myself as you now see me, and came forth to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • This punic labor, incontestably authorized by war, which permits traps, was so well done, that Haxo, who had been despatched by the Emperor at nine o'clock in the morning to reconnoitre the enemy's batteries, had discovered nothing of it, and had returned and reported to Napoleon that there were no obstacles except the two barricades which barred the road to Nivelles and to Genappe.†   (source)
  • "We have now a good opportunity, at least, to reconnoitre the enemy's post at Niagara, brother, for such I take this fort to be," put in the Sergeant.†   (source)
  • Pathfinder took the occasion to reconnoitre from the loops and the roof, and he examined the condition of the rifles, of which there were a dozen kept in the building, the soldiers having used their regimental muskets in the expedition.†   (source)
  • The nature of the calls in the glen, however, soon made him uneasy, and he sprang upon the summit again, in order to reconnoitre.†   (source)
  • Pointing to the place, he ordered his young men to reconnoitre it more closely, cautioning them, at the same time, with a stern look at the trapper, to beware of treachery from the Big-knives.†   (source)
  • The young men who had been sent out to reconnoitre, on the sudden appearance of Hetty, soon returned to report their want of success in making any discovery.†   (source)
  • "This is the best cover I ever yet got into," said the Pathfinder, with his quiet laugh, after having been on the outside to reconnoitre; "the leaves of our new trees fairly touch those of the bushes over our heads.†   (source)
  • As soon as Rivenoak perceived the girl, she was recognised, and calling to two or three of the younger warriors, the chief sent them out to reconnoitre, lest her appearance should be the forerunner of another attack.†   (source)
  • It's a thousand pities that you didn't lie off and on with the boats, and send a canoe ahead to reconnoitre; in which case your command would have been saved, and this disaster would not have befallen us all.†   (source)
  • A quarter of an hour was passed in this state of intense expectation and anxiety, when Deerslayer proposed that they should circle the point in the canoe; and by getting a position close in, where the camp could be seen, reconnoitre the Indians, and thus enable themselves to form some plausible conjectures for the non-appearance of Hist.†   (source)
  • As soon as it was dark, rafts like that already described approached from both shores to reconnoitre, and the Ark had passed within fifty feet of one of them without its being discovered; the men it held lying at their length on the logs, so as to blend themselves and their slow moving machine with the water.†   (source)
  • The face of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a black straw hat peered askew round the door of the shelter palpably reconnoitring on her own with the object of bringing more grist to her mill.†   (source)
  • the ranks—fought well—had been all through the
    Revolutionary war,)
    Lay dying—sons, daughters, church-deacons, lovingly tending him,
    Sharping their sense, their ears, towards his murmuring, half-caught words:
    "Let me return again to my war-days,
    To the sights and scenes—to forming the line of battle,
    To the scouts ahead reconnoitering,
    To the cannons, the grim artillery,
    To the galloping aides, carrying orders,
    To the wounded, the fallen, the heat, the suspense,
    The perfume strong, the smoke, the deafening noise;
    Away with your life of peace!†   (source)
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