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presume as in:  presumption of innocence

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • The police's presumption of guilt against the suspect caused them to overlook important evidence.
    presumption = assumption
  • The presumption of innocence does no prevent holding a defendant thought to be a danger to society.
    presumption = the legal assumption that something is true unless proved otherwise
  • Two hundred and twenty-five men from the 11th had gone missing and were presumed dead, including twenty-six from Louie's 42nd squadron.   (source)
    presumed = probably (thought of as true without certainty)
  • I presume they will perform an autopsy.   (source)
    presume = assume
  • I think Mother has presumed him dead for a long time already.   (source)
    presumed = thought of something as true or likely, even though it was not known with certainty
  • I presume they would be lethal if a sufficiently large dose were given.   (source)
    presume = assume
  • I presume that the sanguine temperament itself and the disturbing influence end in a mentally-accomplished finish, a possibly dangerous man, probably dangerous if unselfish.   (source)
  • ...presuming that all our conjectures are correct --   (source)
    presuming = assuming
  • Archibald Nichols, I presume?   (source)
    presume = to assume something is true (without knowing for sure)
  • None of them, I presume, had ever read a page of my inditing, or would have cared a fig the more for me if they had read them all;   (source)
    presume = assume
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  • He could not help regarding my exclamation as a presumption of my guilt and said in rather a severe tone, "I should have thought, young man, that the presence of your father would have been welcome instead of inspiring such violent repugnance."   (source)
    presumption = something thought of as true
  • D—, I presume, is not altogether a fool, and, if not, must have anticipated...   (source)
    presume = assume
  • It was presumed that Mr. Crawford was travelling back, to London, on the morrow, for nothing more was seen of him at Mr. Price's; and two days afterwards, it was a fact ascertained to Fanny by the following letter from his sister, opened and read by her, on another account, with the most anxious curiosity:   (source)
    presumed = assumed
  • Presumptions of guilt, poverty, racial bias, and a host of other social, structural, and political dynamics have created a system that is defined by error, a system in which thousands of innocent people now suffer in prison.†   (source)
  • But now he had something in his hand; a diploma carrying powerful presumptions of talent and expected success.†   (source)
  • The person who is counseling you not to do "just as you like" is making some remarkable presumptions as to what is likable.†   (source)
  • You have, I presume, a bathing dress with you?   (source)
    presume = assume
  • Yes, and that colleague, I presume, was momentarily out of touch with you?   (source)
  • And Mr. Yates, I presume, is not far off.   (source)
  • In the first place, we may start with a strong presumption that Colonel Openshaw had some very strong reason for leaving America.   (source)
    presumption = something thought of as true or likely, even though it is not known with certainty
  • Nevertheless, vixenly as she looks, many people are seeking at this very moment to shelter themselves under the wing of the federal eagle; imagining, I presume, that her bosom has all the softness and snugness of an eiderdown pillow.   (source)
    presume = assume
  • Let no one presume to give the feelings of a young woman on receiving the assurance of that affection of which she has scarcely allowed herself to entertain a hope.   (source)
    presume = think they know enough
  • He makes me write, but I do not know what else is to be communicated, except this said visit to Portsmouth, and these two said walks, and his introduction to your family, especially to a fair sister of yours, a fine girl of fifteen, who was of the party on the ramparts, taking her first lesson, I presume, in love.   (source)
    presume = assume
  • And now, Fanny, having performed one part of my commission, and shewn you everything placed on a basis the most assured and satisfactory, I may execute the remainder by prevailing on you to accompany me downstairs, where, though I cannot but presume on having been no unacceptable companion myself, I must submit to your finding one still better worth listening to.   (source)
  • It had been, as he before presumed, too hasty a measure on Crawford's side, and time must be given to make the idea first familiar, and then agreeable to her.   (source)
    presumed = assumed
  • I was suddenly, upon turning the corner of a steepish downy field, in the midst of a retired little village between gently rising hills; a small stream before me to be forded, a church standing on a sort of knoll to my right—which church was strikingly large and handsome for the place, and not a gentleman or half a gentleman's house to be seen excepting one—to be presumed the Parsonage—within a stone's throw of the said knoll and church.   (source)
    presumed = probably (thought of as true without certainty)
  • The Bertrams were all forgotten in detailing the faults of Rebecca, against whom Susan had also much to depose, and little Betsey a great deal more, and who did seem so thoroughly without a single recommendation, that Fanny could not help modestly presuming that her mother meant to part with her when her year was up.   (source)
    presuming = assuming
  • There were so many basic things that defied her presumptions.†   (source)
  • Ultimately, a jury who brought many presumptions and biases to the trial of Marsha Colbey was selected to decide her fate.†   (source)
  • Of course innocent mistakes occur, but the accumulated insults and indignations caused by racial presumptions are destructive in ways that are hard to measure.†   (source)
  • What visions, what expectations and what presumptions can outsoar that flight?†   (source)
  • "Do you presume I'm guilty too?" asked K. "I make no presumptions about you," said the priest.†   (source)
  • And yet how many presumptions there were against him!†   (source)
  • The gravest presumptions rest upon you, and may induce vital results.†   (source)
  • Then, bridling—erecting himself as in virtuous self-assertion—he circumstantially alleged certain words and acts, which collectively, if credited, led to presumptions mortally inculpating Budd.†   (source)
  • These are the terms of his deposition: 'I do not even stand in need of circumstantial proofs and moral presumptions to give the lie to the prisoner's denial.†   (source)
  • Besides, the shovels were locked up at night, presumably so they couldn't be used as weapons.   (source)
    presumably = probably
    standard suffix: The suffix "-ably" is a combination of the suffixes "-able" and "-ly". It means in a manner that is capable of being. This is the same pattern you see in words like agreeably, favorably, and comfortably.
  • The boyfriend's name is not given, so presumably they haven't found him.   (source)
  • They're only looking at the husband, presumably because they don't know about the boyfriend.   (source)
  • She wiggled back and forth once more, presumably to settle in for the duration.   (source)
  • "Presumably," Guitierrez said, "they entered the jungles."   (source)
  • Then, presumably to drive home his point, he emptied his glass.   (source)
  • Presumably, here was a scene that neither of the dogs could have anticipated earlier that day.   (source)
  • This was presumably so that they could study more closely how a single idea can sweep the globe.   (source)
  • By now presumably they were settling into the King's Tower.   (source)
  • After five minutes of perfect quiet, the same sequence repeats itself three more times, after which he's presumably lulled himself back to sleep for a while.   (source)
  • Hundreds of men had gone missing during the military campaign, presumably picked up by the army or ISI, but no one would say.   (source)
    presumably = thought to have probably been
  • That's what they're saying: Megan killed her baby, which would give someone—the father of the child, presumably-a motive to kill her.   (source)
    presumably = probably
  • The Count was presumably right to be concerned for Nina, though we will never know for certain—for she did not return to the Metropol within the month, within the year, or ever again.   (source)
  • And Velociraptor was a lightly built dinosaur in any case, an animal as fine-boned as a bird, and presumably as intelligent.   (source)
  • Presumably he wanted it for the store.   (source)
  • Men presumably dominated women from the very beginning because of their greater physical strength; it's men who earn a living, beget children and do as they please….   (source)
  • Scott, presumably.   (source)
  • As she progressed through the dark purple scoop (presumably blackberry), he considered how best to articulate the virtues of a formal education.   (source)
  • Though presumably startled to find a stranger sitting in one of his chairs, the American didn't jump back or shout.   (source)
  • Unsealing the smaller of the two, he removed the seating chart, which had presumably been prepared in some office in the Kremlin.   (source)
  • For while house arrest is a definitive infringement upon one's liberty, presumably it is also intended to be something of a humiliation.   (source)
  • On that fateful night when the Count had dined with the enchantress in her suite, she presumably had the power to render him invisible on the spot.   (source)
  • Setting out from some elegant house on the Boulevard Ring, this young beauty presumably arrived in an automobile as black as her coat.   (source)
  • He was now inside a dark, narrow space that smelled of dry cedar, presumably the interior of the neighboring closet.   (source)
  • Presumably, this elder had taken part in the 1905 revolution, or penned a pamphlet in 1880, or dined with Karl Marx back in 1852.   (source)
  • The manager gave a nod of familiarity, having presumably heard this question a thousand times before, then put both hands on his desk.   (source)
  • Second, there is their infatuation with the West, which presumably stems from their long history of intermarriage with the Poles.   (source)
  • The egg (which presumably had been liberated from the Piazza's kitchen) was held precisely, released exactly, and timed to the centisecond.   (source)
  • Nina eyed the Count with an expression of seasoned tolerance, and then presumably for his benefit, spoke a little more slowly.   (source)
    presumably = in a manner thought to be
  • Naturally enough, the majority of travel guides in the basement were dedicated to Russia, but a few were for other countries, having presumably been discarded at the end of an extended tour.   (source)
    presumably = probably
  • Presumably, Vladimir could simply have broken the top off the bottle, but with surprising agility he produced a corkscrew from a pocket, spun it in his hand, and pulled the cork.   (source)
  • In the aftermath of the Revolution, all three had been discharged; the silenced sewing machines had, presumably, become the property of the People; and the room?   (source)
  • In some lecture hall, this lad with a hint of a moustache had presumably admired his fellow student for the sharpness of her intellect and the seriousness of her mien.   (source)
  • Then all of a sudden, the old accordion player—who had stopped performing during the scuffle—struck up a friendly tune, presumably in the hopes of restoring some sense of goodwill.   (source)
  • The Count wasn't certain what had brought the couple to Moscow, but they reliably left the hotel every evening at seven o'clock, presumably to avail themselves of the city's nightlife.   (source)
  • Presumably, the bells of the Church of the Ascension had been reclaimed by the Bolsheviks for the manufacture of artillery, thus returning them to the realm from whence they came.   (source)
  • Along with six piles of paper, it now boasted a stapler, a penholder, and two telephones (presumably so the Bishop could put the Central Committee on hold while he dialed up the Politburo).   (source)
  • At first, he heard muted voices, a few coughs, and the last rustling of an audience settling in; then silence; then heartfelt applause as the performer presumably took the stage.   (source)
  • His neck and wrists were as thick as a wrestler's and his close-cropped hair revealed a scar above the left ear, which was presumably the result of a glancing blow that had hoped to cleave his skull.   (source)
  • By now, the Bolsheviks had presumably built new hospitals—modern, bright, and clean—and this old facility had been left behind as some sort of clinic for veterans, the homeless, and the otherwise forsaken.   (source)
  • The note, which had presumably been rolled up in the report, included a straightforward instruction of how to confirm that Sofia had arrived at the embassy safely, followed by a long sequence of seven-digit numbers.   (source)
  • When Richard left, the Count looked once around the room to see if there was anyone he knew, and was pleased to discover that the young architect from the Piazza was at a table in the corner, bent over his sketchbook, presumably rendering the bar.   (source)
  • The handsome captain made a similar gesture, presumably offering to accompany her, but Nina shook his hand just as soberly as she had shaken the Count's and then walked across the square in the general direction of historical necessity.   (source)
  • Half an hour later, after the Count had sent Mishka off to a discussion on the future of meter (at which Katerina from Kiev would presumably be in attendance), he headed to the Boyarsky, apparently destined to dine on duck alone.   (source)
  • But coming to a halt at the curb (in order to let the traffic pass), the Count would note that his lunch at the Jockey Club was scheduled for two o'clock—and that while his bankers were expecting him at half past ten, they were for all intents and purposes in the employ of their depositors, and thus could presumably be kept waiting….   (source)
  • I padded to the bathroom in my nightshirt—mentally blocking the question of how I'd changed into it, since I'd presumably been wearing clothes when Patch brought me home—and sped through my morning routine.   (source)
  • I will, after all, take my leave of these people in the morning and presumably never encounter them again.   (source)
  • Abdullah, presumably, wanted the best, and Reliant considered themselves the best, certainly the biggest, twice as big as their closest U.S. competitor.   (source)
  • "She left her phone in the pocket of my jacket," Jace said, patting his right side, where, presumably, the phone was stashed.   (source)
  • Since Red was the one telling this story, there was no knowing what Merrick's friends did, but presumably they ate in some joint and then caught a movie, maybe, or went dancing.   (source)
  • He was still amazed that it had not been confiscated when Paulsson frisked him, but Paulsson presumably thought it was Blomkvist's own, and he had never been formally taken into custody and searched.   (source)
  • BERENGER closes the down-stage window; goes to the up-stage window where other rhinoceroses are passing, presumably making a tour of the house.   (source)
  • Presumably he was in the Ministry of Love, but there was no way of making certain.   (source)
  • Presumably she could be trusted to find a safe place.   (source)
  • Presumably she had been changed on to a later shift.   (source)
  • You are young, so presumably you're more afraid of it than I am.   (source)
  • Lodging in the same house with her, he had noticed too, how orderly she was, up before breakfast and off to paint, he believed, alone: poor, presumably, and without the complexion or the allurement of Miss Doyle certainly, but with a good sense which made her in his eyes superior to that young lady.   (source)
  • Her scraggy father labored with his needle, bent over, and presumably thinking nothing of his appearance to the street in the lighted glass; her chicken-thin little sister in black gym bloomers cut paper with the big shears.   (source)
  • Nor did one know what became of them, apart from the few who were hanged as war-criminals: the others simply vanished, presumably into forced-labour camps.   (source)
  • Presumably — since he had sometimes seen her with oily hands and carrying a spanner she had some mechanical job on one of the novel-writing machines.   (source)
  • Soon he was within arm's length of the girl, but the way was blocked by an enormous prole and an almost equally enormous woman, presumably his wife, who seemed to form an impenetrable wall of flesh.   (source)
  • ...she was presumably engaged to a man from New Orleans.   (source)
    presumably = thought to be (without definite knowledge)
  • What could Clarissa have thought of him? thought him a fool presumably...   (source)
    presumably = probably
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presumptuous as in:  she is presumptuous

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • She does not like presumptuous employees.
    presumptuous = exercising unearned privileges
  • "Do not presume to tell me what it means!" the mayor cried.   (source)
    presume = exercise privileges to which one is not entitled
  • The Ministry wouldn't presume to trouble you, sir, surely?   (source)
  • And God forbid you should presume to serve with a dangling button—for next thing you knew, it would be floating in a customer's vichyssoise.   (source)
    presume = be so bold as
  • "It is not our custom to fight for our gods," said one of them. "Let us not presume to do so now."   (source)
  • No one on the island had ever presumed to stare like that at Sir Francis Tyler's granddaughter.   (source)
    presumed = acted so boldly as
  • And Redd would have been queen--she would have ruled with all the innate power she possessed--if not for the presumption of her sister.   (source)
    presumption = exercise of privilege to which one is not entitled
  • Of course, I could not have expressed this view to Mr Farraday without embarking upon what might have seemed a presumptuous speech.   (source)
    presumptuous = exercising social privileges to which one is not entitled
  • I think he realizes that his presumptuous little flirtation is over.   (source)
    presumptuous = inappropriately bold (exercising privileges to which he is not entitled)
  • You will, I am sure, excuse my presumption   (source)
    presumption = exercise of social privileges to which one might not entitled
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  • Did any one indeed exist, except I, the creator, who would believe, unless his senses convinced him, in the existence of the living monument of presumption and rash ignorance which I had let loose upon the world?   (source)
    presumption = assumption of a privilege to which one is not entitled
  • It was presumptuous of me to just show up and ask you to drop everything.†   (source)
  • I know it is presumptuous to compare my small life to hers, but I have reason to believe she wouldn't mind; I will get to that.†   (source)
  • I was sure that I'd made a mistake, that I'd been self-indulgent and presumptuous and insulting, and that I'd never hear back from him.†   (source)
  • I know it's presumptuous to think that you'd want to talk to someone like me'but I think if I'd known someone like you when I was in high school, my life would have been different, and maybe it's never too late?†   (source)
  • And presumptuous too, since it was her father who would have to pay.†   (source)
  • I climbed into the rickshaw with my mother in it, which displeased Amah, because this was presumptuous behavior on my part and also because Amah loved me better than her own.†   (source)
  • that whatever it is, it's a little more than just two friends hanging out, and knowing that makes me think about later tonight when it's time for you to leave and whether or not you plan to kiss me and I'm the type of person who hates surprises so I can't stop feeling awkward about it because I do want you to kiss me and this may be presumptuous of me, but I sort of think you want to kiss me, too, and so I was thinking how much easier it would be if we just went ahead and kissed already so you can go back to cooking dinner and I can stop trying to mentally map out how our night's about to play out.†   (source)
  • I know this declaration is presumptuous, and that it's quite sudden, but it's so hard to get near you that I decided to tell you tonight.†   (source)
  • I shouldn't wear it, then," said Eragon, afraid that he had been presumptuous.†   (source)
  • "That would be extremely presumptuous of you," said Merlin, "and you would be conquered, and you would suffer for it."†   (source)
  • That would be too presumptuous.†   (source)
  • I am not presumptuous enough to call it more.†   (source)
  • Molly holds her breath, her heart thumping, aware that she's being presumptuous, if not downright rude.†   (source)
  • I wasn't presumptuous enough to think even half of them revolved around me.†   (source)
  • I feel somewhat presumptuous addressing you in this way yet I feel sure you would not want me to address you any other way.†   (source)
  • Pretty presumptuous, don't you think?†   (source)
  • Katie felt her cheeks flush; it seemed inappropriate—presumptuous, even—for Jo to be talking to her like this.†   (source)
  • We were presumptuous and disrespectful, and for that I apologize.†   (source)
  • Compassion knew it was being presumptuous, yet it quietly stood its ground, and on the fifth day after her departure Tomas informed the director of his hospital (the man who had phoned him daily in Prague after the Russian invasion) that he had to return at once.†   (source)
  • They were being killed in the mills, while she wasted her thoughts and longings on people who would laugh if they knew of her presumptuous devotion.†   (source)
  • We were maids and farmers, handymen and washerwomen, and anything higher that we aspired to was farcical and presumptuous.†   (source)
  • They were reckless, puerile, congenial, naive, presumptuous, deferential and rambunctious.†   (source)
  • It was presumptuous to show up and just assume I knew better, based on only a few hours.†   (source)
  • I thought it would be kind of presumptuous to expect you to sleep with me on the first date.†   (source)
  • Now you're presumptuous.†   (source)
  • The other rulers might find it rather presumptuous for Prusias to claim Rowan as his vassal state.†   (source)
  • It was presumptuous of me to even suggest another school.†   (source)
  • Margaery embraced her like a sister, which the queen found presumptuous, but this was not the place to reproach her.†   (source)
  • I can't do it ....that would be presumptuous of me.†   (source)
  • Aren't you being presumptuous?†   (source)
  • Well, as you know, I am in charge of private home sales, and I hope it's not presumptuous of me to think you might be in the market for a home here in the King Abdullah Economic City.†   (source)
  • It would have seemed presumptuous.†   (source)
  • It appears presumptuous to me for these two gentlemen to try to interfere with the will of the Corps.†   (source)
  • Or to look at it another way-we are little men, we don't know the ins and outs of the matter, there are wheels within wheels, etcetera-it would be presumptuous of us to interfere with the designs of fate or even of kings.†   (source)
  • After these months and the momentary advantage she had been given, it would be more self-defeating to continue to play the torpid tongue-tied slave than to appear presumptuous, even if it involved the serious additional hazard of being thought actually insolent.†   (source)
  • "I consider such indecision presumptuous," said Brahma, "when one has just been made such an offer."†   (source)
  • DAISY: That's very presumptuous of you!†   (source)
  • It isn't that they didn't think about these things, and to good effect, but to talk about such things seemed to them pretentious, presumptuous.†   (source)
  • If he wanted, he would send for her; and even to offer an early return was a presumption which hardly anything would have seemed to justify.   (source)
  • I listened to his statement, which was delivered without any presumption or affectation, and then added that his lecture had removed my prejudices against modern chemists; I expressed myself in measured terms, with the modesty and deference due from a youth to his instructor, without letting escape (inexperience in life would have made me ashamed) any of the enthusiasm which stimulated my intended labours.   (source)
    presumption = exercise of privilege to which one is not entitled
  • To call or to fancy it a loss, a disappointment, would be a presumption for which she had not words strong enough to satisfy her own humility.   (source)
    presumption = assumption of a privilege to which one is not entitled
  • In this world the penalty is less equal than could be wished; but without presuming to look forward to a juster appointment hereafter, we may fairly consider a man of sense, like Henry Crawford, to be providing for himself no small portion of vexation and regret:   (source)
    presuming = exercising a privilege to which one is not entitled
  • "Deathgod, deathgod," he chanted, "forgive my presumptuous question, and tell me you did not lie."†   (source)
  • It's just that they only awarded fifteen of these fellowships nationwide, so I thought it an honor that would be relevant, and I apologize if that was presumptuous of me.†   (source)
  • If it is not too presumptuous, I would ask a boon on behalf of my king and my clan, as was the custom between our people.†   (source)
  • You are presumptuous.†   (source)
  • Since there are many more eggs elsewhere—I shall not name the place—I hope you do not believe that I have acted presumptuously or that I have been overly prejudiced in favor of my own race.†   (source)
  • "I realize," said Nasuada, "that this is presumptuous of me, as you aren't under my command and I know little of your life or duties, but I have a favor to ask of you."†   (source)
  • Because you are contemptuous, along with presumptuous, disrespectful, arrogant, and a lot of other things.†   (source)
  • To have continued pronouncing aloud my thoughts on the future of Darlington Hall would have been, to say the very least, presumptuous.†   (source)
  • T.V. "Class"—Miss Williams smirked and continued lazily without giving us permission to sit down—"although you are only in the seventh grade, I'm sure you wouldn't be so presumptuous as to sign a letter with an initial.†   (source)
  • What is this presumptuous little bit of rail, which crude materialists are so proud of building-compared to that eternal grandeur?†   (source)
  • And that is presumptuous of me, eh?†   (source)
  • It shows an overhaste-indeed, a presumptuousness, which we can but deplore.†   (source)
  • But it is, in a way, presumptuous for a foreigner to teach Spanish," Fernando said.†   (source)
  • Of course it is not presumptuous for you to try.†   (source)
  • Oh, I'm much more presumptuous than that, Mr. Wynand," said Toohey gaily.†   (source)
  • I am sure he does not mean to be presumptuous, uncle.†   (source)
  • You're as innocent and presumptuous as an emperor.†   (source)
  • But it would be presumptuous to try—after everybody.†   (source)
  • I hate the presumptuousness of the idea.†   (source)
  • "That would be extremely presumptuous of you," said Merlyn, "and you would be conquered, and you would suffer for it."†   (source)
  • It's a little presumptuous, you know—offering a present to God—and unless you do it in the best way possible, it will be offensive, not reverent.†   (source)
  • a woman that attempts the pen, Such a presumptuous creature is esteemed, The fault can by no virtue be redeemed.†   (source)
  • It resembled the effort of those presumptuous souls who wanted to walk on the pavements of Heaven and built the Tower of Babel to get there.†   (source)
  • Don't be so presumptuous!†   (source)
  • This despair of his not only unmasked the conceited lecturer and dismissed with its irony the matter at hand, the expectant attitude of the public, the somewhat presumptuous title under which the lecture was announced—no, the Steppenwolf's look pierced our whole epoch, its whole overwrought activity, the whole surge and strife, the whole vanity, the whole superficial play of a shallow, opinionated intellectuality.†   (source)
  • But when Mr. Cecil Rhodes of the British Empire weeps many tears because he can't do business with the blazing stars, this is not decadence but inner consciousness speaking over all the highest works of presumptuous man.†   (source)
  • Now, swell up like a gobbler and tell me that he is worth a thousand blackguards like me and that I shouldn't dare to be so presumptuous as to feel either pity or contempt for him.†   (source)
  • She suffered terribly from melancholy, which we can explain at least to some extent when we find her telling us how in the grip of it she would imagine: My lines decried, and my employment thought An useless folly or presumptuous fault: The employment, which was thus censured, was, as far as one can see, the harmless one of rambling about the fields and dreaming: My hand delights to trace unusual things, And deviates from the known and common way, Nor will in fading silks compose, Faintly the inimitable rose.†   (source)
  • Austen Heller said to Roark one evening: "If I may be so presumptuous, I think you need advice, Howard.†   (source)
  • The words of doom cried by the angel shattered in an instant his presumptuous peace.†   (source)
  • The soldier regarded him in the way that middle age is wont to regard presumptuous youth.†   (source)
  • Being of a vain and presumptuous disposition herself, she decided that that should not be.†   (source)
  • And woe to Boythorn or other daring wight who shall presumptuously contest an inch with him!†   (source)
  • It doesn't seem to me that I've been presumptuous—that I have taken too much for granted.†   (source)
  • The remembrance of the scene at St. Germain presented itself to the mind of the presumptuous Gascon.†   (source)
  • I do indeed fear that all the thoughts I have harbored about her are vain and presumptuous.†   (source)
  • "I'm not afraid, you know," she said: which seemed quite presumptuous enough.†   (source)
  • It is both mean and presumptuous to add your torture to his!'†   (source)
  • —I was too presumptuous.†   (source)
  • Obviously each family possessed the strip of sand immediately in front of its umbrella; besides there was much visiting and talking back and forth—the atmosphere of a community upon which it would be presumptuous to intrude.†   (source)
  • If the King finds out you're not a lady, you will be taken by the police to the Tower of London, where your head will be cut off as a warning to other presumptuous flower girls.†   (source)
  • Not railways, properly speaking, presumptuous youth, but the general tendency of which railways may be considered as the outward expression and symbol.†   (source)
  • But it seems such a terribly tragic thing to bring beings into the world—so presumptuous—that I question my right to do it sometimes!†   (source)
  • Indeed, the child's simple belief that stars were holes in the tent of heaven through which eternal brightness shone was many thousand times clearer to his heart than all the empty, absurd, and presumptuous babble about the "cosmos" perpetrated by monistic science.†   (source)
  • You are presumptuous.†   (source)
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