persistencein a sentence
She hasn't succeeded yet, but I admire her persistence.
persistence = continuing effort despite difficulties
The persistence of these organic pollutants makes them a more serious threat.
persistence = prolonged existence
The persistence of the scientist in her research eventually led to a groundbreaking discovery.
persistence = continuing effort despite difficulties
- What was unusual about Arthur Sallis was the persistence of his desire to make something of his life, in spite of the odds against him. (source)
An hour later, when the four of us were still seated on the sofas, I finally came to terms with their physical persistence.
persistence = continuing effort (despite difficulties)
Exhausted by her persistence, Louie finally agreed to go, with one caveat: When Graham said, "Every head bowed, every eye closed," they were leaving.
persistence = long-continuing effort
- The behavior had continued for a long time now, and it occurred to him that it might be too long. It almost seemed as if they were trying to keep Ellie's attention ... he was troubled by the persistence of their behavior. (source)
In his pursuit of the dream, he was being constantly subjected to tests of his persistence and courage.
persistence = continuing effort despite difficulties
Maybe comrade Leplevsky was so dedicated to the brotherhood of the Proletariat (from which he'd sprung), that the persistence of this Former Person in the new Russia galled his sense of justice.
persistence = continuing existence
- Disruptions were enormous, and conflict did not vanish overnight, it persisted and simmered, but reports of its persistence and simmering seemed less than apocalyptic, and while some migrants continued to cling to properties they did not own under the law, and some migrants and some nativists too continued to detonate bombs and carry out knifings and shootings, Saeed and Nadia had the sense that overall, for most people, in Britain at least, existence went on in tolerable safety. (source)
But I was taken with the guy's persistence.
persistence = continuing effort despite difficulties
- We'd finished studying an hour ago, thanks only to my utter persistence. (source)
show 188 more with this conextual meaning
She was exasperated by the persistence of global crises that seemed to her imminently solvable.
persistence = prolonged existence
- The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life, imposed by the dead upon the living. (source)
A sound of subterranean flute playing came up and was almost lost in the steady remorseless persistence of the drums.
persistence = continuation
- It soon became clear to Ender that even though Dink was very, very good, his persistence in holding onto the corridor gravity orientation instead of thinking of the enemy gate as downward was limiting his thinking.† (source)
- Despite his persistence, his sisters refuse to join him because, frankly, they're too smart.† (source)
- Her success was seen as a matter of persistence and hard work, but without her, someone else would have completed her work.† (source)
- But your persistence has now put me in a difficult position.† (source)
- He realized that a beaver had persistence, patience and ingenuity.† (source)
- He'd called again, asked for a second chance, and after some persistence, she'd reluctantly agreed.† (source)
- The wonder was the depth of the girl's rancor, her persistence with a story that saw him all the way to Wandsworth Prison.† (source)
- Sampson, feeling hopeless, but somehow having too much persistence and determination to give up, suddenly had an inspiration.† (source)
- All her persistence had paid off.† (source)
- There is actually a significant scientific literature measuring Asian "persistence."† (source)
- Because of my persistence, Dr. Robertson suggested some books for me to study on basic psychology.† (source)
- Maybe he thinks that with persistence one day he'll eventually come to see it as well, and that his dad's last vision will confirm what is already in his head.† (source)
- The man pressed ahead with the dogged persistence of the inebriated.† (source)
- The chapters that wound up getting included reflect the noisiness and persistence of their topics: some ideas refused to be denied, crowding their way in and sometimes crowding out those that were less ill-mannered.† (source)
- The secrets of Holmes's castle eventually did come to light, but only because of the persistence of a lone detective from a far-off city, grieving his own terrible loss.† (source)
- One unforgettable incident with the electric' fence illustrates his persistence.† (source)
- THE TREE OF PARADISE But persistence at last met with its reward.† (source)
- News of our demise would be a three-line notation buried on the back page of a white newspaper were it not for the Northern reporters' nosy persistence in getting the facts and dogging the trail of segregationists.† (source)
- Hopelessly, by sheer numbers and persistence, I was stilled, surrounded, and forced out of the rooms.† (source)
- The local government at first refused to recognize her as a legitimate child, but afterseveral years of persistence from my brother and his wife, the county officials finally allowed them to adopt her and register her as a local citizen.† (source)
- Art consists of the persistence of memory.† (source)
- I'm not sure I would have had the persistence, the faith it took to save her.† (source)
- Still ...perhaps human persistence was an asset.† (source)
- He would earn their respect through sheer persistence, if nothing else.† (source)
- His persistence in the face of mulishness was astounding.† (source)
- Her persistence turned out to be a wonderful blessing for all of us, not just because of the quality education we received, but also because of the flexibility that it afforded us.† (source)
- She had waited all week with the same hidden persistence with which during different times she had waited for Pietro Crespi's letters.† (source)
- Their friendship had grown via accidental reunions and persistence on Wendy's part.† (source)
- Other people found me," she said slowly, remembering Al walking up the alley, understanding for the first time the depth of his persistence.† (source)
- Indeed, his increased persistence of late may even be my employer's way of urging me all the more to respond in a like-minded spirit.† (source)
- A curious, most unchildlike persistence, a controlled impatience, made him wait.† (source)
- I had a time with this part of their training, but my persistence had no bounds.† (source)
- He took a seat directly behind the defendants, and fixed them with a gaze of unique persistence, as though he planned to paint their portraits from memory.† (source)
- "We think she's gone," Charlie Barnes said, with irritating persistence.† (source)
- With its discouragement came that dogged persistence that was characteristic of the girl.† (source)
- It has an aimless determination, a persistence that lives outside the subject matter.† (source)
- 'Gone, gone,' the old woman replied with a crabby shrug, irritated by his persistence, her low wail growing louder.† (source)
- At first we used undersize blue foam mats, but with great effort and persistence Yoga Janet got proper orange yoga mats donated to the Camp from the outside.† (source)
- "May Heaven grant us victory, if we deserve it," he prayed, "if not, patience, humility, and persistence under defeat."† (source)
- Thomas ignored her persistence.† (source)
- Once, a Taliban border guard, unsuccessfully trying to point out imaginary flaws with her passport to keep her out of Afghanistan had been amazed by her persistence.† (source)
- The persistence of the dialect reflects, in part, the growing resistance of some young blacks to assimilate and their efforts to use language as part of a value system that prizes cultural distinction.† (source)
- It was merely a question of persistence.† (source)
- But persistence paid off and finally there was Renault on the line, the quiet hello, the calm voice but something else, something else.† (source)
- Observe the persistence, in mankind's mythologies, of the legend about a paradise that men had once possessed, the city of Atlantis or the Garden of Eden or some kingdom of perfection, always behind us.† (source)
- So watching Paul Berlin's dogged climb, its steadiness and persistence, the lieutenant felt great admiration for the boy, admiration and love combined.† (source)
- He was rewarded for his persistence, for his emotions.† (source)
- The century has witnessed the defeat of Nazism by force of arms; but the erosion of the Soviet regimes was caused, among other things, by the sheer persistence, beneath the imposed ideological conformity, of cultural values and psychic resistances of a kind that these stories and images enshrine.† (source)
- Her persistence was maddening.† (source)
- Then with a bitter, stubborn persistence.† (source)
- With the pulse of the lightning the wide front window was oftener light than dark, and the persistence of illumination seemed slowly to be waking something that slept longer than Josie had slept, for her trembling body turned under her mother's hand.† (source)
- But no amount of acquired information, bulldog persistence or ferocious egotism could save Thomas Hart Benton from the tidal wave that engulfed the Senate and his state over one burning issue—slavery.† (source)
- Hallucinations with time and spatial persistence!† (source)
"I couldn't possibly," Grant said.
"Oh, just for a weekend," Hammond said, with the irritating, cheery persistence of an old man. "That's all I'm talking about, Dr. Grant. I wouldn't want to interrupt your work." (source)persistence = continuing effort (despite difficulties)
- The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence. (source)
The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.
persistence = continuing effort despite difficulties
- I used to think it was a matter of persistence, that we could help everyone, but we can't.† (source)
- But the British never appreciated Gandhi's persistence, and my family didn't appreciate mine.† (source)
- "Then again," Jacob said thoughtfully, "sometimes persistence pays off."† (source)
- Professor Chase ...I admire your persistence.† (source)
- The gunslinger shook him gently, but with persistence.† (source)
- The boy's skill and persistence with horses pleased him.† (source)
- Jinny Love, with a persistence they had not dreamed of, deployed the towel.† (source)
- Success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds.† (source)
- The persistence of memory and all that.† (source)
- Warmed up by the persistence of his mentor, in a few months Jose Arcadio Segundo came to be as adept in theological tricks used to confuse the devil as he was skilled in the tricks of the cockpit.† (source)
- In the shadows of her house, the solitary widow who at one time had been the confidante of his repressed loves and whose persistence had saved his life was a specter out of the past.† (source)
- Wounded by the fatal lances of his own nostalgia and that of others, he admired the persistence of the spider webs on the dead rose bushes, the perseverance of the rye grass, the patience of the air in the radiant February dawn.† (source)
- He would get up at five in the morning after a light sleep, have his eternal mug of bitter coffee in the kitchen, shut himself up all day in the workshop, and at four in the afternoon he would go along the porch dragging a stool, not even noticing the fire of the rose bushes or the brightness of the hour or the persistence of Amaranta, whose melancholy made the noise of a boiling pot, which was perfectly perceptible at dusk, and he would sit in the street door as long as the mosquitoes would allow him to.† (source)
- He could see the nervous Liang ringing his bell repeatedly, finally knocking on the door with increasing persistence.† (source)
- She took a step backward, but in spite of her reservations, she found herself smiling at his persistence.† (source)
- Brom was persistence embodied, his name a nightmare for the Forsworn and a beacon of hope for those who still had the spirit to resist the Empire.† (source)
- Full credit for persistence, I suppose.† (source)
- In the dark, she couldn't read his expression, but as she stared at him, she realized that she was less angry at him than exasperated by his persistence.† (source)
- Persistence.† (source)
- He admired the oxen persistence with which the last soldier in the column of thirty-nine marched, thinking that the boy represented so much good—fortitude, discipline, loyalty, self-control, courage, toughness.† (source)
- Within his persistence, Caroline thought, watching from the last seat, deciding again every second not to intervene, was some deep desire to find a person who would really see him.† (source)
- He had no money, and no eloquence with which to persuade Lorena to trust him, but he did have a dogged persistence and was prepared to sit in the Dry Bean all night in hope that his evident need would finally move her.† (source)
- Here and there, with stubborn persistence to custom, there had been voices singing, the honey laughter under the mimosa branches, the pickaninnies rushing in clear water laughter at the creek, movements and bendings in the fields, jokes and shouts of amusement from the shingle shacks covered with fresh green vine.† (source)
- I began also to see that she shied away from this part of her story with the greatest persistence, seeming to circle about it hesitantly, as if it were a matter too painful to touch upon.† (source)
- Even when the worst of the piece was over, her fingers like foam on rocks pulled at the spent-out part with unstilled persistence, insolence, violence.† (source)
- There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellowcreature.† (source)
- They were all becoming restive under the monotonous persistence of the missionary.† (source)
- It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war.† (source)
- Two or three widgeon hung in one of them, and, far away to the eastward, a fly-like man was plodding over the slob in tiny persistence, to collect his bag.† (source)
- And, even more than an established, an exiled greatness, because the exile was a sign to me of persistence at the highest things.† (source)
- Upon which, wearily, ghostlily, as if they had feather-light fingers and the light persistency of feathers, they would look, once, on the shut eyes, and the loosely clasping fingers, and fold their garments wearily and disappear.† (source)
- It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall rule and guide the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war.† (source)
- It has a mournful harping note sometimes, and the very persistence of it, that eternal roll and thunder and hiss, plays a jagged tune upon the nerves.† (source)
- And every time they were won over by the imploring persistence of the last intoxicated dancers and played once more.† (source)
- This persistence of the small life in some way won her father's affection, although if she had been round and merry as the others had been at her age he would have been careless of her for a girl.† (source)
- Next day, by dint of a persistence that many thought ill-advised, Rieux persuaded the authorities to convene a health committee at the Prefect's office.† (source)
- The Bishop had often been embarrassed by his Vicar's persistence in begging for the parish, for the Cathedral fund and the distant missions.† (source)
- 0thers, too, Rambert for example, were trying to escape from this atmosphere of growing panic, but with more skill and persistence, if not with greater success.† (source)
- It seemed impossible that Mrs. Fox should endure his stolid persistence.† (source)
- Himself reeling from exhaustion, he was astonished beyond measure at such persistency.† (source)
- On the whole, however, it increased in volume and persistence until she was riding against a gale.† (source)
- It was the simple persistence of a simple swain.† (source)
- The thudding vibration continued with wearisome persistence.† (source)
- His efforts, however, were crowned with the reward of persistence.† (source)
- Franz rocked his shoulders up the stairs, shaking off her persistence.† (source)
- "Why—as Fay says?" inquired Lassiter, with gentle persistence.† (source)
- The persistence of the infatuation lent it an aspect of genuineness.† (source)
- "It's absurd!" cried Stuart, who was beginning to be annoyed at the persistency of his friend.† (source)
- The characteristic of a genuine heroism is its persistency.† (source)
- From the beginning every one noticed Fetyukovitch's persistence on this subject.† (source)
- He arrived at this end by his persistence in accusation.† (source)
- But more and more often, and with greater persistence, he watched her.† (source)
- He walked, he slid, he scrambled, he tumbled, with a persistency which one could not but admire.† (source)
- But, as we have said, d'Artagnan paid no attention to this persistence of poor Kitty.† (source)
- "And once we're at the Cape of Good Hope?" the Canadian asked with typical persistence.† (source)
- Tell me, now, if persistence is not a virtue?† (source)
- She turned from the thought with a little shiver, but it hung on her all the way to the station, and dogged her down the platform with the persistency of Mr. Rosedale himself.† (source)
- This arrangement was brought about by the persistence of the girls, who insisted that they were never allowed to go abroad because their parents were too anxious to marry them off.† (source)
- Tess was the merest stray phenomenon to Angel Clare as yet—a rosy, warming apparition which had only just acquired the attribute of persistence in his consciousness.† (source)
- The disappointment and impatience of the Negroes at the persistence of slavery and serfdom voiced itself in two movements.† (source)
- Look at his persistence and endurance.† (source)
- He told himself that Mildred must have senses like anybody else, it was only a question of awakening them; he had theories about woman, the rip at heart, and thought that there must come a time with everyone when she would yield to persistence.† (source)
- And brought Miss Hunter down from London in order to get rid of the disagreeable persistence of Mr. Fowler.† (source)
- Several times he had tried to open a conversation with Madeline relating to Stewart; she had evaded him until the last time, when his persistence had brought a cold and final refusal to hear another word about the foreman.† (source)
- Her graceful figure was as rigid as a statue, her eyes were fixed, her hands were tightly clasped across her breast; her lips moved as they murmured with pathetic heart-breaking persistence,— "What's to be done?† (source)
- You see, what confuses the world is the incongruity between the swift flight of the mind and matter's vast clumsy slowness, its dogged persistence and inertia.† (source)
- It was not at all the "artist's studio" of which, because of its persistence in fiction, she had dreamed.† (source)
- No one who has followed the history of Tuskegee and its work can fail to admire the courage, persistence, and splendid common sense of Booker T. Washington.† (source)
- Her "condition" was in no way apparent, and no one would have known a thing about it but for her persistence in making it the subject of conversation.† (source)
- But by the same qualities, and by their persistence in those of my impressions, to-day, to which they can find an attachment, the two 'ways' give to those impressions a foundation, depth, a dimension lacking from the rest.† (source)
- Such questions, at such an hour, were bound to drift through his mind; but he was conscious that their uncomfortable persistence and precision were due to the inopportune arrival of the Countess Olenska.† (source)
- Hurstwood was surprised at the persistence of this individual, whose bets came with a sangfroid which, if a bluff, was excellent art.† (source)
- And Clyde, realizing that for some reason he must not say more, had not the courage or persistence or the background to go further with her now, went for his coat and, looking sadly but obediently back at her, departed.† (source)
- That was Matthew's way—take a whim into his head and cling to it with the most amazing silent persistency—a persistency ten times more potent and effectual in its very silence than if he had talked it out.† (source)
- What a persistence of readiness!† (source)
- Then at Fletcher's persistence and admiration and increasing show of friendliness he laughed occasionally and allowed himself to swell with pride, though still denying.† (source)
- I pointed this out to everybody with provoking persistency, but no one seemed equal to the task of providing the doll with eyes.† (source)
- His instinct would not permit him to attack her, while her persistence would not permit him to ignore her.† (source)
- That the one affined soul he had ever met was lost to him through his marriage returned upon him with cruel persistency, till, unable to bear it longer, he again rushed for distraction to the real Christminster life.† (source)
- I will not stop here to inquire whose duty it was—whether that of the white ex-master who had profited by unpaid toil, or the Northern philanthropist whose persistence brought on the crisis, or the National Government whose edict freed the bondmen; I will not stop to ask whose duty it was, but I insist it was the duty of some one to see that these workingmen were not left alone and unguided, without capital, without land, without skill, without economic organization, without even the bald protection of law† (source)
- After that, he threw himself with redoubled fervor into the arms of the clear-eyed goddess, about whose soothing powers Director Behrens had so many virtuous things to say; and the problem that consumed his every thought day and night, to which he devoted all the persistence, all the sportsman's tenacity he had once brought to the conviction of poor sinners—back in the days before his frequently extended leave of absence, which now threatened to become permanent retirement—that problem was nothing less than the squaring of the circle.† (source)
- I had remained indoors all day, for the weather had taken a sudden turn to rain, with high autumnal winds, and the Jezail bullet which I had brought back in one of my limbs as a relic of my Afghan campaign throbbed with dull persistence.† (source)
- His late companion's chance persistency made him feel that he could not keep his crime concealed in his bosom.† (source)
- He spoke such things as these and more of a kindred sort to her, being still swayed by the antipathetic wave which warps direct souls with such persistence when once their vision finds itself mocked by appearances.† (source)
- Again he dragged Silvermane out on the level and drove him up and down with remorseless, machine-like persistence.† (source)
- It seems impossible to believe that mere greed could hold men to such a steadfastness of purpose, to such a blind persistence in endeavour and sacrifice.† (source)
- She did indeed leave cards in plenty; she kept herself, with a smiling and valiant persistence, well in the eye of her world; nor did she suffer any of those gross rebuffs which sometimes produce a wholesome reaction of contempt in their victim.† (source)
- There was in the sound an expression of a deadly persistency, as if it had not began and was not to cease.† (source)
- You see that I have persistence.† (source)
- Naab's dogged persistence and the Navajos' faithfulness carried them into the country of the Moki Indians, a tribe classed as slaves by the proud race of Eschtah.† (source)
- With the slow unalterable persistency which she had always felt in him, he was making his way through the dense mass of social antagonisms.† (source)
- He could speak a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood, unless it was the mocking-bird that hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with maddening persistence.† (source)
- Pierre had none of the practical persistence that would have enabled him to attend to the business himself and so he disliked it and only tried to pretend to the steward that he was attending to it.† (source)
- However, to the Abraham Lincoln's credit, it must be said that we struggled on with tireless persistence.† (source)
- The district-attorney's persistence was visibly at variance with the sentiments of every one, of the public, of the court, and of the jury.† (source)
- He was not a great walker, but he strolled about the grounds with his cousin—a pastime for which the weather remained favourable with a persistency not allowed for in Isabel's somewhat lugubrious prevision of the climate; and in the long afternoons, of which the length was but the measure of her gratified eagerness, they took a boat on the river, the dear little river, as Isabel called it, where the opposite shore seemed still a part of the foreground of the landscape; or drove over the country in a phaeton—a low, capacious, thick-wheeled phaeton formerly much used by Mr. Touchett, but which he had now ceased to enjoy.† (source)
- The father to whom we owe our best heritage—the mechanical instinct, the keen sensibility to harmony, the unconscious skill of the modelling hand—galls us and puts us to shame by his daily errors; the long-lost mother, whose face we begin to see in the glass as our own wrinkles come, once fretted our young souls with her anxious humours and irrational persistence.† (source)
- I could not help admiring his persistency, as well as the hunter's, who treated our expedition like a mere promenade.† (source)
- ' Nikolai Petrovitch made no answer, while inwardly he marvelled at the persistence of old passions in man.† (source)
- But she is a little dreaded elsewhere in consequence of an indiscreet profusion in the article of rouge and persistency in an obsolete pearl necklace like a rosary of little bird's-eggs.† (source)
- It is not a passionate quarrel that would have broken my heart; it is the steady opposition and persistence in going wrong that he has shown.† (source)
He who would study organic existence,
First drives out the soul with rigid persistence;
Then the parts in his hand he may hold and class,
But the spiritual link is lost, alas!† (source)
- His formula, put with such obstinate persistence, made us all laugh heartily; and even the old man joined in the laughter on the sly.† (source)
- Lying on her back, motionless, and with staring eyes, she saw things but vaguely, although she tried to with idiotic persistence.† (source)
- 'I want to know,' said Arthur Clennam, who had made up his mind to persistence in one short form of words, 'the precise nature of the claim of the Crown against a prisoner for debt, named Dorrit.'† (source)
- And in being forced to class herself among the fortunate she did not cease to wonder at the persistence of the unforeseen, when the one to whom such unbroken tranquility had been accorded in the adult stage was she whose youth had seemed to teach that happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain.† (source)
- Doubtless this persistence was the best course for his own dignity: but pride only helps us to be generous; it never makes us so, any more than vanity makes us witty.† (source)
- When he sees a folded and sealed scrap of paper float around the globe in a pine ship and come safe to the eye for which it was written, amidst a swarming population, let him likewise feel the admonition to integrate his being across all these distracting forces, and keep a slender human word among the storms, distances and accidents that drive us hither and thither, and, by persistency, make the paltry force of one man reappear to redeem its pledge after months and years in the most distant climates.† (source)
- Wrung by her persistence in keeping that dark side of the case before him, of which there was a half-hidden shadow in his own breast, Clennam was silent.† (source)
- He saw in him a remarkable, clear-thinking man of vast intellect who by his energy and persistence had attained power, which he was using solely for the welfare of Russia.† (source)
- The reappearance of the light is identical with the persistence of the I. Let us state these facts calmly.† (source)
- And the course is all the clearer from there being no salary in question to put my persistence in an equivocal light.† (source)
- I must note, by the way, that the prosecutor asked this question whether Fyodor Pavlovitch had really kept back part of Mitya's inheritance with marked persistence of all the witnesses who could be asked it, not excepting Alyosha and Ivan, but he obtained no exact information from any one; all alleged that it was so, but were unable to bring forward any distinct proof.† (source)
- We repeat, that this auscultation brings encouragement; it is by this persistence in encouragement that we wish to conclude these pages, an austere interlude in a mournful drama.† (source)
- When he felt her pulse, her eyes rested on him with more persistence than they had done for a long while, as if she felt some content that he was there.† (source)
- Evening came, or rather the time came when sleep weighs down the weary eyelids, for there is no night here, and the ceaseless light wearies the eyes with its persistency just as if we were sailing under an arctic sun.† (source)
- Such is the train of incidents which malice has perverted into my endeavouring to force from Madame Rigaud a relinquishment of her rights; and, on her persistence in a refusal to make the concession I required, struggling with her—assassinating her!'† (source)
- Will was conscious that he should not have been at Middlemarch but for Dorothea; and yet his position there was threatening to divide him from her with those barriers of habitual sentiment which are more fatal to the persistence of mutual interest than all the distance between Rome and Britain.† (source)
- "And yet," said Milady, with a persistence that proved she wished to see clearly to the end of the mission with which she was about to be charged, "if he persists?"† (source)
- He conveyed it to them with so much meaning, and he had such a diabolical persistency in him, that at length, Mrs Gowan rose to depart.† (source)
- Throughout this hideous meditation, the thoughts which we have above indicated moved incessantly through his brain; entered, withdrew, re-entered, and in a manner oppressed him; and then he thought, also, without knowing why, and with the mechanical persistence of revery, of a convict named Brevet, whom he had known in the galleys, and whose trousers had been upheld by a single suspender of knitted cotton.† (source)
- which it was necessary to know,—if, the porter once passed, one entered a little vestibule on the right, on which opened a staircase shut in between two walls and so narrow that only one person could ascend it at a time, if one did not allow one's self to be alarmed by a daubing of canary yellow, with a dado of chocolate which clothed this staircase, if one ventured to ascend it, one crossed a first landing, then a second, and arrived on the first story at a corridor where the yellow wash and the chocolate-hued plinth pursued one with a peaceable persistency.† (source)
- Apart from his dinners and his coursing, Mr. Vincy, blustering as he was, had as little of his own way as if he had been a prime minister: the force of circumstances was easily too much for him, as it is for most pleasure-loving florid men; and the circumstance called Rosamond was particularly forcible by means of that mild persistence which, as we know, enables a white soft living substance to make its way in spite of opposing rock.† (source)
- Without doubt, Porthos had reasons for not abandoning this part of his vestments, for instead of quitting his hold on the flap in his hand, he pulled it toward him, so that d'Artagnan rolled himself up in the velvet by a movement of rotation explained by the persistency of Porthos.† (source)
- and death of Rudolph Bloom, junior, and in and from other constellations some years before or after the birth or death of other persons: the attendant phenomena of eclipses, solar and lunar, from immersion to emersion, abatement of wind, transit of shadow, taciturnity of winged creatures, emergence of nocturnal or crepuscular animals, persistence of infernal light, obscurity of terrestrial waters, pallor of human beings.† (source)
- [31] The religious obsession of the New England colonists is also kept in mind by the persistence of Biblical names: /Ezra/, /Hiram/, /Ezekial/, /Zachariah/, /Elijah/, /Elihu/, and so on† (source)
- The American substitution of /a/ for /e/ in /gray/ is not easily explained, nor is the substitution of /k/ for /c/ in /skeptic/ and /mollusk/, nor the retention of /e/ in /forego/, nor the unphonetic substitution of /s/ for /z/ in /fuse/, [Pg247] nor the persistence of the first /y/ in /pygmy/.† (source)
- Both father and son were amazed afresh at the strange medley Don Quixote talked, at one moment sense, at another nonsense, and at the pertinacity and persistence he displayed in going through thick and thin in quest of his unlucky adventures, which he made the end and aim of his desires.† (source)
- By this hand, thou thinkest me as far in the devil's book as thou and Falstaff for obduracy and persistency: let the end try the man.† (source)
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