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  • In simpler parlance, his body had grown weary of the war and manifested its protest with a general weakness of the limbs and a constant fever.†   (source)
  • To Franklin fell the unpleasant duty of breaking the news to Ver-gennes, and fortunately so, as in the parlance of diplomacy, it was a "delicate" moment.†   (source)
  • In Army parlance it was known as single-unit triangulation, and it was highly effective, though slow.†   (source)
  • The Santa Anita Handicap became, in the parlance of racetrackers, the hundred-grander, or "hunnert-grander."†   (source)
  • He had been drugged repeatedly, taken up to the moon, in the parlance of those who usually administered such narcotics.†   (source)
  • But in scientific parlance the words for this absence of subject-object duality are scarce because scientific minds have shut themselves off from consciousness of this kind of understanding in the assumption of the formal dualistic scientific outlook.†   (source)
  • The organization's final name became "the Section for Special Analysis," the SSA, and in daily parlance, "the Section," to differentiate it from "the Division" or "the Firm," which referred to the Security Police as a whole.†   (source)
  • Tully looked at Cesar with disdain and said, "If you's American, then the dog must a been keep in' your mama under the porch," which in local parlance questioned the legitimacy of Cesar's breeding.†   (source)
  • From someone else, for instance Janice, the contact would simply be casual, friendly, just a kind of parlance, formless, easy talk.†   (source)
  • But Marse Robert—"master" as rendered in southern parlance—has proven himself a formidable opponent time and again.†   (source)
  • The second-eldest child, Buddy, was what is 'known in campus-catalogue parlance as "writer-in-residence" at a girls' junior college in upper New York State.†   (source)
  • It was a two-day show with a parade the first morning, a barbecue at noon, and the first round—go-round, in rodeo parlance—in all events that afternoon.†   (source)
  • In the parlance of lawyers, I could urinate on the wrong part of a commode and if the board of education decided that this was "good and sufficient" reason for dismissal, then the courts would automatically side with them.†   (source)
  • He was, in the parlance of horsemen, "bombproof."†   (source)
  • Or, in Lincoln's typically folksy parlance: "Let 'em up easy."†   (source)
  • Cesar had what is known in many parlances as a moment of clarity.†   (source)
  • In war game parlance, the United States and its allies are always known as Blue Team, and the enemy is always known as Red Team, and JFCOM generated comprehensive portfolios for each team, covering everything they would be expected to know about their own forces and their adversary's forces.†   (source)
  • In the current parlance of racial coding and group identity, it's assumed there's simply no way a white guy can "get it."†   (source)
  • If they are brought to idleness too soon after running all-out—in old cowboy parlance, being "rid hard and put away wet"—their major muscle groups can seize up in an agonizing spasm called "tying up."†   (source)
  • It was a case, in the parlance of thieves and police, of "rail-roading."†   (source)
  • Human societies all have what is called in theatrical parlance, a third lower floor.†   (source)
  • Cease all this parlance about hills and dales.†   (source)
  • When he told us of a man in a pew, of the change in the bride's manner, of so transparent a device for obtaining a note as the dropping of a bouquet, of her resort to her confidential maid, and of her very significant allusion to claim-jumping—which in miners' parlance means taking possession of that which another person has a prior claim to—the whole situation became absolutely clear.†   (source)
  • This got currency, and the novel prefix serving in familiar parlance readily to distinguish the Indomitable's Captain from another Vere his senior, a distant relative, an officer of like rank in the navy, it remained permanently attached to the surname.†   (source)
  • "She is not what in common parlance is called a lady," said Angel, unflinchingly, "for she is a cottager's daughter, as I am proud to say.†   (source)
  • In sum, Captain Vere had from the beginning deemed Billy Budd to be what in the naval parlance of the time was called a "King's bargain," that is to say, for His Britannic Majesty's Navy a capital investment at small outlay or none at all.†   (source)
  • * In vulgar parlance the condiments of a repast are called by the American "a relish," substituting the thing for its effect.†   (source)
  • The Doctor again assumed his air of resolution, and, without further parlance, proceeded to do as desired.†   (source)
  • She was waiting for him, in vulgar parlance, to name the day; and so long as he was unprepared to be explicit on this point it seemed a mockery to pretend to talk about matters more abstract.†   (source)
  • In the present instance, as we have already hinted, the castle, as Judge Templeton's dwelling was termed in common parlance, came to be the model, in some one or other of its numerous excellences, for every aspiring edifice within twenty miles of it.†   (source)
  • The elm with its graceful and weeping top, the rich varieties of the maple, most of the noble oaks of the American forest, with the broad-leaved linden known in the parlance of the country as the basswood, mingled their uppermost branches, forming one broad and seemingly interminable carpet of foliage which stretched away towards the setting sun, until it bounded the horizon, by blending with the clouds, as the waves and the sky meet at the base of the vault of heaven.†   (source)
  • By dint of striving after a mode of parlance different from the vulgar, they will arrive at a sort of aristocratic jargon, which is hardly less remote from pure language than is the coarse dialect of the people.†   (source)
  • Nicholas, therefore, not being a high-spirited young man according to common parlance, and deeming it a greater degradation to borrow, for the supply of his necessities, from Newman Noggs, than to teach French to the little Kenwigses for five shillings a week, accepted the offer with the alacrity already described, and betook himself to the first floor with all convenient speed.†   (source)
  • And if ever there were an unfeeling handsome chin that looked as if, for certain, it had never been, in familiar parlance, 'chucked' by the hand of man, it was the chin curbed up so tight and close by that laced bridle.†   (source)
  • In spite of this antiquity, the authorities committed the error of confining in the New Building the most troublesome prisoners, of placing there "the hard cases," as they say in prison parlance.†   (source)
  • The old man waved his hand with authority, and led the way without further parlance to the spot he had indicated, followed by the whole of his alarmed companions.†   (source)
  • In the fantastic, ancient, popular parlance, which is vanishing day by day, Patron-Minette signifies the morning, the same as entre chien et loup—between dog and wolf—signifies the evening.†   (source)
  • For the enlightenment of those who are not so intimately acquainted with the minutiae of the municipal abattoir as this morbidminded esthete and embryo philosopher who for all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an alkali prides himself on being, it should perhaps be stated that staggering bob in the vile parlance of our lowerclass licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of a calf newly dropped from its mother.†   (source)
  • A technical sense has been affixed to the term "appellate," which, in our law parlance, is commonly used in reference to appeals in the course of the civil law.†   (source)
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