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  • There are bustling streets, shops, cantina bars, houses, and courtyards, all of them pointed toward a shimmering monstrosity of diamondglass and marble.†   (source)
  • She might have been eaten by savages, or a snapping turtle, or some other monstrosity on this island you've crashed us on!†   (source)
  • "Well, if you two are going to walk around holding hands," said Tootie, "I suppose I'll have to be the one who carries this monstrosity of a lamp."†   (source)
  • We pulled up in front of Jase's house, an architectural monstrosity that looked generally like an oversize Spanish hacienda except for three thick Doric columns going up to the roof.†   (source)
  • Even if she did find dress gloves and slippers that could hide her metal monstrosities, her mousy hair would never hold a curl, and she didn't know the first thing about makeup.†   (source)
  • I'd been a good sport throughout, as had she, powering through from open house to open house of gloomy pre-wars haunted by the ghosts of lonely old Jewish ladies, and icy glass monstrosities I knew I could never live in without feeling I had sniper rifles trained on me from across the street.†   (source)
  • My mind wanders to the wolflike creatures in the first arena, the monkeys in the Quarter Quell, the monstrosities I've witnessed on television over the years, and I wonder what form these mutts will take.†   (source)
  • One structure, rejected at first as a "monstrosity," became the fair's emblem, a machine so huge and terrifying that it instantly eclipsed the tower of Alexandre Eiffel that had so wounded America's pride.†   (source)
  • And no short story of a mother' corpse and hotel rooms where children learn monstrosity can give me one.†   (source)
  • THE REDBRICK MONSTROSITY rises from a hollow beside a quiet road in the Buckhead section of Atlanta.†   (source)
  • There was another story , only a rumor, surely, but strangely persistent , that within the caves which honeycombed the stone behind the idol's jewelled forehead there lived a hive of giant albino bees, swarming protectively around their queen, a jellylike monstrosity of infinite poison ....and infinite magic.†   (source)
  • I had a brief mental flash of Alice trying to persuade Esme to ignore classic proportions and allow this monstrosity.†   (source)
  • If I made a list of every comment she's made about me, you'd think I was a monstrosity.†   (source)
  • Roran yelled and jammed his heels against the sides of the window frame, struggling to free himself from the monstrosity, but the Ra'zac inexorably drew him out of the house.†   (source)
  • Just about everyone thought the chair was a monstrosity.†   (source)
  • Bella felt great sympathy for the sewing machine operator who'd had to concoct that monstrosity.†   (source)
  • Mom opens the kitchen window to tell him to get that monstrosity away from her house before she calls a local Christian terrorist group, but Ellerby only smiles and says, "Hi, Mrs. Moby," and drops dramatically to his hands and knees to crawl safely to the kitchen door.†   (source)
  • If I were at full strength, I would've blasted this flying monstrosity out of the sky already!†   (source)
  • The kitten approached cautiously, sniffing Yves' foot as though it were investigating some prehistoric monstrosity, and Yves grabbed it, holding it against his shoulder, and stroking it.†   (source)
  • I was seated behind my mahogany monstrosity of a desk in my top-floor, corner office of an imposing building in the most prominent section of Boston.†   (source)
  • It's John's three-hundred-CD monstrosity of spinning shelves, a tower that the two roommates share, standing like a lighthouse above the mess.†   (source)
  • Think about it, she'll get dolled up in one of those satin monstrosities no rational girl would ever wear, and they'll take one of those awful pictures—†   (source)
  • It held even though the piano players went to music school and actually learned to read notes, even though new churches became glass and steel monstrosities that looked like they had just touched down from Venus.†   (source)
  • "The Ferris Wolf was a monstrosity," she explained.†   (source)
  • Twenty-two years old, weak, hot, frightened, not daring to acknowledge the fact that he didn't even know who or what he was...with no past, no language, no tribe, no source, no address book, no comb, no pencil, no clock, no pocket handkerchief, no rug, no bed, no can opener, no faded postcard, no soap, no key, no tobacco pouch, no soiled underwear and nothing nothing nothing to do...he was sure of one thing only: the unchecked monstrosity of his hands.†   (source)
  • To be right and throw it away in order to please the predilections of his teachers, that would be the monstrosity!†   (source)
  • I refuse to copy that monstrosity, though the prospect of outfitting him in a corset is rather tempting.†   (source)
  • From the courthouse, I was taken directly to Pretoria Local, the gloomy red-brick monstrosity that I knew so well.†   (source)
  • I want sex that makes me feel right, not like some freak, some inbred monstrosity.†   (source)
  • Within a day, Antonio, a young man with a spastic and inelegant hand, had betrayed his profession and was pecking at this monstrosity, like a cross-eyed chicken, making contracts of prime importance.†   (source)
  • Such a being is a metaphysical monstrosity, struggling to oppose, negate and contradict the fact of his own existence, running blindly amuck on a trail of destruction, capable of nothing but pain.†   (source)
  • I tried to explain that a person with a deviation — a small deviation, at any rate — wasn't the monstrosity we had been told.†   (source)
  • Way we went into that area, built that monstrosity, didn't tell anybody what it was.†   (source)
  • She started crying again after making Seymore promise, vow, declare, and swear on the Bible that he would not have that monstrosity delivered until after the funeral.†   (source)
  • "Who put this monstrosity out here?" he said, glancing at it.†   (source)
  • Had he shopped long for such a monstrosity?†   (source)
  • But she has kept it in full bloom on her head, that monstrosity-purple, too, as if she were beautiful in the bargain.†   (source)
  • One member of the committee now called it a "monstrosity."†   (source)
  • The person everyone in this spiral stone monstrosity is here to see.†   (source)
  • She had brought this monstrosity back to life.†   (source)
  • Did you just call my ship a monstrosity?†   (source)
  • There was no time to gape at the coming monstrosity.†   (source)
  • No two monstrosities were exactly the same.†   (source)
  • He saw for the first time his father's house for the monstrosity, the affront, the monument to injustice, that it privately was to everyone else.†   (source)
  • Ellerby pulled slowly onto the street, passing within three feet of Mr. Byrnes's dark blue monstrosity.†   (source)
  • Instead, Mark logged fifty more hours watching the Trinity Network, then took his complaint to the administration—with a petition signed by twenty-five or thirty of his faithful followers—requesting not only that Ellerby be banned from representing the school in his loathsome powder blue monstrosity, but that it also be outlawed in the student parking lotnow and forever more, world without end, amen.†   (source)
  • Queen Elara wears a sparkling monstrosity of red, black, white, and blue, displaying the colors of her house and her husband's.†   (source)
  • Even Eiffel's tower, forecast by wishful Americans to be a monstrosity that would disfigure forever the comely landscape of Paris, turned out to possess unexpected élan, with a sweeping base and tapered shaft that evoked the trail of a skyrocket.†   (source)
  • Indeed, let me remove this monstrosity from Her Majesty's presence and have her reinstated into active status.†   (source)
  • Send this monstrosity away.†   (source)
  • Even a rogue wave—a tidal monstrosity—would hardly daunt such a vessel, and Max doubted it had been crafted for earthly seas.†   (source)
  • there are writings (though no substantial evidence) that suggest it was john, not ellen, who had lost touch with reality, and that during this time he became badly addicted to laudanum, spending days at a time in the opium dens south of the city and away from the monstrosity of a house he had come to fear.†   (source)
  • It's him that will come as the Antichrist, to lead men into the flaming bowels of perdition, to the bloody end of wickedness, as Star Wormwood hangs blazing in the sky, as gall gnaws at the vitals of the children, as women's wombs give forth monstrosities, as the works of men's hands turn to blood—†   (source)
  • Their destination proved to be the Merchant's House, a four-story monstrosity that squatted amongst the warehouses, brothels, and taverns of the waterside like some enormous fat man surrounded by children.†   (source)
  • No simulation—not even Lucia's illusions—could wholly capture the experience of having to hold one's ground against the onrush of a ten-foot, fivehundred-pound monstrosity.†   (source)
  • When it was time for the changing of the cloaks, the bride sank gracefully to her knees and Tommen covered her with the heavy cloth-of-gold monstrosity that Robert had cloaked Cersei in on their own wedding day, with the crowned stag of Baratheon worked upon its back in beads of onyx.†   (source)
  • The composed Demon seemed utterly different from the wounded monstrosity Max had last seen in the Sidh.†   (source)
  • The fears she hid so well burst up and she was terrified; not as a woman weakened by a man, but as a child in terror of a monstrosity.†   (source)
  • in token of his guilt, crawling on his belly in fear and worship of sun and moon and wind and rain and of any thug who announces himself as their spokesman, provided his words are unintelligible and his mask sufficiently frightening-he wishes, begs and crawls, and dies, leaving you, as a record of his view of existence, the distorted monstrosities of his idols, part-man, part-animal, part-spider, the embodiments of the world of non-A. His is the intellectual state of your modern teachers and his is the world to which they want to bring you.†   (source)
  • The sweltering auditorium at Roosevelt High School-a turn-of-the-century monstrosity with Yankee church spires and crumbling cornices-is filling quickly, and the balcony is now opened.†   (source)
  • Soon, the crowd ambles downstairs to the first-floor dining hall and settles into two tables, one a traditional dining room eight-seater and the other a long Arthurian monstrosity.†   (source)
  • Turning back to the ocean, his eyes scanned the docks and the shipping piers, and out over the black waters, where xebecs and barques pulled oars or raised sail to make room for the approaching monstrosity Prusias's galleon emerged from the night fog to split the waters of Rowan Harbor.†   (source)
  • David was now directly beneath the dreadnought, screaming in terror and running in staggering zigzags as he sought to avoid the monstrosity's stamping, shuffling feet and keep his balance on the shaking ground.†   (source)
  • This is not a pearl — it is a monstrosity.†   (source)
  • It is a sad day for American civilization when a white man will try to stay the hand of justice from a bestial monstrosity who has ravished and struck down one of the finest and most delicate flowers of our womanhood.†   (source)
  • When I have healed these fractures and comprehended these monstrosities so that they need neither excuse nor apology, which both waste our strength, I shall give back to the street and the eating-shop what they lost when they fell on these hard times and broke on these stony beaches.†   (source)
  • And I would fondle that hooked, askew, cartilaginous monstrosity, pretending great pain but proud as Punch of the thing simply because she had put her fingers on it.†   (source)
  • He was not merely a big snake, I thought—he was a circus monstrosity.†   (source)
  • By his tone he seemed to be preparing to resent some new monstrosity in the way of dins and smashes.†   (source)
  • In short, Beauty Smith was a monstrosity, and the blame of it lay elsewhere.†   (source)
  • And no one could have helped hating such miserable monstrosities.†   (source)
  • The population of the island, Montgomery informed me, now numbered rather more than sixty of these strange creations of Moreau's art, not counting the smaller monstrosities which lived in the undergrowth and were without human form.†   (source)
  • Soiled waiters ran to and fro, swooping down like hawks on the unwary in the throng; clattering along the aisles with trays covered with glasses; stumbling over women's skirts and charging two prices for everything but beer, all with a swiftness that blurred the view of the cocoanut palms and dusty monstrosities painted upon the walls of the room.†   (source)
  • He sorrowfully asked himself whether he had been the cause of this new "monstrosity," or was it...but he refrained from saying who else might be in fault.†   (source)
  • Even more blasphemous in their eyes was another form of exploitation, that of time—the monstrosity of receiving a bonus, that is, interest paid on money, from the simple passage of time and thereby perverting a universal divine institution, time itself, to one's own advantage and the detriment of others.†   (source)
  • He was a man and a monstrosity, as fearful a thing of fear as ever gibbered in the visions of a maddened brain.†   (source)
  • For although it might be tolerable if human reason and knowledge held themselves within earthly bounds and treated the subject-object experience as real within that sphere, the moment it reached out into the eternal riddle, into so-called cosmology or cosmogony, the joke was over, and presumptu-ousness had achieved the acme of monstrosity.†   (source)
  • We three blue-clad men, with our misshapen black-faced attendant, standing in a wide expanse of sunlit yellow dust under the blazing blue sky, and surrounded by this circle of crouching and gesticulating monstrosities,—some almost human save in their subtle expression and gestures, some like cripples, some so strangely distorted as to resemble nothing but the denizens of our wildest dreams; and, beyond, the reedy lines of a canebrake in one direction, a dense tangle of palm-trees on the other, separating us from the ravine with the huts, and to the north the hazy horizon of the Pacific Ocean.†   (source)
  • Osmond had thought their alliance a kind of monstrosity; he couldn't imagine what they had in common.†   (source)
  • "Now then, go away and take your monstrosity with you," said the mother, pushing away her daughter with pretended sternness, and turning to the visitor she added: "She is my youngest girl."†   (source)
  • He thought the rural Featherstones very simple absurd people, and they in their turn regarded his "bringing up" in a seaport town as an exaggeration of the monstrosity that their brother Peter, and still more Peter's property, should have had such belongings.†   (source)
  • It is like strabismus, chloroform, lithotrity, a heap of monstrosities that the Government ought to prohibit.†   (source)
  • Her monstrosities in the way of cattle would have taken prizes at an agricultural fair, and the perilous pitching of her vessels would have produced seasickness in the most nautical observer, if the utter disregard to all known rules of shipbuilding and rigging had not convulsed him with laughter at the first glance.†   (source)
  • If there must be sundering betwixt those who meant never to sunder, so it must be: but there need be no pretext of unity when the reality of it is gone: nor do we drive those who well know that they are incapable of it to profess an undying sentiment which they cannot really feel: thus it is that as that monstrosity of venal lust is no longer possible, so also it is no longer needed.†   (source)
  • To one entering the room, they bore the appearance of simple monstrosities; but upon a farther advance, this appearance gradually departed; and step by step, as the visitor moved his station in the chamber, he saw himself surrounded by an endless succession of the ghastly forms which belong to the superstition of the Norman, or arise in the guilty slumbers of the monk.†   (source)
  • I observed that the outlines of these monstrosities were sufficiently distinct, but that the colors seemed faded and blurred, as if from the effects of a damp atmosphere.†   (source)
  • If a dread of not being understood be hidden in the breasts of other young people to anything like the extent to which it used to be hidden in mine,—which I consider probable, as I have no particular reason to suspect myself of having been a monstrosity,— it is the key to many reservations.†   (source)
  • Thou hast made me as hateful, as ugly, as loathsome and deadly a creature as thyself—a world's wonder of hideous monstrosity!†   (source)
  • All sorts of distress met in this procession as in chaos; here were to be found the facial angles of every sort of beast, old men, youths, bald heads, gray beards, cynical monstrosities, sour resignation, savage grins, senseless attitudes, snouts surmounted by caps, heads like those of young girls with corkscrew curls on the temples, infantile visages, and by reason of that, horrible thin skeleton faces, to which death alone was lacking.†   (source)
  • Well, sir, you have in your establishment, or in your family, perhaps, one of the frightful monstrosities of which each century produces only one.†   (source)
  • He resolved to institute some decisive test that should satisfy him, once for all, whether there were those dreadful peculiarities in her physical nature which could not be supposed to exist without some corresponding monstrosity of soul.†   (source)
  • And behind this hellish monstrosity throbbing with fire and steam, a glimpse of the passengers' faces stately and remote as kings as they roared by in a gale of wind powerful enough to knock you almost off your feet.†   (source)
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