invalidatein a sentence
- The ruling invalidated Walter's conviction and death sentence.† (source)
- Thomas winced; Frypan had gone too far with that recommendation, almost invalidating his well-stated opinion of the whole mess.† (source)
- If you shorten the intervals, you invalidate the inspections.† (source)
- I catch myself questioning whether that weekend even happened at all, or if it was just another invalidated memory of mine that may not even be real.† (source)
- An invalid, one who has been invalidated.† (source)
- Invalidated ...† (source)
- Chacko, on the other hand, from the moment he had entered the house, or perhaps from the moment Comrade Pillai had arrived, had undergone a curious process of invalidation.† (source)
- One piece of really good news is this: All of yesterday's evaluations have been invalidated.† (source)
- As a result, much of the expanse and variety of the human condition is belittled or invalidated.† (source)
- That is, we are so persuaded of the rightness of our judgment as to invalidate evidence that does not confirm us in it.† (source)
- An access I wouldn't think of looking for, to erase or invalidate.† (source)
show 34 more with this conextual meaning
- It completely invalidates Vacher's theories and means that Ladin was actually a genius.† (source)
- Out of necessity they stitched all of their secret fears and lingering childhood nightmares into this existence, because even though it was deceptive enough to try and look as they looked, talk as they talked, and do as they did, it had to have some hidden stain to invalidate it—it was impossible for them both to be right.† (source)
- To do so invalidates this contract.† (source)
- If the handwritten will were to be invalidated, the money would revert to the family under the prior will, and all those lawyers would take a cut.† (source)
- This mistake, he wanted to make certain, should not invalidate what occurred on October 5 and the corroborating evidence of Officer Clapper.† (source)
- Both kinds demand that you invalidate your own consciousness and surrender yourself into their power.† (source)
- It doesn't invalidate the thought.† (source)
- These contracts may not involve direct fraud or deceit sufficient to invalidate them in a court of law.† (source)
- The Supreme Court invalidated the last will on the grounds of undue influence, and gave as a significant reason the fact that the "surprise beneficiary" had been so involved in the making of the new will.† (source)
- And once we're both invalidated, we'll be erased from the system.† (source)
- The teachers' assignments have been invalidated.† (source)
- I'm sure my performance invalidates them.† (source)
- He's convinced the white folks around here will conspire to invalidate the will and keep the money.† (source)
- The artists, who were not sensitized to irony, said that correct analysis was one thing but correct solutions were another, and the lack of the latter did not invalidate the former.† (source)
- Your number will be invalidated.† (source)
- Once he leaves with me and starts missing work and class, he'll be invalidated too—even though, technically, his identity was never really valid in the first place, since it was created by the resistance.† (source)
- The good, say the mystics of spirit, is God, a being whose only definition is that he is beyond man's power to conceive-a definition that invalidates man's consciousness and nullifies his concepts of existence.† (source)
- Rationality is the recognition of the fact that existence exists, that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it, which is thinking-that the mind is one's only judge of values and one's only guide of action-that reason is an absolute that permits no compromise-that a concession to the irrational invalidates one's consciousness and turns it from the task of perceiving to the task of faking reality-that the alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short-circuit destroying the mind-that the acceptance of a mystical invention is a wish for the annihilation of existence and, properly, annihilates one's consciousness.† (source)
- Dear Madam, The document you enclose is quite in order, and the fact of the marriage having taken place in a foreign country does not invalidate it in any way.† (source)
- Some of these are worth pointing out, not because they invalidate his main charge but because they are, so to speak, evidence of malice.† (source)
- The mere fact that anyone can physically walk past the temple guardians does not invalidate their significance; for if the intruder is incapable of encompassing the sanctuary, he has effectually remained without.† (source)
- It is possible to speak from only one point at a time, but that does not invalidate the insights of the rest.† (source)
- Your estimate of the papa's sensibilities is a good reason until it is invalidated.† (source)
- And as instantly deciding that he, Clyde's spiritual adviser, must not in any way be invalidated in his spiritual worth to Clyde.† (source)
- "But you, personally, Mr. McMillan," the Governor at last found voice to say, "because of your long contact with him in the prison there—do you know of any material fact not introduced at the trial which would in any way tend to invalidate or weaken any phase of the testimony offered at the trial?† (source)
- Without invalidating anything that we have just said, we believe that a perpetual memory of the tomb is proper for the living.† (source)
- No doubt there are here and there,' said Ferdinand politely, 'exceptional cases, where people have been taken in for what appeared to them to be much better reasons; and I need not go far to find such a case; but they don't invalidate the rule.† (source)
- The mere circumstance of the compact between Ralph Nickleby and Gride would not invalidate the marriage, or render Bray averse to it, who, if he did not actually know of the existence of some such understanding, doubtless suspected it.† (source)
- Nevertheless, there was always a great deal of mystery about these leaders, and no certain fact can invalidate the singular arrogance of this reply made later on by a man accused before the Court of Peers:— "Who was your leader?"† (source)
- There has come into fashion a strange and easy manner of suppressing the revelations of history, of invalidating the commentaries of philosophy, of eliding all embarrassing facts and all gloomy questions.† (source)
- His deeds invalidate all the contracts.† (source)
- This conclusion cannot be invalidated by alleging that the State in which the experiment was made was at that crisis, and had been for a long time before, violently heated and distracted by the rage of party.† (source)
- It is the peculiar province, for instance, of a court of equity to relieve against what are called hard bargains: these are contracts in which, though there may have been no direct fraud or deceit, sufficient to invalidate them in a court of law, yet there may have been some undue and unconscionable advantage taken of the necessities or misfortunes of one of the parties, which a court of equity would not tolerate.† (source)
- Here is an express power given, in clear and unambiguous terms, to the State Executives, to fill casual vacancies in the Senate, by temporary appointments; which not only invalidates the supposition, that the clause before considered could have been intended to confer that power upon the President of the United States, but proves that this supposition, destitute as it is even of the merit of plausibility, must have originated in an intention to deceive the people, too palpable to be obscured by sophistry, too atrocious to be palliated by hypocrisy.† (source)
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