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conjunction as in:  working in conjunction

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • All these people, in conjunction with the State Department of Education in Tallahassee, have helped to devise this emergency relocation plan.   (source)
  • In conjunction means together.   (source)
  • Architects always designed the chapels in conjunction with the tomb.   (source)
  • Such a conjunction has not occurred for two hundred years, and your Highness will not live to see it again.   (source)
    conjunction = when things happen at the same time
  • These things, in conjunction with the wild work we have in hand, help to unnerve a man.   (source)
    conjunction = at the same time
  • "Conjunction? Tenebrous? Hue?" Violet repeated. "I have no idea what you're talking about."   (source)
    conjunction = when things are joined or happen together
  • "The Mamba du Mal," he read, "is one of the deadliest snakes in the hemisphere, noted for its strangulatory grip, used in conjunction with its deadly venom, giving all of its victims a tenebrous hue, which is ghastly to behold."   (source)
    conjunction = combination
  • "The Mamba du Mal," he read, "is one of the deadliest snakes in the hemisphere, noted for its strangulatory grip, used in conjunction with its deadly venom, giving all of its victims a tenebrous hue, which is ghastly to behold."   (source)
  • The economic crash came from a conjunction of both market and governmental failure.
  • The improvement is made possible through the conjunction of new software with more powerful smart phones.
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conjunction as in:  "And" is a conjunction

show 7 more with this conextual meaning
  • Dickens used "like" as a conjunction.
    conjunction = a word (such as "and" or "but") that connects words or phrases or clauses in a sentence
    conjunctions = words (such as "and" or "but") that connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence
  • Many older citizens … expend a great deal of effort in demonstrating to their children the illogical character of aren't I, or like as a conjunction.   (source)
    conjunction = a word (such as "and" or "but") that connects words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence
  • Until he understood how hateful it was and how it soiled him when he used it as casually as a conjunction.   (source)
  • Simple conjunctions and prepositions are replaced by such phrases as WITH RESPECT TO, HAVING REGARD TO, THE FACT THAT, BY DINT OF, IN VIEW OF, IN THE INTERESTS OF, ON THE HYPOTHESIS THAT;   (source)
    conjunctions = words (such as "and" or "but") that connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence
  • If it be separated from its verb by a conjunction or any other part of speech, even including another pronoun, it takes the objective form.   (source)
    conjunction = a word (such as "and" or "but") that connects words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence
  • What is more, if the separation be effected by a conjunction and another pronoun, the other pronoun also changes to the objective form, even though its contact with the verb may be immediate.   (source)
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show 10 more examples with any meaning
  • The chair worked in conjunction with my Shaptic Bootsuit, a fullbody haptic feedback suit.†   (source)
  • "Next Monday," he said as he scribbled, "I am likely to develop a cough, owing to the unlucky conjunction of Mars and Jupiter."†   (source)
  • Anyone stupid enough to mention Peter Houghton's name in conjunction with Josie's had to answer to him.†   (source)
  • In conjunction with these alarms, he would turn lights on and off throughout the house.†   (source)
  • There will never be another such moment of time, another such conjunction.†   (source)
  • Back then, the big event of the year was sponsored by the Baptist church downtown-Southern, if you really want to know-in conjunction with the local high school.†   (source)
  • Yes, and for the mentally ill, this must be done in conjunction with the therapist.†   (source)
  • Our trace is all over the range, but in conjunction with Bella's scent, it would catch their attention.†   (source)
  • Gulab spent much of the evening trying to explain to me the complex threads that hold together the Pashtun tribes and al Qaeda, still working in conjunction with the Taliban army.†   (source)
  • We're to operate in conjunction with your New Jersey group.†   (source)
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show 132 more examples with any meaning
  • In conjunction with Bill Heavener and Focus on the Family, we decided to create an advertisement to be played during the Super Bowl.†   (source)
  • The most common reason for a guardianship is mental illness or mental illness in conjunction with heavy abuse of alcohol or drugs.†   (source)
  • In conjunction with his earlier revelation that he was no longer able to walk, this had been very upsetting news to the people listening down below.†   (source)
  • Blanca went along with his decision, for she accepted that a good conjunction of planets in her daughter's astral chart would not provide Alba with everything she needed to get ahead in life.†   (source)
  • Then, in a flash of inspiration that they attributed to a conjunction of their stars, the two of them undressed in the next room without agreeing to, without even suggesting it or proposing it to each other, and for more than seven years they continued undressing wherever they could while the Captain was on a trip.†   (source)
  • It works in conjunction with the RCMP.†   (source)
  • Although the DEVGRU SEALS I met with would occasionally bring up the bin Laden capture/kill mission during the many hours of interviews I conducted with them over the next few weeks, the topic was always in conjunction with Adam—specifically how he would have loved to have been there.†   (source)
  • I know by my art that there have not been such disastrous conjunctions of the planets for five hundred years.†   (source)
  • Two years ago this would have taken a month, but thanks to new models that we've developed in conjunction with DARPA, we're down to a few hours.†   (source)
  • In contrast to the resolution, Adams's preamble put aside any possibility of reconciliation and all but declared the colonies immediately independent: Whereas his Britannic Majesty, in conjunction with the lords and commons of Great Britain, has, by a late act of Parliament, excluded the inhabitants of these United Colonies from the protection of his crown; and whereas, no answer whatever to the humble petitions of the colonies for redress of grievances and reconciliation with Great Britain has been or is likely to be given; but the whol†   (source)
  • Yet here, in conjunction with nothing else, it signifies strength and not death.†   (source)
  • By the conjunction of the moon and his good luck he was able to see clearly the silhouette of the man in the back of the car who was standing and firing at Koop and \X'im and Oskar.†   (source)
  • tables for conjunction, disjunction, equivalence, and material implication.†   (source)
  • However, he'd been exposed to a lot and had acquired a kind of latent image that appeared in conjunction with many other latent images later on.†   (source)
  • Lots of steel in conjunction with moonset.†   (source)
  • I went to the small restaurant run in conjunction.†   (source)
  • They fished in conjunction with the tides.†   (source)
  • He had intended to get a good night's sleep in preparation for his ordeal, but his sister's arrival in conjunction with overwhelming changes in his family had defeated his intention.†   (source)
  • The quartet, with four dresses in view at one time and in close conjunction, pushing one another, made Miss Eckhart especially apprehensive.†   (source)
  • They were, he said, "the speckled progeny of a vile conjunction, redolent with lurking treason to the Union": Between them and me, henceforth and forever, a high wall and a deep ditch!†   (source)
  • This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.†   (source)
  • When the time of the conjunction draws near I will come and wake you.†   (source)
  • Seven cards must be turned, one at a time, and placed in conjunction with the others.†   (source)
  • Two Perry-class frigates were twenty miles north, operating in conjunction with three Orions to sanitize the area.†   (source)
  • I also added exercises from Rocky IV In addition to all the training, I'd also been drinking protein shakes in conjunction with my workouts, something that had begun when I was in eighth grade, thanks to homeschool.†   (source)
  • As the artifact's seller made sure to point out in his auction listing, if you used the tablet's power in conjunction with the Scoreboard, it arguably became the most valuable artifact in the entire OASIS.†   (source)
  • And the problem here," Svensson said, "is that the crime is aggravated rape, often in conjunction with abuse, aggravated abuse, and death threats, and in some instances illegal imprisonment as well.†   (source)
  • Furthermore, this office would be pleased to work in conjunction with the commissioner of corrections to facilitate what needs to be done, as there are tissue matches and medical testing to be completed prior to the donation, and because time is of the essence during the organ harvest.†   (source)
  • Most likely the promoter had made the owner a deal he couldn't refuse in conjunction with one of the auto dealers in town.†   (source)
  • When they had reached the top of the Tower (it was a cloudy night, not at all like the night when they had seen the conjunction of Tarva and Alambil) Doctor Cornelius said, "Dear Prince, you must leave this castle at once and go to seek your fortune in the wide world.†   (source)
  • To counteract any evil result of that bad conjunction he walked quickly past the ranch house, through the chicken yard, through the vegetable patch, until he came at last to the brush line.†   (source)
  • —you call that a marriage, when the night of a honeymoon and the casual business with a hired prostitute consists of the same suzerainty over a (temporarily) private room, the same order of removing the same clothes, the same conjunction in a single bed?†   (source)
  • The female principle was personified in the beautiful girl whom Raven encountered in the great room within the animal; meanwhile the conjunction of male and female was symbolized separately in the flow of the oil from the pipe into the burning lamp.†   (source)
  • Sometimes on a mere conjunction!†   (source)
  • The prefectural government, convinced, as everyone in Hiroshima was, that the city would be attacked soon, had begun to press with threats and warnings for the completion of wide fire lanes, which, it was hoped, might act in conjunction with the rivers to localize any fires started by an incendiary raid; and the neighbour was reluctantly sacrificing his home to the city's safety.†   (source)
  • Aunt Adeline was a tall, capable woman to whom the word "horse" clung in conjunction with the words "sense" and "face."†   (source)
  • It was a vintage year of wistaria: vintage year being that sweet conjunction of root bloom and urge and hour and weather; and I (I was fourteen)—I will not insist on bloom, at whom no man had yet to look—nor would ever—twice, as not as child but less than even child; as not more child than woman but even as less than any female flesh.†   (source)
  • In conjunction with the affairs of Ali Pasha?†   (source)
  • I shall certainly essay a flight from their abodes before I mingle in so violent a conjunction.†   (source)
  • "Monsieur," said the Bishop, "I like not this conjunction of names."†   (source)
  • There was a conjunction of all the several qualities of the others in his person and character.†   (source)
  • These conjunctions are formed and dissolved incessantly; hence life and death.†   (source)
  • The new residents were in the garden, taking as much interest in their own doings as if the homestead had never passed its primal time in conjunction with the histories of others, beside which the histories of these were but as a tale told by an idiot.†   (source)
  • There are in all our lives such moments, such influences, coming from the outside, as it were, irresistible, incomprehensible—as if brought about by the mysterious conjunctions of the planets.†   (source)
  • On ascertaining that his daughter had disappeared, Mr. Aloysius Doran, in conjunction with the bridegroom, instantly put themselves in communication with the police, and very energetic inquiries are being made, which will probably result in a speedy clearing up of this very singular business.†   (source)
  • When taken in conjunction with your uncle's death I am not sure that of all the five hundred cases of capital importance which I have handled there is one which cuts so deep.†   (source)
  • Indeed, except as toned by the former, the comeliness and power, always attractive in masculine conjunction, hardly could have drawn the sort of honest homage the Handsome Sailor in some examples received from his less gifted associates.†   (source)
  • At present the planet Mars is in conjunction, but with every return to opposition I, for one, anticipate a renewal of their adventure.†   (source)
  • In the slack seasons some of them would go with Miss Henderson to this house downtown—in fact, it would not be too much to say that she managed her department at Brown's in conjunction with it.†   (source)
  • I had been told that I should see in the alley certain women of fashion, who, in spite of their not all having husbands, were constantly mentioned in conjunction with Mme. Swann, but most often by their professional names;—their new names, when they had any, being but a sort of incognito, a veil which those who would speak of them were careful to draw aside, so as to make themselves understood.†   (source)
  • It seemed everything to him, in fact, except how it really was—always presuming, of course, that time is part of nature and that it is therefore permissible to see it in conjunction with reality.†   (source)
  • In their sad doubts as to whether their son had himself any right whatever to the title he claimed for the unknown young woman, Mr and Mrs Clare began to feel it as an advantage not to be overlooked that she at least was sound in her views; especially as the conjunction of the pair must have arisen by an act of Providence; for Angel never would have made orthodoxy a condition of his choice.†   (source)
  • Hans Castorp doubted that the fever had only appeared just now in conjunction with his cold; and he truly regretted not having consulted Mercury before this, right at the beginning, when the director had suggested it to him.†   (source)
  • I speak of him at length, because under this exterior, and in conjunction with an upright and indulgent nature, this man possessed an intrepidity of spirit and a physical courage that could have been called reckless had it not been like a natural function of the body—say good digestion, for instance—completely unconscious of itself.†   (source)
  • But my protest begins at the point where you regard the conjunction of illness and stupidity as a kind of stylistic blunder, as an aberration of taste on the part of nature and a 'dilemma for our human emotions'—as you chose to express it.†   (source)
  • For (and Naphta was particularly fond of that conjunction—in his mouth it gained something triumphantly inexorable, and his eyes would flash behind his glasses whenever he could insert it), for politics and Catholicism, as concepts, were psychologically related; they formed a single category embracing all objective, actual, active, actualizing reality, and as such stood in contradiction to pietist Protestantism, which had emerged out of mysticism.†   (source)
  • There was something naively festive in his air, which, in conjunction with his firm and virile features, gave him a rather comical expression.†   (source)
  • These, in conjunction with one hand in his pocket and his roughened hat hind side before, were evidently the conditions under which he reflected.†   (source)
  • Yes, in conjunction with his friend.†   (source)
  • She hardly knew that she had done this till Lucetta, animated by the conjunction of her new attire with the sight of Farfrae, spoke out: "Let us go and look at the instrument, whatever it is."†   (source)
  • Stocking were so nearly assimilated to those of the savages, the conjunction of their interests excited no surprise.†   (source)
  • It would have done so, pretty surely, in conjunction with the mental wear and tear I had suffered, but for the unnatural strain upon me that to-morrow was.†   (source)
  • That would be a desirable beginning for the young man, in conjunction with his employment under Garth.†   (source)
  • In conjunction with Miss Pross, he took immediate steps towards the latter precaution, by giving out that the Doctor was not well, and required a few days of complete rest.†   (source)
  • The suspicion never occurred to Ivan, by the way, that Mitya might have committed the murder in conjunction with Smerdyakov, and, indeed, such a theory did not fit in with the facts.†   (source)
  • The justices take a personal share in public business; they are sometimes entrusted with administrative functions in conjunction with elected officers, *r they sometimes constitute a tribunal, before which the magistrates summarily prosecute a refractory citizen, or the citizens inform against the abuses of the magistrate.†   (source)
  • Seen in conjunction with Hester Prynne—kindly as so many now felt towards the latter—the dread inspired by Mistress Hibbins had doubled, and caused a general movement from that part of the market-place in which the two women stood.†   (source)
  • This honourable name had figured constantly also in the Parliamentary list for many years, in conjunction with that of a number of other worthy gentlemen who sat in turns for the borough.†   (source)
    So, these fine forces, in conjunction,
    Propel the high poetic function,
    As in a love-adventure they might play!†   (source)
  • The dress of this patriarch—for such, considering his vast age, in conjunction with his affinity and influence with his people, he might very properly be termed—was rich and imposing, though strictly after the simple fashions of the tribe.†   (source)
  • It is but due to her character to say, that in conjunction with her estimable husband, she had broken many and many a one.†   (source)
  • I have always respected education when in conjunction with genuine sentiments, and I am besides a titular counsellor in rank.†   (source)
  • As Tom checked off his details, and the other boy nodded his head in recognition of them, the great audience and the officials stared in puzzled wonderment; the tale sounded like true history, yet how could this impossible conjunction between a prince and a beggar-boy have come about?†   (source)
  • Pestsov maintained that art is one, and that it can attain its highest manifestations only by conjunction with all kinds of art.†   (source)
  • Putting the whole in conjunction the hunter, though not without many misgivings, slowly came over to Judith's opinion, and finally admitted that the fancied idols must be merely the curiously carved men of some unknown game.†   (source)
  • But he regards the Court of Chancery, even if it should involve an occasional delay of justice and a trifling amount of confusion, as a something devised in conjunction with a variety of other somethings by the perfection of human wisdom for the eternal settlement (humanly speaking) of everything.†   (source)
  • The day after her visit to Lockleigh she received a note from her friend Miss Stackpole—a note of which the envelope, exhibiting in conjunction the postmark of Liverpool and the neat calligraphy of the quick-fingered Henrietta, caused her some liveliness of emotion.†   (source)
  • But, fair or not fair, there are unbecoming conjunctions, which reason will patronize in vain—which taste cannot tolerate—which ridicule will seize.†   (source)
  • A sudden fear had come over her; it was like the solid conjunction of a dozen disembodied doubts, and her imagination, at a single bound, had traversed an enormous distance.†   (source)
  • I wear a gold watch and chain, a ring upon my little finger, and a long-tailed coat; and I use a great deal of bear's grease — which, taken in conjunction with the ring, looks bad.†   (source)
  • Now what a radical reversal of things this was; what a jumbling together of extravagant incongruities; what a fantastic conjunction of opposites and irreconcilables—the home of the bogus miracle become the home of a real one, the den of a mediaeval hermit turned into a telephone office!†   (source)
  • Gabriel lately, for the first time since his prostration by misfortune, had been independent in thought and vigorous in action to a marked extent—conditions which, powerless without an opportunity as an opportunity without them is barren, would have given him a sure lift upwards when the favourable conjunction should have occurred.†   (source)
  • But his simplicity, particularly in conjunction with his good looks, his amiable smile, and the grace of his movements, was very attractive.†   (source)
  • And really the great friendship and consideration of personally associating Sophy with the joyful occasion, and inviting her to be a bridesmaid in conjunction with Miss Wickfield, demands my warmest thanks.†   (source)
  • If Mr. Bulstrode insisted, as he was apt to do, on the Lutheran doctrine of justification, as that by which a Church must stand or fall, Dr. Minchin in return was quite sure that man was not a mere machine or a fortuitous conjunction of atoms; if Mrs. Wimple insisted on a particular providence in relation to her stomach complaint, Dr. Minchin for his part liked to keep the mental windows open and objected to fixed limits; if the Unitarian brewer jested about the Athanasian Creed, Dr. Minchin quoted Pope's "Essay on Man."†   (source)
  • Its motion ceased suddenly; a scattering of brands was in the air, and then all remained dark as the conjunction of night, forest, and mountain could render the scene.†   (source)
  • This conjunction of circumstances led to his immediately afterwards presenting himself before the young ladies in a posture, which in ancient times would not have been considered one of favourable augury for his suit; since the gondoliers of the young ladies, having been put to some inconvenience by the chase, so neatly brought their own boat in the gentlest collision with the bark of Mr Sparkler, as to tip that gentleman over like a larger species of ninepin, and cause him to exhibit the soles of his shoes to the object of his dearest wishes: while the nobler portions of his anatomy struggled at the bottom of his boat in the arms of one of his men.†   (source)
  • If brother Charles and brother Ned failed to look in for at least a few minutes every Sunday, or one evening in the week, there was Mr Tim Linkinwater (who had never made half-a-dozen other acquaintances in all his life, and who took such delight in his new friends as no words can express) constantly coming and going in his evening walks, and stopping to rest; while Mr Frank Cheeryble happened, by some strange conjunction of circumstances, to be passing the door on some business or other at least three nights in the week.†   (source)
  • We shall therefore confidently await the moment when the Imperial Russian army will be fully equipped, and shall then, in conjunction with it, easily find a way to prepare for the enemy the fate he deserves.†   (source)
  • "You will diminish them, indeed," returned the arch girl; "for never did I hear a more unworthy conjunction of execution and language than that to which I have been listening; and I was far gone in a learned inquiry into the causes of such an unfitness between sound and sense, when you broke the charm of my musings by that bass of yours, Duncan!"†   (source)
  • "Nay; not so, my little Pearl," answered the minister; for, with the new energy of the moment, all the dread of public exposure, that had so long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him; and he was already trembling at the conjunction in which—with a strange joy, nevertheless—he now found himself—"not so, my child.†   (source)
  • After Smolensk Napoleon sought a battle beyond Dorogobuzh at Vyazma, and then at Tsarevo-Zaymishche, but it happened that owing to a conjunction of innumerable circumstances the Russians could not give battle till they reached Borodino, seventy miles from Moscow.†   (source)
  • The barriers of prejudice and religion were broken through by the irresistible power of the master-passion, and family unions, ere long, began to cement the political tie which had made a forced conjunction, between people so opposite in their habits, their educations, and their opinions.†   (source)
  • After all, he thought, one need not be surprised to find the rare conjunctions of nature under circumstances apparently unfavorable: come where they may, they always depend on conditions that are not obvious.†   (source)
  • The underwood had been entirely removed from this grove, or bush, as, in conjunction with the simple arrangements for boiling, it was called, and a wide space of many acres was cleared, which might be likened to the dome of a mighty temple, to which the maples formed the columns, their tops composing the capitals and the heavens the arch.†   (source)
  • 'But old Arthur Gride and matrimony is a most anomalous conjunction of words; old Arthur Gride and dark eyes and eyelashes, and lips that to look at is to long to kiss, and clustering hair that he wants to play with, and waists that he wants to span, and little feet that don't tread upon anything—old Arthur Gride and such things as these is more monstrous still; but old Arthur Gride marrying the daughter of a ruined "dashing man" in the Rules of the Bench, is the most monstrous and incredible of all.†   (source)
  • "I did not mean," he said over the soup, addressing Alexey Alexandrovitch, "mere density of population alone, but in conjunction with fundamental ideas, and not by means of principles."†   (source)
  • —THE CONJUNCTION OF TWO STARS Nevertheless, there existed in all the immensity of creation, two women whom Marius did not flee, and to whom he paid no attention whatever.†   (source)
  • And it must appear an astonishing conjunction of genius with a whole series of extraordinary chances that this ram, who instead of getting into the general fold every evening goes into a special enclosure where there are oats—that this very ram, swelling with fat, is killed for meat.†   (source)
  • Each width contained the figure, with the slight exception of one arm of the general, which ran over on the next piece, so that when Richard essayed, with his own hands, to put together this delicate outline, some difficulties occurred that prevented a nice conjunction; and Britannia had reason to lament, in addition to the loss of her favorite's life, numberless cruel amputations of his right arm.†   (source)
  • On reaching the crest of a swell that was a little higher than the usual elevations, he lingered a minute, and cast a half curious eye, on either hand, in quest of those well known signs, which might indicate a place, where the three grand requisites of water, fuel and fodder were to be obtained in conjunction.†   (source)
  • Yes, but they—Wurt, and Knaust, and Pripasov—would answer that your consciousness of existence is derived from the conjunction of all your sensations, that that consciousness of existence is the result of your sensations.†   (source)
  • What conjunction that that Champmathieu should have been taken for him; to be overwhelmed by precisely the means which Providence seemed to have employed, at first, to strengthen his position!†   (source)
  • At last he succeeded in calming her, only by confessing that a feeling of pity, in conjunction with the wine he had drunk, had been too much for him, that he had succumbed to Anna's artful influence, and that he would avoid her.†   (source)
  • They only exist on condition that they are backed up with another man; their name is a sequel, and is only written preceded by the conjunction and; and their existence is not their own; it is the other side of an existence which is not theirs.†   (source)
  • He considered those magnificent conjunctions of atoms, which communicate aspects to matter, reveal forces by verifying them, create individualities in unity, proportions in extent, the innumerable in the infinite, and, through light, produce beauty.†   (source)
  • Much hath been said of the united strength of Britain and the colonies, that in conjunction they might bid defiance to the world.†   (source)
  • But these, sir, are small reasons, in my opinion, compared with the chance which your life will give for the forming of future great men; and in conjunction with your Art of Virtue (which you design to publish) of improving the features of private character, and consequently of aiding all happiness, both public and domestic.†   (source)
  • A scheme to connect by tramline the Cattle Market (North Circular road and Prussia street) with the quays (Sheriff street, lower, and East Wall), parallel with the Link line railway laid (in conjunction with the Great Southern and Western railway line) between the cattle park, Liffey junction, and terminus of Midland Great Western Railway 43 to 45 North Wall, in proximity to the terminal stations or Dublin branches of Great Central Railway, Midland Railway of England, City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company†   (source)
  • To inaugurate a series of static semistatic and peripatetic intellectual dialogues, places the residence of both speakers (if both speakers were resident in the same place), the Ship hotel and tavern, 6 Lower Abbey street (W. and E. Connery, proprietors), the National Library of Ireland, 10 Kildare street, the National Maternity Hospital, 29, 30 and 31 Holles street, a public garden, the vicinity of a place of worship, a conjunction of two or more public thoroughfares, the point of bisection of a right line drawn between their residences (if both speakers were resident in different places).†   (source)
  • It, with the preceding scene and with others unnarrated but existent by implication, to which add essays on various subjects or moral apothegms (e.g. My Favourite Hero or Procrastination is the Thief of Time) composed during schoolyears, seemed to him to contain in itself and in conjunction with the personal equation certain possibilities of financial, social, personal and sexual success, whether specially collected and selected as model pedagogic themes (of cent per cent merit) for the use of preparatory and junior grade students or contributed in printed form, following the precedent of Philip Beaufoy or Doctor Dick or Heblon'†   (source)
  • Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction!†   (source)
  • Nor From The Conjunction Of A Few Men Or Familyes†   (source)
  • Inter their bodies as becomes their births: Proclaim a pardon to the soldiers fled That in submission will return to us: And then, as we have ta'en the sacrament, We will unite the white rose and the red:— Smile heaven upon this fair conjunction, That long have frown'd upon their emnity!†   (source)
  • Now, all my joy Trace the conjunction!†   (source)
  • Yet doth he give us bold advertisement, That with our small conjunction we should on, To see how fortune is disposed to us; For, as he writes, there is no quailing now, Because the King is certainly possess'd Of all our purposes.†   (source)
  • This mischief had not been befallen,
    And more that shall befall; innumerable
    Disturbances on earth through female snares,
    And strait conjunction with this sex: for either
    He never shall find out fit mate, but such
    As some misfortune brings him, or mistake;
    Or whom he wishes most shall seldom gain
    Through her perverseness, but shall see her gained
    By a far worse; or, if she love, withheld
    By parents; or his happiest choice too late
    Shall meet, already linked and wedlock-bound
    To a fell adversary, his hate or shame:
    Which infinite calamity shall cause
    To human life, and houshold peace confound.†   (source)
  • But for the cheat of divining by the stars, by their oppositions or conjunctions, it has not so much as entered into their thoughts.†   (source)
  • And that these two bodies made up the most august assembly in Europe; to whom, in conjunction with the prince, the whole legislature is committed.†   (source)
  • We will, fair queen, up to the mountain's top, And mark the musical confusion Of hounds and echo in conjunction.†   (source)
  • Suppose, for instance, we were engaged in a war, in conjunction with one foreign nation, against another.†   (source)
  • It is a wonderful thing to see the semblable coherence of his men's spirits and his: they, by observing of him, do bear themselves like foolish justices: he, by conversing with them, is turned into a justice-like serving-man: their spirits are so married in conjunction with the participation of society that they flock together in consent, like so many wild-geese.†   (source)
  • There is nothing in all this, nor in any other part of the Bible, to countenance Executions by Private Zeal; which being oftentimes but a conjunction of Ignorance and Passion, is against both the Justice and Peace of a Common-wealth.†   (source)
  • This lord, in conjunction with Flimnap the high-treasurer, whose enmity against you is notorious on account of his lady, Limtoc the general, Lalcon the chamberlain, and Balmuff the grand justiciary, have prepared articles of impeachment against you, for treason and other capital crimes.†   (source)
  • They are both liable, if not to equal, to similar objections, and may in most lights be examined in conjunction.†   (source)
  • And he desired to know, "Whether such zealous gentlemen could have any views of refunding themselves for the charges and trouble they were at by sacrificing the public good to the designs of a weak and vicious prince, in conjunction with a corrupted ministry?"†   (source)
  • A profitable Invention for continuing the memory of time past, and the conjunction of mankind, dispersed into so many, and distant regions of the Earth; and with all difficult, as proceeding from a watchfull observation of the divers motions of the Tongue, Palat, Lips, and other organs of Speech; whereby to make as many differences of characters, to remember them.†   (source)
  • In conjunction with an executive council, he appoints the members of the judiciary department, and forms a court of impeachment for trial of all officers, judiciary as well as executive.†   (source)
  • If we attend carefully to geographical and commercial considerations, in conjunction with the habits and prejudices of the different States, we shall be led to conclude that in case of disunion they will most naturally league themselves under two governments.†   (source)
  • And this invention would certainly have taken place, to the great ease as well as health of the subject, if the women, in conjunction with the vulgar and illiterate, had not threatened to raise a rebellion unless they might be allowed the liberty to speak with their tongues, after the manner of their forefathers; such constant irreconcilable enemies to science are the common people.†   (source)
  • For, since the conjunction of male and female is founded upon the great law of nature, in order to propagate and continue the species, the Lilliputians will needs have it, that men and women are joined together, like other animals, by the motives of concupiscence; and that their tenderness towards their young proceeds from the like natural principle: for which reason they will never allow that a child is under any obligation to his father for begetting him, or to his mother for bringing him into the world; which, considering the miseries of human life, was neither a benefit in itself, nor intended so by his parents, whose thoughts, in their love encounters, were otherwise employed.†   (source)
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