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  • He would be arraigned in Penal Court IVA, tomorrow afternoon.†   (source)
  • More words were exchanged, hot words and dark, and the whole thing ended with the arraignment of the three black men, and an appointment to appear in civil court Thursday next.†   (source)
  • Who I saw one time on TV," he said, "when they're putting him in an unmarked car to take him to be arraigned and some detective places a hand on his head to keep him from bumping his head on the door frame and I sit there thinking why is it the police put so much effort into keeping these criminals from bumping their heads when they get into police cars, it's a major concern of the police, lately, this hand on the head."†   (source)
  • One-stop shopping, arrest to arraignment.†   (source)
  • Was he arraigning her, or sympathizing with her?†   (source)
  • He's scheduled for arraignment first thing in the morning.†   (source)
  • When's the arraignment?†   (source)
  • She was arraigned and released without bail.
    arraigned = called before a court to answer an indictment
  • She wondered if the grieving mother from the arraignment would be there.†   (source)
  • For the arraignment'I brought you a nice jacket to wear.†   (source)
  • We need to have a chambers conference with the judge before the arraignment.†   (source)
  • 'I know that nothing's going to happen at that arraignment that's going to be a surprise to anyone.†   (source)
  • When I was supposed to shut up at the arraignment?†   (source)
  • It was true that she'd been more rattled during the arraignment than she'd anticipated.†   (source)
  • An arraignment at a courthouse fit like a Band-Aid over a wound that really needed a tourniquet.†   (source)
  • For the arraignment I just wear these clothes.†   (source)
  • As soon as the arraignment was over, I grabbed my briefcase and headed straight for the back stairs.†   (source)
  • He was headed to arraignment later today.†   (source)
  • She could see him tomorrow, before the arraignment.†   (source)
  • The date would be set tomorrow at the arraignment.†   (source)
  • The rules say a criminal defendant can enter a plea of guilty or not guilty at arraignment.†   (source)
  • If Glass was high during the Finch arraignment, I knew I'd probably be in for trouble.†   (source)
  • A guilty plea at arraignment in a death-penalty case?†   (source)
  • Now that we've done the arraignment, I can get some discovery:' I said.†   (source)
  • The breakfast broadcast of the three local network news stations was devoted to that morning's arraignment of Peter Houghton.†   (source)
  • In the days since Peter had confessed that his father didn't come to see him, through the arraignment and afterward, Lacy had kept this secret hidden.†   (source)
  • He was about to leave the cell when he realized he had not been given a bulletproof vest, as he had for the arraignment.†   (source)
  • Alex had been rattled by her own emotions during the arraignment; instead of telling herself she was being ridiculous, she'd acted on them.†   (source)
  • By the time Diana reached the docket board to check which judge was sitting on the Houghton arraignment, Jordan McAfee was already standing there.†   (source)
  • Two days after Peter's arraignment in superior court, Selena sat down with the principal of Sterling High in his modified elementary school office.†   (source)
  • But if it had been this hard at the arraignment, how would she function when the prosecution began to actually outline the events of that day?†   (source)
  • It was dejà vu-this was exactly what had happened the day of Peter's arraignment, except that seemed so long ago, and she and Josie had both been very different people back then.†   (source)
  • 'The arraignment,' Josie said.†   (source)
  • They'd dribbled away over the past week-no doubt there was some tragedy somewhere else for these reporters to cover-but returned in full force to report on the arraignment.†   (source)
  • I just'I wanted to ask before we got out there in front of everyone whether the court was planning to just handle the arraignment, or if you're planning to sit during the whole case?'†   (source)
  • After sitting at home for five days after Peter's arraignment, one morning he woke up and packed his briefcase, ate his cornflakes, read the paper, and headed off to work.†   (source)
  • Even about the arraignment?†   (source)
  • Even about the arraignment.†   (source)
  • She could feel the secretary's eyes on her-clearly the woman wanted to know why Judge Cormier was standing in front of her desk instead of at the courthouse presiding over the arraignment that they were all waiting to hear about.†   (source)
  • But then they'd had that conversation after the arraignment; her mother had gone out of her way to let Josie know that acting like a judge on this case would not be mutually exclusive to acting like a mother.†   (source)
  • He recognized some of the same people who'd come to the arraignment, but also a host of other faces that were new, and that wouldn't have been intimately connected to the high school: the elderly, the college kids, the couples with young babies.†   (source)
  • The arraignment?†   (source)
  • I don't see Trey until the arraignment.†   (source)
  • THE NIGHT FOLLOWING JENKS'S ARRAIGNMENT, Chief Mercer had gotten the skybox at PacBell from one of his wealthy buddies.†   (source)
  • Tester's son—the one I was telling you about who made that scene at Angel's arraignment—owns a silver Dodge truck.†   (source)
  • The first case we're going to address this morning is an arraignment in the State of Tennessee versus Angel Christian:' He turned to the prosecution.†   (source)
  • Maynard Bush's arraignment on the new charges of killing Bonnie Tate and the Bowers twins in Mountain City had taken only fifteen minutes, but it was fifteen of the most intense minutes of my life.†   (source)
  • As I lay on the gurney, I ran back through the night's events for Sam and told him about Tester's son and what had happened in the courtroom at Angel's arraignment.†   (source)
  • I told Randall that since the case against him was so strong and since Deacon hadn't filed the notice, Randall should plead guilty at arraignment, his first appearance in the higher criminal court.†   (source)
  • The opinion said Randall had a right to plead guilty at arraignment, and if the state hadn't bothered to file their death notice in a timely manner, too bad.†   (source)
  • Alex scanned the files she needed for that morning's run of arraignments.†   (source)
  • There were seventy arraignments scheduled for that morning, and the courtroom was packed.†   (source)
  • You bring in Nicholas Jenks, you better arraign.†   (source)
  • He was being arraigned in Napa for two additional murders the following day.†   (source)
  • The law says they have to arraign you on these charges as soon as possible.†   (source)
  • We need to get him arraigned as soon as possible, unless you can get him to waive the rule.†   (source)
  • She was arraigned a few days later.†   (source)
  • In a normal situation, Lima said, they would have been arraigned properly, given a phone call and an attorney, and would have been out on bail within days.†   (source)
  • But there were miles to drive and defendants to arraign and chemical equations to interpret, and by the time Josie had set the bacon to drain on a pad of paper toweling, the moment had winged away.†   (source)
  • 'You'll be arraigned tomorrow.†   (source)
  • 'Arraignments,' Alex replied.†   (source)
  • Peter Houghton was just arraigned on ten counts of first-degree murder and nineteen counts of attempted first-degree murder, and various accompanying charges involving illegal possession of explosives and firearms in this recent tragedy.†   (source)
  • By the time she backed her car out of the garage, her head was already focused on the decision she had to write that afternoon; the number of arraignments the clerk would have stuffed onto her docket; the motions that would have fallen like shadows across her desk between Friday afternoon and this morning.†   (source)
  • FOUR HOURS LATER, in District Criminal Court, I felt well enough to watch Nicholas Jenks be arraigned for murder.†   (source)
  • Mr. Jenks, in an hour you are going to be arraigned for the first-degree murder of David and Melanie Brandt at the Grand Hyatt hotel on June fifth.†   (source)
  • THE FOLLOWING DAY, the day Nicholas Jenks was set to be arraigned for the murders of Rebecca and Michael De-George, I set out to track down a new killer.†   (source)
  • Nicholas Jenks had been arraigned.†   (source)
  • It gives them up to thirty days to arraign you on the new charges, but they'll probably do it in the next week or two.†   (source)
  • Judge Glass's plan was to arraign Maynard in Mountain City in the morning and in Elizabethtonfor the murder of his mother in Carter County—in the afternoon.†   (source)
  • The Sunday after they arraigned Angel Christian, I got up around five-thirty, made a pot of coffee, and wandered up the driveway in the semidarkness in my bare feet and boxers to get the newspaper.†   (source)
  • You want to look your best when you come up for arraignment.†   (source)
  • "We"ll enter a plea of not guilty at the arraignment tomorrow.†   (source)
  • It was a staggering arraignment to confront the hide-hunters.†   (source)
  • Something, she knew not what, took arms against her intellectual arraignment of the cowboy's method of getting himself a wife.†   (source)
  • The hard-headed Dundee owner was a staunch admirer of Thomas Paine whose book in rejoinder to Burke's arraignment of the French Revolution had then been published for some time and had gone everywhere.†   (source)
  • Under the force of this triple arraignment the outlaw leader dropped to his seat, staggered and silenced.†   (source)
  • To this Harkaway had answered, first with a flaming arraignment of those hunters who meant to let Pilchuck's company stand the brunt of the fighting, and secondly with short, cutting contempt for Hurd.†   (source)
  • "Señor Stewart, he keel my Vaquero!" shouted Don Carlos, as, sweating and spent, he concluded his arraignment of the cowboy.†   (source)
  • But because out there in the wilds her love and perception had broadened, now her arraignment of herself and her sex was bigger, sterner, more exacting.†   (source)
  • He saw, at once, that this wily savage had some secret agency in their present arraignment before the nation, and determined to throw every possible impediment in the way of the execution of his sinister plans.†   (source)
  • They arraigned him before a justice, but by that time your grandfather and Mr Coldfield had got there.†   (source)
  • "Having been bound over to the Grand Jury and indicted by it, having been arraigned and having pled not guilty to the charge of murder and been ordered to trial"all in less than a week, Bigger lay one sunless grey morning on his cot, staring vacantly at the black steel bars of the Cook County Jail.†   (source)
  • ARRAIGNED TOMORROW.†   (source)
  • And then the offender arrested and ordered arraigned on the following morning.†   (source)
  • —instead of challenging her own irregularity I found myself arraigned and explaining.†   (source)
  • The sailor of that day would go near to be arraigned as a pirate in our own.†   (source)
    Just treat, and let the landlord me arraign!†   (source)
  • The prisoner was duly arraigned, and his plea again demanded.†   (source)
  • "Charles Evremonde, called Darnay," was at length arraigned.†   (source)
  • Strangely, however, he did not bow to them, as had been his humble act in the past, when his calumniators had arraigned and flayed him.†   (source)
  • He was arraigned for treason against the nation, and sent to the guillotine, whilst his family, his wife and his sons, shared in this awful fate.†   (source)
  • When he was arraigned that same morning, the district leader had already seen the clerk of the court and explained that Jurgis Rudkus was a decent fellow, who had been indiscreet; and so Jurgis was fined ten dollars and the fine was "suspended"—which meant that he did not have to pay for it, and never would have to pay it, unless somebody chose to bring it up against him in the future.†   (source)
  • Had he arraigned her in judgment?†   (source)
  • Well, though many an arraigned mortal has in hopes of mitigated penalty pleaded guilty to horrible actions, did ever anybody seriously confess to envy?†   (source)
  • On the following morning Clyde was arraigned for sentence, with Mrs. Griffiths given a seat near him and seeking, paper and pencil in hand, to make notes of, for her, an unutterable scene, while a large crowd surveyed her.†   (source)
  • Among certain grizzled sea—gossips of the gun decks and forecastle went a rumor perdue that the Master-at-arms was a chevalier who had volunteered into the King's Navy by way of compounding for some mysterious swindle whereof he had been arraigned at the King's Bench.†   (source)
  • Subsequent to the indictment, Griffiths, who in spite of almost overwhelming evidence, has persisted in asserting that the alleged crime was an accident, and who, accompanied by his counsel, Alvin Belknap, and Reuben Jephson, of this city, was arraigned before Supreme Court Justice Oberwaltzer, pleaded not guilty.†   (source)
  • All being quickly in readiness, Billy Budd was arraigned, Captain Vere necessarily appearing as the sole witness in the case, and as such, temporarily sinking his rank, though singularly maintaining it in a matter apparently trivial, namely, that he testified from the ship's weather-side, with that object having caused the court to sit on the lee-side.†   (source)
  • John Claggart, the ship's Master-at-arms, discovering that some sort of plot was incipient among an inferior section of the ship's company, and that the ringleader was one William Budd; he, Claggart, in the act of arraigning the man before the Captain was vindictively stabbed to the heart by the suddenly drawn sheath-knife of Budd.†   (source)
  • Arraigned at my own bar, Memory having given her evidence of the hopes, wishes, sentiments I had been cherishing since last night — of the general state of mind in which I had indulged for nearly a fortnight past; Reason having come forward and told, in her own quiet way a plain, unvarnished tale, showing how I had rejected the real, and rabidly devoured the ideal; — I pronounced judgment to this effect:—†   (source)
  • He tried to drink, and revel, and swear away the memory; but often, in the deep night, whose solemn stillness arraigns the bad soul in forced communion with herself, he had seen that pale mother rising by his bedside, and felt the soft twining of that hair around his fingers, till the cold sweat would roll down his face, and he would spring from his bed in horror.†   (source)
  • We arraign society, if it do not give us besides earth, and fire, and water, opportunity, love, reverence, and objects of veneration.†   (source)
  • The worthy naturalist was not the first by many, who found himself, at the precise moment when he was expecting praise, suddenly arraigned, to answer for the very conduct on which he rested all his claims to commendation.†   (source)
  • The sins of the family have long since been arraigned at the judgment seat of God, or are registered for the terrible settlement of the last great day.†   (source)
  • Thus she escaped not only punishment, but even the pain of being arraigned before a court for her horrid crime.†   (source)
  • Another was a man who had been accused of stealing a horse; he said the proof had failed, and he had imagined that he was safe from the halter; but no—he was hardly free before he was arraigned for killing a deer in the King's park; this was proved against him, and now he was on his way to the gallows.†   (source)
  • In the United States, as well as in Europe, one branch of the legislature is authorized to impeach and another to judge: the House of Representatives arraigns the offender, and the Senate awards his sentence.†   (source)
  • Those, however, of our congregation, who considered themselves as orthodox Presbyterians, disapprov'd his doctrine, and were join'd by most of the old clergy, who arraign'd him of heterodoxy before the synod, in order to have him silenc'd.†   (source)
  • Strange, indeed, would be my conduct, O men of Athens, if I who, when I was ordered by the generals whom you chose to command me at Potidaea and Amphipolis and Delium, remained where they placed me, like any other man, facing death—if now, when, as I conceive and imagine, God orders me to fulfil the philosopher's mission of searching into myself and other men, I were to desert my post through fear of death, or any other fear; that would indeed be strange, and I might justly be arraigned in court for denying the existence of the gods, if I disobeyed the oracle because I was afraid of death, fancying that I was wise when I was not wise.†   (source)
  • A number of Cook County vice cops scattered through the room with notebooks and tape machines, sucking up every arraignable word.†   (source)
    standard suffix: The suffix "-able" in arraignable means able to be. This is the same pattern you see in words like breakable, understandable, and comfortable.
  • This duke as much They love and dote on; call him bounteous Buckingham, The mirror of all courtesy,— [Enter Buckingham from his arraignment; tipstaves before him; the axe with the edge towards him; halberds on each side; accompanied with Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir William Sandys, and common people.]†   (source)
  • At the arraignment I pleaded 'Not guilty,' and well I might, for I was indicted for felony and burglary; that is, for feloniously stealing two pieces of brocaded silk, value #46, the goods of Anthony Johnson, and for breaking open his doors; whereas I knew very well they could not pretend to prove I had broken up the doors, or so much as lifted up a latch.†   (source)
  • Even the editions of Webster printed after his death, though they gave way on many points, were violently arraigned.†   (source)
  • It shall be done; I will arraign them straight.†   (source)
  • Say if I do,—the laws are mine, not thine: Who can arraign me for't?†   (source)
  • Prepare you, lords; Summon a session, that we may arraign Our most disloyal lady; for, as she hath Been publicly accus'd, so shall she have A just and open trial.†   (source)
  • These reflections would sometimes lead me so far, as to invade the sovereignty of Providence, and, as it were, arraign the justice of such an arbitrary disposition of things, that should obscure that light from some, and reveal it to others, and yet expect a like duty from all.†   (source)
  • First, her father slain: Next, your son gone; and he most violent author Of his own just remove: the people muddied, Thick and and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers For good Polonius' death; and we have done but greenly In hugger-mugger to inter him: poor Ophelia Divided from herself and her fair judgment, Without the which we are pictures or mere beasts: Last, and as much containing as all these, Her brother is in secret come from France; Feeds on his wonder, keeps himself in clouds, And wants not buzzers to infect his ear With pestilent speeches of his father's death; Wherein necessity, of matter beggar'd, Will nothing stick our person to arraign In ear and ear.†   (source)
  • I'll teach you how you shall arraign your conscience, And try your penitence, if it be sound Or hollowly put on.†   (source)
  • —Beshrew me much, Emilia, I was,—unhandsome warrior as I am,— Arraigning his unkindness with my soul; But now I find I had suborn'd the witness, And he's indicted falsely.†   (source)
  • In the same manner we are not to arraign the squire of any want of love for his daughter; for in reality he had a great deal; we are only to consider that he was a squire and a sportsman, and then we may apply the fable to him, and the judicious reflections likewise.†   (source)
  • Well, there was no remedy; the prosecution went on, and on the Thursday I was carried down to the sessions-house, where I was arraigned, as they called it, and the next day I was appointed to be tried.†   (source)
  • CHORUS But here is one to arraign him.†   (source)
  • 'Tis not for me to say thou errest, nor Would I arraign thy wisdom, if I could; And yet wise thoughts may come to other men And, as thy son, it falls to me to mark The acts, the words, the comments of the crowd.†   (source)
  • "Peace," said Don Quixote; "where hast thou ever seen or heard that a knight-errant has been arraigned before a court of justice, however many homicides he may have committed?"†   (source)
  • As the spirit of party, in different degrees, must be expected to infect all political bodies, there will be, no doubt, persons in the national legislature willing enough to arraign the measures and criminate the views of the majority.†   (source)
  • This loss, however great, he bore like a man of sense and constancy, though it must be confest he would often talk a little whimsically on this head; for he sometimes said he looked on himself as still married, and considered his wife as only gone a little before him, a journey which he should most certainly, sooner or later, take after her; and that he had not the least doubt of meeting her again in a place where he should never part with her more—sentiments for which his sense was arraigned by one part of his neighbours, his religion by a second, and his sincerity by a third.†   (source)
  • 'Hermione, queen to the worthy Leontes, king of Sicilia, thou art here accused and arraigned of high treason, in committing adultery with Polixenes, king of Bohemia; and conspiring with Camillo to take away the life of our sovereign lord the king, thy royal husband: the pretence whereof being by circumstances partly laid open, thou, Hermione, contrary to the faith and allegiance of true subject, didst counsel and aid them, for their better safety, to fly away by night.'†   (source)
  • The convention, in short, would be composed chiefly of men who had been, who actually were, or who expected to be, members of the department whose conduct was arraigned.†   (source)
  • Arraign her first; 'tis Goneril.†   (source)
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