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  • He walked out of the station and up the street through the high portales of the old stone aqueduct and down into the town.†   (source)
  • With water siphoned off from the Los Angeles-bound aqueduct, a large farm was under cultivation just outside the camp, providing the mess halls with lettuce, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, string beans, horseradish, and cucumbers.†   (source)
  • At New York's Aqueduct Racecourse late in 1934, Hard Tack's first two yearlings stepped off a railcar into Fitzsimmons's care.†   (source)
  • The good water came over the arches of the great brick aqueduct the Braavosi called the sweetwater river.†   (source)
  • He was on a straightaway parallel to a ruined aqueduct.†   (source)
  • The first exit is via the Georgetown Aqueduct, a mile and a half northwest of the White House.†   (source)
  • He pointed toward the arches of an ancient aqueduct, largely intact, running along the edge of a field of soy.†   (source)
  • I was so overcome by excitement that the entire sunny seascape—bathers, white-capped waves, even a droning airplane with its trailing banner THRILLS NIGHTLY AT AQUEDUCT RACETRACK—was suddenly steeped in a pornographic glow, as if seen through a filter of lurid blue.†   (source)
  • The only towns which have had uninterrupted power were those served by hydroelectric plants, provided the plants were undamaged and the aqueducts intact.†   (source)
  • They irrigated their fields with water from an ancient aqueduct and buried their dead in a cemetery not far from the mosque.†   (source)
  • To the north, an aqueduct marched toward the Berkeley Hills.†   (source)
  • Their chambers lie beyond this place, where the aqueduct's water was diverted for the games.†   (source)
  • Perhaps it was an old water line from the aqueducts.†   (source)
  • Together they raced over the hills, past Roman aqueducts, highways, and vineyards.†   (source)
  • The city's aqueduct collapsed like a line of children's blocks.†   (source)
  • Then he realized it must be an aqueduct.†   (source)
  • To buy some time, Percy ducked behind one of the aqueduct's columns.†   (source)
  • They kept to the road and disappeared through the arches of the aqueduct.†   (source)
  • On June 6, he ran his colt in Aqueduct's Queen's County Handicap despite a 132-pound impost.†   (source)
  • "The cannons on the walls," Frank said, "they draw water from the aqueduct.†   (source)
  • Polybotes burst from the ruins of the aqueduct.†   (source)
  • They met by the aqueduct, which had somehow survived the battle so far.†   (source)
  • The aqueduct collapsed.†   (source)
  • Imre's population griped about unnatural arts being practiced two miles away, but when an aqueduct collapsed or someone fell suddenly sick, they were quick to call on engineers and doctors trained at the University.†   (source)
  • That pipe connects to the old aqueduct line, which feeds both this nymphaeum and the hypogeum that the giants call home.†   (source)
  • But it would also bind the nymphs to the new water source, which would be great if the fountain was in a nice sunny park with fresh water pumped in through the aqueducts—†   (source)
  • They built aqueducts, roads—†   (source)
  • The aqueducts were diverted.†   (source)
  • The sun was down and a blue twilight filled the park and the yellow gaslamps came on along the aqueduct walls and down the walkways among the trees.†   (source)
  • He organized the construction of the first aqueduct, the first sewer system, and the covered public market that permitted filth to be cleaned out of Las Ánimas Bay.†   (source)
  • He returned to Seabiscuit's barn at Aqueduct Racecourse that night and penned a letter to Charles Howard.†   (source)
  • The road veered to the right, went through one of the aqueduct's arches, and then veered around to the left again, parallel to a railway.†   (source)
  • In his first start, at New York's Aqueduct Racecourse under Pollard on June 10, he had led into the stretch and lost narrowly, finishing second.†   (source)
  • One morning at Aqueduct, while standing by the track to watch Granville complete his preparations for the Kentucky Derby, reporters were surprised to hear Sunny Jim ruminating not on his stable star but on the unknown Seabiscuit.†   (source)
  • At the base of the aqueduct, the First and Second Cohorts were trying to encircle Polybotes, but they were taking a pounding.†   (source)
  • Overhead the droning airplane with its trailing banner, ubiquitous that Brooklyn summer against cloud-streaked ultramarine, advertised more nightly thrills at the hippodrome of Aqueduct.†   (source)
  • Imagine the leagues of level land and the aqueducts and the broken Roman pavement and the tombstones in the Campagna, and beyond the Campagna, the sea, then again more land, then the sea.†   (source)
  • Look here, this is where the Aqueduct begins.'†   (source)
  • This aqueduct of the sewer is formidable; it interlaces in a dizzy fashion.†   (source)
  • Pilate's new aqueduct is to be paid for with money of the Temple.†   (source)
  • When they turned off the Corniche d'Or and down to Gausse's Hotel through the darkening banks of trees, set one behind another in many greens, the moon already hovered over the ruins of the aqueducts...Somewhere in the hills behind the hotel there was a dance, and Rosemary listened to the music through the ghostly moonshine of her mosquito net, realizing that there was gaiety too somewhere about, and she thought of the nice people on the beach.†   (source)
  • The Romans were dead nuts on aqueducts.†   (source)
  • 'It was simply ripping, Mother,' said Peter, when they reached home very happy, very tired, and very dirty, 'right over that glorious aqueduct.†   (source)
  • And, remember, you aren't to worry about doctor's bills or you'll be ill yourself, and then I'll send you a bill as long as the aqueduct.'†   (source)
  • Meanwhile Peter had decided to flatten out all his forts and earthworks, with a view to making a model of the railway-tunnel, cutting, embankment, canal, aqueduct, bridges and all.†   (source)
  • 'It's not so dusty,' said Peter: 'look at the aqueduct straddling slap across the valley like a giant centipede, and then the town's church spires sticking up out of the trees like pens out of an inkstand.†   (source)
  • Human blood, in order to keep its freshness, should run in hidden streams, as the water of an aqueduct is conveyed in subterranean pipes.†   (source)
  • Slowly they passed the Lower Pool of Gihon, out of which the sun was fast driving the lessening shadow of the royal hill; slowly they proceeded, keeping parallel with the aqueduct from the Pools of Solomon, until near the site of the country-house on what is now called the Hill of Evil Counsel; there they began to ascend to the plain of Rephaim.†   (source)
  • In fact, there beneath my eyes was a town in ruins, demolished, overwhelmed, laid low, its roofs caved in, its temples pulled down, its arches dislocated, its columns stretching over the earth; in these ruins you could still detect the solid proportions of a sort of Tuscan architecture; farther off, the remains of a gigantic aqueduct; here, the caked heights of an acropolis along with the fluid forms of a Parthenon; there, the remnants of a wharf, as if some bygone port had long ago harbored merchant vessels and triple-tiered war galleys on the shores of some lost ocean; still farther off, long rows of collapsing walls, deserted thoroughfares, a whole Pompeii buried under th†   (source)
  • The interior arrangements of the cavern being now well forward, I applied myself to contriving an aqueduct, that fresh water might be led close up to our cave, for it was a long way to go to fetch it from Jackal River, and especially inconvenient on washing days.†   (source)
  • It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former Exoduses of nations and crusades.†   (source)
  • [695] See the investment of capital in aqueducts, made useless by hydraulics; fortifications, by gunpowder; roads and canals, by railways; sails, by steam; steam, by electricity†   (source)
  • What could you do against a dozen bandits who spring out of some pit, ruin, or aqueduct, and level their pieces at you?†   (source)
  • If the Romans had been better acquainted with the laws of hydraulics, they would not have constructed all the aqueducts which surround the ruins of their cities—they would have made a better use of their power and their wealth.†   (source)
  • He then saw the great aqueducts, those stone phantoms which he had before remarked, only then they were on the right hand, now they were on the left.†   (source)
  • In truth, when he had passed the ponds and had traversed in an oblique direction the large clearing which lies on the right of the Avenue de Bellevue, and reached that turf alley which nearly makes the circuit of the hill, and covers the arch of the ancient aqueduct of the Abbey of Chelles, he caught sight, over the top of the brushwood, of the hat on which he had already erected so many conjectures; it was that man's hat.†   (source)
  • Having a good supply of clay, brought from the bed near Falconhurst, I proposed to use it for making aqueducts; and, observing how much the recent rain had promoted the growth of our young corn, I determined to irrigate the fields with the drainage from our crushing-mill.†   (source)
  • Now and then a jolt more violent than the rest caused him to open his eyes; then he felt that he was still being carried with great rapidity over the same country, thickly strewn with broken aqueducts, which looked like granite giants petrified while running a race.†   (source)
  • From Roundwood reservoir in county Wicklow of a cubic capacity of 2400 million gallons, percolating through a subterranean aqueduct of filter mains of single and double pipeage constructed at an initial plant cost of 5 pounds per linear yard by way of the Dargle, Rathdown, Glen of the Downs and Callowhill to the 26 acre reservoir at Stillorgan, a distance of 22 statute miles, and thence, through a system of relieving tanks, by a gradient of 250 feet to the city boundary a†   (source)
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