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  • She was quizzed constantly, praised for her successes, and upbraided for even the smallest mistake or hesitation.†   (source)
  • The word love has the younger girls giggling again, and I have to wait while Miss McCleethy upbraids them for their rudeness and threatens not to allow them cake if they do not behave.†   (source)
  • I have said that I am not aprude, and even if I were, my life with my father should have taught me better than to upbraid him before his friends.†   (source)
  • And then, typically, she upbraided me.†   (source)
  • I do not know by what tests he tried her, but after, he declared that he conceived her entirely innocent as to that evil and upbraided the men and women who had accused her.†   (source)
  • He would upbraid us with selfishness, with narrowness.†   (source)
  • Gerald upbraided Pork for his impertinence, but he knew that he was right.†   (source)
  • He could not write Suellen, upbraiding her for her faithlessness; he shrank from the very idea.†   (source)
  • Scarlett, I'm not upbraiding you, accusing you, reproaching you.†   (source)
  • Forgetful of him during the day's press, she summoned him at night over the telephone, demanding his return, and upbraiding Helen for keeping him.†   (source)
  • Whenever he walked into my presence I became silent, waiting for him to speak, wondering if he were going to upbraid me for something.†   (source)
  • Mittelstaedt continues to upbraid him: "Look at Boettcher now, there's a model for you to learn from.†   (source)
  • Sometimes Ben, loping along the streets of the town, met him, hot, tired, dirty, wearing his loaded canvas bag, scowled fiercely at him, upbraided him for his unkempt appearance, and took him into a lunch-room for something to eat— rich foaming milk, fat steaming kidney-beans, thick apple-pie.†   (source)
  • She drove him along, upbraiding him in her harsh voice, cutting him sharply with the switch from moment to moment when, desperate with pride and humiliation, he slackened his retreat to a slow walk, or balked mulishly, howling again, and speeding a few paces on his short legs, when cut by the switch.†   (source)
  • Useless for the patriotic Mrs. Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride.†   (source)
  • But she did not upbraid him on his return, for she was happy that he had made the trip successfully and pleased that he brought back so much of the money she had given him.†   (source)
  • True to her promise, Melanie clung to Scarlett's skirts like a small rustling shadow and Gerald was too much of a gentleman to upbraid his daughter in front of her.†   (source)
  • Rage, punctured vanity and disappointment threw her mind into a turmoil and, before she even thought of the high moral grounds on which she should upbraid him, she blurted out the first words which came to her lips— "Mistress!†   (source)
  • From the shadows, Scarlett glared at her, too tired to rail, too tired to upbraid, too tired to enumerate Prissy's offenses—her boastful assumption of experience she didn't possess, her fright, her blundering awkwardness, her utter inefficiency when the emergency was hot, the misplacing of the scissors, the spilling of the basin of water on the bed, the dropping of the new born baby.†   (source)
  • Had he exploded with rage and injured vanity or upbraided her, as other men would have done, she could have handled him.†   (source)
  • He looked so gently at her that she was moved, and regretted that she had upbraided him.†   (source)
  • I upbraided myself for my absurd superstition, which had caused me to fall into the trap.†   (source)
  • 'We could hear in the shop Blake upbraiding Egstrom in an abusive, strained voice.†   (source)
  • He knew his mother wanted to upbraid him.†   (source)
  • His mother had no further occasion to upbraid him for squandering his money.†   (source)
  • And when, smiling with amusement at her authoritative way, he came towards her, she upbraided him.†   (source)
  • They turn upon those accomplices and upbraid them and curse them.†   (source)
  • I would rather you had come and upbraided me with vehemence.†   (source)
  • We went home, my second upbraiding me all the way, while I kissed him.†   (source)
  • I stood in the entry watching him a moment, while something from within me upbraided me.†   (source)
  • She upbraided herself for the sentiment, but could not overcome or lessen it.†   (source)
  • He listened: someone was upbraiding and almost tearfully scolding, but he heard only one voice.†   (source)
  • He almost shuns their eye; he fears they will upbraid God.†   (source)
  • No lurking horrors were to upbraid him for his easy credulity.†   (source)
  • You left me too: but I won't upbraid you!†   (source)
  • Which of us has most reason to upbraid the other?†   (source)
  • As the result has been to bring her to me I am not disposed to upbraid you.†   (source)
  • You upbraid me every moment with being stupid.†   (source)
  • No one knows a word of the matter, but you can imagine how maddening it must be to him to be upbraided for not doing what he would give his very eyes to do, but what he knows to be absolutely impossible.†   (source)
  • She did not sit there inwardly upbraiding her husband, lamenting at Fate, which had directed her footsteps to the path which they had taken.†   (source)
  • She upbraided him for not having written, and when he answered he excused himself by saying that he had been busy.†   (source)
  • Her mother bore Tess no ill-will for leaving the housework to her single-handed efforts for so long; indeed, Joan seldom upbraided her thereon at any time, feeling but slightly the lack of Tess's assistance whilst her instinctive plan for relieving herself of her labours lay in postponing them.†   (source)
  • And I think that she stated as much in her letter to Nancy and upbraided the girl with living in luxury whilst her mother starved.†   (source)
  • But I won't upbraid you.†   (source)
  • The little girl upbraided him, "Youse allus fightin', Jimmie, an' yeh knows it puts mudder out when yehs come home half dead, an' it's like we'll all get a poundin'."†   (source)
  • She had furiously upbraided him, and when he had finally turned upon her, threatening to prove he was no coward, she had scorned him with a girl's merciless injustice.†   (source)
  • So she sat down to cry again and upbraid herself; and by this time the scholars began to gather again, and she had to hide her griefs and still her broken heart and take up the cross of a long, dreary, aching afternoon, with none among the strangers about her to exchange sorrows with.†   (source)
  • To follow her psychological development of that moment I think we must allow that she upbraided him for a great deal of their past life, whilst Edward sat absolutely silent.†   (source)
  • Oh how bitterly he upbraided me!†   (source)
  • "Why did you slip away by stealth like this?" said d'Urberville, with upbraiding breathlessness; "on a Sunday morning, too, when people were all in bed!†   (source)
  • You will not thank me for detaining you from the bewitching converse of that young lady, whose bright eyes are also upbraiding me.†   (source)
  • What is more, he will talk to you with excitement and passion of the true normal interests of man; with irony he will upbraid the short-sighted fools who do not understand their own interests, nor the true significance of virtue; and, within a quarter of an hour, without any sudden outside provocation, but simply through something inside him which is stronger than all his interests, he will go off on quite a different tack—that is, act in direct opposition to what he ha†   (source)
  • The outrageous treatment of poor Tom had roused her still more; and she had followed Legree to the house, with no particular intention, but to upbraid him for his brutality.†   (source)
  • The chidings of Esther were not heard among her young, or if heard, they were more in the tones of softened admonition, than in her usual, upbraiding, key.†   (source)
  • He felt himself riding over the hills in the breezy autumn days, looking after favourite plans of drainage and enclosure; then admired on sombre mornings as the best rider on the best horse in the hunt; spoken well of on market-days as a first-rate landlord; by and by making speeches at election dinners, and showing a wonderful knowledge of agriculture; the patron of new ploughs and drills, the severe upbraider of negligent landowners, and withal a jolly fellow that everybody must like—happy faces greeting him everywhere on his own estate, and the neighbouring families on the best terms with him.†   (source)
  • What they upbraid the bourgeoisie with is not so much that it creates a proletariat, as that it creates a revolutionary proletariat.†   (source)
  • The peculiarity of Wildeve was that, while at one time passionate, upbraiding, and resentful towards a woman, at another he would treat her with such unparalleled grace as to make previous neglect appear as no discourtesy, injury as no insult, interference as a delicate attention, and the ruin of her honour as excess of chivalry.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Pullet was silent, having to finish her crying, and rather flattered than indignant at being upbraided for crying too much.†   (source)
  • She looked at him and, screwing up her eyes sternly, continued to upbraid the general who had won from her.†   (source)
  • But one day his wife began upbraiding him so vigorously, using such coarse words, and continued to abuse him every time he did not fulfil her demands, so resolutely and with such evident determination not to give way till he submitted — that is, till he stayed at home and was bored just as she was — that he became alarmed.†   (source)
  • Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him; But nothing he'll reck, if they'll let him sleep on, In the grave where a Briton has laid him.†   (source)
  • Very often do the captains of such ships take those absent-minded young philosophers to task, upbraiding them with not feeling sufficient "interest" in the voyage; half-hinting that they are so hopelessly lost to all honourable ambition, as that in their secret souls they would rather not see whales than otherwise.†   (source)
  • When the officer had gone away, Denisov, who did not himself know what Rostov's relations with the Polish girl might be, began to upbraid him for his quickness of temper, and Rostov replied: "Say what you like....She is like a sister to me, and I can't tell you how it offended me...because...well, for that reason...."†   (source)
  • When she remembered the style of his address, she was still full of indignation; but when she considered how unjustly she had condemned and upbraided him, her anger was turned against herself; and his disappointed feelings became the object of compassion.†   (source)
  • I see you can say nothing in the first place, you are faint still, and have enough to do to draw your breath; in the second place, you cannot yet accustom yourself to accuse and revile me, and besides, the flood-gates of tears are opened, and they would rush out if you spoke much; and you have no desire to expostulate, to upbraid, to make a scene: you are thinking how TO ACT — TALKING you consider is of no use.†   (source)
  • "And hast thou wandered hither, Prince, to tell me so?" said Cedric—"To upbraid me with the ruin of my race, ere the grave has closed o'er the last scion of Saxon royalty?"†   (source)
  • She clasped her hands and broke into a sob, like a frightened child; she thought of nothing but of meeting Lucy, and seeing her look of pained surprise and doubt, perhaps of just upbraiding.†   (source)
  • Don't, don't upbraid me!†   (source)
  • Consider whether you have satisfied your relations to father, mother, cousin, neighbor, town, cat, and dog; whether any of these can upbraid you.†   (source)
  • Without one overt act of hostility, one upbraiding word, he contrived to impress me momently with the conviction that I was put beyond the pale of his favour.†   (source)
  • This did I endure for her; and now the self-willed girl upbraids me that I did not leave her to perish, and refuses me not only the slightest proof of gratitude, but even the most distant hope that ever she will be brought to grant any.†   (source)
  • Excited and vexed by the failure and supposing that someone must be responsible for it, Toll galloped up to the commander of the corps and began upbraiding him severely, saying that he ought to be shot.†   (source)
  • from her a turn at once coarse and trite, perverse and imbecile — when I perceived that I should never have a quiet or settled household, because no servant would bear the continued outbreaks of her violent and unreasonable temper, or the vexations of her absurd, contradictory, exacting orders — even then I restrained myself: I eschewed upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance; I tried to devour my repentance and disgust in secret; I repressed the deep antipathy I felt.†   (source)
  • The devotion of the Knight to Rebecca's defence was exaggerated beyond the bounds, not only of discretion, but even of the most frantic excess of chivalrous zeal; and his deference to what she said, even although her language was often severe and upbraiding, was painted as carried to an excess, which, in a man of his haughty temper, seemed almost preternatural.†   (source)
  • Father Augustin to remove icons or the relics of saints; now seized all the private carts in Moscow and on one hundred and thirty-six of them removed the balloon that was being constructed by Leppich; now hinted that he would burn Moscow and related how he had set fire to his own house; now wrote a proclamation to the French solemnly upbraiding them for having destroyed his Orphanage; now claimed the glory of having hinted that he would burn Moscow and now repudiated the deed; now ordered the people to catch all spies and bring them to him, and now reproached them for doing so; now expelled all the French residents from Moscow, and now allowed Madame Aubert-Chalme (the center of th†   (source)
  • For this he was upbraided in the Senate by Fabius Maximus, and called the corrupter of the Roman soldiery.†   (source)
  • Homer seems to address this difficulty in Book XXI (441-60) where Poseidon upbraids Apollo for having forgot Laomedon's insult, and the poet provides a basis on which we might understand their different loyalties by retelling the story differently: now Poseidon says that what Apollo actually did was tend Laomedon's herds while he built the wall.†   (source)
  • Doctor Mandelet paid no attention to Madame Ratignolle's upbraidings.†   (source)
  • When, therefore, St. Clare began to drop off those gallantries and small attentions which flowed at first through the habitude of courtship, he found his sultana no way ready to resign her slave; there were abundance of tears, poutings, and small tempests, there were discontents, pinings, upbraidings.†   (source)
  • Nor can piety itself, at such a shameful sight, completely stifle her upbraidings against the permitting stars.†   (source)
  • "Truce with thine upbraidings, Rebecca," said the Templar; "I have my own cause of grief, and brook not that thy reproaches should add to it."†   (source)
  • "Mother and friend," said Athelstane, "a truce to your upbraidings—bread and water and a dungeon are marvellous mortifiers of ambition, and I rise from the tomb a wiser man than I descended into it.†   (source)
  • As soon as I reached our ship at the water's edge
    I took the men to task, upbraiding each in turn,
    but how to set things right?†   (source)
  • To serve or to upbraid, whether he could not tell: but scorned to beg her favour.†   (source)
  • CREON Not in derision, Oedipus, I come Nor to upbraid thee with thy past misdeeds.†   (source)
  • Yet will I not my Trojan friend upbraid, Nor grudge th' alliance I so gladly made.†   (source)
  • The clock upbraids me with the waste of time.†   (source)
  • And am I now upbraided as the cause
    Of thy transgressing?†   (source)
  • but I scorn to upbraid you, and am in great admiration of your profound respect.†   (source)
  • him, he would have beaten or bitten him to death, all the while exclaiming, 'Oh faithless Fernando, here, here shalt thou pay the penalty of the wrong thou hast done me; these hands shall tear out that heart of thine, abode and dwelling of all iniquity, but of deceit and fraud above all; and to these he added other words all in effect upbraiding this Fernando and charging him with treachery and faithlessness.†   (source)
  • I upbraided him, that he was like all the rest of the sex, that, when they had the character and honour of a woman at their mercy, oftentimes made it their jest, and at least looked upon it as a trifle, and counted the ruin of those they had had their will of as a thing of no value.†   (source)
  • Here lies your brother, No better than the earth he lies upon, If he were that which now he's like, that's dead: Whom I, with this obedient steel,—three inches of it,— Can lay to bed for ever; whiles you, doing thus, To the perpetual wink for aye might put This ancient morsel, this Sir Prudence, who Should not upbraid our course.†   (source)
  • I know a wench of excellent discourse,— Pretty and witty; wild, and yet, too, gentle;— There will we dine: this woman that I mean, My wife,—but, I protest, without desert,— Hath oftentimes upbraided me withal; To her will we to dinner.†   (source)
  • W.A. O Sir, whenever I look back upon my past life, conscience upbraids me with my father: the sins against our parents make the deepest wounds, and their weight lies the heaviest upon the mind.†   (source)
  • Do not tempt my misery, Lest that it make me so unsound a man As to upbraid you with those kindnesses That I have done for you.†   (source)
  • To dissent, is Dishonour; and an upbraiding of errour; and (if the dissent be in many things) of folly.†   (source)
  • By day and night, he wrongs me; every hour He flashes into one gross crime or other, That sets us all at odds; I'll not endure it: His knights grow riotous, and himself upbraids us On every trifle.†   (source)
  • For, meeting her of late behind the wood, Seeking sweet favours for this hateful fool, I did upbraid her and fall out with her: For she his hairy temples then had rounded With coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers; And that same dew, which sometime on the buds Was wont to swell like round and orient pearls, Stood now within the pretty flow'rets' eyes, Like tears that did their own disgrace bewail.†   (source)
  • "You need not upbraid me with that, mother," cries Molly; "you yourself was brought-to-bed of sister there, within a week after you was married."†   (source)
  • Coming to look on you, thinking you dead, And dead almost, my liege, to think you were, I spake unto this crown as having sense, And thus upbraided it: "The care on thee depending Hath fed upon the body of my father; Therefore, thou best of gold art worst of gold: Other, less fine in carat, is more precious, Preserving life in medicine potable; But thou, most fine, most honour'd, most renown'd, Hast eat thy bearer up."†   (source)
  • Now does he feel
    His secret murders sticking on his hands;
    Now minutely revolts upbraid his faith-breach;
    Those he commands move only in command,
    Nothing in love: now does he feel his title
    Hang loose about him, like a giant's robe
    Upon a dwarfish thief.†   (source)
  • This is servitude,
    To serve the unwise, or him who hath rebelled
    Against his worthier, as thine now serve thee,
    Thyself not free, but to thyself enthralled;
    Yet lewdly darest our ministring upbraid.†   (source)
  • If any man should reproach another for his being misshaped or imperfect in any part of his body, it would not at all be thought a reflection on the person so treated, but it would be accounted scandalous in him that had upbraided another with what he could not help.†   (source)
  • There is besides in Roderigo's letter,— How he upbraids Iago, that he made him Brave me upon the watch; whereon it came That I was cast: and even but now he spake, After long seeming dead,—Iago hurt him, Iago set him on.†   (source)
  • Thus, many not succeeding, most upbraid The madness of the visionary maid, And with loud curses leave the mystic shade.†   (source)
  • It ought to be considered as a great point gained in favor of humanity, that a period of twenty years may terminate forever, within these States, a traffic which has so long and so loudly upbraided the barbarism of modern policy; that within that period, it will receive a considerable discouragement from the federal government, and may be totally abolished, by a concurrence of the few States which continue the unnatural traffic, in the prohibitory example which has been given by so great a majority of the Union.†   (source)
  • This made me upbraid them afresh with the just retribution of Heaven for such actions; upon which the boatswain very warmly asked me, Whether those men on whom the tower of Siloam fell, were greater sinners than the rest of the Galileans?†   (source)
  • It seem'd in me But as an honour snatch'd with boisterous hand, And I had many living to upbraid My gain of it by their assistances; Which daily grew to quarrel and to bloodshed, Wounding supposed peace: all these bold fears Thou see'st with peril I have answered; For all my reign hath been but as a scene Acting that argument: and now my death Changes the mode; for what in me was purchased, Falls upon thee in a more fairer sort; So thou the garland wear'st successively.†   (source)
  • At last Anselmo and I agreed to leave the village and come to this valley; and, he feeding a great flock of sheep of his own, and I a large herd of goats of mine, we pass our life among the trees, giving vent to our sorrows, together singing the fair Leandra's praises, or upbraiding her, or else sighing alone, and to heaven pouring forth our complaints in solitude.†   (source)
  • I perceived by this that he knew nothing of the miserable circumstances I was in, and thought that, having got some intelligence of his being there, I had come to upbraid him with his leaving me.†   (source)
  • Now stern Aeneas his weighty spear Against his foe, and thus upbraids his fear: "What farther subterfuge can Turnus find?†   (source)
  • And yet, in the midst of this outburst of execration and upbraiding, I found excuses for her, saying it was no wonder that a young girl in the seclusion of her parents' house, trained and schooled to obey them always, should have been ready to yield to their wishes when they offered her for a husband a gentleman of such distinction, wealth, and noble birth, that if she had refused to accept him she would have been thought out of her senses, or to have set her affection elsewhere, a suspicion injurious to her fair name and fame.†   (source)
  • would go with him freely, and of my own choice, and perhaps carry enough with me to satisfy him that I did not offer it for want of being able to live without assistance from him, but that I thought our mutual misfortunes had been such as were sufficient to reconcile us both to quitting this part of the world, and living where nobody could upbraid us with what was past, or we be in any dread of a prison, and without agonies of a condemned hole to drive us to it; this where we should look back on all our past disasters with infinite satisfaction, when we should consider that our enemies should entirely forget us, and that we should live as new people in a new world, nobody having anything t†   (source)
  • he deserved no such return
    From me, whom he created what I was
    In that bright eminence, and with his good
    Upbraided none; nor was his service hard.†   (source)
  • His conscience, however, immediately started at this suggestion, and began to upbraid him with ingratitude to his benefactor.†   (source)
  • "Nay, Lady Bellaston," said Jones, "I am sure your ladyship will not upbraid me with neglect of duty, when I only waited for orders.†   (source)
  • Whom thus the chief upbraids with scornful spite: "Blame not the slowness of your steeds in flight; Vain shadows did not force their swift retreat; But you yourself forsake your empty seat."†   (source)
  • Sometimes my imagination formed an idea of one frightful thing, sometimes of another; sometime I thought he had discovered me, and was come to upbraid me with ingratitude and breach of honour; and every moment I fancied he was coming up the stairs to insult me; and innumerable fancies came into my head of what was never in his head, nor ever could be, unless the devil had revealed it to him.†   (source)
  • However, he was so just to me that he never upbraided me with that; nor did he ever express the least dislike of my conduct on any other occasion, but always protested he was as much delighted with my company as he was the first hour we came together: I mean, came together as bedfellows.†   (source)
  • The vengeful victor thus upbraids the slain: "Lie there, proud man, unpitied, on the plain; Lie there, inglorious, and without a tomb, Far from thy mother and thy native home, Exposed to savage beasts, and birds of prey, Or thrown for food to monsters of the sea."†   (source)
  • She should not upbraid me hereafter with having lost a man of spirit; for that his enemies allow this poor young fellow to be.†   (source)
  • Advancing to the front, the hero stands, And, stretching out to heav'n his pious hands, Attests the gods, asserts his innocence, Upbraids with breach of faith th' Ausonian prince; Declares the royal honor doubly stain'd, And twice the rites of holy peace profan'd.†   (source)
  • Molly remained a few moments in silence, and then bursting into a flood of tears, she began to upbraid him in the following words: "And this is your love for me, to forsake me in this manner, now you have ruined me!†   (source)
  • But when she came down she found the brother and all his sisters together by the ears; they were angry, even to passion, at his upbraiding them with their being homely, and having never had any sweethearts, never having been asked the question, and their being so forward as almost to ask first.†   (source)
  • Jones, now taking the mask by the hand, fell to entreating her in the most earnest manner, to acquaint him where he might find Sophia; and when he could obtain no direct answer, he began to upbraid her gently for having disappointed him the day before; and concluded, saying, "Indeed, my good fairy queen, I know your majesty very well, notwithstanding the affected disguise of your voice.†   (source)
  • He hath often lamented it to me, and hath as often protested in the most solemn manner he hath never been intentionally guilty of any offence towards you; nay, he hath sworn he would rather die a thousand deaths than he would have his conscience upbraid him with one disrespectful, ungrateful, or undutiful thought towards you.†   (source)
  • Square was rejoiced to find this adventure was likely to have no worse conclusion; and as for Molly, being recovered from her confusion, she began at first to upbraid Square with having been the occasion of her loss of Jones; but that gentleman soon found the means of mitigating her anger, partly by caresses, and partly by a small nostrum from his purse, of wonderful and approved efficacy in purging off the ill humours of the mind, and in restoring it to a good temper.†   (source)
  • She used my sister so barbarously, often upbraiding her with her birth and poverty, calling her in derision a gentlewoman, that I believe she at length broke the heart of the poor girl.†   (source)
  • When we were alone together, he gently upbraided me with having neglected to write to him during so long a time, but entirely omitted the mention of that crime which had occasioned it.†   (source)
  • My patience was totally subdued by this provocation, and I answered, 'No, sir, there is a letter still remains unpacked;' and then throwing it on the table I fell to upbraiding him with the most bitter language I could invent.†   (source)
  • I never can nor shall forget your goodness, which I own I have very little deserved; but be pleased to wave all upbraiding me at present, as I have so important an affair to communicate to you concerning this young man, to whom you have given my maiden name of Jones.†   (source)
  • He had lost the best part of his income by the evidence of his wife, and yet was daily upbraided by her for having, among other things, been the occasion of depriving her of that benefit; but such was his fortune, and he was obliged to submit to it.†   (source)
  • No sooner was Lord Fellamar gone than Mrs Western returned to Sophia, whom she upbraided in the most bitter terms for the ill use she had made of the confidence reposed in her; and for her treachery in conversing with a man with whom she had offered but the day before to bind herself in the most solemn oath never more to have any conversation.†   (source)
  • But as he was a surly kind of fellow, so she contented herself with frequently upbraiding him by disadvantageous comparisons with her first husband, whose praise she had eternally in her mouth; and as she was for the most part mistress of the profit, so she was satisfied to take upon herself the care and government of the family, and, after a long successless struggle, to suffer her husband to be master of himself.†   (source)
  • As soon as she had a little recollected her spirits, and somewhat composed herself with a cordial, she began to inform the company of the manifold injuries she had received from her husband; who, she said, was not contented to injure her in her bed; but, upon her upbraiding him with it, had treated her in the cruelest manner imaginable; had tore her cap and hair from her head, and her stays from her body, giving her, at the same time, several blows, the marks of which she should carry to the grave.†   (source)
  • Reflections on great and good actions, however they are received or returned by those in whose favour they are performed, always administer some comfort to us; but what consolation shall we receive under so biting a calamity as the ungrateful behaviour of our friend, when our wounded conscience at the same time flies in our face, and upbraids us with having spotted it in the service of one so worthless!†   (source)
  • He at first endeavoured to excuse his treachery; but when he received nothing but scorn and upbraiding from me, he soon changed his note, abused me as the most atrocious and malicious rebel, and laid all his own guilt to my charge, who, as he declared, had solicited, and even threatened him, to make him take up arms against his gracious as well as lawful sovereign.†   (source)
  • My Lord of Gloster, I have too long borne Your blunt upbraidings and your bitter scoffs: By heaven, I will acquaint his majesty Of those gross taunts that oft I have endur'd.†   (source)
  • Thou say'st his meat was sauc'd with thy upbraidings: Unquiet meals make ill digestions; Thereof the raging fire of fever bred; And what's a fever but a fit of madness?†   (source)
  • But though this circumstance perhaps made him miserable, it did not make him poor; for he confined her almost entirely at home, and rather chose to bear eternal upbraidings in his own house, than to injure his fortune by indulging her in the extravagancies she desired abroad.†   (source)
  • Jones, though perhaps the most astonished of the three, first found his tongue; and being immediately recovered from those uneasy sensations which Molly by her upbraidings had occasioned, he burst into a loud laughter, and then saluting Mr Square, advanced to take him by the hand, and to relieve him from his place of confinement.†   (source)
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