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  • She would order us to serve her ice water in tall glasses and send us to the candy store for Devil Dogs and Montclair cigarettes, which we fetched with great dispatch and offered to her with proper subservience.†   (source)
  • For Aziz, too, the caves speak through their aftermath—of the perfidy of the English, of the falseness of his subservience, of his need to assert responsibility for his own life.†   (source)
  • Was she supposed to imbibe it from my quiet subservience?†   (source)
  • the voice was carefully subservient.†   (source)
  • The policy was supported by the Dutch Reform Church, which furnished apartheid with its religious underpinnings by suggesting that Afrikaners were God's chosen people and that blacks were a subservient species.†   (source)
  • He was supposed to treat me politely in spite of my subservient position, and I was supposed to be grateful.†   (source)
  • The first step toward greater justice is to transform that culture of female docility and subservience, so that women themselves become more assertive and demanding.†   (source)
  • That's what she said:' The Elliott thing made an awkward, subservient bow that the two other cloaked figures mimicked.†   (source)
  • I should show my subservience.†   (source)
  • I was ready to launch into a tirade against the oppression of women in Iran, but all around me hovered insolent, superior-looking men fingering their tassbeads and mumbling "AlIahu akbar," as women wrapped in chadors sat in quiet subservience.†   (source)
  • They were shifty, cheerful, subservient men who were comfortable only with each other and never met anyone else's eye, not even Yossarian's eye at the open-air meeting they called to reprimand him publicly for making Kid Sampson turn back from the mission to Bologna.†   (source)
  • It wasn't about subservience or projecting a false image, it was about rendering true service.†   (source)
  • Merely subservient.†   (source)
  • He seemed in some way subservient to Tanis.†   (source)
  • "Men of experience on the laws, of exemplary morals, invincible patience, unruffled calmness and indefatigable application" should be "subservient to none" and appointed for life.†   (source)
  • Instead, day by day, he became both more frustrated with me and more subservient.†   (source)
  • He had been subservient to others long enough!†   (source)
  • Of course there's "empty rhetoric," that is, rhetoric that has emotional appeal without proper subservience to dialectical truth, but we don't want any of that, do we?†   (source)
  • The vyes said nothing but whined deep in their throats and lowered themselves to the ground in a display of trembling subservience.†   (source)
  • I was his first wife, but I would not be obedient to him, so God cast me out and made for Adam a new wife, one fashioned of his own body that she might ever be subservient.†   (source)
  • No matter what unintelligible causes he ascribes to his incommunicable feelings, whoever rejects reality rejects existence-and the feelings that move him from then on are hatred for all the values of man's life, and lust for all the evils that destroy it, A mystic relishes the spectacle of suffering, of poverty, subservience and terror; these give him a feeling of triumph, a proof of the defeat of rational reality.†   (source)
  • His paneled office was as hushed as a cathedral and every bit as reverent with its altarlike desk, the visitor chairs as subservient as pews.†   (source)
  • The knight who was holding Alder grabbed his walkie-talkie and handed it to Kagan with a subservient bow.†   (source)
  • She had always been in a subservient position; he had had to work all the time; and she was the kind of woman who kept yellowed newspaper clippings in a sewing box.†   (source)
  • She kept her voice subservient, curious, but not demanding.†   (source)
  • The threat to keep us subservient did not abate.†   (source)
  • Some States would make commercial laws that make other States involuntarily subservient.†   (source)
  • I obeyed this peremptory order with hardly more than a twitch of subdued rebelliousness, for if I had learned anything during my years at the university it was that the scientific hierarchy requires a high standard of obedience, if not subservience, from its acolytes.†   (source)
  • It was one of the few tangents in their relationship where she felt unable to adopt a subservient point of view.†   (source)
  • It couldn't transfer to the town; and for someone like Ferdinand, especially after his time in the southern mining town, the child's gesture of respect would have seemed old-fashioned and subservient.†   (source)
  • And thinking of Kamala's words, he was never subservient to the merchant, forced him to treat him as an equal, yes even more than an equal.†   (source)
  • We may remember Daniel Webster for his subservience to the National Bank throughout much of his career, but we have forgotten his sacrifice for the national good at the close of that career.†   (source)
  • and the bright young men laughed subserviently, feeling slightly contemptuous of the boss.†   (source)
  • She was irritated by this subservience and her voice was hard.†   (source)
  • It must amuse him, this fake subservience.†   (source)
  • He lowered his eyes as much to hide his own anger as to show subservience.†   (source)
  • Not subservient to the Laws of an angel who couldn't care less about us.†   (source)
  • If he has a sexual or marriage partner, he or she is subservient.†   (source)
  • Silent subordinates, controlled by and subservient to their superior.†   (source)
  • Muggles forced into subservience.†   (source)
  • Finally, a receptionist at Subservient said she knew that Mr. Poe worked down the street, at Mulctuary Money Management.†   (source)
  • In ancient Greek comedy, there was a character called an eiron who seemed subservient, ignorant, weak, and he played off a pompous, arrogant, clueless figure called the alazon.†   (source)
  • I was beginning to see that Africans of all tribes had much in common, yet here was the great Mqhayi praising the Xhosa above all; I saw that an African might stand his ground with a white man, yet I was still eagerly seeking benefits from whites, which often required subservience.†   (source)
  • 'Certainly it isn't, Colonel,' Milo disagreed in a somewhat firm tone, raising his subservient eyes significantly just far enough to arrest Colonel Cathcart's.†   (source)
  • It is naïve to say that enlightened statesmen will adjust the different interests, making them all subservient to the public good.†   (source)
  • When Mercy Warren asked him to arrange a suitable position for her husband James, Adams replied huffily that he had no such influence and that even if he did he could not possibly allow the authority entrusted to him to become "subservient to my private views, or those of my family or friends."†   (source)
  • By this time, indeed for several years, Sophie had been transcribing some of her father's dictation, and humble and subservient as any peonness, had taken on every secretarial chore he demanded.†   (source)
  • Here body and mind were subservient to the slow movement of the seasons; she had never in her life watched an implacable sky for signs of rain, as she did now, standing on the veranda, and screwing up her eyes at the great massed white clouds, like blocks of glittering crystal quartz sailing through the blue.†   (source)
  • Her subservience to her father, for example, was complete, as complete as in any neopaleolithic pigmy culture of the rain forest, demanding utter fealty from the helpless offspring.†   (source)
  • She hated them all, every one of them, from the headboy whose subservience irritated her, to the smallest child; there were some children working among the others who could be no more than seven or eight years old.†   (source)
  • You'll take your spectacular talent and make it obedient Originality and subservience together.†   (source)
  • I could not make subservience an automatic part of my behavior.†   (source)
  • A few weeks before, they had been free of this absurd subservience to the weather, because they had not to face life alone; the person they were living with held, to some extent, the foreground of their little world.†   (source)
  • This I see for a second, and shall try tonight to fix in words, to forge in a ring of steel, though Percival destroys it, as he blunders off, crushing the grasses, with the small fry trotting subservient after him.†   (source)
  • She need not have disturbed herself, for the waiter, with the uncanny swiftness of his kind, had long sensed my position as inferior and subservient to hers, and had placed before me a plate of ham and tongue that somebody had sent back to the cold buffet half an hour before as badly carved.†   (source)
  • The man of power is ruined by power, the man of money by money, the submissive man by subservience, the pleasure seeker by pleasure.†   (source)
  • Claggart made a gesture of subservience, and proceeded.†   (source)
  • His attitude became one of good-humored subservience and tacit adoration.†   (source)
  • He had intelligence which was not yet subservient to passion.†   (source)
  • Doubt and fear, subservient to her will, no longer gave her sleepless nights and tortured days.†   (source)
  • It will be subservient to the law of literature, which formerly received the law from it.†   (source)
  • They despise the submission and subserviency of the Southern Negroes, but offer no other means by which a poor and oppressed minority can exist side by side with its masters.†   (source)
  • "An' 'ow yer feelin' now, sir?" he asked, with the subservient smirk which comes only of generations of tip-seeking ancestors.†   (source)
  • Aunt Jane evidently sustained a shock of recognition, joy, amaze, consternation, and shame, of which all were subservient to the joy.†   (source)
  • He became a glorified floor-walker, greeting the men with new poise, no longer coyly subservient to pretty women.†   (source)
  • After a week or two, however, coming to understand that Clyde was a nephew of the president, a cousin of the secretary of the company, and hence not likely to remain here long in any menial capacity, they grew more friendly, but inclined in the face of the sense of subserviency which this inspired in them, to become jealous and suspicious of him in another way.†   (source)
  • If Martha had been a well-trained fine young lady's maid she would have been more subservient and respectful and would have known that it was her business to brush hair, and button boots, and pick things up and lay them away.†   (source)
  • The words, and the movement which accompanied them, combined to startle Lily out of the state of tranced subservience into which she had insensibly slipped.†   (source)
  • Frau Iltis had apparently become a widow— in any case, she had of late been enjoying the company of a "fiance," who had a melancholy, subservient look about him, and whose presence did not prevent her from simultaneously receiving the attentions of Captain Miklosich, a man with a hooknose, waxed moustaches, swelling chest, and menacing eyes.†   (source)
  • It was horrible to have to be affable and subservient; and even now when it crossed her mind she cried with pity for herself as she thought of the roughness of men and their brutal language.†   (source)
  • She was "perfect" to every one: subservient to Bertha's anxious predominance, good-naturedly watchful of Dorset's moods, brightly companionable to Silverton and Dacey, the latter of whom met her on an evident footing of old admiration, while young Silverton, portentously self-absorbed, seemed conscious of her only as of something vaguely obstructive.†   (source)
  • She had been used to his subservience: he was only too glad to do anything for her in the old days, she was accustomed to see him cast down by a cross word and in ecstasy at a kind one; he was different now, and she said to herself that he had not improved in the last year.†   (source)
  • While their business was being taken care of—payment made with a large bill, change returned, a receipt written out—they both took on that serious, modest, silent, even subservient look by which young Germans show that their respect for authority applies to all offices, to any room where records are kept and services rendered; but once they were outside and were heading off to breakfast— and later on that day, too—they chatted about the general setup of the Berghof, with Joachim, as the older, more knowledgeable resident, answering his cousin's questions.†   (source)
  • Does a woman feel she owes boundless subservience to a man who would confer the favor of his love on such a lowly creature, or does she see in the man's love for her an unerring token of his superiority?†   (source)
  • The foreigner came here poor, beggarly, cringing, and subservient, ready to doff his cap to the meanest native of the household.†   (source)
  • If we reasoned from what passes in the world, we should almost say that the European is to the other races of mankind, what man is to the lower animals;—he makes them subservient to his use; and when he cannot subdue, he destroys them.†   (source)
  • Lydgate was no Puritan, but he did not care for play, and winning money at it had always seemed a meanness to him; besides, he had an ideal of life which made this subservience of conduct to the gaining of small sums thoroughly hateful to him.†   (source)
  • There are deferential people in a dozen callings whom my Lady Dedlock suspects of nothing but prostration before her, who can tell you how to manage her as if she were a baby, who do nothing but nurse her all their lives, who, humbly affecting to follow with profound subservience, lead her and her whole troop after them; who, in hooking one, hook all and bear them off as Lemuel Gulliver bore away the stately fleet of the majestic Lilliput.†   (source)
  • It was at this period I learned that the destiny which seemed subservient to every wish formed by Napoleon, had bestowed on him a son, named king of Rome even in his cradle.†   (source)
  • They afterwards transfer to civil life the notions they have thus acquired, and make them subservient to a thousand purposes.†   (source)
  • Here, as elsewhere, he was surrounded by an atmosphere of subservience to his wealth, and being in the habit of lording it over these people, he treated them with absent-minded contempt.†   (source)
  • There now's a patched professor in Queen Nature's granite-founded College; but methinks he's too subservient.†   (source)
  • I did not tell you so, because I vainly thought I could conquer my weaker feelings, and render every consideration subservient to my duty to you.'†   (source)
  • This was the easier, in that she was perfect mistress of that diplomatic art which unites the utmost subservience of manner with the utmost inflexibility as to measure.†   (source)
  • The masters are not pleased, unless they obtain a greater degree of subservience than that; and they are generally accommodated.†   (source)
  • Did he see himself, a white-haired decrepit man, bending his hitherto inflexible theories to appointed circumstances; making his facts and figures subservient to Faith, Hope, and Charity; and no longer trying to grind that Heavenly trio in his dusty little mills?†   (source)
  • At Anna Pavlovna's they talked with perplexity of Bonaparte's successes just as before and saw in them and in the subservience shown to him by the European sovereigns a malicious conspiracy, the sole object of which was to cause unpleasantness and anxiety to the court circle of which Anna Pavlovna was the representative.†   (source)
  • In that way the moments passed, until a change in the stertorous breathing was marked enough to draw his attention wholly to the bed, and forced him to think of the departing life, which had once been subservient to his own—which he had once been glad to find base enough for him to act on as he would.†   (source)
  • Many of the men sprang forward, officiously, to offer their services, either from the hope of the reward, or from that cringing subserviency which is one of the most baleful effects of slavery.†   (source)
  • God only knows that I retire from thee without pride or hatred, but not without many regrets; he only knows that the power confided to me has never been made subservient to my personal good or to any useless cause.†   (source)
  • In democracies, where the government picks out every individual singly from the mass, to make him subservient to the general laws of the community, no such intermediate person is required: a father is there, in the eye of the law, only a member of the community, older and richer than his sons.†   (source)
  • There is indeed a secret tendency in democratic institutions to render the exertions of the citizens subservient to the prosperity of the community, notwithstanding their private vices and mistakes; whilst in aristocratic institutions there is a secret propensity which, notwithstanding the talents and the virtues of those who conduct the government, leads them to contribute to the evils which oppress their fellow-creatures.†   (source)
  • She could not indeed imitate his excess of subservience, because she was a stranger to the meanness of mind, and to the constant state of timid apprehension, by which it was dictated; but she bore herself with a proud humility, as if submitting to the evil circumstances in which she was placed as the daughter of a despised race, while she felt in her mind the consciousness that she was entitled to hold a higher rank from her merit, than the arbitrary despotism of religious prejudice permitted her to aspire to.†   (source)
  • Even if the money had been given merely to make him hold his tongue about the scandal of Bulstrode's earlier life, the fact threw an odious light on Lydgate, who had long been sneered at as making himself subservient to the banker for the sake of working himself into predominance, and discrediting the elder members of his profession.†   (source)
  • Every wealthy and powerful citizen constitutes the head of a permanent and compulsory association, composed of all those who are dependent upon him, or whom he makes subservient to the execution of his designs.†   (source)
  • It is, indeed, difficult to conceive how men who have entirely given up the habit of self-government should succeed in making a proper choice of those by whom they are to be governed; and no one will ever believe that a liberal, wise, and energetic government can spring from the suffrages of a subservient people.†   (source)
  • There was hardly ever so much unanimity among them as in the opinion that Lydgate was an arrogant young fellow, and yet ready for the sake of ultimately predominating to show a crawling subservience to Bulstrode.†   (source)
  • The author was one of the most celebrated adventurers of a period of remarkable adventure; his book breathes that ardor for discovery, that spirit of enterprise, which characterized the men of his time, when the manners of chivalry were united to zeal for commerce, and made subservient to the acquisition of wealth.†   (source)
  • I thought our judgments were given us merely to be subservient to those of neighbours.†   (source)
  • The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives.†   (source)
  • They had the power to turn women into groveling slaves subservient to their wearers' vilest desires, or so I judged from the stories that came back on Sunday nights.†   (source)
  • In Lounsbury's opinion, a good deal of the opposition to them was no more than a symptom of antipathy to all things American among certain Englishmen and of subservience to all things English among certain Americans.†   (source)
  • The Norman, who by the virtue of three more diamonds had become the most subservient of men, put Candide and his attendants on board a vessel that was just ready to set sail for Portsmouth in England.†   (source)
  • It is in vain to say that enlightened statesmen will be able to adjust these clashing interests, and render them all subservient to the public good.†   (source)
  • almost the same advantages of a liberal fortune as if they were entitled to it in their own right; for Mr Allworthy was not one of those generous persons who are ready most bountifully to bestow meat, drink, and lodging on men of wit and learning, for which they expect no other return but entertainment, instruction, flattery, and subserviency; in a word, that such persons should be enrolled in the number of domestics, without wearing their master's cloathes, or receiving wages.†   (source)
  • Then he
    must keep his counsel secret, unless confiding it to another shall
    be more profitable; but, in so confiding it, he shall say nothing
    to bias the mind of the counsellor toward flattery or
    subserviency.†   (source)
  • For the Lilliputians think nothing can be more unjust, than for people, in subservience to their own appetites, to bring children into the world, and leave the burthen of supporting them on the public.†   (source)
  • For it is a thing that dependeth not on Nature, but on the scope of the Writer; and is subservient to every mans proper method.†   (source)
  • But a wise prince would rather choose to employ those who practise the last of these methods; because such zealots prove always the most obsequious and subservient to the will and passions of their master.†   (source)
  • It is observed that select corps may be formed, composed of the young and ardent, who may be rendered subservient to the views of arbitrary power.†   (source)
  • And for Geometry, till of very late times it had no place at all; as being subservient to nothing but rigide Truth.†   (source)
  • I told him, "that in the kingdom of Tribnia, [3] by the natives called Langdon, [4] where I had sojourned some time in my travels, the bulk of the people consist in a manner wholly of discoverers, witnesses, informers, accusers, prosecutors, evidences, swearers, together with their several subservient and subaltern instruments, all under the colours, the conduct, and the pay of ministers of state, and their deputies.†   (source)
  • And it came to passe, when the Spirit rested upon them, they Prophecyed, and did not cease, By which it is manifest, first, that their Prophecying to the people, was subservient, and subordinate to the Prophecying of Moses; for that God took of the Spirit of Moses, to put upon them; so that they Prophecyed as Moses would have them: otherwise they had not been suffered to Prophecy at all.†   (source)
  • The greatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it, to prove that the Kingdome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise again at the last day: whereas the Kingdome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called hi†   (source)
  • And as when a complaint was made to Moses, against those of the Seventy that prophecyed in the camp of Israel, he justified them in it, as being subservient therein to his government; so also our Saviour, when St. John complained to him of a certain man that cast out Devills in his name, justified him therein, saying, (Luke 9.50.)†   (source)
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