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  • By contrast, everyone in the group that received the cash stipends and other services made a full recovery.†   (source)
  • Their discovery: when people are given a small stipend for donating blood rather than simply being praised for their altruism, they tend to donate less blood.†   (source)
  • He smiled to himself, once again blessing an older sister in Coventry who made the scotch possible with her monthly stipend.†   (source)
  • As a government-appointed chief, he was eligible for a stipend as well as a portion of the fees the government levied on the community for vaccination of livestock and communal grazing land.†   (source)
  • Now, with her children grown, she earned her retirement stipend by putting the same dedication into nurturing her home, her husband, and her reputation as a hostess.†   (source)
  • Starting in 2008, he was awarded three fifths of a coaching stipend—roughly $240 a month.†   (source)
  • They would even pay me a stipend for my time.†   (source)
  • But you would also pay no rent and I'm sure I could manage a small extra stipend for your few responsibilities.†   (source)
  • The officers got a small stipend from the Big Man, and they had been given a couple of government jeeps.†   (source)
  • I'm afraid the Mission League thinks of your stipend as an act of kindness on their part.†   (source)
  • And the Mission League cut off our stipend right before Independence!†   (source)
  • I even get a little stipend from the National Geographic Society.†   (source)
  • After the Independence cut off our stipend and all contacts with the larger world, it seems God's plan called for Mother and Ruth May to fall sick nigh unto death.†   (source)
  • Anatole earned a stipend from student teaching, an amount the other graduate students called a "pittance," though it was much more than he and I had ever earned together in any year.†   (source)
  • Mama Tataba's job, we were surprised to learn, was to live with us and earn a small stipend by doing the same work she'd done for our forerunner in the Kilanga Mission, Brother Fowles.†   (source)
  • This is not the regular Baptist stipend; Our Father is a renegade who came without the entire blessing of the Mission League, and bullied or finagled his way into this lesser stipend.†   (source)
  • The records suggest—though they're fairly vague on this front—that people joined the experiment so their families could escape extreme poverty—the families of the subjects were offered a monthly stipend for the subject's participation, for upward of ten years.†   (source)
  • It would have been easier-far easier-to offer to reimburse the unemployed brother from Washburn's monthly stipend, but the doctor and his patient had agreed to refrain from such compromises.†   (source)
  • It turned out that he'd been given confusing instructions the last time he was in Cange, and he hadn't received the standard cash stipend.†   (source)
  • The stipend turned a noble act of charity into a painful way to make a few dollars, and it wasn't worth it.†   (source)
  • Americans also provided financial support and a stipend to help Woineshet pursue her education in Addis Ababa.†   (source)
  • Each continued to get what is called directly observed therapy, a community health worker on hand to be sure the patient took the medicines on schedule, and each got the monthly cash stipend—the equivalent of about five American dollars—to pay for extra food, child care, and transportation to a monthly doctor's appointment at Zanmi Lasante.†   (source)
  • The gang not only paid for the funeral but often gave a stipend of up to three years' wages to the victim's family.†   (source)
  • But one group got other services as well, including regular visits from community health workers and small monthly cash stipends for food and child care and transportation to Cange.†   (source)
  • He had grafted AIDS treatment onto Zanmi Lasante's tb program, of directly observed therapy and monthly stipends, and the early results were good—many stories of lives restored and orphanings prevented.†   (source)
  • The officers would lose their stipend; there would be no government jobs for any of them; they would be banished from the town and sent back to the bush, to do constructive work there.†   (source)
  • To save ten pounds from a stipend of eight pounds a month takes much patience and time, especially for a parson, who must dress in good black clothes.†   (source)
  • What with the stipend and being up late, it's too much for me health.†   (source)
  • It had been obvious for some time that Dr. Fleming, who had been headmaster for the quarter of a century, was become too deaf to continue his work to the greater glory of God; and when one of the livings on the outskirts of the city fell vacant, with a stipend of six hundred a year, the Chapter offered it to him in such a manner as to imply that they thought it high time for him to retire.†   (source)
  • He had been knocked about from pillar to post at the hands of the virtuous almost beyond endurance; he had been nearly starved, and was now dependent entirely upon the very small stipend from the school of this village (where the parson had got ill-spoken of for befriending him).†   (source)
  • The Chaplain coming to see him and finding him thus, and perceiving no sign that he was conscious of his presence, attentively regarded him for a space, then slipping aside, withdrew for the time, peradventure feeling that even he the minister of Christ, tho' receiving his stipend from Mars, had no consolation to proffer which could result in a peace transcending that which he beheld.†   (source)
  • CHAPTER VII — MRS. SPARSIT MR. BOUNDERBY being a bachelor, an elderly lady presided over his establishment, in consideration of a certain annual stipend.†   (source)
  • Being a very honest little creature, and unwilling to disgrace the memory I was going to leave behind me at Murdstone and Grinby's, I considered myself bound to remain until Saturday night; and, as I had been paid a week's wages in advance when I first came there, not to present myself in the counting-house at the usual hour, to receive my stipend.†   (source)
  • 'We are forgetting business, ma'am,' said the beadle; 'here is your porochial stipend for the month.'†   (source)
  • The roof has been kept whole hitherto; but as the clergyman's stipend is only twenty pounds per annum, and a house with two rooms, threatening speedily to determine into one, no clergyman will undertake the duties of pastor: especially as it is currently reported that his flock would rather let him starve than increase the living by one penny from their own pockets.†   (source)
  • One day, he chanced to say to Magnon as she handed him his monthly stipend of ten francs: "The father must give them some education."†   (source)
  • After a time—not, of course, at first—he might be with me as my curate, and he would have so much to do that his stipend would be nearly what I used to get as vicar.†   (source)
  • Mr Mantalini waited, with much decorum, to hear the amount of the proposed stipend, but when it reached his ears, he cast his hat and cane upon the floor, and drawing out his pocket-handkerchief, gave vent to his feelings in a dismal moan.†   (source)
  • In several States the judicial power was also submitted to the elective discretion of the majority, and in all of them its existence was made to depend on the pleasure of the legislative authority, since the representatives were empowered annually to regulate the stipend of the judges.†   (source)
  • My object, when the contest within myself between stipend and no stipend, baker and no baker, existence and non-existence, ceased, was to take advantage of my opportunities to discover and expose the major malpractices committed, to that gentleman's grievous wrong and injury, by — HEEP.†   (source)
  • So, she appropriated the greater part of the weekly stipend to her own use, and consigned the rising parochial generation to even a shorter allowance than was originally provided for them.†   (source)
  • That Mrs Kenwigs, impelled by gratitude, or ambition, or maternal pride, or maternal love, or all four powerful motives conjointly, had taken secret conference with Mr Kenwigs, and had finally returned to propose that Mr Johnson should instruct the four Miss Kenwigses in the French language as spoken by natives, at the weekly stipend of five shillings, current coin of the realm; being at the rate of one shilling per week, per each Miss Kenwigs, and one shilling over, until such time as the baby might be able to take it out in grammar.†   (source)
  • The fact is, they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you.†   (source)
  • The stipend arising hence would hardly have indulged the schoolmaster in the luxuries of life, had he not added to this office those of clerk and barber, and had not Mr Allworthy added to the whole an annuity of ten pounds, which the poor man received every Christmas, and with which he was enabled to cheer his heart during that sacred festival.†   (source)
  • It must either consist of permanent officers, stationary at the seat of government, and of course entitled to fixed and regular stipends, or of certain officers of the State governments to be called upon whenever an impeachment was actually depending.†   (source)
  • But with regard to the judges, who, if they behave properly, will be secured in their places for life, it may well happen, especially in the early stages of the government, that a stipend, which would be very sufficient at their first appointment, would become too small in the progress of their service.†   (source)
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