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  • It's the easiest of all debts to repudiate.   (source)
    repudiate = strong rejection
  • Sir, if nominated, I shall repudiate it.   (source)
    repudiate = strongly reject
  • It should be noted that Neff's hypothesis and his entire body of work have been repudiated and dismissed by the vast majority of trained historians and assassination scholars.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • this movement is made up of people who have lost faith in America, who have absolutely repudiated Christianity, and who have concluded that the white man is an incorrigible "devil."   (source)
  • He let her come, but when she made advances, he repudiated her and sent her away,   (source)
    repudiated = rejected
  • ...repudiated optimism and pessimism alike.   (source)
  • The Louisiana delegation and other Southerners publicly repudiated him, and from that moment on his chances for the Presidency were nil.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • To know and not to know, ... to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to...   (source)
    repudiate = strongly reject
  • Maybe somebody might give Callahan a little shovelful on somebody else and Callahan might grow a conscience all of a sudden and repudiate his endorser.   (source)
  • ...the son who had repudiated the very roof under which he had been born and to which he would return but once more before disappearing for good, and that as a murderer...   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • Babbitt utterly repudiated the view that he had been trying to discover how approachable was Miss McGoun.   (source)
  • he had become a sort of walking repudiation of Oxford and all its traditions.   (source)
    repudiation = strong rejection
  • I, who had up to an hour ago repudiated the proofs, felt my heart sink within me.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • And then, as Archer made no effort to glance at the paper or to repudiate the suggestion, the lawyer somewhat flatly continued:   (source)
    repudiate = reject
  • Furthermore, it suggests reasons of personal convenience, rather than any definite repudiation,   (source)
    repudiation = strong rejection
  • he had repudiated the demon as he walked to the house, and his heart had been full of joy.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • ...to repudiate her familiarity with anything so dreadful--   (source)
    repudiate = strongly reject
  • men whose faces Hendon remembered more or less distinctly, came, by day, to gaze at the 'impostor' and repudiate and insult him;   (source)
  • I repudiate the notion of central heat altogether.   (source)
  • In his own case, Alexey Alexandrovitch saw that a legal divorce, that is to say, one in which only the guilty wife would be repudiated, was impossible of attainment.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • Can you suppose I should ever think of such a thing as repudiating you, or even reproaching you?   (source)
    repudiating = rejecting strongly
  • repudiate more utterly the phantom of human merit   (source)
    repudiate = strongly reject
  • In the eyes of the world, I was doubtless covered with grimy dishonour; but I resolved to be clean in my own sight — and to the last I repudiated the contamination of her crimes, and wrenched myself from connection with her mental defects.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • ...and should in my heart of hearts have repudiated the idea.   (source)
  • It was denounced and repudiated there.   (source)
  • "Repudiated by her husband," said Athos.   (source)
  • Bankruptcy and repudiation are the springboards from which much of our civilization vaults and turns its somersaults,   (source)
    repudiation = strong rejection
  • the empire has recently come to be repudiated in Italy,   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • Akhilleus, who had repudiated every constraint of custom and convention,   (source)
  • He would have been helpless against it, for how can you repudiate something that is never spoken?†   (source)
  • The stronger he feels it, the more wrong it feels, and he starts repudiating stuff.†   (source)
  • in which a rebellious, difficult son repudiates his birthright and destroys himself.†   (source)
  • To him, Harrison represented the old Chicago of filth, smoke, and vice, everything the fair was designed to repudiate.†   (source)
  • "And I repudiated him," said Maryse.†   (source)
  • And in their response to his decision there is a tenderness, some contrition, and mounting respect ("They didn't know he had it in him"), an awareness that his suicide enclosed, rather than repudiated them.†   (source)
  • A child cannot be taught by anyone whose demeanor, essentially, is that the child repudiate his experience and all that gives him sustenance and enter a limbo in which he will no longer be black, and in which he knows that he can never become white.†   (source)
  • By April, 1863, he had repudiated the Democratic party; by January, 1864, a few months before he was killed in the Red River campaign, he wrote his wife from Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, that "since I [came] here I have learned and seen more of what the horrors of Slavery was than I ever knew before....I am [in] favor of doing away with the ...accursed institution....I am [now] a strong abolitionist."†   (source)
  • For a moment shame washed over her for thinking the thought, shame at entertaining the notion in the same habitation where she shared room with Wanda and Jozef, these two selfless, courageous people whose allegiance to humanity and their fellow Poles and concern for the hunted Jews were a repudiation of all that her father had stood for.†   (source)
  • And from now on, the basis of life is to be that inspiration which the Gospel strives to make the foundation of life, contrasting the commonplace with the unique, the weekday with the holiday, and repudiating all compulsion.†   (source)
  • They were polite and awkward with each other, repudiating the contacts of the night.†   (source)
  • ...the woman he had repudiated five hours earlier.   (source)
    repudiated = rejected
  • She should repudiate her statements and apologize for having uttered them.
    repudiate = reject
  • She repudiated the divorce settlement.
    repudiated = rejected
  • I haven't asked you to repudiate it.   (source)
    repudiate = strong rejection
  • I, who repudiated all duty, trampled honor underfoot, and laughed at justice!   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • He could not disavow his actions, ... so he had to repudiate truth, goodness, and all humanity.   (source)
    repudiate = strongly reject
  • repudiated it as a rather impious suggestion   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • we shall hasten to repudiate it.   (source)
    repudiate = reject
  • But, the same consideration that suggested him, repudiated him; he lived in the most violent Quarter, and doubtless was influential there, and deep in its dangerous workings.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • Mr. Micawber sat in his elbow-chair, with his eyebrows raised; half receiving and half repudiating Mrs. Micawber's views...   (source)
    repudiating = rejecting
  • No; I repudiate the title!   (source)
    repudiate = strongly reject
  • When she went to live in Vancouver, they repudiated her in specifically biblical terms.†   (source)
  • Such beds are a denial in themselves, a repudiation.†   (source)
  • Suppose the Congress repudiated myself and Manuel?†   (source)
  • Every time that Aureliano mentioned the matter, not only the proprietress but some people older than she would repudiate the myth of the workers hemmed in at the station and the train with two hundred cars loaded with dead people, and they would even insist that, after all, everything had been set forth in judicial documents and in primary-school textbooks: that the banana company had never existed.†   (source)
  • The politicians who supplied funds for the war from exile had Publicly repudiated the drastic aims of Colonel Aureliano Buendia, but even that withdrawal of authorization did not seem to bother him.†   (source)
  • Repudiated by his tribe, having lost all of his supernatural faculties because of his faithfulness to life, he decided to take refuge in that corner of the world which had still not been discovered by death, dedicated to the operation of a daguerreotype laboratory.†   (source)
  • He had no difficulty with the role of ex-boyfriend—if that was what he was—but Salander's total repudiation of him was astonishing.†   (source)
  • He had not said that he would denounce the book in public and repudiate it in the name of the Institute.†   (source)
  • Or repudiated.†   (source)
  • Colonel Cathcart was stung by the blunt rebuke and skulked guiltily about his room in smarting repudiation.†   (source)
  • Dr. Urbino already realized how completely he would repudiate the memory of that irredeemable woman, and he thought he knew why: only a person without principles could be so complaisant toward grief.†   (source)
  • Old, fat, and contented, she had arrived in the company of her oldest son who, like his father, had been a colonel in the army but had been repudiated by him because of his contemptible behavior during the massacre of the banana workers in San Juan de la Cienaga.†   (source)
  • To let all Luna—yes, and all those earthworms, especially ex-Lunar ex-Authonty—know that we not repudiating Adam Selene, on contrary he was our beloved elder statesman and was not President simply because he chose not to be!†   (source)
  • But his public conduct was so autonomous that no group claimed him for its own: the Liberals considered him a Gothic troglodyte, the Conservatives said he was almost a Mason, and the Masons repudiated him as a secret cleric in the service of the Holy See.†   (source)
  • Yet outside the office and the club her life was entirely dependent upon men, though she would have most indignantly repudiated the accusation.†   (source)
  • But Lucius Lamar, a man of law and honor, could not now repudiate the findings, however shocking, of the Commission he had helped establish.†   (source)
  • This glorious holiday, this liberation from the curse of mediocrity, this soaring flight above the dullness of a humdrum existence, was first achieved in their land, proclaimed in their language, and belonged to their racel And they actually saw and heard it and let it gol How could they allow a spirit of such overwhelming power and beauty to leave them, how could they think that after it triumphed and established its reign, they would remain as the empty husk of that miracle they had repudiated?†   (source)
  • How did it happen, black people asked, that white people did not notice this and repudiate the pattern of rumor?†   (source)
  • The discharge of conscious duty prompts me often to confront the united array of the very section of the country in which I reside, in which my associations are, in which my affections rest...Sir, if this is a boon that is offered to propitiate the South, I, as a Southern man, repudiate it.†   (source)
  • From "D. R. Anthony and others," he received a wire informing him that "Kansas repudiates you as she does all perjurers and skunks."†   (source)
  • Determined to see the Legislature's resolutions withdrawn or repudiated, Benton launched an aggressive tour of his hostile state.†   (source)
  • But it is unfortunate that he uses the Republican party as a vehicle to ride into office and then repudiates its standard-bearer.†   (source)
  • The Democratic nominee for United States Senator in New York expressed his deep shock at the Taft statement and his certainty it would be repudiated by "right-thinking and fair-minded Americans."†   (source)
  • Even though his speech was repudiated by many in the North, the very fact that one who represented such a belligerent constituency would appeal for understanding in the name of unity and patriotism was recognized in Washington and throughout the South as a bona fide assurance of Southern rights.†   (source)
  • He would not purchase the respect of the North for himself and his section by a calculated and cringing course;but having decided, on the merits, that the bill was wrong, he was anxious to demonstrate to the nation that statesmanship was not dead in the South nor was the South desirous of repudiating national obligations and honor.†   (source)
  • Burned in effigy, accused in the press of "idiocy and impotency," and repudiated by his state and friends, Grimes never recovered—but before he died he declared to a friend: I shall ever thank God that in that troubled hour of trial, when many privately confessed that they had sacrificed their judgment and their conscience at the behests of party newspapers and party hate, I had the courage to be true to my oath and m†   (source)
  • How got engaged and then stopped yet still had a wife to repudiate later?†   (source)
  • He made her gasp, unable to answer because of me, but staring at him with furious repudiation.†   (source)
  • I never repudiated her that much or tried to strike the old influence, such as it had become, out of her hands.†   (source)
  • Yet it is true that once the avant-garde had succeeded in "detaching" itself from society, it proceeded to turn around and repudiate revolutionary as well as bourgeois politics.†   (source)
  • Cass set down a very conscientious description of every feature and proportion, a kind of tortured inventory, as though in the midst of the "darkness and trouble," at the very moment of his agony and repudiation, he had to take one last backward look even at the risk of being turned into the pillar of salt.†   (source)
  • Grandfather said the only mention he ever made to those six or seven years which must have existed somewhere, must have actually occurred, was about the patois he had to learn in order to oversee the plantation, and the French he had to learn, maybe not to get engaged to be married, but which he would certainly need to be able to repudiate the wife after he had already got her—how, so he told Grandfather, he had believed that courage and shrewdness would be enough but found that he was wrong and how sorry he was that he had not taken the schooling along with the West Indian lore when he discovered that all people did not speak the same tongue and realised that he would not only nee†   (source)
  • "If this gets around to them," said Simon, out of Happy's hearing; and, strangely, his look got hung up on something that resembled satisfaction and pleasure more than anything else, and I saw that he had already handled the consequences of this to himself; he'd repudiate me, and it would do him no harm.†   (source)
  • And think of Henry, who had said at first it was a lie and then when he knew it was not a lie had still said 'I don't believe it', who had found even in that 'I don't believe it' enough of strength to repudiate home and blood in order to champion his defiance, and in which championing he proved his contention to be the false one and was more than ever interdict against returning home; Jesus, think of the load he had to carry, born of two Methodists (or of one long invincible line of Methodists) and raised in provincial North Mississippi, faced wit†   (source)
  • It wasn't so much rebellion as it was repudiation she had to fear, not being heeded, when he spread his paper over the entire table and read with his hand to his forehead and the darkening blond hair falling over it.†   (source)
  • I saw Judith's marriage forbidden without rhyme or reason or shadow of excuse; I saw Ellen die with only me, a child, to turn to and ask to protect her remaining child; I saw Henry repudiate his home and birthright and then return and practically fling the bloody corpse of his sister's sweetheart at the hem of her wedding gown; I saw that man return—the evil's source and head which had outlasted all its victims—who had created two children not only to destroy one another and his own line, but my line as well, yet I agreed to marry him.†   (source)
  • Thank God', not for the incest of course but because at last they were going to do something, at last he could be something even though that something was the irrevocable repudiation of the old heredity and training and the acceptance of eternal damnation.†   (source)
  • He repudiated blood birthright and material security for his sake, for the sake of this man who was at least an intending bigamist even if not an out and out blackguard, and on whose dead body four years later Judith was to find the photograph of the other woman and the child.†   (source)
  • hair evidently for years), the same almost plump soft (though now unringed) hands on the coverlet, and only the bafflement in the dark uncomprehending eyes to indicate anything of present life by which to postulate approaching death as she asked the seventeen-year-old sister (Henry up to now was just vanished, his birthright voluntarily repudiated; he had not yet returned to play his final part in his family's doom—and this, your grandfather said, spared Ellen too, not that it would have been the crushing and crowning blow but that it would have been wasted on her since the clinging moth, even alive, would have been incapable now of feeling anymore of wind or violence) to protect th†   (source)
  • Bon knew of course what Sutpen had discovered in New Orleans, but he would need to know just what, just how much, Sutpen had told Henry, and Henry not telling him, doubtless with the new mare which he probably knew he would have to surrender, sacrifice too, along with all the rest of his life, inheritance, going fast now and his back rigid and irrevocably turned upon the house, his birthplace and all the familiar scenes of his childhood and youth which he had repudiated for the sake of that friend with whom, despite the sacrifice which he had just made out of love and loyalty, he still could not be perfectly frank.†   (source)
  • receive from the visit would be established before they even left the house, before Henry ever saw the woman: and Henry, the countryman, the bewildered, with the subtle tide already setting beneath him toward the point where he must either betray himself and his entire upbringing and thinking, or deny the friend for whom he had already repudiated home and kin and all; the bewildered, the (for that time) helpless, who wanted to believe yet did not see how he could, being carried by the friend, the mentor, through one of those inscrutable and curiously lifeless doorways like that before which he had seen the horse or the trap, and so into a place which to his puritan's provincial mind all o†   (source)
  • which served just as well as reason for forbidding the marriage; this brother in whose eyes that sister's and daughter's honor and happiness, granted that curious and unusual relationship which existed between them, should have been more jealous and precious than to the father even, yet who must champion the marriage to the extent of repudiating father and blood and home to become a follower and dependant of the rejected suitor for four years before killing him apparently for the very identical reason which four years ago he quitted home to champion; and this lover who apparently without volition or desire became involved in an engagement which he seems neither to have sought nor avoided†   (source)
  • they) only he knows; knows that so well that it would never have occurred to him just as he knows it would never occur to me that this might be his reason, who is not only generous but ruthless, who must have surrendered everything he and Mother owned to her and to me as the price of repudiating her, not because the doing it this way hurt him, flouted him and kept him in suspense that much unnecessary longer, because he didn't matter; whether he was irked or even crucified didn't matter: it was the fact that he had to be kept constantly reminded that he would not have done it this way himself, yet he had stemmed from the blood afte†   (source)
  • and passing rapidly across the vision, appeared like painted portraits beside men in linen a little finer and diamonds a little brighter and in broadcloth a little trimmer and with hats raked a little more above faces a little more darkly swaggering than any Henry had ever seen before: and the mentor, the man for whose sake he had repudiated not only blood and kin but food and shelter and clothing too, whose clothing and walk and speech he had tried to ape, along with his attitude toward women and his ideas of honor and pride too, watching him with that cold and catlike inscrutable calculation, watching the picture resolve and become fixed and then telling Henry, 'But that's not it.†   (source)
  • fifty years, and Grandfather not knowing what choice he was talking about even, what second choice he was faced with until the very last word he spoke before he got up and put on his hat and shook Grandfather's left hand and rode away; this second choice, need to choose, as obscure to Grandfather as the reason for the first, the repudiation, had been: so that Grandfather did not even say 'I don't know which you should choose' not because that was all he could have said and so to say that would be less than no answer at all, but that anything he might have said would have been less than no answer at all since Sutpen was not listening, did not expect an answer, who had not come fo†   (source)
  • possess; —not of envy but of despair: that sharp shocking terrible hopeless despair of the young which sometimes takes the form of insult toward and even physical assault upon the human subject of it or, in extreme cases like Henry's, insult toward and assault upon any and all detractors of the subject, as witness Henry's violent repudiation of his father and his birthright when Sutpen forbade the marriage.†   (source)
  • It did not matter to them (Quentin and Shreve) anyway, who could without moving, as free now of flesh as the father who decreed and forbade, the son who denied and repudiated, the lover who acquiesced, the beloved who was not bereaved, and with no tedious transition from hearth and garden (granted the garden) to saddle, be already clattering over the frozen ruts of that December night and that Christmas dawn, that day of peace and cheer, of holly and goodwill and logs on the hearth; not two of them there and the†   (source)
  • and feeding and putting him to bed and giving him the candy and the toys and the other child's fun and diversion and needs in measured doses like medicine with her own hand: not because she had to, who could have hired a dozen or bought a hundred to do it for her with the money, the jack that he (the demon) had voluntarily surrendered, repudiated to balance his moral ledger: but like the millionaire who could have a hundred hostlers and handlers but who has just the one horse, the one maiden, the one moment, the one matching of heart and muscle and will with the one instant: and himself (the millionaire) patient in the overalls and the sweat and the stable muck, bringing him along to th†   (source)
  • The old nails were still in the door and neighbors helped her break it in with axes and they found him, who had seen his sole means of support looted by the defenders of his cause, even if he had repudiated it and them, with three days' uneaten food beside his pallet bed as if he had spent the three days in a mental balancing of his terrestrial accounts, found the result and proved it and then turned upon his contemporary scene of folly and outrage and injustice the dead and consistent impassivity of a cold and inflexible disapproval.†   (source)
  • So that one cannot say that Herr Settembrini has repudiated war.†   (source)
  • His scorn and repudiation of her gave Carley intense relief.†   (source)
  • I could find nothing in his papers, so I must repudiate your claim.†   (source)
  • I hope it is settled that I repudiate the cannon business.†   (source)
  • [repudiating this humiliating misconception] Oh no, no, no: nothing of the kind, I assure you†   (source)
  • ...Me no missionary," cried Shefford, and he flung up a passionately repudiating hand.†   (source)
  • He was repudiating—it made him sick to say it—values, every standard of value.†   (source)
  • [Her daughter repudiates her with an angry shrug and retires haughtily.†   (source)
  • —when, in short, prudence is defied, even repudiated.†   (source)
  • Willetts uttered a half-laugh, an uneasy, contemptuous expression of scorn and repudiation.†   (source)
  • —to remark that you was so good on that occasion as to repel and repudiate that declaration.†   (source)
  • PRAED [rising in a frenzy of repudiation] I don't believe it.†   (source)
  • REV. S. [repudiating the expression] No, sir: unwell this morning.†   (source)
  • We of course quite repudiate the charge of having broken faith with you.†   (source)
  • The charge of robbery I repudiate with indignation.†   (source)
  • I repudiate, for the moment, my politeness, and say, Lies, lies, lies.†   (source)
  • But now justice cries out and we persist, we cannot repudiate anything.†   (source)
  • One or another on 'em,' said the turnkey, repudiating beforehand the refusal of all his suggestions.†   (source)
  • We decline to accept your story, sir—we repudiate it.†   (source)
  • No man likes being repudiated, and yet Newman, if he was not flattered, was not exactly offended.†   (source)
  • She spoke with the intention of making him see that, if his words implied a tentative allusion to her private affairs, she was prepared to meet and repudiate it.†   (source)
  • No use to try to repudiate them!†   (source)
  • In all the instances I know of, these educated Indians returned to their tribes, repudiating the white man's knowledge, habits, life, and religion.†   (source)
  • The rendition ran on in this wise until it came to where Carrie, as Laura, comes into the room to explain to Ray, who, after hearing Pearl's statement about her birth, had written the letter repudiating her, which, however, he did not deliver.†   (source)
  • The vague riot in her breast leaped into conscious fury—a woman's passionate repudiation of Stewart's broken spirit.†   (source)
  • He would pay for Mrs. Munt's hearthrug with ostentatious haste, a large claim he would repudiate quietly, and fight court by court.†   (source)
  • "Oh, but I'm sorry you repudiate the confession, Hippolyte—it is sincere; and, do you know, even the absurd parts of it—and these are many" (here Hippolyte frowned savagely) "are, as it were, redeemed by suffering—for it must have cost you something to admit what you there say—great torture, perhaps, for all I know.†   (source)
  • He waited so long that I supposed it for the purpose of repudiating the assumption on which my action had been founded; but what he finally said was: "Do you mean now—here?"†   (source)
  • Would not the next step in this painful metamorphosis of her character be a fierce and passionate repudiation of herself and all she represented?†   (source)
  • I repudiate your sentiments.†   (source)
  • You can repudiate it.†   (source)
  • I warn you that if you attempt to repudiate your responsibility, I shall suspect you of finding the play too decorous for your taste.†   (source)
  • He thought bitterly and mockingly of the narrow congregation that had proved him a failure in the ministry, that had repudiated his ideas of religion and immortality and God, that had driven him, at the age of twenty-four, from the calling forced upon him by his people.†   (source)
  • And quoting the biblical verse "Vengeance is mine," he pointed out that the state, if its purpose was ennoblement and not coercion, should not repay evil with evil, and went on to repudiate the concept of "punishment," after first having refuted that of "guilt," basing his argument on scientific determinism.†   (source)
  • Richard III, too, is delightful as the whimsical comedian who stops a funeral to make love to the corpse's widow; but when, in the next act, he is replaced by a stage villain who smothers babies and offs with people's heads, we are revolted at the imposture and repudiate the changeling.†   (source)
  • He wondered if Herr Naphta knew just what he was repudiating— and with young people listening—by jumbling up God and the Devil and denying the ethical principle in the name of his depraved Holy Duality.†   (source)
  • They repudiated private ownership, since, according to the divine law of nature, the earth is the common property of all mankind and therefore its fruits are likewise intended for the common use of all.†   (source)
  • Granted, she did not have to deal here with Herr Lodovico's fundamental repudiation of her character, and the essentials for conversation were somewhat more favorable, so that the two of them, Clavdia and the caustic little man, would sometimes move away from the others to talk: about books, about questions of political philosophy, where they found agreement in radical answers; and Hans Castorp sometimes ingenuously joined in as well.†   (source)
  • June still lay near her, sleeping as tranquilly as if she reposed on—we will not say "down," for the superior civilization of our own times repudiates the simile—but on a French mattress, and as profoundly as if she had never experienced concern.†   (source)
  • If they repudiate all ornament from their architecture, and set no store on any but the more practical and homely advantages, it is not only because they live under democratic institutions, but because they are a commercial nation.†   (source)
  • There they stood amidst the densest bustle of Vanity; the dealers offering them their purple and fine linen and jewels, the men of wit and humor gibing at them, a pair of buxom ladies ogling them askance, while the benevolent Mr. Smooth-it-away whispered some of his wisdom at their elbows, and pointed to a newly-erected temple; but there were these worthy simpletons, making the scene look wild and monstrous, merely by their sturdy repudiation of all part in its business or pleasures.†   (source)
  • The Rev. Sydney Smith—having voyaged across the Atlantic for that sole purpose—came up to the bonfire with a bitter grin and threw in certain repudiated bonds, fortified though they were with the broad seal of a sovereign state.†   (source)
  • Newman listened to him with his impartial smile, and was glad, for his own sake, that he had fine feelings; but he mentally repudiated the idea of a Frenchman having discovered any merit in the amiable sex which he himself did not suspect.†   (source)
  • To such pious use the faithful servant put the winnings from Drusus and his associates; all of whom, having paid their wagers, became at once and naturally the enemies of Messala, whose repudiation was yet an unsettled question in Rome.†   (source)
  • He exchanged greetings with Mr. Osmond, to whom he had been introduced the day before and who, after he came in, sat blandly apart and silent, as if repudiating competence in the subjects of allusion now probable.†   (source)
  • And that, since he has been engaged upon these Adventures, he has received, from private quarters far beyond the reach of suspicion or distrust, accounts of atrocities, in the perpetration of which upon neglected or repudiated children, these schools have been the main instruments, very far exceeding any that appear in these pages.†   (source)
  • Don't repudiate it.†   (source)
  • He had easily foreseen that her meek temper would overflow at so scandalous a proposal as repudiation, and he now profited by the tempest, to retire to a place where he was at least safe from any immediate violence on the part of her less excited, but certainly more dangerous husband.†   (source)
  • When I repudiate the traditions of rank, profession, and birth; when I escape from the authority of example, to seek out, by the single effort of my reason, the path to be followed, I am inclined to derive the motives of my opinions from human nature itself; which leads me necessarily, and almost unconsciously, to adopt a great number of very general notions.†   (source)
  • he observed, with a grim smile, as if he felt the force of the inducement, at the very time he wished to affect a superiority to earning money by means that the ordinary feelings of those who aspire to be civilized men repudiated, even while they were adopted.†   (source)
  • But he had not spoken out of his own will and desire; and he felt it in his heart a noble return for his late injurious treatment to be faithful to the last to those who had repudiated him.†   (source)
  • Too much shaken in mind and body to compose a letter in the French language in reply to that of her correspondent, she dictated to Briggs a furious answer in her own native tongue, repudiating Mrs. Rawdon Crawley altogether, and warning the public to beware of her as a most artful and dangerous person.†   (source)
  • As to Christian or unchristian, I repudiate your canting palavering Christianity; and as to the way in which I spend my income, it is not my principle to maintain thieves and cheat offspring of their due inheritance in order to support religion and set myself up as a saintly Killjoy.†   (source)
  • As he repudiated this suggestion, however, with a jerk of his head, and once more confirmed his previous request by saying, with profound gravity, 'Barkis is willin'.†   (source)
  • It was not that she loved Ralph less, but that almost anything seemed preferable to repudiating the most serious act—the single sacred act—of her life.†   (source)
  • He remembered that Isabel, in separating from him in Winchester Square, had repudiated his suggestion that her motive in doing so was the expectation of a visitor at Pratt's Hotel, and it was a new pang to him to have to suspect her of duplicity.†   (source)
  • The country is as much removed from the passions of the Old World by its position as by the line of policy which it has chosen, and it is neither called upon to repudiate nor to espouse the conflicting interests of Europe; whilst the dissensions of the New World are still concealed within the bosom of the future.†   (source)
  • thirty-six of them removed the balloon that was being constructed by Leppich; now hinted that he would burn Moscow and related how he had set fire to his own house; now wrote a proclamation to the French solemnly upbraiding them for having destroyed his Orphanage; now claimed the glory of having hinted that he would burn Moscow and now repudiated the deed; now ordered the people to catch all spies and bring them to him, and now reproached them for doing so; now expelled all the French residents from Moscow, and now allowed Madame Aubert-Chalme (the center of the whole French colony in Moscow) to remain, but ordered the venerable old postmaster Klyucharev to be arrested and exiled for n†   (source)
  • —she did not value it—and she would not repudiate Miles; then the husband said he would spare her life but have Miles assassinated!†   (source)
  • This left me no course but to regret that I had been "betrayed into a warmth which," and on the whole to repudiate, as untenable, the idea that I was to be found anywhere.†   (source)
  • Incontestably fond of his country, but preferring his family; assuming more domination than authority and more authority than dignity, a disposition which has this unfortunate property, that as it turns everything to success, it admits of ruse and does not absolutely repudiate baseness, but which has this valuable side, that it preserves politics from violent shocks, the state from fractures, and society from catastrophes; minute, correct, vigilant, attentive, sagacious, indefatigable; contradicting himself at times and giving himself the lie; bold against Austria at Ancona, obstinate against England in Spain†   (source)
  • His repudiation of this offer was almost shrill enough, in the excess of its surprise and humility, to have penetrated to the ears of Mrs. Crupp, then sleeping, I suppose, in a distant chamber, situated at about the level of low-water mark, soothed in her slumbers by the ticking of an incorrigible clock, to which she always referred me when we had any little difference on the score of punctuality, and which was never less than three-quarters of an hour too slow, and had always been put right in the morning by the best authorities.†   (source)
  • It was a perplexing puzzle, and occupied him a long time; but he ended, finally, with the conviction that she did know him, and had repudiated him for interested reasons.†   (source)
  • The jury is pre-eminently a political institution; it must be regarded as one form of the sovereignty of the people; when that sovereignty is repudiated, it must be rejected, or it must be adapted to the laws by which that sovereignty is established.†   (source)
  • When the mysteries were all cleared up, it came out, by confession of Hugh Hendon, that his wife had repudiated Miles by his command, that day at Hendon Hall—a command assisted and supported by the perfectly trustworthy promise that if she did not deny that he was Miles Hendon, and stand firmly to it, he would have her life; whereupon she said, "Take it!"†   (source)
  • We shall rejoice at the new fact, we shall be the first to repudiate our charge, we shall hasten to repudiate it.†   (source)
  • Mr Dorrit thanked him at the moment, and replied that he would think of it; but the Marshal was no sooner gone than he sat down and wrote him a cutting note, in which he remarked that he had never on any former occasion had the honour of receiving his congratulations (which was true, though indeed there had not been anything particular to congratulate him upon), and that he begged, on behalf of himself and family, to repudiate the Marshal's offer, with all those thanks which its disinterested character and its perfect independence of all worldly considerations demanded.†   (source)
  • He may, in effect, have repudiated his connections, proudly, impatiently, sarcastically (I make the concession of both words); but he has them.†   (source)
  • M. de Bellegarde's face flushed a little, but he held his head higher, as if to repudiate this concession to vulgar perturbability.†   (source)
  • Newman continued to see his friends the Tristrams with a good deal of frequency, though if you had listened to Mrs. Tristram's account of the matter you would have supposed that they had been cynically repudiated for the sake of grander acquaintance.†   (source)
  • Poor Little Dorrit, not seeing her way to the offering of any soothing words that would escape repudiation, deemed it best to remain quiet.†   (source)
  • The prisoner, with the feeling that he was more despised, more scorned and repudiated, more helpless, altogether more miserable and fallen than before, was left alone again.†   (source)
  • With this hopeful confession of his faith as the head of the rising Barnacles who were born of woman, to be followed under a variety of watchwords which they utterly repudiated and disbelieved, Ferdinand rose.†   (source)
  • He seems to hover, shadowy, almost substanceless, a little behind and above all the other straightforward and logical even though (to him) incomprehensible ultimatums and affirmations and defiances and challenges and repudiations, with an air of sardonic and indolent detachment like that of a youthful Roman consul making the Grand Tour of his day among the barbarian hordes which his grandfather conquered, benighted in a brawling and childish and quite deadly mud-castle household in a miasmic and spirit-ridden forest.†   (source)
  • an idea he utterly repudiated.   (source)
    repudiated = strongly rejected
  • Says D. M. Robertson, in A History of the French Academy (London, 1910): "The Academy repudiates any assumption of authority over the language with which the public in its own practise has not first clothed it.†   (source)
  • We hereby nominate our faithful charger Copula Felix hereditary Grand Vizier and announce that we have this day repudiated our former spouse and have bestowed our royal hand upon the princess Selene, the splendour of night.†   (source)
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