relevantin a sentence
Shannon tells an interesting story, but it's not relevant to the decision we have to make.
relevant = important (related in a meaningful way)
It is easier to learn things that seem relevant to your life.
relevant = meaningful or important
The standing rules of the U.S. Senate require that amendments to appropriations legislation be relevant to the bill.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way
She reads the magazine to learn relevant financial tips.
relevant = useful
Though disturbing, her attitude was not relevant to the issue at hand.
relevant = meaningful or important
She measured all the relevant atmospheric conditions.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- Relevant information should always be taken into account before making a decision.
The scientist exchanges e-mail with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way
Her music is relevant to the new generation.
relevant = meaningful
Attempting to learn who owned the car, the rangers sent out a bulletin over the Teletype to relevant law-enforcement agencies and...
relevant = related in a meaningful way to the issue in question
'Pac's still relevant.
relevant = important or meaningful
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
His mom and dad wheeled the chair downstairs with Gus still in it, bouncing down crazily in a way that would have been dangerous if danger retained its relevance, and then they left us alone.
relevance = importance
I spent most of my time in Advanced OASIS Studies class annoying our teacher, Mr. Ciders, by pointing out errors in our textbook and raising my hand to interject some relevant bit of Halliday trivia that I (and I alone) thought was interesting.
relevant = relating to the issue in question
paleontology, the study of extinct life, had in recent years taken on an unexpected relevance to the modern world.
relevance = significance
He reported as instructed to the relevant government department and was told to find accommodations nearby and to report back weekly until his role was decided.
relevant = related to the issue in question
I sat in the front of his class entranced as he spoke about the Constitutional Congress and the Federalist Papers, and their relevance to our existence today.
relevance = importance (meaningful relation)
I think you'll find this relevant to our discussion.
relevant = related in a meaningful way
The three of them sat in front of the roaring fire, slowly turning the pages of dusty volumes ... speaking occasionally when they ran across something relevant.
relevant = of interest to the issue in question
If you determine that he is guilty of something else—of hatred, of assault, of manslaughter, of murder in self-defense, of coldness, of passion, of second-degree murder—none of that will be relevant.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- Because when I want something to happen—or not happen—I begin to look at all events and all things as relevant, an opportunity to take or avoid. (source)
- He would never have divulged the contents of another captain's log to any but the relevant officers and authorities. (source)
"Why were you banished?"
"I think the more relevant question would be: Who banished me?"
"Okay," said Flora. "Who banished you?"
"My mother," said William Spiver. (source)relevant = important (relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question)
Can a single ant be said to be alive, in any meaningful sense of the word, or does it only have relevance in terms of its anthill?
relevance = importance
At first he had wanted to call it Zeus Pickles & Preserves, but that idea was vetoed because everybody said that Zeus was too obscure and had no local relevance, whereas Paradise did.
relevance = importance (meaningful relation to the issue in question)
"Can you blow that up?"
"No problem."
Foaly cut to the relevant area, increasing it by 400 per cent. (source)relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
Why do you consider this practice to be relevant to calculus?
relevant = relating in a meaningful way
... the resulting description was flashed out to all relevant agencies.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
And when they go through my belongings, they'll probably toss it away thinking a freshman crush has no relevance.
relevance = importance
- He knows that this sort of life, one which is such a proud accomplishment for his own parents, is of no relevance, no interest, to her, that she loves him in spite of it. (source)
He asked me why he should be reconsidering my application, given that the department had already evaluated me. ... "It's just that they only awarded fifteen of these fellowships nationwide, so I thought it an honor that would be relevant, ..."
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
The question is whether newspapers will still be relevant at a time when readers are flocking to the Internet and our most solid core of subscribers is slowly dying off, with newsroom cutbacks keeping pace.
relevant = important or meaningful
That conversation isn't relevant to my decision.
relevant = related in a meaningful way
The experiment in getting along ... was apparently very much ongoing, and the results would have relevance well beyond Clarkston.
relevance = importance
And even though I loved my sister had accepted her eccentricities I found it hard to listen to detailed descriptions, abstract ambitions, relevant observations, hers and mine.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- What is relevant is that children are being enslaved. (source)
- he had but one contribution to make that was relevant to a claim of temporary insanity. (source)
We were sinking under the wisdom, accuracy, and relevance of Maureen's last words.
relevance = importance (relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question)
The oppression of the poor, the abuse of the vulnerable, and the redemption that comes with fighting for what is right—what ideas could be more relevant in our dear Haiti?
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
We had heard he was sick, but that information registered somewhere far below my second-hand motorcycle and my first real kiss in relevance and importance.
relevance = importance (meaningful relation to the issue in question)
"While Cooper's capture is relevant, it's not the sole reason I've asked you here," the Director continued.
relevant = related in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- No, lieutenant, though it hardly seems relevant. (source)
But I simply fail to see the relevance of the subject to a person of my inclinations and ambitions.
relevance = importance (meaningful relation to the issue in question)
It's an old rule of logic that the competence of a speaker has no relevance to the truth of what he says,
relevance = meaningful relation
Yes, but it doesn't matter; it's not relevant.
relevant = meaningful to the issue in question
Of these, Your Honor, it is Articles 8 and 9 which contain most of the salient points relevant to this case.
relevant = related in a meaningful way
I have incomplete data which might be relevant.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
I'm no Martin Luther King but his call to action is as relevant now as it was then,
relevant = meaningful
All this data, I think, is to some degree relevant.
relevant = relates meaningfully
I wish to inquire what possible relevance the testimony of a Zoo-ology professor can have in this trial.
relevance = importance (meaningful relation to the issue in question)
The relevant statistics are attached, and it will be seen that there are still no signs of any unusual development.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- "Begging my lord's pardon," I answered, still speaking through One Var, "if I knew what my lord was looking for I would be better able to supply relevant data."† (source)
But the really relevant date was seven or eight years earlier.
relevant = important to the issue in question
"Eighty-eight cubic metres of card-index," said Mr. Foster with relish, as they entered.
"Containing all the relevant information," added the Director. (source)relevant = important
"An intention to kill," he says, "is an essential element in murder; but its existence may be inferred from the relevant circumstances."
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
He now proposed ... certain matters which, on a superficial view, might seem foreign to the case, but actually were highly relevant.
relevant = related in a meaningful way to the issue in question
Sometimes, to the exasperation of Major Callendar, he would pass over the one relevant fact in a position, to dwell on the hundred irrelevant.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- Save for the possibly relevant fact that not one of them had a child, four more incongruous characters could not have met together in a room (source)
- Nothing that's strictly relevant. (source)
finally he reproached himself for staying so long without having done anything relevant to his own affair.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way
"I am glad of all details," remarked my friend, "whether they seem to you to be relevant or not."
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- She was allowed to touch most components of Red Coast's systems, and could read the relevant technical documents.† (source)
- I'd been the first of my family to attend university, never mind Harvard, and I'd known she was from some old-money family, but at the time it hadn't seemed relevant.† (source)
- As he mounted the stairs to the upper floors, the Count enumerated the relevant facts like a jurist: In eight years, Sofia had not thrown a single tantrum; every day she had brushed her teeth and headed off to school without a fuss; and whether it was time to bundle up, buckle down, or eat her peas, she had done so without complaint.† (source)
- Law school had seemed abstract and disconnected before, but after meeting the desperate and imprisoned, it all became relevant and critically important.† (source)
- Yes, I took the relevant exam and passed.† (source)
- Mom let out a deep breath and said, "I think you're mature enough to keep this inside these four walls, and I'm only telling you because ...because I think it's relevant."† (source)
- In times of crisis, one turned to the relevant figures in the community—the legal authority, the moral pillar, the social arbiter, the financial titan, the elder statesman.† (source)
- Dell hung around the cash register trying to be relevant.† (source)
- It's collated this information and analyzed it for relevance.† (source)
- A thought occurred to him—earlier the Rat Man had said that the control subjects were like the glue that kept the project's data together, made it all coherent and relevant.† (source)
- The contending elements—the fact of his death, his relevance to the case—confused Briony and she struggled with her memory.† (source)
- Dr. Erland filled his lungs slowly, then released them all at once, changing the display to the more relevant diagram of the patient's body.† (source)
- He pressed the entry for the relevant page.† (source)
- But no matter how fanciful or offbase the story, how lacking in relevance to the painting or me, the connection Reeve had made was real.† (source)
- Every time you travel back it'll only be to those scenes holding relevance to you.† (source)
- It's not relevant.† (source)
- Why is this relevant?† (source)
- What else could be relevant at this moment?† (source)
- In Pale Rider Clint Eastwood actually has a character speak the relevant passage so we don't miss the point (althoughthe unnamed stranger in an Eastwood western is pretty much always Death), but here Morrison does the same with a three-word phrase and a pose.† (source)
- What kind of truths are relevant, then?† (source)
- She'd never told me something was off limits for the book, and this was a word I would never have included—to me, it didn't seem relevant.† (source)
- One example relevant to this story: how much does the performance of quarterbacks vary with the amount of time they spend in the pocket?† (source)
- You will study the relevant sections of Chairman Mao's Red Book and write a thorough self-criticism to read to your class.† (source)
- I also teach an adult Sabbath school class in which we discuss the issues of Christianity and their relevancy to our daily lives.† (source)
- It seemed to be relevant in lots of different circles: pregnancy websites, mom blogs, local news discussions, ethics websites, education forums....Most of the articles and comments were positive, with clever headlines and a general tone of amazement that anyone would want to do what I did.† (source)
- The company was mentioned in the media nearly every day during the relevant time period—not only in the local press but also in the national media.† (source)
- Nor did it seem relevant to my task with the Varden and dwarves.† (source)
- It's not relevant to the sort.† (source)
- PARACOMPASS: any compass that determines direction by local magnetic anomaly; used where relevant charts are available and where a planet's total magnetic field is unstable or subject to masking by severe magnetic storms.† (source)
- During this time, I also spent many minutes examining the road atlas, and perusing also the relevant volumes of Mrs Jane Symons' The Wonder of England.† (source)
- A stewardess pinned to the bulkhead by the sharp angle of descent was trying to find the relevant passage in a handbook titled "Manual of Disasters."† (source)
- Most of the information covered the early history of the town, and he jotted what he thought were relevant notes on the pad beside him.† (source)
- MR. MALLOY: That's not exactly relevant!† (source)
- He didn't see how any of this was relevant, but if their host could heal Hazel, Frank decided maybe it would be best not to make him angry.† (source)
- Annie laughed along but went away and worried about the image for a whole afternoon, until she decided it wasn't even remotely relevant to her present situation because Lady Macbeth was doing it for her husband's career not her own and in any case was clearly out of her tree.† (source)
- But once you relinquish money altogether, it ceases to have any relevance.† (source)
- It didn't matter if they often repeated what had been said or if their monologues held no relevance to the issues; each one fought for the space to outshine the other.† (source)
- The subject, discussed theoretically in previous classes, has circled around to delicious relevance on this early March Monday's discussion of the upcoming midterm paper.† (source)
- Apart from Him, there can be no relevant novelty.† (source)
- But I wonder if your name isn't relevant.† (source)
- That means that you will get on that damn stand and swear on that Bible—which, for all I know, might not even be relevant to you now that you've found Jesus on I-tier.† (source)
- Our friend Tim had set up a website,, and Larry was posting all the relevant information (including an FAQ) there.† (source)
- "Oh, it's very relevant, Your Honor," Lanier said casually and with the benefit of months of preparation.† (source)
- But I would only prove Raffe right about acting like a little girl, so I tamp down the flood of questions and ask the one that's operationally relevant.† (source)
- But that name quickly gave way to another one, far more relevant to anyone who had actually camped there: "Cañón Las Pulgas," it came to be called, the Canyon of the Fleas.† (source)
- Fortier had critical information relevant to the virus, he told Gaetan, and suggested that the leaders meet at the Chateau Triomphe in the Right Bank.† (source)
- Between him and Grandfather, we have most relevant books in the Empire covered.† (source)
- "It's ancient history," Emma muttered, "relevant to nothing.† (source)
- When it's time, those things— and their relevance to the gunslinger's quest-will roll out as naturally as tears or laughter.† (source)
- Kathy would go through the paper and make cuttings of relevant stories, which were then secretly distributed to the rest of us.† (source)
- A relevant psychological condition had occurred to me.† (source)
- He stood listening like a scientist studying a subject of no personal relevance whatever.† (source)
- Mr. Leighton continues swirling his wine around in his glass as if he's actually giving credence to what Drew said and considering the relevant arguments on the topic.† (source)
- Measurements had been done to all relevant landmarks and other objects in the rooms.† (source)
- But the lessons you will learn within these pages are relevant to all our lives.† (source)
- Such a problem could have been enough to destroy Hisham's future but, as soon as he heard the news, early in the morning, he picked up the phone and called Dr. Bassiouni at home (which is something no one had ever dared to do before) and Dr. Bassiouni quite understood the situation and immediately contacted the relevant people, and before midday, Hisham had received the news of his appointment as an assistant lecturer in the department of general surgery.† (source)
- The warrant the judge signed authorized the TBI to search the Mouse's Tail for any evidence relevant to the murder of John Paul Tester.† (source)
- Please feel free to access relevant information on our network.† (source)
- But in other respects the sample is not representative in the sense that a modern Gallup Poll or survey questionnaire is designed to represent proportionately all the relevant groups in a given population.† (source)
- 'His name will be my name," she said, quoting the relevant passage, 'and his father's name my father's name.'† (source)
- "I assure you, your honor," Mark said quickly, "the ownership of the car is extremely relevant."† (source)
- Despair came over her, as it will when nobody around has any sexual relevance to you.† (source)
- The taste of the mice — a purely subjective factor and not in the least relevant to the experiment — was pleasing, if rather bland.† (source)
- Some who were eminent authorities in their disciplines, and were recognized as such by black authorities in the same disciplines, were told by students that their work was not relevant because they were not black.† (source)
- He knows about the low status of African religion, and he knows very well that this is a direct question to him about the relevance or otherwise of African religion.† (source)
- The darkness became at once more intimate and more hollow; the engine sounded different, a smooth, easy drone; budding limbs swelled up and swept with sudden speed through the last of the vivid light; the auto bored through the center of the darkness of the universe; its poring shafts of light, like an insect's antennae, feeling into distinctness every relevant small obstacle and ease of passage, and very little else.† (source)
You have to observe them while they are discussing something of relevance to their relationship.
relevance = importance (having a meaningful relation to the issue in question)
Not that any of it was particularly relevant here.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- Not that that is particularly relevant information. (source)
I don't believe it's relevant under the circumstances,
relevant = meaningful (to the issue in question)
We'll question the relevant staff one at a time.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- "There is only one relevant fact at this moment, sir," Vittoria said, "that being that in six hours that device is going to vaporize this entire complex." (source)
That's why the epidemic of suicide in Micronesia is so interesting and potentially relevant to the smoking problem.
relevant = relates in a meaningful way
Since the attacks in New York, he would say, every time a crime was committed by a Muslim, that person's faith was mentioned, regardless of its relevance.
relevance = meaningful relation to the issue in question
Our info is definitely relevant, but it's not like they'll find Pickett just with the night-vision picture, so we might have to split the reward with other people.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
But, as the Ministry has no authority to punish Hogwarts students for misdemeanors at school, Harry's behavior there is not relevant to this hearing.
relevant = of interest (meaningfully related)
I had a highly hypothetical conversation with the tip line, and they said that the reward is coming from the company, not the police, so it's up to the company to decide what is relevant, and that the reward would only be given out after they found Pickett.
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- ...but he didn't think it was relevant. (source)
- For their review of relevant chapters of the manuscript, and for their technical corrections and suggestions, I wish to thank... (source)
- For the past six weeks, all relevant television programs, newspaper reports, and radio broadcasts have been subject to government approval. (source)
And your question was relevant.
relevant = related in a meaningful way to the issue in question
They remembered a million useless things, a quarrel with a workmate, a hunt for a lost bicycle pump, the expression on a long-dead sister's face, the swirls of dust on a windy morning seventy years ago: but all the relevant facts were outside the range of their vision.
relevant = meaningful to the issue in question
The scientist of today is either a mixture of psychologist and inquisitor, studying with real ordinary minuteness the meaning of facial expressions, gestures, and tones of voice, and testing the truth-producing effects of drugs, shock therapy, hypnosis, and physical torture; or he is chemist, physicist, or biologist concerned only with such branches of his special subject as are relevant to the taking of life.
relevant = important or meaningful
I gestured, halfway between not my problem and not relevant.†
relevant = relating in a meaningful way to the issue in question
- But listen—don't tell me anything that's not relevant.† (source)
- "I didn't think it was relevant," replied Chuck.† (source)
- The winds were still many days from being relevant to his life.† (source)
- However...the far more relevant question is this: What is the Holy Grail?† (source)
- The significance of that adjective isn't immediately evident or relevant in itself.† (source)
- The church did not need to change, it simply needed to remind the world it was relevant!† (source)
- "Everywhere relevant," she said, "and the comments are amazing."† (source)
- We can continue relevant elements of this conversation there, please?† (source)
- But there's no question that it has a great deal of relevance to the teenage smoking issue.† (source)
- YE: Can I ...assume that you understand the relevant background?† (source)
- "They're at least as relevant as your propaganda lecture," Ishmael's mother replied.† (source)
- His time with her seems like a permanent part of him that no longer has any relevance, or currency.† (source)
- "Interesting, but not exactly relevant," he murmured after a moment.† (source)
- The madman's bizarre choice of words was starting to feel more relevant now.† (source)
- In this letter you'll put in absolutely everything you think is relevant.† (source)
- Another column featured users' own photos, posted according to relevance.† (source)
- Some were asked to speak on the relevance of the professional clergy to the religious vocation.† (source)
- There is only one building on that square that could possibly be relevant—the Almas Shrine Temple.† (source)
- The oddity seemed to have no relevance to the missing orb.† (source)
- We will be sending you a copy of our most recent issue, with a relevant editorial.† (source)
- I don't understand what makes them relevant.† (source)
- "According to my staff," she said, "it sounds like there is a much more relevant connection tonight.† (source)
- The knowledge felt distant, only vaguely relevant because it couldn't be true, not in its entirety.† (source)
- I assume we still have relevant media contacts.† (source)
- Not just dates and events, but also their relevance to today.† (source)
- Again, I fail to see the relevance— But Bellagrog smelled blood in the water.† (source)
- My client's interest in flora has no relevance in this matter.† (source)
- He covered the time period that seemed relevant to him.† (source)
- These are not the details that are relevant.† (source)
- All living creatures will be relevant to our forthcoming discussion, sir.† (source)
- Nothing bad, but not really relevant to the Chautauqua.† (source)
- "Oh, it's very relevant, Your Honor," he said loudly.† (source)
- Martin objected on the grounds of relevance, but the judge overruled him.† (source)
- As I said, for many, surnames were not relevant.† (source)
- All the relevant information is in his computer.† (source)
- Far beyond the relevant first contact point of the Horvath.† (source)
- We're looking at the blueprints for all the relevant offices and apartments.† (source)
- And I fail to see how that might be relevant to your investigation.† (source)
- That's possible, but it's not relevant, is it?† (source)
- Unless counsel can explain to us why this is relevant, it should not be admitted.† (source)
- Who knows what's relevant until it is or isn't?† (source)
- They write their own laws, within which concepts like right and wrong have ceased to be relevant.† (source)
- This is the Medusa material, the aspects of it that might in any way be relevant to Cain.† (source)
- The testimony was not relevant to the will contest.† (source)
- I'm not sure it's relevant at this point, but they know your name is not Jason Bourne.† (source)
- At trial, all testimony must be relevant.† (source)
- But if it's not relevant, let's get on with Zurich.† (source)
- "I fail to see the relevance," Judge Atlee replied, and Jake was not about to enlighten him.† (source)
- "How is this relevant, Mr. McLean?" the chairman asked.† (source)
- DRUMMOND (Reasonably) It has every relevance!† (source)
- "Not relevant," Lacey answers.† (source)
- Despite the age-old whispers—"All is revealed at the thirty-third degree"—Mal'akh had been told nothing new, nothing of relevance to his quest.† (source)
- "Maybe it wasn't relevant before, Tobias," Niles says, "but it is now that you've resisted answering the question.† (source)
- When you get back to England, take this letter to Michael in his London office and he will give you the relevant documents so you can access an account he has set up for me in your name.† (source)
- They were given a comprehensive, real-time map of the combat situation called the Common Relevant Operational Picture (CROP).† (source)
- 'Of course we are,' said Dumbledore, 'but the presence of Dementors in that alleyway is highly relevant.† (source)
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