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  • "I'm going," she said, redundantly.   (source)
    redundantly = even though it wasn't necessary (It was already know that she was going.)
  • A range of one thousand kilometers, which is redundant from our viewpoint   (source)
    redundant = more than is needed
  • Moody's grandfather wrote in belabored, redundant, didactic prose.   (source)
    redundant = repetitious (more than is needed)
  • "I'll make certain next time certainly," said Bourne, the redundancy intended,   (source)
    redundancy = repetition (more than is needed)
  • Any method of communication needs redundancy, or information can be lost.   (source)
    redundancy = a secondary component designed to work if the primary component fails
  • Indeed the dismal downpour made my intended visit to Niagara Falls seem redundant.   (source)
    redundant = more than is needed (by repeating one downpour with another)
  • [upon hearing the firehouse siren after the explosions] A little redundant, he thought. Still, there was no sound quite like a siren wailing its air-raid alarm to spur people to constructive action—or paralyze them in fear.   (source)
    redundant = more than is needed
  • I wont say hungry because to a woman ... below Mason's and Dixon's in this year of grace 1865, that word would be sheer redundancy, like saying that we were breathing.   (source)
    redundancy = more than is needed -- especially repeating ideas
  • And by hideous contrast, a redundant orator was making a speech to another gathering not thirty steps away, in fulsome laudation of "our glorious British liberties!"   (source)
  • a little man with a redundancy of gesture   (source)
    redundancy = more than is needed
  • He was a small, short, youngish man, sprinkled all over his face with freckles, and wearing redundant yellow hair.   (source)
  • with no redundancy in the shirt line   (source)
  • His boss had been muttering about possible redundancies for months.†   (source)
  • For redundancy, the supply probes had enough food to last the whole crew fifty-six days.†   (source)
  • "So I know some of this might be redundant," Josiah said, "but if it's okay we'd like to give you the full newcomer tour.†   (source)
  • There was, too, a negative inducement: childless or infertile or older women who were not married could take service in the Aunts and thereby escape redundancy, and consequent shipment to the infamous Colonies, which were composed of portable populations used mainly as expendable toxic-cleanup squads, though if lucky you could be assigned to less hazardous tasks, such as cotton picking and fruit harvesting.†   (source)
  • E'lir Kvothe's complaints are redundant.†   (source)
  • Later, dictating the tale into his cornlog, the Consul remembered it as a seamless whole, minus the pauses, hoarse voice, false starts, and small redundancies which were the timeless failings of human speech.†   (source)
  • Meaning that when we see a person suspended in the air, even briefly, he is one or more of the following: a superhero a ski jumper crazy (redundant if also number 2) fictional a circus act, departing a cannon suspended on wires an angel heavily symbolic Of course, just because we can't fly doesn't mean we don't dream of it.†   (source)
  • This approach is somewhat bulky and redundant, as every worker usually brings their own roll.†   (source)
  • The break, followed by the redundant announcement of labor, arched her back.†   (source)
  • Apparently, I was taking U.S. History again this year, which was the only history taught at Jackson, making the name redundant.†   (source)
  • They love redundancies.†   (source)
  • I know I'm being redundant and a little off topic here, but Phillip gave me this awful image of the world.†   (source)
  • Any other words would be redundant.†   (source)
  • When he came of age, he dropped the e at the end of his name, because he thought it redundant, like a skin tag.†   (source)
  • My gift's a little redundant.†   (source)
  • But the man had chosen first to ask the opinion of friends, with the result that one word after another was removed as superfluous or redundant, until at last the sign was reduced to Thompson's name and the picture of the hat.†   (source)
  • Isn't that redundant?†   (source)
  • The first adjective is redundant.†   (source)
  • It was just as I was on the dash to school and Vati said, "Georgia, I don't know if you have heard anything but there's been a lot of redundancies at my place."†   (source)
  • If any of these IV drips or other lifelines works loose or otherwise fails, an insistent alarm immediately alerts the handlers, and in spite of the existence of redundant systems, repairs are undertaken without delay.†   (source)
  • The declaration may be redundant, but it is harmless.†   (source)
  • If the gray drive goes out, which is pretty unlikely given the redundancy, it's going to have exactly the flight characteristics of a brick.†   (source)
  • To Vic it was so much redundancy; he knew in his guts that it had been Kemp.   (source)
  • But the kids claimed that within a few years it would be possible to generate an image so detailed that excavation would be redundant.   (source)
    redundant = unnecessary
  • Of course, the dropcops expected me to have redundant security, which is why they'd brought plasma welders.   (source)
    redundant = more than would normally be needed
  • Redundant sterilization procedures:   (source)
    redundant = done a second time in a second way in case the first technique did not work
  • At the risk of being redundant, I return to my original proposition.
  • Cavalletto dropped on one knee, and implored him, with a redundancy of gesticulation, to hear what had brought himself into such foul company.   (source)
    redundancy = more than is needed
  • I doubt if Jeffrey Archer ever got made redundant from toasting teacakes.†   (source)
  • A quick analysis will show some redundancy here.†   (source)
  • Hermes has four redundant flight computers, each connected to three redundant comm systems.†   (source)
  • Being made redundant can change people's lives, Lou.†   (source)
  • The canvas I stole from it has valve apertures (triple-redundant ones, actually).†   (source)
  • Between the Hab components and the rover, I'll have two redundant life support systems.†   (source)
  • The orbital maneuvering system has three redundant thrusters.†   (source)
  • Which means that NASA is looking at becoming very extremely redundant very extremely fast.†   (source)
  • I'm pretty sure the rest of us are redundant.†   (source)
  • Was at redundancy that Mike nibbled, with perfect patience of machine.†   (source)
  • I consider this a redundancy in the Constitution.†   (source)
  • I'm pretty sure the rest of us are redundant.†   (source)
  • One thing about this whole thing is I'm feeling sort of...redundant.†   (source)
  • Triple redundancy on all the...I guess you'd call it legacy stuff.†   (source)
  • As always, the two redundant holographic backup units hummed safely within their temperature-controlled vault.†   (source)
  • It's a redundancy.†   (source)
  • Both of her lab's holographic drives were synchronized and identical—serving as redundant backups to safeguard identical copies of her work.†   (source)
  • The timer had three redundant firing circuits, and all went off within a millisecond of one another, sending a signal down the detonator wires.†   (source)
  • The Consul remembered his first glimpse of the kilometer-long treeship as he closed for rendezvous, the treeship's details blurred by the redundant machine and erg-generated containment fields which surrounded it like a spherical mist, but its leafy bulk clearly ablaze with thousands of lights which shone softly through leaves and thin-walled environment pods, or along countless platforms, bridges, command decks, stairways, and bowers.†   (source)
  • It was not dangerous—the environmental control systems had as many built-in redundancies as the Space Shuttle—just a nuisance.†   (source)
  • Management had called a series of meetings at the furniture factory for the end of that week, and Dad was convinced that he would be among those made redundant.†   (source)
  • The MAV has three redundant methods of communicating with Earth, but they're all extremely directed and are designed for line-of-sight communication.†   (source)
  • Wouldn't that be redundant?†   (source)
  • Likewise, he is pierced by redundant intravenous-drip lines, one in each arm and one in his left thigh, through which he receives life-sustaining nourishment, a balance of fluids, and a variety of drugs as his handlers see fit to administer them.†   (source)
  • Two months before our birth, Thomas Stone published a letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal describing the extraordinary length and redundancy of the colon of many Ethiopians, which he believed explained why it so readily twisted on itself—a condition called sigmoid volvulus.†   (source)
  • Redundant.†   (source)
  • But he answered in his even, unhurried drawl, "You know, Dr. Stadler once said that the first word of 'Free, scientific inquiry' was redundant.†   (source)
  • Where shares one, that's its link, one direction or both—but one is enough for a multipli-redundant communication net.†   (source)
  • All three report it—redundancy, necessary to any communication system—but follow Egbert's yell for help.†   (source)
  • I conjecture that the monosyllabic form could be confused with the causation inquiry monosyllable through insufficient redundancy and without intention of punning.†   (source)
  • There are two redundant back-ups that can get this thing down safely in up to a three-gravity environment from within the well.†   (source)
  • That's sort of a redundancy and an understatement at the same time, isn't it?†   (source)
  • This clergyman later described himself—redundantly it seemed—as an Episcopalian Bishop.†   (source)
  • Which—to mention it—is redundancy too, like the breathing or the need of ammunition.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Trenor was a tall fair woman, whose height just saved her from redundancy.†   (source)
  • But by way of redundancy, we shall have someone lend you support.†   (source)
  • "Well, it's only a bit of fun," he said to himself, faintly conscious that to common sense there was something lacking, and still more obviously something redundant in the nature of this girl who had drawn him to her which made it necessary that he should assert mere sportiveness on his part as his reason in seeking her—something in her quite antipathetic to that side of him which had been occupied with literary study and the magnificent Christminster dream.†   (source)
  • They were just beneath the wide white facade, with its rich restraint of line, which suggested the clever corseting of a redundant figure.†   (source)
  • Was it Hafiz[445] or Firdousi[446] that said of his Persian Lilla, "She was an elemental force, and astonished me by her amount of life, when I saw her day after day radiating, every instant, redundant joy and grace on all around her.†   (source)
  • "Our liturgy," observed Crawford, "has beauties, which not even a careless, slovenly style of reading can destroy; but it has also redundancies and repetitions which require good reading not to be felt.†   (source)
  • Bathsheba had too much sense to mind seriously what her servitors said about her; but too much womanly redundance of speech to leave alone what was said till it died the natural death of unminded things.†   (source)
  • I looked at my pupil, who did not at first appear to notice me: she was quite a child, perhaps seven or eight years old, slightly built, with a pale, small-featured face, and a redundancy of hair falling in curls to her waist.†   (source)
  • She looked redundant with life, health, and energy; all of which attributes were bound down and compressed, as it were and girdled tensely, in their luxuriance, by her virgin zone.†   (source)
  • He accepted him as rather a brilliant personage of the amateurish kind, afflicted with a redundancy of leisure which it amused him to work off in little refinements of conversation.†   (source)
  • Ralph spent several terms at an American school and took a degree at an American university, after which, as he struck his father on his return as even redundantly native, he was placed for some three years in residence at Oxford.†   (source)
  • The warmly cool, clear, ringing, perfumed, overflowing, redundant days, were as crystal goblets of Persian sherbet, heaped up—flaked up, with rose-water snow.†   (source)
  • It was one of those days in Central Park when there's a distilled sense of perception, a spareness, every line firm and unredundant, and the leaves were beginning to turn, the dogwoods and sumacs, and nothing was wasted or went unseen.†   (source)
    standard prefix: The prefix "un-" in unredundant means not and reverses the meaning of redundant. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
  • Neither does the appearance of a redundant /s/ in such words as /towards/, /downwards/, /afterwards/ and /heavenwards/.†   (source)
  • Lardner gives various redundant combinations of /should/ and /ought/, as in "I don't feel as if I /should ought to/ leave" and "they /should not ought to/ of had."†   (source)
  • By an Order in Council, passed in 1890, the use of the redundant /u/ in such words as /honor/ and /labor/ is official in Canada, but practically all the Canadian newspapers omit it.†   (source)
  • Schele de Vere, in 1871, recorded the degeneration of the name to /Smack Cover/; the Postoffice, always eager to shorten and simplify names, has since made one word of it and got rid of the redundant /c/.†   (source)
  • For example, it recommends the use of /jail/ and /jailer/ in place [Pg257] of the English /gaol/ and /gaoler/, says that /ax/ is better than /axe/, drops the final /e/ from /asphalte/ and /forme/, changes the /y/ to /i/ in /cyder/, /cypher/ and /syren/ and advocates the same change in /tyre/, drops the redundant /t/ from /nett/, changes /burthen/ to /burden/, spells /wagon/ with one /g/, prefers /fuse/ to /fuze/, and takes the /e/ out of /storey/.†   (source)
  • e./, who spell phonetically and logically—he made an almost complete sweep of whole classes of silent letters—the /u/ in the /-our/ words, the final /e/ in /determine/ and /requisite/, the silent /a/ in /thread/, /feather/ and /steady/, the silent /b/ in /thumb/, the /s/ in /island/, the /o/ in /leopard/, and the redundant consonants in /traveler/, /wagon/, /jeweler/, etc. (English: /traveller/, /waggon/, /jeweller/).†   (source)
  • It is allowed, that senates and great councils are often troubled with redundant, ebullient, and other peccant humours; with many diseases of the head, and more of the heart; with strong convulsions, with grievous contractions of the nerves and sinews in both hands, but especially the right; with spleen, flatus, vertigos, and deliriums; with scrofulous tumours, full of fetid purulent matter; with sour frothy ructations: with canine appetites, and crudeness of digestion, besides many others, needless to mention.†   (source)
  • thought he might, at least, endeavour to disarm her, or rather to confine her arms; in doing which her cap fell off in the struggle, and her hair being too short to reach her shoulders, erected itself on her head; her stays likewise, which were laced through one single hole at the bottom, burst open; and her breasts, which were much more redundant than her hair, hung down below her middle; her face was likewise marked with the blood of her husband: her teeth gnashed with rage; and fire, such as sparkles from a smith's forge, darted from her eyes.†   (source)
  • The declaration itself, though it may be chargeable with tautology or redundancy, is at least perfectly harmless.†   (source)
  • his head
    Crested aloft, and carbuncle his eyes;
    With burnished neck of verdant gold, erect
    Amidst his circling spires, that on the grass
    Floated redundant: pleasing was his shape
    And lovely; never since of serpent-kind
    Lovelier, not those that in Illyria changed,
    Hermione and Cadmus, or the god
    In Epidaurus; nor to which transformed
    Ammonian Jove, or Capitoline, was seen;
    He with Olympias; this with her who bore
    Scipio, the highth of Rome.†   (source)
  • This I consider as a mere redundancy in the plan, as the right for which it provides would result of itself from the office.†   (source)
  • Come, thou jolly substance, with thy shining face, keep back thy inspiration, but hold forth thy tempting rewards; thy shining, chinking heap; thy quickly convertible bank-bill, big with unseen riches; thy often-varying stock; the warm, the comfortable house; and, lastly, a fair portion of that bounteous mother, whose flowing breasts yield redundant sustenance for all her numerous offspring, did not some too greedily and wantonly drive their brethren from the teat.†   (source)
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