proscribein a sentence
Abortion is proscribed by the church.
proscribed = forbidden or condemned
They were proscribed as outlaws.
proscribed = condemned
The behavior is proscribed.
proscribed = forbidden
- If I've told him once I've told him a hundred times: Carpets are defined as a Muggle Artifact by the Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects, but will he listen?† (source)
- The gate proscribed the entry of other realities: our father, Ken LaSalle (though not Mary Carson, who came in his inquisitive way and said to me, "It's just you and Ty now, I guess.† (source)
- It also saw the wisdom of returning to the pre-Napoleonic concepts of small, "nontotal" wars with defined goals and proscribed excesses.† (source)
- He knows every lyric and vocal inflection of countless tunes-about violence or romance, about fearless men and sexhungry women-songs that are a fixture of his proscribed, secondhand life back home.† (source)
- Soon he was proscribing parts of salutations and signatures and leaving the text untouched.† (source)
- Except for proscribed midterm holidays, prolonged trips to Calgary grew less and less frequent.† (source)
- They would enter proscribed areas without permits, use Whites Only facilities such as toilets, Whites Only railway compartments, waiting rooms, and post office entrances.† (source)
- The Warrior's Sons were proscribed three hundred years ago.† (source)
- In addition to that, Prof's exile has no legal existence as the government that proscribed him no longer exists and a competent court has taken notice—that was more expensive.† (source)
show 38 more with this conextual meaning
- 'Well,' he said, defensively, ' you two are proscribed as outlaws, so neither of you can go.'† (source)
- It crucifies because, according to the Koran, crucifixion is one of the proscribed punishments for the enemies of Islam.† (source)
- Teachers don't have time to analyze each dilemma, so they group the kids with proscribed curricula.† (source)
- They had not been broken by the crash of empires, the machetes of revolting slaves, war, rebellion, proscription, confiscation.† (source)
- He knows too well that it leads to still greater sufferings, to proscription, to the last renunciation, perhaps to the scaffold, and even though the enticement of immortality lies at the journey's end, he is still unwilling to suffer all these sufferings and to die all these deaths.† (source)
- Here, too, were many of that old, proscribed, nameless, red-handed clan of the Macgregors.† (source)
- Ralph had usually treated it facetiously; but present circumstances proscribed the facetious.† (source)
- Charles Evremonde, called Darnay, in right of such proscription, absolutely Dead in Law.† (source)
- It seems that we must always have something to proscribe!† (source)
- Later on, fatal circumstance, in London, proscribed by all, Barthelemy slew Cournet.† (source)
- He had been proscribed, a wanderer, poor.† (source)
- Draw lines of crime, of incompetency, of vice, as tightly and uncompromisingly as you will, for these things must be proscribed; but a color-line not only does not accomplish this purpose, but thwarts it.† (source)
- Altogether, I had a fair chance to see some of the inner workings of a Highland clan; and this with a proscribed, fugitive chief; his country conquered; the troops riding upon all sides in quest of him, sometimes within a mile of where he lay; and when the least of the ragged fellows whom he rated and threatened, could have made a fortune by betraying him.† (source)
- Here, amid a wide desert of caste and proscription, amid the heart-hurting slights and jars and vagaries of a deep race-dislike, lies this green oasis, where hot anger cools, and the bitterness of disappointment is sweetened by the springs and breezes of Parnassus; and here men may lie and listen, and learn of a future fuller than the past, and hear the voice of Time: "Entbehren sollst du, sollst entbehren."† (source)
- And when, by proscription and prejudice, these same Negroes are classed with and treated like the lowest of their people, simply because they are Negroes, such a policy not only discourages thrift and intelligence among black men, but puts a direct premium on the very things you complain of,—inefficiency and crime.† (source)
- To have committed no fault, and yet to be so entirely alone in the world; to be separated from the only persons he loved, and to be proscribed like a criminal, when six months ago he had been surrounded by every comfort, and looked up to, as the chief hope of his family—this was hard to bear.† (source)
- After which, I was hunted down, pursued, persecuted, blackened, jeered at, scorned, cursed, proscribed.† (source)
- Suspected and Denounced enemy of the Republic, Aristocrat, one of a family of tyrants, one of a race proscribed, for that they had used their abolished privileges to the infamous oppression of the people.† (source)
- Having aroused the enmity of the Sultan, he was proscribed and put to death by treachery in 1822, at the age of eighty.† (source)
- A proscribed fugitive, with a price upon his head; a fester and a wound upon the noble character of the Coketown operative!† (source)
- But in a fatal moment, yielding to those propensities and passions, the indulgence of which had so long rendered him a scourge to society, he had quitted his haven of rest and repentance, and had come back to the country where he was proscribed.† (source)
- They both then disappeared behind the drapery, and many moments of suspense succeeded, during which the old man, secretly urged by a burning desire to know the meaning of so much mystery, insensibly drew nigh to the place, until he stood within a few yards of the proscribed spot.† (source)
- I am surprised that in our days, in this century of enlightenment, anyone should still persist in proscribing an intellectual relaxation that is inoffensive, moralising, and sometimes even hygienic; is it not, doctor?† (source)
- I do not hesitate to say that most of the maxims commonly called democratic in France would be proscribed by the democracy of the United States.† (source)
- By the time Paul and the trapper saw fit to terminate the fresh bursts of merriment, which the continued abstraction of their learned companion did not fail to excite, he commenced breathing again, as if the suspended action of his lungs had been renewed by the application of a pair of artificial bellows, and was heard to make use of the ever afterwards proscribed term, on that solitary occasion, to which we have just alluded.† (source)
- Why, my dear boy, when a man has been proscribed by the mountaineers, has escaped from Paris in a hay-cart, been hunted over the plains of Bordeaux by Robespierre's bloodhounds, he becomes accustomed to most things.† (source)
- He proscribes with the same rigor all ornaments for the hair used by the female sex, as well as their custom of having the arms and neck uncovered.† (source)
- The only apparent fruits of the adventure in which they had been engaged, were occasional upliftings of the eyes, on the part of the Doctor, which were mistaken by the observers for some of his scientific contemplations of the heavens, but which, in reality, were no other than furtive glances at the fluttering walls of the proscribed tent.† (source)
- "But it is very strange—now, at least, is it not very strange"—said Defarge, rather pleading with his wife to induce her to admit it, "that, after all our sympathy for Monsieur her father, and herself, her husband's name should be proscribed under your hand at this moment, by the side of that infernal dog's who has just left us?"† (source)
- "True," replied the marquise, without wincing in the slightest degree at the tragic remembrance thus called up; "but bear in mind, if you please, that our respective parents underwent persecution and proscription from diametrically opposite principles; in proof of which I may remark, that while my family remained among the stanchest adherents of the exiled princes, your father lost no time in joining the new government; and that while the Citizen Noirtier was a Girondin, the Count Noirtier became a senator."† (source)
Mine speak of seventy Senators that died
By their proscriptions, Cicero being one.
(source)proscriptions = condemnations
That by proscription and bills of outlawry
Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus
Have put to death an hundred Senators. (source)proscription = condemnation
Was it because it was so wonderful to discover something on this island that was free—something unproscribed by God, Moses, or the Methodist conference?†
standard prefix: The prefix "un-" in unproscribed means not and reverses the meaning of proscribed. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
- The business of writing English, in his day, was unharassed by the proscriptions of purists, and so the vocabulary could be enriched more facilely than today, but though Shakespeare and his fellow-dramatists quickly adopted such neologisms as /to bustle/, /to huddle/, /bump/, /hubbub/ and /pat/, it goes without saying that they exercised a sound discretion and that the slang of the Bankside was full of words and phrases which they were never tempted to use.† (source)
- of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud (Mischna and Ghemara), Massor, Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, Garland of Howth, Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto (S. Mary's Abbey) and masshouse (Adam and Eve's tavern): the proscription of their national costumes in penal laws and jewish dress acts: the restoration in Chanah David of Zion and the possibility of Irish political autonomy or devolution.† (source)
Cicero is dead,
And by that order of proscription.† (source)
- What would have been the consequence, if such persons, by residence or otherwise, had acquired the character of citizens under the laws of another State, and then asserted their rights as such, both to residence and citizenship, within the State proscribing them?† (source)
So you thought him;
And took his voice who should be pricked to die,
In our black sentence and proscription. (source)proscription = condemnation to death
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