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  • It took only a few seconds to peruse my limited options.†   (source)
  • Perusing the classified ads, McCandless found a used gun to buy, a semiautomatic .22-caliber Remington with a 4-x-20 scope and a plastic stock.†   (source)
  • Glen was a little surprised Claude hadn't commented on those little cans the night he'd perused the pharmacy.†   (source)
  • For as a single volume, it had the density of a dictionary or Bible—those books that one expects to consult, or possibly peruse, but never read.†   (source)
  • The remaining girls peruse the jewelry and choose what they want.†   (source)
  • I found a thousand small tasks to do—attending to the luggage labels, buying coffee, perusing newspapers, going to the loo—all of which meant that I didn't have to look at him.†   (source)
  • Langdon had been so eager to peruse some of the great thinker's ideas that he had forgotten one of the man's numerous artistic talents was an ability to write in a mirrored script that was virtually illegible to anyone other than himself.†   (source)
  • Uncle Vernon was perusing the letter again.†   (source)
  • The children agreed, and for thirty minutes or so they perused several cookbooks that Justice Strauss recommended.†   (source)
  • She moved on to perusing the rest of the image.†   (source)
  • Linda reached into her bag and pulled out a Teen magazine, which she spread open on her towel and began to peruse with concentration.†   (source)
  • It says here,' Alex said, perusing the police report, 'that there was some contention when Detective Chisholm read you your rights?†   (source)
  • It is that dine in the spring term when the minds of the Grade 13 girls are elsewhere, and I reminded them that—yesterday—we had not traveled sufficiently far in our perusal of Chapter Three of The Great Gatsby; that the class had bogged down in a mire of interpretations regarding the "quality of eternal reassurance" in Gatsby's smile; and that we'd wasted more valuable time trying to grasp the meaning of Jordan Baker exhibiting "an urban distaste for the concrete."†   (source)
  • "This sucks," she says, perusing her jewelry.†   (source)
  • The Vogon perused them.†   (source)
  • But after perusing the log— running a heavy forefinger down the column of dates —he didn't seem inclined to go in and get it off the shelf for me.†   (source)
  • The librarian looked at me through the side of her eye, as if she kept tabs on whoever perused those books.†   (source)
  • If you can find your name on that list, you are welcome to peruse the stacks at your leisure.†   (source)
  • The general picks up a page from the folder and peruses it.†   (source)
  • He is too harried, at first, to sit on the grass in Old Campus as the other students do, perusing their course catalogues, playing Frisbee, getting to know one another among the verdigris-covered statues of robed, seated men.†   (source)
  • He peruses his schedule on the computer and is dismayed to see overbooks—squeezes, as the doctors call them—inserted into his time slots all week.†   (source)
  • Lieutenant Rahms left his perusal of the stove and nodded to the notary.†   (source)
  • She perused the perfectly ordinary menu selections with a feeling of stupefaction.†   (source)
  • Momma looked up from the tract she had been perusing while she drank her Constant Comment.†   (source)
  • As she perused it her eyebrows raised, but she said nothing.†   (source)
  • At night, when the boat was anchored and most of the passengers walked the decks in despair, he perused the illustrated novels he knew almost by heart under the carbide lamp in the dining room, which was the only one kept burning until dawn, and the dramas he had read so often regained their original magic when he replaced the imaginary protagonists with people he knew in real life, reserving for himself and Fermina Daza the roles of star-crossed lovers.†   (source)
  • "Look here, they have yoga," Wendy later said as they perused the schedule of classes at the club.†   (source)
  • Abby sat between him and Jordan, perusing a neon-green handout.†   (source)
  • Mr. Ferro perused my effort.†   (source)
  • During this time, I also spent many minutes examining the road atlas, and perusing also the relevant volumes of Mrs Jane Symons' The Wonder of England.†   (source)
  • Really just kind of perusing the crowd, you know, as I was walking around socializing.†   (source)
  • As Bob tended the stew, Damasen perused his drying racks, plucking various leaves and roots.†   (source)
  • The newspaper's open in front of me at the property section and I carelessly pick it up to peruse expensive houses.†   (source)
  • One day, though, as I perused some literature about saving the coastline, it was just the two of us.†   (source)
  • She left a note which I have enclosed for your perusal.†   (source)
  • And then, in a moment, she would lift her head and ignore him, as if he were a book she had glanced through and found too uninteresting for further perusal.†   (source)
  • He spent the next half hour perusing useless information.†   (source)
  • This was not a publication Richard normally perused.†   (source)
  • 'What are you shushing him for?' asked Kid Sampson, peeling a tangerine with his front teeth as he perused the dog-eared pages of a comic book.†   (source)
  • Manolo Blahnik flip-flops, I know from myVogue perusing, can cost upward of six hundred dollars.†   (source)
  • Sinking to the floor, I perused it idly, my eyes stopping at the description of a nasr.†   (source)
  • He walked down the hall to the Chancery Clerk's office with the thought of perusing old divorce files but other lawyers were sniffing around.†   (source)
  • But after finishing the letter, Jefferson had second thoughts and sent it on to Madison in Philadelphia—"open for your perusal"—so that if anything he had written "should render the delivery of it ineligible in your opinion, you may return it to me."†   (source)
  • Mrs. Collins perused my file.†   (source)
  • Spiro peruses the folio.†   (source)
  • She ended this deep perusal by tying a green ribbon in her hair.†   (source)
  • Lavier held it out for Jason's perusal.†   (source)
  • Xaro perused the fruits on the platter Jhiqui offered him and chose a persimmon.†   (source)
  • This map was smuggled out to the movement with instructions to destroy it immediately after it was perused.†   (source)
  • Herter perused it quickly and handed it back to her.†   (source)
  • Finally, tired of smuggling it into the bathroom for swift perusals, and weary of his deceit, and haunted by the fear that his mother would find the magazine, Jerry had sneaked it out of the house and dropped it into a catchbasin.†   (source)
  • She put down the folder with the correspondence she had been perusing.†   (source)
  • I perused the local police reports describing how she had been found by two twelve-year-old boys who had skipped school to fish and smoke cigarettes down by the riverside.†   (source)
  • Let me now offer my appreciation to the director of that museum, who most generously opened display cases and let me peruse the collection.†   (source)
  • "I happened to be perusing The Acts of Taradas and Other Mysteries of Occult Phenomena as Recorded Throughout the Ages of Men, Dwarves, and the Most Ancient Elves when—".†   (source)
  • Margot hands him the form and he peruses it quickly.†   (source)
  • Year after year, plainly, all seven scrapbooks stood ready to be perused or pored over by old close friends of the family and casual visitors alike, as well as, presumably, the odd part-time cleaning woman.†   (source)
  • Corrine kept up her perusal of me.†   (source)
  • HAMLET, with his doublet all unbraced, no hat upon his head, his stockings fouled, ungartered and downgyved to his ankle, pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other ...and with a look so piteous, he takes her by the wrist and holds her hard, then he goes to the length of his arm, and with his other hand over his brow, falls to such perusal of her face as he would draw it.... At last, with a little shaking of his arm, and thrice his head waving up and down, he raises a sigh so piteous and profound that it does seem to shatter all his bulk and end his being.†   (source)
  • He peruses, then signs, stamps or rejects them.†   (source)
  • Even the most casual perusal of the subject would tell you that.†   (source)
  • He writes under this date: "I have observed that a Reader seldom peruses a Book with Pleasure 'till he knows whether the Writer of it be a black or fair Man, of a mild or cholerick Disposition, Married or a Batchelor, with other Particulars of the like Nature, that conduce very much to the right Understanding of an Author.†   (source)
  • Kubera returned with Yama; and while Yama thought, Kubera perused his master-tapes index, which he had set up when experimenting with the first probe-machines.†   (source)
  • The style, however, as now can be seen, continues to possess an unruffled, wryly sardonic, self-anatomizing quality which Gide might have admired had he ever been able to peruse these humiliated pages: I might be tipped off to what is going on when we get into the taxi after Gage & Tollner's.†   (source)
  • Soon after finishing the perusal of this description, he took his departure,   (source)
  • Ron asked Hermione, who was perusing the Evening Prophet.†   (source)
  • Trish perused the list of search strings, and her eyes grew wide.†   (source)
  • He pulled the newspaper toward him and perused the article about Snape.†   (source)
  • I left as Mrs. Baez picked up the folder and began to peruse it.†   (source)
  • Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader.†   (source)
  • He took refuge in perusing the letter again.†   (source)
  • He'd seen the name in a letter perused and discarded while searching for letters from Brooks.†   (source)
  • We've arrived back at his house after spending eight hours walking and perusing junk.†   (source)
  • Sophia was still perusing the menu as well.†   (source)
  • Jeremy spent the next couple of hours perusing information on the town.†   (source)
  • He looked up as Jennifer slid the pages toward him and took a moment to peruse them.†   (source)
  • Sitting in my office, I was perusing the first page when I noticed Jane standing in the doorway.†   (source)
  • He found it on the clipboard, and a quick perusal gave him all the information he needed.†   (source)
  • Pick out your five favorite paintings and bring a full sketch pad for me to peruse tomorrow.†   (source)
  • The judge continued: "Now, Mr. Brigance has copies of the First Inventory for your perusal.†   (source)
  • Downstairs, my dad was finishing his dinner, perusing the sports section.†   (source)
  • He perused the Tribune and sipped at a mug of coffee.†   (source)
  • Quentin rose from the bed, stretching and yawning, and again perused my work.†   (source)
  • There aren't that many books to peruse, are there?†   (source)
  • My perusal of my beautiful captive was interrupted when Corrine cleared her throat.†   (source)
  • Jeremy began nursing his coffee while perusing yesterday's newspaper.†   (source)
  • "Wow," said Max, perusing the much shorter list and widening his eyes as he came to the last name.†   (source)
  • When he got back, Nate was perusing the menu.†   (source)
  • The girls perused the fashions, while the boys lusted after the hunting and sports equipment.†   (source)
  • Free from all fear, Jose Arcadio Segundo dedicated himself then to peruse the manuscripts of Melquiades many times, and with so much more pleasure when he could not understand them.†   (source)
  • After perusing these, he would give a little disbelieving shake of his head, a low "Hmmp" of satisfaction, and sometimes say under his breath, "Isn't that something?"†   (source)
  • On the step, he perused the mud that had dried as a crusty sheet on his uniform, then looked Liesel hopelessly in the face.†   (source)
  • Hobie had said, blinking delightedly in the glare of his work lamp, when I went downstairs and informed him of my big sale (a silver teapot, in my version; I didn't want to make it seem like I'd outright robbed the woman, and besides I knew he was uninterested in what he called the smalls, which I'd come to realize through my perusal of antiques hooks formed a huge part of the inventory of the store).†   (source)
  • He had a funny notion that he would find a chapter on compliments when he found time to peruse his copy of Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches; he caught Ginny's eye and grinned at her before remembering his promise to Ron and hurriedly striking up a conversation with Monsieur Delacour.†   (source)
  • One hour later at table ten of the Boyarsky, with menus perused and orders placed, Sofia looked to the Count expectantly—as it was his turn to play first in Zut.†   (source)
  • "Here," said Jace, in a tone so smug that Isabelle and Alec wandered over from their perusal of the bookcase to see what was going on.†   (source)
  • The pages carrying Harry's interview had been bewitched to resemble extracts from textbooks if anyone but themselves read it, or else wiped magically blank until they wanted to peruse it again.†   (source)
  • For the first time in months, he perused the old pictures of his parents, smiling and waving up at him from the images, which were all he had left of them now.†   (source)
  • He pretended to be perusing a page of Asiatic Anti-Venoms, because he did not want to say what was in his mind.†   (source)
  • They were in what seemed to be a crowded reception area where rows of witches and wizards sat upon rickety wooden chairs, some looking perfectly normal and perusing out-of-date copies of Witch Weekly, others sporting gruesome disfigurements such as elephant trunks or extra hands sticking out of their chests.†   (source)
  • Neither Daddy nor Mom (on those rare occasions she's around to peruse progress reports) pays particular notice to stuff sent home from school.†   (source)
  • As he perused the shelves, he wondered idly what he was going to do with the kids in the afternoon and decided to take them for a bike ride.†   (source)
  • After washing the dishes, his father would migrate to the living room and peruse farm reports, while Paul immersed himself in books.†   (source)
  • Lucia ordered for the group, perusing the menu with an authoritative air and inquiring about several dishes before making her final choices.†   (source)
  • Within the embassy's fence, crowds of humans milled about, perusing tables and tents where merchants plied their wares.†   (source)
  • A quick perusal showed the Stingray was owned by a defenseman for the Carolina Hurricanes, and she made a mental note to discuss the matter with Tuck's estate lawyer.†   (source)
  • There was a simple reason for my having taken to perusing such works; it was an extremely efficient way to maintain and develop one's command of the English language.†   (source)
  • Sweat trickled down Max's neck as the demon perused sheet after sheet of alphabets and writing exercises.†   (source)
  • She schemed and planned in the library while pretending to peruse the bookshelves, and she'd done those things after he'd taken time out of his busy day to drive her there.†   (source)
  • While Angela and Wyrden perused the runes with avid intensity, Arya walked over to one of the archways and, in an undertone, began to chant a spell for finding and locating.†   (source)
  • It was a fixer-upper, just in need of a little TLC, she told us, as she spread out pictures for us to peruse, and she and Wally had been talking about buying a place at the beach.†   (source)
  • The floor swayed like the floating raft at the beach and the stitches on the inside of his thigh bit into his flesh like fine sets of fish teeth as he limped across the aisle to peruse the name on the temperature card on the foot of Dunbar's bed, but sure enough, Dunbar was right: he was not Dunbar any more but Second Lieutenant Anthony F. Fortiori.†   (source)
  • I can still remember times when I'd be perusing trusts or wills in my den, and she'd slip through the door.†   (source)
  • By forty-one, she'd become concerned about their relationship and had started perusing the self-help section of the bookstore, looking for titles that might advise her on how to improve their marriage, and she sometimes found herself looking forward to the future when things might slow down.†   (source)
  • Tanner perused the file again.†   (source)
  • Quentin perused the map.†   (source)
  • "I see," said Max, perusing the room.†   (source)
  • It was in those days, then, prompted by my natural admiration for the lady, that I had first taken to perusing her volumes in the library whenever I had an odd moment.†   (source)
  • Earlier that day, at the library, she'd perused the Boston Globe online at one of the computers and had come across Gladys Feldman's obituary.†   (source)
  • For the next hour—while we perused the catering menu over coffee and listened to the music floating up from downstairs—I noticed her eyes occasionally on my face in a way that felt almost unfamiliar.†   (source)
  • Dear Mr. Queen, As one of our most valued EZ Products customers, please find enclosed our latest innovation for your perusal.†   (source)
  • As he perused the pages, he saw that the headings were in rich black ink and the handwritten passages were not suffering from any of the curious fading that had so disturbed Tweedy.†   (source)
  • He sipped from a bottle of water as he perused a clipboard, not bothering to look up as they entered.†   (source)
  • He popped the tapes out, perused the topography maps, and calculated the distance from Riker's Hill to the river.†   (source)
  • Several thousand spectators clapped and chattered with one another as they perused little programs and matched names and numbers to faces.†   (source)
  • They spent the next two hours exploring the village green, climbing a bronze statue of a man on horseback and perusing the names on the granite headstones in a small cemetery.†   (source)
  • The next two diaries he perused—both written during the 1920s—were largely personal accounts as well.†   (source)
  • Max sat down to take a breather, perusing some of the spines before him: Great Works of the Nineteenth Century, Art of the Baroque, Secret Techniques of the Old Masters, Dada and Surrealism, The Genius of Rembrandt, Hidden Symbols of Bernini, A Renaissance of Art and Man, Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century, The Postmodern Dilemma ..."David," Max hissed, overwhelmed by the thick books and unfamiliar names.†   (source)
  • With just enough light to spill shadows through the room, he perused the books that had been stacked on top of the mantel before remembering the satchel.†   (source)
  • According to the stone tablet of administrative procedure, I should first have presented a complaint to Mrs. Brown, who would refer it to Mr. Sedgwick, who would mull over it for several weeks, then submit it for perusal by the antique Bennington, who would eventually and very timorously lay it on the tabernacle of Piedmont's desk.†   (source)
  • I had worked for an hour or two and perused the pages of old books.†   (source)
  • She mentioned its name, and I started slightly, remembering my perusal of theDaily Blare .†   (source)
  • Its significance and the earnestness behind it might escape the reader on a casual perusal.†   (source)
  • back a rope of lank iron-colored hair with the other and not looking at the letter like she was reading it even if she could have, but swooping at it, blazing down at it as if she knew she would have only a second to read it in, only a second for it to remain intact in after her eyes would touch it, before it took fire and so would not be perused but consumed, leaving her sitting there with a black crumbling blank carbon ash in her hand.†   (source)
  • Occasionally he would snatch one up and peruse it for a little while, but he soon threw it down with the suggestion that it was entirely too heavy for an ordinary mind to digest.†   (source)
  • I hereby endow you with them I Take them, peruse them — commit them to memory, even 1 I think it's wonderfully fitting that Belle Reve should finally be this bunch of old papers in your big, capable hands!†   (source)
  • "I write this down" he said in the journal, "with what truthfulness a sinner may attain unto, that if ever pride is in me, of flesh or spirit, I can peruse these pages and know with shame what evil has been in me, and may be in me, for who knows what breeze may blow upon the charred log and fan up flame again?"†   (source)
  • Then another perusal of Milly's letter roused his courage.†   (source)
  • A slip of paper was in his hand, and he was in the very act of perusing its contents.†   (source)
  • The sentences touched him now as much as when he had first perused them.†   (source)
  • "Would it not be better to peruse it alone..." later asked the prince, nervously.†   (source)
  • Shall I give you something I have written and put by for your perusal, or shall I hold my hand?'†   (source)
  • This book I had again and again perused with delight.†   (source)
  • So I snuffed the candle and resumed the perusal of "Marmion."†   (source)
  • Widely different was the effect of a second perusal.†   (source)
  • I have tried to peruse and learn all my life; but the more I try to know the more ignorant I seem.†   (source)
  • Mont-Fitchet took the letter from his Superior, and was about to peruse it.†   (source)
  • Hence people who began by beholding him ended by perusing him.†   (source)
  • Something told him that he could not peruse that letter in the presence of that body.†   (source)
  • — and then entered on the perusal of Mrs. Micawber's epistle.†   (source)
  • "Mr. Jarndyce," he said, looking off it, "you have perused this?"†   (source)
  • She cast her eyes again over the note to peruse it a second time, and saw there was a postscript.†   (source)
  • When he had ended the perusal, he folded the letter and resumed his pensive attitude.†   (source)
  • She opens it for him and puts it out for his perusal.†   (source)
  • Mary perused it in silence, and returned it to her brother.†   (source)
  • But it would be cruel to put the reader to the pain of perusing the remainder of this description.†   (source)
  • Has not Monsieur le Baron perused my letter?†   (source)
  • After perusing these four letters, Marius did not find himself much further advanced than before.†   (source)
  • But when I had called her, and she had returned to the bedside of Giotto's Charity, her tears at once ceased to flow; she could find no stimulus for that pleasant sensation of tenderness and pity which she very well knew, having been moved to it often enough by the perusal of newspapers; nor any other pleasure of the same kind in her sense of weariness and irritation at being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night for the kitchen-maid; so that at the sight of those very sufferings, the printed account of which had moved her to tears, she had nothing to offer but ill-tempered mutterings, mingled with bitte†   (source)
  • If she could have performed any little services for him, or have exchanged with him a few of those affecting words which an extensive perusal of fiction had led her to connect with such occasions, the filial instinct might have stirred in her; but her pity, finding no active expression, remained in a state of spectatorship, overshadowed by her mother's grim unflagging resentment.†   (source)
  • His habit of reading isolated him: it became such a need that after being in company for some time he grew tired and restless; he was vain of the wider knowledge he had acquired from the perusal of so many books, his mind was alert, and he had not the skill to hide his contempt for his companions' stupidity.†   (source)
  • Her imagination had been sorely missed in games, her voice in the singing and her dramatic ability in the perusal aloud of books at dinner hour.†   (source)
  • On the seat beside him lay a paperbound book entitled Ocean Steamships, which he had perused from time to time earlier on his trip, but which now lay neglected, the cover dirtied by soot drifting in with the steam of the heavily puffing locomotive.†   (source)
  • Jude had taken up some illustrated paper, which he perused till, raising his eyes, he saw that her face was troubled.†   (source)
  • If he had been able to buy all of the newspapers of the United States the next morning, he might have discovered that his beer-hunting exploit was being perused by some two score millions of people, and had served as a text for editorials in half the staid and solemn businessmen's newspapers in the land.†   (source)
  • At this psychological moment, as the afternoon sun was already beginning to wane in the tall, narrow courtroom, and as carefully planned by him beforehand, Mason's reading all of Roberta's letters, one by one, in a most simple and nondeclamatory fashion, yet with all the sympathy and emotion which their first perusal had stirred in him.†   (source)
  • Carley waited impatiently for the perusal, conscious of inward forces coming more and more to the aid of her impulse to go West.†   (source)
  • A man is more likely to be a good man if he has learned goodness through the love of God than through a perusal of Herbert Spencer.'†   (source)
  • But to-night, having finished tea and brushed himself up, he was deep in the perusal of the Twenty-ninth Volume of Pusey's Library of the Fathers, a set of books which he had purchased of a second-hand dealer at a price that seemed to him to be one of miraculous cheapness for that invaluable work.†   (source)
  • No sooner had Carley read the letter through to the end than she began it all over again, and on this second perusal she lingered over passages—only to reread them.†   (source)
  • Their vague idealism, the suspicion of a philosophical idea which underlay the titles they gave their pictures, accorded very well with the functions of art as from his diligent perusal of Ruskin he understood it; but here was something quite different: here was no moral appeal; and the contemplation of these works could help no one to lead a purer and a higher life.†   (source)
  • Elizabeth noticed every sentence conveying the idea of uneasiness, with an attention which it had hardly received on the first perusal.†   (source)
  • Miss Stackpole continued to take a deep interest in the state of Mr. Goodwood's feelings, but she showed it at present only by sending him choice extracts, humorous and other, from the American journals, of which she received several by every post and which she always perused with a pair of scissors in her hand.†   (source)
  • The Flying Dutchman, with a crew of ghostly clients imploring all whom they may encounter to peruse their papers, has drifted, for the time being, heaven knows where.†   (source)
  • 'You don't happen to know any good of him, do you?' said Mr. Grimwig, caustically; after an attentive perusal of Mr. Bumble's features.†   (source)
  • As he thrust his head in at the door, he saw that Ralph had resumed the thoughtful posture into which he had fallen after perusing his nephew's letter, and that he seemed to have been reading it again, as he once more held it open in his hand.†   (source)
  • He had not a correspondent on earth, nor was there a possible letter coming to him whose contents the whole parish would not have been welcome to peruse.†   (source)
  • Here, we found a gentleman with one eye, in a velveteen suit and knee-breeches, who wiped his nose with his sleeve on being interrupted in the perusal of the newspaper.†   (source)
  • After perusing it, I taxed Miss Spenlow with having many such letters in her possession; and ultimately obtained from her the packet which is now in David Copperfield's hand.'†   (source)
  • This book, written by architecture, must be admired and perused incessantly; but the grandeur of the edifice which printing erects in its turn must not be denied.†   (source)
  • These visions faded when I perused, for the first time, those poets whose effusions entranced my soul and lifted it to heaven.†   (source)
  • With some endowment of stupidity and conceit, she might have thought that a Christian young lady of fortune should find her ideal of life in village charities, patronage of the humbler clergy, the perusal of "Female Scripture Characters," unfolding the private experience of Sara under the Old Dispensation, and Dorcas under the New, and the care of her soul over her embroidery in her own boudoir—with a background of prospective marriage to a man who, if less strict than herself, as being involved in affairs religiously inexplicable, might be prayed for and seasonably exhorted.†   (source)
  • As Judith read a letter she put it into his hands to hold until she could peruse the next; but this served in no degree to enlighten her companion, as he was totally unable to read.†   (source)
  • She had gone to her letters, and found it all as she supposed; and the re-perusal of these letters, after so long an interval, her poor son gone for ever, and all the strength of his faults forgotten, had affected her spirits exceedingly, and thrown her into greater grief for him than she had known on first hearing of his death.†   (source)
  • They say, too, that Clym Yeobright is become a real perusing man, with the strangest notions about things.†   (source)
  • The worthy inn-keeper had perused the Courrier Francais at least three times, from the date of the number to the printer's name.†   (source)
  • She placed one she had been perusing on his hand; he flung it off, and muttered, if she did not give over, he would break her neck.†   (source)
  • He was a Berrichon, thirty-five or forty years old, mild, peaceable, sleek, employing the leisure his master left him in the perusal of pious works, providing rigorously for two a dinner of few dishes, but excellent.†   (source)
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