penultimatein a sentence
She was murdered in the penultimate episode.
penultimate = next to the last
- The author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter.
- Roger's nickname for Penelope was Penultimate. (source)
- During this penultimate stage of the siege the population's hysterical fear of sabotage reached its height. (source)
- Let's see....The prize for the Earthworld contest was the Talisman of Penultimate Truth.† (source)
- Nearing the finish line for the penultimate time, Louie fixed his eyes on the gleaming head of the pomaded competitor, who was many runners ahead.† (source)
- Per Director Vavilov, Sofia's performance of Rachmaninov's Second Piano Concerto was to be the penultimate piece on the program, followed by a violin prodigy's performance of a Dvorak concerto, both with full orchestra.† (source)
- On the penultimate night, I told Nathan that I didn't mind if he wanted to bring Karen back to the complex.† (source)
- The silent Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come had stolen the penultimate scene from Scrooge.† (source)
- Celaena picked up the penultimate goblet and sniffed.† (source)
- The squares on the board in front of me are filling up: I'm making my penultimate play of the night.† (source)
show 26 more with this conextual meaning
- "So your brain was an organic part of the penultimate configuration of the computer program," said Ford, rather lucidly he thought.† (source)
- It is the penultimate oxymoron-a nonfactorable variable.† (source)
- This penultimate car had only one passenger—a Chinese man.† (source)
- This penultimate lap had been by plane from Rome.† (source)
- Penultimate.† (source)
- Consider the question posed at the beginning of this book's penultimate chapter: how much do parents really matter?† (source)
- At the penultimate moment, the girl had transported them out of the doomed aircraft by a monumental exertion of her psychic gift, to another place, to a dimension outside space and time, and had held them in that mysterious sheltering limbo through one terrible minute of cataclysmic destruction.† (source)
- But then I realized she meant that it wouldn't be possible, as if this house were some penultimate trap of living, sustaining her beyond the pale.† (source)
- It was in shorthand now that she completed Hoss's penultimate paragraph to Himmler: "In all probability, then, a reassessment must be made of the transport problem of the Greek Jews should any further deportations from Athens be contemplated for the immediate future.† (source)
- He was in the penultimate stages of the disease: the sweat of blood was on his forehead.† (source)
- You and Penultimate are a great couple, man.† (source)
- I'll bring Penultimate home safely, man.† (source)
- The Consul had expected representatives from the Shrike Temple to meet them here at the beginning of the penultimate stage of their journey but Pilgrims" Rest appeared to the Consul to be as empty as Edge had been.† (source)
- "Hey, Penultimate," Roger said.† (source)
- Penultimate.† (source)
- Once the hidden profile has been discovered, myth is the penultimate, silence the ultimate, word.† (source)
- Myth is but the penultimate; the ultimate is openness—that void, or being, beyond the categoriest—into which the mind must plunge alone and be dissolved.† (source)
- The pistol snapped its penultimate shot and ripped a valuable Sidney Cooper.† (source)
- A master of the irresistible effect, a virtuoso in his native aria da capo, he held the penultimate note before the resolution— moving downstage now, or so it seemed, one hand thrust into the air— held it so long that they broke into polite bravos before he had finished.† (source)
- At the penultimate moment, his words, his only ones, words wholly unobstructed in the utterance were these—"God bless Captain Vere!"† (source)
- How serene does she now arise, a queen among the Pleiades, in the penultimate antelucan hour, shod in sandals of bright gold, coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer.† (source)
- When I was a school-boy, during the penultimate decade of the last century, the chief American grammar was "A Practical Grammar of the English Language," by Thomas W. Harvey.† (source)
- What he calls the /first floor/ (or, more commonly, /first storey/, not forgetting the penultimate /e/!)† (source)
- On the penultimate blank page of a book of inferior literary style, entituled Sweets of Sin (produced by Bloom and so manipulated that its front cover came in contact with the surface of the table) with a pencil (supplied by Stephen) Stephen wrote the Irish characters for gee, eh, dee, em, simple and modified, and Bloom in turn wrote the Hebrew characters ghimel, aleph, daleth and (in the absence of mem) a substituted qoph, explaining their arithmetical values as ordinal and cardinal numbers, videlicet 3, 1, 4, and 100.† (source)
- The trajectories of their, first sequent, then simultaneous, urinations were dissimilar: Bloom's longer, less irruent, in the incomplete form of the bifurcated penultimate alphabetical letter, who in his ultimate year at High School (1880) had been capable of attaining the point of greatest altitude against the whole concurrent strength of the institution, 210 scholars: Stephen's higher, more sibilant, who in the ultimate hours of the previous day had augmented by diuretic consumption an insistent vesical pressure.† (source)
- An American sounds every syllable in /extraordinary/, /literary/, /military/, /secretary/ and the other words of the /-ary/-group; an Englishman never pronounces the /a/ of the penultimate syllable.† (source)
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