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  • To the south were the Varden and the men of Surda, entrenched behind multiple layers of defense, where they displayed a fine panoply of woven standards, ranks of proud tents, and the picketed horses of King Orrin's cavalry.†   (source)
  • The panoply of rays outlining Eragon's hand faded into oblivion, leaving behind lurid pink afterimages streaked across his field of vision.†   (source)
  • Sir Grummore Grummursum was cantering up the clearing in full panoply of war.†   (source)
  • She was keeping what I call in my shorthand the panoply of life—that which we all lived in common —in being.†   (source)
  • But it was no summer of a virgin's itching discontent; no summer's caesarean lack which should have torn me, dead flesh or even embryo, from the living or else, by friction's ravishing of the male-furrowed meat, also weaponed and panoplied as a man instead of hollow woman.†   (source)
  • esoteric piece of furniture—vase or chair or desk—which Ellen wanted, as though his very impression (or lack of it) on Goldfield or Sutpen walls held portentous prophecy of what was to be; —Yes, running out of that first year (that year before the War) during which Ellen talked to me of trousseau (and it my trousseau), of all the dreamy panoply of surrender which was my surrender, who had so little to surrender that it was all I had because there is that might-have-been which is the single rock we cling to above the maelstrom of unbearable reality; —the four years while I believed she waited as I waited, while the stable world we had been taught to know dissolved in fire and smoke unti†   (source)
  • This martial panoply belonged to the true prince—a recent present from Madam Parr the Queen.†   (source)
  • But he realised that what he had mistaken for simple phrases were indeed parts of the panoply which held and could inflict on him the anguish that he had felt while Odette was telling her story.†   (source)
  • to hear twigs cracking and feel hooves planted down in the depths of that leaf-encumbered forest, the soul; never to be content quite, or quite secure, for at any moment the brute would be stirring, this hatred, which, especially since her illness, had power to make her feel scraped, hurt in her spine; gave her physical pain, and made all pleasure in beauty, in friendship, in being well, in being loved and making her home delightful rock, quiver, and bend as if indeed there were a monster grubbing at the roots, as if the whole panoply of content were nothing but self love!†   (source)
  • From under this great panoply she peeped up in a nervous, hesitating fashion at our windows, while her body oscillated backward and forward, and her fingers fidgeted with her glove buttons.†   (source)
  • Though accustomed to the sight of savage warriors, in the horrid panoply of their terrible profession, there was something so startling in the entrance, and so audacious in the inexplicable look of their conqueror, that the eyes of both sunk to the earth, under a feeling of terror and embarrassment.†   (source)
  • And fixing her eyes upon an embossed carabine, that shone against its panoply, "But when one is so poor one doesn't have silver on the butt of one's gun.†   (source)
  • Quicker than the thoughts could follow those unexpected and audacious movements, an image, armed in the emblematic panoply of death, glided before their eyes, and assumed a threatening attitude at the other's side.†   (source)
  • It was, indeed, a solemn thing to look out upon that deserted spot, peopled by the dead in the panoply of the living, and thrown into the attitudes and acts of careless merriment and rude enjoyment.†   (source)
  • Not till this was effected did the stranger bestow a glance on any other object; then he turned and showed the astonished Hurons the noble brow, fine person, and eagle eye, of a young warrior, in the paint and panoply of a Delaware.†   (source)
  • This bright panoply was not meant for mere idle show, but had been worn by the Governor on many a solemn muster and training field, and had glittered, moreover, at the head of a regiment in the Pequod war.†   (source)
  • On the following day, at the accustomed hour, Marius drew from his wardrobe his new coat, his new trousers, his new hat, and his new boots; he clothed himself in this complete panoply, put on his gloves, a tremendous luxury, and set off for the Luxembourg.†   (source)
  • They were of Saracen origin, and consequently of Arabian descent; and their fine slender limbs, small fetlocks, thin manes, and easy springy motion, formed a marked contrast with the large-jointed, heavy horses, of which the race was cultivated in Flanders and in Normandy, for mounting the men-at-arms of the period in all the panoply of plate and mail; and which, placed by the side of those Eastern coursers, might have passed for a personification of substance and of shadow.†   (source)
  • Some thirty pictures by the masters, uniformly framed and separated by gleaming panoplies of arms, adorned walls on which were stretched tapestries of austere design.†   (source)
  • A democracy, more perfect than any which antiquity had dreamt of, started in full size and panoply from the midst of an ancient feudal society.†   (source)
  • Exactly as the gnomon of the official dial up in the citadel pointed the second hour half gone, the legion, in full panoply, and with all its standards on exhibit, descended from Mount Sulpius; and when the rear of the last cohort disappeared in the bridge, Antioch was literally abandoned—not that the Circus could hold the multitude, but that the multitude was gone out to it, nevertheless.†   (source)
  • "Nay, but fair sir," said the Prior, "I pray you to remember that Malkin hath as little skill in arms as her master, and that I warrant not her enduring the sight or weight of your full panoply.†   (source)
  • His figured panoply of death looked more like a disguise assumed in mockery than a fierce annunciation of a desire to carry destruction in his footsteps.†   (source)
  • He adorned himself in panoply of gold, then mounted, taking up his golden whip, and lashed his horses onward.†   (source)
  • THE VOICE OF VIRAG: (A birdchief, bluestreaked and feathered in war panoply with his assegai, striding through a crackling canebrake over beechmast and acorns) Hot!†   (source)
  • To a Locomotive in Winter
    Thee for my recitative,
    Thee in the driving storm even as now, the snow, the winter-day declining,
    Thee in thy panoply, thy measur'd dual throbbing and thy beat convulsive,
    Thy black cylindric body, golden brass and silvery steel,
    Thy ponderous side-bars, parallel and connecting rods, gyrating,
    shuttling at thy sides,
    Thy metrical, now swelling pant and roar, now tapering in the distance,
    Thy great protruding head-light fix'd in front,
    Thy long, pale†   (source)
  • With the knights of these days, for the most part, it is the damask, brocade, and rich stuffs they wear, that rustle as they go, not the chain mail of their armour; no knight now-a-days sleeps in the open field exposed to the inclemency of heaven, and in full panoply from head to foot; no one now takes a nap, as they call it, without drawing his feet out of the stirrups, and leaning upon his lance, as the knights-errant used to do; no one now, issuing from the wood, penetrates yonder mountains, and then treads the barren, lonely shore of the sea—mostly a tempestuous and stormy one—and finding on the beach†   (source)
  • Now when fair morn orient in Heaven appeared,
    Up rose the victor-Angels, and to arms
    The matin trumpet sung: In arms they stood
    Of golden panoply, refulgent host,
    Soon banded; others from the dawning hills
    Look round, and scouts each coast light-armed scour,
    Each quarter to descry the distant foe,
    Where lodged, or whither fled, or if for fight,
    In motion or in halt: Him soon they met
    Under spread ensigns moving nigh, in slow
    But firm battalion; back with speediest sail
    Zophiel, of Cherubim the swiftest wing,
    Came flying, and in mid air aloud thus cried.†   (source)
  • At this moment Don Quixote came out in full panoply, with Mambrino's helmet, all dinted as it was, on his head, his buckler on his arm, and leaning on his staff or pike.†   (source)
  • He, in celestial panoply all armed
    Of radiant Urim, work divinely wrought,
    Ascended; at his right hand Victory
    Sat eagle-winged; beside him hung his bow
    And quiver with three-bolted thunder stored;
    And from about him fierce effusion rolled
    Of smoke, and bickering flame, and sparkles dire:
    Attended with ten thousand thousand Saints,
    He onward came; far of†   (source)
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