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mores as in:  social mores

show 11 more with this conextual meaning
  • In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society.   (source)
  • In particular, the pattern of sexual mores-insofar as there had ever been a single pattern—had altered radically.   (source)
  • And yet, it was a matter of manners and mores.   (source)
  • I never appreciated what a high art the fan dance can be until the first time I watched a French girl get out of her clothes and into her bikini in plain sight of citizens, tourists, gendarmes, dogs—and me—all without quite violating the lenient French mores concerning "indecent exposure."   (source)
  • In my eyes she was the unflinching, strong-armed proponent of white values, mores, and attitudes.   (source)
  • Those Garveyites I knew could never understand why I liked them but would never follow them, and I pitied them too much to tell them that they could never achieve their goal, that Africa was owned by the imperial powers of Europe, that their lives were alien to the mores of the natives of Africa, that they were people of the West and would forever be so until they either merged with the West or perished.   (source)
  • I here used the word manners with the meaning which the ancients attached to the word mores, for I apply it not only to manners in their proper sense of what constitutes the character of social intercourse, but I extend it to the various notions and opinions current among men, and to the mass of those ideas which constitute their character of mind.   (source)
  • I knew even as a child that there were two separate sets of mores and social pressures.   (source)
  • Note to self: Look up the words progenitive, omnipotent, and mores.   (source)
  • It is a restless, innovative society, its social patterns and mores, its lifestyles, evolving as swiftly as its genius in scientific and technological creativity; it is endlessly inventive in finding new pathways for the pursuit of happiness and marketing them to an American population approaching three hundred million.   (source)
  • Finally, many Americans today have a firm conviction that our language is in serious decline, because of falling standards in education, including a neglect of formal instruction in grammar and a more permissive "do your own thing" attitude toward language as toward everything else in the popular culture—dress, eating habits, sexual mores.   (source)
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  • 'Castigat ridendo mores,'* Monsieur Bournisien!†   (source)
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meaning too rare to warrant focus:

show 6 examples with meaning too rare to warrant focus
  • ROPER My family may not be at the palace, sir, but in the City MORE The Ropers were advocates when the Mores were selling pewter; there's nothing wrong with your family.   (source)
    mores = a family with the last name, More
  • We'll never see another like Her, mores the pity!   (source)
    mores = more is
  • Pots, pans, knives, sisors, lawn mores, Fixed.   (source)
    mores = intentional misspelling of lawnmowers
  • Fine art, poetry, that kind of thing, elevates a nation—emollit mores—you understand a little Latin now.   (source)
    mores = use in a Latin phrase that means "softens customs" or "weakens morals"
  • And mores the pity!   (source)
    mores = more is
  • After him I love More than I love these eyes, more than my life, More, by all mores, than e'er I shall love wife; If I do feign, you witnesses above Punish my life for tainting of my love!   (source)
    mores = plural of more; i.e., instances of additional amounts
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