litigiousin a sentence
- We live in a litigious society.
- I remain, yours in litigious anticipation, Mrs. Brigid Finucane She tells me, That's a powerful letter, by, better than anything you'd read in the Limerick Leader.† (source)
- "no more than a gadfly and an exploiter of the court system," and "the most litigious inmate in the system."† (source)
- "We live in a very litigious society," Jacque Knight, a USDA spokesman explained; if every meat recall was publicly announced, companies would face problems from "everybody with a stomachaches' Between 1996 and 1999, the USDA didn't tell the public about more than one-third of the Class I recalls, cases in which consumers faced a serious and potentially lethal threat.† (source)
- The physician with his theory, rather obtained from than corrected by experiments on the human constitution; the pious, selfdenying, laborious, and ill-paid missionary; the half-educated, litigious, envious, and disreputable lawyer, with his counterpoise, a brother of the profession, of better origin and of better character; the shiftless, bargaining, discontented seller of his "betterments;" the plausible carpenter, and most of the others, are more familiar to all who have ever dwelt in a new country.† (source)
- He boasted that he stood up litigiously for the interests of the college; and he had undefined and undefinable ideas that the marshal intercepted a 'Fund,' which ought to come to the collegians.† (source)
- I wish to represent myself to her through you, because she has a great esteem and respect for her cousin John; and I know you will soften the course I take, even though you disapprove of it; and— and in short," said Richard, who had been hesitating through these words, "I—I don't like to represent myself in this litigious, contentious, doubting character to a confiding girl like Ada," I told him that he was more like himself in those latter words than in anything he had said yet.† (source)
- They view'd the ground of Rome's litigious hall; (Once oxen low'd, where now the lawyers bawl;) Then, stooping, thro' the narrow gate they press'd, When thus the king bespoke his Trojan guest: "Mean as it is, this palace, and this door, Receiv'd Alcides, then a conqueror.† (source)