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  • Whatever came out of the untutored mouths and unsharpened pencil stubs of the people—sorry, The People—was held legitimate if not sacrosanct by those new lexicon artists.†   (source)
  • In Jason Bourne's lexicon these were weapons, especially the money.†   (source)
  • She speaks the hard-edged lexicon of bygone tourists itchy to throw dice on green felt or asphalt.†   (source)
  • They are brutal, hardened; mercy is not in their lexicon.†   (source)
  • Many of the play's screwball terms, like "sockdologizing" and "Dundrearyisms" (named for the befuddled character Lord Dun-dreary), have become part of the cultural lexicon, and several spinoff plays featuring characters from the show have been written and performed.†   (source)
  • The Americans and their allies—the armies of Rome, in the lexicon of ISIS— had to be poked and prodded and stirred into a rage.†   (source)
  • Ever threatening at the margin of her consciousness were the shape and shadow, the apparition of the camp—the very name of which she had all but rejected from her private lexicon, and seldom used or thought of, and which she knew she could allow to trespass upon memory only at the danger of her losing—which is to say taking—her life.†   (source)
  • The greatest of all sins in his administrative lexicon was for someone far beneath him in rank to catapult over a series of links in the sacred chain to confront him or even worse, unspeakably, to present a complaint to the school board.†   (source)
  • Save that one for the Annie Wilkes lexicon in your memoirs , if you ever get a chance to write your memoirs, that is.†   (source)
  • When he was sure she was really gone a not hanging around to see if he was going to 'get up to didoes' (another Wilkesism for his growing lexicon), he rolled the wheelchair over to the bed and got the pins, along with the pitcher of water and the box of Kleenex from the night-table.†   (source)
  • And if unearthly love must (for theological reasons) contain a strong dose of the inexplicable and incomprehensible (we have only to recall the dictionary of misunderstood words and the long lexicon of misunderstandings!)†   (source)
  • One of the young aces, Jayk Goff, demonstrated some of the most challenging tricks while making comments in the snowboarders' whole new lexicon.†   (source)
  • Out of this new diversity has sprung a lexicon of new terms: Transgender—An umbrella term to encompass many forms of behavior, including transsexuals, transvestites, drag queens, drag kings, cross-dressers, female illusionists, gender benders, gender queens—although not limited to those definitions, and not all of those people want to be called transgender.†   (source)
  • I was sorry, or what went for sorry in my lexicon.†   (source)
  • On it stood open my Greek lexicon; some Greek play or other; many little bottles of ink, pens innumerable; and probably hidden under blotting paper, sheets of foolscap covered with private writing in a hand so small and twisted as to be a family joke.†   (source)
  • You account for it by what you call will-power, a term not yet included in the lexicon of science.†   (source)
  • Mortally: after all, it's tough work fagging away at a language with no master but a lexicon.†   (source)
  • There it was that he had grown up, on the missal and the lexicon.†   (source)
  • Certainly, it needs a definition, and should be incorporated into the Lexicon.†   (source)
  • And, indeed, if that lexicon which is based on Holy Writ were any longer popular, one might with less difficulty define and denominate certain phenomenal men.†   (source)
  • His contribution to Sociological Pathology, a lexicon of all the works of literature with human suffering for their theme, had come to a standstill, had stagnated, and the league waited in vain for that particular volume of their encyclopedia.†   (source)
  • All human actions will then, of course, be tabulated according to these laws, mathematically, like tables of logarithms up to 108,000, and entered in an index; or, better still, there would be published certain edifying works of the nature of encyclopaedic lexicons, in which everything will be so clearly calculated and explained that there will be no more incidents or adventures in the world.†   (source)
  • "A stunning blow from the big Greek lexicon, which an old fellow in a black gown fired at him," said Ned.†   (source)
  • But the revolutions round the table became more and more irregular in their sweep, till at last reaching Mr. Stelling's reading stand, they sent it thundering down with its heavy lexicons to the floor.†   (source)
  • An ancient Hawaiian war-club or spear-paddle, in its full multiplicity and elaboration of carving, is as great a trophy of human perseverance as a Latin lexicon.†   (source)
  • And here be it said, that whenever it has been convenient to consult one in the course of these dissertations, I have invariably used a huge quarto edition of Johnson, expressly purchased for that purpose; because that famous lexicographer's uncommon personal bulk more fitted him to compile a lexicon to be used by a whale author like me.†   (source)
  • In the lexicon of youth ... See it in your face.†   (source)
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