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  • There was a...field surge...more like a tsunami than a tide...the Sphinx...the artifact Rachel was in...was totally inundated.†   (source)
  • The special effects were a bit too realistic for some locals, and emergency services were inundated with calls from people who claimed that the dead were walking the streets.†   (source)
  • High school football players across the country, with the help of their fathers and their coaches, inundated Lemming's little office in Chicago with tapes of their performances, press clippings, and letters of recommendation.†   (source)
  • "So much to discuss," Aro said, his tone suddenly that of an inundated businessman.†   (source)
  • The city didn't realize that we were being inundated with people coming in, because it was a gradual thing," Ransom said.†   (source)
  • My hope is that if we inundate cities like Dras-Leona with rumors of Eragon's prowess, when we actually reach the city and they see him, they will join us of their own accord and we can avoid a siege.†   (source)
  • I'll inundate you.†   (source)
  • The city was inundated with middle-class arrivals from the Midwest, especially in the years leading up to the Great Depression.†   (source)
  • We were led out of the prison gates and immediately inundated with the press.†   (source)
  • He is inundated with Howardisms suddenly; all true, those old and wrinkled maxims, proverbs, clichés.†   (source)
  • The faucet exploded, surging out of its recess into the ceiling as a powerful gush of water inundated his entire head.†   (source)
  • Walking across an inundated field on islands that barely rose from shallow puddles with wind-ruffled tops, Alessandro smelled the air and was reminded of other winters and other dark places, where, after you came in from the cold, the battle was over.†   (source)
  • Since we first debuted on NPR in spring 2005, we have been inundated with calls, letters, and e-mails from people wishing to participate in This I Believe in some way.†   (source)
  • The barracks was inundated in an ocean of sound, a maelstrom of the human voice straining toward absolute limits, toward nullity, toward inconceivable thresholds of derangement.†   (source)
  • His grief was an inundation—Amazonian.†   (source)
  • We must do something before we're inundated.†   (source)
  • It took about twenty minutes for the spindrift to inundate my bivvy sack, a thin nylon envelope shaped exactly like a Baggies sandwich bag, only bigger, to the level of the breathing slit.   (source)
    inundate = fill (with snow)
  • She had expected some reaction by now, certainly something like gratitude, given that Annie was no doubt inundated by, buried under, an avalanche of goodwill.†   (source)
  • I hold in my hand a complaint from the weavers' guild, which asserts that weavers throughout Surda have lost a good share of their profits because the textile market has been inundated with extraordinarily cheap lace-lace they swear originates with the Varden.†   (source)
  • The War Department booked him on a speaking tour, and he was inundated with speaking invitations that usually came with an award, making them impossible to decline.†   (source)
  • He'd come back from a night out drinking, and I'd ask him how the bar was, whatever bar, and he'd so often say: "Totally inundated by Lost Causes," his code for women my age.†   (source)
  • He tried to suppress the welter of thoughts, both to preserve some measure of privacy and to avoid inundating Glaedr with unwanted information, thus confirming the dragon's opinion about his lack of discipline.†   (source)
  • The fact that my mom will inundate me with questions about where I've been since last night.†   (source)
  • The spring tides had not come in full force, the great flood tides that would inundate the marshes completely, washing away tons of the Spartina grasses that had finished the life cycle, bringing the dead grasses in clumps from the inner marsh, and carrying them out to sea.†   (source)
  • He remembered chiefly the brown stains of the recent flood, which had flowed through the town and inundated its lower floors, the broad main street, the odorous and gleaming drugstore, scented to him with all the spices of his fancy, the hills and fields of Aiken, in South Carolina, where he sought vainly for John D. Rockefeller, a legendary prince who, he heard, went there for sport, marvelling that two States could join imperceptibly, without visible markings, and the cotton gin where he saw the great press mash the huge raw bales cleanly into tight bundles half their former size.†   (source)
  • The red blood inundated her face, previously so pale.†   (source)
  • When she withdrew her head from the window, her countenance was inundated with tears.†   (source)
  • There occurred, infamous to relate, inundations of the sewer.†   (source)
  • An irruption of youth inundated that garden intersected with a cross like a shroud.†   (source)
  • this light which inundates my hand is gold!†   (source)
  • The dazzling sun of June inundated this terrible thing with light.†   (source)
  • The pure, healthful, living, joyous air that was easy to breathe inundated him.†   (source)
  • Naturally Nicole, wanting to own him, wanting him to stand still forever, encouraged any slackness on his part, and in multiplying ways he was constantly inundated by a trickling of goods and money.†   (source)
  • Her organism seemed to be so inundated by toxins that she was ravaged by numerous illnesses, sometimes alternately, sometimes all at once.†   (source)
  • Her face was inundated with an angry colour and she looked as if she would attack someone with her hands.†   (source)
  • They flew into his mouth and vanished with a faint watery taste, plastered his eyelashes, making him squint and blink, inundated his eyes until there was no hope of even trying to see—which would have been useless in any case, because the veil of blinding white obstructed his view and made the act of seeing almost totally impossible.†   (source)
  • The reaping of the wheat had begun in our north midland county of Loamshire, but the harvest was likely still to be retarded by the heavy rains, which were causing inundations and much damage throughout the country.†   (source)
  • In that fatal valley, at the foot of that declivity which the cuirassiers had ascended, now inundated by the masses of the English, under the converging fires of the victorious hostile cavalry, under a frightful density of projectiles, this square fought on.†   (source)
  • His gnome's eye, fastened upon her, inundated her with tenderness, sadness, and pity, and was suddenly raised filled with lightnings.†   (source)
  • These sanctuaries, in the midst of the deluge of penal and barbarous jurisdictions which inundated the city, were a species of islands which rose above the level of human justice.†   (source)
  • This chant, which a few old men buried in the gloom sang from afar over that beautiful creature, full of youth and life, caressed by the warm air of spring, inundated with sunlight was the mass for the dead.†   (source)
  • When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood.†   (source)
  • That was, in fact,—when, after having long groped one's way up the dark spiral which perpendicularly pierces the thick wall of the belfries, one emerged, at last abruptly, upon one of the lofty platforms inundated with light and air,—that was, in fact, a fine picture which spread out, on all sides at once, before the eye; a spectacle ~sui generis~, of which those of our readers who have had the good fortune to see a Gothic city entire, complete, homogeneous,—a few of which still remain, Nuremberg in Bavaria and Vittoria in Spain,—can readily form an idea; or even smaller specimens, provided that they are well preserved,—Vitré in Brittany, Nordhausen in Prussia.†   (source)
  • Each one of these mysterious lines shone before her eyes and inundated her heart with a strange radiance.†   (source)
  • The assault was so furious, that for one moment, it was inundated with assailants; but it shook off the soldiers as the lion shakes off the dogs, and it was only covered with besiegers as the cliff is covered with foam, to re-appear, a moment later, beetling, black and formidable.†   (source)
  • One day, the air was warm, the Luxembourg was inundated with light and shade, the sky was as pure as though the angels had washed it that morning, the sparrows were giving vent to little twitters in the depths of the chestnut-trees.†   (source)
  • Championnet, who treated miracles brutally, rose from the pavements of Paris; he had, when a small lad, inundated the porticos of Saint-Jean de Beauvais, and of Saint-Etienne du Mont; he had addressed the shrine of Sainte-Genevieve familiarly to give orders to the phial of Saint Januarius.†   (source)
  • He was seized with a sort of convulsion, he threw himself against the back of the chair as though to gain breath, letting his arms fall, and allowing Marius to see his face inundated with tears, and Marius heard him murmur, so low that his voice seemed to issue from fathomless depths: "Oh!†   (source)
  • He taught them how to destroy scurf on wheat, by sprinkling it and the granary and inundating the cracks in the floor with a solution of common salt; and how to chase away weevils by hanging up orviot in bloom everywhere, on the walls and the ceilings, among the grass and in the houses.†   (source)
  • Sometimes a rivulet suddenly bursts through a vault that has been begun, and inundates the laborers; or a layer of marl is laid bare, and rolls down with the fury of a cataract, breaking the stoutest supporting beams like glass.†   (source)
  • The streets of cities inundated with light, green branches on the thresholds, nations sisters, men just, old men blessing children, the past loving the present, thinkers entirely at liberty, believers on terms of full equality, for religion heaven, God the direct priest, human conscience become an altar, no more hatreds, the fraternity of the workshop and the school, for sole penalty and recompense fame, work for all, right for all, peace over all, no more bloodshed, no more wars, happy mothers!†   (source)
  • That close-shaven turf, those pebbly paths, that chalk, those pools, those harsh monotonies of waste and fallow lands, the plants of early market-garden suddenly springing into sight in a bottom, that mixture of the savage and the citizen, those vast desert nooks where the garrison drums practise noisily, and produce a sort of lisping of battle, those hermits by day and cut-throats by night, that clumsy mill which turns in the wind, the hoisting-wheels of the quarries, the tea-gardens at the corners of the cemeteries; the mysterious charm of great, sombre walls squarely intersecting immense, vague stretches of land inundated with sunshine and full of butterflies,—all this attracted him.†   (source)
  • After having vaulted three thousand metres of sewer in all quarters of the city, from the Rue Traversiere-Saint-Antoine to the Rue de l'Ourcine, after having freed the Carrefour Censier-Mouffetard from inundations of rain by means of the branch of the Arbalete, after having built the Saint-Georges sewer, on rock and concrete in the fluid sands, after having directed the formidable lowering of the flooring of the vault timber in the Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth branch, Duleau the engineer died.†   (source)
  • The Saturnalia, that grimace of antique beauty, ends, through exaggeration after exaggeration, in Shrove Tuesday; and the Bacchanal, formerly crowned with sprays of vine leaves and grapes, inundated with sunshine, displaying her marble breast in a divine semi-nudity, having at the present day lost her shape under the soaked rags of the North, has finally come to be called the Jack-pudding.†   (source)
  • The poor man trembled, inundated with angelic joy; he declared to himself ecstatically that this would last all their lives; he told himself that he really had not suffered sufficiently to merit so radiant a bliss, and he thanked God, in the depths of his soul, for having permitted him to be loved thus, he, a wretch, by that innocent being.†   (source)
  • Let an impure blood inundate the furrows!†   (source)
  • The inundation of 1802 is one of the actual memories of Parisians of the age of eighty.†   (source)
  • Its air is much more attenuated than ours, its oceans have shrunk until they cover but a third of its surface, and as its slow seasons change huge snowcaps gather and melt about either pole and periodically inundate its temperate zones.†   (source)
  • Every pore inside the boys' cheeks became a spouting fountain; they could scarcely bail out the cellars under their tongues fast enough to prevent an inundation; little overflowings down their throats occurred in spite of all they could do, and sudden retchings followed every time.†   (source)
  • Cravings, instincts, desires that harm humanity, a strange hidden reservoir to burst forth suddenly and inundate the whole being of the creature with anger, hate, or fear.†   (source)
  • , this sea of houses was seen to be pierced at intervals by several groups of ruined towers, from the ancient wall, like the summits of hills in an inundation,—like archipelagos of the old Paris submerged beneath the new.†   (source)
  • Fancy me yielding and melting, as I am doing: human love rising like a freshly opened fountain in my mind and overflowing with sweet inundation all the field I have so carefully and with such labour prepared — so assiduously sown with the seeds of good intentions, of self-denying plans.†   (source)
  • It seemed to me, also, that in it might be shown men a ray of divinity, the present action of the soul of this world, clean from all vestige of tradition, and so the heart of man might be bathed by an inundation of eternal love, conversing with that which he knows was always and always must be, because it really is now.†   (source)
  • Here and there, especially at first, the inundation started on them and swept by; but when they had done descending, and were winding and climbing up a tower, they were alone.†   (source)
  • Their three heads had been close together during this brief discourse, and it had been as much as they could do to hear one another, even then: so tremendous was the noise of the living ocean, in its irruption into the Fortress, and its inundation of the courts and passages and staircases.†   (source)
  • The shades, those sombre hatchers of primitive Christianity, only awaited an opportunity to bring about an explosion under the Caesars and to inundate the human race with light.†   (source)
  • To stop the inundation of her tears   (source)
    inundation = flood
  • streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen wit†   (source)
  • I am so satiated with the great number of detestable books with which we are inundated that I am reduced to punting at faro.†   (source)
  • was Aruspicina: Sometimes in Dreams: Sometimes in Croaking of Ravens, or chattering of Birds: Sometimes in the Lineaments of the face; which was called Metoposcopy; or by Palmistry in the lines of the hand; in casuall words, called Omina: Sometimes in Monsters, or unusuall accidents; as Ecclipses, Comets, rare Meteors, Earthquakes, Inundations, uncouth Births, and the like, which they called Portenta and Ostenta, because they thought them to portend, or foreshew some great Calamity to come; Sometimes, in meer Lottery, as Crosse and Pile; counting holes in a sive; dipping of Verses in Homer, and Virgil; and innumerable other such vaine conceipts.†   (source)
  • A /freshet/, in eighteenth century English, meant any stream of fresh water; the colonists made it signify an inundation.†   (source)
  • No sooner he, with them of man and beast
    Select for life, shall in the ark be lodged,
    And sheltered round; but all the cataracts
    Of Heaven set open on the Earth shall pour
    Rain, day and night; all fountains of the deep,
    Broke up, shall heave the ocean to usurp
    Beyond all bounds; till inundation rise
    Above the highest hills: Then shall this mount
    Of Paradise by might of waves be moved
    Out of his place, pushed by the horned flood,
    With all his verdure spoiled, and trees adrift,
    Down the great river to the opening gulf,
    And there take root an island salt and bare,
    The haunt of seals, and orcs, and sea-mews' clang:
    To teac†   (source)
  • However solitude is looked upon as a restraint to the pleasure of the world, in company and conversation, yet it is a happy state of exemption from a sea of trouble, an inundation of vanity and vexation, of confusion and disappointment.†   (source)
  • presume to give his opinion for preserving the life of a traitor; that the services you had performed were, by all true reasons of state, the great aggravation of your crimes; that you, who were able to extinguish the fire by discharge of urine in her majesty's apartment (which he mentioned with horror), might, at another time, raise an inundation by the same means, to drown the whole palace; and the same strength which enabled you to bring over the enemy's fleet, might serve, upon the first discontent, to carry it back; that he had good reasons to think you were a Big-endian in your heart; and, as treason begins in the heart, before it appears in overt-acts, so he accused you as a traito†   (source)
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