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  • The authorities were equally intransigent: I could not be taken off quarry detail, I could not have a table and chair, and under no circumstances would I be able to go to Pretoria to use the law library.†   (source)
  • We're in for a very difficult time, and I would hate to see you suffer the consequences of his intransigent attitude.†   (source)
  • King Orrin, as Eragon expected, proved to be the most intransigent.†   (source)
  • Worse, any attempt at exposure would risk a backlash so severe that Peking would cry insult and outrage, and revert to suspicion and intransigence.†   (source)
  • For others, the room represented the first time in their young lives that they were required to function as agents of vengeance, as factotums and enforcers of a strict, intransigent code of ethics.†   (source)
  • The war years were wet years, and there were many people who blamed the strange intransigent weather on the firing of the great guns in France.†   (source)
  • Jackson took me back upstairs in the aged elevator, against whose curlicued cast-iron, unfriendly wall I leaned with my eyes closed in a state of stupefaction, unable to believe any of this or, even more intransigently, to accept it.†   (source)
  • All her life she'd been breaking down roofs and walls—intransigent gray Presbyterian stone, the brittle beams of dry legalism, vows and rules and meticulous codes—exploding them as a white shoot cracks a stone, though she was a woman, held down revoltingly to earth.†   (source)
  • His frustrations and defeats in political office—as Senator and President—were the inevitable result of this intransigence in ignoring the political facts of life.†   (source)
  • He had been ill a long time—in the mind, as we now realized, reliving instances of his fantastic intransigence in the new light of his affliction and endeavoring to feel a sorrow for him which never, quite, came true.   (source)
  • Splitting the difference rewards the side with the most extreme and most intransigent position...   (source)
  • We asked her to change her vote, but she remained intransigent.
  • Despite her campaign promises, he quickly became one of the most intransigent opponents of fair trade policy.
  • Punitive measures would only provoke intransigence and harden the existing situation.   (source)
  • If he had sped off into the night, then all might have been well, but although I sensed a slight hesitancy, I also felt an intransigence, a feisty Hibernian umbrage at my father's nickel that matched the old man's rage at this indefensible language.†   (source)
  • ....An intransigent devotion to the pursuit of truth, Miss Taggart?†   (source)
  • Since she had been very small she had been troubled by Fernanda's strictness, her custom of deciding in favor of extremes; and she would have been capable of a much more difficult sacrifice than the clavichord lessons merely not to run up against her intransigence.†   (source)
  • We on the Committee have appealed to him — a favourable report from him would have been invaluable to our cause — but he is intransigent.†   (source)
  • Twenty-five years later, Lorenzo Daza did not realize that his intransigence in his daughter's love affair was a vicious repetition of his own past, and he complained of his misfortune to the same in-laws who had opposed him, as they had complained in their day to their own kin.†   (source)
  • A short time later they sent Father Augusto Angel, a crusader of the new breed, intransigent, audacious, daring, who personally rang the bells several times a day so that the peoples spirits would not get drowsy, and who went from house to house waking up the sleepers to go to mass but before a year was out he too was conquered by the negligence that one breathed in with the air, by the hot dust that made everything old and clogged up, and by the drowsiness caused by lunchtime meatballs in the unbearable heat of siesta time.†   (source)
  • Aureliano Segundo decided that they would have to bring her to the house and take care of her, but his good intentions were frustrated by the firm intransigence of Rebeca, who had needed many years of suffering and misery in order to attain the privileges of solitude and who was not disposed to renounce them in exchange for an old age disturbed by the false attractions of charity.†   (source)
  • Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads.†   (source)
  • Have you heard the moralists and the art lovers of the centuries talk about the artist's intransigent devotion to the pursuit of truth?†   (source)
  • It is the answers to such questions that gave you everything you have-and the answers came from a man's mind, a mind of intransigent devotion to that which is right.†   (source)
  • You have seen the Atlantis they were seeking, it is here, it exists-but one must enter it naked and alone, with no rags from the falsehoods of centuries, with the purest clarity of mind-not an innocent heart, but that which is much rarer: an intransigent mind-as one's only possession and key.†   (source)
  • Then, written across the enormous page, stopping time, as a last message to the world and to the world's motor which was New York, she saw the lines of a sharp, intransigent handwriting: Brother, you asked for it!†   (source)
  • The life of a man of ability who might have perished in that catastrophe, but will escape the next one, which I'll prevent-a man who has an intransigent mind and an unlimited ambition, and is in love with his own life ....the kind of man who is what we were when we started, you and I. You gave him up.†   (source)
  • The board members wore immovable, intransigent expressions, the unblinking faces of soldiers in a Greek tragedy.†   (source)
  • Despite Calhoun's own intransigence, his Charleston Mercury praised Webster's address as "noble in language, generous and conciliatory in tone.†   (source)
  • distasteful to people inclined toward elegance, and admirable in its small way: superfluously strung: final) so that, knowing he was not his father, he had been satisfied with what he was, had cleverly revelled in it: had not built huge barns as the Congressman did—the austere gray buildings of Stony Hill Farm, each barn stern and intransigent under its sharp, high gables and neatly louvered cupolas lifting up lightning rods like safeguards against sorcery (gleaming copper, with globes of blue glass, or bluish green, like hypnotists' globes of 1900)—but had neatly, skillfully patched up the barns his father had built; had perched on beams some forty feet up from the rocky barnyard, hi†   (source)
  • Then his mood turned intransigent, sternly diffident, even boorish; he would not listen to any more fibs or pretty stories, refused to answer pastor—whom Luise Ziemssen had summoned and who, to Hans Castorp's regret, had not worn a starched ruff but only Geneva bands— arrived to pray with him, his attitude grew more officially military and his wishes were only blunt commands.†   (source)
  • I'm unwilling to say that there was mutiny on board, but after a reasonable period of intransigence, Commander Farragut, like Christopher Columbus before him, asked for a grace period of just three days more.†   (source)
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