insurrectionin a sentence
She kept a-raging right along, running her insurrection all by herself, and everybody else mighty meek and quiet; and at last Uncle Silas, looking kind of foolish, fishes up that spoon out of his pocket.
insurrection = organized opposition to authority
- He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, (source)
- My insurrection prompted a great deal of yelling.† (source)
- Peking switched its patronage to the newest, most militant faction of the CPI(M)—the Naxalites—who had staged an armed insurrection in Naxalbari, a village in Bengal.† (source)
- "I would go," I said, answering Thalia, looking at Mama, taking satisfaction in playing the insurrectionist that Mama thought I was.† (source)
- They fear we might mount an insurrection while they are dancing minuets and gorging on stuffed goose.† (source)
- The Tories appear to have confused Grace with the Irish Question, although she is a Protestant; and to consider the murder of a single Tory gentleman — however worthy the gentleman, and however regrettable the murder — to be the same thing as the insurrection of an entire race.† (source)
- Ironically, with his insurrection Valentine made the Accords possible.† (source)
- Theirs was not a football team to be beaten but an insurrection to be put down.† (source)
- In the next hour a few ministers and political leaders arrived, and telephone negotiations with the insurgents were begun in order to gauge the magnitude of the insurrection and to find a peaceful settlement.† (source)
- All she knew about him was that Jeremiah de Saint-Amour was a cripple on crutches whom she had never seen, that he had escaped the firing squad during one of many insurrections on one of many islands in the Antilles, that he had become a photographer of children out of necessity and had become the most successful one in the province, and that he had won a game of chess from someone she remembered as Torremolinos but in reality was named Capablanca.† (source)
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
- The names of a few of the friendlier tribes, a few cities under lockdown for insurrection—stuff like that.† (source)
- To my left are the Allegiant, Marcus, and the insurrection plan.† (source)
- That insurrection is called the Battle of the Camel, because Aisha commanded her troops by riding among them on a camel.† (source)
- This is supposed to be a celebration, not an insurrection.† (source)
- And when Galbatorix began his insurrection in earnest, with Morzan by his side, he was already stronger than most every other Rider.† (source)
- The moment he violated that clause of the contract, his other mistresses would assume inferior status and become ripe for insurrection.† (source)
- When, for instance, the health workers learned they'd be visiting the homes of mdr patients, they staged a small insurrection, demanding more pay.† (source)
- Yossarian felt guilty each time he remembered Kraft, guilty because Kraft had been killed on Yossarian's second bomb run, and guilty because Kraft had got mixed up innocently also in the Splendid Atabrine Insurrection that had begun in Puerto Rico on the first leg of their flight overseas and ended in Pianosa ten days later with Appleby striding dutifully into the orderly room the moment he arrived to report Yossarian for refusing to take his Atabrine tablets.† (source)
- Fries, it was his judgment, had led a riot, not an insurrection, and was therefore not guilty of treason.† (source)
- Two days ago I paraded Thomas through the streets to celebrate my victory over his insurrection.† (source)
- She took me aside and gave me a lot of advice on how to hold on to the throne: raise taxes so that I'd have the money to put down insurrection, increase the size of my army, and purge my council regularly.† (source)
- How goes sowing the seeds of insurrection among these tribesmen?† (source)
- We'll straighten it out in no time, it was an act of illegal insurrection, their state government had no right to impose local taxes detrimental to national taxes, we'll negotiate an equitable arrangement immediatelybut in the meantime, if you have been disturbed by any unpatriotic rumors about the California oil companies, I just wanted to tell you that Rearden Steel has been placed in the top category of essential need, with first claim upon any oil available anywhere in the nation, very top category, Mr. Rearden-so I just wanted you to know that you won't have to worry about the problem of fuel this winter!† (source)
- — John Paul Jones, September 14, 1775; excerpts from a letter to the naval committee of the N. A. insurrectionists.† (source)
- Grant speaks briefly with "Little Phil," the short and fiery dynamo who makes no secret that he wants his cavalry "to be there at the death" of the Confederate insurrection.† (source)
- The executive branch of government may use the army to suppress a small faction or an occasional insurrection.† (source)
- Ever since the school had been founded in 1842, after a slave insurrection, the Corps had marched on Fridays in Charleston, except on the Friday following that celebrated moment when cadets from the Institute had opened fire on the Star of the East, a Northern supply ship trying to deliver supplies to the beleaguered garrison at Fort Sumter.† (source)
- Finally, he planned an insurrection, in which he and his followers were to kill all the white people in Charleston, South Carolina, and free the slaves.† (source)
- The insurrection added to his confusion; and after the madonna statue in the Domain had been smashed he became very nervous.† (source)
- This was insurrection in the ranks—the first attempt to limit the previously unlimited power of "Czar" Cannon!† (source)
- The civil rights activists were charged with inciting insurrection--a capital offense in Georgia.
- The insurrection spread throughout the country.
- An insurrection took place, the object of which seems to have been to interrupt the course of law and get rid of debts and taxes. (source)
- Turns insurrection to religion. (source)
- Never had there been insurrection so sudden, so short, and so successful. (source)
- Revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence in which one class overthrows another.† (source)
- What if an insurrection arises in all the States?† (source)
- These are the only acts of presidential insurrection in the nation's entire history.† (source)
- The peasants of the central plateau staged an insurrection, which the Marines put down violently.† (source)
- The bush was at war; the town was in a state of insurrection, with nightly incidents.† (source)
- In the newspapers there was nothing about the insurrection and the Liberation Army.† (source)
- The insurrection, the Liberation Army —that was still going on.† (source)
- Between the acting of a dreadful thing And the first motion, all the interim is Like a phantasma, or a hideous dream: The Genius and the mortal instruments Are then in council; and the state of man, Like to a little kingdom, suffers then The nature of an insurrection.† (source)
- A number of men who were not moaning were now giggling openly, and there was no telling how far the unorganized insurrection of moaning might have gone if General Dreedle himself had not come forward to quell it, stepping out determinedly in the center of the platform directly in front of Major Danby, who, with his earnest, persevering head down, was still concentrating on his wrist watch and saying, '...twenty-five seconds...twenty...fifteen...'† (source)
- THE ATTENTION OF THE COUNTRY, meanwhile, had shifted to western Pennsylvania where an insurrection had broken out over a federal excise tax on distilleries, the only internal tax thus far imposed by the federal government.† (source)
- Montesquieu says that if "a popular insurrection happens in one of the States, the others are able to stop it.† (source)
- If it was created in response to a domestic insurrection or foreign war, it can't be called a peacetime military buildup.† (source)
- But the principal argument for giving the power of pardoning in this case to the Chief Executive is this: during times of insurrection or rebellion, there are often critical moments when a well-timed offer of pardon to the insurgents or rebels may restore the tranquility of the nation.† (source)
- The local militia and Federal troops were called in to quell this unplanned and unrehearsed insurrection.† (source)
- After the Nat Turner insurrection, fear hung over the plantations from Virginia on down through Maryland, down to Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi.† (source)
- He had two men who worked closely with him, who helped him make the homemade pikes that were used in the insurrection.† (source)
- They might be plotting servile insurrection, those long hard words that meant death to the master, death to the slave, too.† (source)
- Things had changed since the insurrection, of course, and had become very bad with the radicalization.† (source)
- Her business had gone down since the insurrection, and her news these days was of trouble in the villages.† (source)
- Before the insurrection was to take place, he quoted from the Book of Zechariah in the Old Testament: "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.† (source)
- The Virginia Assembly met in December, z83 The subject of slavery was introduced because some of the counties, alarmed by the Nat Turner insurrection, had petitioned for the gradual emancipation of the slaves or for abolition of slavery.† (source)
- Ever since the insurrection they've been talking of the morning when the whole thing is going to go up in flames.† (source)
- He was due for some big post soon, and the last I had heard from Zabeth was that he was being considered as a successor to our local commissioner, who had been sacked shortly after the insurrection had broken out.† (source)
- The businessman who came in from the capital by air or by the steamer and put up at the van der Weyden, and went to the better-known restaurants and nightclubs and asked no questions, would not have guessed that the town was in a state of insurrection, that the insurrection had its leaders and—though their names were known only in their own districts—its martyrs.† (source)
- When I read that I thought, 'Oh, my God, he's going down there to fight for the insurrectionists.† (source)
- Keeping the Union will restrain local factions and insurrections.† (source)
- The port consisted of half a dozen palm huts and a store made of wood, with a zinc roof, and it was protected by several squads of barefoot and ill-armed soldiers because there-had been rumors of a plan by the insurrectionists to plunder the boats.† (source)
- Let the extreme depression over our national dignity, the inconveniences felt everywhere from a lax and ill government, the revolt within North Carolina, the late menacing disturbances in Pennsylvania, and the actual insurrections and rebellions in Massachusetts, declare—!† (source)
- The Swiss states are kept together for several reasons: their geographic location, their individual weakness and insignificance, the fear of powerful neighbors (one formerly ruled them), their joint interest in Swiss territories, mutual aid for suppressing insurrections and rebellions, and a system that is supposed to solve disputes among the states.† (source)
- Insurrections, Invasions† (source)
- The Republicans were already accusing the Democrats of harboring insurrectionists and traitors; and the Democratic contribution to increased intersectional distrust was a new breed of Southern demagogues, intolerant and vengeful, "sired by Reconstruction out of scalawags."† (source)
- If you have ever cherished any dreams of violent insurrection, you must abandon them.† (source)
- It was the look of moral, of social, disapproval, as if he scented some kind of insurrection, of defiance of his accepted standards.† (source)
- Every hope is a plan for insurrection.† (source)
- It was like an insurrection in a gasometer.† (source)
- How all my brain was in tumult, and all my heart in insurrection!† (source)
- During the last two years, as we have said, Paris had witnessed more than one insurrection.† (source)
- Insurrection and repression do not fight with equal weapons.† (source)
- is insurrection; Hebert against Danton is revolt.† (source)
- An insurrection which breaks out, is an idea which is passing its examination before the people.† (source)
- I had to do it, because insurrection must have its discipline.† (source)
- In the beginning, the insurrection is a riot, just as a river is a torrent.† (source)
- Enjolras spoke like the real general of insurrection which he was.† (source)
- Are there not cases where insurrection rises to the dignity of duty?† (source)
- Under the Caesars, there was no insurrection, but there was Juvenal.† (source)
- But every insurrection, which aims at a government or a regime, aims higher.† (source)
- Riot is Masaniello; insurrection, Spartacus.† (source)
- The insurrection had made of the centre of Paris a sort of inextricable, tortuous, colossal citadel.† (source)
- Here insurrection assumes the character of a plot; there of an improvisation.† (source)
- There is no insurrection except in a forward direction.† (source)
- The approaching insurrection was preparing its storm calmly in the face of the government.† (source)
- If the people lets fall a black ball, the idea is dried fruit; the insurrection is a mere skirmish.† (source)
- The troop wished to make an end of it, insurrection was desirous of fighting.† (source)
- Then it abandons the insurrection to itself.† (source)
- The slaves in the South, aroused undoubtedly by vague rumors of the Haytian revolt, made three fierce attempts at insurrection,—in 1800 under Gabriel in Virginia, in 1822 under Vesey in Carolina, and in 1831 again in Virginia under the terrible Nat Turner.† (source)
- So I did not talk blood and insurrection to that man there who sat munching black bread with that abused and mistaught herd of human sheep, but took him aside and talked matter of another sort to him.† (source)
- Though after parleyings between Government and the ringleaders, and concessions by the former as to some glaring abuses, the first uprising—that at Spithead—with difficulty was put down, or matters for the time pacified; yet at the Nore the unforeseen renewal of insurrection on a yet larger scale, and emphasized in the conferences that ensued by demands deemed by the authorities not only inadmissible but aggressively insolent, indicated—if the Red Flag did not sufficiently do so—what was the spirit animating the men.† (source)
- Before 1750, while the fire of African freedom still burned in the veins of the slaves, there was in all leadership or attempted leadership but the one motive of revolt and revenge,—typified in the terrible Maroons, the Danish blacks, and Cato of Stono, and veiling all the Americas in fear of insurrection.† (source)
- The thing that would have best suited the circus side of my nature would have been to resign the Boss-ship and get up an insurrection and turn it into a revolution; but I knew that the Jack Cade or the Wat Tyler who tries such a thing without first educating his materials up to revolution grade is almost absolutely certain to get left.† (source)
- This state of things I have thought it necessary to premise for the information of the general reader, who might be apt to forget, that, although no great historical events, such as war or insurrection, mark the existence of the Anglo-Saxons as a separate people subsequent to the reign of William the Second; yet the great national distinctions betwixt them and their conquerors, the recollection of what they had formerly been, and to what they were now reduced, continued down to the reign of Edward the Third, to keep open the wounds which the Conquest had inflicted, and to maintain a line of separation betwixt the descendants of the victor Normans and the vanquished Saxons.† (source)
- Neither in Moscow nor anywhere in Russia did anything resembling an insurrection ever occur when the enemy entered a town.† (source)
- Then began his travels, his duels, his caprices; then the insurrection in Greece broke out, and he had served in the Grecian ranks.† (source)
- For the heroic times of copious bleeding and blistering had not yet departed, still less the times of thorough-going theory, when disease in general was called by some bad name, and treated accordingly without shilly-shally—as if, for example, it were to be called insurrection, which must not be fired on with blank-cartridge, but have its blood drawn at once.† (source)
- The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection.† (source)
- My internal being was in a state of insurrection and turmoil; I felt that order would thence arise, but I had no power to produce it.† (source)
- Were the slaveholders at once to abandon this practice, I have not the slightest doubt it would lead to an immediate insurrection among the slaves.† (source)
- Not far from this time Nat Turner's insurrection broke out; and the news threw our town into great commotion.† (source)
- In Poland they support the party that insists on an agrarian revolution as the prime condition for national emancipation, that party which fomented the insurrection of Cracow in 1846.† (source)
- The opportunities of the highways presented themselves with singular force of temptation; he thought seriously of insurrection in Galilee; even the sea, ordinarily a retrospective horror to him, stretched itself map-like before his fancy, laced and interlaced with lines of passage crowded with imperial plunder and imperial travellers; but the better judgment matured in calmer hours was happily too firmly fixed to be supplanted by present passion however strong.† (source)
- I have heard some of my townsmen say, "I should like to have them order me out to help put down an insurrection of the slaves, or to march to Mexico—see if I would go"; and yet these very men have each, directly by their allegiance, and so indirectly, at least, by their money, furnished a substitute.† (source)
- This was the class which headed the insurrection in the South, and furnished the best leaders of the American revolution.† (source)
- [Footnote e: In cases of invasion or insurrection, if the town-officers neglect to furnish the necessary stores and ammunition for the militia, the township may be condemned to a fine of from $200 to $500† (source)
- The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.† (source)
- From what I know of the effect of these holidays upon the slave, I believe them to be among the most effective means in the hands of the slaveholder in keeping down the spirit of insurrection.† (source)
- In some cases the searchers scattered powder and shot among their clothes, and then sent other parties to find them, and bring them forward as proof that they were plotting insurrection.† (source)
- After the alarm caused by Nat Turner's insurrection had subsided, the slaveholders came to the conclusion that it would be well to give the slaves enough of religious instruction to keep them from murdering their masters.† (source)
- They argued that the Constitution authorizes the Federal Government to call forth the militia in case of insurrection or invasion, but that in the present instance there was neither invasion nor insurrection.† (source)
- But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.† (source)
- No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.† (source)
- Fear Of Insurrection.† (source)
- Insurrection is sometimes resurrection.† (source)
- Pretot, who was destined to perish also in the struggle, seconded Mavot, and to the question: "What is your object?" he replied: "Insurrection."† (source)
- The child was dressed as a National Guardsman, owing to the insurrection, and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence.† (source)
- The invisible police of the insurrection were on the watch everywhere, and maintained order, that is to say, night.† (source)
- In the majority of cases, riot proceeds from a material fact; insurrection is always a moral phenomenon.† (source)
- It is certain that, on the morning of the 6th of June, the insurrection broke out afresh for an hour or two, to a certain extent.† (source)
- The insurrection had abruptly built barricades with one hand, and with the other seized nearly all the posts of the garrison.† (source)
- The Society of the Friends of the People had, it was said, undertaken to direct the insurrection in the Quartier Sainte-Avoye.† (source)
- There is also a difference in the intensity of heat; insurrection is often a volcano, revolt is often only a fire of straw.† (source)
- Insurrection borders on mind, riot on the stomach; Gaster grows irritated; but Gaster, assuredly, is not always in the wrong.† (source)
- Sixteen years count in the subterranean education of insurrection, and June, 1848, knew a great deal more about it than June, 1832.† (source)
- The garden was deserted, the gates had been closed by order of the police, on account of the insurrection.† (source)
- Insurrection is a fit of rage on the part of truth; the pavements which the uprising disturbs give forth the spark of right.† (source)
- This fact, singular though it may seem, was proved at the judicial investigation opened in consequence of the insurrection of 1832.† (source)
- Israel against Moses, Athens against Phocian, Rome against Cicero,—that is an uprising; Paris against the Bastille,—that is insurrection.† (source)
- At six o'clock in the morning a regiment "which had been labored with," would turn; at noon, the insurrection of all Paris; at sunset, revolution.† (source)
- Insurrection, which is speedily exhausted, has only a certain number of shots to fire and a certain number of combatants to expend.† (source)
- Hence it results that if insurrection in given cases may be, as Lafayette says, the most holy of duties, an uprising may be the most fatal of crimes.† (source)
- Thirty years ago, at the epoch of the insurrection of the 5th and 6th of June, it was still, in many localities, nearly the same ancient sewer.† (source)
- It was indispensable that all should be ended on the following day, that triumph should rest either here or there, that the insurrection should prove itself a revolution or a skirmish.† (source)
- But Juvenal and Tacitus, like Isaiah in Biblical times, like Dante in the Middle Ages, is man; riot and insurrection are the multitude, which is sometimes right and sometimes wrong.† (source)
- A priori, insurrection is repugnant to them, in the first place, because it often results in a catastrophe, in the second place, because it always has an abstraction as its point of departure.† (source)
- However, insurrection, riot, and points of difference between the former and the latter,—the bourgeois, properly speaking, knows nothing of such shades.† (source)
- There is such a thing as an uprising, and there is such a thing as insurrection; these are two separate phases of wrath; one is in the wrong, the other is in the right.† (source)
- Admitting that the gigantic and gloomy insurrection of June was composed of a wrath and of an enigma, one divined in the first barricade the dragon, and behind the second the sphinx.† (source)
- Universal suffrage has this admirable property, that it dissolves riot in its inception, and, by giving the vote to insurrection, it deprives it of its arms.† (source)
- The nation, attacked one morning with weapons, by a sort of royal insurrection, felt itself in the possession of so much force that it did not go into a rage.† (source)
- The Utopia, insurrection, fights with the old military code in its fist; it shoots spies, it executes traitors; it suppresses living beings and flings them into unknown darkness.† (source)
- An insurrection is an enthusiasm.† (source)
- The necessary tactics of insurrection are to drown small numbers in a vast obscurity, to multiply every combatant by the possibilities which that obscurity contains.† (source)
- In the midst of an incalculable political event already begun, under the pressure of a possible revolution, a police agent, "spun" a thief without allowing himself to be distracted by insurrection and barricades.† (source)
- It may happen to us, in placing this formidable event on the stage, to say revolt now and then, but merely to distinguish superficial facts, and always preserving the distinction between revolt, the form, and insurrection, the foundation.† (source)
- , there is because a Bourbon in Louis Philippe; both represent in a certain measure the confiscation of right, and, in order to clear away universal insurrection, they must be combated; it must be done, France being always the one to begin.† (source)
- In this place which had been marked out for the struggle, the Government and the insurrection, the National Guard, and popular societies, the bourgeois and the uprising, groping their way, were about to come into contact.† (source)
- Courfeyrac was no longer the imperturbable inhabitant of the Latin Quarter, he had gone to live in the Rue de la Verrerie "for political reasons"; this quarter was one where, at that epoch, insurrection liked to install itself.† (source)
- Ordinarily, when an insurrection commences, when the shop-keeper hears the drum, the call to arms, the general alarm, he contents himself with the remark:— "There appears to be a squabble in the Rue Saint-Martin."† (source)
- These two barricades, both of them symbols, under two different aspects, of a redoubtable situation, sprang from the earth at the time of the fatal insurrection of June, 1848, the greatest war of the streets that history has ever beheld.† (source)
- Where the subject is not lost sight of, there is no digression; may we, then, be permitted to arrest the reader's attention for a moment on the two absolutely unique barricades of which we have just spoken and which characterized this insurrection.† (source)
- In all questions which result from collective sovereignty, the war of the whole against the fraction is insurrection; the attack of the fraction against the whole is revolt; according as the Tuileries contain a king or the Convention, they are justly or unjustly attacked.† (source)
- Thus, for instance, and we insist upon it, what the chiefs of the insurrection of 1832, and, in particular, the young enthusiasts of the Rue de la Chanvrerie were combating, was not precisely Louis Philippe.† (source)
- Is it an insurrection?† (source)
- All around this deserted and disquieting labyrinth, in the quarters where the Parisian circulation had not been annihilated, and where a few street lanterns still burned, the aerial observer might have distinguished the metallic gleam of swords and bayonets, the dull rumble of artillery, and the swarming of silent battalions whose ranks were swelling from minute to minute; a formidable girdle which was slowly drawing in and around the insurrection.† (source)
- At the instant when the insurrection, arising from the shock of the populace and the military in front of the Arsenal, started a movement in advance and towards the rear in the multitude which was following the hearse and which, through the whole length of the boulevards, weighed, so to speak, on the head of the procession, there arose a frightful ebb.† (source)
- In those days, so different from those in which we live, when the hour was come, when the people wished to put an end to a situation, which had lasted too long, with a charter granted or with a legal country, when universal wrath was diffused in the atmosphere, when the city consented to the tearing up of the pavements, when insurrection made the bourgeoisie smile by whispering its password in its ear, then the inhabitant, thoroughly penetrated with the revolt, so to speak, was the auxiliary of the combatant, and the house fraternized with the improvised fortress which rested on it.† (source)
- Is there, for example, anything stranger than that long and bloody protest of dealers in contraband salt, a legitimate chronic revolt, which, at the decisive moment, on the day of salvation, at the very hour of popular victory, espouses the throne, turns into chouannerie, and, from having been an insurrection against, becomes an uprising for, sombre masterpieces of ignorance!† (source)
- Exasperated by the successive apparition of the red flag and the old coat which he took for the black flag, he loudly blamed the generals and chiefs of the corps, who were holding council and did not think that the moment for the decisive assault had arrived, and who were allowing "the insurrection to fry in its own fat," to use the celebrated expression of one of them.† (source)
- Sometimes, however, coming from those lofty mountains which dominate the moral horizon, justice, wisdom, reason, right, formed of the pure snow of the ideal, after a long fall from rock to rock, after having reflected the sky in its transparency and increased by a hundred affluents in the majestic mien of triumph, insurrection is suddenly lost in some quagmire, as the Rhine is in a swamp.† (source)
- That done he crossed his legs and stretched himself out on the back of the chair, an attitude characteristic of people who are sure of what they are saying, then he entered upon his subject gravely, emphasizing his words: "Monsieur le Baron, on the 6th of June, 1832, about a year ago, on the day of the insurrection, a man was in the Grand Sewer of Paris, at the point where the sewer enters the Seine, between the Pont des Invalides and the Pont de Jena."† (source)
- At the time of the insurrection of 1839, in the Rue Saint-Martin a little, infirm old man, pushing a hand-cart surmounted by a tricolored rag, in which he had carafes filled with some sort of liquid, went and came from barricade to troops and from troops to the barricade, offering his glasses of cocoa impartially,—now to the Government, now to anarchy.† (source)
- When the situation was not ripe, when the insurrection was not decidedly admitted, when the masses disowned the movement, all was over with the combatants, the city was changed into a desert around the revolt, souls grew chilled, refuges were nailed up, and the street turned into a defile to help the army to take the barricade.† (source)
- Police agents, making their way suddenly and unexpectedly at five o'clock in the morning, into the dwelling of a certain Pardon, who was afterwards a member of the Barricade-Merry section and got himself killed in the insurrection of April, 1834, found him standing near his bed, and holding in his hand some cartridges which he was in the act of preparing.† (source)
- It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.† (source)
- The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.† (source)
- But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.† (source)
- No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.† (source)
- Here too he touched upon real estate, circuses, pleasures, insurrections and antiques.† (source)
- It sent the most insurrectionary tune into the world that was ever composed.† (source)
- The incubation of insurrections gives the retort to the premeditation of coups d'etat.† (source)
- What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul?† (source)
- There was sufficient breeze to raise little insurrections of dust here and there.† (source)
- For it was close on the heel of the suppressed insurrections, an aftertime very critical to naval authority, demanding from every English sea-commander two qualities not readily interfusable—prudence and rigour.† (source)
- Rather, they accomplished their work above and beyond the call of duty (ex supererogatione), not only by resisting the insurrections of the flesh (rebellioni carnis), which was, after all, the task of every man of average common sense, but also by doing battle against every inclination of the senses, against both love of self and love of the world, against things that are normally permitted.† (source)
- The gardens were arranged to emulate those of Versailles, and amidst the terraces and groves there are some huge allegorical waterworks still, which spout and froth stupendously upon fete-days, and frighten one with their enormous aquatic insurrections.† (source)
- The only great pleasure such a restriction suggested was the pleasure of breaking it, and Tom began to meditate an insurrectionary visit to the pond, about a field's length beyond the garden.† (source)
- To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.† (source)
- The Constitution confers upon Congress the right of calling forth militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and another article declares that the President of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the militia.† (source)
- Those who have preserved some memory of this already distant epoch know that the National Guard from the suburbs was valiant against insurrections.† (source)
- Democratic right confiscated, progress becomes a matter of secondary interest, the protests of the street violently repressed, military execution of insurrections, the rising passed over by arms, the Rue Transnonain, the counsels of war, the absorption of the real country by the legal country, on half shares with three hundred thousand privileged persons,— these are the deeds of royalty; Belgium refused, Algeria too harshly conquered, and, as in the case of India by the English, with more barbarism tha† (source)
- Jealousies will be always arising; insurrections will be constantly happening; and who will go forth to quell them?† (source)
- Thus to cause France to lose Milan the first time it was enough for the Duke Lodovico(*) to raise insurrections on the borders; but to cause him to lose it a second time it was necessary to bring the whole world against him, and that his armies should be defeated and driven out of Italy; which followed from the causes above mentioned.† (source)
- Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; T† (source)
The genius and the mortal instruments
Are then in council; and the state of man,
Like to a little kingdom, suffers then
The nature of an insurrection. (source)insurrection = rebellion
Still Though the One I Sing
Still though the one I sing,
(One, yet of contradictions made,) I dedicate to Nationality,
I leave in him revolt, (O latent right of insurrection!† (source)
(Not songs of loyalty alone are these,
But songs of insurrection also,
For I am the sworn poet of every dauntless rebel the world over,
And he going with me leaves peace and routine behind him,
And stakes his life to be lost at any moment.)† (source)
- 9 — The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection.† (source)
- The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection† (source)
- An insurrection, whatever may be its immediate cause, eventually endangers all government.† (source)
- As conversation is a great part of human happiness, so it is a pleasant sight to behold a sweet tempered man, who is always fit for it; to see an air of humour and pleasantness sit ever upon his brow, and even something angelic in his very countenance: Whereas, if we observe a designing man, we shall find a mark of involuntary sadness break in upon his joy, and a certain insurrection in the soul, the natural concomitant of profligate principles.† (source)
- But now the bishop Turns insurrection to religion: Supposed sincere and holy in his thoughts, He 's follow'd both with body and with mind; And doth enlarge his rising with the blood Of fair King Richard, scraped from Pomfret stones; Derives from heaven his quarrel and his cause; Tells them he doth bestride a bleeding land, Gasping for life under great Bolingbroke; And more and less do flock to follow him.† (source)
- These things, indeed, you have articulate, Proclaim'd at market-crosses, read in churches, To face the garment of rebellion With some fine colour that may please the eye Of fickle changelings and poor discontents, Which gape and rub the elbow at the news Of hurlyburly innovation: And never yet did insurrection want Such water-colours to impaint his cause; Nor moody beggars, starving for a time Of pellmell havoc and confusion.† (source)
- 64:2 Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity: 64:3 Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words: 64:4 That they may shoot in secret at the perfect: suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.† (source)
- [*] For my own part, I had been for some time very seriously affected with the danger to which the Protestant religion was so visibly exposed under a Popish prince, and thought the apprehension of it alone sufficient to justify that insurrection; for no real security can ever be found against the persecuting spirit of Popery, when armed with power, except the depriving it of that power, as woeful experience presently showed† (source)
- men are never so serious, thoughtful, and intent, as when they are at stool, which he found by frequent experiment; for, in such conjunctures, when he used, merely as a trial, to consider which was the best way of murdering the king, his ordure would have a tincture of green; but quite different, when he thought only of raising an insurrection, or burning the metropolis.† (source)
- But affairs were not in so quiet a situation in the bosom of the other conspirator; his mind was tost in all the distracting anxiety so nobly described by Shakespear— "Between the acting of a dreadful thing, And the first motion, all the interim is Like a phantasma, or a hideous dream; The genius and the mortal instruments Are then in council; and the state of man, Like to a little kingdom, suffers then The nature of an insurrection."† (source)
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