inoculatein a sentence
- Josie didn't mean to, but Drew's words and the stupid guy in the movie trying to jump the bridge and the way the stars were pricking at her skin, like inoculations for a terminal disease, suddenly made her start to cry.† (source)
- I think they worried that my grandfather would infect me with some incurable dreaminess from which I'd never recover—that these fantasies were somehow inoculating me against more practical ambitions—so one day my mother sat me down and explained that I couldn't become an explorer because everything in the world had already been discovered.† (source)
- They were merely inoculating a community against an outbreak.† (source)
- Folks began to comprehend the germ theory of disease in the nineteenth century, of course, after Louis Pasteur, but until they could do something about it, until the age of inoculation, illness remained frightening and mysterious.† (source)
- Salk would inoculate 2 million children and the NFIP would test their blood to see if they'd become immune.† (source)
- So the strict, book-based religion of the deuteronomists inoculated the Hebrews against the Asherah virus.† (source)
- One month after the experiments, almost none of the subjects — a mere 3 percent — had actually gone to the health center to get inoculated.† (source)
- When I had all those inoculations as a child?† (source)
- Nita's informant among the GPs provided her with the inoculation serum months ago.† (source)
- They worked two days in the holdingpens branding and earmarking and castrating and dehorning and inoculating.† (source)
- Full-grown, he was a burly figure, about five feet ten inches tall, with the arms and shoulders of a foundryman, and handsome, though an inoculation for smallpox had left a cloudy spot in his right eye.† (source)
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- It was a bittersweet time, for I longed to speak of all the things I loved, our little house with the rain beating on our metal roof, visiting the Kikuyu shambas, calming the fears of the mothers when they brought their children in to be inoculated, the thrill of hearing the roar of a lion at night when I was safe inside our house.† (source)
- You have a vaccine; we should be inoculated at once!† (source)
- When he launched a crusade against an outbreak of malaria, Celia inoculated schoolchildren.† (source)
- And they had not only inoculated their military, they were performing forced inoculations as fast as they could get the nannites distributed.† (source)
- I have heard that an early inoculation to'the sights and smells of the Carolina lowcountry is an almost irreversible antidote to the charms of other landscapes, other alien geographies.† (source)
- He took him into business and tried to inoculate him with the joys of buying and selling, of outwitting other men, of judging them for a bluff, of living by maneuver.† (source)
- Intel suggested that they had obtained inoculations through black market sources.† (source)
- "You didn't inoculate yourself yesterday," I say to Peter.† (source)
- "Such a spirit of inoculation" had never been known, Abigail reported.† (source)
- So you need to inoculate them by what time?† (source)
- He wished the whole populace could be inoculated.† (source)
- "How DID YOU inoculate yourself against the death serum?" he asks me.† (source)
- But inoculate yourself against the memory serum, okay?† (source)
- And you can inoculate your family too, Christina.† (source)
- Matthew said we could inoculate people against the memory serum, right?† (source)
- You'll need to inoculate yourself against it unless you want to forget everything you now remember.† (source)
- They don't know that, a few hours ago, all of us were inoculated against truth serum.† (source)
- De Becker, whose firm provides security for public figures, puts his bodyguards through a program of what he calls stress inoculation.† (source)
- The first is that of the 28 percent who got inoculated, an equal number were from the high-fear and the low-fear group.† (source)
- "There is the possible danger," Southam wrote, "of initiating neo-plastic disease by accidental inoculation during laboratory investigation, or by injection with such cells or cell products if they should be used for production of virus vaccine."† (source)
- one capable of being introduced into other persons or animals by inoculations or otherwise and of developing the same disease in them... 3.† (source)
- He divided them up into several groups, and gave all of them a seven-page booklet explaining the dangers of tetanus, the importance of inoculation, and the fact that the university was offering free tetanus shots at the campus health center to all interested students.† (source)
- But those who were given the high-fear booklet were more convinced of the dangers of tetanus, more convinced of the importance of shots, and were more likely to say that they intended to get inoculated.† (source)
- John had known him since the smallpox epidemic of 1764, when John had gone to Boston to be inoculated.† (source)
- The Sudanese had officially rejected it, inoculated their military and government officials and their allies, and denied it to any resident of Darfur.† (source)
- And they had not only inoculated their military, they were performing forced inoculations as fast as they could get the nannites distributed.† (source)
- Because of the outbreak of smallpox in Boston, thousands of people had come in from the surrounding countryside to be inoculated.† (source)
- From Abigail came word that she and the children, having survived the long ordeal of inoculation in Boston, were at last home again in Braintree.† (source)
- Then, on July 16, came a letter from Abigail's uncle, Isaac Smith, reporting that Abigail, acting on her own, had decided that she and the children must be inoculated for smallpox.† (source)
- During the terrible smallpox epidemic of 1764, when Boston became "one great hospital," he went to the city to be inoculated, an often harrowing, potentially fatal ordeal extending over many days.† (source)
- Overflowing with energy and goodwill, he was ardent for reform of all kinds: smallpox inoculation for the poor, humane care for the insane, reform of the penal code, but especially for the abolition of slavery.† (source)
- It was there, in Boston, that smallpox inoculation had been introduced in America more than half a century earlier, and by a kinsman of Adams, Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, Adams's great uncle on his mother's side.† (source)
- The ordeal of the patient, however, could be considerable, as Adams knew from all he had seen at the time he was inoculated, and largely because of various purges that were thought essential to recovery.† (source)
- Amar gave us a little over an hour to find and inoculate Uriah's family and get back to the compound unnoticed, so I only have time for one of them.† (source)
- So we'll go in, inoculate Uriah's family just in case, and take them back to the compound to say good-bye to him.† (source)
- And it's a better model for having the option to select particular members of a population to opt out—you inoculate them, the virus spreads within twenty-four hours, and it has no effect on them.† (source)
- Did you inoculate your family?† (source)
- I didn't inoculate myself.† (source)
- Just inoculate them?† (source)
- You can't survive the death serum without an inoculation, and I'm the only person in the compound who possesses that substance.† (source)
- We have to make sure Zeke and his mother and Christina's family are all inoculated before the memory serum is released, or they'll be useless.† (source)
- Matthew inoculates people against the memory serum all throughout the day, Cara and Caleb and Tris and Nita and Reggie and himself.† (source)
- "I was just inoculating Nita," he says.† (source)
- Weeping mothers brought bawling children to the health center for inoculation.† (source)
- "Tropical workers start being inoculated at Metre 150," Mr. Foster explained to the students.† (source)
- You know, I've just had another inoculation.† (source)
- That night, after dinner, they performed the inoculation, a lengthy process, without getting the slightest reaction.† (source)
- The same was true of the statistics of the effects of anti-plague inoculations on the persons in his quarantine station.† (source)
- At daybreak on the following day they gathered round the bed to observe the effects of this test inoculation on which so much hung.† (source)
- The doctor pointed out that Tarrou, too, had had inoculations, though it was possible, tired as he was, he'd overlooked the last one or omitted to take the necessary precautions.† (source)
- Though theoretically immunized by periodical inoculations, he was well aware that at any moment death might claim him too, and he had given thought to this.† (source)
- It was still impossible to administer prophylactic inoculations elsewhere than in families already attacked; if its use was to be generalized, very large quantities of the vaccine would have been needed.† (source)
- Why didn't he get on with it, on to the entertainingly dreadful moment of inoculating the pig?† (source)
- I shall now inoculate the second guinea pig, and the class will be dismissed.† (source)
- They are giving themselves a sad malady; they are inoculating themselves with the past.† (source)
- But if you are naturally vulgar and credulous, as all reformers are, it will thrust you first into religion, where you will sprinkle water on babies to save their souls from me; then it will drive you from religion into science, where you will snatch the babies from the water sprinkling and inoculate them with disease to save them from catching it accidentally; then you will take to politics, where you will become the catspaw of corrupt functionaries and the henchman of ambitious humbugs; and the end will be despair and decrepitude, broken nerve and shattered hopes, vain regrets for that worst and silliest of wastes and sacrifices, the wast† (source)
- He laughed at the girl's story of the humors of a hunger-strike; he told the secretary what to do when her eyes were tired from typing; and the teacher asked him—not as the husband of a friend but as a physician—whether there was "anything to this inoculation for colds."† (source)
- But the boredom of regime and hygiene repelled him, and after inoculating a man for enteric, he would go away and drink unfiltered water himself.† (source)
- Examining his complaint with as much scientific detachment as if he had inoculated himself with it in order to study its effects, he told himself that, when he was cured of it, what Odette might or might not do would be indifferent to him.† (source)
- The physiology, the chemical rhythm of the creature, may also be made to undergo an enduring modification,—of which vaccination and other methods of inoculation with living or dead matter are examples that will, no doubt, be familiar to you.† (source)
- But having fallen in love with him, she had become inoculated with the virus of Evangelism and proselytizing which dominated him, and had followed him gladly and enthusiastically in all of his ventures and through all of his vagaries.† (source)
- And the hard, small blue eyes filled with a shrewd, determined cunning and courage, with which he was seeking to inoculate Clyde, and which somehow did inoculate him!† (source)
- He had to drop inoculation and such Western whims, but even at Chandrapore his profession had been a game, centering round the operating table, and here in the backwoods he let his instruments rust, ran his little hospital at half steam, and caused no undue alarm.† (source)
- He produced antitoxin in the test-tube, which meant that it would be possible to immunize against certain diseases without tediously making sera by the inoculation of animals.† (source)
- In that listless state he was mooning about the laboratory during elementary bacteriology demonstration hour, when Gottlieb sent him to the basement to bring up six male rabbits for inoculation.† (source)
- While the assistant tagged the pig with a tin disk in its ear and restored it to the battery jar, Gottlieb set down its weight in a note-book, with the time of inoculation and the age of the bacterial culture.† (source)
- It was said that he could create life in the laboratory, that he could talk to the monkeys which he inoculated, that he had been driven out of Germany as a devil-worshiper or an anarchist, and that he secretly drank real champagne every evening at dinner.† (source)
- They had studied the forms of bacteria, they had handled Petri dishes and platinum loops, they had proudly grown on potato slices the harmless red cultures of Bacillus prodigiosus, and they had come now to pathogenic germs and the inoculation of a living animal with swift disease.† (source)
- And so national that it would be practically impossible among us, though I believe we are being inoculated with it, since the religious movement began in our aristocracy.† (source)
- They also contain a multitude of Europeans who have been driven to the shores of the New World by their misfortunes or their misconduct; and these men inoculate the United States with all our vices, without bringing with them any of those interests which counteract their baneful influence.† (source)
- I long regretted bitterly, and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation.† (source)
- All I can say is that she was likely born sometime after 1920; that's when public inoculation came in.† (source)
- LYNCH: (Laughs) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes.† (source)
- You should not have believ'd me; for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it: I loved you not.† (source)
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