inflationin a sentence
inflation as in: economic inflation
The report shows inflation-adjusted dollars.
inflation = adjusted for a decrease in the value of a dollar over time
Most economist think a little inflation (perhaps a percentage or two) is good for the economy, but all economists agree that a lot of inflation is harmful.
inflation = when the price of everything increases because money is less valuable
Parties every week, balls, banquets, beautiful girls, waltzing, dinners, a huge house, etc. After Grandpa died, most of the money was lost, and after the Great War and inflation there was nothing left at all.
inflation = increase in prices
- They were spendable money and never did drop to zero but were inflationary and exchange reflected it increasingly; new government was spending money it did not have.† (source)
- It's all part of the damnable inflationary pattern that's designed to cheat people on pensions and with fixed incomes and so forth.† (source)
- Inasmuch as a tremendous spurt in the production of the Western silver mines had caused its value in relation to gold to shrink considerably, the single purpose of the silver forces was clear, simple and appealing—easy, inflationary money.† (source)
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
inflation = when the price of everything increases because money is less valuable
- And the facts, as he had publicly stated, were that Russia intended to defeat the United States by scaring us into an inflationary, socialistic depression, and not by tossing missiles at us.† (source)
Did these donations take place before hyperinflation?†
standard prefix: The prefix "hyper-" in hyperinflation means extreme or excessive. This is the same pattern as seen in words like hypersensitive, hyperactive, and hypercritical.
show 10 more examples with any meaning
- Rapid inflation puts a lot of shock and pressure on it.† (source)
- His efforts have resulted in a nation that has the highest literacy rate in Europe, some of the best educational attainment rates, and the lowest infant mortality, inflation, and unemployment rates in the Western Hemisphere.† (source)
- "It's a great hedge on inflation," he says with authority.† (source)
- When inflation went through the roof and gold hit $850 an ounce, it was worth a small fortune, more than enough for my frugal dad to retire a few times over and more than it would be worth a quarter century later.† (source)
- Inflation, you know.† (source)
- Now I can return them to you readjusted, because with inflation they're not worth what they once were.† (source)
- To continue funding his extravagance, Mobutu simply appropriated the national treasury, printing money whenever he needed it, which led to staggering inflation that further weakened his failing country.† (source)
- Throughout the U.S. we find that the aging population (living on restricted and/or shrinking incomes in an inflation-prone world), along with reduced government support of education, conflicts with the needs of young people who live in a society that demands educational excellence even while promoting passive acceptance of mass-media culture.† (source)
- The annual revenues of America's fast food industry, adjusted for inflation, have risen by about 20 percent since 2001.† (source)
- Still, if prices haven't risen with inflation, another hundred will score an eight ball instead of a gram.† (source)
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- They got much grade inflation?† (source)
- RAMPANT INFLATION, shortages of nearly every necessity made the day-to-day struggle at home increasingly difficult.† (source)
- "Nationals," as they were called, were inflation money, war money, fiat money, and were discounted a fraction of a percent on day of first issue, concealed as "exchange service charge."† (source)
- Yes, economics-history, theory, prices, inflation, why not?† (source)
- When I was a child, we lived in France—a France that was still suffering from World War II bomb damage; a France that still had amputees from the first World War and special seats on the subway for those who had been wounded in the first and second World Wars; a France that was fighting a war in Algiers; a France that had 100 percent inflation.† (source)
- Now there's wreckage, and inflation, and moral collapse.† (source)
- Whatever the country's current rank, its manufacturing output continues to grow strongly; in the past decade alone, output from American factories, adjusted for inflation, has risen by a third.† (source)
- Slave prices in the South rose even faster than the rate of inflation during that springtime of Confederate confidence.† (source)
- So, I want to speak to you first tonight about a subject even more serious than energy or inflation.† (source)
- The flat was cluttered with a mixture of expensive and cheap furniture, hastily bought as an investment against the rapid inflation.† (source)
- Lucius Lamar failed to understand why the evils of planned inflation are sometimes preferable to the tragedies of uncon-trolled depression.† (source)
- Because inflation is not unknown in this country, and I may live longer than I expect.† (source)
- It might be worth more—maybe much more—from inflation than from investing it.† (source)
- These funds will go to fight, not to increase, inflation and unemployment.† (source)
- It's a cause of the increased inflation and unemployment that we now face.† (source)
- When we import oil we are also importing inflation plus unemployment.† (source)
- Inflation, you know.† (source)
- Prof claimed that what was taking place was a mild inflation offset by fact that we plowed money back in—but I should remember that Mike had records and all could be restored after Revolution, with ease since we would no longer be bled in much larger amounts by Authority.† (source)
- The scarcities, inflation, taxes, and profiteering, the incessant worries and enmities of war, were all ever-present.† (source)
- Adjusted for inflation, today's hourly wage is more than a third lower than what Monfort paid forty years ago when the plant opened.† (source)
- Three months before, on March 18, 1780, desperate to curb rampant inflation, Congress had resolved to devalue the dollar.† (source)
- Adjusted for inflation, the hourly wage of the average U.S. worker peaked in 1973 and then steadily declined for the next twenty-five years.† (source)
- At a time when unemployment is high, 46 million Americans live below the poverty line, and the minimum wage remains almost 20 percent lower, adjusted for inflation, than it was forty years ago, changes to America's food system won't be enough.† (source)
- Its principal adverse effects on his way of life were spiraling inflation, and the loss of twenty-two of his slaves who ran off in the hope of joining the British side and gaining their freedom.† (source)
- After the rarefied life at Monticello, the everyday confusion, endless paperwork and frustrations of administering a state at war—trying to cope with inflation, taxes, allocations of money and supplies—was torturous and only grew worse.† (source)
- Monfort wanted to reduce labor costs, but its workers thought that wages should not be cut at a time when the company was earning profits and the nation's annual inflation rate had reached double digits.† (source)
- There were the ever-vexing complications of dealing in various colonial currencies of differing value, and the increasing worry over inflation and the fate of the new Continental money, the unbacked paper currency being produced in Philadelphia in steadily greater quantity.† (source)
- It took place during a period when the inflation-adjusted value of the minimum wage declined by about 40 percent, when sophisticated mass marketing techniques were for the first time directed at small children, and when federal agencies created to protect workers and consumers too often behaved like branch offices of the companies that were supposed to be regulated.† (source)
- We remember when the phrase "sound as a dollar" was an expression of absolute dependability, until 10 years of inflation began to shrink our dollar and our savings.† (source)
- It's clear that the true problems of our Nation are much deeper — deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper even than inflation or recession.† (source)
- I wish I could forget the roll of the red eyes and the fearful blackened inflation of the lineaments!† (source)
- Those who have seen the bas-reliefs of Rheims will recall the inflation of the lower lip of the wise virgins as they survey the foolish BOOK SIXTH.† (source)
- The husband replied by that imperceptible movement of the forefinger, which, backed up by an inflation of the lips, signifies in such cases: A regular beggar.† (source)
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meaning too rare to warrant focus:
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He freed the straps, found the inflation cylinder.
inflation = to fill with air
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