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  • Now she sat resting in vacuous indolence,   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • ...with vacant eyes staring in indolent stupor out of stagnant layers of flesh,   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • A good servant has absolute security, not because of his master's kindness, but because of habit and indolence.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • She raises her arms and stretches, as she moves indolently back to the chair.   (source)
    indolently = lazily
  • Where he had once been lounging and indolent, he was now as alert as a prowling cat,   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • "Why," she said, "you just can't apply American methods in this country. It's natural to the folks here to be indolent," she said.   (source)
    indolent = disinclined to work
  • Rainsford, reclining in a steamer chair, indolently puffed on his favorite brier.   (source)
    indolently = lazily
  • ...even if he was too dull or too indolent to suspect or find out about his father himself...   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • He looks like an enlarged, elderly, bald edition of the village fat boy--a sly fat boy, congenitally indolent, a practical joker, a born grafter and con merchant.   (source)
  • If people had ever lived and loved here, read thrillers at midnight and lain in beautiful indolence on a Sunday morning, there were no signs of it.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • She was indolent, passive, the caustic even called her dull   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • ...the indolence and the indifference of her colleagues.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • How was it related to the indolent serenity of the beautiful Upper-worlders?   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • with the indolent, painstaking exactitude of a person who has nothing else to do,   (source)
  • the Embassy at Paris, a post to which he considered that he was fully entitled by reason of his birth, his indolence, the good English of his despatches, and his inordinate passion for pleasure.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • He was as indolent as ever and showed no very strenuous desire to hunt up an occupation.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • His whole appearance bespoke perfect calmness and self-possession, not indolence but tranquillity.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • Well, how do you like our Temple of Indolence?   (source)
  • their busy, lively ways made him ashamed of the indolent life he led.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • Eliza generally took no more notice of her sister's indolence and complaints than if no such murmuring, lounging object had been before her.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • They are as heedless and as indolent as cats.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • Indolence and idleness perished before him.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • Ernest, two years younger, was tall and slight; in disposition, mild, calm and studious; his early faults of indolence and selfishness were almost entirely overcome.   (source)
  • Then he, from indolence, from laziness, went and took, hanging on its nail in my laboratory, the key of the Capharnaum.   (source)
  • I saw she was sorry for his persevering sulkiness and indolence: her conscience reproved her for frightening him off improving himself: she had done it effectually.   (source)
  • There were not lacking, however, evidences of what we may call the intelligent egoism of a youth who is charmed with the indolent, careless life of an only son, and who lives as it were in a gilded cage.   (source)
    indolent = not needing to working
  • The natural day is very calm, and will hardly reprove his indolence.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • St. Clare was indolent and careless of money.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • who appeared of a lounging, not to say indolent disposition:   (source)
  • After some days spent in listless indolence, during which I traversed many leagues, I arrived at Strasbourg, where I waited two days for Clerval.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • Castle of Indolence   (source)
  • he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards;   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • The settlement of that province had lately been begun, but, instead of being made with hardy, industrious husbandmen, accustomed to labor, the only people fit for such an enterprise, it was with families of broken shop-keepers and other insolvent debtors, many of indolent and idle habits ... who, being set down in the woods, unqualified for clearing land, and unable to endure the hardships of a new settlement, perished in numbers, leaving many helpless children unprovided for.   (source)
  • He shouted for the farm workers to line up before him, then began berating them for their indolence.†   (source)
  • The indolence, the loitering.†   (source)
  • She knows it, and says I'm an indolent man without any sense of purpose.†   (source)
  • That it has become something else altogether, something more soft-edged and indolent.†   (source)
  • Savannah, he said, had been "a sweet, indolent background for a boy to grow up in."†   (source)
  • Volkheimer shifts slightly in his chair; his gaze is both interested and indolent.†   (source)
  • Their discourse went forward in a miasma of sweat and heat that suggested a kind of indolence.†   (source)
  • Even the bacteria, when they settle in his ulcers, become "indolent."†   (source)
  • It was no larger than any other cat, only fat from indolence, for the Sealord fed it from his own table.†   (source)
  • My stomach boiled with nerves, and I was chewing an antacid from the roll in my pocket when I looked up and saw the beautiful tattooed giraffe of a hostess —blank and indolent—pointing Lucius Reeve indifferently to my table.†   (source)
  • with the shot
    Constantly worried about what I've got
    Distracted by work but I can't make it stop
    and my confidence on and my confidence off
    And I sink to the bottom I rise to the top
    and I think to myself that I do this a lot
    World outside just goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes
  • Most of them just look like indolent Third World militia the world over.†   (source)
  • Ten yards downfield he was delivered, violently, back to the earth, where he vanished for several seconds beneath Michael, until Michael, with the indolence of an heir to a great fortune getting out of bed in the morning, lifted himself off the flattened body.†   (source)
  • The humani grew indolent and arrogant.†   (source)
  • Even Satan was described in his most intimate perversions in the Galician accents of this priest whose mission in this world was to rouse the conscience of his indolent Creole flock.†   (source)
  • He was soft and more used than he dared admit to indolence and good food.†   (source)
  • Stirring the indolent mixture.†   (source)
  • But time was a beast, a big, indolent immovable beast that wasn't interested in my efforts at hastening it in any direction.†   (source)
  • Himes straightened up with a groan, under any exertion his rheumatic old back always punished him cruelly for the days of indolence that had let its suppleness depart.†   (source)
  • They were men who loved noble endeavor, who shared a disdain for indolence, and hated wasting time.†   (source)
  • Bourne held the AK-47 against his right leg, concealing it as much as possible as he rose to his feet, his left hand skimming the top of the low hedgerow-a gardener, perhaps, surveying an anticipated assignment, or an indolent stroller aimlessly touching the roadside shrubbery, nothing remotely threatening, just a sign of the commonplace; to the casual observer, he might have been walking down that road for several minutes without being noticed.†   (source)
  • I did not of course want to go back there with him, but he had already dismissed me and immediately resumed addressing the men, criticizing them for their indolence and disorganization.†   (source)
  • Inside, the lights have been gradually coming up on the main room, where we see the family informally gathered, talking, but in pantomime; KATE sits darning socks near a cradle, occasionally rocking it; CAPTAIN KELLER in spectacles is working over newspaper pages at a table; a benign visitor in a hat, AUNT EV, is sharing the sewing basket, putting the finishing touches on a big shapeless doll made out of towels; an indolent young man, JAMES KELLER, is at the window watching the children.†   (source)
  • But now here was his counterpart, almost his replica, standing in his slightly askew SS uniform on the dusty concrete platform at five in the afternoon, flushed with wine or brandy or schnapps and mouthing his unpatrician words in an indolently patrician, Berlin-accented voice: "I'd like to get you into bed with me."†   (source)
  • Ferdinand, both of whose parents were traders, had decided to try out the role of the indolent forest warrior.†   (source)
  • Two-thirds of a long life have passed, and I have done nothing to distinguish it by usefulness to my country and to mankind...Passions, indolence, weakness and infirmities have sometimes made me swerve from my better knowledge of right and almost constantly paralyzed my efforts of good.†   (source)
  • Jim lights a cigarette and leans indolently back on his elbows smiling at Laura with a warmth and charm which...   (source)
    indolently = lazily
  • But he was as indolent of mind as he was unsparing of his body.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • We rode slowly, with a pleasant sense of Sunday indolence.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • Indolence and love of ease; a want of all laudable ambition,   (source)
  • The inattention and indolence of his manner   (source)
    indolence = slowness or laziness
  • The only drawback to his complete well-being was the fact that he could not see Mattie from where he sat; but he was too indolent to move   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • they liked her, the more because she was a heretic whose vices, her smoking, her indolence, her relish of competent profanity, disturbed Mrs. Pickerbaugh and Mrs. Irving Watters.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • All the secret ambitions which Mrs. Gormer's native indolence, and the attitude of her companions, kept in habitual abeyance,   (source)
  • ...a woman underneath whose apparent indolence lurked passions even stronger and more active than her own.   (source)
    indolence = laziness (disinclination toward action)
  • the view of life you mention, and which you think is the result of your own mental efforts, is the one held by the majority of people, and is the invariable fruit of pride, indolence, and ignorance.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • his is a quiet, indolent, gentlemanlike sort of pride that would harm nobody, and only make himself a little helpless and tiresome; but her pride is arrogance and insolence!   (source)
    indolent = not very harmful
  • Gringoire continued to advance, and had soon joined that one of the forms which dragged along most indolently, behind the others. On drawing near, he perceived that it was nothing else than a wretched legless cripple in a bowl, who was hopping along on his two hands like a wounded field-spider which has but two legs left.   (source)
    indolently = slowly
  • He had had sufficient leisure to reflect upon these things, during their late retirement; and, at times, when his careless and indolent nature would permit, had availed himself of the opportunity.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • She had set out at an early hour, but had lingered on the road, inclined by her indolence to believe that if she waited under a warm shed the snow would cease to fall.   (source)
    indolence = laziness
  • They were all thoughtless or indolent.   (source)
    indolent = lazy
  • His brother is a cautious man, a reasoned man, subtle, deliberate, even indolent to a degree.†   (source)
  • I answered that I was rather indolent in that respect.†   (source)
  • Someone indolent, harmless.†   (source)
  • I soon learned how to dress (on the edge between conservative and flash) and how to deal with sophisticated and unsophisticated customers, with differing calibrations of courtesy and indolence: presuming knowledge in both, quick to flatter, quick to lose interest or step away at exactly the right moment.†   (source)
  • The indolence of the people was in contrast to the voracity of oblivion, which little by little was undermining memories in a pitiless way, to such an extreme that at that time, on another anniversary of the Treaty of Neerlandia, some emissaries from the president of the republic arrived in Macondo to award at last the decoration rejected several times by Colonel Aureliano Buendia, and they spent a whole afternoon looking for someone who could tell them where they could find one of his descendants.†   (source)
  • Fitzsimmons realized that he was confronted with a behavioral problem at least as maddening as Hard Tack's murderousness: pathological indolence.†   (source)
  • It seemed to the gunslinger that, if he closed his eyes he would be able to hear the croaking of the first spring peepers, smell the green and almost-summer smell of the court lawns after their first cutting (and hear, perhaps, the indolent click of croquet balls as the ladies of the East Wing, attired only in their shifts as dusk glimmered toward dark, played at Points), could almost see Aileen as she came through the break in the hedges-It was not like him to think so much of the past.†   (source)
  • Over the years he had noticed that if he stopped giving instructions or gave Niedermann too much latitude to make his own decisions, he would slip into an indolent state of indecision.†   (source)
  • It gave Hazel an impression of good feeding, of health and of a certain indolence, as though the other came from some rich, prosperous country where he himself had never been.†   (source)
  • Four more girls passed through the room in an indolent group, engrossed in conversation; three were barefoot and one wobbled perilously on a pair of unbuckled silver dancing shoes that did not seem to be her own.†   (source)
  • Up on the second level the softball field empty and tar-hot, a heavy sweltry indolence, the dark surface flashing with broken glass, two or three men, he sees them now, standing out near the left-field fence, sort of mortally posed like figures in spaghetti westerns, lean, nameless, unshaved—he didn't think they were acquainted with the language of life expectancy.†   (source)
  • Its style of indolent luxury, of velvet drapes, sculptured panels and candlelight, seemed a deliberate contrast to its function: no one could afford its hospitality except men who came to New York on business, to settle transactions involving the world.†   (source)
  • This schoolmaster married a sweet, indolent half-Chinese girl for whom the fatigue of bearing a son was too much.†   (source)
  • Through the lavender gloom clouding the entrance of the operations tent, Yossarian glimpsed Chief White Halfoat, diligently embezzling whiskey rations, forging the signatures of nondrinkers and pouring off the alcohol with which he was poisoning himself into separate bottles rapidly in order to steal as much as he could before Captain Black roused himself with recollection and came hurrying over indolently to steal the rest himself.†   (source)
  • He found Franklin cordial but aloof, easygoing to the point of indolence, distressingly slipshod about details and about money.†   (source)
  • "This city, which was formally torpid with indolence and fettered with Quakerism," she reported proudly, "has become one military school, and every morning the sound of the drum and fife lead forth, 'A Band of Brothers Joined.'†   (source)
  • Sophie, who is shy enough anyway, detests being forced to perform for Durrfeld, but, smiling a twisted embarrassed smile, complies, speaking at her father's command in Swabian, then in the indolent cadences of Bavaria, now in the tones of a native of Dresden, of Frankfurt, quickly followed by the Low German sound of a Saxon from Hannover and at last—aware that the desperation shows in her own eyes—blurting out an imitation of some quaint denizen of the Schwarzwald.†   (source)
  • The body was aware of a lyric indolence, a golden lolling within itself.†   (source)
  • He was a good Grecian—an elegant indolent scholar.†   (source)
  • His grim and caustic tongue reproved my indolence.†   (source)
  • This was not so much from indolence, the Bishop thought, as from an inherited caution and respect.†   (source)
  • The indolence of age and disintegration was creeping over him.†   (source)
  • But no, it was a bunch of woman's hair that had been indolently tossed into a corner when some slovenly female toilet was made in this room.†   (source)
  • Because before the act was completed the man, without changing his indolent and contemptuous attitude, turned his face and looked once at the proffered pail through the drooping smoke of the cigarette.†   (source)
  • It was, if the worst view be taken, a form of indolence, an unwillingness to interrupt his mere spectator's interest in what was happening.†   (source)
  • Not for her the cruel, delicate luxury of choice, the indolent, cat-and-mouse pastimes of the hearth-rug.†   (source)
  • And the wilder and more indolent seized every chance of leaving the room, thus: "Teacher, may I be excused?"†   (source)
  • Day after day he went into the room where Lotus lay indolent upon her bed and he sat beside her and watched her at all she did.†   (source)
  • Look how through them a boat passes, filled with indolent, with unconscious, with powerful young men.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Klein didn't mind our going to shows, as we often did, to hear Sophie Tucker whack herself on the behind and sing "Red Hot Mama," or see Rose La Rose swagger and strip in the indolent rhythm that made Coblin her admirer.†   (source)
  • Startled by the hoarse bellow of her whistle, the gulls wheeling before her prow rose with slight creaking cry from the green water, and as she churned away from the stone quay skimmed across her path on indolent, scimitar wing.†   (source)
  • Chance wayne was once barman here; Stuff moves with an indolent male grace that he may have unconsciously remembered admiring in Chance, Boss Finley's mistress, Miss Lucy , enters the cocktail lounge dressed in a ball gown elaborately ruffled and very bouffant like an antebellum Southern belle's.†   (source)
  • But there was a brisk and restless vitality about the young Irishman, fresh from a country where winds blew wet and chill, where misty swamps held no fevers, that set him apart from these indolent gentlefolk of semi-tropical weather and malarial marshes.†   (source)
  • Save for surplice he might have been a Catholic choir boy, with for nave the looming and shadowy crib, the rough planked wall beyond which in the ammoniac and dryscented obscurity beasts stirred now and then with snorts and indolent thuds.†   (source)
  • Because there were other letters, many of them, gallant flowery indolent frequent and insincere, sent by hand over that forty miles between Oxford and Jefferson after that first Christmas—the metropolitan gallant's idle and delicately flattering (and doubtless to him, meaningless) gesture to the bucolic maiden—and that bucolic maiden, with that profound and absolutely inexplicable tranquil patient clairvoyance of wome†   (source)
  • He rode to the River with Bon and then returned; after a time Sutpen returned home too, from where and for what purpose none were to know until the next Christmas, and that summer passed, the last summer, the last summer of peace and content, with Henry, doubtless without deliberate intent, pleading Bon's suit far better than Bon, than that indolent fatalist had ever bothered to plead it himself, and Judith listening with that serenity, that impenetrable tranquillity which a year or so before had been the young girl's vague and pointless and dreamy unvolition but was now already a mature woman's—a mature woman in love—repose.†   (source)
  • "Your hands are certainly no business of mine," said Rhett coolly and lounged back in his chair indolently, his face a smooth blank.†   (source)
  • He floated among us like a piece of thistledown, indolently haunting the sunny corner of the playing-field, not listening, yet not remote.†   (source)
  • Clytie, not inept, anything but inept: perverse inscrutable and paradox: free, yet incapable of freedom who had never once called herself a slave, holding fidelity to none like the indolent and solitary wolf or bear (yes, wild half untamed black, half Sutpen blood and if 'untamed' be synonymous with 'wild; then 'Sutpen' is the silent unsleeping viciousness of the tamer's lash) whose false seeming holds it docile to fear's hand but which is not, which if this be fidelity, fidelity only to the prime fixed principle of its ow†   (source)
  • For Ashley, spring was back again, that halfforgotten balmy spring of green rustlings and murmurings, a spring of ease and indolence, careless days when the desires of youth were warm in his body.†   (source)
  • So he turned with a passion that made up for his indolence upon Catullus, Horace, Lucretius, lying lazily dormant, yes, but regardant, noticing, with rapture, cricketers, while with a mind like the tongue of an ant-eater, rapid, dexterous, glutinous, he searched out every curl and twist of those Roman sentences, and sought out one person, always one person to sit beside.†   (source)
  • In this pastoral setting a young man was enabled to loaf comfortably and delightfully through four luxurious and indolent years.†   (source)
  • He had probably not paid enough attention to Henry's inarticulate recounting of his brief and conventional background and history to have remembered that Henry had a sister—this indolent man too old to find even companionship among the youths, the children, with whom he now lived; this man miscast for the time and knowing it, accepting it for a reason obviously good enough to cause him to endure it and apparently too serious or at least too private to be divulged to what acquaintances he now possessed: —this man who later showe†   (source)
  • He was a thickly built boy, gaudily dressed; he had a low forehead, black hair, and a kind, stupid, indolent temper.†   (source)
  • He seems to hover, shadowy, almost substanceless, a little behind and above all the other straightforward and logical even though (to him) incomprehensible ultimatums and affirmations and defiances and challenges and repudiations, with an air of sardonic and indolent detachment like that of a youthful Roman consul making the Grand Tour of his day among the barbarian hordes which his grandfather conquered, benighted in a brawling and childish and quite deadly mud-castle household in a miasmic and spirit-ridden forest.†   (source)
  • This was more than any of his predecessors had accomplished, but he fretted nervously over his accounts until he found that he had become, for the circulation manager, the exemplar for indolent boys.†   (source)
  • His voice was low, lazy, pleasant, with an indolent drawl, but without changing its pace or its inflection he could flay a victim with as cruel a tongue as ever wagged, and in the next moment wipe out hostility, restore affection, heal all wounds by the same agency.†   (source)
  • Yes, Henry: not Bon, as witness the entire queerly placid course of Bon's and Judith's courtship—an engagement, if engagement it ever was, lasting for a whole year yet comprising two holiday visits as her brother's guest and which periods Bon seems to have spent either in riding and hunting with Henry or as acting as an elegant and indolent esoteric hothouse bloom possessing merely the name of a city for origin history and past, about which Ellen preened and fluttered out her unwitting butterfly's Indian summer; he, the living man, was usurped, you see.†   (source)
  • There must have been nights and nights while Henry was learning from him how to lounge about a bedroom in a gown and slippers such as women wore, in a faint though unmistakable effluvium of scent such as women used, smoking a cigar almost as a woman might smoke it, yet withal such an air of indolent and lethal assurance that only the most reckless man would have gratuitously drawn the comparison (and with no attempt to teach, train, play the mentor on his part—and then maybe yes; maybe who could know what times he looked at Henry's face and thought, not there but for the intervening leaven of that blood which we do not have in common is m†   (source)
  • There were also times when he became a whining dotard over night, lay indolently abed for days, and was flabbily acquiescent to his disorder.†   (source)
  • And the older boy, too, smarting from his own dismal performances at school, convinced himself that the deep inward turning of the spirit, the brooding retreat into the secret place, which he recognized in the mysterious hypnotic power of language over Eugene, was not only a species of indolence, for the only work he recognized was that which strained at weight or sweated in the facile waggery of the tongue, but that it was moreover the indulgence of a "selfish" family-forgetting spirit.†   (source)
  • even companionship among the youths, the children, with whom he now lived; this man miscast for the time and knowing it, accepting it for a reason obviously good enough to cause him to endure it and apparently too serious or at least too private to be divulged to what acquaintances he now possessed: —this man who later showed the same indolence, almost uninterest, the same detachment when the uproar about that engagement which, so far as Jefferson knew, never formally existed, which Bon himself never affirmed or denied, arose and he in the background, impartial and passive as though it were not himself involved or he acting on behalf of some absent friend, but as though the perso†   (source)
  • He would be, would almost have to, since only that could have made his residence bearable, regardless of what reason he may have brought with him for remaining;—this, the perfect setting for his dilatory indolence: this digging into musty Blackstone and Coke where, of an undergraduate body still numbered in two figures, the law school probably consisted of six others beside Henry—yes, he corrupted Henry to the law also; Henry changed in midterm—and himself) while Henry aped his clothing and speech, caricatured rather, perhaps, and Bon, though he had no†   (source)
  • So, all was gone again—Cynthia, the shop, the hard-bought praise of soberness, the angel's head—he walked through the streets at dark, yelling his pentameter curse at Rebel ways, and all their indolence; but sick with fear and loss and penitence, he wilted under the town's reproving stare, becoming convinced, as the flesh wasted on his own gaunt frame, that Cynthia's scourge was doing vengeance now on him.†   (source)
  • Just the same age that Henry was that night in the stable which Miss Rosa told you about, which Henry could not quite stand up to) set out into a world which even in theory, the average geographical schooling of the normal boy of fourteen, he knew nothing about, and with a fixed goal in his mind which most men do not set up until the blood begins to slow at thirty or more and then only because the image represents peace and indolence or at least a crowning of vanity, not the vindication of a past affront in the person of a son whose seed is not yet, and would not be for years yet, planted.†   (source)
  • This morning at least must be credited to indolence.†   (source)
  • He looked well-fed, indolent, rich, effete, and supremely self-satisfied.†   (source)
  • My window was open, and the earthy wind blowing through made me indolent.†   (source)
  • You clever young men must guard against indolence.†   (source)
  • My indolence, at any rate, was one of the reasons I didn't go to Rome.†   (source)
  • She walked indolently along, with a mind at rest, its peace reflected in her innocent face.†   (source)
  • Has he gained by borrowing, through indolence or cunning, his neighbor's wares, or horses, or money?†   (source)
  • It is very curious to watch this harem and its lord in their indolent ramblings.†   (source)
  • We strolled along in a sufficiently indolent fashion now, and talked.†   (source)
  • You're too fastidious, and too indolent, and too rich.†   (source)
  • He rode silently on his small gray horse, indolently answering suggestions that they should attack.†   (source)
  • The scholar is decent, indolent, complaisant.†   (source)
  • Lying indolently here, like a half-tamed sullen beast, distracts me.'†   (source)
  • I was too indolent, you know: else I might have been anywhere at one time.†   (source)
  • Fortunately he's very indolent, so indolent that it amounts to a sort of position.†   (source)
  • "Please remember my indolence," said Osmond.†   (source)
  • A natural indolence, joined with a passion for picturesque attitude, made her an excellent sitter; and she had enough technical knowledge to offer useful criticisms.†   (source)
  • Then he flung up his head, with its shock of heavy hair, in a start of surprise, and his florid face lost its lazy indolence to become wreathed in a huge smile.†   (source)
  • [Indolently] What shall I tell you†   (source)
  • She felt as if something almost tangible fastened her to him; yet he seemed so easy in his graceful, indolent movement, so detached as he tied up the too-heavy flower branches to their stakes, that she wanted to shriek in her helplessness.†   (source)
  • it's a failing; it's a failing; and then comes a soft evening; a lot of men too indolent for whist—and a story....'†   (source)
  • And what a look it was: her Pribislav eyes glided quickly over him as he sat there with his legs crossed and came to rest briefly on his yellow boots with an expression of deliberate indifference that: looked very much like disdain, precisely like disdain—and then those same eyes turned indolently away, with perhaps a trace of a smile in their depths.†   (source)
  • And very little doses I found they were before long, for I never met people more indolent or more easily fatigued.†   (source)
  • Once he thought he was talking to Leora, but it proved to be a voice, sexless and intolerant, which said "Number pleeeeeze" with a taut alertness impossible to anyone so indolent as Leora.†   (source)
  • But it was as if she too had shifted her place, and he still saw her, between himself and the trees, drooping over the fire with her indolent smile.†   (source)
  • of a vegetable personality, strong and tender; then, as I drew near, the sight of their topmost branches, their lightly tossing foliage, in its easy grace, its coquettish outline, its delicate fabric, over which hundreds of flowers were laid, like winged and throbbing colonies of precious insects; and finally their name itself, feminine, indolent and seductive, made my heart beat, but with a social longing, like those waltzes which remind us only of the names of the fair dancers, called aloud as they entered the ball-room.†   (source)
  • Her natural indolence asserted itself.†   (source)
  • He had carried his cup to the fireplace, and stood leaning against the chimney-piece and looking down on her with an air of indolent amusement.†   (source)
  • I hate all that rhetoric of hers, that morality of indolence, that absurd talk about the destruction of the world—[A pause] Oh, how I have been deceived!†   (source)
  • The voice pronounced the word "humane," with the accent on the first syllable and drew it out in an indolent, fanciful sort of way.†   (source)
  • After my swim, while I was playing about indolently in the water, I heard the sound of hoofs and wheels on the bridge.†   (source)
  • Lily, still lost in conjecture, made no reply, and Mrs. Dorset settled herself indolently in her seat.†   (source)
  • Her indolent amusement, her manner of treating him as though they were a pair of children making tongues at each other in a railroad station, was infuriating to the earnest young assistant of Professor Gottlieb.†   (source)
  • In Moscow"— the voice pronounced it "Muoscow," drawing the word out in the same indolent way it did "humane"—"in Baku, in German spas, in Spain."†   (source)
  • The lady's habits were marked by an Oriental indolence and disorder peculiarly trying to her companion.†   (source)
  • Lena moved without exertion, rather indolently, and her hand often accented the rhythm softly on her partner's shoulder.†   (source)
  • He took up algebra; found that he had forgotten most of it; cursed over the competition of the indefatigable A and the indolent B who walk from Y to Z; hired a Columbia tutor; and finished the subject, with a spurt of something like interest in regard to quadratic equations, in six weeks ....while Leora listened, watched, waited, made sandwiches, and laughed at the tutor's jokes.†   (source)
  • Herr Albin released the first cork from its wire prison, a task of indolent routine, aimed the bottle at the ceiling, let the mushroom-shaped cork slip from its decorated neck with the pop of a toy gun, and then, as dictated by elegant tradition, wrapped the bottle in a napkin before pouring.†   (source)
  • If Morpeth, whose social indolence was as great as his artistic activity, had abandoned himself to the easy current of the Gormer existence, where the minor exactions of politeness were unknown or ignored, and a man could either break his engagements, or keep them in a painting-jacket and slippers, he still preserved his sense of differences, and his appreciation of graces he had no time to cultivate.†   (source)
  • His voice flowed indolently, with German vowels and blurred W's: "This, gentlemen, iss a twenty-four-hour culture of Bacillus anthracis.†   (source)
  • coffee service and those sphinx cigarettes, a sensational lady with heavily ringed, nicotine-stained fingers and bobbed hair, who except for the main meal of the day, for which she dressed in finest Parisian fashion, went about clad in a man's jacket and pleated trousers, but otherwise wanted nothing to do with men and devoted her equally indolent and fierce favors exclusively to a Jewish woman from Romania, with the very plain name of Frau Landauer, even though Prosecutor Paravant was so taken by Her Royal Highness that he neglected his mathematics and practically played the fool for love; and not only was there the lady herself, but included in her small retinue was a castrated Moor,†   (source)
  • Aware only of Madeline Fox and Orchid Pickerbaugh, who were Nice American Girls, of soon-forgotten ladies of the night, and of Leora, who, in her indolence, her indifference to decoration and good fame, was neither woman nor wife but only her own self, Martin knew nothing whatever about Women.†   (source)
  • How well these indolent watchers discharged their duties, after the assault, has never been known, inasmuch as nothing occurred to confirm or to disprove their subsequent vigilance.†   (source)
  • The American of the South is fond of grandeur, luxury, and renown, of gayety, of pleasure, and above all of idleness; nothing obliges him to exert himself in order to subsist; and as he has no necessary occupations, he gives way to indolence, and does not even attempt what would be useful.†   (source)
  • He was seated on the ground with his back to a tree, and Hurry stood near him indolently whittling a twig.†   (source)
  • The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigour in the Middle Ages, which Reactionists so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence.†   (source)
  • But throwing your own indolence and impotence on others you will end by sharing the pride of Satan and murmuring against God.†   (source)
  • The same pride of family that had, by its self-satisfied indolence, conduced to aid their fail, now became a principle to stimulate them to endeavor to rise again.†   (source)
  • On emerging from the Old Manse, it was chiefly this strange, indolent, unjoyous attachment for my native town that brought me to fill a place in Uncle Sam's brick edifice, when I might as well, or better, have gone somewhere else.†   (source)
  • Dressed in a delicate white dress, she seemed herself slighter and whiter; she was not tanned by the sun; but the heat, from which she could not shield herself, spread a slight flush over her cheeks and ears, and, shedding a soft indolence over her whole body, was reflected in a dreamy languor in her pretty eyes.†   (source)
  • Perhaps it is that high achievements demand some other unusual qualification besides an unusual desire for high prizes; perhaps it is that these stalwart gentlemen are rather indolent, their divinae particulum aurae being obstructed from soaring by a too hearty appetite.†   (source)
  • He fell back indolently.†   (source)
  • It naturally attracts and fixes their imagination; it fosters the pride, whilst it soothes the indolence, of their minds.†   (source)
  • They came in yet greater volumes, and indolently crept across the intervening valleys, and around the withered papery flags of the moor and river brinks.†   (source)
  • Having been on speaking terms with one of these persons,—an indolent, good-for-nothing fellow, who went by the name of Take-it-easy,—I called him, and inquired what was his business there.†   (source)
  • He thought Mrs. Penniman a goose, as we know; but he was no goose himself, and, as a young man of luxurious tastes and scanty resources, he found the house a perfect castle of indolence.†   (source)
  • As my Lady Crawley was not one of these personages, and a woman, moreover, so indolent and void of character as not to be of the least consequence in her own house, Rebecca soon found that it was not at all necessary to cultivate her good will—indeed, impossible to gain it.†   (source)
  • The noble indolence I'll teach thee then to treasure,
    And soon thou'lt be aware, with keenest thrills of pleasure,
    How Cupid stirs and leaps, on light and restless wing.†   (source)
  • It had therefore been with smothered displeasure that the proud though indolent Lord of Coningsburgh beheld the victor of the preceding day select Rowena as the object of that honour which it became his privilege to confer.†   (source)
  • Indolent and childish, unsystematic and improvident, it was not to be expected that servants trained under her care should not be so likewise; and she had very justly described to Miss Ophelia the state of confusion she would find in the family, though she had not ascribed it to the proper cause.†   (source)
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