impingein a sentence
- The water was chilly and refreshing, and I felt the pressure of my mother and her fears for me like a ballooning, impinging presence.† (source)
- I was going to say that while he had a roommate it was frightened Brownie Perkins, who would never impinge on Brinker's comfort in any way, and that they had two rooms, the front one with a fireplace.† (source)
- Just as Ruth was about to enter the world of human beings whose lives impinged on one another by calling out to the nanny, a thin cord, which Ruth had not seen, warned the nanny to wake.† (source)
- All that business about "unzipping," that was typical of the way the whole subject impinged on us when we were thirteen.† (source)
- The third figure did not actually appear so much as allow its presence to impinge upon my consciousness; it was as if it always had been there and King Billy and I had failed to notice it until the flames grew bright enough.† (source)
- Retirement suited Marley just fine, and his hearing problems didn't seem to impinge on his leisurely country lifestyle.† (source)
- A feeling that I was forgetting something impinged on my too-rare happiness.† (source)
- These things all came at widely spaced intervals, but then as the pain itself began not to recede but to erode (as that Revere Beach piling must itself have eroded, he thought, because nothing is forever , although the child he had been would have scoffed at such heresy), outside things began to impinge more rapidly until the objective world, with all its freight of memory, experience, and prejudice, had pretty much re-established itself.† (source)
- It is almost a matter of psychological survival, if one is surrounded and pressed by millions of people, to prevent them from constantly impinging on you, and the only way to do this is to ignore them as often as possible.† (source)
- As we were getting ready for Georgia, it was clear that my impinged shoulder had become a bit more than a slight problem.† (source)
- "You're impinging on my private space," I said, inching backward.† (source)
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- Surrounded by his daughters and their husbands and fancy, intelligent, high-talking friends, he seemed to be realizing that he was just an old man sitting in their houses, eating up their roast lamb, impinging upon their lives.† (source)
- It's only as we're halfway down the corridor that her words begin to impinge on my mind.† (source)
- But then, in the earliest hours of that morning in November, a Sunday morning, certain foreign sounds impinged on the normal nightly Holcomb noises-on the keening hysteria of coyotes, the dry scrape of scuttling tumbleweed, the racing, receding wail of locomotive whistles.† (source)
- In time, however, he began to resent the impingement on his freedom.† (source)
- Would it impinge on the safety of the officers there?† (source)
- Already I had learned that I must not allow the details of daily existence to impinge upon larger tasks.† (source)
- It came, not in clouds, but in a steady storm of sand, the particles impinging against our faces like needle points.† (source)
- This did not impinge upon my longing.† (source)
- Impinging?† (source)
- His mother cleared the dishes carefully, impinging on a look of anxiety, a look of abstraction.† (source)
- This influence, by which I mean the consciousness of other groups impinging upon ourselves; public opinion; what other people say and think; all those magnets which attract us this way to be like that, or repel us the other and make us different from that; has never been analysed in any of those Lives which I so much enjoy reading, or very superficially.† (source)
- The blast of the hand-grenades impinges powerfully on our arms and legs; crouching like cats we run on, overwhelmed by this wave that bears us along, that fills us with ferocity, turns us into thugs, into murderers, into God only knows what devils; this wave that multiplies our strength with fear and madness and greed of life, seeking and fighting for nothing but our deliverance.† (source)
- The history of the European War, except in so far as it happens now and then to impinge upon the spiritual condition of one human being, was obviously of no interest to Screwtape.† (source)
- Terror impinging on terror, David squirmed about in his mother's arms-looked down— There, stretched from the green square to the white square of the checkered linoleum lay the black beads— the gold cross framed in the glimmering, wan glaze.† (source)
- Before the flaring light, the weird white-lipped, staring faces of the milling throng wheeled from chalk to soot and soot to chalk again-like masks of flame that charred and were rekindled; and all their frantic, gnarling bodies cut a darting splay of huge, impinging shadow, on dump-heap, warehouse, river and street— Klang!† (source)
- Not for many nights had the past impinged so closely upon the present.† (source)
- It was as if some invisible jet impinged upon them and flashed into white flame.† (source)
- Certainly some external force had impinged, but the road had been used by too many objects for any one track to be legible, and the torch created such high lights and black shadows that they could not interpret what it revealed.† (source)
- Then Joan was not long in discovering that the situation had begun to impinge upon the feelings of each of these men.† (source)
- Continually changing its intensity and abruptly variant in pitch, it impinged on his nerves and senses, made him nervous and restless and worried him with a perpetual imminence of happening.† (source)
- Through one of the broken panes I heard the rain impinge upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden beds.† (source)
- All during his guest's speech, Mynheer Peeperkorn had remained flung back in his chair with his head sunk to his chest, so that there was some doubt if Hans Castorp's words had impinged on his consciousness.† (source)
- Milly gave them sparingly of the oats, and petted them, and talked the more because solitude had begun to impinge upon her mind.† (source)
- After her first burst of disappointment Joan began to take the mishap as she had taken Tess's original trouble, as she would have taken a wet holiday or failure in the potato-crop; as a thing which had come upon them irrespective of desert or folly; a chance external impingement to be borne with; not a lesson.† (source)
- Worry and dread were always impinging upon the fringe of her thoughts—always vaguely present, though seldom annoying.† (source)
- Often the sun would disappear behind a cloud, which impinged on its roundness, but whose edge the sun gilded in return.† (source)
- The sides of the tunnel are left rough, they impinge as an afterthought upon the internal perfection.† (source)
- Life flowed past him, deep and wide and varied, continually impinging upon his senses, demanding of him instant and endless adjustments and correspondences, and compelling him, almost always, to suppress his natural impulses.† (source)
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