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  • His grumpy silence of other days, his sardonic humour, gave place to hypochondriac complainings and outbursts of fierce temper.†   (source)
  • They tend to develop hypochondria in medical school and, once they get over it, if they do, tend to think they're invulnerable.†   (source)
  • "Hypochondriac," she whispered to it.†   (source)
  • A well-versed hypochondriac could probably list every one.†   (source)
  • With tendencies toward hypochondria?†   (source)
  • It can't explain how it feels, though on the other hand it can't lie, build up its symptoms, or indulge in the pleasures of hypochondria.†   (source)
  • Because of the problems of weight and volume involved, I had brought only what I considered essential books with me; few in number, they included The American College Dictionary, Roget's Thesaurus, my collection of John Donne, Oates and O'Neill's Complete Greek Drama, the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy (essential to my hypochondria), the Oxford Book of English Verse and the Holy Bible.†   (source)
  • Even hypochondriacs sometimes have real illnesses, and I don't think it was my nervousness alone that made me feel that the political system we had known was coming to an end, and that what was going to replace it wasn't going to be pleasant.†   (source)
  • I hesitated, remembering a car we had had that was a hypochondriac   (source)
  • His way of dealing with his memories had seemed to be hypochondria.   (source)
    hypochondria = excessive worry about imaginary illnesses
  • Even when he was young he was a hopeless hypochondriac, but now!   (source)
    hypochondriac = someone who worries excessively about imaginary illnesses
  • "Wow," came a familiar voice, "Hypochondriac killed the cat."†   (source)
  • So I gave that old hubcap a thirteen-letter name, Hypochondriac, and psychokitty got burned.†   (source)
  • Whatever it was, it turned out to be no match for the mighty power of Hypochondriac.†   (source)
  • He was a hypochondriac as well.†   (source)
  • They weren't much to look at, and Dess had said that none was as formidable as the mighty Hypochondriac, but she had guaranteed they would light a fire under a darkling's tail.†   (source)
  • Your options are pretty much to let it spew out all the time like Deo, or try to suppress it, which is what my dad did, and I think it came out in his hypochondriasis, thinking he was dying all the time.†   (source)
  • Cuts, scrapes, flu, colds, hypochondriacs, people with minor urinary tract infections they were positive were the first signs of syphilis.†   (source)
  • I replied that I was not a hypochondriac; so they called me Ignoramus and went their way.†   (source)
  • I exclaimed, seized with hypochondriac foreboding.†   (source)
  • So long as Colin shut himself up in his room and thought only of his fears and weakness and his detestation of people who looked at him and reflected hourly on humps and early death, he was a hysterical half-crazy little hypochondriac who knew nothing of the sunshine and the spring and also did not know that he could get well and could stand upon his feet if he tried to do it.†   (source)
  • Neither seemed aware that the Duke should first have paid his respects to Mrs. Lovell Mingott and Mrs. Headly Chivers, and the Countess have conversed with that amiable hypochondriac, Mr. Urban Dagonet of Washington Square, who, in order to have the pleasure of meeting her, had broken through his fixed rule of not dining out between January and April.†   (source)
  • When he used his handkerchief, he found red traces of blood, but he did not have the energy to think much about it, although he was easily inclined to worry about himself and tended by nature to play the hypochondriac.†   (source)
  • The doctors of divinity bade me consider what I must do to save my soul; but I was not a spiritual hypochondriac any more than a bodily one, and would not trouble myself about that either; so they called me Atheist and went their way.†   (source)
  • She chanced to be seen by Odintsov, a very wealthy man of forty-six, an eccentric hypochondriac, stout, heavy, and sour, but not stupid, and not ill-natured; he fell in love with her, and offered her his hand.†   (source)
  • For me at least—in the circumstances then surrounding me—there arose out of the pure abstractions which the hypochondriac contrived to throw upon his canvass, an intensity of intolerable awe, no shadow of which felt I ever yet in the contemplation of the certainly glowing yet too concrete reveries of Fuseli.†   (source)
  • This whale is not dead; he is only dispirited; out of sorts, perhaps; hypochondriac; and so supine, that the hinges of his jaw have relaxed, leaving him there in that ungainly sort of plight, a reproach to all his tribe, who must, no doubt, imprecate lock-jaws upon him.†   (source)
  • It was, however, the only book immediately at hand; and I indulged a vague hope that the excitement which now agitated the hypochondriac, might find relief (for the history of mental disorder is full of similar anomalies) even in the extremeness of the folly which I should read.†   (source)
  • I think those day visions were not dark: there was a pleasurable illumination in your eye occasionally, a soft excitement in your aspect, which told of no bitter, bilious, hypochondriac brooding: your look revealed rather the sweet musings of youth when its spirit follows on willing wings the flight of Hope up and on to an ideal heaven.†   (source)
  • Why, I know one case in which a hypochondriac, a man of forty, cut the throat of a little boy of eight, because he couldn't endure the jokes he made every day at table!†   (source)
  • I could not help thinking of the wild ritual of this work, and of its probable influence upon the hypochondriac, when, one evening, having informed me abruptly that the lady Madeline was no more, he stated his intention of preserving her corpse for a fortnight, (previously to its final interment,) in one of the numerous vaults within the main walls of the building.†   (source)
  • Now hypochondria is taking possession of me again.†   (source)
  • All that working upon a man half frantic with hypochondria, and with his morbid exceptional vanity!†   (source)
  • He had fallen asleep after a while, but not for long, and had awaked in a state of violent hypochondria which had ended in his quarrel with Hippolyte, and the solemn cursing of Ptitsin's establishment generally.†   (source)
  • There is your father, entirely absorbed in his books, and his gout; there is your Uncle Vanya with his hypochondria, your grandmother, and finally, your step-mother— SONIA.†   (source)
  • That was the voice of ignorant hypochondria, which proved correct only as to infertility—though, to be sure, completely correct in that one point.†   (source)
  • They included bankrupts, hypochondriacs, persons who were what is called "out of a situation" from fault or lucklessness, the inefficient of the professional class—shabby-genteel men, who did not know how to get rid of the weary time between breakfast and dinner, and the yet more weary time between dinner and dark.†   (source)
  • This was not because he was cowardly and abject, quite the contrary; but for some time past he had been in an overstrained irritable condition, verging on hypochondria.†   (source)
  • Yes, I have the spleen, complicated with melancholy, with homesickness, plus hypochondria, and I am vexed and I rage, and I yawn, and I am bored, and I am tired to death, and I am stupid!†   (source)
  • Pierre no longer suffered moments of despair, hypochondria, and disgust with life, but the malady that had formerly found expression in such acute attacks was driven inwards and never left him for a moment.†   (source)
  • Hypochondriasis.†   (source)
  • This is hypochondria, Jane.†   (source)
  • Simply because a poor student, unhinged by poverty and hypochondria, on the eve of a severe delirious illness (note that), suspicious, vain, proud, who has not seen a soul to speak to for six months, in rags and in boots without soles, has to face some wretched policemen and put up with their insolence; and the unexpected debt thrust under his nose, the I.O.U. presented by Tchebarov, the new paint, thirty degrees Reaumur and a stifling atmosphere, a crowd of people, the talk about the murder of a person where he had been just before, and all that on an empty stomach—he might well have a fainting fit!†   (source)
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