florain a sentence
She studied the flora of southern California.
flora = plant life
- The book is about the flora and fauna of the region.
- Many of the entries in the brief, perplexing diary recovered with the body were terse observations of flora and fauna, which fueled speculation that McCandless was a field biologist. (source)
- His siblings would recall him careening about, hurdling flora, fauna, and furniture. (source)
- Geometrically speaking, the Boyarsky was a square at the center of which was a towering arrangement of flora (today forsythia branches in bloom), around which were twenty tables of various sizes. (source)
- Oh, just the local flora and fauna. (source)
- "There he was, talking about the post-volcanic flora and I puked right on him," Kim told me in homeroom the next day. (source)
- This area is home to an abundance of flora and wildlife including elk, bear, deer, and mountain goat. (source)
- Now here she was, somehow making the cosmic leap of logic from dead flora in a pot to living fauna in the pet classifieds. (source)
- Millennia ago, when Danu Talis sank beneath the waves, a few of the Elders were able to rescue some of the flora and fauna and transplant it to other lands. (source)
- Central Africa is a rowdy society of flora and fauna that have managed to balance together on a trembling geologic plate for ten million years: when you clear off part of the plate, the whole slides into ruin. (source)
show 70 more with this conextual meaning
- And could such a selection over a very long period of time create new species of flora and fauna? (source)
- In the midst of a Venusian flora and an impossible fauna of invented animals much like those Rosa had embroidered on her tablecloth and Blanca baked in her kiln, she painted all the wishes, memories, sorrows, and joys of her childhood. (source)
- On the other hand, the aboriginal people of Australia regarded as sacred the region and the flora around Ayers Rock. (source)
- Huge papier-maché flora hung in varying shades of green splendor among sequin-dusted branches and rocks. (source)
- And Brown, in the mid-April lull between midterms and finals, is bursting with flora on the freshly cut main green and students convinced that they are, finally, at their best. (source)
- And it draws the connection between a minor destabilization in seasonal flora and the insignificant destruction of a black girl. (source)
- The flora here did not wait long to reclaim any land that was left unguarded. (source)
- And they would in fact buy medicines and equipment and more flora for Paul to plant around the growing medical complex on the hillside in Cange. (source)
- Mrs. Nightwing is prattling on about the different flora on the path. (source)
- The flora were swaying gently alongside the great river that lay just past the entrance, as were the fauna. (source)
- Waterfalls played musically among the flora in the reception area of the city's most exclusive salon. (source)
- From the cars they boarded on a narrow-gauge railroad bound for their new camp, they could see waterfalls, pineapple plants, fern jungles with their brilliant flora, wild parrots screeching in flight. (source)
- I am not speaking of transplanted Terran flora and fauna — our stuff moves in and brushes the native stuff aside. (source)
- You need to judge how they handle the ride, the mount, and most who book here want some color, if you understand me, some talk of the area, the history, even flora and fauna. (source)
- There may be many types of flora, but only the resident soil and climate provide for them, either richly or poorly or with indifference. (source)
- Most areas in the world may be placed in latitude and longitude, described chemically in their earth, sky and water, rooted and fuzzed over with identified flora and people with known fauna, and there's an end to it. (source)
- So in the first weeks of school we began a zoo in the classroom, scoured the forest for various types of flora and fauna, planted a garden that would eventually be a cooperative, and took a deliriously happy walk through the woods to the beach, where we gathered sea animals washed ashore and swam fully clothed in the afternoon surf. (source)
- Where did they get off with this flora elegance? (source)
- Lady Bruton stood by Miss Parry's chair, a spectral grenadier, draped in black, inviting Peter Walsh to lunch; cordial; but without small talk, remembering nothing whatever about the flora or fauna of India. (source)
- Brief, fading ivy, climbing, fugitive flora, the most colourless, the most depressing, to many minds, of all that creep on walls or decorate windows; (source)
- Were they some of the two hundred thousand species of vegetables known hitherto, and did they claim a place of their own in the lacustrine flora? (source)
- He had composed and published a Flora of the Environs of Cauteretz, with colored plates, a work which enjoyed a tolerable measure of esteem and which sold well. (source)
- South America, in the region between the tropics, produces an incredible profusion of climbing plants, of which the flora of the Antilles alone presents us with forty different species. (source)
- floras and Hobber had no part of this, did they?† (source)
- That would imply very little flora or fauna, which is obviously not the case here. (source)
- "Oh, just the local flora and fauna," Kate said, closing her notebook. (source)
- Everything they needed to restore the peoples of the Earth, and the flora, and the fauna. (source)
- I was too shaken to pretend that I'd spent an uneventful day with the flora and fauna. (source)
- 7, is mostly arctic-cold ocean and rock, with lichenous flora and no fauna of interest. (source)
- The Eden Colony produces vegetation, flora, and plant life for on planet conditions. (source)
- I don't suppose you've got an off planet flora expert you can lend me while you're at it. (source)
- My client's interest in flora has no relevance in this matter. (source)
- The tiles parted, opening up into a large room filled with flora and lovely artificial sunlight. (source)
- I need you to take a sample of the powder we took from Boomer's to this flora expert. (source)
- Having dispensed with dreams of quick discovery, the world's Crusoes seek shelter and a source of fresh water; they teach themselves to make fire from flint; they study their island's topography, its climate, its flora and fauna, all the while keeping their eyes trained for sails on the horizon and footprints in the sand. (source)
- They had been so intent on the strange flora huge bruise-colored flowers that turned to track their movements, vines that slithered and squirmed like snakes as they followed them, grasses that had not existed since the Oligocene era that they failed to notice that the path had opened out, and that they were facing Hekate's home. (source)
- She did not hesitate as she recalled Lope de Aguirre's search for El Dorado, or the unpronounceable names of the flora and fauna her extraordinary uncle had seen; she knew about the lamas who take salt tea with yak lard and she could give detailed descriptions of the opulent women of Tahiti, the rice fields of China, or the white prairies of the North, where the eternal ice kills animals and men who lose their way, turning them to stone in seconds. (source)
- Clara spoke to the child all the time, not in baby talk but in perfect Spanish, as if she were conversing with a grown-up, the same way she addressed plants and animals; she was convinced that if she had had such good results with flora and fauna, there was no reason why it should not work with her own child. (source)
- He had it shipped to a florist on Vegas II, one with a dubious reputation for dealing in contraband flora. (source)
- It has plenty of flora and fauna, the same atmosphere as Earth, near enough, and much the same weather; it even has a good-sized moon and Earth's exceptional tides. (source)
- Flora compatible. (source)
- The Flora of the Galapagos Archipelago is the subject of a separate memoir by him, in the 'Linnean Transactions'. (source)
- The pawnshop had sold the plates of his Flora after the expiration of thirteen months. (source)
- Here is the entire flora of the second period of the world—the transition period. (source)
- These algae are a genuine prodigy of creation, one of the wonders of world flora. (source)
- The Flora of Cauteretz no longer sold at all. (source)
- Flora and fauna are so closely associated in the underwater world! (source)
- For this purpose he had pawned his copperplates of the Flora. (source)
- In a period of embarrassment, the first thing which does not sell is a Flora. (source)
- The Flora of the Environs of Cauteretz stopped short. (source)
- Come with the primrose, with the canon's beard, with the gold-cup; come with the stone-crop, whereof are posies made, pledges of love, in the Balzacian flora, come with that flower of the Resurrection morning, the Easter daisy, come with the snowballs of the guelder-rose, which begin to embalm with their fragrance the alleys of your great-aunt's garden ere the last snows of Lent are melted from its soil. (source)
- It was to me like one of those zoological gardens in which one sees assembled together a variety of flora, and contrasted effects in landscape; where from a hill one passes to a grotto, a meadow, rocks, a stream, a trench, another hill, a marsh, but knows that they are there only to enable the hippopotamus, zebra, crocodile, rabbit, bear and heron to disport themselves in a natural or a picturesque setting; this, the Bois, equally complex, uniting a multitude of little worlds, distinct… (source)
- How many new specimens of underwater flora and fauna I marveled at beneath the light of our electric beacon! (source)
- Meanwhile, ignoring all these fine specimens of Papuan flora, the Canadian passed up the decorative in favor of the functional. (source)
- Just then a huge cave opened up in our path, hollowed from a picturesque pile of rocks whose smooth heights were completely hung with underwater flora. (source)
- Here the range of underwater flora seemed pretty comprehensive to me, as well as more abundant than it might have been in the arctic or tropical zones, where such exhibits are less common. (source)
- There the local flora was represented by a wide carpet of samphire, a small umbelliferous plant that keeps quite nicely, which also boasts the names glasswort, saxifrage, and sea fennel. (source)
- I will put my Flora in vogue again with trickery, plenty of money and advertisements in the newspapers and I will buy, I know well where, a copy of Pierre de Medine's Art de Naviguer, with wood-cuts, edition of 1655. (source)
- His copper plates gone, and being unable to complete even the incomplete copies of his Flora which were in his possession, he had disposed of the text, at a miserable price, as waste paper, to a second-hand bookseller. (source)
- The local flora was represented by fine floating algae: sea tangle, and kelp from the genus Macrocystis, saturated with the mucilage their pores perspire, from which I selected a wonderful Nemastoma geliniaroidea, classifying it with the natural curiosities in the museum. (source)
- The classic Academician who calls flowers "Flora," fruits, "Pomona," the sea, "Neptune," love, "fires," beauty, "charms," a horse, "a courser," the white or tricolored cockade, "the rose of Bellona," the three-cornered hat, "Mars' triangle,"—that classical Academician talks slang. (source)
- The whole meager flora of this region consisted of certain microscopic buds, rudimentary diatoms made up of a type of cell positioned between two quartz–rich shells, plus long purple and crimson fucus plants, buoyed by small air bladders and washed up on the coast by the surf. (source)
- He carried off his Flora, his copper-plates, his herbariums, his portfolios, and his books, and established himself near the Salpetriere, in a sort of thatched cottage of the village of Austerlitz, where, for fifty crowns a year, he got three rooms and a garden enclosed by a hedge, and containing a well. (source)
- On the rocky, volcanic seafloor, there bloomed quite a collection of moving flora: sponges, sea cucumbers, jellyfish called sea gooseberries that were adorned with reddish tendrils and gave off a subtle phosphorescence, members of the genus Beroe that are commonly known by the name melon jellyfish and are bathed in the shimmer of the whole solar spectrum, free–swimming crinoids one meter wide that reddened the waters with their crimson hue, treelike basket stars of the greatest beauty,… (source)
And fingering the hair back out of his eyes, he recited, "Thou daughter of the King of bright-lit mansions
On the night that our wedding is on us,
If living man I be in Duntulm,
I will go bounding to thee with gifts.
Thou wilt get a hundred badgers, dwellers in banks,
A hundred brown otters, natives of streams,
A hundred silver trout, rising from their pools …."
And on through a remarkable list of the flora and fauna of the Isles. (source)
- The flora and fauna of the land are enormously represented. (source)
- Many of our names for common fauna and flora are unknown to him save as strange Americanisms, /e. g./, /terrapin/, /moose/, /persimmon/, /gumbo/, /egg-plant/, /alfalfa/, /sweet-corn/, /sweet-potato/ and /yam/. (source)
- On the one hand, he argued that the Americans of his day read a great deal more than the English, and were thus much more influenced by the spelling of words, and on the other hand he pointed out that "our flora shows that the climate of even our Northern States belongs …. to a more Southern type than that of England," and that "in Southern latitudes …. articulation is generally much more distinct than in Northern regions." (source)
- The /Elks/, in various forms, are still more numerous, and there are dozens of towns, mountains, lakes, creeks and country districts named after the /beaver/, /martin/, /coyote/, /moose/ and /otter/, and as many more named after such characteristic flora as the /paw-paw/, the /sycamore/, the /cottonwood/, the /locust/ and the /sunflower/. (source)
- …geographical and place names reveals eight general classes, as follows: (/a/) those embodying personal names, chiefly the surnames of pioneers or of national heroes; (/b/) those transferred from other and older places, either in the eastern states or in Europe; (/c/) Indian names; (/d/) Dutch, Spanish and French names; (/e/) Biblical and mythological names; (/f/) names descriptive of localities; (/g/) names suggested by the local flora, fauna or geology; (/h/) purely fanciful names. (source)
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- It is thought that Flora decoyed my wife out and laid some terrible trap for her.† (source)
- Flora was a dear little thing, but exceedingly hot-headed and devotedly attached to me.† (source)
- That Miss Flora Millar, the lady who had caused the disturbance, has actually been arrested.† (source)
- This dress does implicate Miss Flora Millar.† (source)
- At some evidence implicating Flora Millar in the disappearance.† (source)
- F. H. M.' Now my theory all along has been that Lady St. Simon was decoyed away by Flora Millar, and that she, with confederates, no doubt, was responsible for her disappearance.† (source)
- I do not think Flora would hurt a fly.† (source)
- And she was afterwards seen walking into Hyde Park in company with Flora Millar, a woman who is now in custody, and who had already made a disturbance at Mr. Doran's house that morning.† (source)
- Now we learn what patient periods must round themselves before the rock is formed, then before the rock is broken, and the first lichen race has disintegrated the thinnest external plate into soil, and opened the door for the remote Flora,[503] Fauna,[504] Ceres,[505] and Pomona,[506] to come in.† (source)
- Men are naturally hunters and inquisitive of woodcraft and I suppose that such a gazetteer as wood-cutters and Indians should furnish facts for would take place in the most sumptuous drawing-rooms of all the "Wreaths" and "Flora's chaplets"[497] of the book-shops; yet ordinarily, whether we are too clumsy for so subtle a topic, or from whatever cause, as soon as men begin to write on nature, they fall into euphuism.† (source)
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meaning too rare to warrant focus:
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Grace grabbed the theme and shook it at her daughter, who was being rocked in Flora Baumbach's arms.
flora = a character in the story
- Miss Hester who everbody think is real sweet, she give Flora a special "hand wash" to use ever morning. (source)
- A waitress sat Flora and her father at a booth in the corner and handed them glossy, enormous menus. (source)
- "I was Flora Hernandez," she said. (source)
- The leading members of ToHMAS were mostly women, among them Esme, Cha Cha, Amelia, Yvonne, and Flora. (source)
- When an influential Wisconsin woman named Flora Ginty sent an elaborately carved wooden door, Hayden turned it down. (source)
- One of them was quite strange-looking; it had four grey urns with four green willow trees growing out of them, and a white dove in each corner, or I believe they were intended for doves, although they looked more like chickens; and in the middle was a woman's name embroidered in black: Flora. (source)
- Norah felt a rush of gratitude to Flora who, with the wisdom of grandmothers, had known just what to do. (source)
- The friends of my childhood—Flora, the rag doll, and Rosamunde, the wooden doll in the gown with seven flounces—nestled in their basket. (source)
- Flora Thompson, Lark Rise (source)
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- That squared with Aaron Flora's view. (source)
- Ed Ricketts, Whitey's Number One and Two, where's Sonny Boy, Ankle Varney, Jesus Maria Corcoran, Joe Portagee, Shorty Lee, Flora Wood, and that girl who kept spiders in her hat? (source)
- If I picked up Flora's. though, I knew she'd spot in a hurry that they were missing, and I'd be in trouble. (source)
- "Why, Robert sent word down by his daughter Nancy and she said you wanted a girl—didn't she Flora Jane?" appealing to her daughter who had come out to the steps. (source)
- We had all the luck in love we could ask, and it was maybe improved by the foreignness we found in each other, for in some ways Danae or Flora the Belle Romaine couldn't have been stranger to me, while only God can guess what sort of oddity out of barbarous Chicago I was to her. (source)
- And later it was Flora Brandt, the very sensuous and not unpleasing American girl whom Roberta had seen Clyde cultivating from time to time. (source)
- They examined Del's makeup box, they sniffed the scent of grease-paint, every minute they ran out to peep through the hole in the curtain, they came back to inspect their wigs and costumes, they read on the whitewashed walls of the dressing-rooms the pencil inscriptions: "The Flora Flanders Comedy Company," and "This is a bum theater," and felt that they were companions of these vanished troupers. (source)
- Just fancy, Flora, I met a young Swedish governess to-day who told me some most interesting things about the co-operative movement in Scandinavia. (source)
- Flora, a short way off, stood before us on the grass and smiled as if her performance was now complete. (source)
- Beth was worried by the confusion of her closet and the difficulty of learning three or four songs at once, and Amy deeply regretted the damage done her frock, for Katy Brown's party was to be the next day and now like Flora McFlimsey, she had 'nothing to wear'. (source)
- Waverley was new to Flora MacIvor; but then she did not fall in love with him. (source)
- I told him that in justice, if Turk and Flora were still hungry, we should give this last jackal to them. (source)
Never had Flora, the fresh and smiling goddess of gardeners, been honored with a purer or more scrupulous worship than that which was paid to her in this little enclosure.
flora = Roman goddess of flowers, spring, and fertility
"I call the dog Gorer," said Sir Pitt; "he's killed a man that dog has, and is master of a bull, and the mother I used to call Flora; but now I calls her Aroarer, for she's too old to bite."
flora = pet name in the story
Presently came Charley, lightly winding among the bushes and tripping along the paths, as rosy and pretty as one of Flora's attendants instead of my maid, saying, "Oh, if you please, miss, would you step and speak to Mr. Jarndyce!"
flora = a character in the story
- I have not so much to say for my friend Flora, who jilted a very nice young man in the Blues for the sake of that horrid Lord Stornaway, who has about as much sense, Fanny, as Mr. Rushworth, but much worse-looking, and with a blackguard character. (source)
- "She certainly did, Miss Cuthbert," corroborated Flora Jane earnestly. (source)
- To watch, teach, "form" little Flora would too evidently be the making of a happy and useful life. (source)
- "I think, between you and me, that I put it to him quite neatly," replied my aunt Flora. (source)
- I forgot to tell Flora Jane to take the buns out of the oven. (source)
- "Two hours ago, in the garden"—I could scarce articulate—"Flora SAW!" (source)
- "To be sure!" said her sister Flora, "but I haven't wasted my time either." (source)
- "I think it would be worth while," Flora went on, "to have this old gentleman to dinner." (source)
- "Don't you, then, LOVE our sweet Flora?" (source)
- Flora Jane, go out and put the kettle on. (source)
- It was Flora who, gazing all over me in candid wonder, was the first. (source)
- What Flora wants, of course, is to get rid of me. (source)
- I mean that I saw yesterday, when I came back with Miss Flora, that it wasn't where you had put it. (source)
- Flora has now her grievance, and she'll work it to the end. (source)
- I want to avenge Rebecca and Flora MacIvor and Minna, and all the rest of the dark unhappy ones. (source)
- Flora tried in vain to soothe the excellent woman by explaining that they were going home to dinner. (source)
- A member of the aristocracy; Lady Flora, Lady Felicia—something of that sort. (source)
- By the bye, Flora Ross was dying for Henry the first winter she came out. (source)
- Flora, always tall, had grown to be very broad too, and short of breath; but that was not much. (source)
- I am going on both with the fauna and flora; but I have at least done my insects well. (source)
- Fritz, prepare the guns, and tie up Flora so that she will not follow us.' (source)
- Flora, whom he had left a lily, had become a peony; but that was not much. (source)
- The return of Mr Casby with his daughter Flora, put an end to these meditations. (source)
- 'She is in Italy, with all her family, Flora,' he said, when the dreaded lady was occupied again. (source)
- 'What nimble fingers you have,' said Flora, 'but are you sure you are well?' (source)
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