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  • I'd like to have a wife like that Bo," declared Roy, fervidly.†   (source)
  • [fervidly] Well, I want to know what it is†   (source)
  • "I wish I could get in!" he said to her fervidly.†   (source)
  • It is my belief that he is still blazing as fervidly as ever.†   (source)
  • "He's all there!" said number four, fervidly.†   (source)
  • "Damn her," he fervidly said.†   (source)
  • The sun struck the soldiers fervidly on helm and shield; but they kept their ranks indifferent alike to its dazzle and to the mouthings of the rabble.†   (source)
  • "I swear I will not!" he said fervidly.†   (source)
  • The grateful Humphrey responded fervidly— "Thanks, O most noble master, this princely lavishness doth far surpass my most distempered dreams of fortune.†   (source)
  • "If it were a new hardship it would be a new reason for me to cling to you," said Dorothea, fervidly.†   (source)
  • Hating Rome fervidly as they loved their own country, in every revolt they were first in the field and last to leave it.†   (source)
  • A young lady of some birth and fortune, who knelt suddenly down on a brick floor by the side of a sick laborer and prayed fervidly as if she thought herself living in the time of the Apostles—who had strange whims of fasting like a Papist, and of sitting up at night to read old theological books!†   (source)
  • Lydgate, you perceive, had talked fervidly to Rosamond of his hopes as to the highest uses of his life, and had found it delightful to be listened to by a creature who would bring him the sweet furtherance of satisfying affection—beauty—repose—such help as our thoughts get from the summer sky and the flower-fringed meadows.†   (source)
  • Aunt Bertha and David's father, the former fervid, the latter stony, crossed snubbing glances.†   (source)
  • Blundering, but fervid, I see myself buzzing round flowers, humming down scarlet cups, making blue funnels resound with my prodigious booming.†   (source)
  • In the morning Henry was aroused by fervid blasphemy that proceeded from the mouth of Bill.†   (source)
  • He watched her crouching, sipping the flowers with fervid kisses.†   (source)
  • He is a very fervid, impassioned speaker— full of fire!†   (source)
  • But the fervid facility of his impromptus could not be so accounted for.†   (source)
  • Then they bore off to the left along the crest into the ridgeway, which they followed till it intersected the high-road at the Brown House aforesaid, the spot of his former fervid desires to behold Christminster.†   (source)
  • It was about this time that the newspapers and magazines were beginning to pay that illustrative attention to the beauties of the stage which has since become fervid.†   (source)
  • In fervid hearts self-contained, some brief experiences devour our human tissue as secret fire in a ship's hold consumes cotton in the bale.†   (source)
  • He enjoyed them there, and was bored with them at the Blenkers', where they were mingled with fervid and dowdy women who passed them about like captured curiosities; and even after his most exciting talks with Ned Winsett he always came away with the feeling that if his world was small, so was theirs, and that the only way to enlarge either was to reach a stage of manners where they would naturally merge.†   (source)
  • them with a scornful impatience: Carry Fisher, with her shoulders, her eyes, her divorces, her general air of embodying a "spicy paragraph"; young Silverton, who had meant to live on proof-reading and write an epic, and who now lived on his friends and had become critical of truffles; Alice Wetherall, an animated visiting-list, whose most fervid convictions turned on the wording of invitations and the engraving of dinner-cards; Wetherall, with his perpetual nervous nod of acquiescence, his air of agreeing with people before he knew what they were saying; Jack Stepney, with his confident smile and anxious eyes, half way between the sheriff and an heiress; Gwen Van Osburgh, with all th†   (source)
  • They were hardworking women, most of them supporting indigent husbands or brothers, and they laughed rather bitterly at having stirred the boy to such fervid and florid inventions.†   (source)
  • "I do love you, Tess—O, I do—it is all come back!" he said, tightening his arms round her with fervid pressure.†   (source)
  • His fervid imagination was stirred as never before, by the tramp of armies, the blood and dust of battle, and the wail and whirl of social upheaval.†   (source)
  • How then should he look upon her as of less consequence than himself; as a pretty trifle to caress and grow weary of; and not deal in the greatest seriousness with the affection which he knew that he had awakened in her—so fervid and so impressionable as she was under her reserve—in order that it might not agonize and wreck her?†   (source)
  • Had it not been for the moiety of barbarism in her nature it is probable that lady would not have been there, but her intense and fervid soul would not allow her to be absent on an occasion in which she was so terribly interested.†   (source)
  • When she made remarks to this edifying effect, she had a firm little frown on her brow, which yet did not hinder her face from looking benevolent, and her words which came forth like a procession were uttered in a fervid agreeable contralto.†   (source)
  • Days and nights of fervid life, of communion with angels of darkness and of light, have engraved their shadowy characters on that tear-stained book.†   (source)
  • Everything in Marseilles, and about Marseilles, had stared at the fervid sky, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there.†   (source)
  • If it means that I grow a little too fervid, or perhaps even hyperbolical, in extolling my native land, I admit the full justice of the remark.†   (source)
  • Yet she smiled on and still on, uncomplainingly, because she saw that the painter (who had high renown) took a fervid and burning pleasure in his task, and wrought day and night to depict her who so loved him, yet who grew daily more dispirited and weak.†   (source)
  • Has a girl of fourteen a heart large enough, vigorous enough, to hold the swelling spring of pure, full, fervid eloquence?†   (source)
  • Ere long Marseilles presented herself to view,—Marseilles, white, fervid, full of life and energy,—Marseilles, the younger sister of Tyre and Carthage, the successor to them in the empire of the Mediterranean,—Marseilles, old, yet always young.†   (source)
  • His countenance became intolerably fervid, as he oratorically assured me—gesticulating with a long ruler at the other end of the room—that if his services in the morning were useful, how indispensable, then, in the afternoon?†   (source)
  • Nevertheless, like all fervid writing, the task was done in less time than usual, and if the spelling differed from Mrs. Glegg's,—why, she belonged, like himself, to a generation with whom spelling was a matter of private judgment.†   (source)
  • But Ben had one admirer whose eyes followed his movements with a fervid gravity that equalled his own.†   (source)
  • Madame de Cintre started slightly, and raised her eyebrows; she had evidently not expected so fervid a compliment.†   (source)
  • But while opinion concerning him had remained nearly stationary, and his daily habits had presented scarcely any visible change, Marner's inward life had been a history and a metamorphosis, as that of every fervid nature must be when it has fled, or been condemned, to solitude.†   (source)
  • His fervid nature could not afford to relinquish one of these, though two of the three were as many as he could hope to preserve.†   (source)
  • He laid his plan and calculated all his moves with the fervid deliberation of a chess-player in the days of his first ardor, and was amazed himself at his sudden genius as a tactician.†   (source)
  • Alfred (five), who, as I mentioned, has of his own election joined the Infant Bonds of Joy, was one of the very few children who manifested consciousness on that occasion after a fervid address of two hours from the chairman of the evening.†   (source)
  • He turned to her with congratulatory admiration so fervid that she shrank somewhat, notwithstanding that she knew him so well.†   (source)
  • It is your poetical temperament, my dear—your ethereal soul—your fervid imagination, which throws you into a glow of genius and excitement.†   (source)
  • He replied to her fervid entreaties, that he would never be able to get up the narrow stairs without Bob; where was Bob, would nobody fetch Bob?†   (source)
  • He had once before felt in his own person this overpowering of the fervid by the inanimate; but then it had tended to enervate a passion far sweeter than that which at present pervaded him.†   (source)
  • He was a broad-chested fellow with a fervid temperament, which helped him better in imbibing religious ideas than in the dry process of acquiring the mere human knowledge of the alphabet.†   (source)
  • It was now the sweetest hour of the twenty-four: —"Day its fervid fires had wasted," and dew fell cool on panting plain and scorched summit.†   (source)
  • Satisfied that he was right in his original conjecture, he applied himself to calming the fears of Smike, which, after some time, he partially succeeded in doing, though not in removing the impression upon his mind; for he still declared, again and again, in the most solemn and fervid manner, that he had positively seen what he had described, and that nothing could ever remove his conviction of its reality.†   (source)
  • But it would be difficult to convey to those who never heard him utter the word "business," the peculiar tone of fervid veneration, of religious regard, in which he wrapped it, as a consecrated symbol is wrapped in its gold-fringed linen.†   (source)
  • "I look upon it as a reward for Ned, who never held his head too high, that he should have got into the very best connection," continued Mrs. Plymdale, her native sharpness softened by a fervid sense that she was taking a correct view.†   (source)
  • Against certain facts he was helpless: against Will Ladislaw's existence, his defiant stay in the neighborhood of Lowick, and his flippant state of mind with regard to the possessors of authentic, well-stamped erudition: against Dorothea's nature, always taking on some new shape of ardent activity, and even in submission and silence covering fervid reasons which it was an irritation to think of: against certain notions and likings which had taken possession of her mind in relation to subjects that he could not possibly discuss with her.†   (source)
  • In their conversation before marriage, Mr. Casaubon had often dwelt on some explanation or questionable detail of which Dorothea did not see the bearing; but such imperfect coherence seemed due to the brokenness of their intercourse, and, supported by her faith in their future, she had listened with fervid patience to a recitation of possible arguments to be brought against Mr. Casaubon's entirely new view of the Philistine god Dagon and other fish-deities, thinking that hereafter she should see this subject which touched him so nearly from the same high ground whence doubtless it had become so important to him.†   (source)
  • His eyes assumed the fervid gleam of the fanatic lecturer as he buttoned his shirt.†   (source)
  • Then staid the fervid wheels, and in his hand
    He took the golden compasses, prepared
    In God's eternal store, to circumscribe
    This universe, and all created things:
    One foot he centered, and the other turned
    Round through the vast profundity obscure;
    And said, Thus far extend, thus far thy bounds,
    This be thy just circumference, O World!†   (source)
  • Him through the spicy forest onward come
    Adam discerned, as in the door he sat
    Of his cool bower, while now the mounted sun
    Shot down direct his fervid rays to warm
    Earth's inmost womb, more warmth than Adam needs:
    And Eve within, due at her hour prepared
    For dinner savoury fruits, of taste to please
    True appetite, and not disrelish thirst
    Of nectarous draughts between, from milky stream,
    Berry or grape: To whom thus Adam called.†   (source)
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