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  • The disintegrating wagon was half excavated.†   (source)
  • I began shoveling into the softer snow underneath, expanding the excavated area in a concentric spiral as I dug deeper.†   (source)
  • This park had once been an enormous, polluted excavation pit from which Parisian contractors mined clay to manufacture the city's famous red roofing tiles—or tuiles.†   (source)
  • At the far edge of the bog a bomb fell, its muted blast followed by a distant rain of excavated glop.†   (source)
  • I hadn't actually forgotten them; it was more like I hadn't had the occasion to dig them up, and, as busy as we were, I had forgotten that they might be excavating that floor so quickly.†   (source)
  • They lay at the edge of the hole together, each with a muddy arm hung in, and excavated around it until a third of the shell showed.†   (source)
  • They found her when they were excavating the concrete slab in the DiLaurentises' old backyard to put in a tennis court.†   (source)
  • You are doubtless familiar, for instance, with the item known as "The A.B. Memoirs," located in a garage in a suburb of Seattle, and with the Diary of P.," excavated by accident during the erection of a new meeting house in the vicinity of what was once Syracuse, New York.†   (source)
  • His chest felt hollow, bugs flying around an excavated cavity.†   (source)
  • Our campers have been excavating the tunnel system under Cabin Nine for almost a century.†   (source)
  • The trouble with dwarf tunnels was that they were selfsealing, so that if you had to go back the way you came, there was a whole new burrow to be excavated.†   (source)
  • We need you and Arya to collapse any tunnels they're excavating.†   (source)
  • While half the team excavated the more recent site of the unfinished city, two of Rache!'†   (source)
  • Once I was through a thin layer of topsoil, I hit heavy, dense clay studded with rocks—the backfill from the excavation of our basement—and the going was slow and arduous.†   (source)
  • But in the last century or so, as actual Babylonian ziggurats have been excavated, astrological diagrams-pictures of the heavens-have been found inscribed into their tops.†   (source)
  • When hostilities ceased, they ran amok on the streets of Wonderland's capital city, looting and pillaging Wondertropolis until Queen Genevieve had them rounded up and shipped off to the Crystal Mines-a spiderweb-like network of tunnels carved in a far-off mountainside, where those unwilling to abide by the laws of decent society lived in windowless dormitories and labored to excavate crystal from the unforgiving mountain.†   (source)
  • A map made out of tracing paper, tacked to a map of modern-day Gatlin, seemed like someone was trying to mentally excavate the old town from beneath the new.†   (source)
  • Whenever Rogerson worked on his car I could spend hours just walking around, poking behind boxes, excavating things.†   (source)
  • He placed newspaper advertisements for carpenters and laborers, and soon workers with teams of horses began excavating the land.†   (source)
  • In the end, air running out, she had apparently used the ring with her left hand to cut and excavate and her right hand to dig.†   (source)
  • This was nothing more than the excavation of a past crime, the theft of her memory.†   (source)
  • Sunk up to his neck in a morass of dead brandies and rotting flowers, he flung the dirt of the garden all about after having finished with the courtyard and the backyard, and he excavated so deeply under the foundations of the east wing of the house that one night they woke up in terror at what seemed to be an earthquake, as much because of the trembling as the fearful underground creaking.†   (source)
  • He was eventually told that such an archaeological excavation in the records presumably could be done, but that it would take time and it was beyond the boundaries of what could be considered public information.†   (source)
  • They didn't know how hard it was to be diplomatic, to excavate lively prose from incoherent musings.†   (source)
  • The business of the Indian excavations was completely secret, since they were part of the historical heritage of the nation.†   (source)
  • The small port was widened in 1910, again in 1916, and once more in 1922; combined with the quarries and phosphorous mines, excavation was extensive.†   (source)
  • The floor was made of crushed ant-heap, the hard dome of excavated earth above an ant colony, and was kept smooth by smearing it regularly with fresh cow dung.†   (source)
  • A few of the bigger boulders had been carefully excavated, leaving clever dark spaces under them that no one would suspect of housing anything but dirt and smaller rocks.†   (source)
  • I needed to explore, to expand, to excavate.†   (source)
  • The only other place that is cool is the root cellar, which is an earth-covered mound over a cavelike excavation the length of a garage, angling underground in a slow slope.†   (source)
  • The white buildings of Missing looked rounded at the edges, worn down, as if they'd been excavated in an archaeological dig but not restored.†   (source)
  • The excavation of the hall (which came to be known among them as the Honeycomb) turned out to be something of a triumph for Strawberry.†   (source)
  • At the mouth of the tunnel excavation, in a fever pitch of excitement and joy, they saw the timber, the bricks, the steel ribs and the tacky wire gate that glittered under ice struck to diamond in the sun.†   (source)
  • City workers came periodically to excavate the site and they stood warily by the great earth machines, the pumpkin-mudded backhoes and dozers, like infantrymen huddled near advancing tanks.†   (source)
  • In the dim light of the lantern, he could see that the room had been excavated into an octagonal shape, with each angle braced by a sturdy beam that arced toward the center.†   (source)
  • All the squares formerly built up solidly were now so many black excavations, while the streets had the appearance of raised turnpikes intersecting each other on a level prairie.†   (source)
  • He was a practicing archaeologist and played an instrumental role in Heinrich Schliemann's excavations of Troy.†   (source)
  • He built (and excavated) Brandy Hall, changed his name to Brandybuck, and settled down to become master of what was virtually a small independent country.†   (source)
  • And when he arrived, he expected to find at least a foundation for the school excavated.†   (source)
  • Excavations have identified over five hundred miles of canals built by the year 300 B.C. One book on the Pima states that they had "ruins that crumbled when Rome was still young."†   (source)
  • "Stanley had the highest historical motives for his excavations," mused Dr. Finch, "but their minds worked exactly alike.†   (source)
  • I remember reading once about an archeological excavation in the Near East, learning about the archeologist's feelings when he opened the forgotten tombs for the first time in thousands of years.†   (source)
  • Far ahead, the smear of a red lantern, low over the ground, marked a street excavation.†   (source)
  • THE AUSTRIANS could neither mass for an attack nor enjoy the open air as long as Alessandro was able to see them from his chamber in the rock and guide shells directly to the entrances of their tunnels and trenches, working away at particular points like a miner until he could open up a bunker or excavate a tunnel, and watch the men scatter after he hit the hollow places.†   (source)
  • Then the dab of the sponge, a pause, and more excavation.†   (source)
  • Apparently, he rolled into town with a truckload of antiquities to sell—Greek, Roman, Persian, all highquality, many bearing the telltale signs of recent excavation.†   (source)
  • The water muddied, fresh material moving to fill the site of my excavation.†   (source)
  • Nonetheless, they are remarkably beautiful, strung together in their honest lumplike English syllables, and as I see them now on the ledger's page, the page itself the hue of a dried daffodil and oxidized slowly by time into near-transparency, my eyes are arrested by the furious underlining—scratch scratch scratch, lacerations—as if the suffering Stingo whom I once inhabited, or who once inhabited me, learning at firsthand and for the first time in his grown-up life about death, and pain, and loss, and the appalling enigma of human existence, was trying physically to excavate from that paper the only remaining—perhaps the only bearable—truth.†   (source)
  • Jan wondered if the whole interior of this world was riddled with excavations: and why had they limited the size of the city, going underground instead of outwards?†   (source)
  • Nor was this the end of John's labor; for, having put away the broom and the dustpan, he took from the small bucket under the sink the dustrag and the furniture oil and a damp cloth, and returned to the living-room to excavate, as it were, from the dust that threatened to bury them, his family's goods and gear.†   (source)
  • Above, over cleared ground where a treecutting and excavation went on in the old graveyard-the Spanish tombs-two homemade kites in the sky jumped at each other and nodded like gossips.†   (source)
  • After a while, she told the boys to switch places, so that Stanley, Zigzag, and Magnet dug in the holes, and Zero, Armpit, and Squid shoveled the excavated dirt into the wheelbarrows.   (source)
    excavated = dug out
  • The mining company wants to excavate the hillside.
    excavate = dig out
  • They want to excavate the ancient Greek city of Ephesus.   (source)
    excavate = uncover an archaeological site
  • Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team
    excavated = dug out
  • For the last two years at Snakewater, the team had excavated only duckbilled hadrosaurs.†   (source)
  • Characteristically, he turned them all down, wanting only to continue his excavations.†   (source)
  • "I just excavated a raptor," Grant said, as he bent down for a closer look.†   (source)
  • What does one of your excavations look like a year later?†   (source)
  • But the kids claimed that within a few years it would be possible to generate an image so detailed that excavation would be redundant.†   (source)
  • And the off-shore island with its dinosaur eggs became the eroded hillside in northern Montana which Alan Grant was now excavating.†   (source)
  • Grant explained that in 1978, the first year of the excavations, they had come out in North Slope octahedral tents, the most advanced available.†   (source)
  • After 150 years of research and excavation all around the world, they still knew almost nothing about what the dinosaurs had really been like.†   (source)
  • The latter technique required that workers excavate deep shafts, shore the walls, and pump each so full of air that the resulting high pressure held water at bay, a process that was notorious for causing deadly cases of the bends and used mainly by bridge builders who had no other choice.†   (source)
  • My brother has claimed one of them for his own; he plans to excavate it, tunneling down from the top, then in from the side to make a side entrance.†   (source)
  • Langward, why don't you see what treasures you can excavate from yonder knapsack, there's a good boy.†   (source)
  • They didn't even try to excavate.†   (source)
  • The courtyard had been constructed over a landfill, and in order to start my garden, I had to excavate a great many rocks to allow the plants room to grow.†   (source)
  • Moss, dirt, bark, and the occasional ant were the only things they had seen among the roots of the Menoa tree, and none of them indicated where to excavate.†   (source)
  • Glass office buildings stood next to excavation sites.†   (source)
  • The Vatican excavated it in the forties.†   (source)
  • Part of the tomb system that hasn't been excavated yet.†   (source)
  • It is thought that L. Bob Rife has excavated many intact tablets, but he refuses to release them.†   (source)
  • It has only been excavated within the past few years.†   (source)
  • To keep the excavated chambers as dry as possible, they ran pumps twenty-four hours a day.†   (source)
  • As any engineer knew, soil under pressure tended to shift to fill adjacent excavations.†   (source)
  • "I gather you're still busy with excavations in Nykvarn," Spangberg said.†   (source)
  • When the archaeologists first excavated this site, they thought they'd found the Necromanteion.†   (source)
  • I can feel the excavation, and it's painless so far.†   (source)
  • Roran recruited Baldor, and together they began excavating a ditch across the road.†   (source)
  • Why, the hole in the ground, the foundation, is a marvel of excavation.†   (source)
  • At the top of the hill, they climbed over an old retaining wall and down into an excavated trench.†   (source)
  • I did the prospecting, I discovered it, I broke the first excavation.†   (source)
  • The magic veneer had faded, leaving only broken walls and excavation pits.†   (source)
  • The Clovis Period Excavation Museum was a long, low building.†   (source)
  • He toppled down a set of steps and sprawled on the floor of an excavated Roman basement.†   (source)
  • He led her to a museum case by the excavated wall.†   (source)
  • He giggled like a crazy person as he excavated the scraps.†   (source)
  • At 9:00 A.M when I reached the Camp One site, Ang Dorje,* our climbing sirdart was excavating platforms for our tents in the hardfrozen snow slope.†   (source)
  • Langdon glanced out at the Capitol, recalling that its cornerstone was buried so deep in the foundation that, to this day, excavations had been unable to find it.†   (source)
  • At the moment he had his face buried in a quivering red mountain of breakfast and was making rude noises as he excavated for grapes.†   (source)
  • On one side of the stone floor, a set of stairs had been excavated, leading down to a modern iron gate with a padlock.†   (source)
  • No signs of excavation machinery, no rusting miners" helmets, not a single piece of shattered plastic or decomposing stimstick wrapper.†   (source)
  • He butchered the carcass under a thick cloud of flies and mosquitoes, boiled the organs into a stew, and then laboriously excavated a burrow in the face of the rocky stream bank directly below the bus, in which he tried to cure, by smoking, the immense slabs of purple flesh.†   (source)
  • Each of us chose a trough and dug into it like a dog excavating a prized bed of flowers, our cupped hands scooping mounds of ice onto the floor.†   (source)
  • For almost a decade, the nine Knights lived in the ruins, excavating in total secrecy through solid rock.†   (source)
  • It was this part of the aftermath that I thought of when I thought of Mr. Harvey—how he wandered the muddy excavations and got lost among the dormant bulldozers, their monstrous bulk frightening in the dark.†   (source)
  • It was sufficient to lift the broken slabs in the corner where Ursula's bed had always stood and where the glow was most intense to find the secret crypt that Aureliano Segundo had worn himself out searching for during the delirium of his excavations.†   (source)
  • One of his fondest memories of her was the long afternoons she had spent under the front porch when she was about two, digging in the loam, ignoring spiders and googlepeds, rushing into the house to show off every plastic plate and tarnished pfennig she had excavated, demanding to know where it had come from, what were the people like who had left it there?†   (source)
  • She did not need to see to realize that the flower beds, cultivated with such care since the first rebuilding, had been destroyed by the rain and ruined by Aureliano Segundo's excavations, and that the walls and the cement of the floors were cracked, the furniture mushy and discolored, the doors off their hinges, and the family menaced by a spirit of resignation and despair that was inconceivable in her time.†   (source)
  • The mortal archaeologists have excavated some of the tombs, but there's still a huge network of tunnels and chambers no one's opened in thousands of years.†   (source)
  • In the back of the basement, the floor had been excavated, revealing another set of steps—these of white stone—leading still deeper underground.†   (source)
  • Archaeologists petitioned to begin blasting through the bedrock to reach the mysterious chamber, but the Rosslyn Trust expressly forbade any excavation of the sacred site.†   (source)
  • Who excavated this clay envelope?†   (source)
  • At the Ferris Wheel the pumps meant to drain the tower excavations ran twenty-four hours but could not conquer the volume of water.†   (source)
  • I am fairly certain that the information we need is contained within a clay envelope that was excavated from the ancient Sumerian city of Eridu in southern Iraq ten years ago.†   (source)
  • I'd been in places like this before—tunnels inside pyramids, tombs my dad had excavated—but I've never liked them.†   (source)
  • That crypt is being excavated and examined now In fact, that is where I have just come from with these gentlemen.†   (source)
  • Now, what were they excavating?†   (source)
  • Look at it as an excavation job.†   (source)
  • The noble palace of the Marquis de Casalduero, whose existence and coat of arms had never been documented, was sold to the municipal treasury for a decent price, and then resold for a fortune to the central government when a Dutch researcher began excavations to prove that the real grave of Christopher Columbus was located there: the fifth one so far.†   (source)
  • He realized just in time that a section of mosaic floor in front of him was an illusion covering a ten-foot-deep excavation pit.†   (source)
  • Frodo also had a tussle with young Sancho Proudfoot (old Odo Proudfoot's grandson), who had begun an excavation in the larger pantry, where he thought there was an echo.†   (source)
  • His claws sank into the earth, excavating a plug of dirt several feet deep as he picked up the two humans.†   (source)
  • The first had to do with the building of St. Richard's Episcopal Church in 1859 and—while the site was being excavated—the discovery of what appeared to be an ancient Lumbee Indian settlement.†   (source)
  • It was reported that the police had designated a third site to be excavated as well, and that this might not be the last of it.†   (source)
  • She played with the large working model of the home while her mother angled her wicker chair to face west, where the new wing's excavation was partly to be seen.†   (source)
  • From the cupboardful of old camping equipment I've excavated one of the army surplus cots and a lumpy khaki sleeping bag, short-circuiting my mother's plans to move my bed down to the cellar so I can have a proper mattress.†   (source)
  • They moved through the forward trench, passing hundreds of men, dozens of machine-gun emplacements, and the slightly wider circular excavations, reached through a thin zigzagging sub-trench, where the trench mortars and their shells were kept.†   (source)
  • There was nothing to justify the five years of work and the millions spent; nothing but empty excavations, laboriously cut.†   (source)
  • Where the floor and the walls met, they flowed together as if the stone had been melted, which told Eragon that it was most likely elves who had excavated the tunnel.†   (source)
  • East of the hovels, curved black lines scored the earth where trenches had been excavated to protect the Varden's camp.†   (source)
  • She examined the trio again and saw that the red-long-beard-man had lost his right hand, then returned to excavating the clay from around her scales.†   (source)
  • Set into the hard clay, as if never fully excavated, were tools made of bone, fossilized wooden implements, obsidian flakes in the shape of arrowheads, and the skeleton of a saber-toothed tiger.†   (source)
  • She saw the new pipe stacked by the excavation; the pipe bore a trademark: Stockton Foundry, Colorado.†   (source)
  • Unsure of what to say, Eragon pushed at the rotten end of a log with the tip of his boot, exposing a clutch of white larvae squirming in the tunnels they had excavated.†   (source)
  • Some areas looked like they'd been excavated, but most of the city just seemed abandoned, as if it had been left to the elements for the last two thousand years.†   (source)
  • Less than a thousand feet above the Varden's camp, and only a few seconds from crashing into the tents and excavating a large and bloody crater, Saphira allowed the wind to catch her wings.†   (source)
  • And then he resumed translating as before: "—runners-of-the-tunnels discovered evidence of a mighty fight within one of the ancient tunnels that our famed forefather, Korgan Longbeard, excavated.†   (source)
  • When they had excavated nigh on fifty trees, Hvalmar realized that there might be hundreds, or even thousands, of stone trees entombed within the side of Mount Thardur, and so he ordered his men to abandon the project.†   (source)
  • She schooled him in their history and their politics; in the products upon which each clan based the majority of its trade; in the names, families, and personalities of the clan chiefs; in the list of important tunnels excavated and controlled by each clan; and in what she felt would be the best way to coax the dwarves to elect a king or queen friendly to the goals of the Varden.†   (source)
  • Instead of describing the attempt on Eragon's life, and thus explaining why he had terminated the previous clanmeet prematurely, Orik commenced by recounting how, at the dawn of history, the race of dwarves had migrated from the once-verdant fields of the Hadarac Desert to the Beor Mountains, where they had excavated their uncounted miles of tunnels, built their magnificent cities both above and below the ground, and waged lusty war between their various factions, as well as with the dragons, whom, for thousands of years, the dwarves had regarded with a combination of hate, fear, and reluctant awe.†   (source)
  • Then it was another day, and I set out to dig up the dead cat, to excavate the maggot from the cheese, to locate the canker in the rose, to find the deceased fly among the raisins in the rice pudding.†   (source)
  • The man excavated some more and told her to try with all her strength to get out.†   (source)
  • He was thinking of the first bite of machine into earth that begins an excavation.†   (source)
  • But all the while I could hear, as from a great distance, the scraping of the blades upon the piled earth and the muffled sound of earth falling into the excavation.†   (source)
  • The floor had been excavated and replaced by a shallow lake of water and cresylic acid, in the center of which was a sort of island made of bricks.†   (source)
  • Hard, hard work, excavation and digging, mining, moling through tunnels, heaving, pushing, moving rock, working, working, working, working, working, panting, hauling, hoisting.†   (source)
  • It was finding ten people to a room and the toilets in excavations under the street, or the rat-bitten kids.†   (source)
  • A man in overalls stepped out of the excavation pit, peered into the darkness at them and called: "Is that you up there, boss?"†   (source)
  • The light came from an excavation pit.†   (source)
  • From the vantage of the high stoop they could see the excavation across the street, the earth, the workmen, the rising steel columns in a glare of harsh light.†   (source)
  • # At the beginning of January, while the first steel columns rose from the excavations that were to become the Cord Building and the Aquitania Hotel, Roark worked on the drawings for the Temple.†   (source)
  • She walked to the excavation.†   (source)
  • She saw second-hand furniture, an Oriental rug of rare texture and sensuous color, jade ash trays, pieces of sculpture that came from historical excavations, anything he had wished to seize, helped by the sudden fortune of Wynand's patronage.†   (source)
  • If the dogs had scratched the sand up in excavating, how had they carried it so far?†   (source)
  • Montgomery steered us round and into a narrow little dock excavated in the beach.†   (source)
  • And after that I abandoned altogether the idea of escaping by excavation.†   (source)
  • They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them.†   (source)
  • "Do not dig any more," said the voice; "only tell me how high up is your excavation?"†   (source)
  • We were in reality shut up inside an immeasurable excavation.†   (source)
  • Seizing his sharp boat-spade, he commenced an excavation in the body, a little behind the side fin.†   (source)
  • Yes; stop up your excavation carefully, do not work any more, and wait until you hear from me.†   (source)
  • By dint of excavating graves for other people, one hollows out one's own.†   (source)
  • If it be as you suspect, I will know their reasons for making this excavation.†   (source)
  • On the left, in a sort of valley, he perceived a circular excavation.†   (source)
  • What emerges from these deep excavations?†   (source)
  • The excavation of the sewer of Paris has been no slight task.†   (source)
  • There was a void in his memory, a black spot, an abyss excavated by four months of agony.†   (source)
  • Why, do you think I should be any happier if I were to feel disturbed about the excavations you tell me of?†   (source)
  • Nothing is inside them, they were sealed up before the creation of pestilence or treasure; if mankind grew curious and excavated, nothing, nothing would be added to the sum of good or evil.†   (source)
  • She had accepted this submergence as philosophically as all her other trials, and now, in extreme old age, was rewarded by presenting to her mirror an almost unwrinkled expanse of firm pink and white flesh, in the centre of which the traces of a small face survived as if awaiting excavation.†   (source)
  • He has been excavating a barrow at Long Down, and has got a prehistoric skull which fills him with great joy.†   (source)
  • Suddenly beyond the stretch of waste ground, interspersed with small patches of low dense bush, excavations, heaps of rubbish, with trodden paths between, a man, solitary and looking very small, strolled out into the deserted opening of the street between the shut-up, dark, lifeless buildings at the end.†   (source)
  • "The Invisible Man!" he cried to the navvies, with a vague indicative gesture, and by an inspiration leapt the excavation and placed a burly group between him and the chase.†   (source)
  • He shyly held her hand on the way, and told her the news: they were excavating the basement for the new schoolbuilding, Vida "made him tired the way she always looked at the Maje," poor Chet Dashaway had been killed in a motor accident out on the Coast.†   (source)
  • 'I quite follow you,' said I. 'The only point which I could not quite understand was what use you could make of a hydraulic press in excavating fuller's-earth, which, as I understand, is dug out like gravel from a pit.'†   (source)
  • They did all kinds of men's work by preference, including well-sinking, hedging, ditching, and excavating, without any sense of fatigue.†   (source)
  • Those who peeped through the opening saw a crowd of persons in broadcloth, with hymn-books in their hands, standing round the excavations for the new chapel-walls.†   (source)
  • A rocky cliff appeared, mounds of turned-up earth by the shore, houses on a hill, others, with iron roofs, amongst a waste of excavations, or hanging to the declivity.†   (source)
  • The growing crowd, he said, was becoming a serious impediment to their excavations, especially the boys.†   (source)
  • Making inquiries she came to a hoarding, within which were excavations denoting the foundations of a building; and on the boards without one or two large posters announcing that the foundation-stone of the chapel about to be erected would be laid that afternoon at three o'clock by a London preacher of great popularity among his body.†   (source)
  • Merry tumbled head foremost into the excavation; the man with the bandage spun round like a teetotum and fell all his length upon his side, where he lay dead, but still twitching; and the other three turned and ran for it with all their might.†   (source)
  • The Martians had taken away the excavating-machine, and, save for a fighting-machine that stood in the remoter bank of the pit and a handling-machine that was buried out of my sight in a corner of the pit immediately beneath my peephole, the place was deserted by them.†   (source)
  • At first I scarcely noticed the pit and the cylinder, although it has been convenient to describe them first, on account of the extraordinary glittering mechanism I saw busy in the excavation, and on account of the strange creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the heaped mould near it.†   (source)
  • Ben, in his long, lonely wanderings about the island, had found the skeleton—it was he that had rifled it; he had found the treasure; he had dug it up (it was the haft of his pick-axe that lay broken in the excavation); he had carried it on his back, in many weary journeys, from the foot of the tall pine to a cave he had on the two-pointed hill at the north-east angle of the island, and there it had lain stored in safety since two months before the arrival of the HISPANIOLA.†   (source)
  • When I looked again, the busy handling-machine had already put together several of the pieces of apparatus it had taken out of the cylinder into a shape having an unmistakable likeness to its own; and down on the left a busy little digging mechanism had come into view, emitting jets of green vapour and working its way round the pit, excavating and embanking in a methodical and discriminating manner.†   (source)
  • We had excavated the entire circle of four feet diameter, and now we slightly enlarged the limit, and went to the farther depth of two feet.†   (source)
  • He levelled the solid rock, and tapped it with deep excavations, and built over them; connecting the whole great mass with the Temple by a beautiful colonnade, from the roof of which one could look down over the courts of the sacred structure.†   (source)
  • But logs, excavation, and every thing that did not reach several feet above the earth lay alike buried beneath the snow.†   (source)
  • Some neighbors even affirm that they had once seen, through an air-hole, Archdeacon Claude excavating, turning over, digging up the earth in the two cellars, whose supports had been daubed with numberless couplets and hieroglyphics by Nicolas Flamel himself.†   (source)
  • So bold men, who are tempted by every chance, have quite frequently, as we are assured, opened the holes excavated by the black man, and tried to rob the devil.†   (source)
  • Coming up again to the marsh level out of this excavation,—for the rude path lay through it,—I saw a light in the old sluice-house.†   (source)
  • Besides, how should Mr. Stelling be expected to know that education was a delicate and difficult business, any more than an animal endowed with a power of boring a hole through a rock should be expected to have wide views of excavation?†   (source)
  • It was related that there still remained under the south entrance excavated cells for the reception of the wild animals and athletes who took part in the games.†   (source)
  • An excavation was made in the hard earth, at a great expense of toil and time, and the body was wrapped in such spare vestments as could be collected among the labourers.†   (source)
  • When this introductory ceremony was performed, Cedric arose, and, extending his hand to Richard, conducted him into a small and very rude chapel, which was excavated, as it were, out of one of the external buttresses.†   (source)
  • June had suffered her hair to fall about her face, had taken a seat on a stone which had been dug from the excavation made by the grave, and was hanging over the spot which contained the body of Arrowhead, unconscious of the presence of any other.†   (source)
  • Sometimes the top of a table, or other similarly arranged piece of furniture, is removed by the person wishing to conceal an article; then the leg is excavated, the article deposited within the cavity, and the top replaced.†   (source)
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