domesticin a sentencegrouped by contextual meaning
domestic as in: the domestic market
The department is responsible for studying all the domestic species of animals and plants.
domestic = natural to the area
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She tracks domestic oil production.
domestic = relating to a home country
- Or maybe a domestic terrorist cell trying to build a homemade bomb. (source)
They have roughly the intelligence of a domestic cow.
domestic = raised by ranchers
Make no report at this time except that we have determined that Locke and Demosthenes have no foreign connections and have no connections with any domestic group, either, except those publicly declared on the nets.
domestic = relating to a local geographic area
Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United Stated of America and faithfully defend the United States from any or all attack by foreign or domestic forces, and forswear any form of allegiance or obedience to the Japanese Emperor, or any other foreign government, power or organization?
domestic = relating to a home country
Business was excellent when Governor William Wyatt Bibb, with a view to promoting the newly created county's domestic tranquility, dispatched a team of surveyors to locate its exact center and there establish its seat of government.
domestic = relating to a local geographic area
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us,
domestic = relating to a home country
Even in the domestic defense forces within our own solar system, there's honor to be had.
domestic = relating to a local geographic area
Governor William Wyatt Bibb, with a view to promoting the domestic tranquillity of the new county, sent out a team of surveyors to locate its exact center and there establish its seat of government:
domestic = relating to a region
- I am more concerned with domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction.
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Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy; (source)domestic = of our home country
...Duncan is in his grave;
After life's fitful fever he sleeps well;
Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison,
Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing,
Can touch him further. (source)domestic = in the home country
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domestic as in: domestic happiness
We share the domestic chores.
domestic = household (relating to home or family)
show 10 more with this conextual meaning
- The health insurance extends benefits to unwed domestic partners regardless of sex.
- The group helps victims of domestic violence.
- My great grandmother worked in London as a domestic servant.
- England's national census of 1911 showed 1.3 million domestic servants, 1.2 million agricultural workers, and 971,000 coal miners.
Then, because I knew I wouldn't be able to pay it in February, I took a second job as a domestic cleaner, driving twenty minutes north three days a week to scrub expensive homes in Draper.
domestic = home
Davis stopped at the doorway for a second, looked back at Mom and me in what must have seemed to him like domestic bliss.
domestic = relating to a home and family
Still, shopping for low-income kids reminds me of my childhood and of the ways that Christmas gifts can serve as domestic land mines.
domestic = relating to a home or family
- And so they went, down the row of laughing women, around the diningroom, refilling coffee cups, dishing out goodies as though their only regret was the temporary domestic disaster of losing Calpurnia. (source)
I've come to get more books for Aibileen and check if anything's ever been written about domestic help.
domestic = relating to a home
- We were talking about maids and the fact that you're supposed to refer to them as "domestic help" these days. (source)
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He pulls the sponge out of my hands and turns off the tap while I go clear off the rest of the table and dump the dishes in the sink. We've fallen into an oddly domestic pattern...
domestic = relating to a home or family
Most of the people who left our coast went to Arabian homes as domestic servants.
domestic = household (relating to a home)
- All the domestic problems are so worrying. (source)
neglect his domestic duties
domestic = relating to the home or family
They had white domestic awnings in front, and the country people hitched their horses to the awning-posts.
domestic = relating to a home
Children have always a sympathy in the agitations of those connected with them: always, especially, a sense of any trouble or impending revolution, of whatever kind, in domestic circumstances; and therefore Pearl, who was the gem on her mother's unquiet bosom, betrayed, by the very dance of her spirits, the emotions which none could detect in the marble passiveness of Hester's brow.
domestic = related to the home
I confess, my son, that I have always looked forward to your marriage with our dear Elizabeth as the tie of our domestic comfort and the stay of my declining years.
domestic = relating to a home and family
- They'll be thrilled to see any sign of domesticity on my part," Jen said.† (source)
- Domesticity wasn't Alex's strong point-she didn't know how to make a pot roast but was proud to have memorized the phone numbers of every pizza place and Chinese restaurant in Sterling that offered free delivery.† (source)
- And Lillian taught us all to cook hamburgers and roasts, to clean toilets with cleansers that smelled sweeter than flowers, and to scrub pots and pans with pre-soaped balls of steel wool instead of ashes and lemon rinds, so we could hire ourselves out as domestics.† (source)
- Throwbacks to domesticity.† (source)
- Such domesticity among men was unknown to the girls, and Fiona said she would marry no man who had not served in the Royal Navy.† (source)
- What if the heart, for its own unfathomable reasons, leads one willfully and in a cloud of unspeakable radiance away from health, domesticity, civic responsibility and strong social connections and all the blandly-held common virtues and instead straight towards a beautiful flare of ruin, self-immolation, disaster?† (source)
- They went to work as day laborers and domestics and construction workers, jobs where you could show up for work every day for thirty years and never learn market research and manufacturing and how to navigate the popular culture and how to negotiate with the Yankees, who ran the world.† (source)
- By the power vested in me as the only adult in the house, I suspended the Married Couple Domesticity Act and proclaimed the once banished Bachelor Rules to be the law of the land.† (source)
- But often there were sheets and towels hanging to dry through the bars of windows, and this touch of domesticity always gave them hope.† (source)
- Can you picture it, this splendid domesticity, dim lamps, the vampire father singing to the vampire daughter?† (source)
- His visits to the transient hotel became less frequent, not only because his interests lay elsewhere but because he did not like them to see him there under circumstances that were different from the chaste domesticity of the past.† (source)
- How could they know whether the girls working as domestics were all right—whether the young people on the farms were eating adequately—whether the boys who had left the road camps were managing in the cities?† (source)
- The Corner Institutional dourness and cheerful domesticity coexist on the fourth floor of the Finney County Courthouse.† (source)
- Despite the tableau of domesticity, she was still a Shadowhunter.† (source)
- The companies did not encourage the women to come—they did not want an influx of poor colored settlers in those towns—but the women came anyway and took jobs as domestics and farm helpers in the towns, and lived wherever housing was free or dirt cheap.† (source)
- "The inquiry is not whether a person is qualified for his office," she wrote to Uncle Isaac Smith, "but how many domestics and horses does he keep."† (source)
- We will need to replace him to-morrow-that is, if news of John's temper has not reached everywhere in this city, which I fear has resulted in a protracted difficulty in Mr. Tammerman securing domestics of any quality.† (source)
- But we had no money, no intelligence apparatus, either in government, business or labor unions; and no communications with our own people except through unsympathetic newspapers, a few Pullman porters who brought provincial news from distant cities and a group of domestics who reported the fairly uninteresting private lives of their employers.† (source)
- The man was waiting on a middle-aged couple, who from their speech and manner were domestics at an outlying estate.† (source)
- Then, to add to the American domesticity of the scene, Anne brought out an apple pie.† (source)
- No. I have two domestics, and both were out on their night off, which was why I was home.† (source)
- Moreover, their desire for domesticity and the companionship of other adults, as well as pups, is apparently met by the communal nature of the family group.† (source)
- Look at that instinct for domesticity.† (source)
Blore said: "I'm a domestic sort of man. I'll give you a hand, Miss Claythorne."
domestic = household
The Rushworths were the only addition to his own domestic circle which he could solicit.
domestic = household (relating to a home)
It does him the highest honour; it shews his proper estimation of the blessing of domestic happiness and pure attachment.
domestic = relating to a home and family
- My life had hitherto been remarkably secluded and domestic, and this had given me invincible repugnance to new countenances. (source)
She saw the children of the settlement on the grassy margin of the street, or at the domestic thresholds, disporting themselves in such grim fashions as the Puritanic nurture would permit;
domestic = home
You minutely described in these papers every step you took in the progress of your work; this history was mingled with accounts of domestic occurrences.
domestic = relating to a home and family
Henry Crawford, ruined by early independence and bad domestic example, indulged in the freaks of a cold-blooded vanity a little too long.
domestic = home
Reminiscences, the most trifling and immaterial, passages of infancy and school-days, sports, childish quarrels, and the little domestic traits of her maiden years, came swarming back upon her,
domestic = relating to the home or family
The gentle and domestic manners it described, combined with lofty sentiments and feelings, which had for their object something out of self, accorded well with my experience among my protectors and with the wants which were forever alive in my own bosom.
domestic = relating to a home and family
Prayers were always read in it by the domestic chaplain, within the memory of many; but the late Mr. Rushworth left it off.
domestic = household (relating to a home)
And the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale's best discerning friends, as we have intimated, very reasonably imagined that the hand of Providence had done all this for the purpose—besought in so many public and domestic and secret prayers—of restoring the young minister to health.
domestic = at-home
Governor Bellingham, in a loose gown and easy cap—such as elderly gentlemen loved to endue themselves with, in their domestic privacy—walked foremost, and appeared to be showing off his estate, and expatiating on his projected improvements.
domestic = at home
If this rule were always observed; if no man allowed any pursuit whatsoever to interfere with the tranquillity of his domestic affections, Greece had not been enslaved, Caesar would have spared his country, America would have been discovered more gradually, and the empires of Mexico and Peru had not been destroyed.
domestic = relating to a home and family
Though I have not seen much of the domestic lives of clergymen, it is seen by too many to leave any deficiency of information.
domestic = home
No aim that I have ever cherished would they recognise as laudable; no success of mine—if my life, beyond its domestic scope, had ever been brightened by success—would they deem otherwise than worthless, if not positively disgraceful.
domestic = relating to a home
The deed thoroughly answered: a source of domestic altercation was entirely done away, and it was the means of opening Susan's heart to her, and giving her something more to love and be interested in.
domestic = relating to a home and family
—soon led her mind away from Northamptonshire, and fixed it on her own domestic grievances, and the shocking character of all the Portsmouth servants, of whom she believed her own two were the very worst, engrossed her completely.
domestic = household (relating to a home)
A squirrel, from the lofty depths of his domestic tree, chattered either in anger or merriment—for the squirrel is such a choleric and humorous little personage, that it is hard to distinguish between his moods—so he chattered at the child, and flung down a nut upon her head.
domestic = home
There is the little domestic scenery of the well-known apartment; the chairs, with each its separate individuality; the centre-table, sustaining a work-basket, a volume or two, and an extinguished lamp; the sofa; the book-case; the picture on the wall—all these details, so completely seen, are so spiritualised by the unusual light, that they seem to lose their actual substance, and become things of intellect.
domestic = related to a home
That I should be cautious and quick-sighted, and feel many scruples which my children do not feel, is perfectly natural; and equally so that my value for domestic tranquillity, for a home which shuts out noisy pleasures, should much exceed theirs.
domestic = household (relating to a home)
...and Mr. Yates, desirous of being really received into the family, was disposed to look up to him and be guided. He was not very solid; but there was a hope of his becoming less trifling, of his being at least tolerably domestic and quiet; and at any rate, there was comfort in finding his estate rather more, and his debts much less, than he had feared, and in being consulted and treated as the friend best worth attending to.
domestic = home-oriented
Sick of ambitious and mercenary connexions, prizing more and more the sterling good of principle and temper, and chiefly anxious to bind by the strongest securities all that remained to him of domestic felicity, he had pondered with genuine satisfaction on the more than possibility of the two young friends finding their natural consolation in each other for all that had occurred of disappointment to either; and the joyful consent which met Edmund's application, the high sense of having…
domestic = relating to a home and family
- Equally formed for domestic life, and attached to country pleasures, their home was the home of affection and comfort; and to complete the picture of good, the acquisition of Mansfield living, by the death of Dr. Grant, occurred just after they had been married long enough to begin to want an increase of income, and feel their distance from the paternal abode an inconvenience. (source)
- …still lived together; for Mary, though perfectly resolved against ever attaching herself to a younger brother again, was long in finding among the dashing representatives, or idle heir-apparents, who were at the command of her beauty, and her 20,000, any one who could satisfy the better taste she had acquired at Mansfield, whose character and manners could authorise a hope of the domestic happiness she had there learned to estimate, or put Edmund Bertram sufficiently out of her head. (source)
And then he would have changed the subject, and sipped his coffee in peace over domestic matters of a calmer hue; but Mr. Yates, without discernment to catch Sir Thomas's meaning, or diffidence, or delicacy, or discretion enough to allow him to lead the discourse while he mingled among the others with the least obtrusiveness himself, would keep him on the topic of the theatre, would torment him with questions and remarks relative to it, and finally would make him hear the whole history…
domestic = household (relating to a home)
- I think we should call it Colored Domestics and the Southern Families for Which They Work.† (source)
- Already she's losing her floozie status with them, she's entering the outskirts of domesticity.† (source)
- It might have been thought that the deluge had given him the opportunity to sit and reflect and that the business of the pliers and the oilcan had awakened in him the tardy yearning of so many useful trades that he might have followed in his life and did not; but neither case was true, because the temptation of a sedentary domesticity that was besieging him was not the result of any rediscovery or moral lesion.† (source)
- But she has beauty without frivolity, domesticity without dullness, and simplicity of manner, and prudence, and circumspection.† (source)
- The mills were sold, and the imposing house of his childhood, with its large staff of domestics — the chambermaids, the kitchen maids, the parlour maids, that ever-changing chorus of smiling girls or women with names like Alice and Effie, who cosseted and also dominated his childhood and youth, and whom he thinks of as having somehow been sold along with the house.† (source)
- Unlike his home in New York, he kept it fully automated, calling in domestics only for lengthy stays.† (source)
- In my little street, however, domesticity prevailed.† (source)
- I'm temperamentally unsuited to domesticity.† (source)
- It seems that the domestics are not too excited to clean shoes, though they forget a grate.† (source)
- First, I interviewed the domestics, and with their aid, I recapitulated the evening.† (source)
- There are the domestics, of course, Jeannette, Felice, and Denise the cook.† (source)
- Once I had a biographer, dead long since, but if he still followed my footsteps with his old flattering intensity he would here say, "About this time Bernard married and bought a house ....His friends observed in him a growing tendency to domesticity ....The birth of children made it highly desirable that he should augment his income."† (source)
- Elaine and the domestics sat in these galleries to watch, and the two knights fought beneath them for a long time.† (source)
- I like to breathe in on the stairs this odor of quiet and order, of cleanliness and respectable domesticity.† (source)
- While he walked up the drive and Lily Briscoe said yes and no and capped his comments (for she was in love with them all, in love with this world) he weighed Ramsay's case, commiserated him, envied him, as if he had seen him divest himself of all those glories of isolation and austerity which crowned him in youth to cumber himself definitely with fluttering wings and clucking domesticities.† (source)
- Then, looking up, as her husband passed her once more, she was relieved to find that the ruin was veiled; domesticity triumphed; custom crooned its soothing rhythm, so that when stopping deliberately, as his turn came round again, at the window he bent quizzically and whimsically to tickle James's bare calf with a sprig of something, she twitted him for having dispatched "that poor young man," Charles Tansley.† (source)
- Also, I continued, looking down at the page again, it is becoming evident that women, like men, have other interests besides the perennial interests of domesticity.† (source)
- Jacky sighed, said, "Len, I do think you might explain," and resumed domesticity.† (source)
- Besides, Jack is a notorious domesticity for John!† (source)
- Somewhat too late she remembered that she had given up domesticity and repentance.† (source)
- From the great door which opened into the porch emerged two or three female domestics, and one male.† (source)
- These utterly obsolete personages were served by domestics of the same stamp.† (source)
- Teresa saw herself rich, superbly attired, and attended by a train of liveried domestics.† (source)
- The cries of the domestics, some of whom had been born in the house, were most pitiable.† (source)
- Do you call the domestics in an American household 'slaves'?† (source)
- His daughter made her appearance, then the domestics.† (source)
- In this task you will be seconded by the domestics of their household.† (source)
- They had not the air of masters of the house or domestics.† (source)
- She warned the domestics not to touch the child, as Mrs. Osborne might be offended.† (source)
- The domestics were dismissed at her pleasure.† (source)
- Only two or three domestics shuddered in the bleak old servants' hall.† (source)
- —by the way, wonder what's ever become of Clif; haven't heard from him for a couple o' years— when it comes to this 'overpowering Christian Domesticity'— Oh, let's hunt for a blind-pig and sit around with the nice restful burglars.† (source)
- Also, for the purpose of her cure, he had for many years pretended to a rigid domesticity from which he was drifting away, and this pretense became more arduous in this effortless immobility, in which he was inevitably subjected to microscopic examination.† (source)
- The young matrons discussed the intimacies of domesticity with a frankness and a minuteness which dismayed Carol.† (source)
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domestic animal as in: a domestic animal like a dog
We work to reduce abuse of domestic animals.
domestic animals = kept as pets or for ranching
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The book details the history of domestic animals such as dogs, cats, or cows.
domestic animals = kept as pets or for ranching
- Each year, millions of domestic animals in the United States are killed after they are dropped off at shelters and not adopted.
- She says that no longer how many years a chimpanzee has lived peacefully as a pet, it is not a domestic animal and can snap without warning.
Suppose those two points we take are the wolf and the domestic dog.
domestic = referring to animals kept as pets
- Perfume, silk scarves, small jewelled pins in the shapes of domestic animals, of caged birds, of goldfish.† (source)
- Animals rights people say we should free domestic animals, but domestic animals cannot survive in the wild.† (source)
- That's exactly how people have bred domestic animals for more than ten thousand years, Sophie.† (source)
- On Saturdays the poor mulattoes, along with all their domestic animals and kitchen utensils, tumultuously abandoned their hovels of cardboard and tin on the edges of the swamps and in jubilant assault took over the rocky beaches of the colonial district.† (source)
- As long as people lived in the country, in nature, surrounded by domestic animals, in the bosom of regularly recurring seasons, they retained at least a glimmer of that paradisiac idyll.† (source)
- You're a real domestic animal.† (source)
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- There are six low phoenix notes and six high, six worldly environments, six senses, six virtues, six obligations, six classes of ideograph, six domestic animals, six arts, and six paths of metempsychosis.† (source)
- They had villages and cities, vehicles, houses, marketplaces, bounded fields, agricultural implements and domestic animals, and led a life quite as rich and varied as that in most rural areas of the world today.† (source)
- Any literalism which could suggest the cosy familiarity of a domestic animal—or worse, a pantomine horse—should be avoided.† (source)
- There are streets and houses, and there are books, I imagine, and big canals and docks and places for stabling, if not horses, well, then some domestic animal, perhaps with twelve legs, who knows?† (source)
- On the other hand, Fermina Daza, his wife, who at that time was seventy-two years old and had already lost the doe's gait of her younger days, was an irrational idolater of tropical flowers and domestic animals, and early in her marriage she had taken advantage of the novelty of love to keep many more of them in the house than good sense would allow.† (source)
- Chickens and cows are domestic animals.† (source)
- Their boundaries were to be violated, their domestic animals, the beetles, were to be kidnapped, and their communall stomach would be starved.† (source)
- He taught his tribes how to fish with nets, to hunt and to rear domestic animals, divided the people into clans, and instituted matrimony.† (source)
- Behind it, and behind the enormous wall, they had huddled at night in wooden shacks, together with their domestic animals.† (source)
- It was called the Spancel —after the rope with which domestic animals were hobbled —and there were several of them in the secret coffers of the Old Ones.† (source)
- Between him and all domestic animals there must be no hostilities.† (source)
- "Frightened?" he said, touching her cheek as if she were some domestic animal.† (source)
- She soon finished her eating, and having a consciousness that Clare was regarding her, began to trace imaginary patterns on the tablecloth with her forefinger with the constraint of a domestic animal that perceives itself to be watched.† (source)
- He took his way towards the slight pen which contained the domestic animals, worming himself along the ground in his former subtle and guarded manner.† (source)
- At the Period of our tale, and, indeed, for half a century later, the whole of that vast region which has been called the West, or the new countries since the war of the revolution, lay a comparatively unpeopled desert, teeming with all the living productions of nature that properly belonged to the climate, man and the domestic animals excepted.† (source)
- The sight of all these domestic animals made us long even more than ever for our home at Rockburg, and we determined to hasten thither with all possible speed.† (source)
- See blank tee what domestic animal?† (source)
- He was down and out but, though branded as a black sheep, if he might say so, he meant to reform, to retrieve the memory of the past in a purely sisterly way and return to nature as a purely domestic animal.† (source)
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gross domestic product as in: GDP of the United States
We're hoping GDP growth of 3% will increase the number of available jobs.
GDP = the total value of goods and services produced by a nation in a year (Gross Domestic Product)
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Growth in GDP slowed in the fourth quarter of the year.
GDP = the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year (Gross Domestic Product)
- The United States is the country with the highest total GDP; though not the highest per person.
- She argues that GDP growth is the best simple measure of a country's economic progress; though she concedes that it is not a perfect measure.
- He says our heating bills are larger than the GDP of a small African country.† (source)
- The cash flow makes up a whopping 15 percent of El Salvador's gross domestic product and is Mexico's second largest contributor to the economy, after oil.† (source)
- In 2005, the annual per capita gross domestic product of the country was a mere four hundred dollars—which ranks it ahead of only the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe among nations for which any data is available.† (source)
- These countries took young women who previously had contributed negligibly to gross national product (GNP) and injected them into the formal economy, hugely increasing the labor force.† (source)
- A country will take a fee amounting to four times its gross national product to accept a shipment of toxic waste.† (source)
- Norberg-Hodge admiringly quotes the king of another Himalayan country, Bhutan, who says the true measure of a nation's success is not gross national product, but "gross national happiness."† (source)
- Since the onset of civil war, Burundi's per capita gross domestic product had fallen from roughly $180 per year to about $80, the lowest in the world, and of course that paltry figure understated the general penury.† (source)
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- They had a permanent unemployed underclass approaching thirty percent, their military was paltry for their size, absorbing less than point zero three percent of their GDP, and their trade imbalance was becoming astronomical.† (source)
- It improves life for her, but it also means that Burundi now has another person contributing to GNP.† (source)
- The consequence of failing to educate girls is a capacity gap not only in billions of dollars of GNP but also in billions of IQ points.† (source)
- These countries took young women who previously had contributed negligibly to gross national product (GNP) and injected them into the formal economy, hugely increasing the labor force.† (source)
- Two scholars, Chaim Kaufmann and Robert Pape, calculate that for sixty years Britain sacrificed an annual average of 1.8 percentage points of its GNP because of its moral commitment to ending slavery.† (source)
- And it's not just a matter of throwing money at the problem, for Sri Lanka spends 3 percent of GNP on health care, compared to 5 percent in India next door—where a woman is eight times more likely to die in childbirth.† (source)
- That is an astonishing total, cumulatively amounting to more than an entire year's GNP for Great Britain (for the United States today, it would be the equivalent of sacrificing more than $14 trillion), a significant and sustained sacrifice in the British standard of living.† (source)
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show 10 more examples with any meaning
- "No, I got this playing tennis yesterday"), learning the language of the domestic help is not a priority.† (source)
- The Red Coast transmitter was ultra-high-powered, but all of its components were domestically produced during the Cultural Revolution.† (source)
- "—the president has now declared a national emergency, invoking the Stanford Act to bring the military in for domestic—" I'd only gone outside the front door to our building.† (source)
- Are you talking about domestic servants?† (source)
- Police officers were consistently trying to solve gun crimes, drug-related crimes, domestic abuse crimes, and robberies.† (source)
- I'm afraid the popularity of the domestic cat would drop very quickly if little kitty could roar its displeasure.† (source)
- He returned with my mother and found work in a food factory; on weekends he did domestic work at beach cottages and rentals.† (source)
- My mother, in particular, asked me daily questions about Granta House and its domestic habits in the manner of a zoologist forensically examining some strange new creature and its habitat.† (source)
- I've bin bringin' 'em on fer years, I reckon I've got the on'y domestic herd in Britain.'† (source)
- The Eberts hired professional gardeners and various domestic troubleshooters—plumbers, electricians, and handymen arrived in step vans to do their dirty work—but the Crows always hired neighborhood people.† (source)
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show 190 more examples with any meaning
- I myself was a victim of domestic violence when I was young," she said, taking a second to let that register.† (source)
- But apart from cooking, clothes washing, and major housecleaning, my father needed little help with his domestic routine.† (source)
- Patrick had been called into a domestic-violence hostage negotiation down in Cornish and did not reach Sterling until it was nearly midnight.† (source)
- At the end of a week, Lillian said in her brisk, direct way at the breakfast table, "Jazzy, you don't strike me as a picker or a domestic."† (source)
- This my first job working domestic.† (source)
- To slam the door impulsively on the past, to shed everything down to my last bit of clothing, to break the pattern of my life—that complex design I had been weaving since birth with all its dark threads, its unexplainable symbols set against a conventional background of domestic white and schoolboy blue, all those tangled strands which required the dexterity of a virtuoso to keep flowing—I yearned to take giant military shears to it, snap!† (source)
- And for some reason, seeing all these little domestic signs of familiarity, our daily ritual, made me swoon inside.† (source)
- We sat on the floor of the Domestic Science room, on our little gray mats, and waited while Aunt Helena and Aunt Lydia struggledwith the projection equipment.† (source)
- But suddenly the house had spilled its contents into a night which now belonged to a half-comic domestic crisis.† (source)
- For Joel, it was all one biological system, the trees and the grasses and the animals, the wild and the domestic.† (source)
- "I have to tell you that I smell something out of the ordinary, something that is not usually smelled within the confines of the human domestic sphere," said William Spiver.† (source)
- Domestic.† (source)
- It wasn't until they stepped out onto the eighteenth floor that the building became a crawling hive—children chasing each other down the corridors, both domestic and stray cats creeping tight against the walls, the ever-constant blur of netscreen chatter spilling from the doorways.† (source)
- The only thing for it was to chase the screws around manually with a domestic magnet.† (source)
- Unfortunately this is confined to urgent situations of life or death and our staff has to determine that domestic emergency is warranted before we issue a passport waiver.† (source)
- Labor-intensive industries — agriculture, construction, food processing, restaurants, domestic help agencies — want cheap immigrant labor to bolster their bottom lines.† (source)
- considering "As Long as He Needs Me" is basically a lilting paean to domestic violence, and then I was thinking that Diary Amy was also killed by her man, she was actually a lot like— "I'm Nancy," I say.† (source)
- A fine room for a domestic servant, don't you think?" she said with satisfaction.† (source)
- The people who worked at the centers put in 80-hour weeks, covered weekly funerals and had to enter the doors of domestic conflicts armed with nothing but a prayer.† (source)
- No wonder, since ninety-five percent of my work is divorce and domestic stuff.† (source)
- It was a sow, not a boar, and under a patina of mud it was the pink of a domestic pig, not the brown bristle of a wild one.† (source)
- After about a quarter of an hour, however, domestic harmony would be disturbed, their voices rose, and the epithets they used were now drawn from the entire range of domesticated animals, ending with the pig.† (source)
- He is unaccustomed to the banality of domestic flights, the narrow cabin, the single bag he's packed, small enough to stow overhead.† (source)
- How she'd relished this simple domestic act, washing plates at his sink, as he played a Jane Birkin song on the turntable.† (source)
- She sometimes wrapped her head in scarves and worked as a cook and domestic, usually for white people, but beneath her domestic look was an intelligent, clairvoyant woman who understood more about me as a mixed child than I understood about myself.† (source)
- The farm offered omelets made from ostrich eggs, though in fact the eggs came from domestic chickens.† (source)
- We were forced to concern ourselves with more domestic matters.† (source)
- Rachel and Adah were assigned any number of hope-chest projects to work on, but the domestic arena was never my long suit, so I was to focus on a single, big project: a cross-stitch tablecloth.† (source)
- On April 10 of last year the hotel was purchased by a Las Vegas firm, High Country Investments, as a key club for wealthy executives of both foreign and domestic breeds.† (source)
- When he spoke, often she ° 't answer him, and one could hardly tell if it was contempt or that she didn't hear....And our fragile domestic tranquility erupted with his outrage.† (source)
- I check my little black book, but I haven't written anything down since midday yesterday: notes about Kamal age, ethnicity, conviction for domestic violence.† (source)
- And Joyce Thompson was genuinely curious about this domestic situation.† (source)
- They needed his salary, and they were desperate for a daughter-in-law to help our niang with the domestic duties.† (source)
- , although she was a rather eccentric creature not particularly well suited to the duties of marriage and domestic life.† (source)
- While in a refugee camp in Mozambique, Generose had lost a daughter not to war or famine, but to a domestic accident.† (source)
- Mother started working in homes of wealthy people, caring for their children or doing domestic work.† (source)
- The precipitating event is invariably domestic: a dispute with girlfriends or parents.† (source)
- It's a powerful video depicting children imitating their parents or other adults: smoking, displaying road rage, being racist, and perpetuating domestic violence.† (source)
- He had to tell someone or die, or else tell the truth, and so the relief he obtained was sanctified within the domestic rituals of love.† (source)
- Domestic violence...the term was so banal.† (source)
- I've not been inside a house since the day I hatched, and I find enigmas difficult that deal with domestic subjects.† (source)
- We'll be discussing history, foreign affairs, and domestic policies.† (source)
- For I then said: "In fact, I tended to concern myself with international affairs more than domestic ones.† (source)
- She seemed to think that if kids watched television one night a week with parents or stepparents, the effect would be to de-glamorize the medium in their eyes, make it wholesome domestic sport.† (source)
- "Foreign and domestic," he said.† (source)
- True, a lot of the less lovable minutes had been delegated to Elsa, their Jamaican nanny, who remained to this day the linchpin of their domestic life.† (source)
- Irradiation has been used for years on some imported spices and domestic poultry.† (source)
- Adam had learned early in his deployment that two distinct battles were waging in Afghanistan: One was against the terrorist population, primarily al Qaeda but also a plethora of Islamic extremists, both foreign and domestic.† (source)
- Their domestic life, which involved a hideous amount of drinking, made it difficult for her to get there on time and also caused her to look more and more disreputable.† (source)
- I have seen the Nisei in anger, in exuberant spirits, enthusiasm and despair, in the quiet stillness of resignation or renunciation—I've worked beside them in canneries, on farms, in Red Cross groups—I've seen them in poverty and in luxury, in cabins and stuccoed residences, struggling for higher education on meager earnings, or cushioned through college by a parent's wealth—I've known them as mill hands, lumberjacks, clerks, dressmakers, stenos, domestic servants—I've watched them waltz and jitterbug, play baseball, tennis, rugby, golf, and Ping-Pong—I've known them in sickness and in health, at weddings and births and face to face with death.† (source)
- Teach For America has generated enormous interest among public service-minded young people, but it is a domestic program.† (source)
- Mostly we've stayed inside, watching Pay Per View, pulling domestic duty, playing with the girlsand each other.† (source)
- Since the plastic ware incident I'd been doing all I could to be the very opposite of domestic, but I couldn't abide a pink boyfriend.† (source)
- (BENEATHA turns away) We called you—(There is a profound, simple groping quality in his speech)—because, well, me and my family (He looks around and shifts from one foot to the other) Well—we are very plain people ...LINDNER Yes— WALTER: I mean—I have worked as a chauffeur most of my life—and my wife here, she does domestic work in people's kitchens† (source)
- In exploring the social and domestic aggression that could cause a child to literally fall apart, I mounted a series of rejections, some routine, some exceptional, some monstrous, all the while trying hard to avoid complicity in the demonization process Pecola was subjected to.† (source)
- If he did not think the struggle just, nothing on earth could "compensate [for] the loss of all my domestic happiness and requite me for the load of business which constantly presses upon and deprives me of every enjoyment."† (source)
- People just weren't interested in careers in domestic service anymore.† (source)
- What is the state in a time of domestic or foreign crisis?† (source)
- Hence the janitor who lives in one room but sports a robin's-egg-blue Cadillac is not laughed at but admired, and the domestic who buys forty-dollar shoes is not criticized but is appreciated.† (source)
- Obviously, domestic service hadn't given them HIV, but it did describe their economic desperation—working for Haiti's elite was rarely pleasant or remunerative.† (source)
- The most noteworthy achievement of Winner Lane, now in his midforties, is the sheer length of his criminal record: nearly three dozen arrests for burglary, domestic violence, trespassing, resisting arrest, and other mayhem.† (source)
- If you run into trouble, just tell everybody that the security of the country requires a strong domestic Egyptian-cotton speculating industry.† (source)
- There were also over a dozen nine-one-one calls on domestic abuse during that single week, more than previously had been reported in Hawkins Hollow in the six preceding months.† (source)
- But no one intervened in what was clearly a domestic squabble.† (source)
- A search through the police files had her maiden name listed as part of the domestic complaint she had filed against her husband years before.† (source)
- Such a wage was indeed on the high end for domestic help in rural Mississippi, and Lettie knew better than to cause trouble.† (source)
- Not a trace of the polite domestic.† (source)
- All domestic and international air travel has been temporarily suspended, as has trading across most global exchanges.† (source)
- He is versed in foreign policy and domestic legislation and can give a tutorial on the subtleties of backroom wheeling and dealing.† (source)
- What's his domestic life like?† (source)
- Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United States of America and faithfully defend the United States from any or all attack by foreign or domestic forces, and forswear any form of allegiance or obedience to the Japanese emperor, or any other foreign government, power, or organization?† (source)
- For the life of her, Jean Louise could not disentangle Zeebo's domestic history.† (source)
- It was Roarke who calmed Elizabeth and Richard, who ordered in the domestic droid to gather up the broken crockery, who held their hands, and when he gauged the time was right, it was he who gently suggested bringing Catherine some tea.† (source)
- The company, which specialized in vaccines and genetic research, had plants in several countries but was headquartered in Bangkok, where it had operated without the restrictions often hampering domestic pharmaceutical companies.† (source)
- It's like a domestic fight where the cop goes in and the man and woman, at each other's throats moments before, beat up the cop!† (source)
- He had the presence of mind to call the Pentagon and insist on speaking with covert transmissions, domestic.† (source)
- You know, John, in addition to all the problems this case can cause domestically, I'm also worried about the British.† (source)
- The Cautery will require destruction of a large land area and a large population, with great domestic consequences and secondary international consequences.† (source)
- The Courtroom was filled with domestic and international journalists, and dozens of representatives of foreign governments.† (source)
- It wasn't acting like any domestic cat she'd ever met.† (source)
- He stopped abruptly, when they reached a deserted square where the public loud-speakers, which no one had thought of turning off, were now broadcasting a domestic comedy-the shrill voices of a husband and wife quarreling over Junior's dates-to an empty stretch of pavement enclosed by unlighted house fronts.† (source)
- All morning long I hear their gut-wrenching stories of murder, rape, child molestation, armed robbery, and domestic violence.† (source)
- Whether you are rich or poor, emperor or slave, the domestic sphere is for women and the outside sphere is for men.† (source)
- "That I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic," he said.† (source)
- To peace and domestic tranquillity.† (source)
- The Scottish landlady did say she thought he was probably mixed breed, half domestic tabby and half Scottish wildcat.† (source)
- There's a high suicide rate and a high rate of domestic violence.† (source)
- It strikes me how utterly domestic this all seems.† (source)
- A maid in a domestic's uniform opened the front door.† (source)
- Domestic travelers.† (source)
- Three domestic Oriental scatter rugs, extremely worn, were on the floor.† (source)
- Looking just at the dollar value of manufacturing output, the answer seems to be an emphatic no. Domestic manufacturers make and sell more goods than ever before.† (source)
- In his History of the United States, Webster wrote, "The most perfect maxims and examples of regulating your social conduct and domestic economy, as well as the best rules of morality and religion, are to be found in the Bible."† (source)
- It is important to public justice and public credit that we pay the current foreign and domestic debt.† (source)
- He'd been elected on the basis of his domestic programs and wasn't quite up to speed on international affairs much less interstellar.† (source)
- She began to notice how stodgy their friends were, and although she had assumed, till now, that her ultimate goal in life was a husband and four children and a comfortable house with a yard, all at once she began biting off the words "domestic" and "suburban" with her eyebrows raised and the corners of her mouth turned down.† (source)
- Designed by the Office's Technology department, it had a heavily encrypted signal so that Israel's enemies could not eavesdrop on the domestic life of its spy chief.† (source)
- The child in the bedroom, listening simultaneously to the domestic idiom of his Irish home and the official idioms of the British broadcaster while picking up from behind both the signals of some other distress, that child was already being schooled for the complexities of his adult predicament, a future where he would have to adjudicate among promptings variously ethical, aesthetical, moral, political, metrical, sceptical, cultural, topical, typical, post-colonial and, taken all together, simply impossible.† (source)
- She worked the 3-to-11 P.M. shift at the yarn mill for $2.80 an hour, and to make extra she did domestic work in wealthy white folks' homes during the day.† (source)
- Eases the strain on the domestic side.† (source)
- If they were already outside, Angeline's behavior changed from that of domestic boredom to one of excitement.† (source)
- There were water rights, boundary disputes, astray arguments, domestic relations, paternity matters—all to be settled without force of arms.† (source)
- I would have to count on my ability to talk or lie my way out of it, if catching me in this breach of domestic tranquility was what the note's author had had in mind.† (source)
- There was a sweet domestic serenity, largely supplied by her mother, a bosomy, expansive, loving woman whose memory Sophie would cherish if only for the passion for music she had passed on to her only daughter.† (source)
- And that was how, at this time of farewell, in this parody of domestic life, we stayed for a while, oddly reposed.† (source)
- All the basic labour-saving devices were in evidence: at least, Jean admitted, there was no danger of reverting to the dark ages of domestic drudgery.† (source)
- The familiar domestic monster.† (source)
- Coming home at night, hungry and tired, he found Lara busy at her domestic chores, cooking or washing.† (source)
- They practice domestic partnership, coition, propagation, friendship, and love—but not necessarily all at once nor with the same person.† (source)
- Lois wanted me to drive her to Edna's house so she could narrate her latest domestic misadventure to a sympathetic ear.† (source)
- I prefer the great universal family to the little domestic one.† (source)
- He let the stethoscope fall, and heard women's sighs travel around the room, domestic sounds like a broom being flirted about, women getting ready for company.† (source)
- As senator, and as president, in foreign policy and domestic affairs, John F. Kennedy showed a similar kind of courage.† (source)
- The same craving also came upon the secretary of a famous author, a judge of domestic relations, a job analyst screening applicants for the United Hotel Association, an industrial designer, an efficiency engineer, the Chairman of Amalgamated Union's Grievance Committee, Titan's Superintendent of Cybernetics, a Secretary of Political Psychology, two Cabinet members, five Parliamentary Leaders, and scores of other Esper clients of Spaceland at work and at play.† (source)
- In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all current difficulties.† (source)
- Mrs Jait worked as a domestic servant for the secret service for a year.† (source)
- Worse than their straitened circumstances, Richard was a brutal domestic.† (source)
- Rhonda, you were married, did you do the domestic stuff at home?† (source)
- Rebeca took charge of domestic order, while the Indian woman took care of the bakery.† (source)
- Hondagneu-Sotelo also provided the estimated growth in U.S. domestic worker jobs in the 1980s.† (source)
- He's eager to move to a smaller firm, to have some domestic commissions, to work with fewer people.† (source)
- The difficulties outside Antonio's home were compounded by severe domestic abuse inside the home.† (source)
- About interviewing domestic housekeepers.† (source)
- He looked like a nice, big, fat domestic cat, a 450-pound tabby.† (source)
- Whatever kind of domestic work anyone needed, Mother said, "I can do it.† (source)
- We were told in Beijing that they didn't sell domestic return tickets.† (source)
- Clara had no interest in domestic matters.† (source)
- She remembered the charge: simple assault domestic violence.† (source)
- He has a conviction for domestic violence.† (source)
- He was a peculiar servant, and had no specific duties within the domestic hierarchy.† (source)
- I write a...domestic maintenance column for the Jackson Journal.† (source)
- There is an insatiable need in the United States for cheap service and domestic workers.† (source)
- There was no domestic violence conviction, they're saying now.† (source)
- Dimly lit by standing lamps, it has the same air of domestic neglect as the kitchen.† (source)
- Normally I'm involved in civil cases, in which I represent victims of rape or domestic violence.† (source)
- I've never had children, never been that domestic.† (source)
- And Viktor says this was a point of pride with the KGB, to assemble a faithful domestic setting.† (source)
- When he got to Pilate's he walked in on a domestic crisis.† (source)
- He also writes about how a Union tends to repress domestic faction and rebellion.† (source)
- Your country is not quite secure enough to excuse your retreat to the delights of domestic life.† (source)
- That seems kinda high for domestic help, doesn't it?† (source)
- If anything, the domestic markets had weakened, and foreign trade was dismal.† (source)
- Maybe seven years ago, give or take a few, cops were called out to his home in a domestic dispute.† (source)
- That's part of my long-term plan, anyway, being that I'm so domestic and all.† (source)
- Yet when Marina finally arrives in Dallas, on November 3, their domestic battles resume.† (source)
- The President may cauterize the area with little domestic uproar and small loss of life.† (source)
- A few months ago I answered a domestic disturbance call.† (source)
- Domestic violence—it's always messy, but I was practically on the doorstep.† (source)
- Of course, he says, the domestic turkey has lost the ability to fly.† (source)
- It wasn't as if this stopover in Paris represented all there was to his domestic life.† (source)
- Some of it sounds weirdly domestic: dog food, garbage cans, lightbulbs, house paint.† (source)
- We all want dignity and domestic tranquillity.† (source)
- Does the domestic prohibitive now include where you live?† (source)
- This thing may be foreign-oriented, but it's domestic turf.† (source)
- I won't be treated like a domestic servant.† (source)
- Can't you bear domestic bliss any longer?† (source)
- Domestic tranquillity, the keeping of the peace.† (source)
- "I know it was several years ago, I said, "but you once filed a domestic complaint against him."† (source)
- The time between foreign wars was filled with domestic convulsions and carnage.† (source)
- Domestic entrance, through the kitchen to a freight elevator.† (source)
- First, by training her for leisure time, enrichments, and domestic mindlessness.† (source)
- The federal government has no jurisdiction to intervene in domestic affairs of foreign nationals.† (source)
- Better a simple if messy domestic tragedy than a far wider investigation, wouldn't you say?† (source)
- One doesn't pay a port tax on domestic goods, gentlemen, only imports.† (source)
- It must protect the nation against foreign war and domestic violence.† (source)
- I see a domestic mess, but I'm not sure it's anybody's business.† (source)
- Peace and domestic tranquillity, a humble line from Marsilius.† (source)
- First, I reread the domestic complaint she had filed against Jenks.† (source)
- A jerk of Crack's huge head had the domestic droid and the dancer wandering off.† (source)
- Without a guaranty, the Union cannot help fight domestic threats to State constitutions.† (source)
- She would then take a domestic flight to Paris and she would find him.† (source)
- From there she would board a domestic flight to Paris under any name she chose.† (source)
- The domestic effects of a mutable policy are even worse.† (source)
- It raised troops to put down a domestic rebellion.† (source)
- Should foreign manufacturers be restricted to support domestic manufacturers?† (source)
- A strong Union will reduce domestic violence and revolts.† (source)
- Dangers Facing the United States: Domestic† (source)
- Dangers Facing the United States: Domestic: Number 7† (source)
- Neither national policy nor public opinion has tolerated a lot of domestic troops.† (source)
- If a two-third majority is required, both foreign corruption and domestic faction will be easier.† (source)
- The States will regulate most domestic issues and provide most personal services.† (source)
- Domestic manufactures will be able to charge higher prices than in an open market.† (source)
- She gave the distinct impression that her too domestic life at the den was beginning to pall.† (source)
- Having interrupted Rufo's work, I now shied at baring my domestic troubles.† (source)
- I had seen Indar and Yvette together many times, but never in such a domestic relationship.† (source)
- Back in safety she wonders, her untidy head trembles in the domestic dark.† (source)
- It's a willful, destructive element, hostile to domestic happiness, such a love.† (source)
- Indeed, the purely domestic aspects of this fantasy were well realized.† (source)
- Presumably the Overlords did not waste their compensating field devices for domestic uses.† (source)
- They spent a domestic afternoon in their own garden.† (source)
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