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  • Upstairs he walked around thinking of the matter and laying out his climbing clothes advantageously on the faint heater; he again encountered Nicole's telegram, still unopened, with which diurnally she accompanied his itinerary.†   (source)
  • half smaller upon the left hand door-post, surrounding a brass model of an infant's fist grasping a fragment of a skewer, and displaying the word 'Office,' it was clear that Mr Ralph Nickleby did, or pretended to do, business of some kind; and the fact, if it required any further circumstantial evidence, was abundantly demonstrated by the diurnal attendance, between the hours of half-past nine and five, of a sallow-faced man in rusty brown, who sat upon an uncommonly hard stool in a species of butler's pantry at the end of the passage, and always had a pen behind his ear when he answered the bell.†   (source)
  • She had his companionship no longer; I esteemed it a duty to supply its lack, as much as possible, with mine: an inefficient substitute; for I could only spare two or three hours, from my numerous diurnal occupations, to follow her footsteps, and then my society was obviously less desirable than his.†   (source)
  • Thus he never failed to pay his diurnal court to her; and the self-satisfied Gascon was convinced that sooner or later she could not fail to respond.†   (source)
  • She had learnt the lesson of renunciation, and was as familiar with the wreck of each day's wishes as with the diurnal setting of the sun.†   (source)
  • But, besides these cold, formal, and empty words of the chisel that inscribes, the voice that speaks, and the pen that writes, for the public eye and for distant time,—and which inevitably lose much of their truth and freedom by the fatal consciousness of so doing,—there were traditions about the ancestor, and private diurnal gossip about the Judge, remarkably accordant in their testimony.†   (source)
  • I am abroad at night, my good girl, because the earth in its diurnal revolutions leaves the light of the sun but half the time on any given meridian, and because what I have to do cannot be performed in twelve or fifteen consecutive hours.†   (source)
  • No chance-child was he, for he could trace his genealogy all the way back to his parents, who lived hard by; his mother being a washerwoman, and his father a drunken soldier, discharged with a wooden leg, and a diurnal pension of twopence-halfpenny and an unstateable fraction.†   (source)
  • had frowned upon, and finally cast off, an expensive and dissipated son, delaying forgiveness until within the final quarter of an hour of the young man's life; his prayers at morning and eventide, and graces at meal-time; his efforts in furtherance of the temperance cause; his confining himself, since the last attack of the gout, to five diurnal glasses of old sherry wine; the snowy whiteness of his linen, the polish of his boots, the handsomeness of his gold-headed cane, the square and roomy fashion of his coat, and the fineness of its material, and, in general, the studied propriety of his dress and equipment; the scrupulousness with which he paid public notice, in the street, by a bow†   (source)
  • Once, in 1887, after a protracted performance of charades in the house of Luke Doyle, Kimmage, he had awaited with patience the apparition of the diurnal phenomenon, seated on a wall, his gaze turned in the direction of Mizrach, the east.†   (source)
  • There was an astronomer, who had undertaken to place a sun-dial upon the great weathercock on the town-house, by adjusting the annual and diurnal motions of the earth and sun, so as to answer and coincide with all accidental turnings of the wind.†   (source)
  • Ere twice the horses of the sun shall bring Their fiery torcher his diurnal ring; Ere twice in murk and occidental damp Moist Hesperus hath quench'd his sleepy lamp; Or four-and-twenty times the pilot's glass Hath told the thievish minutes how they pass; What is infirm from your sound parts shall fly, Health shall live free, and sickness freely die.†   (source)
  • So promised he; and Uriel to his charge
    Returned on that bright beam, whose point now raised
    Bore him slope downward to the sun now fallen
    Beneath the Azores; whether the prime orb,
    Incredible how swift, had thither rolled
    Diurnal, or this less volubil earth,
    By shorter flight to the east, had left him there
    Arraying with reflected purple and gold
    The clouds that on his western throne attend.†   (source)
  • O firste moving cruel Firmament,<5>
    With thy diurnal sway that crowdest* aye, *pushest together, drivest
    And hurtlest all from East till Occident
    That naturally would hold another way;
    Thy crowding set the heav'n in such array
    At the beginning of this fierce voyage,
    That cruel Mars hath slain this marriage.†   (source)
  • When I behold this goodly frame, this world,
    Of Heaven and Earth consisting; and compute
    Their magnitudes; this Earth, a spot, a grain,
    An atom, with the firmament compared
    And all her numbered stars, that seem to roll
    Spaces incomprehensible, (for such
    Their distance argues, and their swift return
    Diurnal,) merely to officiate light
    Round this opacous Earth, this punctual spot,
    One day and night; in all her vast survey
    Useless besides; reasoning I oft admire,
    How Nature wise and frugal could commit
    Such disproportions, with superfluous hand
    So many nobler bodies to create,
    Greater so manifold, to this one use,
    For aught appears, an†   (source)
  • Which else to several spheres thou must ascribe,
    Moved contrary with thwart obliquities;
    Or save the sun his labour, and that swift
    Nocturnal and diurnal rhomb supposed,
    Invisible else above all stars, the wheel
    Of day and night; which needs not thy belief,
    If earth, industrious of herself, fetch day
    Travelling east, and with her part averse
    From the sun's beam meet night, her other part
    Still luminous by his ray.†   (source)
  • Which now the sky, with various face, begins
    To show us in this mountain; while the winds
    Blow moist and keen, shattering the graceful locks
    Of these fair spreading trees; which bids us seek
    Some better shroud, some better warmth to cherish
    Our limbs benummed, ere this diurnal star
    Leave cold the night, how we his gathered beams
    Reflected may with matter sere foment;
    Or, by collision of two bodies, grind
    The air attrite to fire; as late the clouds
    Justling, or pushed with winds, rude in their shock,
    Tine the slant lightning; whose thwart flame, driven down
    Kindles the gummy bark of fir or pine;
    And send†   (source)
  • Half yet remains unsung, but narrower bound
    Within the visible diurnal sphere;
    Standing on earth, not rapt above the pole,
    More safe I sing with mortal voice, unchanged
    To hoarse or mute, though fallen on evil days,
    On evil days though fallen, and evil tongues;
    In darkness, and with dangers compassed round,
    And solitude; yet not alone, while thou
    Visitest my slumbers nightly, or when morn
    Purples the east: still govern thou my song,
    Urania, and fit audience find, though few.†   (source)
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