discreditin a sentence
She spoke only of her strengths, but others on her campaign staff worked to discredit her opponent.
discredit = damage the reputation of
Bloodletting was a common treatment that was not widely discredited until the nineteenth century.
discredited = having a bad reputation
Russian TV is famous for inventing stories to discredit those who disagree with Russian interests.
discredit = damage the reputation of
It consisted in falsifying a series of production reports of two years ago, in such a way as to cast discredit on a prominent member of the Inner Party, who was now under a cloud.
discredit = damage of reputation
She's trying to discredit me.
discredit = damage the reputation of
However, that experience [investigating a woman who was thought to be a witch, but who he determined was not] never raised a doubt in his mind as to the reality of the underworld or the existence of Lucifer's many-faced lieutenants. And his belief is not to his discredit. Better minds than Hale's were—and still are—convinced that there is a society of spirits beyond our ken.
discredit = disgrace or dishonor (damaging his reputation)
It does us great discredit to treat a defeated foe like this.
discredit = damage to reputation
The plan, she said, was to kill or imprison her or to fake a scandal to discredit her.
discredit = damage [her] reputation
Ever since my release from prison, the state had continued its campaign to discredit my wife.
discredit = damage the reputation of
You'll be kicked out of school for lying and for reflecting discredit on the Institute.
discredit = damage to the reputation
He did not believe a word of the story, and yet, how discredit or disprove it?
discredit = cause distrust of or disbelief in
- The document was discredited as a fabrication but still it spread, fueling anti-Semitism in the decades before World War II.† (source)
show 188 more with this conextual meaning
- Could Claude have concluded so quickly that if Edgar sounded mad with jealousy, anything else he said would be discredited?† (source)
- There is ample evidence that pressure has been brought to bear on Ralph Meyers since his trial testimony which could tend to discredit his recantation.† (source)
- Craig said the problem with things is that everyone is always comparing everyone with everyone and because of that, it discredits people, like in his photography classes.† (source)
- Now, if Jim could pay someone to discredit the physical evidence, that would be money well spent.† (source)
- They're trying to discredit him,' said Lupin.† (source)
- When I used to sift through it, I didn't see how it especially redounded to my father's or grandfather's discredit.† (source)
- The official records of the Sons of Jacob meetings were destroyed after the middle-period Great Purge, which discredited and liquidated a number of the original architects of Gilead; but we have access to some information through the diary kept in cipher by Wilfred Limpkin, one of the sociobiologists present.† (source)
- I had to discredit them.† (source)
- All of us, I suppose, like to believe that in a moral emergency we will behave like the heroes of our youth, bravely and forthrightly, without thought of personal loss or discredit.† (source)
- As if anyone needed extra pressure, the New York Times warned: "the failure of the fair or anything short of a positive and pronounced success would be a discredit to the whole country, and not to Chicago alone."† (source)
- The newspapers said that the beggars in the streets, a sight that had not been seen in years, had been sent by international Communism to discredit the military junta and undermine the return to order and progress.† (source)
- She saw the queen of diamonds with her throat wounded by the steel of the jack of spades, and she deduced that Fernanda was trying to get her husband back home by means of the discredited method of sticking pins into his picture but that she had brought on an internal tumor because of her clumsy knowledge of the black arts.† (source)
- I arranged it to discredit your slavemaster.† (source)
- So why do you want me to discredit the story?† (source)
- The brethren of an evil ideology that spawned the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 claiming almost 3,000 innocent lives.... While the American media strives daily to erase the memory of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and paint this war as an unjust occupation of a sovereign nation, men like Mike and Nate are out here hunting down and destroying the enemies of the very freedom that allows our media to try and discredit us.† (source)
- At first, Carla made a vague attempt to discredit Tio Pedro by revealing how he always ended our sessions with long hugs and a pat on the butt.† (source)
- Discredit her.† (source)
- Shultz now pursued this question with the attorneys themselves, for to discredit them and prove that they had not supplied their clients with the minimum protection was, from the Wichita lawyer's viewpoint, the hearing's principal objective.† (source)
- Eventually, when I found one that I couldn't discredit, I started wondering if it was really God I objected to ....or just the sense of entitlement that seems to be part of affiliating with a religious group.† (source)
- While Bellagrog returned to her notes, Max arrived at a painful realization: With Rasmussen discredited, Max's testimony might well determine the verdict.† (source)
- Which means he must work extra hard to discredit his main rival, Lyndon Johnson, before LBJ does the same to him.† (source)
- "Your labors will he as useless as those of Tom Paine against the Bible," Adamsdeclared, but wrote also, "Mrs. Adams says she is willing [for] you [to] discredit Greek and Latin, because it will destroy the foundation of all pretensions of the gentlemen to superiority over the ladies, and restore liberty, equality, and fraternity between the sexes."† (source)
- Sula stretched my attempts to manipulate language, to work credibly and, perhaps, elegantly with a discredited vocabulary.† (source)
- Treadstone was anathema, a discredited strategy, a major embarrassment.† (source)
- But by withholding the documents, I thought I would somehow discredit whatever dignity Father had.† (source)
- Would you rather they'd picked me to discredit?† (source)
- If he could discredit the young warrior, then the people would never allow such a fight.† (source)
- Each legislative session discredits the preceding session.† (source)
- And men like that Ta-Kumsaw—they'll be dead or discredited.† (source)
- "We really must discredit Mundt," he said.† (source)
- She felt that when my book was published, I would be the butt of resentment from all the hate groups, that they would stop at nothing to discredit me, and that many decent whites would be afraid to show me courtesies when others might be watching.† (source)
- discredited themselves thoroughly, and it would be a long time before the world heard of them again.† (source)
- He felt, in the words of his biographer, Wirt Armistead Cate, that he was discredited—a leader who had carried his people into the wilderness from which there had been no return.† (source)
Men had discredited themselves during the genocide.
discredited = damaged the reputation of
- That protection is needed to prevent political enemies from having them raped; gangsters calculate that female candidates can be uniquely humiliated and discredited that way. (source)
He claimed that The Ten, if there is such a thing, and again, he had no more proof than any of the others, had vowed that the Institute would never graduate a woman or any man who would bring discredit on the school because of gross mental or physical peculiarities, which is rather humorous in the light of recent history.
discredit = damage the reputation of
How shall I break up this numbness which discredits my sympathetic heart?
discredits = damages the reputation of
Yet look, Neville, whom I discredit in order to be myself, at my hand on the table.
discredit = damage the reputation of
The earthly paradise had been discredited at exactly the moment when it became realizable.
discredited = had its reputation damaged
Every day, at every moment, they will be defeated, discredited, ridiculed, spat upon and yet they will always survive.
discredited = have their reputation damaged
The old, discredited leaders of the Party had been used to gather there before they were finally purged.
discredited = with damaged reputations
- Is not this Neurohypnotism simply the reanimated corpse of Mesmer's discredited Animal Magnetism?† (source)
- He'd likely say I was lying in the attempt to discredit Hawat.† (source)
- He may after all be able to work up something; something that will not entirely discredit him.† (source)
- When the 60 Minutes piece aired months later, local officials were quick to discredit it.† (source)
- This is a further, disgusting attempt to discredit Albus Dumbledore.† (source)
- Because her speech could not be discredited?† (source)
- He will worry that the Senate might block the attempt, bringing some discredit on himself.† (source)
- In fact, I had met very few of the parents, much to my discredit.† (source)
- Let them never discredit his memory, O Lord.† (source)
- By planting the diary upon Arthur Weasleys daughter, he hoped to discredit Arthur and get rid of a highly incrim-inating magical object in one stroke.† (source)
- While the people were celebrating their victory, letting their hair and beards grow, addressing each other as "companero," rescuing forgotten folklore and native crafts, and exercising their new power in lengthy meetings of workers where everyone spoke at once and never agreed on anything, the right was carrying out a series of strategic actions designed to tear the economy to shreds and discredit the government.† (source)
- They were all bleating about silencing you somehow — discrediting you — but I was the one who actually did something about it...only you wriggled out of that one, didn't you, Potter?† (source)
- The discredited pathologist left Alabama but continues to serve as a practicing medical examiner in Texas.† (source)
- Reverend Verringer has made it plain that the enemies of the Reformers will use any means, however base, to discredit their opponents, and in case of a scandal he'd be given his discharge in short order.† (source)
- The frequently discredited Pirate History of Corrino related the curious story that Fenring was responsible for the chaumurky which disposed of Elrood IX.† (source)
- This rubbishy "Neuro-hypnotism," however beribboned with new terminologies, is only Mesmerism, or Animal Magnetism, re-writ; and that sickly nonsense was discredited long ago, as being merely a solemn-sounding blind, behind which men of questionable antecedents and salacious natures might obtain power over young women of the same, asking them impertinent and offensive questions and ordering them to perform immodest acts, without the latter appearing to consent to it.† (source)
- Enstice's conclusion was further discredited by Dr. Werner Spitz, who had authored the medical treatise Enstice had relied on in her forensic pathology training.† (source)
- An irreproachable Zeus-like figure in the legal world did not pay a disbarred, discredited, deniable alcoholic "scum" like one Brendan Patrick Pierre Prefontaine an outrageous sum of money because his soul was with the archangels of heaven.† (source)
- He would feign outrage and tell us bluntly that if we pursue such despicable fantasies in an attempt to discredit him, he'll void the China Accords, claiming duplicity, and move Hong Kong into Peking's economic orbit immediately.† (source)
- Discredited strategy.† (source)
- You have no proof but the words of several dead men who've had their throats cut, members of the Kuomintang who'd say anything to discredit party officials in the People's Republic.† (source)
- This way, it's not necessary to argue about what she said-and if anybody brings it up, we start howling that it was said on Scudder's program and that Scudder's programs have been discredited and that Scudder is a proven fraud and liar, etc., etc. —and do you think the public will be able to unscramble it?† (source)
- The citizens of foreign nations might also suffer, discrediting and embroiling the Union by the indiscretion of a single State could discredit the entire Union.† (source)
- Her lover was a despicable journalist for the Xinhua News Agency, that lying, discredited organ of the despicable regime.† (source)
- The citizens of foreign nations might also suffer, discrediting and embroiling the Union by the indiscretion of a single State could discredit the entire Union.† (source)
- Did you really think that we, the great warlords of the most ancient and cultured empire the world has ever known, would leave it to unwashed peasants and their ill-born offspring, schooled in the discredited theories of egalitarianism?† (source)
- By clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure, we may discredit the whole idea of justice in Europefor years to come.† (source)
- Local white leadership was discredited in the eyes of black people, too, by their insistence on asking me, when we met to discuss the local events, usually with black people, if I had discovered who was the traveling black agitator who had come in and stirred up their "good black people."† (source)
- When the first reports came in from Peters in The Hague, Mundt had only to look at the dates of Leamas' visits to Copenhagen and Helsinki to realize that the whole thing was a plant—a plant to discredit Mundt himself.† (source)
- Whatever he was, I found it extraordinary that he could still be functioning in a county that had done so much to torture and discredit him.† (source)
- Your job was to discredit me.† (source)
- The administration paraded witnesses to the stand to show that I was a lousy teacher, a liar, an impudent troublemaker, and a discredit to the hallowed profession of teaching.† (source)
- In the earlier days the city had been thronging with second-rate agents: intelligence was discredited and so much a part of the daily life of Berlin that you could recruit a man at a cocktail party, brief him over dinner and he would be blown by breakfast.† (source)
- Don't you know that the support of the Wynand papers is enough to discredit anyone?† (source)
- It was immensely to her discredit, sexually, to stand there dumb.† (source)
- I caught a glimpse of her ingratitude too, but I couldn't for long see anything to her discredit.† (source)
- To my discredit, I never wore it again in George's presence.† (source)
- That story reflects great discredit on me† (source)
- She tells all the stories that reflect discredit on me† (source)
- After all, a Bishop was a Bishop, and a Vicar was a Vicar, and it was not to their discredit that they worked like a pair of common parish priests.† (source)
- And Eugene, directing his fire against the principal, a plump, soft, foppish young man whose name was Armstrong, and who wore always a carnation in his coat, which, after whipping an offending boy, he was accustomed to hold delicately between his fingers, sniffing it with sensitive nostrils and lidded eyes, produced in the first rich joy of creation scores of rhymes, all to the discredit of Armstrong, his parentage, and his relations with Miss Groody.† (source)
- It reflects discredit on me† (source)
- Herewith the world-discrediting insight of the monk, "All life is sorrowful," is combined with the world-begetting affirmative of the father: "Life must be!"† (source)
- Death discredits.† (source)
- And among other things, he sought to discredit what the priest had been teaching concerning the Incarnation, declaring that it had not yet come to pass; but that presently the Sun would bring it to pass by taking flesh in the womb of a virgin of the village of Guacheta, causing her to conceive by the rays of the sun while she yet remained a virgin.† (source)
- With their discovery that the patterns and logic of fairy tale and myth correspond to those of dream, the long discredited chimeras of archaic man have returned dramatically to the foreground of modern consciousness.† (source)
- And now the fact that I might get along without them is no discredit to their charm or to you.† (source)
- She was a visitor, not a chaperon, and a discredited visitor at that.† (source)
- Well, I am not seeking to avoid discredit.† (source)
- To be no discredit to it, but to adorn it.'† (source)
- The face did no discredit to the rest of the man, for it was both good-humored and handsome.† (source)
- Here is sanctity which shames our religions, and reality which discredits our heroes.† (source)
I was confused, the like ne'er happened me;
No one could ever speak to my discredit.† (source)
- You could scarcely escape discredit and misery.† (source)
- So one of the most dangerous witnesses brought forward by the prosecution was again discredited.† (source)
- She wished to discredit it entirely, repeatedly exclaiming, "This must be false!† (source)
- It is but natural that when the world which they represented no longer allured her, its ambassadors should be discredited.† (source)
- He drew a long breath and then said, as if it were rather to her discredit but he wouldn't hold it against her.† (source)
- —in the discredited mediums.† (source)
- But that should be nothing to his discredit; the man that can do this kind of miracle knows enough to keep hotel.† (source)
- He was discredited, but the blackbirds that he was chasing glowed with Arabian darkness, for all the conventional colouring of life had been altered.† (source)
- He made pleasant remarks and a few jokes, which were applauded lustily, but he knew something to the discredit of nearly every one of his guests, and was consequently perfunctory.† (source)
- Having long discredited the old systems of mysticism, he now began to discredit the old appraisements of morality.† (source)
- Milt Dale answered that question to Beasley's discredit; and many strange matters pertaining to sheep and herders, always a mystery to the little village of Pine, now became as clear as daylight.† (source)
- I had a great desire to rack the executioner; not because he was a good, painstaking and paingiving official,—for surely it was not to his discredit that he performed his functions well—but to pay him back for wantonly cuffing and otherwise distressing that young woman.† (source)
- He had always admired the high and mighty old lady, who, in spite of having been only Catherine Spicer of Staten Island, with a father mysteriously discredited, and neither money nor position enough to make people forget it, had allied herself with the head of the wealthy Mingott line, married two of her daughters to "foreigners" (an Italian marquis and an English banker), and put the crowning touch to her audacities by building a large house of pale cream-coloured stone (when brown sandstone seemed as much the only wear as a frock-coat in the afternoon) in an inaccessible wilderness near the Central Park.† (source)
- And it must be remembered that evidence is not to be discredited or decried because it is circumstantial.† (source)
- Miss Quested was so loathed in Chandrapore that her recantation was discredited, and the rumour ran that she had been stricken by the Deity in the middle of her lies.† (source)
- I still fail to see, Señor Don Juan, that these episodes in your earthly career and in that of the Señor Commander in any way discredit my view of life.† (source)
- Having long discredited the old systems of mysticism, he now began to discredit the old appraisements of morality.† (source)
- It's not an attack from our people I fear—you should see their orderly conduct at the hospital; what we must guard against is an attack secretly arranged by the police for the purpose of discrediting you.† (source)
- Her relatives considered that the penury of her table discredited the Mingott name, which had always been associated with good living; but people continued to come to her in spite of the "made dishes" and flat champagne, and in reply to the remonstrances of her son Lovell (who tried to retrieve the family credit by having the best chef in New York) she used to say laughingly: "What's the use of two good cooks in one family, now that I've married the girls and can't eat sauces?"† (source)
- He reflected, with much probability on his side, that Lydgate would by-and-by be caught tripping too, and that his ungentlemanly attempts to discredit the sale of drugs by his professional brethren, would by-and-by recoil on himself.† (source)
- Also discredited was the idea of a floating hull or some other enormous wreckage, and again because of this speed of movement.† (source)
- I saw a white figure, and as if to prevent my discrediting the testimony of only one of my senses, I heard my glass removed—the same which is there now on the table.† (source)
- The horse seemed conscious of the advantage, and bore his warlike rider, with an elasticity of step and a loftiness of air, that would have done no discredit to the highest trained and most generous charger.† (source)
- The personages of the tale—though they give themselves out to be of ancient stability and considerable prominence—are really of the author's own making, or at all events, of his own mixing; their virtues can shed no lustre, nor their defects redound, in the remotest degree, to the discredit of the venerable town of which they profess to be inhabitants.† (source)
- Much and deservedly to my own discredit, therefore, and considerably to the detriment of my official conscience, they continued, during my incumbency, to creep about the wharves, and loiter up and down the Custom-House steps.† (source)
- "I hope I shall never do you any discredit, uncle," said Tom, hurt, as all boys are at the statement of the unpleasant truth that people feel no ground for trusting them.† (source)
- The discredited rulers of the world can oppose no reasonable ideal to the insensate Napoleonic ideal of glory and grandeur.† (source)
- Just imagine, while washing and dusting the ceilings and walls, Madam Magloire has made some discoveries; now our two chambers hung with antique paper whitewashed over, would not discredit a chateau in the style of yours.† (source)
- I am sorry to say, to the discredit of Newman's gallantry, that this lady's invitation was not then and there bestowed; he was giving all his attention to the old marquise.† (source)
- It may appear to some readers that the young lady was both precipitate and unduly fastidious; but the latter of these facts, if the charge be true, may serve to exonerate her from the discredit of the former.† (source)
- Then the great objection he had felt to allowing news of his proximity to precede him to Weatherbury in the event of his return, based on a feeling that knowledge of his present occupation would discredit him still further in his wife's eyes, returned in full force.† (source)
- If every play is to be objected to, you will act nothing, and the preparations will be all so much money thrown away, and I am sure that would be a discredit to us all.† (source)
- She had been repeatedly very earnest in trying to get Anne included in the visit to London, sensibly open to all the injustice and all the discredit of the selfish arrangements which shut her out, and on many lesser occasions had endeavoured to give Elizabeth the advantage of her own better judgement and experience; but always in vain: Elizabeth would go her own way; and never had she pursued it in more decided opposition to Lady Russell than in this selection of Mrs Clay; turning from the society of so deserving a sister, to bestow her affection and confidence on one who ought to have been nothing to her but the object of distant civility.† (source)
- How could you help regarding as an incumbrance and a discredit to you an idle dragooning chap who was an incumbrance and a discredit to himself, excepting under discipline?† (source)
- "Liberty and equality," said the vicomte contemptuously, as if at last deciding seriously to prove to this youth how foolish his words were, "high-sounding words which have long been discredited.† (source)
- I am bound to confess, though it may cast some discredit on the sketch I have given of the youthful loyalty practised by our heroine toward this accomplished woman, that Isabel had said nothing whatever to her about Lord Warburton and had been equally reticent on the subject of Caspar Goodwood.† (source)
- "Undoubtedly," said Villefort, moderating the tones of his voice, "a marriage once concerted and then broken off, throws a sort of discredit on a young lady; then again, the old reports, which I was so anxious to put an end to, will instantly gain ground.† (source)
- No woman is; she can always incline him to do either what she wishes, or the reverse; and on the composite impulses that were threatening to hurry Mr. Tulliver into "law," Mrs. Tulliver's monotonous pleading had doubtless its share of force; it might even be comparable to that proverbial feather which has the credit or discredit of breaking the camel's back; though, on a strictly impartial view, the blame ought rather to lie with the previous weight of feathers which had already placed the back in such imminent peril that an otherwise innocent feather could not settle on it without mischief.† (source)
- "And of coarse it is a discredit to his doctrines," said Mrs. Sprague, who was elderly, and old-fashioned in her opinions.† (source)
- 'Twould have been ag'in natur' not to raise a hand in such a trial, and 'twould have done discredit to my training and gifts.† (source)
- She feared for William; by no means convinced by all that he could relate of his own horsemanship in various countries, of the scrambling parties in which he had been engaged, the rough horses and mules he had ridden, or his many narrow escapes from dreadful falls, that he was at all equal to the management of a high-fed hunter in an English fox-chase; nor till he returned safe and well, without accident or discredit, could she be reconciled to the risk, or feel any of that obligation to Mr. Crawford for lending the horse which he had fully intended it should produce.† (source)
- On a balance of the account, however, it may be doubted whether he lost much; for, although he found no property, he found so many debts and various associations of discredit with the proper name, which was the only word he made intelligible, that he was almost everywhere overwhelmed with injurious accusations.† (source)
- The Sergeant's daughter would do discredit to her worthy father, were she to do or say anything that could be called silly.† (source)
- However this may discredit such persons with the judicious, it helps them with the people, as it gives heat, pungency, and publicity to their words.† (source)
- This was an article not to be entered on by himself; but a very intimate friend of his, a Colonel Wallis, a highly respectable man, perfectly the gentleman, (and not an ill-looking man, Sir Walter added), who was living in very good style in Marlborough Buildings, and had, at his own particular request, been admitted to their acquaintance through Mr Elliot, had mentioned one or two things relative to the marriage, which made a material difference in the discredit of it.† (source)
- Since this sort of details might, particularly at the present moment, and to use an expression now in fashion, give to the Bishop of D— a certain "pantheistical" physiognomy, and induce the belief, either to his credit or discredit, that he entertained one of those personal philosophies which are peculiar to our century, which sometimes spring up in solitary spirits, and there take on a form and grow until they usurp the place of religion, we insist upon it, that not one of those persons who knew Monseigneur Welcome would have thought himself authorized to think anything of the sort.† (source)
- Caddy was quite transported by this reply of mine, being, I believe, as susceptible to the least kindness or encouragement as any tender heart that ever beat in this world; and after another turn or two round the garden, during which she put on an entirely new pair of gloves and made herself as resplendent as possible that she might do no avoidable discredit to the Master of Deportment, we went to Newman Street direct.† (source)
- In this strait you may count on me, through all advarsities; and I think Hurry does discredit to his natur' and wishes, if you can't count on him.† (source)
- Hence Mr. Gambit could go away from the chief grocer's without fear of rivalry, but not without a sense that Lydgate was one of those hypocrites who try to discredit others by advertising their own honesty, and that it might be worth some people's while to show him up.† (source)
- He had insensibly acquired a new habit of shuffling into the picture-galleries, always with his twisted paper of snuff in his hand (much to the indignation of Miss Fanny, who had proposed the purchase of a gold box for him that the family might not be discredited, which he had absolutely refused to carry when it was bought); and of passing hours and hours before the portraits of renowned Venetians.† (source)
- Do not set the least value on what I do, or the least discredit on what I do not, as if I pretended to settle anything as true or false.† (source)
- Aunt Pullet, under the certainty that Maggie would be invited to go out with Lucy, probably to Park House, was much shocked at the shabbiness of her clothes, which when witnessed by the higher society of St. Ogg's, would be a discredit to the family, that demanded a strong and prompt remedy; and the consultation as to what would be most suitable to this end from among the superfluities of Mrs. Pullet's wardrobe was one that Lucy as well as Mrs. Tulliver entered into with some zeal.† (source)
- The French officer, Monsieur Sanglier, as he was usually styled, and chose to call himself, remonstrated against this act as one likely to reflect more discredit on his command than any other part of the affair; but Pathfinder, who had witnessed one or two Indian massacres, and knew how valueless pledges became when put in opposition to interest where a savage was concerned, was obdurate.† (source)
- He bethought himself of course that it had been a small kindness to his father to wish that, of the two, the active rather than the passive party should know the felt wound; he remembered that the old man had always treated his own forecast of an early end as a clever fallacy, which he should be delighted to discredit so far as he might by dying first.† (source)
- Even if the money had been given merely to make him hold his tongue about the scandal of Bulstrode's earlier life, the fact threw an odious light on Lydgate, who had long been sneered at as making himself subservient to the banker for the sake of working himself into predominance, and discrediting the elder members of his profession.† (source)
- To say the truth, the Quartermaster had little or no faith in his own success in the trial of skill that was to follow, nor would he have been so free in presenting himself as a competitor at all had he anticipated it would have been made; but Major Duncan, who was somewhat of a humorist in his own quiet Scotch way, had secretly ordered it to be introduced expressly to mortify him; for, a laird himself, Lundie did not relish the notion that one who might claim to be a gentleman should bring discredit on his caste by forming an unequal alliance.† (source)
- As for feeding the young of your dead warrior, I would do that cheerfully, could it be done without discredit; but it cannot, seeing that I can never live in a Huron village.† (source)
- It is the good fortune of a man who for the greater part of a lifetime has abstained without effort from making himself disagreeable to his friends, that when the need comes for such a course it is not discredited by irritating associations.† (source)
- Still they were sufficiently expressive to be understood by one whose ears had not escaped all the rumours that had been circulated to her reputed father's discredit, and whose comprehension was as quick as her faculties were attentive.† (source)
- Rank sophistry, pretty Mabel, and treason to the king, as well as dishonoring his commission and discrediting his name.† (source)
- The clock was industriously ticking, but its leaden-looking hands did no discredit to their dull aspect, for they pointed to the hour of eleven, though the sun plainly showed it was some time past the turn of the day.† (source)
- When it's onsartain whether good or evil has been done, the wisest way is not to be boastful—still, I should like Chingachgook to know that I haven't discredited the Delawares, or my training!† (source)
- She could not help being vexed at the non-appearance of Mr. Thorpe, for she not only longed to be dancing, but was likewise aware that, as the real dignity of her situation could not be known, she was sharing with the scores of other young ladies still sitting down all the discredit of wanting a partner.† (source)
- In this distress two true friends, whose kindness I have never forgotten, nor ever shall forget while I can remember any thing, came to me separately, unknown to each other, and, without any application from me, offering each of them to advance me all the money that should be necessary to enable me to take the whole business upon myself, if that should be practicable; but they did not like my continuing the partnership with Meredith, who, as they said, was often seen drunk in the streets, and playing at low games in alehouses, much to our discredit.† (source)
- It was a long time since any well-known banker had failed discreditably; but every one remembered the social extinction visited on the heads of the firm when the last event of the kind had happened.† (source)
- The first time Stubb lowered with him, Pip evinced much nervousness; but happily, for that time, escaped close contact with the whale; and therefore came off not altogether discreditably; though Stubb observing him, took care, afterwards, to exhort him to cherish his courageousness to the utmost, for he might often find it needful.† (source)
- What is there disgraceful, to your thinking, in your having set aside half of the three thousand you had discreditably, if you prefer, 'disgracefully,' appropriated?† (source)
You'd better come clean, Dwight, however discreditable it is.
discreditable = tending to damage the reputationstandard suffix: The suffix "-able" means able to be. This is the same pattern you see in words like breakable, understandable, and comfortable.
No one will say it is unmanly to be captivated by a woman, or, being captivated, to marry her; and the admiration, the delight, the passion, the wonder, the unbounded confidence, and frantic adoration with which, by degrees, this big warrior got to regard the little Rebecca, were feelings which the ladies at least will pronounce were not altogether discreditable to him.
discreditable = tending to damage the reputation of
- He feels he's sneaking away after some discreditable peepshow.† (source)
- (Very evidently discreditable) It was a royal stoop though† (source)
- Discreditable?† (source)
- She looked at him very searchingly; without quite knowing why, he felt he had been discovered in a discreditable secret.† (source)
- Furious with himself for having given away a discreditable secret, he vented his rage on Bernard.† (source)
- To Jane Austen there was something discreditable in writing PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.† (source)
- There will be images derived from pictures of the Enemy as He appeared during the discreditable episode known as the Incarnation: there will be vaguer—perhaps quite savage and puerile-images associated with the other two Persons.† (source)
- For it was agreed that it wasn't the poor Maude girls' fault—the handsome dark girls who lived behind the locked gate, scaring duns, were to be pitied for their disreputable parents' discreditable imprisoned lives.† (source)
- Not that Octavius's admiration is in any way ridiculous or discreditable.† (source)
- I had no intention of suggesting anything discreditable.† (source)
- Considering all the circumstances, the conditions were not very discreditable to either party.† (source)
- Being sensitive to conventional or moral stimuli as he still was, he could not quite achieve a discreditable thing, even where his own highest ambitions were involved, without a measure of regret or at least shame.† (source)
- Finally she gathered together a few of the sketches—those which she considered the least discreditable; and she carried them with her when, a little later, she dressed and left the house.† (source)
- I suppose you will retort that I was in love with Nancy Rufford and that my indifference was therefore discreditable.† (source)
- It's only a question of sticking to it and pegging away" She found discreditable motives for everyone who would not take her at her own estimate of herself.† (source)
- On the sideboard, between fluted Sheraton knife-cases, stood a decanter of Haut Brion, and another of the old Lanning port (the gift of a client), which the wastrel Tom Lanning had sold off a year or two before his mysterious and discreditable death in San Francisco—an incident less publicly humiliating to the family than the sale of the cellar.† (source)
- Moreover, the general feeling penetrates the man himself, particularly if he be ignorant, and he comes to believe that his name is not only a handicap, but also intrinsically discreditable—that it wars subtly upon his worth and integrity.† (source)
- My great-aunt, however, interpreted this piece of news in a sense discreditable to Swann; for anyone who chose his associates outside the caste in which he had been born and bred, outside his 'proper station,' was condemned to utter degradation in her eyes.† (source)
- Have you found anything discreditable?† (source)
- Most of the Board had heard that he possessed a magic cure for the plague which for unknown and probably discreditable reasons, he was withholding, and they were not going to have it withheld.† (source)
- All that is original in us, and therefore fairly creditable or discreditable to us, can be covered up and hidden by the point of a cambric needle, all the rest being atoms contributed by, and inherited from, a procession of ancestors that stretches back a billion years to the Adam-clam or grasshopper or monkey from whom our race has been so tediously and ostentatiously and unprofitably developed.† (source)
- The ugliest things were being said of Beaufort's dastardly manoeuvre, and his failure promised to be one of the most discreditable in the history of Wall Street.† (source)
- So much, with tears and gasps of horror, Mrs. Welland imparted, blanched and demolished by the unwonted obligation of having at last to fix her eyes on the unpleasant and the discreditable.† (source)
- To be more precise: You have told us at last your secret, in your words, so 'disgraceful,' though in reality—that is, of course, comparatively speaking—this action, that is, the appropriation of three thousand roubles belonging to some one else, and, of course, only for a time is, in my view at least, only an act of the greatest recklessness and not so disgraceful, when one takes into consideration your character....Even admitting that it was an action in the highest degree discreditable, still, discreditable is not 'disgraceful.'† (source)
- I admit that I am a spy, and that it is considered a discreditable station—though it must be filled by somebody; but this gentleman is no spy, and why should he so demean himself as to make himself one?† (source)
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