dichotomyin a sentence
- Both items were "dichotomy wear," meaning they were wired for OASIS use.† (source)
- But the dichotomy of love and disdain living side-by-side is what surprises me.† (source)
- At base, it is a simple dichotomy: there are the coerlfolc, the teeming mass of common people who make up humanity's great bulk, and there is the hidden branch—the crypto-sapiens, if you will—who are called syndrigast, or "peculiar spirit" in the venerable language of my ancestors.† (source)
- "Ah yes, Vogonity—sorry—of the poet's compassionate soul"—Arthur felt he was on the homestretch now—"which contrives through the medium of the verse structure to sublimate this, transcend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other"—he was reaching a triumphant crescendo—"and one is left with a profound and vivid insight into ...into ...er ..." (which suddenly gave out on him).† (source)
- This dichotomous couple, this sun and moon, this curandera and biologist, dreamer and realist, fire woman and water man, molded me; these two sides created a life-long conflict in my breast.† (source)
- Perhaps what she meets in the cave is instead Nothingness, albeit some years before Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and the existentialists of the 1950s and 1960s articulate the dichotomy between, in Sartre's terms, Being and Nothingness.† (source)
- It was a real dichotomy, and I don't think a lot of people understood it.† (source)
- "...represents a real dichotomy of art and salvage," she was saying in her Art History Major voice as she passed us on the stairs.† (source)
- This was part of the dichotomy of the man—the rough-cut diamond.† (source)
- And as I read back what I've written, I know that the answer to these questions is itself a dichotomy: motherhood.† (source)
- The dichotomy was reminiscent of the religion Thomas vaguely remembered from his dreams.† (source)
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- Colin saw the Dumper/Dumpee dichotomy on a bell curve.† (source)
- But right now I just want to use a dichotomy and explain it later.† (source)
- We're Dichotomous Lemur now," said Eric, stepping forward.† (source)
- The shooter confronting Puller had blurred this dichotomy.† (source)
- As you doubtless know, sir, one of the great problems of our culture has been the dichotomy between art and science.† (source)
- I loved the smooth-watered fifties, when I worried about the top-ten tunes and the homecoming queen, when I looked to Elvis for salvation, when the sharp dichotomy between black and white lay fallow and unchallenged, and when the World Series still was the most critical event of the year.† (source)
- We discussed the dichotomy between eastern and western culture.
- He presents a false dichotomy when he says "America -- love it or leave it." He acts as though we can't want to improve it.
- Plenty of people, Colin included, had noted the Dumper/Dumpee dichotomy before.† (source)
- The dichotomy of color in the schools made administration so pleasant.† (source)
- Plato's second synthesis is the incorporation of the Sophists' areté into this dichotomy of Ideas and Appearance.† (source)
- In terms of ultimate truth a dichotomy of this sort has little meaning but it is quite legitimate when one is operating within the classic mode used to discover or create a world of underlying form.† (source)
- To do this, first of all, a dichotomy is necessary, but before I can use it honestly I have to back up and say what it is and means, and that is a long story in itself.† (source)
- In terms of our old dichotomy, what's being said is, "Don't base your decisions on romantic surface appeal without considering classical underlying form."† (source)
- However, he said, the division of study into substantive and methodological fields was an outgrowth of the Aristotelian dichotomy of form and substance, which nondualists had little use for, the two being identical.† (source)
- The modern mind sometimes tends to balk at the thought of these dichotomies being inventions and says, "Well, the divisions were there for the Greeks to discover," and you have to say, "Where were they?† (source)
- In a stable society that functions well enough to hold in solution the contradictions between its classes, the cultural dichotomy becomes somewhat blurred.† (source)
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