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  • Her n's were textbook neat, a striking comparison with his own, which had degenerated into a humpbacked scrawl.†   (source)
  • Nana suggested cutting off his tail to make him more refined, but Clara had a tantrum that degenerated into an asthma attack and no one ever mentioned it again.†   (source)
  • And so before the night began to degenerate, as it always did after prizes were distributed for the best costumes, he suggested to the girl that they go to the lighthouse to watch the sunrise.†   (source)
  • The discussion degenerated quickly after that.†   (source)
  • Paul spoke in quick anger: "Our House hasn't degenerated!†   (source)
  • In 1984, during an expedition to Nepal's Annapur terious disease that had degenerated into a chronic on na Massif, he'd been stricken with a mys.†   (source)
  • Everyone's happy when the profits are rolling in, but when things go wrong the arrangement often degenerates into a mismatched battle for power.†   (source)
  • I thought that you were just another sordid American, looking for a pretty, degenerate boy.†   (source)
  • Calling people perverts and degenerates.†   (source)
  • It would only be fitting for a Clave diluted by corruption and pandering to find itself infiltrated by half-breed degenerates.†   (source)
  • We moderns bedeck and bedrape us in all sorts of meretricious togas, till a pair of fine eyes and a dashing manner pass for beauty; but when life tries the metal—when nature applies her inevitable test—the degenerate or neurotic type goes to the wall.†   (source)
  • We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.†   (source)
  • Rushing, degenerate mutter of noises I send out before me wherever I creep, like a dragon burning his way through vines and fog.†   (source)
  • Farmer said, "If the reason most of them are locked up is degeneracy, then how come the number of prisoners rises so much during times of great social and economic crisis or change?"†   (source)
  • 12 BOLOGNA Actually, it was not Captain Black but Sergeant Knight who triggered the solemn panic of Bologna, slipping silently off the truck for two extra flak suits as soon as he learned the target and signaling the start of the grim procession back into the parachute tent that degenerated into a frantic stampede finally before all the extra flak suits were gone.†   (source)
  • Our conversations degenerated into bitter arguments, uncharacteristic of our normal nonconfrontational lives.†   (source)
  • The police turned up in astonishing force and broke up a beer-drenched party that had degenerated into a shooting contest with an AK-4, which later turned out to have been stolen from the disbanded I20 regiment in Västerbotten in the early 1980s.†   (source)
  • The FBI chief describes the civil rights leader as a "tomcat with obsessive degenerate sexual urges."†   (source)
  • Their first session degenerated into the kind of argument they'd been having for months.†   (source)
  • The Director thinks I'm a degenerate.†   (source)
  • The new ones start out as good-looking strangers and, depending on how they are treated, degenerate rapidly into bad-acting grouches or even cripples, or else turn into healthy, good-natured, long-lasting friends.†   (source)
  • And individuals too, the human stock goes on, even though it degenerates.†   (source)
  • Did you come to see the degenerate?†   (source)
  • Many recognized that if the abolitionists were permitted to spread their emotionally volatile dogma and rage, it would only be a matter of time before the country degenerated into some sort of civil war.†   (source)
  • She wants to say that nobody but a degenerate would want to move back to that island-prison.†   (source)
  • The end degenerated into such a tangle of beautiful limbs, turgid breasts, and open mouths against the fat barrel of the Prince of Wales and his various appendages, that it made Alessandro think of a belaying pin in a vat of calamari.†   (source)
  • I don't know whether I am getting older and more demanding, or whether the human race is degenerating, but the world didn't seem to be so barren of intelligence in my youth.†   (source)
  • Life had degenerated for Snow Flower.†   (source)
  • He looked resignedly at Bruenor and Regis and shrugged as once again the council degenerated into a shouting match.†   (source)
  • But in the next century the movement began to degenerate.†   (source)
  • Americans had degenerated since the War.†   (source)
  • A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy.†   (source)
  • Like Lincoln, many northern soldiers saw secession as a deadly challenge to the foundation of law and order on which all societies must rest if they are not to degenerate into anarchy.†   (source)
  • It is my most heartfelt desire that theAmerican spirit be rejuvenated from its weakness and degeneracy by the disciplined, patriotic bands of men we produce at the Institute each year.†   (source)
  • But now I heard the words, bestial and filthy and degenerate.†   (source)
  • Somewhere, he thought, in Leamas' long sojourn in the wilderness he would have to break faith with his oath of poverty, drunkenness, degeneracy, above all of solitude.†   (source)
  • As they got drunker this typical Southern California dialogue degenerated further.†   (source)
  • Instantly, his expression degenerated to viciousness.†   (source)
  • They might continue to evolve, they might degenerate, they might conflict to the point of destruction or gross modification of any or all of them.†   (source)
  • "You've been badly infected by that degeneracy," he continued.†   (source)
  • Western man had relearned-what the rest of the world had never forgotten-that there was nothing sinful in leisure as long as it did not degenerate into mere sloth.†   (source)
  • To Yurii Andreievich this gloomy and unsociable giant, soulless and narrow-minded, seemed subnormal, almost a degenerate.†   (source)
  • Whoremongers and degenerates!†   (source)
  • It was still the custom for couples to feed one another at these affairs, but the gesture that had originated in oriental courtesy and generosity had degenerated into erotic play.†   (source)
  • She called him a lying, treacherous slave-trader, and a degenerate Mammon-worshipping monster.†   (source)
  • — that she may be insane, or verging on it; or a moral degenerate, at the very least.†   (source)
  • The huddles had degenerated into single dwellings, most inhabited by lepers or madmen.†   (source)
  • The battle degenerated into a butchery and a confused melee of personal conflicts.†   (source)
  • Tutsis had degenerated through long contact with the inferior race of native blacks, the Hutus.†   (source)
  • His father announces that he's going to write about Degeneracy!†   (source)
  • If practical at all, it would instantly degenerate into a military tyranny.†   (source)
  • Degeneracy can be fun but it's hard to keep up as a serious lifetime occupation.†   (source)
  • And they have gravely asserted that all animals, including humans, degenerate in America.†   (source)
  • Many things help to prevent their degeneracy.†   (source)
  • But neither degenerated into one consolidated government.†   (source)
  • And without it, every government degenerates into tyranny.†   (source)
  • Poetry was a symptom of weakness, of degeneracy and decay.†   (source)
  • The issues had degenerated to who would win.†   (source)
  • The three of them were all from the pleeblands, they'd gone to Martha Graham on scholarship, and they considered themselves superior to the privileged, weak-spined, degenerate offspring of the Compounds, such as Jimmy.†   (source)
  • In the disorder of the past year, when the central command fell apart and the revolution degenerated into a bloody rivalry of leaders, it was impossible to determine any responsibility.†   (source)
  • I have had repeatedly to beat them away from my door, whilst informing them that Grace Marks has been incarcerated for a very good reason, namely the vicious acts which she has committed, and which were inspired by her degenerate character and morbid imagination.†   (source)
  • I got anxiety, depression, degenerating kneecaps, bursitis, bulged discs in my back, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cholesterol.†   (source)
  • Then she began to laugh with her lips tight together, without giving up the fight, but defending herself with false bites and deweaseling her body little by little until they both were conscious of being adversaries and accomplices at the same time and the affray degenerated into a conventional gambol and the attacks became caresses.†   (source)
  • They're degenerate ideas," he muttered.†   (source)
  • For this type of constitution to be good, it must not degenerate into "tyranny"—that is, when one ruler governs the state to his own advantage.†   (source)
  • Millions might scoff, but only because they failed to realize how pervasive the influence of art , even of such a degenerate sort as popular fiction , could become.†   (source)
  • She started an endless, stumbling, deep prayer that lasted more than two days, and that by Tuesday had degenerated into a hodgepodge of requests to God and bits of practical advice to stop the red ants from bringing the house down, to keep the lamp burning by Remedios' daguerreotype, and never to let any Buendia marry a person of the same blood because their children would be born with the tail of a pig.†   (source)
  • Respectable women are by nature sexually cold, without the perverse lusts and the neurasthenic longings that drive their degenerate sisters into prostitution; or so goes the scientific theory.†   (source)
  • Her notebooks that bore witness to life grew confused, and her calligraphy lost its convent elegance, degenerating into a series of mangled scribbles that were sometimes so tiny they were impossible to read and sometimes so large that three words would fill a page.†   (source)
  • Busy yourself with the care of consciences, and with the delivery of edifying sermons for the improvement of public life and private morals, which God knows the country is in need of, and leave the brains of the degenerate to the authorities who specialize in them.†   (source)
  • Idris must be freed from the influence of the degenerate races, and Earth made proof against the demonic threat.†   (source)
  • Dick was rather a bookworm, too; but his interest was restricted to two themes-sex, as represented in the novels of Harold Robbins and Irving Wallace (Perry, after being lent one of these by Dick, returned it with an indignant note: "Degenerate filth for filthy degenerate minds!"†   (source)
  • I'm a degenerate, then.†   (source)
  • "If the Clave goes on as they are," Valentine said, "the demons will see their weakness and attack, and the Clave, distracted by their endless courting of the degenerate races, will be in no condition to fight them off.†   (source)
  • That unless we acted against the Accords, the city of Alicante, our own precious capital, would be overrun by slobbering, slavering crowds of half-breeds, the degenerate races trampling underfoot everything we hold dear?†   (source)
  • The defense had planned to call Singbe the next day, but the slight cold that Covey had caught had degenerated into a deep-fevered, body-shaking, debilitating flu.†   (source)
  • If there are degrees of evil, it is hard to say who is the more contemptible: the brute who assumes the right to force the mind of others or the moral degenerate who grants to others the right to force his mind.†   (source)
  • If other groups were interested in becoming wealthy, I was to assure the Brothers and the doubting members of other districts, that we rejected wealth as corrupt and intrinsically degrading; if other minorities loved the country despite their grievances, I would assure the committee that we, immune to such absurdly human and mixed reactions, hated it absolutely; and, greatest contradiction of all, when they denounced the American scene as corrupt and degenerate, I was to say that we, though snarled inextricably within its veins and sinews, were miraculously healthy.†   (source)
  • A thick cloud of dust enveloped the heaviest concentrations of fighting; the dizzying clamor of steel grating on steel, swords banging against shields, and the expanding screams of death, agony, and victory degenerated the structured clash into an all out brawl.†   (source)
  • 'He had to move back,' Yossarian argued in a vain effort to cheer up the glum, barrel-chested Indian, whose well-knit sorrel-red face had degenerated rapidly into a dilapidated, calcareous gray.†   (source)
  • Every period ruled by mystics was an era of stagnation and want, when most men were on strike against existence, working for less than their barest survival, leaving nothing but scraps for their rulers to loot, refusing to think, to venture, to produce, when the ultimate collector of their profits and the final authority on truth or error was the whim of some gilded degenerate sanctioned as superior to reason by divine right and by grace of a club.†   (source)
  • But they don't carry any suggestion that insanity might be something other than sickness or degeneracy.†   (source)
  • Degeneracy!†   (source)
  • Degenerates.†   (source)
  • Luke isn't a degenerate—".†   (source)
  • Hippies weren't really offering any alternatives other than colorful short-term ones, and some of these were looking more and more like pure degeneracy.†   (source)
  • The degenerate races.†   (source)
  • By nature I am high-strung and animated, but when frustration confronts me head-on, I degenerate into a demoniac.†   (source)
  • "What that man say," said Big C. My be-kind-to-mongrel addresses usually degenerated into these backbiting arguments with Cindy Lou making deprecating remarks about the much-maligned Beau.†   (source)
  • Gordon added after a pause: "It has often happened in history that a lofty ideal has degenerated into crude materialism.†   (source)
  • My father, before he met an unfortunate accident ...my father was a great admirer of Julius Streicher for this reason—he applauded the way in which Herr Streicher has satirized so instructively this degenerate trait in the Jewish character.†   (source)
  • But if we had allowed the Irish to rule themselves, the race would be extinct by now, having bashed each other's brains out in drunken, mindless orgies and furious melees that only such degenerate races are capable of.†   (source)
  • There had been men on Earth as little as ten years ago, but they had been degenerate survivors and Jan had lost nothing by missing them.†   (source)
  • We maintain that from the moment Leamas returned from Berlin to London he lived a part; that he simulated a swift decline into degeneracy, drunkenness and debt, that he assaulted a tradesman in full public view and affected anti-American sentiments—all solely in order to attract the attention of the Abteilung.†   (source)
  • These basketball games at recess were serious business that sometimes degenerated into violence, one player sitting on top of another player pounding his head.†   (source)
  • Her face was very white and astonishingly round, like an underdone biscuit, crowned by a fringe of frizzy yellow hair; her features were both handsome and degenerate; trapped within that spherical frame the puffed prettiness of nose, mouth and eyes appeared to be painted on—at first, Sophie thought, on a doll, then as if on a balloon.†   (source)
  • Here, tonight, it was the wood plank beneath rny seat, the barbecue grease on my lips, the need to hide from white eyes degenerate with contempt...even in the land "where livin' is fun.†   (source)
  • As the situation in the South degenerated after the 1954 Supreme Court decision on segregation, he was faced with a choice—either he must continue more and more to alter truth to make it conform to people's comfort, or he must write the truth in the dim hope that people would alter their comfort to conform to it.†   (source)
  • For then sex, or rather its absence, and this insolent and gorgeous little garden—together with the people who inhabited it—all seemed to merge symbolically to make ever more unbearable the degenerate character of the University Residence Club and to aggravate my poverty and my lonely and outcast state.†   (source)
  • And that's disfigured, degenerate, dark mankind—mere humanity.†   (source)
  • "He says that you are a petty bourgeois degenerate," I was told.†   (source)
  • Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid.†   (source)
  • The rays simply destroyed body cells — caused their nuclei to degenerate and broke their walls.†   (source)
  • Del Lago travelling with a degenerate that I'm sure you don't know.†   (source)
  • The degenerate murderer, Buck Scales, was hanged after a short trial.†   (source)
  • "You m-m-m-miserable degenerate!" cried Luke.†   (source)
  • Stella: This beautiful and talented Young Man was a degenerate.†   (source)
  • He was eleven, degenerate, weak, scrofulous, but his white moist hands could draw from a violin music that had in it something unearthly and untaught.†   (source)
  • They're degenerate, sexual maniacs.†   (source)
  • 'I am a degenerate old d-d-dago,' I said 'and Charles—I speak of your art, my dear—is a dean's daughter in flowered muslin.'†   (source)
  • Scudder: Is a criminal degenerate sane or insane is a question that lots of law courts haven't been able to settle.†   (source)
  • It is in order to avoid the misleading term "primitive" that I am calling the undeveloped or degenerate traditions "folk mythologies."†   (source)
  • All white men knew him for a dog and a degenerate— but to Mexican girls, marriage with an American meant coming up in the world.†   (source)
  • But it was exactly the same when Harry felt and behaved as a wolf and showed others his teeth and felt hatred and enmity against all human beings and their lying and degenerate manners and customs.†   (source)
  • The best of them convinced themselves that Arthur was newfangled, and that his knights were degenerate from the standards of their fathers.†   (source)
  • When Lincoln declared to Congress that he was determined not to allow the war to "degenerate into a violent and remorseless revolutionary struggle," he only voiced the initial opinion of a vast majority of Northerners.†   (source)
  • Also he enjoyed to imitate dying agonies, so he would make faces, and furthermore he would spend the wedding night in the same bed with young couples and was the last expression of feudal degeneracy.†   (source)
  • "You m-m-m-miserable d-d-degenerate," he stuttered, unconsciously falling into the swing of the Gantian rhetoric.†   (source)
  • They'll tell you a handsome young criminal degenerate like Chance Wayne is the mental and moral equal of any white man in the country.†   (source)
  • Kick him out: the old cripple can no longer provide them with victuals, and they will throw him on the junkheap, unnatural and degenerate monsters that they are.†   (source)
  • But it was many years before he could understand that that sensitive and feminine person, bound to him by the secret and terrible bonds of his own dishonor, had in him nothing perverse, nothing unnatural, nothing degenerate.†   (source)
  • They told me I wasn't welcome in this hotel and this town because I had come here with '& criminal degenerate'.†   (source)
  • The best fabulists have often been the greatest satirists: satire (as with Aristophanes, Voltaire, and Swift) is a high and subtle art, quite beyond the barnyard snipings and wholesale geeseslaughterings of the present degenerate age.†   (source)
  • Scudder: There's a lot more to this which we feel ought not to be talked about to anyone, least of all to you, since you have turned into a criminal degenerate, the only right term for you, but.†   (source)
  • In the pages of a thousand books he saw their portraits: Coleridge at twenty-five, with the loose sensual mouth, gaping idiotically, the vast staring eyes, holding in their opium depths the vision of seas haunted by the albatross, the great white forehead—head mixed of Zeus and the village degenerate; the lean worn head of Caesar, a little thirsty in the flanks; and the dreaming mummy face of Kublai Khan, lit with eyes that flickered with green fires.†   (source)
  • a worthless degenerate,†   (source)
  • You low degenerates, you accursed reprobates; you would steal the pennies from a dead man's eyes, as you have from mine, fearful, awful, and bloodthirsty mountain grills that you are!†   (source)
  • He had degenerated into an animal that could think.†   (source)
  • I dare say his degeneracy gained upon him gradually.†   (source)
  • "I think," she said, "that our race is degenerating.†   (source)
  • He would not degenerate into a bridge-playing, duck-hunting drone.†   (source)
  • —has degenerated very much, and is degenerating every day.†   (source)
  • When fate wronged me, I had not the wisdom to remain cool: I turned desperate; then I degenerated.†   (source)
  • You degenerate remnant of an honorable line!†   (source)
  • Why, the degenerate fellow might as well have been a fiddler!†   (source)
  • In our school the boys' faces seemed in a special way to degenerate and grow stupider.†   (source)
  • Everything has degenerated in this century, even the rascals.†   (source)
  • "Come, is Babylon reformed, or have you degenerated?" she added, glancing with a simper at Kitty.†   (source)
  • "Think on the freedom of England, degenerate Prince!" said Cedric.†   (source)
  • It's a good situation, but I certainly am very degenerate.†   (source)
  • Then you will degenerate still more, sir.†   (source)
  • The sterile soil would at least have been proof against a low-land degeneracy.†   (source)
  • They caused that revolution, at first so remarkable for its unanimity, to degenerate into a quarrel.†   (source)
  • —has degenerated very much, and is degenerating every day.†   (source)
  • Surely it will never, on the contrary, be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend?†   (source)
  • He feared that his whole scheme had degenerated to, even though it might not have originated in, a social unrest which had no foundation in the nobler instincts; which was purely an artificial product of civilization.†   (source)
  • No doubt it would stop almost exactly beneath them, at the place where the pukka road degenerated into a path, and the elephant had turned to sidle into the hills.†   (source)
  • So that Arthur, who was growing up when his father was degenerate and elderly, hated him worst of all.†   (source)
  • the creature grows degenerate.†   (source)
  • Yet I had come in the degenerate day of trolley, bicycle and rural delivery, when communication was easy between the scattered mountain villages, and the bigger towns in the valleys, such as Bettsbridge and Shadd's Falls, had libraries, theatres and Y. M. C. A. halls to which the youth of the hills could descend for recreation.†   (source)
  • Thousands of scowling priests keeping the degenerate Italians and illiterate Irish repentant with gabble-gabble about the sixth and ninth commandments.†   (source)
  • He had been so gentle, so disciplined, and poetic up till then; but now he was degenerating into a low practical jokester.†   (source)
  • We degenerate into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid, and the exquisite temptations that we had not the courage to yield to.†   (source)
  • And note that this is most filthy and deadening and brutalizing work; that it is a cause of anemia, nervousness, ugliness, and ill-temper; of prostitution, suicide, and insanity; of drunken husbands and degenerate children—for all of which things the community has naturally to pay.†   (source)
  • He only writes about degenerates.†   (source)
  • They end in two ways: Either they sink till the lunatic asylums and the workhouses are full of them, and cause Mr. Wilcox to write letters to the papers complaining of our national degeneracy, or else they entrap a boy into marriage before it is too late.†   (source)
  • Half a dozen squatters from a degenerate colony in a brush-hidden hollow, planters of potatoes, suspected thieves, came in noisily drunk.†   (source)
  • So that's what all this is about, thought K., she's offering herself to me, she's as degenerate as everything else around here, she's had enough of the court officials, which is understandable I suppose, and so she approaches any stranger and makes compliments about his eyes.†   (source)
  • It produces the paint that slicks up your house, it dyes your sweetheart's dress— and maybe, in these degenerate days, her cherry lips!†   (source)
  • As to my own little practice, it seems to be degenerating into an agency for recovering lost lead pencils and giving advice to young ladies from boarding-schools.†   (source)
  • Must this, and that fair flower of Freedom which, despite the jeers of latter-day striplings, sprung from our fathers' blood, must that too degenerate into a dusty quest of gold,—into lawless lust with Hippomenes?†   (source)
  • The risk is that we who keep wild will go savage—degenerate into a sort of big, savage rat.... You see, how I mean to live is underground.†   (source)
  • Old New York scrupulously observed the etiquette of hospitality, and no discussion with a guest was ever allowed to degenerate into a disagreement.†   (source)
  • She found her former ability to have degenerated to the production of a hollow rush of wind through the lips, and no clear note at all.†   (source)
  • His friends had always congratulated him on his oratory, but in their praise was doubt, for even in speeches advertising the city there was something highbrow and degenerate, like writing poetry.†   (source)
  • The bubble of Heredity has been pricked: the certainty that acquirements are negligible as elements in practical heredity has demolished the hopes of the educationists as well as the terrors of the degeneracy mongers; and we know now that there is no hereditary "governing class" any more than a hereditary hooliganism.†   (source)
  • Now and then, losing his calm as he felt himself more and more foolish, Hayward became abusive, and only the American's smiling politeness prevented the argument from degenerating into a quarrel.†   (source)
  • He has sadly degenerated.†   (source)
  • From it I learned how the races of men spread from land to land and built great cities, how a few great rulers, earthly Titans, put everything under their feet, and with a decisive word opened the gates of happiness for millions and closed them upon millions more: how different nations pioneered in art and knowledge and broke ground for the mightier growths of coming ages; how civilization underwent as it were, the holocaust of a degenerate age, and rose again, like the Phoenix, among the nobler sons of the North; and how by liberty, tolerance and education the great and the wise have opened the way for the salvation of the whole world.†   (source)
  • Because of their peculiar religious and moral beliefs, all copies of worldly and degenerate daily papers were consistently excluded from their home and Mission.†   (source)
  • Reason had degenerated.†   (source)
  • He watched until they drove away, the gross parents, the bland, degenerate offspring: it was easy to prophesy the family's swing around Europe, bullying their betters with hard ignorance and hard money.†   (source)
  • I believe, in fact, we spoke about life and death, about the dignity of death, to the extent that it is a constituent and prerequisite of life, and about how it can degenerate into something grotesque if we commit the abominable error of isolating it as an intellectual principle.†   (source)
  • I've degenerated; I've come down in the world; I earn three pounds a week as press agent to a linendraper, and every day I thank God that I'm not in the little red brick house in Kensington.'†   (source)
  • Under the lax moral life of the plantation, where marriage was a farce, laziness a virtue, and property a theft, a religion of resignation and submission degenerated easily, in less strenuous minds, into a philosophy of indulgence and crime.†   (source)
  • And K. had not been ungenerous, he really had wanted to get the policemen freed; if he really had now begun to do something against the degeneracy of the court then it was a matter of course that he would have to do something here as well.†   (source)
  • He was lonely for Leora, and all his state of grace, all his earnest and simple-hearted devotion to carousal, degenerated into sleepiness.†   (source)
  • "Nephew, I believe—but in any case degenerate successor—of the polished Marquis who was murdered," said one.†   (source)
  • Not to appear to disgrace his family, to degenerate from the popular qualities, or lose the influence of the Pemberley House, is a powerful motive.†   (source)
  • For my part I wish the excellent and gifted young man every success; I trust that his youthful idealism and impulse towards the ideas of the people may never degenerate, as often happens, on the moral side into gloomy mysticism, and on the political into blind chauvinism—two elements which are even a greater menace to Russia than the premature decay, due to misunderstanding and gratuitous adoption of European ideas, from which his elder brother is suffering.†   (source)
  • I resolved to do what I could, in a quiet way, to improve our proceedings myself, but I foresaw that my utmost would be very little, or I must degenerate into the spider again, and be for ever lying in wait.†   (source)
  • Some of that twice-blessed mercy was always with Lydgate in his work at the Hospital or in private houses, serving better than any opiate to quiet and sustain him under his anxieties and his sense of mental degeneracy.†   (source)
  • through whose open window there rose, in a palpable steam, wholesome exhalations from reeking coach-horses, the usual furniture of a tea-table was displayed in neat and inviting order, flanked by large joints of roast and boiled, a tongue, a pigeon pie, a cold fowl, a tankard of ale, and other little matters of the like kind, which, in degenerate towns and cities, are generally understood to belong more particularly to solid lunches, stage-coach dinners, or unusually substantial breakfasts.†   (source)
  • —The sight of Front-de-Boeuf himself is less odious to me than thou, degraded and degenerate as thou art.†   (source)
  • Mr. Poyser had no reason to be ashamed of his leg, and suspected that the growing abuse of top-boots and other fashions tending to disguise the nether limbs had their origin in a pitiable degeneracy of the human calf.†   (source)
  • They cared so little for plain Fact, these people, and were in that advanced state of degeneracy on the subject, that instead of being impressed by the speaker's strong common sense, they took it in extraordinary dudgeon.†   (source)
  • When the American republics begin to degenerate it will be easy to verify the truth of this observation, by remarking whether the number of political impeachments augments.†   (source)
  • Sometimes their play degenerated into battles, and in these battles the king was not always the stronger.†   (source)
  • The company had by this time decidedly degenerated, and the renewed inquiry was received with a laugh of appreciation.†   (source)
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