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    corroboration = to support with additional evidence or testimony
  • Their evidence, corroborated by that of several friends, tends to show that Sir Charles's health has for some time been impaired,   (source)
    corroborated = supported
  • It would have been corroborative of this idea of motive.   (source)
    corroborative = supporting
  • As the stories were corroborated again and again, it became clear that these events had been commonplace in camps throughout Japan's empire.†   (source)
  • Where possible, I corroborated the details with documentation—report cards, handwritten letters, notes on photographs—but I am sure this story is as fallible as any human memory.†   (source)
  • State law required credible corroboration of accomplice testimony in a murder case, and there simply wasn't any in Walter's case.†   (source)
  • These documents, they believed, corroborated Godefroi's powerful secret and were so explosive in nature that the Church would stop at nothing to get them.†   (source)
  • They had reached Marion on the phone, and she corroborated that Mae was a customer, but when they had asked if Mae had rented that day and was just tardy, Marion had hung up and said she'd be right over.†   (source)
  • As if to corroborate Bean's statement, the enemy began to call out to them.†   (source)
  • Jack had always felt it was not just the sudden and irrational beating his father had administered at the dinner table but the fact that, in the hospital, their mother had corroborated their father's story while holding the hand of the parish priest.†   (source)
  • Do you have anything that can corroborate your story?†   (source)
  • I had hoped to speak with them, in order to corroborate certain supposed facts.†   (source)
  • I already had my story memorized and corroborated.†   (source)
  • A few details were corroborated to police by witnesses.†   (source)
  • Would Felix be able to corroborate Dan's story?†   (source)
  • When possible I also corroborated details with radio logs maintained by people at Base Camp, where clear thought wasn't in such short supply.†   (source)
  • Dwarf priests use coral as proof that stone is alive and can grow, which also corroborates their story that Helzvog formed the race of dwarves out of granite.†   (source)
  • The men on the stand stayed with him, cool and at a little distance, adding and questioning and corroborating, holding it down as well as they could with an ironical self-mockery; but each man knew that the boy was blowing for every one of them.†   (source)
  • Such difficulties as these tend to be all the more preoccupying nowadays because one does not have the means to discuss and corroborate views with one's fellow professionals in the way one once did.†   (source)
  • Yeah, I couldn't get anyone who really knew either of you to corroborate it.†   (source)
  • Thus far the facts ascertained corroborated Wells' story most persuasively.†   (source)
  • It is protocol with all internal security investigations to have two agents present, so that all statements can be corroborated.†   (source)
  • Even if we start with what can and has been corroborated or documented—†   (source)
  • What happens when the whistle-blowers' corroborating evidence is factored into the analysis of the match data?†   (source)
  • This mistake, he wanted to make certain, should not invalidate what occurred on October 5 and the corroborating evidence of Officer Clapper.†   (source)
  • In the meantime, you're gonna need a lot stronger corroboration if we want to take this thing to court.†   (source)
  • Gerry's letter of October 1, Adams later said, "confirmed these [earlier] assurances beyond all doubt in my mind, and his conversations with me at my own house in Quincy, if anything further had been wanting, would have corroborated the whole.†   (source)
  • I appealed to prurient journalistic sensationalism, and-although it damn near killed him-got Walther Apfel to corroborate halfway.†   (source)
  • But what corroboration is there that Justin planned any of this?†   (source)
  • If your client will corroborate.†   (source)
  • He did not even wait for corroboration of this fact from Mr. Ruiz or Mr. Montes.†   (source)
  • For corroboration.†   (source)
  • If I can find out where she was sitting on the plane, and if it was either the port or starboard side in economy—that's at least some small corroboration.†   (source)
  • If the last, it corroborates the extreme difficulty of the thing.†   (source)
  • She looked at Zooey, possibly for corroboration, but Zooey's expression, behind his cigar, was noncommittal.†   (source)
  • He could give dates and names, he could remember the reaction from London, the nature of corroboration where it existed.†   (source)
  • And his eyes, large warm brown irises set on whites that were turning yellow, corroborated this.†   (source)
  • This temperamental disposition towards an art that was earnest and devoted to things as they are was corroborated by the experience of having been born and brought up in Northern Ireland and of having lived with that place even though I have lived out of it for the past quarter of a century.†   (source)
  • New evidence had corroborated it.†   (source)
  • He eyed me as if in search of some corroboration.†   (source)
  • It wasn't even that he wanted Kozlowski to corroborate his own suspicions.†   (source)
  • CROMWELL He did accept it, we can corroborate that.†   (source)
  • He looked quickly to his father for corroboration and his father, who appeared to be embarrassed, did not look at him.†   (source)
  • But she felt it was her responsibility to see him, to corroborate the fact of his death.   (source)
    corroborate = confirm with additional evidence
  • His mouth was twisted into a purposeful half-grin, and his eyes happy about, and he said something about corroborating evidence, which made me sure he was showing off.   (source)
    corroborating = supporting
  • The single corroborative statement she'd gleaned ... was that no one had heard from or laid eyes on Boomer in over a week, possibly longer.   (source)
    corroborative = supporting (of the theory)
  • And there is also another corroborating statement which you may not have noticed.   (source)
    corroborating = supporting
  • And in this letter you certainly have a very strong piece of evidence to corroborate your view.   (source)
    corroborate = support an opinion
  • "That's right," corroborated Tom kindly.   (source)
    corroborated = supported (the description of events)
  • ...were strongly corroborative of suspicion,   (source)
    corroborative = supporting (of an opinion or theory)
  • Police Sergeant Croly deposed that when he arrived he found the deceased lying on the platform apparently dead. He had the body taken to the waiting-room pending the arrival of the ambulance.
    Constable 57 corroborated.   (source)
    corroborated = supported (the description of events)
  • So you think the Vatican would have buried any evidence corroborating the Illuminati threat?†   (source)
  • Yes, corroborated by his parents, and some of the teachers who testified for you, Ms.†   (source)
  • Has it occurred to you that she may have derived her corroborative details from the same source?†   (source)
  • I'd love to know if this legend has ever been corroborated anywhere else in history.†   (source)
  • My support staff did some research and confirms the existence of your so-called Hand of the Mysteries, corroborating everything you said: five fingertip markings—the star, the sun, the key, the crown, and the lantern—as well as the fact that this hand served as an ancient invitation to learn secret wisdom.†   (source)
  • Enrique's attempt to reach his mother in 1999 was corroborated by Jose del Carmen Bustamante, his companion on the journey.†   (source)
  • Having disobeyed Fache's direct orders and lost Langdon for a second time, Collet was grateful that PTS had located a bullet hole in the floor, which at least corroborated Collet's claims that a shot had been fired.†   (source)
  • At Teabing's suggestion, the BBC solved its credibility fears by soliciting three cameos from respected historians from around the world, all of whom corroborated the stunning nature of the Holy Grail secret with their own research.†   (source)
  • Did you find any corroborative points that helped you diagnose the dissociative state Peter went into on March sixth?†   (source)
  • The recalled scenes and conversations were corroborated, whenever possible, by one or more individuals present.†   (source)
  • Enrique's account of the Nuevo Laredo jail was corroborated by Raymundo Ramos Vasquez at the human rights group Comite de Derechos Humanos, Grupo 5 de Febrero.†   (source)
  • Several of Lourdes's Long Beach friends were also interviewed and corroborated how they and Lourdes had been scammed by a woman claiming she could help them become legal residents.†   (source)
  • His information was corroborated by Aldo Pumariega, principal at the Bellagio Road Newcomer School; Bradley Pilon, a psychologist who counsels immigrant students in the Los Angeles Unified School District; and Rafael Martanez, director of Casa YMCA, a migrant shelter in Piedras Negras, Mexico.†   (source)
  • The purpose of the visit was listed as 'business investments in the Economic Zone', and was renewable at Shenzhen immigration with proof of investment along with the corroborating presence of a Chinese banker through whom the money was to be brokered.†   (source)
  • Afterward, Arya explained how she had gone about locating Eragon and then corroborated his account of their travels by providing several facts and observations of her own.†   (source)
  • I hope you will agree that in these two instances I have cited from his career — both of which I have had corroborated and believe to be accurate — my father not only manifests, but comes close to being the personification itself, of what the Hayes Society terms 'dignity in keeping with his position'.†   (source)
  • To Eragon's relief, the inspection went without incident, and the magicians corroborated his account to the clan chiefs.†   (source)
  • Especially when it concerns a master assassin, known to be a scholar of deception, who has made an admission that so astonishingly corroborates an unknown unpublished statement about a moment of national crisis never investigated.†   (source)
  • He regretted making his offer almost as soon as it was made; he had been certain that she was about to rush off to some trysting-place or other, and he had merely wished to be corroborated.†   (source)
  • The first day of April, 1943—April Fools' Day—had a mnemonic urgency for me, and after going through some of my father's letters to me, which handily corroborated my movements, I was able to come up with the absurd fact that on that afternoon, as Sophie first set foot on the railroad platform in Auschwitz, it was a lovely spring morning in Raleigh, North Carolina, where I was gorging myself on bananas.†   (source)
  • They preferred the invention because this invention expressed and corroborated their hates and fears so perfectly.†   (source)
  • That is a fact, and Rémy will corroborate.†   (source)
  • In fact, there are many ways to corroborate a client's story, aren't there?†   (source)
  • With a sigh, Eve reached over and opened the elegant and expensive bag to corroborate her visual ID.†   (source)
  • Someone who's disconnected from your own authority yet has enough authority to corroborate.†   (source)
  • Jamie almost always asked for corroboration, though he never waited for my answer.†   (source)
  • I am also ordering you not to corroborate or spread further news of their arrival.†   (source)
  • If he didn't corroborate, end of subject.†   (source)
  • "Corroboration," Barbara said disbelievingly.†   (source)
  • You're here so that I can corroborate it or argue against it.†   (source)
  • NORFOLK (Brutally) Can you corroborate that?†   (source)
  • His sister moaned and this grief-stricken moaning was taken as corroboration.†   (source)
  • I argued that there was no credible corroboration of Myers's testimony and that under Alabama law the State couldn't rely exclusively on the testimony of an accomplice.†   (source)
  • Also, he reminds himself, the only witness who could corroborate her testimony — if this were a court of law — would be Mary Whitney herself, and she is not available.†   (source)
  • DNA testing had not been in vogue when he was convicted—was it possible that there was some shred of carpet or couch fabric left that could corroborate Shay's account?†   (source)
  • I can corroborate!†   (source)
  • Several in the audience stepped forward to corroborate the damning evidence, stating that as subordinate distributors they had given the two 'bosses' great sums of cash never recorded in the organization's secret books.†   (source)
  • So they blew what everyone had heard before, they reassured everyone that nothing terrible was happening, and the people at the tables found it pleasant to shout over this stunning corroboration and the people at the bar, under cover of the noise they could scarcely have lived without, pursued whatever it was they were after.†   (source)
  • The details vary, the dialogue is not identical, but in substance the two accounts-thus far, at least-corroborate one another.†   (source)
  • But if he did corroborate, then what?†   (source)
  • Maybe someone else heard something, and we might find someone to corroborate it—" Miles tossed his badge onto the desk before Charlie finished talking.†   (source)
  • When I was around nine or ten I wrote a play which was directed by a young, white schoolteacher, a woman, who then took an interest inme, and gave me books to read and, in order to corroborate my theatrical bent, decided to take me to see what she somewhat tactlessly referred to as "real" plays.†   (source)
  • Then for the first time he stated that he was not Involved, and asked one of the other boys to corroborate his testimony.†   (source)
  • They were simply repeated and corroborated in it.†   (source)
  • "She certainly did, Miss Cuthbert," corroborated Flora Jane earnestly.†   (source)
  • "I reckon he shore is—along with my bay," corroborated Roy.†   (source)
  • If you want any corroborative evidence on the subject you can ask him.†   (source)
  • Moze corroborated this statement by gloomy nods.†   (source)
  • I checked and corroborated all the facts which were mentioned at the inquest.†   (source)
  • [Footnote b: The literature of Europe sufficiently corroborates this remark†   (source)
  • Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law,' said Heathcliff, corroborating my surmise.†   (source)
  • A little further inquiry corroborated this fact, and it only remained to return to the canoe.†   (source)
  • "True, Master Coggan, 'twould so," corroborated Mark Clark.†   (source)
  • 'I am happy,' returned Mrs General, 'to be so corroborated.†   (source)
  • We say corroborated, because the brigadier was too experienced to be convinced by a single proof.†   (source)
  • Corroborates the testimony of Musèt in general.†   (source)
  • Corroborated the testimony, and the opinions of M. Dumas.†   (source)
  • Corroborated the previous evidence in every respect but one.†   (source)
  • "She'd bring up the nasty carrion bird that clear," corroborated the sick woman reluctantly, "as she stood there in her little sash and things, that you could see un a'most before your very eyes.†   (source)
  • Old Bill Stillwell came up to be importuned by Alfred regarding the conduct of cowboys on occasion, and he not only corroborated the assertion, but added emphasis and evidence of his own.†   (source)
  • This similarity, which imparted to the statue itself a kindliness that I had not looked to find in it, was corroborated often by the arrival of some girl from the fields, come, like ourselves, for shelter beneath the porch, whose presence there—as when the leaves of a climbing plant have grown up beside leaves carved in stone—seemed intended by fate to allow us, by confronting it with its type in nature, to form a critical estimate of the truth of the work of art.†   (source)
  • This was corroborated by his landlord, who had received by messenger the key of the house together with the rent due, in English money.†   (source)
  • No; it was a sense that, despite her love, as corroborated by Izz's admission, the facts had not changed.†   (source)
  • The direct testimony was in almost all cases corroborated by the reports of the colleges where they graduated, so that in the main the reports were worthy of credence.†   (source)
  • Sprague not only corroborated the rumors that had been the cause of Hudnall sending Tom out, but also added something from his own judgment.†   (source)
  • All that my eyes saw, all that my mind perceived, corroborated the Persian's documents precisely; and a wonderful discovery crowned my labors in a very definite fashion.†   (source)
  • Stepney exclaimed; and Lord Hubert, dropping his single eye-glass, corroborated: "It's the Sabrina—yes."†   (source)
  • And—?" the director said, nodding as he asked, with the expression on his face of someone expecting a favorable reaction, the tone of the question implying he was awaiting praise that corroborated his own experience.†   (source)
  • The conclusions it led him to were fortified, later in the evening, by some of those faint corroborative hints that generate a light of their own in the dusk of a doubting mind.†   (source)
  • It's true," corroborated Follonsbee.†   (source)
  • The catastrophe as persistently portended by Pilchuck and corroborated by Sprague had at last fallen.†   (source)
  • In that up and down manly book of old-fashioned adventure, so full, too, of honest wonders—the voyage of Lionel Wafer, one of ancient Dampier's old chums—I found a little matter set down so like that just quoted from Langsdorff, that I cannot forbear inserting it here for a corroborative example, if such be needed.†   (source)
  • Nicholas nodded his head from time to time, as it corroborated the particulars he had already gleaned; but he fixed his eyes upon the fire, and did not look round once.†   (source)
  • The hue and cry going off to the Hulks, and people coming thence to examine the iron, Joe's opinion was corroborated.†   (source)
  • All know how corroborating proofs crowd upon the mind as soon as it catches a direct clue to any hitherto unsuspected fact; how rapidly the thoughts flow and premises tend to their just conclusions under such circumstances.†   (source)
  • "He's as quiet as a lamb, sir,"—an observation which Mumps corroborated by a low growl as he retreated behind his master's legs.†   (source)
  • The periodical press appears to me to be actuated by passions and propensities independent of the circumstances in which it is placed, and the present position of America corroborates this opinion.†   (source)
  • She came next day with a little boy of three years old, and a little girl of two, and he stood entirely corroborated.†   (source)
  • When he had gone on to give details which a whole series of slight and unregarded incidents in her past life strangely corroborated; when, in short, she believed his story to be true, she became greatly agitated, and turning round to the table flung her face upon it weeping.†   (source)
  • He corroborated everything, remembered everything, enjoyed everything, and underwent the strangest agitation.†   (source)
  • The old man rubbed his hands gleefully together, as he corroborated the Dodger's reasoning in these terms; and chuckled with delight at his pupil's proficiency.†   (source)
  • The result of these reflections was that d'Artagnan, without asking information of any kind, alighted, commended the horses to the care of his lackey, entered a small room destined to receive those who wished to be alone, and desired the host to bring him a bottle of his best wine and as good a breakfast as possible—a desire which further corroborated the high opinion the innkeeper had formed of the traveler at first sight.†   (source)
  • She questioned Christian, and the confusion in his answers would at once have led her to believe that something was wrong, had not one-half of his story been corroborated by Thomasin's note.†   (source)
  • It was a terrible pause; and terrible to every ear were the corroborating sounds of opening doors and passing footsteps.†   (source)
  • No one had thought of denying Mr. Casson's testimony to the fact that he had seen the stranger; nevertheless, he proffered various corroborating circumstances.†   (source)
  • Mr. Darcy corroborated it with a bow, and was beginning to determine not to fix his eyes on Elizabeth, when they were suddenly arrested by the sight of the stranger, and Elizabeth happening to see the countenance of both as they looked at each other, was all astonishment at the effect of the meeting.†   (source)
  • —Methodical, or well arranged, or very well delivered, it could not be expected to be; but it contained, when separated from all the feebleness and tautology of the narration, a substance to sink her spirit—especially with the corroborating circumstances, which her own memory brought in favour of Mr. Knightley's most improved opinion of Harriet.†   (source)
  • He is much addicted to overestimating his own perfections, and to undervaluing those of his rival or his enemy; a trait which may possibly be thought corroborative of the Mosaic account of the creation.†   (source)
  • *s The condition of the Creeks and Cherokees, to which I have already alluded, sufficiently corroborates the truth of this deplorable picture.†   (source)
  • But I must be content with only one more and a concluding illustration; a remarkable and most significant one, by which you will not fail to see, that not only is the most marvellous event in this book corroborated by plain facts of the present day, but that these marvels (like all marvels) are mere repetitions of the ages; so that for the millionth time we say amen with Solomon—Verily there is nothing new under the sun.†   (source)
  • I heard that Mr. Sharp and Mr. Mell were both supposed to be wretchedly paid; and that when there was hot and cold meat for dinner at Mr. Creakle's table, Mr. Sharp was always expected to say he preferred cold; which was again corroborated by J. Steerforth, the only parlour-boarder.†   (source)
  • This corroborated the apprehensions I had formed, when he began to look at direction-posts, and to leave the carriage at cross roads for a quarter of an hour at a time while he explored them.†   (source)
  • "They can—they can," said Mark Clark, with corroborative feeling; "but we Churchmen, you see, must have it all printed aforehand, or, dang it all, we should no more know what to say to a great gaffer like the Lord than babes unborn."†   (source)
  • The adventures of the previous night were still under discussion; for Mr. Giles was expatiating upon his presence of mind, when the doctor entered; Mr. Brittles, with a mug of ale in his hand, was corroborating everything, before his superior said it.†   (source)
  • the Countess Cornelia Baudi as set forth in detail by one Bianchini, prebendary of Verona, who wrote a scholarly work or so and was occasionally heard of in his time as having gleams of reason in him; and also of the testimony of Messrs. Fodere and Mere, two pestilent Frenchmen who WOULD investigate the subject; and further, of the corroborative testimony of Monsieur Le Cat, a rather celebrated French surgeon once upon a time, who had the unpoliteness to live in a house where such a case occurred and even to write an account of it—still they regard the late Mr. Krook's obstinacy in going out of the world by any such by-way as wholly unjustifiable and personally offensive.†   (source)
  • 'Men are so often mistaken on those points,' returned Mrs Gowan, shaking her head, 'that I candidly confess to you I feel anything but sure of it, even now; though it is something to have Henry corroborated with so much gravity and emphasis.†   (source)
  • And, indeed, the little note and pin upon the table confirmed, or rather corroborated, the sad truth.†   (source)
  • If the truth must be told, he was a little out of temper, for a minute or two, at being disappointed in procuring corroborative evidence of Oliver's story on the very first occasion on which he had a chance of obtaining any.†   (source)
  • How this account of Mr. Swills is entirely corroborated by two intelligent married females residing in the same court and known respectively by the names of Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Perkins, both of whom observed the foetid effluvia and regarded them as being emitted from the premises in the occupation of Krook, the unfortunate deceased.†   (source)
  • It was also solemnly arranged that poor Oliver should, for the purposes of the contemplated expedition, be unreservedly consigned to the care and custody of Mr. William Sikes; and further, that the said Sikes should deal with him as he thought fit; and should not be held responsible by the Jew for any mischance or evil that might be necessary to visit him: it being understood that, to render the compact in this respect binding, any representations made by Mr. Sikes on his return should be required to be confirmed and corroborated, in all important particulars, by the testimony of flash Toby Crackit.†   (source)
  • It was quite evident, by her manner, that her uneasiness was not feigned; and Franz himself could not resist a feeling of superstitious dread—so much the stronger in him, as it arose from a variety of corroborative recollections, while the terror of the countess sprang from an instinctive belief, originally created in her mind by the wild tales she had listened to till she believed them truths.†   (source)
  • Corroborates the general testimony.†   (source)
  • Isabella corroborated it: "My dearest Catherine, you cannot form an idea of the dirt; come, you must go; you cannot refuse going now."†   (source)
  • There's nothing to corroborate your story.†   (source)
  • Adam was looking inquiringly at Lucy Stark, as though he wished corroboration from her.†   (source)
  • He believes her, but he wants to corroborate the information for the sheer pleasure of hearing it again.†   (source)
  • Any hour he might be expected to arrive and corroborate Blicky's alluring tale.†   (source)
  • Having once spotted my man, it was easy to get corroboration.†   (source)
  • Bonita will corroborate your testimony in court, and that will save me from this—this man's spite.†   (source)
  • Helen smilingly nodded her corroboration.†   (source)
  • She heard Bo's strange little cry, a corroboration of her own impression.†   (source)
  • [Footnote e: I shall quote a few facts in corroboration of this remark†   (source)
  • I am sorry you are not to have the fun of being pretentious and successful—for a while...Martin, it iss nice that you will corroborate D'Herelle.†   (source)
  • And here be it submitted that apparently going to corroborate the doctrine of man's fall, a doctrine now popularly ignored, it is observable that where certain virtues pristine and unadulterate peculiarly characterize anybody in the external uniform of civilization, they will upon scrutiny seem not to be derived from custom or convention, but rather to be out of keeping with these, as if indeed exceptionally transmitted from a period prior to Cain's city and citified man.†   (source)
  • "Do you want a lift?" asked the apparently artificial growth, glancing from the corner of his eye at the imposing man as if for some habitual, silent corroboration.†   (source)
  • I'll have time to really finish my research—maybe I've got some points that D'Herelle hasn't hit on—and I'll publish it to corroborate him...Damn him!†   (source)
  • The memory of Mrs. Fisher's hints, and the corroboration of his own impressions, while they deepened his pity also increased his constraint, since, whichever way he sought a free outlet for sympathy, it was blocked by the fear of committing a blunder.†   (source)
  • Freddy Van Osburgh was not to marry Mrs. Hatch; he had been rescued at the eleventh hour—some said by the efforts of Gus Trenor and Rosedale—and despatched to Europe with old Ned Van Alstyne; but the risk he had run would always be ascribed to Miss Bart's connivance, and would somehow serve as a summing-up and corroboration of the vague general distrust of her.†   (source)
  • Catlee's blunt corroboration of Milly's fears had awakened her spirit; and the possibility of winning this hardened man to help her in her extremity had inspired courage and resolve.†   (source)
  • "I smell smoke," said Dale, suddenly, as he reined in, and turned for corroboration from his companion.†   (source)
  • If your ladyship would wish to have the boy produced in corroboration of this statement, I can lay my hand upon him at any time.†   (source)
  • At last, when he appealed by name to Monsieur Lorry, an English gentleman then and there present, who, like himself, had been a witness on that English trial and could corroborate his account of it, the Jury declared that they had heard enough, and that they were ready with their votes if the President were content to receive them.†   (source)
  • To doubt any longer was impossible; there was the evidence of the senses, and ten thousand persons who came to corroborate the testimony.†   (source)
  • There are many physical as well as moral facts which corroborate this opinion, and some few that would seem to weigh against it.†   (source)
  • He too, with the world a wide heath before him, enjoyed the meal — again in corroboration of the magnates, as exemplifying the utter want of calculation on the part of these people, sir.†   (source)
  • On reflection, he remembered various circumstances that tended to corroborate these suspicions, and, as the whole business favored one of his infirmities, he yielded the more readily to their impression.†   (source)
  • About a week subsequently to the incidents above narrated, Miss Temple, who had written to Mr. Lloyd, received his answer: it appeared that what he said went to corroborate my account.†   (source)
  • I have frequently endeavoured to find decisive corroboration of those suspicions, but without effect.†   (source)
  • Mr. Cruncher had no particular meaning in these sulky corroborations, but made use of them, as people not unfrequently do, to express general ironical dissatisfaction.†   (source)
  • At one time she had almost resolved on applying to him, but the idea was checked by the awkwardness of the application, and at length wholly banished by the conviction that Mr. Darcy would never have hazarded such a proposal, if he had not been well assured of his cousin's corroboration.†   (source)
  • 'I've neither taken any nor found any,' she said, as I toiled to them, expanding her hands in corroboration of the statement.†   (source)
  • The certificates were regularly signed as extracts from the parish books, the first letter had a genuine appearance of having been written and preserved for some years, the handwriting of the second tallied with it exactly, (making proper allowance for its having been written by a person in extremity,) and there were several other corroboratory scraps of entries and memoranda which it was equally difficult to question.†   (source)
  • The irresistible authority of justice in countries in which the sovereignty in undivided is derived from the fact that the tribunals of those countries represent the entire nation at issue with the individual against whom their decree is directed, and the idea of power is thus introduced to corroborate the idea of right.†   (source)
  • 'Affection,' said Miss Lavinia, glancing at her sister for corroboration, which she gave in the form of a little nod to every clause, 'mature affection, homage, devotion, does not easily express itself.†   (source)
  • I was, therefore, not a little surprised to hear him discuss the rights of property as an economist or a landowner might have done: he spoke of the necessary gradations which fortune establishes among men, of obedience to established laws, of the influence of good morals in commonwealths, and of the support which religious opinions give to order and to freedom; he even went to far as to quote an evangelical authority in corroboration of one of his political tenets.†   (source)
  • 'And as I see on the faces about me, a disposition to inquire how it happened that I was not in the way to corroborate Oliver's tale, and had so suddenly left the kingdom, let me stipulate that I shall be asked no questions until such time as I may deem it expedient to forestall them by telling my own story.†   (source)
  • This corroboration of the lesson he had just received put the finishing stroke to the wonder and stupefaction of M. Baptistin.†   (source)
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